LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/ImagerObjects - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1188 1702 69.8 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 75 101 74.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of Imager.h
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1997-2008
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       7             : //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
       8             : //# any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
      13             : //# more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
      16             : //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
      17             : //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : 
      28             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      29             : #include <iostream>
      30             : #include <sstream>
      31             : 
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      35             : 
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/DirectoryIterator.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Path.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeLocker.h>
      45             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      46             : #include <components/ComponentModels/GaussianDeconvolver.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/images/Images/TempImage.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      49             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/CasaImageBeamSet.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/lattices/LatticeMath/LatticeMathUtil.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSHistoryHandler.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MeasurementSet.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableUtil.h>
      54             : 
      55             : #include <synthesis/ImagerObjects/SIImageStore.h>
      56             : #include <synthesis/ImagerObjects/SDMaskHandler.h>
      57             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      58             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/Utils.h>
      59             : #include <synthesis/ImagerObjects/SynthesisUtilMethods.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageRegrid.h>
      61             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageStatsCalculator.h>
      62             : 
      63             : //#include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMaskedPixelReplacer.h>
      64             : 
      65             : #include <sys/types.h>
      66             : #include <unistd.h>
      67             : using namespace std;
      68             : 
      69             : using namespace casacore;
      70             : 
      71             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      72             : 
      73             :   //
      74             :   //===========================================================================
      75             :   // Global method that I (SB) could make work in SynthesisUtilsMethods.
      76             :   //
      77             :   template <class T>
      78           0 :   void openImage(const String& imagenamefull,std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<T> >& imPtr )
      79             :   {
      80           0 :     LogIO logIO ( LogOrigin("SynthesisImager","openImage(name)") );
      81             :     try
      82             :       {
      83           0 :         if (Table::isReadable(imagenamefull))
      84           0 :           imPtr.reset( new PagedImage<T>( imagenamefull ) );
      85             :       }
      86           0 :     catch (AipsError &x)
      87             :       {
      88           0 :         logIO << "Error in reading image \"" << imagenamefull << "\"" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      89             :       }
      90           0 :   }
      91             :   //
      92             :   //--------------------------------------------------------------
      93             :   //
      94             :   template 
      95             :   void openImage(const String& imagenamefull, std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> >& img );
      96             :   template 
      97             :   void openImage(const String& imagenamefull, std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Complex> >& img );
      98             :   //
      99             :   //===========================================================================
     100             : 
     101             : 
     102             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     103             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     104             :   /////       START of SIIMAGESTORE implementation
     105             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     106             : 
     107             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     108             :   
     109        4729 :   SIImageStore::SIImageStore()
     110             :   {
     111             :       
     112        4729 :     itsPsf.reset( );
     113        4729 :     itsModel.reset( );
     114        4729 :     itsResidual.reset( );
     115        4729 :     itsWeight.reset( );
     116        4729 :     itsImage.reset( );
     117        4729 :     itsMask.reset( );
     118        4729 :     itsGridWt.reset( );
     119        4729 :     itsPB.reset( );
     120        4729 :     itsImagePBcor.reset();
     121        4729 :     itsTempWorkIm.reset();
     122             : 
     123        4729 :     itsSumWt.reset( );
     124        4729 :     itsOverWrite=False;
     125        4729 :     itsUseWeight=False;
     126        4729 :     itsPBScaleFactor=1.0;
     127             : 
     128        4729 :     itsNFacets=1;
     129        4729 :     itsFacetId=0;
     130        4729 :     itsNChanChunks = 1;
     131        4729 :     itsChanId = 0;
     132        4729 :     itsNPolChunks = 1;
     133        4729 :     itsPolId = 0;
     134             : 
     135        4729 :     itsImageShape=IPosition(4,0,0,0,0);
     136        4729 :     itsImageName=String("");
     137        4729 :     itsCoordSys=CoordinateSystem();
     138        4729 :     itsMiscInfo=Record();
     139        4729 :     init();
     140             :     
     141             :     
     142             :     //    validate();
     143             : 
     144        4729 :   }
     145             : 
     146             :   // Used from SynthesisNormalizer::makeImageStore()
     147         774 :   SIImageStore::SIImageStore(const String &imagename,
     148             :                              const CoordinateSystem &imcoordsys,
     149             :                              const IPosition &imshape,
     150             :                              const String &objectname,
     151             :                              const Record &miscinfo,
     152             :                              // const Int nfacets,
     153             :                              const Bool /*overwrite*/,
     154         774 :                              const Bool useweightimage)
     155             :   // TODO : Add parameter to indicate weight image shape. 
     156             :   {
     157        1548 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","Open new Images",WHERE) );
     158             :       
     159             : 
     160         774 :     itsPsf.reset( );
     161         774 :     itsModel.reset( );
     162         774 :     itsResidual.reset( );
     163         774 :     itsWeight.reset( );
     164         774 :     itsImage.reset( );
     165         774 :     itsMask.reset( );
     166         774 :     itsGridWt.reset( );
     167         774 :     itsPB.reset( );
     168         774 :     itsImagePBcor.reset( );
     169         774 :     itsTempWorkIm.reset();
     170             : 
     171         774 :     itsSumWt.reset( );
     172         774 :     itsOverWrite=False; // Hard Coding this. See CAS-6937. overwrite;
     173         774 :     itsUseWeight=useweightimage;
     174         774 :     itsPBScaleFactor=1.0;
     175             : 
     176         774 :     itsNFacets=1;
     177         774 :     itsFacetId=0;
     178         774 :     itsNChanChunks = 1;
     179         774 :     itsChanId = 0;
     180         774 :     itsNPolChunks = 1;
     181         774 :     itsPolId = 0;
     182             : 
     183         774 :     itsImageName = imagename;
     184         774 :     itsCoordSys = imcoordsys;
     185         774 :     itsImageShape = imshape;
     186         774 :     itsObjectName = objectname;
     187         774 :     itsMiscInfo = miscinfo;
     188             : 
     189         774 :     init();
     190             : 
     191         774 :     validate();
     192         774 :   }
     193             : 
     194             :   // Used from SynthesisNormalizer::makeImageStore()
     195        3012 :   SIImageStore::SIImageStore(const String &imagename, const Bool ignorefacets, const Bool noRequireSumwt)
     196             :   {
     197        6024 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","Open existing Images",WHERE) );
     198             :       
     199             : 
     200        3012 :     itsPsf.reset( );
     201        3012 :     itsModel.reset( );
     202        3012 :     itsResidual.reset( );
     203        3012 :     itsWeight.reset( );   
     204        3012 :     itsImage.reset( );
     205        3012 :     itsMask.reset( );
     206        3012 :     itsGridWt.reset( );
     207        3012 :     itsPB.reset( );
     208        3012 :     itsImagePBcor.reset( );
     209        3012 :     itsTempWorkIm.reset();
     210        3012 :     itsMiscInfo=Record();
     211             : 
     212        3012 :     itsSumWt.reset( );
     213        3012 :     itsNFacets=1;
     214        3012 :     itsFacetId=0;
     215        3012 :     itsNChanChunks = 1;
     216        3012 :     itsChanId = 0;
     217        3012 :     itsNPolChunks = 1;
     218        3012 :     itsPolId = 0;
     219             :     
     220        3012 :     itsOverWrite=False;
     221             :     //need to to this init now so that imageExts is initialized
     222        3012 :     init();
     223             : 
     224        3012 :     itsImageName = imagename;
     225             : 
     226             :     // Since this constructor creates an ImStore from images on disk, it needs at least one of the
     227             :     // images to actually be present on disk, from which it can retrieve shape and coordsys information.
     228             : 
     229        6024 :     if( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".residual")) || 
     230        4347 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".psf")) ||
     231        3014 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".model")) ||
     232        3012 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".gridwt")) ||
     233       10371 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".pb")) ||
     234        3012 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".weight"))
     235             :         )
     236             :       {
     237        3012 :         std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > imptr;
     238        3012 :         if( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".psf")) )
     239             :           {
     240        2866 :             buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".psf")) );
     241             :             //            itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     242             :             //      itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     243             :           }
     244         146 :         else if ( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".residual")) ){
     245         144 :           buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".residual")) );
     246             :           //          itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     247             :           //      itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     248             :         }
     249           2 :         else if ( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".model")) ){
     250           2 :           buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".model")) );
     251             :           //          itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     252             :           //      itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     253             :         }
     254           0 :         else if ( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".pb")) ){
     255           0 :           buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".pb")) );
     256             :           //          itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     257             :           //      itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     258             :         }
     259           0 :         else if ( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".weight")) ){
     260           0 :           buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".weight")) );
     261             :           //          itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     262             :           //      itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     263             :         }
     264             :         else
     265             :           {
     266             :             // How can this be right ? 
     267           0 :             buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".gridwt")) );
     268             :           }
     269             : 
     270        3012 :         itsObjectName=imptr->imageInfo().objectName();
     271        3012 :         itsImageShape=imptr->shape();
     272        3012 :         itsCoordSys = imptr->coordinates();
     273        3012 :         itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     274             :         
     275        3012 :       }
     276             :     else
     277             :       {
     278           0 :         throw( AipsError( "PSF, Residual, Model Image (or sumwt) do not exist. Please create one of them." ) );
     279             :       }
     280             :     
     281        7359 :     if( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".residual")) || 
     282        4347 :         doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".psf")) )
     283             :       {
     284        3010 :         if( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".sumwt")) )
     285             :           {
     286        2925 :             std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > imptr;
     287             :             //imptr.reset( new PagedImage<Float> (itsImageName+String(".sumwt")) );
     288        2925 :             buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".sumwt")) );
     289        2925 :             itsNFacets = imptr->shape()[0];
     290        2925 :             itsFacetId = 0;
     291        2925 :             itsUseWeight = getUseWeightImage( *imptr );
     292        2925 :             itsPBScaleFactor=1.0; ///// No need to set properly here as it will be calc'd in ()
     293             :             /////redo this here as psf may have different coordinates
     294        2925 :             itsCoordSys = imptr->coordinates();
     295        2925 :             itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     296        2925 :             if( itsUseWeight && ! doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".weight")) )
     297             :               {
     298           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Internal error : Sumwt has a useweightimage=True but the weight image does not exist."));
     299             :               }
     300        2925 :           }
     301             :         else
     302             :           {
     303          85 :             if(!noRequireSumwt) // .sumwt image required? -> probably not for just the minor cycle (aka task deconvolve)
     304           0 :               {throw( AipsError( "SumWt information does not exist. Please create either a PSF or Residual" ) );}
     305             :             else
     306             :               {
     307          85 :                 os << "SumWt does not exist. Proceeding only with PSF" << LogIO::POST;
     308          85 :                 std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > imptr;
     309             :                 //imptr.reset( new PagedImage<Float> (itsImageName+String(".sumwt")) );
     310          85 :                 if( doesImageExist(itsImageName+String(".residual") ) )
     311          84 :                   { buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".residual")) ); }
     312             :                 else
     313           1 :                   { buildImage( imptr, (itsImageName+String(".psf")) ); }
     314             :                 
     315          85 :                 itsNFacets=1;
     316          85 :                 itsFacetId=0;
     317          85 :                 itsUseWeight=False;
     318          85 :                 itsPBScaleFactor=1.0;
     319          85 :                 itsCoordSys = imptr->coordinates();
     320          85 :                 itsMiscInfo=imptr->miscInfo();
     321          85 :               }
     322             :           }
     323             :       }// if psf or residual exist...
     324             : 
     325        3012 :     if( ignorefacets==True ) itsNFacets= 1;
     326             : 
     327        3012 :     init();
     328             :     
     329        3012 :     validate();
     330        3012 :   }
     331             : 
     332             :   // used from getSubImageStore(), for example when creating the facets list
     333             :   // this would be safer if it was refactored as a copy constructor of the generic stuff +
     334             :   // initialization of the facet related parameters
     335         751 :   SIImageStore::SIImageStore(const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &modelim,
     336             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &residim,
     337             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &psfim,
     338             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &weightim,
     339             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &restoredim,
     340             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &maskim,
     341             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &sumwtim,
     342             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &gridwtim,
     343             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &pbim,
     344             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &restoredpbcorim,
     345             :                              const std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > & tempworkimage,
     346             :                              const CoordinateSystem &csys,
     347             :                              const IPosition &imshape,
     348             :                              const String &imagename,
     349             :                              const String &objectname,
     350             :                              const Record &miscinfo,
     351             :                              const Int facet, const Int nfacets,
     352             :                              const Int chan, const Int nchanchunks,
     353             :                              const Int pol, const Int npolchunks,
     354         751 :                              const Bool useweightimage)
     355             :   {
     356             :       
     357             : 
     358         751 :     itsPsf=psfim;
     359         751 :     itsModel=modelim;
     360         751 :     itsResidual=residim;
     361             :     /* if(residim){
     362             :      LatticeLocker lock1(*itsResidual, FileLocker::Read);
     363             :      cerr << "RESIDMAX " << max(itsResidual->get()) <<  "   " << max(residim->get()) << endl;
     364             :      }*/
     365         751 :     itsWeight=weightim;
     366         751 :     itsImage=restoredim;
     367         751 :     itsMask=maskim;
     368             : 
     369         751 :     itsSumWt=sumwtim;
     370             : 
     371         751 :     itsGridWt=gridwtim;
     372         751 :     itsPB=pbim;
     373         751 :     itsImagePBcor=restoredpbcorim;
     374         751 :     itsTempWorkIm=tempworkimage;
     375             : 
     376         751 :     itsPBScaleFactor=1.0;// No need to set properly here as it will be computed in makePSF.
     377             : 
     378         751 :     itsObjectName = objectname;
     379         751 :     itsMiscInfo = miscinfo;
     380             : 
     381         751 :     itsNFacets = nfacets;
     382         751 :     itsFacetId = facet;
     383         751 :     itsNChanChunks = nchanchunks;
     384         751 :     itsChanId = chan;
     385         751 :     itsNPolChunks = npolchunks;
     386         751 :     itsPolId = pol;
     387             : 
     388         751 :     itsOverWrite=False;
     389         751 :     itsUseWeight=useweightimage;
     390             : 
     391         751 :     itsParentImageShape = imshape; 
     392         751 :     itsImageShape = imshape;
     393             : 
     394         751 :     itsParentCoordSys = csys;
     395         751 :     itsCoordSys = csys; // Hopefully this doesn't change for a reference image
     396         751 :     itsImageName = imagename;
     397             : 
     398             :     //-----------------------
     399         751 :     init(); // Connect parent pointers to the images.
     400             :     //-----------------------
     401             : 
     402             :     // Set these to null, to be set later upon first access.
     403         751 :     itsPsf.reset( );
     404         751 :     itsModel.reset( );
     405         751 :     itsResidual.reset( );
     406         751 :     itsWeight.reset( );
     407         751 :     itsImage.reset( );
     408         751 :     itsMask.reset( );
     409         751 :     itsSumWt.reset( );
     410         751 :     itsPB.reset( );
     411             : 
     412         751 :     validate();
     413         751 :   }
     414             :   
     415        8992 :    void SIImageStore::validate()
     416             :   {
     417             :     /// There are two valid states. Check for at least one of them. 
     418        8992 :     Bool state = False;
     419             :     
     420        8992 :     stringstream oss;
     421        8992 :     oss << "shape:" << itsImageShape << " parentimageshape:" << itsParentImageShape 
     422        8992 :         << " nfacets:" << itsNFacets << "x" << itsNFacets << " facetid:" << itsFacetId 
     423        8992 :         << " nchanchunks:" << itsNChanChunks << " chanid:" << itsChanId 
     424        8992 :         << " npolchunks:" << itsNPolChunks << " polid:" << itsPolId 
     425        8992 :         << " coord-dim:" << itsCoordSys.nPixelAxes() 
     426        8992 :         << " psf/res:" << (hasPsf() || hasResidual()) ;
     427        8992 :     if( hasSumWt() ) oss << " sumwtshape : " << sumwt()->shape() ; 
     428        8992 :         oss << endl;
     429             : 
     430             : 
     431             :     try {
     432             : 
     433        8992 :     if( itsCoordSys.nPixelAxes() != 4 ) state=False;
     434             :     
     435             :     /// (1) Regular imagestore 
     436        8992 :     if( itsNFacets==1 && itsFacetId==0 
     437        8800 :         && itsNChanChunks==1 && itsChanId==0
     438        8800 :         && itsNPolChunks==1 && itsPolId==0 )  {
     439        8720 :       Bool check1 = hasSumWt() && sumwt()->shape()[0]==1;
     440       17440 :       if(  (itsImageShape.isEqual(itsParentImageShape) ) && ( check1 || !hasSumWt() )
     441       17440 :            && itsParentImageShape.product() > 0 ) state=True;
     442        8720 :       }
     443             :     /// (2) Reference Sub Imagestore 
     444         272 :     else if ( ( itsNFacets>1 && itsFacetId >=0 )
     445          80 :               || ( itsNChanChunks>1 && itsChanId >=0 ) 
     446          80 :               || ( itsNPolChunks>1 && itsPolId >=0 )   ) {
     447             :       // If shape is still unset, even when the first image has been made....
     448         272 :       Bool check1 = ( itsImageShape.product() > 0 && ( hasPsf() || hasResidual() ) );
     449         272 :       Bool check2 = ( itsImageShape.isEqual(IPosition(4,0,0,0,0)) && ( !hasPsf() && !hasResidual() ) );
     450         272 :       Bool check3 = hasSumWt() && sumwt()->shape()[0]==1; // One facet only.
     451             : 
     452         272 :       if( ( check1 || check2 ) && ( itsParentImageShape.product()>0 ) 
     453         272 :           && ( itsFacetId < itsNFacets*itsNFacets ) 
     454             :           //      && ( itsChanId <= itsNChanChunks )   // chanchunks can be larger...
     455         272 :           && ( itsPolId < itsNPolChunks ) 
     456         544 :           && ( check3 || !hasSumWt() ) )  state = True;
     457             :     }
     458             : 
     459           0 :     } catch( AipsError &x )  {
     460           0 :       state = False;
     461           0 :       oss << "  |||||  " << x.getMesg() << endl;
     462           0 :     }
     463             : 
     464             :     //      cout << " SIIM:validate : " << oss.str() << endl;
     465             : 
     466        8992 :     if( state == False )  throw(AipsError("Internal Error : Invalid ImageStore state : "+ oss.str()) );
     467             :     
     468       17984 :     return;
     469        8992 :   }
     470             : 
     471             : 
     472             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     473             : 
     474         751 :   std::shared_ptr<SIImageStore> SIImageStore::getSubImageStore(const Int facet, const Int nfacets, 
     475             :                                                           const Int chan, const Int nchanchunks, 
     476             :                                                           const Int pol, const Int npolchunks)
     477             :   {
     478             :    
     479         751 :     return std::make_shared<SIImageStore>(itsModel, itsResidual, itsPsf, itsWeight, itsImage, itsMask, itsSumWt, itsGridWt, itsPB, itsImagePBcor, itsTempWorkIm, itsCoordSys, itsImageShape, itsImageName, itsObjectName, itsMiscInfo, facet, nfacets, chan, nchanchunks, pol, npolchunks, itsUseWeight);
     480             :   }
     481             : 
     482             :   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     483             :   //// Either read an image from disk, or construct one. 
     484             : 
     485       31833 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::openImage(const String imagenamefull, 
     486             :                                                              const Bool overwrite, 
     487             :                                                              const Bool dosumwt, const Int nfacetsperside, const Bool checkCoordSys)
     488             :   {
     489             : 
     490             : 
     491       31833 :     std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > imPtr;
     492       31833 :     IPosition useShape( itsParentImageShape );
     493             : 
     494       31833 :     if( dosumwt ) // change shape to sumwt image shape.
     495             :       {
     496        4351 :         useShape[0] = nfacetsperside;
     497        4351 :         useShape[1] = nfacetsperside;
     498             :         //      cout << "openImage : Making sumwt grid : using shape : " << useShape << endl;
     499             :       }
     500             : 
     501             :     //    overwrite=False; /// HARD CODING THIS. See CAS-6937.
     502             : 
     503             :     //    cout << "Open image : " << imagenamefull << "    useShape : " << useShape << endl;
     504             : 
     505             :     // if image exists
     506             :     //      if overwrite=T
     507             :     //           try to make new image
     508             :     //           if not, try to open existing image
     509             :     //                     if cannot, complain.
     510             :     //       if overwrite=F
     511             :     //           try to open existing image
     512             :     //           if cannot, complain
     513             :     // if image does not exist
     514             :     //       try to make new image
     515             :     //       if cannot, complain
     516       31833 :     Bool dbg=False;
     517       31833 :     if( doesImageExist( imagenamefull ) )
     518             :       {
     519             :         ///// not used since itsOverWrite is hardcoded to FALSE (CAS-6937)
     520       25691 :         if (overwrite) //overwrite and make new image
     521             :           {
     522           0 :             if(dbg) cout << "Trying to overwrite and open new image named : " << imagenamefull << " ow:"<< overwrite << endl;
     523             :             try{
     524           0 :               buildImage(imPtr, useShape, itsParentCoordSys, imagenamefull) ;
     525           0 :               LatticeLocker lock1(*imPtr, FileLocker::Write);
     526             :               // initialize to zeros...
     527           0 :               imPtr->set(0.0);
     528           0 :             }
     529           0 :             catch (AipsError &x){
     530           0 :               if(dbg)cout << "Cannot overwrite : " << x.getMesg() << endl;
     531           0 :               if(dbg)cout << "Open already ? : " << Table::isOpened( imagenamefull ) << "  Writable ? : " << Table::isWritable( imagenamefull ) << endl;
     532           0 :             if(Table::isWritable( imagenamefull ))
     533             :               {
     534           0 :                 if(dbg) cout << "--- Trying to open existing image : "<< imagenamefull << endl;
     535             :                 try{
     536           0 :                   buildImage( imPtr, imagenamefull );
     537             :                 }
     538           0 :                 catch (AipsError &x){
     539           0 :                   throw( AipsError("Writable table exists, but cannot open : " + x.getMesg() ) );
     540           0 :                 }
     541             :               }// is table writable
     542             :             else
     543             :               {
     544           0 :                 throw( AipsError("Cannot overwrite existing image. : " + x.getMesg() ) );
     545             :               }
     546           0 :             }
     547             :           }// overwrite existing image
     548             :         else // open existing image ( Always tries this )
     549             :           {
     550             :             if(1) //Table::isWritable( imagenamefull ))
     551             :               {
     552       25691 :                 if(dbg) cout << "Trying to open existing image : "<< imagenamefull << endl;
     553             :                 try{
     554       25691 :                   buildImage( imPtr, imagenamefull ) ;
     555             : 
     556       25691 :                   if( !dosumwt)
     557             :                     {
     558             :                       //cout << useShape << "  and " << imPtr->shape() << " ---- " << useShape.product() << " : " << itsCoordSys.nCoordinates() << endl;
     559             :                       // Check if coordsys and shape of this image are consistent with current ones (if filled)
     560             : 
     561       22311 :                       if( useShape.product()>0 &&  ! useShape.isEqual( imPtr->shape() ) )
     562             :                         {
     563          15 :                           ostringstream oo1,oo2;
     564          15 :                           oo1 << useShape; oo2 << imPtr->shape();
     565          15 :                           throw( AipsError( "There is a shape mismatch between existing images ("+oo2.str()+") and current parameters ("+oo1.str()+"). If you are attempting to restart a run with a new image shape, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new shape before continuing." ) );
     566          30 :                         }
     567             : 
     568             :                       
     569             :                      
     570       22296 :                       if( itsParentCoordSys.nCoordinates()>0 &&  checkCoordSys && ! itsParentCoordSys.near( imPtr->coordinates()) )
     571             :                         {
     572             :                           /// Implement an exception to get CAS-9977 to work. Modify the current coordsys to match the parent.
     573             :                           /// "The DirectionCoordinates have differing latpoles"
     574           2 :                           if( itsParentCoordSys.errorMessage().contains("differing latpoles") )
     575             :                             {
     576           0 :                               DirectionCoordinate dcord = itsParentCoordSys.directionCoordinate();
     577             :                               //cout << "Latpole from parent : " << dcord.longLatPoles() << endl;
     578             :                               
     579           0 :                               DirectionCoordinate dcord2 = imPtr->coordinates().directionCoordinate();
     580             :                               //cout << "Latpole from imPtr : " << dcord2.longLatPoles() << endl;
     581             :                       
     582           0 :                             LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","Open existing Images",WHERE) );
     583           0 :                             os  << " Mismatch in Csys latpoles between existing image on disk (" << dcord2.longLatPoles() <<  ") and current imaging run (" << dcord.longLatPoles() << ") : " << itsParentCoordSys.errorMessage() << " -- Resetting to match image on disk" << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
     584             :                             //                       cout << "Set the coordinate from the Parent value" << endl;
     585             :                             //imPtr->setCoordinateInfo( itsParentCoordSys );
     586           0 :                             itsParentCoordSys = imPtr->coordinates();
     587           0 :                             }
     588             :                           
     589             :                           // Check again. 
     590           2 :                           if ( ! itsParentCoordSys.near( imPtr->coordinates() ) )
     591             :                             {
     592             :                               //cout << " Still different..." << endl;
     593           2 :                               throw( AipsError( "There is a coordinate system mismatch between existing images on disk and current parameters ("+itsParentCoordSys.errorMessage()+"). If you are attempting to restart a run, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new coordinate system before continuing. " ) );
     594             :                             }
     595             :                               //}
     596             :                         }
     597             :                     }// not dosumwt
     598             :                 }
     599          17 :                 catch (AipsError &x){
     600          17 :                   throw( AipsError("Cannot open existing image : "+imagenamefull+" : " + x.getMesg() ) );
     601          17 :                 }
     602             :               }// is table writable
     603             :             else // table exists but not writeable
     604             :               {
     605             :                 if(dbg)cout << "Table exists but not writeable : " << imagenamefull << "  --- Open : " << Table::isOpened( imagenamefull ) << endl;
     606             :                 throw( AipsError("Image exists but not able to open for writes :"+imagenamefull+ ". Opened elsewhere : " + String::toString(Table::isOpened(imagenamefull))) );
     607             :               }
     608             :           }// open existing image
     609             :       }// if image exists
     610             :       else // image doesn't exist. make new one
     611             :         {
     612        6142 :           if(dbg) cout << "Trying to open new image named : " << imagenamefull <<  endl;
     613             :           try{
     614        6142 :             buildImage(imPtr, useShape, itsParentCoordSys, imagenamefull) ;
     615             :             // initialize to zeros...
     616             :             {
     617        6142 :             LatticeLocker lock1(*imPtr, FileLocker::Write);
     618        6142 :             imPtr->set(0.0);
     619        6142 :             imPtr->flush();
     620        6142 :             imPtr->unlock();
     621        6142 :             }
     622             :           }
     623           0 :           catch (AipsError &x){
     624           0 :             throw( AipsError("Cannot make new image. : " + x.getMesg() ) );
     625           0 :           }
     626             :         }
     627             : 
     628             : 
     629             :       //////////////////////////////////////
     630             :     /*      
     631             :     if( overwrite || !Table::isWritable( imagenamefull ) )
     632             :       {
     633             :         cout << "Trying to open new image named : " << imagenamefull << " ow:"<< overwrite << endl;
     634             :         imPtr.reset( new PagedImage<Float> (useShape, itsCoordSys, imagenamefull) );
     635             :         // initialize to zeros...
     636             :         imPtr->set(0.0);
     637             :       }
     638             :     else
     639             :       {
     640             :         if(Table::isWritable( imagenamefull ))
     641             :           {
     642             :             cout << "Trying to open existing image : "<< imagenamefull << endl;
     643             :             try{
     644             :               imPtr.reset( new PagedImage<Float>( imagenamefull ) );
     645             :             }
     646             :             catch (AipsError &x){
     647             :               cerr << "Writable table exists, but cannot open. Creating temp image. : " << x.getMesg() << endl;
     648             :               imPtr.reset( new TempImage<Float> (useShape, itsCoordSys) );
     649             :               //  imPtr=new PagedImage<Float> (useShape, itsCoordSys, imagenamefull);
     650             :               imPtr->set(0.0);
     651             :             }
     652             :           }
     653             :         else
     654             :           {
     655             :             cerr << "Table " << imagenamefull << " is not writeable. Creating temp image." << endl;
     656             :             imPtr.reset( new TempImage<Float> (useShape, itsCoordSys) );
     657             :             imPtr->set(0.0);
     658             :           }
     659             :       }
     660             :     */
     661       63632 :     return imPtr;
     662       31850 :   }
     663             : 
     664        6142 :   void SIImageStore::buildImage(std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &imptr, IPosition shape,
     665             :                                 CoordinateSystem csys, const String name)
     666             :   {
     667       12284 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "Open non-existing image", WHERE) );
     668        6142 :     os  <<"Opening image, name: " << name << LogIO::DEBUG1;
     669             : 
     670        6142 :     itsOpened++;
     671             :     //For some reason cannot open a new paged image with UserNoread directly
     672             :     {
     673        6142 :       PagedImage<Float> godot(shape, csys, name);
     674        6142 :       godot.unlock();
     675        6142 :     }
     676        6142 :     TableLock::LockOption locktype=TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking;
     677             :     //TableLock::LockOption locktype=TableLock::UserLocking;
     678             :     /*if((name.contains(imageExts(PSF)) && !name.contains(imageExts(PSF)+".tt"))|| (name.contains(imageExts(RESIDUAL))&& !name.contains(imageExts(RESIDUAL)+".tt")) || (name.contains(imageExts(SUMWT)) && !name.contains(imageExts(SUMWT)+".tt"))){
     679             :       locktype=TableLock::UserNoReadLocking;
     680             :       }*/
     681        6142 :     imptr.reset( new PagedImage<Float> (name, locktype) );
     682             :     {
     683        6142 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*imptr, FileLocker::Write);
     684        6142 :       initMetaInfo(imptr, name);
     685        6142 :       imptr->unlock();
     686        6142 :     }
     687             :     /*
     688             :     Int MEMFACTOR = 18;
     689             :     Double memoryMB=HostInfo::memoryTotal(True)/1024/(MEMFACTOR*itsOpened);
     690             : 
     691             : 
     692             :     TempImage<Float> *tptr = new TempImage( TiledShape(shape, tileShape()), csys, memoryBeforeLattice() ) ;
     693             : 
     694             :     tptr->setMaximumCacheSize(shape.product());
     695             :     tptr->cleanCache();
     696             : 
     697             :     imptr.reset( tptr );
     698             :     
     699             :     */
     700        6142 :   }
     701             : 
     702       33170 :   void SIImageStore::buildImage(std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &imptr, const String name)
     703             :   {
     704       66340 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "Open existing Images", WHERE));
     705       33170 :     os  <<"Opening image, name: " << name << LogIO::DEBUG1;
     706             : 
     707       33170 :     itsOpened++;
     708       33170 :     if(Table::isReadable(name)){
     709       33170 :       TableLock::LockOption locktype=TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking;
     710             :       /*if((name.contains(imageExts(PSF)) && !name.contains(imageExts(PSF)+".tt"))|| (name.contains(imageExts(RESIDUAL))&& !name.contains(imageExts(RESIDUAL)+".tt")) || (name.contains(imageExts(SUMWT)) && !name.contains(imageExts(SUMWT)+".tt"))){
     711             :         locktype=TableLock::UserNoReadLocking;
     712             :         }*/
     713       33170 :       Table table(name, locktype);
     714       33170 :       String type = table.tableInfo().type();
     715       33170 :       if (type != TableInfo::type(TableInfo::PAGEDIMAGE)) {
     716             : 
     717           0 :         imptr.reset( new PagedImage<Float>( table ) );
     718           0 :         imptr->unlock();
     719           0 :         return;
     720             :       }
     721       33170 :     }
     722       33170 :         LatticeBase* latt =ImageOpener::openImage(name);
     723       33170 :     if(!latt)
     724             :       {
     725           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in opening Image : "+name));
     726             :       }
     727       33170 :     DataType dtype=latt->dataType();
     728       33170 :     if(dtype==TpFloat)
     729             :       {
     730       33170 :         imptr.reset(dynamic_cast<ImageInterface<Float>* >(latt));
     731             :       }
     732             :     else
     733             :       {
     734           0 :         throw AipsError( "Need image to have float values :  "+name);
     735             :       }
     736             : 
     737             :     /*    
     738             :     std::shared_ptr<casacore::ImageInterface<Float> > fim;
     739             :     std::shared_ptr<casacore::ImageInterface<Complex> > cim;
     740             : 
     741             :     std::tie(fim , cim)=ImageFactory::fromFile(name);
     742             :     if(fim)
     743             :       {
     744             :         imptr.reset( dynamic_cast<std::shared_ptr<casacore::ImageInterface<Float> > >(*fim) );
     745             :       }
     746             :     else
     747             :       {
     748             :         throw( AipsError("Cannot open with ImageFactory : "+name));
     749             :       }
     750             :     */
     751             : 
     752             : 
     753             : 
     754             : 
     755             :     /*
     756             :     IPosition cimageShape;
     757             :     CoordinateSystem cimageCoord = StokesImageUtil::CStokesCoord( itsCoordSys,
     758             :                                                                   whichStokes, itsDataPolRep);
     759             :     */
     760             : 
     761       33170 :   }
     762             : 
     763             :   /**
     764             :    * Sets ImageInfo and MiscInfo on an image
     765             :    *
     766             :    * @param imptr image to initialize
     767             :    */
     768        6144 :   void SIImageStore::initMetaInfo(std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &imptr,
     769             :                                   const String name)
     770             :   {
     771             :       // Check objectname, as one of the mandatory fields. What this is meant to check is -
     772             :       // has the metainfo been initialized? If not, grab info from associated PSF
     773        6144 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*imptr, FileLocker::Write);
     774        6144 :       if (not itsObjectName.empty()) {
     775        6144 :           ImageInfo info = imptr->imageInfo();
     776        6144 :           info.setObjectName(itsObjectName);
     777        6144 :           imptr->setImageInfo(info);
     778        6144 :           imptr->setMiscInfo(itsMiscInfo);
     779        6144 :       } else if (std::string::npos == name.find(imageExts(PSF))) {
     780           0 :           auto srcImg = psf(0);
     781           0 :           if (nullptr != srcImg) {
     782           0 :               imptr->setImageInfo(srcImg->imageInfo());
     783           0 :               imptr->setMiscInfo(srcImg->miscInfo());
     784             :           }
     785           0 :       }
     786        6144 :       imptr->unlock();
     787        6144 :   }
     788             : 
     789             : 
     790             :   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     791           0 :   void SIImageStore::setMiscInfo(const Record miscinfo)
     792             :   {
     793           0 :     itsMiscInfo = miscinfo;
     794           0 :   }
     795             : 
     796           0 :   void SIImageStore::setObjectName(const String name)
     797             :   {
     798           0 :     itsObjectName = name;
     799           0 :   }
     800             : 
     801             :   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     802             : 
     803       34914 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::makeSubImage(const Int facet, const Int nfacets,
     804             :                                                                 const Int chan, const Int nchanchunks,
     805             :                                                                 const Int pol, const Int npolchunks,
     806             :                                                                 ImageInterface<Float>& image)
     807             :   {
     808             :     //assuming n x n facets
     809       34914 :     Int nx_facets=Int(sqrt(Double(nfacets)));
     810       69828 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SynthesisImager","makeFacet") );
     811             :      // Make the output image
     812       34914 :     Slicer imageSlicer;
     813             : 
     814             :     // Add checks for all dimensions..
     815       34914 :     if((facet>(nfacets-1))||(facet<0)) {
     816           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Illegal facet " << facet << LogIO::POST;
     817           0 :       return std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> >();
     818             :     }
     819       34914 :     IPosition imshp=image.shape();
     820       34914 :     IPosition blc(imshp.nelements(), 0);
     821       34914 :     IPosition trc=imshp-1;
     822       34914 :     IPosition inc(imshp.nelements(), 1);
     823             : 
     824             :     /// Facets
     825       34914 :     Int facetx = facet % nx_facets; 
     826       34914 :     Int facety = (facet - facetx) / nx_facets;
     827       34914 :     Int sizex = imshp(0) / nx_facets;
     828       34914 :     Int sizey = imshp(1) / nx_facets;
     829       34914 :     blc(1) = facety * sizey; 
     830       34914 :     trc(1) = blc(1) + sizey - 1;
     831       34914 :     blc(0) = facetx * sizex; 
     832       34914 :     trc(0) = blc(0) + sizex - 1;
     833             : 
     834             :     /// Pol Chunks
     835       34914 :     Int sizepol = imshp(2) / npolchunks;
     836       34914 :     blc(2) = pol * sizepol;
     837       34914 :     trc(2) = blc(2) + sizepol - 1;
     838             : 
     839             :     /// Chan Chunks
     840       34914 :     Int sizechan = imshp(3) / nchanchunks;
     841       34914 :     blc(3) = chan * sizechan;
     842       34914 :     trc(3) = blc(3) + sizechan - 1;
     843             : 
     844       34914 :     LCBox::verify(blc, trc, inc, imshp);
     845       34914 :     Slicer imslice(blc, trc, inc, Slicer::endIsLast);
     846             : 
     847             :     // Now create the sub image
     848       34914 :     std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> >  referenceImage( new SubImage<Float>(image, imslice, True) );
     849             :     {
     850       34914 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*referenceImage, FileLocker::Write);
     851       34914 :       referenceImage->setMiscInfo(image.miscInfo());
     852       34914 :       referenceImage->setUnits(image.units());
     853             : 
     854       34914 :     }
     855             : 
     856             :     // cout << "Made Ref subimage of shape : " << referenceImage->shape() << endl;
     857             : 
     858       34914 :     return referenceImage;
     859             :     
     860       34914 :   }
     861             : 
     862             : 
     863             : 
     864             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     865             : 
     866       12278 :   SIImageStore::~SIImageStore() 
     867             :   {
     868       12278 :   }
     869             : 
     870             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     871             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     872             : 
     873       12335 :   Bool SIImageStore::releaseLocks() 
     874             :   {
     875             :     //LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","releaseLocks",WHERE) );
     876             : 
     877             :     //    String fname( itsImageName+String(".info") );
     878             :     //    makePersistent( fname );
     879             : 
     880       12335 :     if( itsPsf ) releaseImage( itsPsf );
     881       12335 :     if( itsModel ) { releaseImage( itsModel ); }
     882       12335 :     if( itsResidual ) releaseImage( itsResidual );
     883       12335 :     if( itsImage ) releaseImage( itsImage );
     884       12335 :     if( itsWeight ) releaseImage( itsWeight );
     885       12335 :     if( itsMask ) releaseImage( itsMask );
     886       12335 :     if( itsSumWt ) releaseImage( itsSumWt );
     887       12335 :     if( itsGridWt ) releaseImage( itsGridWt );
     888       12335 :     if( itsPB ) releaseImage( itsPB );
     889       12335 :     if( itsImagePBcor ) releaseImage( itsImagePBcor );
     890             : 
     891       12335 :     return True; // do something more intelligent here.
     892             :   }
     893             : 
     894           0 :   Bool SIImageStore::releaseComplexGrids() 
     895             :   {
     896             :     //LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","releaseComplexGrids",WHERE) );
     897             : 
     898           0 :     if( itsForwardGrid ) releaseImage( itsForwardGrid );
     899           0 :     if( itsBackwardGrid ) releaseImage( itsBackwardGrid );
     900             : 
     901           0 :     return True; // do something more intelligent here.
     902             :   }
     903             : 
     904       25884 :   void SIImageStore::releaseImage( std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &im )
     905             :   {
     906             :     //cerr << this << " releaseimage " << im.get() << endl;
     907             :     //LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","releaseLocks",WHERE) );
     908       25884 :     im->flush();
     909             :     //os << LogIO::WARN << "clear cache" << LogIO::POST;
     910       25884 :     im->clearCache();
     911             :     //os << LogIO::WARN << "unlock" << LogIO::POST;
     912       25884 :     im->unlock();
     913             :     //os << LogIO::WARN << "tempClose" << LogIO::POST;
     914             :     //im->tempClose();
     915             :     //os << LogIO::WARN << "NULL" << LogIO::POST;
     916       25884 :     im.reset();  // This was added to allow modification by modules independently
     917       25884 :   }
     918             :   
     919           0 :   void SIImageStore::releaseImage( std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Complex> > &im )
     920             :   {
     921           0 :     im->tempClose();
     922           0 :   }
     923             : 
     924             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     925             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     926           0 :   Vector<String> SIImageStore::getModelImageName()
     927             :   {
     928           0 :     Vector<String> mods(1);
     929           0 :     mods[0]=itsImageName + imageExts(MODEL);
     930           0 :     return mods;
     931           0 :   }
     932             : 
     933         747 :   Long SIImageStore::estimateRAM(){
     934             :     //right now this is estimated at 2MB for the 2 complex lattices;
     935         747 :     return Long(2000);
     936             :   }
     937          24 :   void SIImageStore::setModelImage( const Vector<String> &modelnames)
     938             :   {
     939          48 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","setModelImage",WHERE) );
     940             : 
     941          24 :     if( modelnames.nelements() > 1 )
     942           0 :       {throw( AipsError("Multiple starting model images are currently not supported. Please merge them before supplying as input to startmodel"));
     943             :         /// If needed, THIS is the place to add code to support lists of model images... perhaps regrid separately and add them up or some such thing.
     944             :       }
     945             : 
     946          24 :     if( modelnames.nelements()==1 ) { setModelImageOne( modelnames[0] ); }
     947          24 :   }
     948             : 
     949             : 
     950             : 
     951          43 :   void SIImageStore::setModelImageOne( const String &modelname , Int nterm)
     952             :   {
     953          86 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","setModelImageOne",WHERE) );
     954             : 
     955          43 :     if(modelname==String("")) return;
     956             : 
     957          41 :     Bool multiterm=False;
     958          41 :     if(nterm>-1)multiterm=True;
     959          41 :     if(nterm==-1)nterm=0;
     960             : 
     961          41 :     Directory immodel( modelname ); //  +String(".model") );
     962          41 :     if( !immodel.exists() ) 
     963             :       {
     964           0 :         os << "Starting model image " << modelname <<  " does not exist. No initial prediction will be done" << ((multiterm)?String(" for term")+String::toString(nterm) :"") << LogIO::POST;
     965           0 :         return;
     966             :       }
     967             : 
     968             :     // master merge 2019.01.08 - leaving in the commnets for now but clean up after it is verified 
     969             :     //SHARED_PTR<PagedImage<Float> > newmodel( new PagedImage<Float>( modelname ) ); //+String(".model") ) );
     970             :     //SHARED_PTR<ImageInterface<Float> > newmodel;
     971          41 :     std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > newmodel;
     972          41 :     buildImage(newmodel, modelname);
     973             :     // in master
     974             :     //std::shared_ptr<PagedImage<Float> > newmodel( new PagedImage<Float>( modelname ) ); //+String(".model") ) );
     975             : 
     976          41 :     Bool hasMask = newmodel->isMasked(); /// || newmodel->hasPixelMask() ;
     977             :     
     978          41 :     if( hasMask )
     979             :       {
     980             :         
     981           3 :         os << "Input startmodel has an internal mask. Setting masked pixels to zero" << LogIO::POST;
     982             :         
     983             :         try {
     984             : 
     985             :           ////// Neat function to replace masked pixels, but it will do it in-place.
     986             :           ////// We need to not modify the input model on disk, but apply the mask only OTF before
     987             :           //////  regridding to the target image,.
     988             :           //      ImageMaskedPixelReplacer<Float> impr( newmodel, 0, "" );
     989             :           //      impr.replace("0", False, False );
     990             : 
     991             :           
     992           6 :           TempImage<Float> maskmodel( newmodel->shape(), newmodel->coordinates() );
     993           3 :           IPosition inshape = newmodel->shape();
     994           6 :           for(Int pol=0; pol<inshape[2]; pol++)
     995             :             {
     996           6 :               for(Int chan=0; chan<inshape[3]; chan++)
     997             :                 {
     998           3 :                   IPosition pos(4,0,0,pol,chan);
     999             :                   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > subim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1000           6 :                                                                         chan, inshape[3],
    1001           3 :                                                                         pol, inshape[2], 
    1002           6 :                                                                         (*newmodel) );
    1003             :                   
    1004             :                   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > submaskmodel=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1005           6 :                                                                                chan, inshape[3],
    1006           3 :                                                                                pol, inshape[2], 
    1007           3 :                                                                                maskmodel );
    1008             :                   
    1009           3 :                   ArrayLattice<Bool> pixmask( subim->getMask() );
    1010           6 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> masked( (*subim) * iif(pixmask,1.0,0.0) );
    1011           3 :                   submaskmodel->copyData( masked );
    1012           3 :                 }
    1013             :             }
    1014             :           
    1015             :           
    1016             : 
    1017             :           // Check shapes, coordsys with those of other images.  If different, try to re-grid here.
    1018           3 :           if( (newmodel->shape() != model(nterm)->shape()) ||  (! itsCoordSys.near(newmodel->coordinates() )) )
    1019             :             {
    1020           0 :               os << "Regridding input model " << modelname << " to target coordinate system for " << itsImageName << ".model" << ((multiterm)?".tt"+String::toString(nterm) :"") << LogIO::POST;
    1021           0 :               regridToModelImage( maskmodel, nterm );
    1022             :             }
    1023             :           else
    1024             :             {
    1025           3 :               os << "Copying input model " << modelname << " to " << itsImageName << ".model" << ((multiterm)?".tt"+String::toString(nterm) :"")  << LogIO::POST;
    1026           3 :               model(nterm)->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float> (maskmodel) );
    1027             :             }
    1028             :           
    1029             :           
    1030           3 :         } catch (AipsError &x) {
    1031           0 :           throw(AipsError("Setting masked pixels to zero for input startmodel : "+ x.getMesg()));
    1032           0 :         }
    1033             :         
    1034             :       }// hasMask
    1035             :     else // nomask
    1036             :       {
    1037             :         
    1038             :         // Check shapes, coordsys with those of other images.  If different, try to re-grid here.
    1039          38 :         if( (newmodel->shape() != model(nterm)->shape()) ||  (! itsCoordSys.near(newmodel->coordinates() )) )
    1040             :           {
    1041          17 :             os << "Regridding input model " << modelname << " to target coordinate system for " << itsImageName << ".model" << ((multiterm)?".tt"+String::toString(nterm) :"") << LogIO::POST;
    1042          17 :             regridToModelImage( *newmodel, nterm );
    1043             :           }
    1044             :         else
    1045             :           {
    1046          21 :             os << "Copying input model " << modelname << " to " << itsImageName << ".model" << ((multiterm)?".tt"+String::toString(nterm) :"")  << LogIO::POST;
    1047          21 :             model(nterm)->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float> (*newmodel) );
    1048             :           }
    1049             :       }//nomask
    1050          47 :   }
    1051             : 
    1052             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1053             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1054             : 
    1055       14498 :   IPosition SIImageStore::getShape()
    1056             :   {
    1057       14498 :     return itsImageShape;
    1058             :   }
    1059             : 
    1060        6585 :   String SIImageStore::getName()
    1061             :   {
    1062        6585 :     return itsImageName;
    1063             :   }
    1064             : 
    1065        8385 :   uInt SIImageStore::getNTaylorTerms(Bool /*dopsf*/)
    1066             :   {
    1067        8385 :     return 1;
    1068             :   }
    1069             : 
    1070             :   /*
    1071             :   void SIImageStore::checkRef( std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > ptr, const String label )
    1072             :   {
    1073             :     if( ! ptr && itsImageName==String("reference") ) 
    1074             :       {throw(AipsError("Internal Error : Attempt to access null subImageStore "+label + " by reference."));}
    1075             :   }
    1076             :   */
    1077             : 
    1078      130153 :   void SIImageStore::accessImage( std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &ptr, 
    1079             :                     std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > &parentptr, 
    1080             :                     const String label )
    1081             :   {
    1082             :     // if ptr is not null, assume it's OK. Perhaps add more checks.
    1083             : 
    1084             :     //cerr << "ACCIM itsptr" << ptr.get() << " parent " << parentptr.get() << " label " << label << endl;
    1085             :     
    1086      130153 :     Bool sw=False;
    1087      130153 :     if( label.contains(imageExts(SUMWT)) ) sw=True;
    1088             :     
    1089      130153 :     if( !ptr )
    1090             :       {
    1091             :         //cout << itsNFacets << " " << itsNChanChunks << " " << itsNPolChunks << endl;
    1092       32435 :         if( itsNFacets>1 || itsNChanChunks>1 || itsNPolChunks>1 )
    1093             :           {
    1094         816 :             if( ! parentptr ) 
    1095             :               {
    1096             :                 //cout << "Making parent : " << itsImageName+label << "    sw : " << sw << endl; 
    1097         636 :                 parentptr = openImage(itsImageName+label , itsOverWrite, sw, itsNFacets );  
    1098         636 :                 if( sw) {setUseWeightImage( *parentptr, itsUseWeight ); }
    1099             :               }
    1100             :             //      cout << "Making facet " << itsFacetId << " out of " << itsNFacets << endl;
    1101             :             //cout << "Making chunk " << itsChanId << " out of " << itsNChanChunks << endl;
    1102             :             //ptr = makeFacet( itsFacetId, itsNFacets*itsNFacets, *parentptr );
    1103        1632 :             ptr = makeSubImage( itsFacetId, itsNFacets*itsNFacets, 
    1104             :                                 itsChanId, itsNChanChunks, 
    1105             :                                 itsPolId, itsNPolChunks, 
    1106        1632 :                                 *parentptr );
    1107         816 :             if( ! sw )
    1108             :               {
    1109         644 :                 itsImageShape = ptr->shape(); // over and over again.... FIX.
    1110         644 :                 itsCoordSys = ptr->coordinates();
    1111         644 :                 itsMiscInfo = ptr->miscInfo();
    1112             :               }
    1113             : 
    1114             :             //cout << "accessImage : " << label << " : sumwt : " << sw << " : shape : " << itsImageShape << endl;
    1115             :     
    1116             :           }
    1117             :         else
    1118             :           { //no facets of chanchunks
    1119       31619 :             if(!parentptr){
    1120             :             ///coordsys for psf can be different ...shape should be the same.
    1121       30957 :               ptr = openImage(itsImageName+label , itsOverWrite, sw, 1, !(label.contains(imageExts(PSF)))); }
    1122             :             else{
    1123         662 :               ptr=parentptr;
    1124             :             }
    1125             :             //cout << "Opening image : " << itsImageName+label << " of shape " << ptr->shape() << endl;
    1126             :           }
    1127             :       }
    1128             : 
    1129             :     //cerr << "ACCIM2 ptr " << ptr.get() << " lock " << itsReadLock.get() << endl;
    1130             :     //itsReadLock.reset(new LatticeLocker(*ptr, FileLocker::Read));
    1131             :     
    1132             :     //    DirectionCoordinate dcord = ptr->coordinates().directionCoordinate();
    1133             :     //    cout << "Latpole from " << label << " : " << dcord.longLatPoles() << endl;
    1134             : 
    1135      130136 :   }
    1136             : 
    1137             : 
    1138       14223 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::psf(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1139             :   {
    1140       14223 :     accessImage( itsPsf, itsParentPsf, imageExts(PSF) );
    1141             :     
    1142       14222 :     return itsPsf;
    1143             :   }
    1144       30888 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::residual(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1145             :   {
    1146       30888 :     accessImage( itsResidual, itsParentResidual, imageExts(RESIDUAL) );
    1147             :     //    Record mi = itsResidual->miscInfo(); ostringstream oss;mi.print(oss);cout<<"MiscInfo(res) : " << oss.str() << endl;
    1148       30888 :     return itsResidual;
    1149             :   }
    1150        1868 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::weight(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1151             :   {
    1152        1868 :     accessImage( itsWeight, itsParentWeight, imageExts(WEIGHT) );
    1153        1868 :     return itsWeight;
    1154             :   }
    1155             : 
    1156       10097 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::sumwt(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1157             :   {
    1158             : 
    1159       10097 :     accessImage( itsSumWt, itsParentSumWt, imageExts(SUMWT) );
    1160             :     
    1161       10097 :     if( itsNFacets>1 || itsNChanChunks>1 || itsNPolChunks>1 ) 
    1162         536 :       { itsUseWeight = getUseWeightImage( *itsParentSumWt );}
    1163       10097 :     setUseWeightImage( *itsSumWt , itsUseWeight); // Sets a flag in the SumWt image. 
    1164             :     
    1165       10097 :     return itsSumWt;
    1166             :   }
    1167             : 
    1168       11071 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::model(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1169             :   {
    1170       11073 :     accessImage( itsModel, itsParentModel, imageExts(MODEL) );
    1171       11069 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*itsModel, FileLocker::Write);
    1172             :     // Set up header info the first time. 
    1173       11069 :     itsModel->setUnits("Jy/pixel");
    1174             : 
    1175       22138 :     return itsModel;
    1176       11069 :   }
    1177        6003 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::image(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1178             :   {
    1179        6003 :     accessImage( itsImage, itsParentImage, imageExts(IMAGE) );
    1180        6003 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*itsImage, FileLocker::Write);
    1181        6003 :     itsImage->setUnits(Unit("Jy/beam"));
    1182       12006 :     return itsImage;
    1183        6003 :   }
    1184             : 
    1185       14919 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::mask(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1186             :   {
    1187       14919 :     accessImage( itsMask, itsParentMask, imageExts(MASK) );
    1188       14915 :     return itsMask;
    1189             :   }
    1190           6 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::gridwt(IPosition newshape)
    1191             : 
    1192             :   {
    1193           6 :     if(newshape.empty()){
    1194           2 :       accessImage( itsGridWt, itsParentGridWt, imageExts(GRIDWT) );
    1195             :     }
    1196             :     else{
    1197           4 :       if(!itsGridWt  || (itsGridWt && (itsGridWt->shape() != newshape))){
    1198           2 :         itsGridWt.reset();  // deassign previous one hopefully it'll close it
    1199           2 :         CoordinateSystem newcoordsys=itsCoordSys;
    1200           2 :         if(newshape.nelements() > 4){
    1201           0 :           Matrix<Double> pc(1,1);      pc = 1.0;
    1202           0 :           LinearCoordinate zc(Vector<String>(1, "FIELD_ORDER"), Vector<String>(1, ""), Vector<Double>(1, 0.0), Vector<Double>(1,1.0), pc, Vector<Double>(1,0.0));
    1203           0 :           newcoordsys.addCoordinate(zc);
    1204           0 :         }
    1205           2 :           itsGridWt.reset(new PagedImage<Float>(newshape, newcoordsys, itsImageName+ imageExts(GRIDWT)));
    1206           2 :           initMetaInfo(itsGridWt, itsImageName+ imageExts(GRIDWT));
    1207             : 
    1208           2 :       }
    1209             :     }
    1210             :     /// change the coordinate system here, to uv.
    1211           6 :     return itsGridWt;
    1212             :   }
    1213             : 
    1214          31 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::tempworkimage(uInt /*term*/){
    1215          31 :     if(itsTempWorkIm) return itsTempWorkIm;
    1216          31 :     itsTempWorkIm.reset(new PagedImage<Float>(itsImageShape, itsCoordSys, itsImageName+ ".work.temp"));
    1217          31 :     static_cast<PagedImage<Float>* > (itsTempWorkIm.get())->set(0.0);
    1218          31 :     itsTempWorkIm->flush();
    1219          31 :     static_cast<PagedImage<Float>* > (itsTempWorkIm.get())->table().markForDelete();
    1220          31 :     return itsTempWorkIm;
    1221             :   }
    1222             :   
    1223       12861 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::pb(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1224             :   {
    1225       12861 :     accessImage( itsPB, itsParentPB, imageExts(PB) );
    1226       12859 :     return itsPB;
    1227             :   }
    1228         261 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > SIImageStore::imagepbcor(uInt /*nterm*/)
    1229             :   {
    1230         261 :     accessImage( itsImagePBcor, itsParentImagePBcor, imageExts(IMAGEPBCOR) );
    1231         261 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*itsImagePBcor, FileLocker::Write);
    1232         261 :     itsImagePBcor->setUnits(Unit("Jy/beam"));
    1233         522 :     return itsImagePBcor;
    1234         261 :   }
    1235             : 
    1236        1916 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Complex> > SIImageStore::forwardGrid(uInt /*nterm*/){
    1237        1916 :     if( itsForwardGrid ) // && (itsForwardGrid->shape() == itsImageShape))
    1238             :       {
    1239             :         //      cout << "Forward grid has shape : " << itsForwardGrid->shape() << endl;
    1240        1684 :         return itsForwardGrid;
    1241             :       }
    1242         232 :     Vector<Int> whichStokes(0);
    1243         232 :     IPosition cimageShape;
    1244         232 :     cimageShape=itsImageShape;
    1245         232 :     MFrequency::Types freqframe = itsCoordSys.spectralCoordinate(itsCoordSys.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL)).frequencySystem(True);
    1246             :     // No need to set a conversion layer if image is in LSRK already or it is 'Undefined'
    1247         232 :     if(freqframe != MFrequency::LSRK && freqframe!=MFrequency::Undefined && freqframe!=MFrequency::REST) 
    1248           0 :       { itsCoordSys.setSpectralConversion("LSRK"); }
    1249         232 :     CoordinateSystem cimageCoord = StokesImageUtil::CStokesCoord( itsCoordSys,
    1250         232 :                                                                   whichStokes, itsDataPolRep);
    1251         232 :     cimageCoord.setObsInfo(itsCoordSys.obsInfo());
    1252         232 :     cimageShape(2)=whichStokes.nelements();      
    1253             :     //cout << "Making forward grid of shape : " << cimageShape << " for imshape : " << itsImageShape << endl;
    1254         232 :     itsForwardGrid.reset( new TempImage<Complex>(TiledShape(cimageShape, tileShape()), cimageCoord, memoryBeforeLattice()) );
    1255             :     //if(image())
    1256         232 :     if(hasRestored()){
    1257          16 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*itsForwardGrid, FileLocker::Write);
    1258          16 :       itsForwardGrid->setImageInfo((image())->imageInfo());
    1259             : 
    1260          16 :     }
    1261         232 :     return itsForwardGrid;
    1262         232 :   }
    1263             : 
    1264        2532 :   std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Complex> > SIImageStore::backwardGrid(uInt /*nterm*/){
    1265        2532 :     if( itsBackwardGrid ) //&& (itsBackwardGrid->shape() == itsImageShape))
    1266             :       {
    1267             :         //      cout << "Backward grid has shape : " << itsBackwardGrid->shape() << endl;
    1268        2037 :         return itsBackwardGrid;
    1269             :       }
    1270         495 :     Vector<Int> whichStokes(0);
    1271         495 :     IPosition cimageShape;
    1272         495 :     cimageShape=itsImageShape;
    1273         495 :     MFrequency::Types freqframe = itsCoordSys.spectralCoordinate(itsCoordSys.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL)).frequencySystem(True);
    1274             :     // No need to set a conversion layer if image is in LSRK already or it is 'Undefined'
    1275         495 :     if(freqframe != MFrequency::LSRK && freqframe!=MFrequency::Undefined && freqframe!=MFrequency::REST ) 
    1276           0 :       { itsCoordSys.setSpectralConversion("LSRK"); }
    1277         495 :     CoordinateSystem cimageCoord = StokesImageUtil::CStokesCoord( itsCoordSys,
    1278         495 :                                                                   whichStokes, itsDataPolRep);
    1279         495 :     cimageCoord.setObsInfo(itsCoordSys.obsInfo());
    1280         495 :     cimageShape(2)=whichStokes.nelements();
    1281             :     //cout << "Making backward grid of shape : " << cimageShape << " for imshape : " << itsImageShape << endl;
    1282         495 :     itsBackwardGrid.reset( new TempImage<Complex>(TiledShape(cimageShape, tileShape()), cimageCoord, memoryBeforeLattice()) );
    1283             :     //if(image())
    1284         495 :     if(hasRestored()){
    1285           8 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*itsBackwardGrid, FileLocker::Write);
    1286           8 :       itsBackwardGrid->setImageInfo((image())->imageInfo());
    1287           8 :     }
    1288         495 :     return itsBackwardGrid;
    1289         495 :     }
    1290        2292 :   Double SIImageStore::memoryBeforeLattice(){
    1291             :           //Calculate how much memory to use per temporary images before disking
    1292        2292 :     return 1.0;  /// in MB
    1293             :   }
    1294        2292 :   IPosition SIImageStore::tileShape(){
    1295             :           //Need to have settable stuff here or algorith to determine this
    1296        2292 :           return IPosition(4, min(itsImageShape[0],1000), min(itsImageShape[1],1000), 1, 1);
    1297             :   }
    1298             : 
    1299             :   // TODO : Move to an image-wrapper class ? Same function exists in SynthesisDeconvolver.
    1300       47610 :   Bool SIImageStore::doesImageExist(String imagename)
    1301             :   {
    1302       95220 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","doesImageExist",WHERE) );
    1303       47610 :     Directory image( imagename );
    1304       95220 :     return image.exists();
    1305       47610 :   }
    1306             : 
    1307             : 
    1308           0 :   void SIImageStore::resetImages( Bool resetpsf, Bool resetresidual, Bool resetweight )
    1309             :   {
    1310           0 :     if( resetpsf ){
    1311           0 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*(psf()), FileLocker::Write);
    1312           0 :       psf()->set(0.0);
    1313             : 
    1314           0 :     }
    1315           0 :     if( resetresidual ) {
    1316             :       //      removeMask( residual() );
    1317           0 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*(residual()), FileLocker::Write);
    1318           0 :       residual()->set(0.0);
    1319           0 :     }
    1320           0 :     if( resetweight && itsWeight ){
    1321           0 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*(weight()), FileLocker::Write);
    1322           0 :       weight()->set(0.0);
    1323           0 :     }
    1324           0 :     if( resetweight ){
    1325           0 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*(sumwt()), FileLocker::Write);
    1326           0 :       sumwt()->set(0.0);
    1327           0 :     }
    1328           0 :   }
    1329             : 
    1330           0 :   void SIImageStore::addImages( std::shared_ptr<SIImageStore> imagestoadd,
    1331             :                                 Bool addpsf, Bool addresidual, Bool addweight, Bool adddensity)
    1332             :   {
    1333             : 
    1334           0 :     if(addpsf)
    1335             :       {
    1336           0 :         LatticeExpr<Float> adderPsf( *(psf()) + *(imagestoadd->psf()) ); 
    1337           0 :         psf()->copyData(adderPsf);
    1338           0 :       }
    1339           0 :     if(addresidual)
    1340             :       {
    1341           0 :         LatticeExpr<Float> adderRes( *(residual()) + *(imagestoadd->residual()) ); 
    1342           0 :         residual()->copyData(adderRes);
    1343           0 :       }
    1344           0 :     if(addweight)
    1345             :       {
    1346           0 :         if( getUseWeightImage( *(imagestoadd->sumwt()) ) ) // Access and add weight only if it is needed.
    1347             :           {
    1348           0 :             LatticeExpr<Float> adderWeight( *(weight()) + *(imagestoadd->weight()) ); 
    1349           0 :             weight()->copyData(adderWeight);
    1350           0 :           }
    1351             : 
    1352             :         /*
    1353             :         Array<Float> qqq, www;
    1354             :         imagestoadd->sumwt()->get(qqq,True);
    1355             :         sumwt()->get(www,True);
    1356             :         cout << "SUMWT : Adding : " << qqq << " to " << www << endl;
    1357             :         */
    1358             : 
    1359           0 :         LatticeExpr<Float> adderSumWt( *(sumwt()) + *(imagestoadd->sumwt()) ); 
    1360           0 :         sumwt()->copyData(adderSumWt);
    1361           0 :         setUseWeightImage( *sumwt(),  getUseWeightImage(*(imagestoadd->sumwt()) ) );
    1362             : 
    1363           0 :       }
    1364           0 :     if(adddensity)
    1365             :       {
    1366           0 :         LatticeExpr<Float> adderDensity( *(gridwt()) + *(imagestoadd->gridwt()) ); 
    1367           0 :         gridwt()->copyData(adderDensity);
    1368           0 :       }
    1369             : 
    1370           0 :   }
    1371             : 
    1372           0 : void SIImageStore::setWeightDensity( std::shared_ptr<SIImageStore> imagetoset )
    1373             :   {
    1374           0 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","setWeightDensity",WHERE) );
    1375             :     //gridwt()->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float> ( *(imagetoset->gridwt()) ) );
    1376             :     //looks like you have to call them before hand or it crashes in parallel sometimes
    1377           0 :     IPosition shape=(imagetoset->gridwt())->shape();
    1378           0 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "SHAPES " << imagetoset->gridwt()->shape() << "   " << gridwt()->shape() << endl;
    1379           0 :     (gridwt(shape))->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float> ( *(imagetoset->gridwt()) ) );
    1380             : 
    1381           0 :   }
    1382             : 
    1383             :   // TODO
    1384             :   //    cout << "WARN :   get getPbMax right for cube.... weight is indexed on chan and pol." << endl;
    1385         192 :   Double SIImageStore::getPbMax()
    1386             :   {
    1387             : 
    1388             :     //// Don't do any extra norm. Minor cycle will operate with native PB.
    1389             :     //return 1.0;
    1390             : 
    1391             :     //// Normalize PB to 1 at the center of the image OF CHANNEL ZERO
    1392             :     
    1393             :     //        IPosition shp = weight(0)->shape();
    1394             :     //     IPosition center(4, shp[0]/2, shp[1]/2,0,0);
    1395             :     //    return sqrt(   weight(0)->getAt( center )   );
    1396             :     
    1397             : 
    1398             :     //// Normalize PB to 1 at the location of the maximum (across all chans..)
    1399             :     
    1400         384 :     LatticeExprNode le( sqrt(max( *(weight(0)) )) );
    1401         384 :     return le.getFloat();
    1402             :     
    1403         192 :   }
    1404             : 
    1405        1075 :   Double SIImageStore::getPbMax(Int pol,Int chan)
    1406             :   {
    1407             : 
    1408             :     //// Normalize PB to 1 at the location of the maximum (per pol,chan)
    1409             :     
    1410        1075 :     CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > subim=makeSubImage(0, 1,
    1411        1075 :                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1412        1075 :                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2],
    1413        2150 :                                                           *weight(0));
    1414             : 
    1415        2150 :     return sqrt(max(subim->get()));
    1416        1075 :   }
    1417             : 
    1418         113 :   void  SIImageStore::makePBFromWeight(const Float pblimit)
    1419             :   {
    1420         226 :    LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","makePBFromWeight",WHERE) );
    1421             : 
    1422         226 :         for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1423             :           {
    1424         350 :                for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1425             :               {
    1426             : 
    1427         237 :                 itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol,chan);
    1428             :                 
    1429         237 :                 if(itsPBScaleFactor<=0){os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;}
    1430             :                 else {
    1431             : 
    1432         234 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1433         234 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1434         234 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1435         468 :                                                                           *weight() );
    1436         234 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > pbsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1437         234 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1438         234 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1439         468 :                                                                           *pb() );
    1440             :                   
    1441             :                   
    1442         468 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> normed( sqrt(abs(*wtsubim)) / itsPBScaleFactor  );
    1443         468 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> limited( iif( normed > fabs(pblimit) , normed, 0.0 ) );
    1444         234 :                   pbsubim->copyData( limited );
    1445         234 :                 }// if not zero
    1446             :               }
    1447             :           }
    1448             : 
    1449         113 :         if((pb()->getDefaultMask()==""))
    1450             :           {
    1451             :             //Remove the old mask as it is no longer valid
    1452             :             //removeMask( pb() );
    1453             : 
    1454             :             //      if( pblimit >= 0.0 )
    1455             :               {
    1456             :                 //MSK// 
    1457         172 :                 LatticeExpr<Bool> pbmask( iif( *pb() > fabs(pblimit) , True , False ) );
    1458             :                 //MSK// 
    1459          86 :                 createMask( pbmask, pb() );
    1460          86 :                 pb()->pixelMask().unlock();
    1461          86 :               }
    1462             : 
    1463             :           }
    1464         113 :         weight()->unlock();
    1465         113 :         pb()->unlock();
    1466         113 :   }
    1467             : 
    1468         590 :   void  SIImageStore::makePBImage(const Float pblimit)
    1469             :   {
    1470        1180 :    LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","makePBImage",WHERE) );
    1471             : 
    1472         590 :    if( hasPB() )
    1473             :      {
    1474             : 
    1475        1289 :         for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1476             :           {
    1477        3398 :                for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1478             :               {
    1479             : 
    1480        2699 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > pbsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1481        2699 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1482        2699 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1483        5398 :                                                                           *pb() );
    1484             : 
    1485             :                   // Norm by the max
    1486        2699 :                   LatticeExprNode elmax= max( *pbsubim );
    1487        2699 :                   Float fmax = abs(elmax.getFloat());
    1488             :                   //If there are multiple overlap of beam such that the peak is larger than 1 then normalize
    1489             :                   //otherwise leave as is
    1490        2699 :                   if(fmax>1.0)
    1491             :                     {
    1492         238 :                       LatticeExpr<Float> normed( (*pbsubim) / fmax  );
    1493         238 :                       LatticeExpr<Float> limited( iif( normed > fabs(pblimit) , normed, 0.0 ) );
    1494         119 :                       pbsubim->copyData( limited );
    1495         119 :                     }
    1496             :                   else
    1497             :                     {
    1498        5160 :                       LatticeExpr<Float> limited( iif((*pbsubim) > fabs(pblimit) , (*pbsubim), 0.0 ) );
    1499        2580 :                       pbsubim->copyData( limited );
    1500        2580 :                     }
    1501        2699 :               }
    1502             :           }
    1503             : 
    1504         590 :         if((pb()->getDefaultMask()==""))// && pblimit >= 0.0)
    1505             :           {
    1506             :             //      removeMask( pb() );
    1507             :             //MSK//             
    1508        1136 :             LatticeExpr<Bool> pbmask( iif( *pb() > fabs(pblimit) , True , False ) );
    1509             :             //MSK// 
    1510         568 :             createMask( pbmask, pb() );
    1511         568 :             pb()->pixelMask().unlock();
    1512         568 :           }
    1513             : 
    1514             :      }// if hasPB
    1515         590 :    pb()->unlock();
    1516             : 
    1517         590 :   }
    1518             : 
    1519         901 :   Bool SIImageStore::createMask(LatticeExpr<Bool> &lemask, 
    1520             :                                 CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > outimage)
    1521             :   {
    1522             :     //cout << "Calling makeMask for mask0 for " << outimage->name() << endl;
    1523             :     try
    1524             :       {
    1525         901 :         LatticeLocker lock1(*outimage, FileLocker::Write);
    1526         901 :         ImageRegion outreg = outimage->makeMask("mask0",False,True);
    1527         901 :         LCRegion& outmask=outreg.asMask();
    1528         901 :         outmask.copyData(lemask);
    1529         901 :         outimage->defineRegion("mask0",outreg, RegionHandler::Masks, True);
    1530             :         
    1531         901 :         outimage->setDefaultMask("mask0");
    1532             :         
    1533         901 :         outimage->unlock();
    1534         901 :         outimage->tempClose();
    1535             :         
    1536             :         //    outimage->table().unmarkForDelete();      
    1537         901 :       }
    1538           0 :     catch (const AipsError& x) {
    1539           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in creating internal T/F mask : " + x.getMesg() ));
    1540           0 :     }
    1541             : 
    1542         901 :     return True;
    1543             :   }
    1544             : 
    1545        1748 :   Bool SIImageStore::copyMask(CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > inimage,
    1546             :                                 CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > outimage)
    1547             :   {
    1548             :     //    cout << "In copyMask for " << outimage->name() << endl;
    1549             : 
    1550             :     try
    1551             :       {
    1552        1748 :         if( (inimage->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0") ) // input mask exists.
    1553        1558 :           {LatticeLocker lock1(*outimage, FileLocker::Write);
    1554        1558 :             removeMask(outimage);
    1555             :             
    1556             :             // // clear output image mask
    1557             :             // if( (outimage->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0") ) 
    1558             :             //   {outimage->setDefaultMask(""); 
    1559             :             //  outimage->removeRegion("mask0");}
    1560             :             // get mask from input image
    1561             :             
    1562        1561 :             ImageRegion outreg=outimage->makeMask("mask0", False, True);
    1563        1555 :             LCRegion& outmask=outreg.asMask();
    1564        1555 :             outmask.copyData(inimage->getRegion("mask0").asLCRegion());
    1565        1555 :             outimage->defineRegion("mask0",outreg, RegionHandler::Masks,True);
    1566        1555 :             outimage->setDefaultMask("mask0");
    1567        1558 :           }
    1568             :       }
    1569           3 :     catch (const AipsError& x) {
    1570           3 :       throw(AipsError("Error in copying internal T/F mask : " + x.getMesg() ));
    1571           3 :     }
    1572             : 
    1573        1745 :     return True;
    1574             :   }
    1575             :   
    1576        1893 :   void SIImageStore::removeMask(CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > im)
    1577             :   {
    1578             :     try
    1579             :       {
    1580             :         // // clear output image mask
    1581             :         // if( (im->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0") ) 
    1582             :         //   {im->setDefaultMask(""); 
    1583             :         //      im->removeRegion("mask0");}
    1584             :         ///Remove the old mask as it is no longer valid
    1585        1893 :         LatticeLocker lock1(*im, FileLocker::Write);
    1586        1893 :         if (im-> getDefaultMask() != String(""))
    1587             :           {
    1588         388 :             String strung=im->getDefaultMask();
    1589         388 :             im->setDefaultMask("");
    1590         388 :             im->removeRegion(strung);
    1591         388 :           } 
    1592        1893 :         if( im->hasRegion("mask0") )
    1593             :           {
    1594           0 :             im->removeRegion("mask0");
    1595             :           }
    1596        1893 :       }
    1597           0 :     catch (const AipsError& x)
    1598             :       {
    1599           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in deleting internal T/F mask : " + x.getMesg() ));
    1600           0 :       }
    1601        1893 :   } 
    1602         226 :   void SIImageStore:: rescaleResolution(Int chan, 
    1603             :                                         ImageInterface<Float>& image, 
    1604             :                                         const GaussianBeam& newbeam, 
    1605             :                                         const GaussianBeam& oldbeam){
    1606             : 
    1607         452 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","rescaleResolution",WHERE) );
    1608         452 :     GaussianBeam toBeUsed(Quantity(0.0, "arcsec"),Quantity(0.0, "arcsec"), 
    1609         678 :                           Quantity(0.0, "deg")) ;
    1610             :     try {
    1611         226 :       Bool samesize = GaussianDeconvolver::deconvolve(toBeUsed, newbeam, oldbeam);
    1612             : 
    1613             :       /*
    1614             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "Chan : " << chan << " : Input beam : : " << oldbeam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << oldbeam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << oldbeam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    1615             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "Target beam : " << newbeam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << newbeam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << newbeam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    1616             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "Beam to be used : " << toBeUsed.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << toBeUsed.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << toBeUsed.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    1617             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "SameSize ? " << samesize << endl;
    1618             :       */
    1619             :       
    1620         225 :       if( samesize )
    1621             :         {
    1622           8 :           os << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "Input and output beam sizes are the same for Channel : " << chan << ". Not convolving residuals." << LogIO::POST;
    1623             :         }
    1624             :         else 
    1625             :         {
    1626         217 :           Double pixwidth=sqrt(image.coordinates().increment()(0)*image.coordinates().increment()(0)+image.coordinates().increment()(1)*image.coordinates().increment()(1));
    1627             :           
    1628         217 :           if(toBeUsed.getMinor(image.coordinates().worldAxisUnits()[0]) > pixwidth)
    1629             :             {
    1630             :               //cerr << "old beam area " << oldbeam.getArea("rad2") << " new beam " << newbeam.getArea("rad2") << endl;
    1631         211 :               StokesImageUtil::Convolve(image, toBeUsed, True);
    1632         211 :               image.copyData(LatticeExpr<Float>(image*newbeam.getArea("rad2")/ oldbeam.getArea("rad2")));
    1633             :             }
    1634             :         }
    1635             :     }
    1636           1 :     catch (const AipsError& x) {
    1637             :       //throw(AipsError("Cannot convolve to new beam: may be smaller than old beam : " + x.getMesg() ));
    1638           1 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "Cannot convolve to new beam for Channel : " << chan <<  " : " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1639           1 :     }
    1640             :     
    1641             : 
    1642         226 :   }
    1643             : 
    1644             : 
    1645             :   
    1646             : 
    1647         591 :   void SIImageStore::dividePSFByWeight(const Float /* pblimit*/)
    1648             :   {
    1649        1182 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","dividePSFByWeight",WHERE) );
    1650             : 
    1651         591 :     LatticeLocker lock1 (*(psf()), FileLocker::Write);
    1652         591 :     normPSF();
    1653             : 
    1654         591 :     if( itsUseWeight )
    1655             :     { 
    1656             :         
    1657          71 :         divideImageByWeightVal( *weight() ); 
    1658             :     }
    1659         591 :     (psf())->unlock();
    1660             :     
    1661         591 :   }
    1662             : 
    1663         598 :   void SIImageStore::normalizePrimaryBeam(const Float pblimit)
    1664             :   {
    1665        1196 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","normalizePrimaryBeam",WHERE) );
    1666             : 
    1667             :     //    cout << "In dividePSFByWeight : itsUseWeight : " << itsUseWeight << endl;
    1668         598 :     if( itsUseWeight )
    1669             :     { 
    1670             :         
    1671         146 :         for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1672             :           {
    1673         270 :             for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1674             :               {
    1675         197 :                 os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Scale factor for [C" +String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] to keep the model image a PB of max=1 is " << getPbMax(pol,chan) << LogIO::POST;
    1676             :               }//chan
    1677             :           }//pol
    1678             : 
    1679          73 :         makePBFromWeight(pblimit);
    1680             :         
    1681             :     }//if itsUseWeight
    1682         525 :     else { makePBImage(pblimit); } // OR... just check that it exists already.
    1683         598 :     pb()->unlock();
    1684             :     
    1685         598 :    }
    1686             : 
    1687             :   // Make another for the PSF too.
    1688        1329 :   void SIImageStore::divideResidualByWeight(Float pblimit, String normtype) {
    1689             : 
    1690        2658 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "divideResidualByWeight", WHERE));
    1691        1329 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*(residual()), FileLocker::Write);
    1692             : 
    1693         363 :     auto logTemplate = [&](Int const &chan, Int const &pol, string const &normalizer, string const &result) {
    1694         363 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL1
    1695         726 :          << "[C" + String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] "
    1696         726 :          << "Dividing " << itsImageName + String(".residual") << " by "
    1697             :          << "[ " << normalizer << " ] "
    1698        1089 :          << "to get " << result << "." << LogIO::POST;
    1699         363 :     };
    1700             : 
    1701             :     // Normalize by the sumwt, per plane. 
    1702        1329 :     Bool didNorm = divideImageByWeightVal(*residual());
    1703             : 
    1704        1329 :     if (itsUseWeight) {
    1705         280 :       for (Int pol = 0; pol < itsImageShape[2]; pol++) {
    1706         512 :         for (Int chan = 0; chan < itsImageShape[3]; chan++) {
    1707         372 :           itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol, chan);
    1708             : 
    1709         372 :           if (itsPBScaleFactor <= 0) {
    1710             :             os << LogIO::NORMAL1 
    1711             :                << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol 
    1712           9 :                << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;
    1713             : 
    1714             :           } else {
    1715         363 :             CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim = makeSubImage(0, 1,
    1716         363 :                                                                       chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1717         363 :                                                                       pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1718         726 :                                                                       *weight());
    1719         363 :             CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > ressubim = makeSubImage(0, 1,
    1720         363 :                                                                        chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1721         363 :                                                                        pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1722         726 :                                                                        *residual());
    1723         363 :             LatticeExpr<Float> ratio;
    1724         363 :             Float scalepb = 1.0;
    1725             : 
    1726         363 :             if (normtype == "flatnoise") {
    1727        1089 :               logTemplate(chan, pol,
    1728         726 :                           "sqrt(weightimage) * " + String::toString(itsPBScaleFactor),
    1729             :                           "flat noise with unit pb peak");
    1730             : 
    1731         726 :               LatticeExpr<Float> deno =  itsPBScaleFactor * sqrt(abs(LatticeExpr<Float>(*(wtsubim))));
    1732         363 :               scalepb = fabs(pblimit) * itsPBScaleFactor * itsPBScaleFactor;
    1733         363 :               ratio = iif(deno > scalepb, (*(ressubim) / deno), 0.0);
    1734             : 
    1735         363 :             } else if (normtype == "pbsquare") {
    1736           0 :               logTemplate(chan, pol,
    1737           0 :                           String::toString(itsPBScaleFactor),
    1738             :                           "optimal noise with unit pb peak");
    1739             : 
    1740           0 :               Float deno = itsPBScaleFactor * itsPBScaleFactor;
    1741           0 :               ratio = (*(ressubim) / deno);
    1742             : 
    1743           0 :             } else if (normtype == "flatsky") {
    1744           0 :               logTemplate(chan, pol, "weight", "flat sky");
    1745             : 
    1746           0 :               LatticeExpr<Float> deno = LatticeExpr<Float>(*(wtsubim));
    1747           0 :               scalepb = fabs(pblimit * pblimit) * itsPBScaleFactor * itsPBScaleFactor;
    1748           0 :               ratio = iif(deno > scalepb, (*(ressubim) / deno), 0.0);
    1749             : 
    1750           0 :             }
    1751             : 
    1752             :             //IPosition ip(4, itsImageShape[0] / 2, itsImageShape[1]/2, 0, 0);
    1753             :             //Float resval = ressubim->getAt(ip);
    1754             :             //LatticeExpr<Float> mask(iif((deno) > scalepb, 1.0, 0.0));
    1755             :             //LatticeExpr<Float> maskinv(iif((deno) > scalepb, 0.0, 1.0));
    1756             :             //LatticeExpr<Float> ratio(((*(ressubim)) * mask) / (deno + maskinv));
    1757             : 
    1758             :             //above blocks all sources outside minpb but visible with weight coverage
    1759             :             //which could be cleaned could use below for that
    1760             :             //LatticeExpr<Float> ratio(iif(deno > scalepb, (*(ressubim)) / deno, *ressubim));
    1761             : 
    1762         363 :             ressubim->copyData(ratio);
    1763             : 
    1764             :             //cout << "Val of residual before|after normalizing at center for pol " << pol << " chan " << chan << " : " << resval << "|" << ressubim->getAt(ip) << " weight : " << wtsubim->getAt(ip) << endl;
    1765         363 :           } // if not zero
    1766             :         } //chan
    1767             :       } //pol
    1768             :     }
    1769             :     
    1770             :     // If no normalization happened, print a warning. The user must check if it's right or not.
    1771             :     // Or... later if we get a gridder that does pre-norms, this warning can go. 
    1772        1329 :     if ((didNorm | itsUseWeight) != True) {
    1773           0 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "No normalization done to residual" << LogIO::POST;
    1774             :     }
    1775             :     
    1776             :     ///// A T/F mask in the residual will confuse users looking at the interactive clean
    1777             :     ///// window
    1778        1329 :     if ((residual()->getDefaultMask() == "") && hasPB() && pblimit >=0.0) {
    1779         230 :       copyMask(pb(), residual());
    1780             :     }
    1781             : 
    1782        1329 :     if ((pblimit < 0.0) && (residual()->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0")) {
    1783           1 :       removeMask(residual());
    1784             :     }
    1785             : 
    1786        1329 :     residual()->unlock();
    1787        1329 :   }
    1788             : 
    1789         144 :   void SIImageStore::divideResidualByWeightSD(Float pblimit) {
    1790             : 
    1791         288 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "divideResidualByWeightSD", WHERE));
    1792         144 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*(residual()), FileLocker::Write);
    1793             : 
    1794         144 :     if (itsUseWeight) {
    1795         288 :       LatticeExpr<Float> deno = LatticeExpr<Float>(*weight());
    1796         288 :       LatticeExpr<Float> ratio = iif(deno > 0.0, *(residual()) / deno, 0.0);
    1797         144 :       residual()->copyData(ratio);
    1798         144 :     }
    1799             :     else {
    1800             :       // If no normalization happened, print a warning. The user must check if it's right or not.
    1801             :       // Or... later if we get a gridder that does pre-norms, this warning can go.
    1802           0 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "No normalization done to residual" << LogIO::POST;
    1803             :     }
    1804             : 
    1805             :     ///// A T/F mask in the residual will confuse users looking at the interactive clean
    1806             :     ///// window
    1807         144 :     if ((residual()->getDefaultMask() == "") && hasPB() && pblimit >=0.0) {
    1808           0 :       copyMask(pb(), residual());
    1809             :     }
    1810             : 
    1811         144 :     if ((pblimit < 0.0) && (residual()->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0")) {
    1812           0 :       removeMask(residual());
    1813             :     }
    1814             : 
    1815         144 :     residual()->unlock();
    1816         144 :   }
    1817             : 
    1818         869 :   void SIImageStore::divideModelByWeight(Float pblimit, const String normtype)
    1819             :   {
    1820        1738 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","divideModelByWeight",WHERE) );
    1821             : 
    1822             :     
    1823        1738 :         if(itsUseWeight // only when needed
    1824         869 :            && weight() )// i.e. only when possible. For an initial starting model, don't need wt anyway.
    1825             :       {
    1826             : 
    1827          93 :         if( normtype=="flatsky") {
    1828             :          
    1829           0 :           LatticeExprNode LEN = max( *model());
    1830           0 :           os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Model is already flat sky with peak flux : " << LEN.getFloat();
    1831           0 :           os << ". No need to divide before prediction" << LogIO::POST;
    1832             :           
    1833           0 :           return;
    1834           0 :           }
    1835          93 :         else if( normtype=="flatnoise"){
    1836             : 
    1837         186 :           for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1838             :             {
    1839         341 :               for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1840             :                 {
    1841             :                   
    1842         248 :                   itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol,chan);
    1843             :                   //    cout << " pbscale : " << itsPBScaleFactor << endl;
    1844         248 :                 if(itsPBScaleFactor<=0){os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;}
    1845             :                 else {
    1846             :                   
    1847         222 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1848         222 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1849         222 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1850         444 :                                                                           *weight() );
    1851         222 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > modsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1852         222 :                                                                            chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1853         222 :                                                                            pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1854         444 :                                                                            *model() );
    1855         222 :                   os << LogIO::NORMAL1 ;
    1856         222 :                   os <<  "[C" +String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] ";
    1857         222 :                   os << "Dividing " << itsImageName+String(".model") ;
    1858         222 :                   os << " by [ sqrt(weight) / " << itsPBScaleFactor ;
    1859         222 :                   os <<" ] to get to flat sky model before prediction" << LogIO::POST;
    1860             :                   
    1861             :                  
    1862         444 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> deno( sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim)) ) / itsPBScaleFactor );
    1863             :                   
    1864         444 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> mask( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 1.0, 0.0 ) );
    1865         444 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> maskinv( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 0.0, 1.0 ) );
    1866         444 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> ratio( ( (*(modsubim)) * mask ) / ( deno + maskinv ) );
    1867             :                   
    1868             :                   // 
    1869             :                   //The above has a problem...mask is cutting out clean components found 
    1870             :                   // outside pblimit ...use below if this is what is wanted
    1871             :         //LatticeExpr<Float> ratio(iif(sqrt(abs(*(wtsubim))) < (fabs(pblimit)*itsPBScaleFactor), 0.0,  (*(modsubim))/(sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim)))  / itsPBScaleFactor))); 
    1872             :                   // LatticeExpr<Float> ratio(iif((sqrt(abs(*(wtsubim))) ==0.0), 0.0,  ((*(modsubim))*itsPBScaleFactor)/sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim))) ));
    1873             :                   
    1874         222 :                   IPosition ip(4,itsImageShape[0]/2,itsImageShape[1]/2,0,0);
    1875             :                   ///             Float modval = modsubim->getAt(ip);
    1876             :                   //LatticeExprNode aminval( min(*modsubim) );
    1877             :                   //LatticeExprNode amaxval( max(*modsubim) );
    1878             :                   //cout << "Before ---- min : " << aminval.getFloat() << " max : " << amaxval.getFloat() << endl;
    1879             : 
    1880         222 :                   modsubim->copyData(ratio);
    1881             :                   //              cout << "Val of model before|after flattening at center for pol " << pol << " chan " << chan << " : " << modval << "|" << modsubim->getAt(ip) << " weight : " << wtsubim->getAt(ip) << endl;
    1882             :                   //LatticeExprNode minval( min(*modsubim) );
    1883             :                   //LatticeExprNode maxval( max(*modsubim) );
    1884             :                   //cout << "After ---- min : " << minval.getFloat() << " max : " << maxval.getFloat() << endl;
    1885         222 :                 }// if not zero
    1886             :                 }//chan
    1887             :             }//pol
    1888             : 
    1889             :         }
    1890           0 :         else if( normtype=="pbsquare"){
    1891             : 
    1892           0 :           for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1893             :             {
    1894           0 :               for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1895             :                 {
    1896             :                   
    1897           0 :                   itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol,chan);
    1898             :                   //    cout << " pbscale : " << itsPBScaleFactor << endl;
    1899           0 :                 if(itsPBScaleFactor<=0){os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;}
    1900             :                 else {
    1901             :                   
    1902           0 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1903           0 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1904           0 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1905           0 :                                                                           *weight() );
    1906           0 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > modsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1907           0 :                                                                            chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1908           0 :                                                                            pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1909           0 :                                                                            *model() );
    1910           0 :                   os << LogIO::NORMAL1 ;
    1911           0 :                   os <<  "[C" +String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] ";
    1912           0 :                   os << "Dividing " << itsImageName+String(".model") ;
    1913           0 :                   os << " by [ (weight) / " << itsPBScaleFactor ;
    1914           0 :                   os <<" ] to restore to optimal sky model before prediction" << LogIO::POST;
    1915             :                   
    1916             :                    
    1917           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> deno(  abs(*(wtsubim))  / (itsPBScaleFactor*itsPBScaleFactor) );
    1918             :                   
    1919           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> mask( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 1.0, 0.0 ) );
    1920           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> maskinv( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 0.0, 1.0 ) );
    1921           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> ratio( ( (*(modsubim)) * mask ) / ( deno + maskinv ) );
    1922             :                   
    1923             :                   // 
    1924             :                   //The above has a problem...mask is cutting out clean components found 
    1925             :                   // outside pblimit ...use below if this is what is wanted
    1926             :                   // LatticeExpr<Float> ratio(iif(abs(*(wtsubim)) == 0.0, *modsubim,  (*(modsubim))/( abs(*(wtsubim))  / (itsPBScaleFactor*itsPBScaleFactor)))); 
    1927             :                   
    1928           0 :                   IPosition ip(4,itsImageShape[0]/2,itsImageShape[1]/2,0,0);
    1929             :                   ///             Float modval = modsubim->getAt(ip);
    1930             :                   //LatticeExprNode aminval( min(*modsubim) );
    1931             :                   //LatticeExprNode amaxval( max(*modsubim) );
    1932             :                   //cout << "Before ---- min : " << aminval.getFloat() << " max : " << amaxval.getFloat() << endl;
    1933             : 
    1934           0 :                   modsubim->copyData(ratio);
    1935             :                   
    1936             :                   //              cout << "Val of model before|after flattening at center for pol " << pol << " chan " << chan << " : " << modval << "|" << modsubim->getAt(ip) << " weight : " << wtsubim->getAt(ip) << endl;
    1937             :                   //LatticeExprNode minval( min(*modsubim) );
    1938             :                   //LatticeExprNode maxval( max(*modsubim) );
    1939             :                   //cout << "After ---- min : " << minval.getFloat() << " max : " << maxval.getFloat() << endl;
    1940           0 :                 }// if not zero
    1941             :                 }//chan
    1942             :             }//pol
    1943             : 
    1944             :         }
    1945             : 
    1946             :         //      storeImg(String(""), *model());
    1947             :         
    1948             :       }
    1949         869 :     }
    1950             :   
    1951         798 :   void SIImageStore::multiplyModelByWeight(Float pblimit, const String normtype)
    1952             :   {
    1953        1596 :    LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","multiplyModelByWeight",WHERE) );
    1954             : 
    1955        1596 :         if(itsUseWeight // only when needed
    1956         798 :            && weight() )// i.e. only when possible. For an initial starting model, don't need wt anyway.
    1957             :       {
    1958          21 :         if( normtype=="flatsky") {
    1959           0 :           os << "Model is already flat sky. No need to multiply back after prediction" << LogIO::POST;
    1960           0 :           return;
    1961             :           }
    1962          21 :         else if( normtype=="flatnoise"){
    1963             : 
    1964          42 :           for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    1965             :             {
    1966          42 :               for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    1967             :                 {
    1968             :                   
    1969          21 :                   itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol,chan);
    1970             :                   //    cout << " pbscale : " << itsPBScaleFactor << endl;
    1971          21 :                 if(itsPBScaleFactor<=0){os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;}
    1972             :                 else {
    1973             :                   
    1974          21 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1975          21 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1976          21 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1977          42 :                                                                           *weight() );
    1978          21 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > modsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    1979          21 :                                                                            chan, itsImageShape[3],
    1980          21 :                                                                            pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    1981          42 :                                                                            *model() );
    1982             : 
    1983             :                  
    1984             : 
    1985          21 :                   os << LogIO::NORMAL1 ;
    1986          21 :                   os <<  "[C" +String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] ";
    1987          21 :                   os << "Multiplying " << itsImageName+String(".model") ;
    1988          21 :                   os << " by [ sqrt(weight) / " << itsPBScaleFactor;
    1989          21 :                   os <<  " ] to take model back to flat noise with unit pb peak." << LogIO::POST;
    1990             : 
    1991          42 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> deno( sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim)) ) / itsPBScaleFactor );
    1992             :                   
    1993          42 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> mask( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 1.0, 0.0 ) );
    1994          42 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> maskinv( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 0.0, 1.0 ) );
    1995          42 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> ratio( ( (*(modsubim)) * mask ) * ( deno + maskinv ) );
    1996             :                  
    1997             :                   /////See comment in divmodel and divresidual for below usage 
    1998             :                   //LatticeExpr<Float> ratio ( (*(modsubim)) * sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim)))  / itsPBScaleFactor );
    1999          21 :                   modsubim->copyData(ratio);
    2000             :       
    2001          21 :                 }// if not zero
    2002             :                 }//chan
    2003             :             }//pol
    2004             :         }
    2005           0 :         else if( normtype=="pbsquare"){
    2006             : 
    2007           0 :           for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    2008             :             {
    2009           0 :               for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    2010             :                 {
    2011             :                   
    2012           0 :                   itsPBScaleFactor = getPbMax(pol,chan);
    2013             :                   //    cout << " pbscale : " << itsPBScaleFactor << endl;
    2014           0 :                 if(itsPBScaleFactor<=0){os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Skipping normalization for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;}
    2015             :                 else {
    2016             :                   
    2017           0 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > wtsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2018           0 :                                                                           chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2019           0 :                                                                           pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2020           0 :                                                                           *weight() );
    2021           0 :                   CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > modsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2022           0 :                                                                            chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2023           0 :                                                                            pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2024           0 :                                                                            *model() );
    2025             : 
    2026             :                  
    2027             : 
    2028           0 :                   os << LogIO::NORMAL1 ;
    2029           0 :                   os <<  "[C" +String::toString(chan) + ":P" + String::toString(pol) + "] ";
    2030           0 :                   os << "Multiplying " << itsImageName+String(".model") ;
    2031           0 :                   os << " by [ weight / " << itsPBScaleFactor*itsPBScaleFactor;
    2032           0 :                   os <<  " ] to take model back to flat noise with unit pb peak." << LogIO::POST;
    2033             :                           
    2034           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> deno(  abs(*(wtsubim))  / (itsPBScaleFactor*itsPBScaleFactor) );
    2035             :                   
    2036           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> mask( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 1.0, 0.0 ) );
    2037           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> maskinv( iif( (deno) > fabs(pblimit) , 0.0, 1.0 ) );
    2038           0 :                   LatticeExpr<Float> ratio( ( (*(modsubim)) * mask ) * ( deno + maskinv ) );
    2039             :                  
    2040             :                   /////See comment in divmodel and divresidual for below usage 
    2041             :                   //LatticeExpr<Float> ratio ( (*(modsubim)) * sqrt( abs(*(wtsubim))  / itsPBScaleFactor) );
    2042           0 :                   modsubim->copyData(ratio);
    2043           0 :                 }// if not zero
    2044             :                 }//chan
    2045             :             }//pol
    2046             :         }       
    2047             :       }
    2048         798 :   }
    2049             :   
    2050           0 :   GaussianBeam SIImageStore::getPSFGaussian(Float psfcutoff)
    2051             :   {
    2052           0 :     GaussianBeam beam;
    2053             :     try
    2054             :       {
    2055           0 :         if( psf()->ndim() > 0 )
    2056             :           {
    2057           0 :           LatticeLocker lock2 (*(psf()), FileLocker::Read);
    2058           0 :           StokesImageUtil::FitGaussianPSF( *(psf()), beam, psfcutoff);
    2059           0 :           }
    2060             :       }
    2061           0 :     catch(AipsError &x)
    2062             :       {
    2063             :         //      LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getPSFGaussian",WHERE) );
    2064             :         //      os << "Error in fitting a Gaussian to the PSF : " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2065           0 :         throw( AipsError("Error in fitting a Gaussian to the PSF : " + x.getMesg()) );
    2066           0 :       }
    2067             : 
    2068           0 :     return beam;
    2069           0 :   }
    2070             : 
    2071        1783 :   void SIImageStore::makeImageBeamSet(Float psfcutoff, const Bool forcefit)
    2072             :   {
    2073        1783 :     clock_t begin = clock();
    2074             :       
    2075        3566 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getPSFGaussian",WHERE) );
    2076             :     // For all chans/pols, call getPSFGaussian() and put it into ImageBeamSet(chan,pol).
    2077        1783 :     AlwaysAssert( itsImageShape.nelements() == 4, AipsError );
    2078        1783 :     uInt nx = itsImageShape[0];
    2079        1783 :     uInt ny = itsImageShape[1];
    2080        1783 :     uInt npol = itsImageShape[2];
    2081        1783 :     uInt nchan = itsImageShape[3];
    2082        1783 :     ImageInfo ii = psf()->imageInfo();
    2083        1783 :     ImageBeamSet iibeamset=ii.getBeamSet();
    2084        1783 :     if(iibeamset.nchan()==nchan && iibeamset.nstokes()==npol && forcefit==False){
    2085        1064 :       itsPSFBeams=iibeamset;
    2086        1064 :       itsRestoredBeams=iibeamset;
    2087        1064 :       return;
    2088             :     }
    2089         719 :     itsPSFBeams.resize( nchan, npol );
    2090         719 :     itsRestoredBeams.resize(nchan, npol);
    2091             :     //    cout << "makeImBeamSet : imshape : " << itsImageShape << endl;
    2092             : 
    2093         719 :     String blankpsfs="";
    2094        3471 :     for( uInt chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2095        5719 :       for( uInt polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2096        2967 :     LatticeLocker lock2 (*(psf()), FileLocker::Read);
    2097             : 
    2098        2967 :         IPosition substart(4,0,0,polid,chanid);
    2099        2967 :         IPosition substop(4,nx-1,ny-1,polid,chanid);
    2100        2967 :         Slicer psfslice(substart, substop,Slicer::endIsLast);
    2101        5934 :         SubImage<Float> subPsf( *psf() , psfslice, True );
    2102        2967 :         GaussianBeam beam;
    2103             : 
    2104        2967 :         Bool tryfit=True;
    2105             :         
    2106        2967 :         LatticeExprNode le( max(subPsf) );
    2107        2967 :         tryfit = le.getFloat()>0.0;
    2108        2967 :         if(tryfit)
    2109             :           {
    2110             :             try
    2111             :               {
    2112        2863 :                 StokesImageUtil::FitGaussianPSF( subPsf, beam,psfcutoff );
    2113        2863 :                 itsPSFBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, beam );
    2114        2863 :                 itsRestoredBeams.setBeam(chanid, polid, beam);
    2115             :               }
    2116           0 :             catch(AipsError &x)
    2117             :               {
    2118           0 :                 os << LogIO::WARN << "[Chan" << chanid << ":Pol" << polid << "] Error Gaussian fit to PSF : " << x.getMesg() ;
    2119             :                 //              os << LogIO::POST;
    2120           0 :                 os << " :  Setting restoring beam to largest valid beam." << LogIO::POST;
    2121           0 :               }
    2122             :           }
    2123             :         else
    2124             :           {
    2125             :             //      os << LogIO::WARN << "[Chan" << chanid << ":Pol" << polid << "] PSF is blank. Setting null restoring beam." << LogIO::POST ;
    2126         104 :             blankpsfs += "[C" +String::toString(chanid) + ":P" + String::toString(polid) + "] ";
    2127             :           }
    2128             : 
    2129        2967 :       }// end of pol loop
    2130             :     }// end of chan loop
    2131             : 
    2132         719 :     if( blankpsfs.length() >0 )
    2133          39 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "PSF is blank for" << blankpsfs << LogIO::POST;
    2134             : 
    2135             :     //// Replace null (and bad) beams with the good one. 
    2136             :     ////GaussianBeam maxbeam = findGoodBeam(True);
    2137             : 
    2138             :     //// Replace null beams by a tiny tiny beam, just to get past the ImageInfo restriction that
    2139             :     //// all planes must have non-null beams.
    2140             :     
    2141         719 :     GaussianBeam defaultbeam=itsPSFBeams.getMaxAreaBeam();
    2142             :     ///many of the unittests in tsdimaging seem to depend on having 0 area beams
    2143             :     ///which throws and exception when it is stored in the image
    2144             :     ///(so setting them to some small number)!
    2145         719 :     if(defaultbeam.getArea("rad2")==0.0){
    2146           5 :       Quantity majax(1e-06,"arcsec"),minax(1e-06,"arcsec"),pa(0.0,"deg");
    2147           5 :       defaultbeam.setMajorMinor(majax,minax);
    2148           5 :       defaultbeam.setPA(pa);
    2149           5 :     }
    2150        3471 :     for( uInt chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2151        5719 :       for( uInt polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2152        2967 :         if( (itsPSFBeams.getBeam(chanid, polid)).isNull() ) 
    2153         104 :           { itsPSFBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, defaultbeam );
    2154         104 :             itsRestoredBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, defaultbeam );
    2155             :           }
    2156             :       }// end of pol loop
    2157             :     }// end of chan loop
    2158             :     
    2159             :     /*        
    2160             :     //// Fill in gaps if there are any --- with the MAX Area beam. 
    2161             :     /////    GaussianBeam maxbeam = itsPSFBeams.getMaxAreaBeam();
    2162             :     if( maxbeam.isNull() ) {
    2163             :         os << LogIO::WARN << "No planes have non-zero restoring beams. Forcing artificial 1.0arcsec beam." << LogIO::POST;
    2164             :         Quantity majax(1.0,"arcsec"),minax(1.0,"arcsec"),pa(0.0,"deg");
    2165             :         maxbeam.setMajorMinor(majax,minax);
    2166             :         maxbeam.setPA(pa);
    2167             :       }
    2168             :     else  {
    2169             :         for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2170             :           for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2171             :             if( (itsPSFBeams.getBeam(chanid, polid)).isNull() ) 
    2172             :               { itsPSFBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, maxbeam ); }
    2173             :           }// end of pol loop
    2174             :         }// end of chan loop
    2175             :       }
    2176             :     */
    2177             : 
    2178             : 
    2179             :     /// For lack of a better place, store this inside the PSF image. To be read later and used to restore
    2180             :    
    2181         719 :     ii.setBeams( itsPSFBeams );
    2182             :     {
    2183         719 :       LatticeLocker lock1(*(psf()), FileLocker::Write);
    2184         719 :       psf()->setImageInfo(ii);
    2185         719 :       psf()->unlock();
    2186         719 :     }
    2187         719 :     clock_t end = clock();
    2188         719 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Time to fit Gaussian to PSF " << double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << LogIO::POST;
    2189        3911 :   }// end of make beam set
    2190             : 
    2191             : 
    2192           0 :   ImageBeamSet SIImageStore::getChannelBeamSet(const Int channel){
    2193             : 
    2194           0 :     return getChannelSliceBeamSet(channel, channel);
    2195             :   }
    2196             : 
    2197             : 
    2198           0 :   ImageBeamSet SIImageStore::getChannelSliceBeamSet(const Int begChan, const Int endChan){
    2199           0 :      ImageBeamSet bs=getBeamSet();
    2200           0 :     if(bs.shape()[0]==1)
    2201           0 :       return bs;
    2202           0 :     if(begChan > endChan || begChan <0)
    2203           0 :       throw(AipsError("Inconsistent slice of beam in channel requested"));
    2204           0 :     if(bs.shape()[0] < (endChan-1))
    2205           0 :       throw(AipsError("beam of channel "+String::toString(endChan)+" does not exist"));
    2206           0 :     IPosition blc(2, begChan, 0);
    2207           0 :     IPosition trc(2, endChan, bs.shape()[1]-1);
    2208           0 :     Matrix<GaussianBeam> sliceBeam=bs.getBeams()(blc, trc);
    2209           0 :     ImageBeamSet subBeamSet(sliceBeam);
    2210           0 :     return subBeamSet;
    2211             : 
    2212           0 :   }
    2213         263 :   void SIImageStore::setBeamSet(const ImageBeamSet& bs){
    2214             : 
    2215         263 :     itsPSFBeams=bs;
    2216         263 :   }
    2217             :   
    2218        1062 :   ImageBeamSet SIImageStore::getBeamSet(Float psfcutoff)
    2219             :   {
    2220        1062 :     IPosition beamshp = itsPSFBeams.shape();
    2221        1062 :     AlwaysAssert( beamshp.nelements()==2 , AipsError );
    2222        1062 :     if( beamshp[0]==0 || beamshp[1]==0 ) {makeImageBeamSet(psfcutoff);}
    2223        2124 :     return itsPSFBeams; 
    2224        1062 :   }
    2225             : 
    2226         729 :   void SIImageStore::printBeamSet(Bool verbose)
    2227             :   {
    2228        1458 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","printBeamSet",WHERE) );
    2229         729 :     AlwaysAssert( itsImageShape.nelements() == 4, AipsError );
    2230         729 :     if( itsImageShape[3] == 1 && itsImageShape[2]==1 )
    2231             :       {
    2232         418 :         GaussianBeam beam = itsPSFBeams.getBeam();
    2233         418 :         os << "Beam : " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2234         418 :  }
    2235             :     else
    2236             :       {
    2237             :         // per CAS-11415, verbose=True when restoringbeam='common'
    2238         311 :         if( verbose ) 
    2239             :           {
    2240           9 :             ostringstream oss;
    2241           9 :             oss<<"Beam";
    2242           9 :             Int nchan = itsImageShape[3];
    2243         189 :             for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2244         180 :               Int polid=0;
    2245             :               //          for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2246         180 :               GaussianBeam beam = itsPSFBeams.getBeam( chanid, polid );
    2247         180 :               oss << " [C" << chanid << "]: " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg";
    2248         180 :             }//for chanid
    2249           9 :             os << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
    2250           9 :           }
    2251             :         else 
    2252             :           { 
    2253             :         // TODO : Enable this, when this function doesn't complain about 0 rest freq.
    2254             :         //                                 or when rest freq is never zero !
    2255             :         try{
    2256         302 :                 itsPSFBeams.summarize( os, False, itsCoordSys );
    2257             :                 // per CAS-11415 request, not turn on this one (it prints out per-channel beam in each line in the logger)
    2258             :                 //itsPSFBeams.summarize( os, verbose, itsCoordSys );
    2259             :         }
    2260           0 :         catch(AipsError &x)
    2261             :           {
    2262           0 :             os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while printing (compact) restoring beam summary : " <<  x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2263           0 :             os << "Printing long summary" << LogIO::POST;
    2264             :             
    2265           0 :             AlwaysAssert( itsImageShape.nelements() == 4, AipsError );
    2266             :             //Int npol = itsImageShape[2];
    2267           0 :             Int nchan = itsImageShape[3];
    2268           0 :             for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2269           0 :               Int polid=0;
    2270             :               //          for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2271           0 :               GaussianBeam beam = itsPSFBeams.getBeam( chanid, polid );
    2272           0 :               os << "Beam [C" << chanid << "]: " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2273             :               //}//for polid
    2274           0 :             }//for chanid
    2275           0 :           }// catch
    2276             :         }
    2277             :       }
    2278         729 :   }
    2279             :   
    2280             :   /////////////////////////////// Restore all planes.
    2281             : 
    2282         864 :   void SIImageStore::restore(GaussianBeam& rbeam, String& usebeam, uInt term, Float psfcutoff)
    2283             :   {
    2284        1728 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","restore",WHERE) );
    2285             :     //     << ". Optionally, PB-correct too." << LogIO::POST;
    2286             : 
    2287         864 :     AlwaysAssert( itsImageShape.nelements() == 4, AipsError );
    2288         864 :     Int nx = itsImageShape[0];
    2289         864 :     Int ny = itsImageShape[1];
    2290         864 :     Int npol = itsImageShape[2];
    2291         864 :     Int nchan = itsImageShape[3];
    2292             : 
    2293             :     /*    if( !hasResidualImage() )
    2294             :       {
    2295             :         // Cannot restore without residual/dirty image.
    2296             :         os << "Cannot restore without residual image" << LogIO::POST;
    2297             :         return;
    2298             :       }
    2299             :     */
    2300             : 
    2301             :     //// Get/fill the beamset
    2302         864 :     IPosition beamset = itsPSFBeams.shape();
    2303         864 :     AlwaysAssert( beamset.nelements()==2 , AipsError );
    2304         864 :     if( beamset[0] != nchan || beamset[1] != npol )
    2305             :       {
    2306             :         
    2307             :         // Get PSF Beams....
    2308         237 :         ImageInfo ii = psf()->imageInfo();
    2309         237 :         itsPSFBeams = ii.getBeamSet();
    2310         237 :         itsRestoredBeams=itsPSFBeams;
    2311         237 :         IPosition beamset2 = itsPSFBeams.shape();
    2312             : 
    2313         237 :         AlwaysAssert( beamset2.nelements()==2 , AipsError );
    2314         237 :         if( beamset2[0] != nchan || beamset2[1] != npol )
    2315             :           {
    2316             :             // Make new beams.
    2317           0 :             os << LogIO::WARN << "Couldn't find pre-computed restoring beams. Re-fitting." << LogIO::POST;
    2318           0 :             makeImageBeamSet(psfcutoff);
    2319             :           }
    2320         237 :       }
    2321             : 
    2322             :     // toggle for printing common beam to the log 
    2323         864 :     Bool printcommonbeam(False);
    2324             :     //// Modify the beamset if needed
    2325             :     //// if ( rbeam is Null and usebeam=="" ) Don't do anything.
    2326             :     //// If rbeam is Null but usebeam=='common', calculate a common beam and set 'rbeam'
    2327             :     //// If rbeam is given (or exists due to 'common'), just use it.
    2328         864 :     if( rbeam.isNull() && usebeam=="common") {
    2329          12 :       os << "Getting common beam" << LogIO::POST;
    2330          12 :       rbeam = CasaImageBeamSet(itsPSFBeams).getCommonBeam();
    2331          12 :       os << "Common Beam : " << rbeam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << rbeam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << rbeam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2332          12 :       printcommonbeam=True;
    2333             :     }
    2334         864 :     if( !rbeam.isNull() ) {
    2335             :       /*for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2336             :         for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2337             :           itsPSFBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, rbeam );
    2338             :           /// Still need to add the 'common beam' option.
    2339             :         }//for chanid
    2340             :       }//for polid
    2341             :       */
    2342          17 :       itsRestoredBeams=ImageBeamSet(rbeam);
    2343          17 :       GaussianBeam beam = itsRestoredBeams.getBeam();
    2344             :      
    2345             :       //if commonbeam has not printed in the log
    2346          17 :       if (!printcommonbeam) {
    2347           5 :         os << "Common Beam : " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2348           5 :       printcommonbeam=True; // to avoid duplicate the info is printed to th elog
    2349             :       }
    2350          17 :     }// if rbeam not NULL
    2351             :     //// Done modifying beamset if needed
    2352             : 
    2353             : 
    2354             :     /// Before restoring, check for an empty model image and don't convolve (but still smooth residuals)
    2355             :     /// (for CAS-8271 : make output restored image even if .model is zero... )
    2356         864 :     Bool emptymodel = isModelEmpty();
    2357         864 :     if(emptymodel) os << LogIO::WARN << "Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image." << LogIO::POST;
    2358             : 
    2359             : 
    2360         864 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*(image(term)), FileLocker::Write);
    2361         864 :     LatticeLocker lock2(*(residual(term)), FileLocker::Write);
    2362         864 :     LatticeLocker lock3(*(model(term)), FileLocker::Read);
    2363             :     //// Use beamset to restore
    2364        3686 :     for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2365        5853 :       for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2366             :         
    2367        3031 :         IPosition substart(4,0,0,polid,chanid);
    2368        3031 :         IPosition substop(4,nx-1,ny-1,polid,chanid);
    2369        3031 :         Slicer imslice(substart, substop,Slicer::endIsLast);             
    2370        6062 :         SubImage<Float> subRestored( *image(term) , imslice, True );
    2371        6062 :         SubImage<Float> subModel( *model(term) , imslice, False );
    2372        6062 :         SubImage<Float> subResidual( *residual(term) , imslice, True );
    2373             :         
    2374        3031 :         GaussianBeam beam = itsRestoredBeams.getBeam( chanid, polid );;
    2375             :         //os << "Common Beam for chan : " << chanid << " : " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2376             :         // only print per-chan beam if the common beam is not used for restoring beam
    2377        3031 :         if(!printcommonbeam) { 
    2378        2805 :           os << "Beam for chan : " << chanid << " : " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2379             :         }
    2380             : 
    2381             :         try
    2382             :           {
    2383             :             // Initialize restored image
    2384        3031 :             subRestored.set(0.0);
    2385        3031 :              if( !emptymodel ) { 
    2386             :                // Copy model into it
    2387        2702 :                subRestored.copyData( LatticeExpr<Float>( subModel )  );
    2388             :                // Smooth model by beam
    2389        2702 :                StokesImageUtil::Convolve( subRestored, beam);
    2390             :              }
    2391             :             // Add residual image
    2392        3031 :             if( !rbeam.isNull() || usebeam == "common") // If need to rescale residuals, make a copy and do it.
    2393             :               {
    2394             :                 //              rescaleResolution(chanid, subResidual, beam, itsPSFBeams.getBeam(chanid, polid));
    2395         452 :                 TempImage<Float> tmpSubResidualCopy( IPosition(4,nx,ny,1,1), subResidual.coordinates());
    2396         226 :                 tmpSubResidualCopy.copyData( subResidual );
    2397             :                 
    2398         226 :                 rescaleResolution(chanid, tmpSubResidualCopy, beam, itsPSFBeams.getBeam(chanid, polid));
    2399         226 :                 subRestored.copyData( LatticeExpr<Float>( subRestored + tmpSubResidualCopy  ) );
    2400         226 :               }
    2401             :             else// if no need to rescale residuals, just add the residuals.
    2402             :               {
    2403             :                 
    2404             :                 
    2405        2805 :                 subRestored.copyData( LatticeExpr<Float>( subRestored + subResidual  ) );
    2406             :                 
    2407             :               }
    2408             :             
    2409             :           }
    2410           0 :         catch(AipsError &x)
    2411             :           {
    2412           0 :             throw( AipsError("Restoration Error in chan" + String::toString(chanid) + ":pol" + String::toString(polid) + " : " + x.getMesg() ) );
    2413           0 :           }
    2414             :         
    2415        3031 :       }// end of pol loop
    2416             :     }// end of chan loop
    2417             :     
    2418             :     try
    2419             :       {
    2420             :         //MSK// 
    2421         864 :         if( hasPB() )
    2422             :           {
    2423         842 :             if( (image(term)->getDefaultMask()).matches("mask0") ) removeMask( image(term) );
    2424         842 :             copyMask(residual(term),image(term));
    2425             :           }
    2426             : 
    2427             :         //      if(hasPB()){copyMask(residual(term),image(term));}
    2428         864 :         ImageInfo iminf = image(term)->imageInfo();
    2429             :         //iminf.setBeams( itsRestoredBeams);
    2430             : 
    2431         864 :         os << "Beam Set : Single beam : " << itsRestoredBeams.hasSingleBeam() << "  Multi-beam : " << itsRestoredBeams.hasMultiBeam() << LogIO::DEBUG2;
    2432             : 
    2433         864 :         iminf.removeRestoringBeam();
    2434             : 
    2435         864 :         if( itsRestoredBeams.hasSingleBeam() )
    2436         607 :           { iminf.setRestoringBeam( itsRestoredBeams.getBeam() );}
    2437             :         else
    2438         257 :           {iminf.setBeams( itsRestoredBeams);}
    2439             : 
    2440         864 :         image(term)->setImageInfo(iminf);
    2441             :  
    2442         864 :       }
    2443           0 :     catch(AipsError &x)
    2444             :       {
    2445           0 :         throw( AipsError("Restoration Error  : "  + x.getMesg() ) );
    2446           0 :       }
    2447             :         
    2448         864 :   }// end of restore()
    2449             : 
    2450           0 :   GaussianBeam SIImageStore::findGoodBeam()
    2451             :   {
    2452           0 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","findGoodBeam",WHERE) );
    2453           0 :     IPosition beamshp = itsPSFBeams.shape();
    2454           0 :     AlwaysAssert( beamshp.nelements()==2 , AipsError );
    2455             : 
    2456             :     /*
    2457             :     if( beamshp[0] != nchan || beamshp[1] != npol )
    2458             :       {
    2459             :         // Make new beams.
    2460             :         os << LogIO::WARN << "Couldn't find pre-computed restoring beams. Re-fitting." << LogIO::POST;
    2461             :         makeImageBeamSet();
    2462             :       }
    2463             :     */
    2464             : 
    2465           0 :     Vector<Float> areas(beamshp[0]*beamshp[1]);
    2466           0 :     Vector<Float> axrat(beamshp[0]*beamshp[1]);
    2467           0 :     areas=0.0; axrat=1.0;
    2468           0 :     Vector<Bool> flags( areas.nelements() );
    2469           0 :     flags=False;
    2470             :     
    2471           0 :     Int cnt=0;
    2472           0 :     for( Int chanid=0; chanid<beamshp[0];chanid++) {
    2473           0 :       for( Int polid=0; polid<beamshp[1]; polid++ ) {
    2474           0 :         GaussianBeam beam = itsPSFBeams(chanid, polid);
    2475           0 :         if( !beam.isNull() && beam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec"))>1.1e-06  )  // larger than default filler beam.
    2476             :           {
    2477           0 :             areas[cnt] = beam.getArea( Unit("arcsec2") );
    2478           0 :             axrat[cnt] = beam.getMajor( Unit("arcsec") ) / beam.getMinor( Unit("arcsec") );
    2479             :           }
    2480             :         else {
    2481           0 :           flags[cnt] = True;
    2482             :         }
    2483           0 :         cnt++;
    2484           0 :       }//for chanid
    2485             :     }//for polid
    2486             :     
    2487           0 :     Vector<Float> fit( areas.nelements() );
    2488           0 :     Vector<Float> fitaxr( areas.nelements() );
    2489           0 :     for (Int loop=0;loop<5;loop++)  {
    2490             :       /// Filter on outliers in PSF beam area
    2491           0 :       lineFit( areas, flags, fit, 0, areas.nelements()-1 );
    2492           0 :       Float sd = calcStd( areas , flags, fit );
    2493           0 :       for (uInt  i=0;i<areas.nelements();i++) {
    2494           0 :         if( fabs( areas[i] - fit[i] ) > 3*sd ) flags[i]=True;
    2495             :       }
    2496             :       /// Filter on outliers in PSF axial ratio
    2497           0 :       lineFit( axrat, flags, fitaxr, 0, areas.nelements()-1 );
    2498           0 :       Float sdaxr = calcStd( axrat , flags, fitaxr );
    2499           0 :       for (uInt  i=0;i<areas.nelements();i++) {
    2500           0 :         if( fabs( axrat[i] - fitaxr[i] ) > 3*sdaxr ) flags[i]=True;
    2501             :       }
    2502             :     }
    2503             :     //    cout << "Original areas : " << areas << endl;
    2504             :     //    cout << "Original axrats : " << axrat << endl;
    2505             :     //    cout << "Flags : " << flags << endl;
    2506             : 
    2507             :     // Find max area good beam.
    2508           0 :     GaussianBeam goodbeam;
    2509           0 :     Int cid=0,pid=0;
    2510           0 :     Float maxval=0.0;
    2511           0 :     cnt=0;
    2512           0 :     for( Int chanid=0; chanid<beamshp[0];chanid++) {
    2513           0 :       for( Int polid=0; polid<beamshp[1]; polid++ ) {
    2514           0 :         if( flags[cnt] == False ){ 
    2515           0 :           if( areas[cnt] > maxval ) {maxval = areas[cnt]; goodbeam = itsPSFBeams.getBeam(chanid,polid);cid=chanid;pid=polid;}
    2516             :         }
    2517           0 :         cnt++;
    2518             :       }//polid
    2519             :     }//chanid
    2520             : 
    2521           0 :     os << "Picking common beam from C"<<cid<<":P"<<pid<<" : " << goodbeam.getMajor(Unit("arcsec")) << " arcsec, " << goodbeam.getMinor(Unit("arcsec"))<< " arcsec, " << goodbeam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2522             : 
    2523           0 :     Bool badbeam=False;
    2524           0 :     for(uInt i=0;i<flags.nelements();i++){if(flags[i]==True) badbeam=True;}
    2525             : 
    2526           0 :     if( badbeam == True ) 
    2527             :       { 
    2528           0 :         os << "(Ignored beams from :";
    2529           0 :         cnt=0;
    2530           0 :         for( Int chanid=0; chanid<beamshp[0];chanid++) {
    2531           0 :           for( Int polid=0; polid<beamshp[1]; polid++ ) {
    2532           0 :             if( flags[cnt] == True ){ 
    2533           0 :               os << " C"<<chanid<<":P"<<polid;
    2534             :             }
    2535           0 :             cnt++;
    2536             :           }//polid
    2537             :         }//chanid
    2538           0 :         os << " as outliers either by area or by axial ratio)" << LogIO::POST;
    2539             :       } 
    2540             : 
    2541             : 
    2542             :     /*
    2543             :     // Replace 'bad' psfs with the chosen one.
    2544             :     if( goodbeam.isNull() ) {
    2545             :       os << LogIO::WARN << "No planes have non-zero restoring beams. Forcing artificial 1.0arcsec beam." << LogIO::POST;
    2546             :       Quantity majax(1.0,"arcsec"),minax(1.0,"arcsec"),pa(0.0,"deg");
    2547             :       goodbeam.setMajorMinor(majax,minax);
    2548             :       goodbeam.setPA(pa);
    2549             :     }
    2550             :     else  {
    2551             :       cnt=0;
    2552             :       for( Int chanid=0; chanid<nchan;chanid++) {
    2553             :         for( Int polid=0; polid<npol; polid++ ) {
    2554             :           if( flags[cnt]==True ) 
    2555             :             { itsPSFBeams.setBeam( chanid, polid, goodbeam ); }
    2556             :           cnt++;
    2557             :         }// end of pol loop
    2558             :       }// end of chan loop
    2559             :     }
    2560             :     */
    2561             : 
    2562           0 :     return goodbeam;
    2563           0 :   }// end of findGoodBeam
    2564             : 
    2565             :   ///////////////////////// Funcs to calculate robust mean and fit, taking into account 'flagged' points.
    2566           0 : void SIImageStore :: lineFit(Vector<Float> &data, Vector<Bool> &flag, Vector<Float> &fit, uInt lim1, uInt lim2)
    2567             : {
    2568           0 :   float Sx = 0, Sy = 0, Sxx = 0, Sxy = 0, S = 0, a, b, sd, mn;
    2569             :   
    2570           0 :   mn = calcMean(data, flag);
    2571           0 :   sd = calcStd (data, flag, mn);
    2572             :   
    2573           0 :   for (uInt i = lim1; i <= lim2; i++)
    2574             :     {
    2575           0 :       if (flag[i] == False) // if unflagged
    2576             :         {
    2577           0 :           S += 1 / (sd * sd);
    2578           0 :           Sx += i / (sd * sd);
    2579           0 :           Sy += data[i] / (sd * sd);
    2580           0 :           Sxx += (i * i) / (sd * sd);
    2581           0 :           Sxy += (i * data[i]) / (sd * sd);
    2582             :         }
    2583             :     }
    2584           0 :   a = (Sxx * Sy - Sx * Sxy) / (S * Sxx - Sx * Sx);
    2585           0 :   b = (S * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (S * Sxx - Sx * Sx);
    2586             :   
    2587           0 :   for (uInt i = lim1; i <= lim2; i++)
    2588           0 :     fit[i] = a + b * i;
    2589             :   
    2590           0 : }
    2591             : /* Calculate the MEAN of 'vect' ignoring values flagged in 'flag' */
    2592           0 : Float SIImageStore :: calcMean(Vector<Float> &vect, Vector<Bool> &flag)
    2593             : {
    2594           0 :   Float mean=0;
    2595           0 :   Int cnt=0;
    2596           0 :   for(uInt i=0;i<vect.nelements();i++)
    2597           0 :     if(flag[i]==False)
    2598             :       {
    2599           0 :         mean += vect[i];
    2600           0 :         cnt++;
    2601             :       }
    2602           0 :   if(cnt==0) cnt=1;
    2603           0 :   return mean/cnt;
    2604             : }
    2605           0 : Float SIImageStore :: calcStd(Vector<Float> &vect, Vector<Bool> &flag, Vector<Float> &fit)
    2606             : {
    2607           0 :   Float std=0;
    2608           0 :   uInt n=0,cnt=0;
    2609           0 :   n = vect.nelements() < fit.nelements() ? vect.nelements() : fit.nelements();
    2610           0 :   for(uInt i=0;i<n;i++)
    2611           0 :     if(flag[i]==False)
    2612             :       {
    2613           0 :         cnt++;
    2614           0 :         std += (vect[i]-fit[i])*(vect[i]-fit[i]);
    2615             :       }
    2616           0 :   if(cnt==0) cnt=1;
    2617           0 :   return sqrt(std/cnt);
    2618             : 
    2619             : }
    2620           0 : Float SIImageStore :: calcStd(Vector<Float> &vect, Vector<Bool> &flag, Float mean)
    2621             : {
    2622           0 :   Float std=0;
    2623           0 :   uInt cnt=0;
    2624           0 :   for(uInt i=0;i<vect.nelements();i++)
    2625           0 :     if(flag[i]==False)
    2626             :       {
    2627           0 :         cnt++;
    2628           0 :         std += (vect[i]-mean)*(vect[i]-mean);
    2629             :       }
    2630           0 :   return sqrt(std/cnt);
    2631             : }
    2632             : 
    2633             :   ///////////////////////// End of Funcs to calculate robust mean and fit.
    2634             : 
    2635             : 
    2636             : 
    2637             : /*
    2638             :   GaussianBeam SIImageStore::restorePlane()
    2639             :   {
    2640             : 
    2641             :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","restorePlane",WHERE) );
    2642             :     //     << ". Optionally, PB-correct too." << LogIO::POST;
    2643             : 
    2644             :     Bool validbeam=False;
    2645             :     GaussianBeam beam;
    2646             :     try
    2647             :       {
    2648             :         // Fit a Gaussian to the PSF.
    2649             :         beam = getPSFGaussian();
    2650             :         validbeam = True;
    2651             :       }
    2652             :     catch(AipsError &x)
    2653             :       {
    2654             :         os << LogIO::WARN << "Beam fit error : " + x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2655             :       }
    2656             :     
    2657             :     try
    2658             :       {
    2659             :         if( validbeam==True )
    2660             :           {
    2661             :             //os << "[" << itsImageName << "] " ;  // Add when parent image name is available.
    2662             :             //os << "Restore with beam : " << beam.getMajor(Unit("arcmin")) << " arcmin, " << beam.getMinor(Unit("arcmin"))<< " arcmin, " << beam.getPA(Unit("deg")) << " deg" << LogIO::POST; 
    2663             :             
    2664             :             // Initialize restored image
    2665             :             image()->set(0.0);
    2666             :             // Copy model into it
    2667             :             image()->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float>( *(model()) )  );
    2668             :             // Smooth model by beam
    2669             :             StokesImageUtil::Convolve( *(image()), beam);
    2670             :             // Add residual image
    2671             :             image()->copyData( LatticeExpr<Float>( *(image()) + *(residual())  ) );
    2672             :             
    2673             :             // Set restoring beam into the image
    2674             :             ImageInfo ii = image()->imageInfo();
    2675             :             //ii.setRestoringBeam(beam);
    2676             :             ii.setBeams(beam);
    2677             :             image()->setImageInfo(ii);
    2678             :           }
    2679             :       }
    2680             :     catch(AipsError &x)
    2681             :       {
    2682             :         throw( AipsError("Restoration Error : " + x.getMesg() ) );
    2683             :       }
    2684             :         
    2685             :     return beam;
    2686             : 
    2687             :   }
    2688             : */
    2689             : 
    2690          45 :   void SIImageStore::pbcor(uInt term)
    2691             :   {
    2692             : 
    2693          90 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","pbcor",WHERE) );
    2694             : 
    2695          45 :     if( !hasRestored() || !hasPB() )
    2696             :       {
    2697             :         // Cannot pbcor without restored image and pb
    2698           0 :         os << LogIO::WARN << "Cannot pbcor without restored image and pb" << LogIO::POST;
    2699           0 :         return;
    2700             :       }
    2701          45 :     LatticeLocker lock1(*(image(term)), FileLocker::Write);
    2702          45 :         LatticeLocker lock2(*(pb(term)), FileLocker::Write);
    2703          45 :         LatticeLocker lock3(*(imagepbcor(term)), FileLocker::Write);
    2704             : 
    2705          90 :         for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    2706             :           {
    2707         164 :             for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    2708             :               {
    2709             :                 
    2710         119 :                 CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > restoredsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2711         119 :                                                                       chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2712         119 :                                                                       pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2713         238 :                                                                       *image(term) );
    2714         119 :                 CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > pbsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2715         119 :                                                                       chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2716         119 :                                                                       pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2717         238 :                                                                       *pb() );
    2718             : 
    2719         119 :                 CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> > pbcorsubim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2720         119 :                                                                       chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2721         119 :                                                                       pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2722         238 :                                                                       *imagepbcor(term) );
    2723             : 
    2724             : 
    2725         119 :                 LatticeExprNode pbmax( max( *pbsubim ) );
    2726         119 :                 Float pbmaxval = pbmax.getFloat();
    2727             : 
    2728         119 :                 if( pbmaxval<=0.0 )
    2729             :                   {
    2730           0 :                     os << LogIO::WARN << "Skipping PBCOR for C:" << chan << " P:" << pol << " because pb max is zero " << LogIO::POST;
    2731           0 :                     pbcorsubim->set(0.0);
    2732             :                   }
    2733             :                 else
    2734             :                   {
    2735             : 
    2736         238 :                     LatticeExpr<Float> thepbcor( iif( *(pbsubim) > 0.0 , (*(restoredsubim))/(*(pbsubim)) , 0.0 ) );
    2737         119 :                     pbcorsubim->copyData( thepbcor );
    2738             : 
    2739         119 :                 }// if not zero
    2740         119 :               }//chan
    2741             :           }//pol
    2742             : 
    2743             :         // Copy over the PB mask.
    2744          45 :         if((imagepbcor(term)->getDefaultMask()=="") && hasPB())
    2745          27 :           {copyMask(pb(),imagepbcor(term));}
    2746             : 
    2747             :         // Set restoring beam info
    2748          45 :         ImageInfo iminf = image(term)->imageInfo();
    2749             :         //iminf.setBeams( itsRestoredBeams );
    2750          45 :         imagepbcor(term)->setImageInfo(iminf);
    2751             : 
    2752          45 :   }// end pbcor
    2753             : 
    2754           0 :   Matrix<Float> SIImageStore::getSumWt(ImageInterface<Float>& target)
    2755             :   {
    2756           0 :     Record miscinfo = target.miscInfo();
    2757             :     
    2758           0 :     Matrix<Float> sumwt;
    2759           0 :     sumwt.resize();
    2760           0 :     if( miscinfo.isDefined("sumwt") 
    2761           0 :         && (miscinfo.dataType("sumwt")==TpArrayFloat || miscinfo.dataType("sumwt")==TpArrayDouble  )  ) 
    2762           0 :       { miscinfo.get( "sumwt" , sumwt ); } 
    2763           0 :     else   { sumwt.resize( IPosition(2, target.shape()[2], target.shape()[3] ) ); sumwt = 1.0;  }
    2764             :     
    2765           0 :     return sumwt;
    2766           0 :   }
    2767             :   
    2768           0 :   void SIImageStore::setSumWt(ImageInterface<Float>& target, Matrix<Float>& sumwt)
    2769             :   {
    2770           0 :     Record miscinfo = target.miscInfo();
    2771           0 :     miscinfo.define("sumwt", sumwt);
    2772           0 :     LatticeLocker lock1(target, FileLocker::Write);
    2773           0 :     target.setMiscInfo( miscinfo );
    2774           0 :   }
    2775             :   
    2776             : 
    2777        4416 :   Bool SIImageStore::getUseWeightImage(ImageInterface<Float>& target)
    2778             :   {
    2779        4416 :     Record miscinfo = target.miscInfo();
    2780             :     Bool useweightimage;
    2781        4416 :     if( miscinfo.isDefined("useweightimage") && miscinfo.dataType("useweightimage")==TpBool )
    2782        4416 :       { miscinfo.get( "useweightimage", useweightimage );  }
    2783           0 :     else { useweightimage = False; }
    2784             : 
    2785        4416 :     return useweightimage;
    2786        4416 :   }
    2787             :   /*
    2788             :   Bool SIImageStore::getUseWeightImage()
    2789             :   {
    2790             :     if( ! itsParentSumWt )
    2791             :       return False;
    2792             :     else 
    2793             :      return  getUseWeightImage( *itsParentSumWt );
    2794             :   }
    2795             :   */
    2796       15896 :   void SIImageStore::setUseWeightImage(ImageInterface<Float>& target, Bool useweightimage)
    2797             :   {
    2798       15896 :     Record miscinfo = target.miscInfo();
    2799       15896 :     miscinfo.define("useweightimage", useweightimage);
    2800       15896 :     LatticeLocker lock1(target, FileLocker::Write);
    2801       15896 :     target.setMiscInfo( miscinfo );
    2802       15896 :   }
    2803             :   
    2804             : 
    2805             : 
    2806        1875 :   Bool SIImageStore::divideImageByWeightVal( ImageInterface<Float>& target )
    2807             :   {
    2808             : 
    2809        1875 :     Array<Float> lsumwt;
    2810        1875 :     sumwt()->get( lsumwt , False ); // For MT, this will always pick the zeroth sumwt, which it should.
    2811        1875 :     LatticeLocker lock2(target, FileLocker::Write);
    2812             :     
    2813        1875 :     IPosition imshape = target.shape();
    2814             : 
    2815             :     //cerr << " SumWt  : " << lsumwt << " sumwtshape : " << lsumwt.shape() << " image shape : " << imshape << endl;
    2816             : 
    2817        1875 :     AlwaysAssert( lsumwt.shape()[2] == imshape[2] , AipsError ); // polplanes
    2818        1875 :     AlwaysAssert( lsumwt.shape()[3] == imshape[3] , AipsError ); // chanplanes
    2819             : 
    2820        1875 :     Bool div=False; // flag to signal if division actually happened, or weights are all 1.0
    2821             : 
    2822        3974 :     for(Int pol=0; pol<lsumwt.shape()[2]; pol++)
    2823             :       {
    2824        8316 :         for(Int chan=0; chan<lsumwt.shape()[3]; chan++)
    2825             :           {
    2826        6217 :             IPosition pos(4,0,0,pol,chan);
    2827        6217 :             if( lsumwt(pos) != 1.0 )
    2828             :               { 
    2829             :                 //              SubImage<Float>* subim=makePlane(  chan, True ,pol, True, target );
    2830             :                 std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > subim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2831        6217 :                                                                       chan, lsumwt.shape()[3],
    2832        6217 :                                                                       pol, lsumwt.shape()[2], 
    2833       12434 :                                                                       target );
    2834        6217 :                 if ( lsumwt(pos) > 1e-07 ) {
    2835       12032 :                     LatticeExpr<Float> le( (*subim)/lsumwt(pos) );
    2836        6016 :                     subim->copyData( le );
    2837        6016 :                   }
    2838             :                 else  {
    2839         201 :                     subim->set(0.0);
    2840             :                   }
    2841        6217 :                 div=True;
    2842        6217 :               }
    2843        6217 :           }
    2844             :       }
    2845             : 
    2846             :     //    if( div==True ) cout << "Div image by sumwt : " << lsumwt << endl;
    2847             :     //    else cout << "Already normalized" << endl;
    2848             : 
    2849             :     //    lsumwt = 1.0; setSumWt( target , lsumwt );
    2850             : 
    2851        1875 :     return div;
    2852        1875 :   }
    2853             : 
    2854         900 :   void  SIImageStore::normPSF(Int term)
    2855             :   {
    2856             : 
    2857        1921 :     for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    2858             :       {
    2859        4135 :         for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    2860             :           {
    2861             :             ///     IPosition center(4,itsImageShape[0]/2,itsImageShape[1]/2,pol,chan);
    2862             :             
    2863             :             std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > subim=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2864        6228 :                                                                   chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2865        3114 :                                                                   pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2866        6228 :                                                                   (*psf(term)) );
    2867             : 
    2868             :             std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > subim0=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    2869        6228 :                                                                   chan, itsImageShape[3],
    2870        3114 :                                                                   pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    2871        6228 :                                                                   (*psf(0)) );
    2872             : 
    2873        3114 :             LatticeLocker lock1(*(subim), FileLocker::Write);
    2874             : 
    2875        3114 :             LatticeExprNode themax( max(*(subim0)) );
    2876        3114 :             Float maxim = themax.getFloat();
    2877             :             
    2878        3114 :             if ( maxim > 1e-07 )
    2879             :               {
    2880        6026 :                 LatticeExpr<Float> normed( (*(subim)) / maxim );
    2881        3013 :                 subim->copyData( normed );
    2882        3013 :               }
    2883             :             else
    2884             :               {
    2885         101 :                 subim->set(0.0);
    2886             :               }
    2887        3114 :           }//chan
    2888             :       }//pol
    2889             : 
    2890         900 :   }
    2891             : 
    2892         591 :   void SIImageStore::calcSensitivity()
    2893             :   {
    2894        1182 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","calcSensitivity",WHERE) );
    2895             : 
    2896         591 :     Array<Float> lsumwt;
    2897         591 :     sumwt()->get( lsumwt , False ); // For MT, this will always pick the zeroth sumwt, which it should.
    2898             : 
    2899         591 :     IPosition shp( lsumwt.shape() );
    2900             :     //cout << "Sumwt shape : " << shp << " : " << lsumwt << endl;
    2901             :     //AlwaysAssert( shp.nelements()==4 , AipsError );
    2902             :     
    2903         591 :     os << "[" << itsImageName << "] Theoretical sensitivity (Jy/bm):" ;
    2904             :     
    2905         591 :     IPosition it(4,0,0,0,0);
    2906        1189 :     for ( it[0]=0; it[0]<shp[0]; it[0]++)
    2907        1222 :       for ( it[1]=0; it[1]<shp[1]; it[1]++)
    2908        1351 :         for ( it[2]=0; it[2]<shp[2]; it[2]++)
    2909        3547 :           for ( it[3]=0; it[3]<shp[3]; it[3]++)
    2910             :             {
    2911        2820 :               if( shp[0]>1 ){os << "f"<< it[0]+(it[1]*shp[0]) << ":" ;}
    2912        2820 :               if( shp[3]>1 ) { os << "c"<< it[3] << ":"; }
    2913        2820 :               if( shp[2]>1 ) { os << "p"<< it[2]<< ":" ; }
    2914        2820 :               if( lsumwt( it )  > 1e-07 ) 
    2915             :                 { 
    2916        2699 :                   os << 1.0/(sqrt(lsumwt(it))) << " " ;
    2917             :                 }
    2918             :               else
    2919             :                 {
    2920         121 :                   os << "none" << " ";
    2921             :                 }
    2922             :             }
    2923             :     
    2924         591 :     os << LogIO::POST;
    2925             : 
    2926             :     //    Array<Float> sens = 1.0/sqrtsumwt;
    2927             : 
    2928             : 
    2929         591 :   }
    2930             : 
    2931           0 :   Double SIImageStore::calcFractionalBandwidth()
    2932             :   {
    2933           0 :     throw(AipsError("calcFractionalBandwidth is not implemented for SIImageStore. Only SIImageStoreMultiTerm"));
    2934             :   }
    2935             : 
    2936             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2937             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2938             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2939             : ///////////////////   Utility Functions to gather statistics on the imagestore.
    2940             : 
    2941        8452 : Float SIImageStore::getPeakResidual()
    2942             : {
    2943       16904 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getPeakResidual",WHERE) );
    2944        8452 :     LatticeLocker lock2 (*(residual()), FileLocker::Read);
    2945       16904 :     ArrayLattice<Bool> pixelmask(residual()->getMask());
    2946       16904 :     LatticeExpr<Float> resd(iif(pixelmask,abs(*residual()),0));
    2947             :     //LatticeExprNode pres( max(abs( *residual() ) ));
    2948        8452 :     LatticeExprNode pres( max(resd) );
    2949        8452 :     Float maxresidual = pres.getFloat();
    2950             :     
    2951        8452 :     return maxresidual;
    2952        8452 :   }
    2953             :   
    2954        4910 : Float SIImageStore::getPeakResidualWithinMask()
    2955             :   {
    2956        9820 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getPeakResidualWithinMask",WHERE) );
    2957             :     //Float minresmask, maxresmask, minres, maxres;
    2958             :     //findMinMax( residual()->get(), mask()->get(), minres, maxres, minresmask, maxresmask );
    2959             : 
    2960        9820 :     ArrayLattice<Bool> pixelmask(residual()->getMask());
    2961             :     //findMinMaxLattice(*residual(), *mask() , pixelmask, maxres,maxresmask, minres, minresmask);
    2962        9820 :     LatticeExpr<Float> resd(iif(((*mask()) > 0) && pixelmask ,abs((*residual())),0));
    2963        4910 :     LatticeExprNode pres( max(resd) );
    2964        4910 :     Float maxresidual = pres.getFloat();
    2965             :     //Float maxresidual=max( abs(maxresmask), abs(minresmask) );
    2966        4910 :     return maxresidual;
    2967        4910 :   }
    2968             : 
    2969             :   // Calculate the total model flux
    2970        5171 : Float SIImageStore::getModelFlux(uInt term)
    2971             :   {
    2972             :     //    LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getModelFlux",WHERE) );
    2973        5171 :     LatticeLocker lock2 (*(model(term)), FileLocker::Read);
    2974       10338 :     LatticeExprNode mflux( sum( *model(term) ) );
    2975        5169 :     Float modelflux = mflux.getFloat();
    2976             :     //    Float modelflux = sum( model(term)->get() );
    2977             : 
    2978        5169 :     return modelflux;
    2979        5169 :   }
    2980             : 
    2981             :   // Check for non-zero model (this is different from getting model flux, for derived SIIMMT)
    2982        1952 : Bool SIImageStore::isModelEmpty()
    2983             :   {
    2984        1952 :     if( !itsModel && (! hasModel()) ) return True;
    2985        1288 :     else return  ( fabs( getModelFlux(0) ) < 1e-08 );
    2986             :   }
    2987             : 
    2988             : 
    2989         263 : void SIImageStore::setPSFSidelobeLevel(const Float level){
    2990             : 
    2991         263 :   itsPSFSideLobeLevel=level;
    2992         263 : }
    2993             :   // Calculate the PSF sidelobe level...
    2994        5291 :   Float SIImageStore::getPSFSidelobeLevel()
    2995             :   {
    2996       10582 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getPSFSidelobeLevel",WHERE) );
    2997             :     //cerr << "*****PSF sidelobe "<< itsPSFSideLobeLevel << endl;
    2998             :     /// Calculate only once, store and return for all subsequent calls.
    2999        5291 :     if( itsPSFSideLobeLevel == 0.0 )
    3000             :       {
    3001             : 
    3002         654 :         ImageBeamSet thebeams = getBeamSet();
    3003         654 :         LatticeLocker lock2 (*(psf()), FileLocker::Read);
    3004             :         
    3005             :         //------------------------------------------------------------
    3006         654 :         IPosition oneplaneshape( itsImageShape );
    3007         654 :         AlwaysAssert( oneplaneshape.nelements()==4, AipsError );
    3008         654 :         oneplaneshape[2]=1; oneplaneshape[3]=1;
    3009         654 :         TempImage<Float> psfbeam( oneplaneshape, itsCoordSys );
    3010             :         
    3011             :         // In a loop through channels, subtract out or mask out the main lobe
    3012         654 :         Float allmin=0.0, allmax=0.0;
    3013        1417 :         for(Int pol=0; pol<itsImageShape[2]; pol++)
    3014             :           {
    3015        3407 :             for(Int chan=0; chan<itsImageShape[3]; chan++)
    3016             :               {
    3017             :                 std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > onepsf=makeSubImage(0,1, 
    3018        5288 :                                                                        chan, itsImageShape[3],
    3019        2644 :                                                                        pol, itsImageShape[2], 
    3020        5288 :                                                                        (*psf()) );
    3021             :                 
    3022             :                 
    3023        2644 :                 GaussianBeam beam = thebeams.getBeam( chan, pol );
    3024        2644 :                 Vector<Float> abeam(3); // Holds bmaj, bmin, pa  in asec, asec, deg 
    3025        2644 :                 abeam[0] = beam.getMajor().get("arcsec").getValue() * C::arcsec;
    3026        2644 :                 abeam[1] = beam.getMinor().get("arcsec").getValue() * C::arcsec;
    3027        2644 :                 abeam[2] = (beam.getPA().get("deg").getValue() + 90.0)* C::degree;
    3028             : 
    3029             :                 //cout << "Beam : " << abeam << endl;
    3030             : 
    3031        2644 :                 StokesImageUtil::MakeGaussianPSF( psfbeam,  abeam, False);
    3032             : 
    3033             :                 //              storeImg( String(""), psfbeam );
    3034             :         
    3035             :                 //Subtract from PSF plane
    3036        5288 :                 LatticeExpr<Float> delobed(  (*onepsf) - psfbeam  );
    3037             :                 
    3038             :                 // For debugging
    3039             :                 //onepsf->copyData( delobed );
    3040             :                 
    3041             :                 //Calc max and min and accumulate across channels. 
    3042             :                 
    3043        2644 :                 LatticeExprNode minval_le( min( *onepsf ) );
    3044        2644 :                 LatticeExprNode maxval_le( max( delobed ) );
    3045             : 
    3046        2644 :                 Float minval = minval_le.getFloat();
    3047        2644 :                 Float maxval = maxval_le.getFloat();
    3048             : 
    3049        2644 :                 if( minval < allmin ) allmin = minval;
    3050        2644 :                 if( maxval > allmax ) allmax = maxval;
    3051             : 
    3052             :                 //cout << "Chan : " << chan << "   minval : " << minval << "  maxval : " << maxval << endl;
    3053             :                 
    3054        2644 :               }//chan
    3055             :           }//pol
    3056             :         
    3057             :         //------------------------------------------------------------
    3058             : 
    3059         654 :         itsPSFSideLobeLevel = max( fabs(allmin), fabs(allmax) );
    3060             : 
    3061             :         //os << "PSF min : " << allmin << " max : " << allmax << " psfsidelobelevel : " << itsPSFSideLobeLevel << LogIO::POST;
    3062             : 
    3063         654 :       }// if changed.
    3064             :     
    3065             :     //    LatticeExprNode psfside( min( *psf() ) );
    3066             :     //    itsPSFSideLobeLevel = fabs( psfside.getFloat() );
    3067             : 
    3068             :     //cout << "PSF sidelobe level : " << itsPSFSideLobeLevel << endl;
    3069        5291 :     return itsPSFSideLobeLevel;
    3070        5291 :   }
    3071             : 
    3072           0 :   void SIImageStore::findMinMax(const Array<Float>& lattice,
    3073             :                                         const Array<Float>& mask,
    3074             :                                         Float& minVal, Float& maxVal,
    3075             :                                         Float& minValMask, Float& maxValMask)
    3076             :   {
    3077           0 :     IPosition posmin(lattice.shape().nelements(), 0);
    3078           0 :     IPosition posmax(lattice.shape().nelements(), 0);
    3079             : 
    3080           0 :     if( sum(mask) <1e-06 ) {minValMask=0.0; maxValMask=0.0;}
    3081           0 :     else { minMaxMasked(minValMask, maxValMask, posmin, posmax, lattice,mask); }
    3082             : 
    3083           0 :     minMax( minVal, maxVal, posmin, posmax, lattice );
    3084           0 :   }
    3085             : 
    3086         113 : Array<Double> SIImageStore::calcRobustRMS(Array<Double>& mdns, const Float pbmasklevel, const Bool fastcalc)
    3087             : {    
    3088         226 :   LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","calcRobustRMS",WHERE) );
    3089         113 :   Record*  regionPtr=0;
    3090         113 :   String LELmask("");
    3091         113 :   LatticeLocker lockres (*(residual()), FileLocker::Read);
    3092         226 :   ArrayLattice<Bool> pbmasklat(residual()->shape());
    3093         113 :   pbmasklat.set(False);
    3094         113 :   LatticeExpr<Bool> pbmask(pbmasklat);
    3095         113 :   if (hasPB()) {
    3096             :     // set bool mask: False = masked
    3097         113 :     pbmask = LatticeExpr<Bool> (iif(*pb() > pbmasklevel, True, False));
    3098         113 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "pbmask to be attached===> nfalse(pbmask.getMask())="<<nfalse(pbmask.getMask())<<endl; 
    3099             :   }
    3100             :   
    3101             :    
    3102         113 :   Record thestats;
    3103         113 :   if (fastcalc) { // older calculation 
    3104             :     // need to apply pbmask if present to be consistent between fastcalc = true and false.
    3105             :     //TempImage<Float>* tempRes = new TempImage<Float>(residual()->shape(), residual()->coordinates(), SDMaskHandler::memoryToUse());
    3106         222 :     auto tempRes = std::shared_ptr<TempImage<Float>>(new TempImage<Float>(residual()->shape(), residual()->coordinates(), SDMaskHandler::memoryToUse()));
    3107         111 :     tempRes->copyData(*residual());
    3108         111 :     tempRes->attachMask(pbmask);
    3109             :     //thestats = SDMaskHandler::calcImageStatistics(*residual(), LELmask, regionPtr, True);
    3110         111 :     thestats = SDMaskHandler::calcImageStatistics(*tempRes, LELmask, regionPtr, True);
    3111         111 :   }
    3112             :   else { // older way to calculate 
    3113             :     // use the new statistic calculation algorithm
    3114           2 :     Vector<Bool> dummyvec;
    3115             :     // TT: 2018.08.01 using revised version (the older version of this is renameed to calcRobustImageStatisticsOld)
    3116           2 :     thestats = SDMaskHandler::calcRobustImageStatistics(*residual(), *mask(), pbmask,  LELmask, regionPtr, True, dummyvec);
    3117           2 :   }
    3118             :     
    3119             : 
    3120             :   /***
    3121             :   ImageStatsCalculator imcalc( residual(), regionPtr, LELmask, False); 
    3122             : 
    3123             :   Vector<Int> axes(2);
    3124             :   axes[0] = 0;
    3125             :   axes[1] = 1;
    3126             :   imcalc.setAxes(axes);
    3127             :   imcalc.setRobust(True);
    3128             :   Record thestats = imcalc.statistics();
    3129             :   //cout<<"thestats="<<thestats<<endl;
    3130             :   ***/
    3131             : 
    3132             :   //Array<Double>rmss, mads, mdns;
    3133         113 :   Array<Double>rmss, mads;
    3134             :   //thestats.get(RecordFieldId("max"), maxs);
    3135         113 :   thestats.get(RecordFieldId("rms"), rmss);
    3136         113 :   thestats.get(RecordFieldId("medabsdevmed"), mads);
    3137         113 :   thestats.get(RecordFieldId("median"), mdns);
    3138             :   
    3139             :   //os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max : " << maxs << LogIO::POST;
    3140         113 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "RMS : " << rmss << LogIO::POST;
    3141         113 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "MAD : " << mads << LogIO::POST;
    3142             :   
    3143             :   // this for the new noise calc
    3144             :   //return mdns+mads*1.4826;
    3145             :   // this is the old noise calc
    3146         226 :   return mads*1.4826;
    3147         113 : }
    3148             : 
    3149           0 :   void SIImageStore::printImageStats()
    3150             :   {
    3151           0 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","printImageStats",WHERE) );
    3152           0 :     Float minresmask=0, maxresmask=0, minres=0, maxres=0;
    3153             :     //    findMinMax( residual()->get(), mask()->get(), minres, maxres, minresmask, maxresmask );
    3154           0 :     LatticeLocker lock1 (*(residual()), FileLocker::Read);
    3155           0 :     ArrayLattice<Bool> pixelmask(residual()->getMask());
    3156           0 :     if(hasMask())
    3157             :       {
    3158           0 :         LatticeLocker lock2 (*(mask()), FileLocker::Read);
    3159           0 :         findMinMaxLattice(*residual(), *mask() , pixelmask, maxres,maxresmask, minres, minresmask);
    3160           0 :       }
    3161             :     else
    3162             :       {
    3163             :         //LatticeExprNode pres( max( *residual() ) );
    3164           0 :         LatticeExprNode pres( max( iif(pixelmask,*residual(),0) ) );
    3165           0 :         maxres = pres.getFloat();
    3166             :         //LatticeExprNode pres2( min( *residual() ) );
    3167           0 :         LatticeExprNode pres2( min( iif(pixelmask,*residual(),0) ) );
    3168           0 :         minres = pres2.getFloat();
    3169           0 :       }
    3170             : 
    3171           0 :     os << "[" << itsImageName << "]" ;
    3172           0 :     os << " Peak residual (max,min) " ;
    3173           0 :     if( minresmask!=0.0 || maxresmask!=0.0 )
    3174           0 :       { os << "within mask : (" << maxresmask << "," << minresmask << ") "; }
    3175           0 :     os << "over full image : (" << maxres << "," << minres << ")" << LogIO::POST;
    3176             : 
    3177           0 :     os << "[" << itsImageName << "] Total Model Flux : " << getModelFlux() << LogIO::POST; 
    3178             : 
    3179             :     
    3180           0 :     Record*  regionPtr=0;
    3181           0 :     String LELmask("");
    3182           0 :     Record thestats = SDMaskHandler::calcImageStatistics(*residual(), LELmask, regionPtr, True);
    3183           0 :     Array<Double> maxs, mins;
    3184           0 :     thestats.get(RecordFieldId("max"), maxs);
    3185           0 :     thestats.get(RecordFieldId("min"), mins);
    3186             :     //os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max : " << maxs << LogIO::POST;
    3187             :     //os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Min : " << mins << LogIO::POST;
    3188             :     
    3189           0 :   }
    3190             : 
    3191             :   // Calculate the total model flux
    3192        5717 :   Float SIImageStore::getMaskSum()
    3193             :   {
    3194       11434 :     LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","getMaskSum",WHERE) );
    3195        5717 :     LatticeLocker lock2 (*(mask()), FileLocker::Read);
    3196       11426 :     LatticeExprNode msum( sum( *mask() ) );
    3197        5713 :     Float masksum = msum.getFloat();
    3198             : 
    3199             :     //    Float masksum = sum( mask()->get() );
    3200             : 
    3201        5713 :     return masksum;
    3202        5717 :   }
    3203             : 
    3204           0 : Bool SIImageStore::findMinMaxLattice(const Lattice<Float>& lattice, 
    3205             :                                      const Lattice<Float>& mask,
    3206             :                                      const Lattice<Bool>& pixelmask,
    3207             :                                      Float& maxAbs, Float& maxAbsMask, 
    3208             :                                      Float& minAbs, Float& minAbsMask )
    3209             : {
    3210             : 
    3211             :   //FOR DEGUG
    3212             :   //LogIO os( LogOrigin("SIImageStore","findMinMaxLattice",WHERE) );
    3213             : 
    3214           0 :   maxAbs=0.0;maxAbsMask=0.0;
    3215           0 :   minAbs=1e+10;minAbsMask=1e+10;
    3216           0 :   LatticeLocker lock1 (const_cast<Lattice<Float>& > (lattice), FileLocker::Read);
    3217           0 :   LatticeLocker lock2 (const_cast<Lattice<Float>& >(mask), FileLocker::Read);
    3218           0 :   LatticeLocker lock3 (const_cast<Lattice<Bool>& >(pixelmask), FileLocker::Read);
    3219           0 :   const IPosition tileShape = lattice.niceCursorShape();
    3220           0 :   TiledLineStepper ls(lattice.shape(), tileShape, 0);
    3221             :   {
    3222           0 :     RO_LatticeIterator<Float> li(lattice, ls);
    3223           0 :     RO_LatticeIterator<Float> mi(mask, ls);
    3224           0 :     RO_LatticeIterator<Bool> pmi(pixelmask, ls);
    3225           0 :     for(li.reset(),mi.reset(),pmi.reset();!li.atEnd();li++, mi++, pmi++) {
    3226           0 :       IPosition posMax=li.position();
    3227           0 :       IPosition posMin=li.position();
    3228           0 :       IPosition posMaxMask=li.position();
    3229           0 :       IPosition posMinMask=li.position();
    3230           0 :       Float maxVal=0.0;
    3231           0 :       Float minVal=0.0;
    3232           0 :       Float maxValMask=0.0;
    3233           0 :       Float minValMask=0.0;
    3234             : 
    3235             : 
    3236             :       // skip if lattice chunk is masked entirely.
    3237           0 :       if(ntrue(pmi.cursor()) > 0 ) {
    3238           0 :         const MaskedArray<Float> marr(li.cursor(), pmi.cursor());
    3239           0 :         const MaskedArray<Float> marrinmask(li.cursor() * mi.cursor(), pmi.cursor());
    3240             :       //minMax( minVal, maxVal, posMin, posMax, li.cursor() );
    3241           0 :       minMax( minVal, maxVal, posMin, posMax, marr );
    3242             :       //minMaxMasked(minValMask, maxValMask, posMin, posMax, li.cursor(), mi.cursor());
    3243           0 :       minMax(minValMask, maxValMask, posMin, posMax, marrinmask);
    3244             :       
    3245             :       //os<<"DONE minMax"<<LogIO::POST; 
    3246           0 :       if( (maxVal) > (maxAbs) ) maxAbs = maxVal;
    3247           0 :       if( (maxValMask) > (maxAbsMask) ) maxAbsMask = maxValMask;
    3248             : 
    3249           0 :       if( (minVal) < (minAbs) ) minAbs = minVal;
    3250           0 :       if( (minValMask) < (minAbsMask) ) minAbsMask = minValMask;
    3251           0 :       }
    3252             : 
    3253           0 :     }
    3254           0 :   }
    3255             : 
    3256           0 :   return True;
    3257             : 
    3258             : 
    3259           0 : }
    3260             : 
    3261             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3262             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3263             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3264             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3265             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3266             : 
    3267             :   //
    3268             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------
    3269             :   // Initialize the internals of the object.  Perhaps other such
    3270             :   // initializations in the constructors can be moved here too.
    3271             :   //
    3272       12278 :   void SIImageStore::init()
    3273             :   {
    3274       12278 :     imageExts.resize(MAX_IMAGE_IDS);
    3275             :     
    3276       12278 :     imageExts(MASK)=".mask";
    3277       12278 :     imageExts(PSF)=".psf";
    3278       12278 :     imageExts(MODEL)=".model";
    3279       12278 :     imageExts(RESIDUAL)=".residual";
    3280       12278 :     imageExts(WEIGHT)=".weight";
    3281       12278 :     imageExts(IMAGE)=".image";
    3282       12278 :     imageExts(SUMWT)=".sumwt";
    3283       12278 :     imageExts(GRIDWT)=".gridwt";
    3284       12278 :     imageExts(PB)=".pb";
    3285       12278 :     imageExts(FORWARDGRID)=".forward";
    3286       12278 :     imageExts(BACKWARDGRID)=".backward";
    3287       12278 :     imageExts(IMAGEPBCOR)=".image.pbcor";
    3288             : 
    3289       12278 :     itsParentPsf = itsPsf;
    3290       12278 :     itsParentModel=itsModel;
    3291       12278 :     itsParentResidual=itsResidual;
    3292       12278 :     itsParentWeight=itsWeight;
    3293       12278 :     itsParentImage=itsImage;
    3294       12278 :     itsParentSumWt=itsSumWt;
    3295       12278 :     itsParentMask=itsMask;
    3296       12278 :     itsParentImagePBcor=itsImagePBcor;
    3297             : 
    3298             :     //    cout << "parent shape : " << itsParentImageShape << "   shape : " << itsImageShape << endl;
    3299       12278 :     itsParentImageShape = itsImageShape;
    3300       12278 :     itsParentCoordSys = itsCoordSys;
    3301             : 
    3302       12278 :     if( itsNFacets>1 || itsNChanChunks>1 || itsNPolChunks>1 ) { itsImageShape=IPosition(4,0,0,0,0); }
    3303             : 
    3304       12278 :     itsOpened=0;
    3305             : 
    3306       12278 :     itsPSFSideLobeLevel=0.0;
    3307       12278 :     itsReadLock=nullptr;
    3308       12278 :     itsDataPolRep=StokesImageUtil::UNKNOWN; //Should throw an exception if it is not initialized properly
    3309       12278 :   }
    3310             : 
    3311             : 
    3312          17 : void SIImageStore::regridToModelImage( ImageInterface<Float> &inputimage, Int term )
    3313             :   {
    3314             :     try 
    3315             :       {
    3316             : 
    3317             :     //output coords
    3318          17 :         IPosition outshape = itsImageShape;
    3319          17 :         CoordinateSystem outcsys = itsCoordSys;
    3320          17 :         DirectionCoordinate outDirCsys = outcsys.directionCoordinate();
    3321          17 :         SpectralCoordinate outSpecCsys = outcsys.spectralCoordinate();
    3322             :      
    3323             :         // do regrid   
    3324          17 :         IPosition axes(3,0, 1, 2);
    3325          17 :         IPosition inshape = inputimage.shape();
    3326          17 :         CoordinateSystem incsys = inputimage.coordinates(); 
    3327          17 :         DirectionCoordinate inDirCsys = incsys.directionCoordinate();
    3328          17 :         SpectralCoordinate inSpecCsys = incsys.spectralCoordinate();
    3329             : 
    3330          17 :         Vector<Int> dirAxes = CoordinateUtil::findDirectionAxes(incsys);
    3331          17 :         axes(0) = dirAxes(0); 
    3332          17 :         axes(1) = dirAxes(1);
    3333          17 :         axes(2) = CoordinateUtil::findSpectralAxis(incsys);
    3334             :         
    3335             :         try {
    3336          17 :           ImageRegrid<Float> imregrid;
    3337          19 :           imregrid.regrid( *(model(term)), Interpolate2D::LINEAR, axes, inputimage ); 
    3338          19 :         } catch (AipsError &x) {
    3339           2 :           throw(AipsError("ImageRegrid error : "+ x.getMesg()));
    3340           2 :         }
    3341             :         
    3342          37 :       }catch(AipsError &x)
    3343             :       {
    3344           2 :         throw(AipsError("Error in regridding input model image to target coordsys : " + x.getMesg()));
    3345           2 :       }
    3346          15 :   }
    3347             : 
    3348             :   //
    3349             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------
    3350             :   //
    3351           0 :   void SIImageStore::makePersistent(String& fileName)
    3352             :   {
    3353           0 :     LogIO logIO(LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "makePersistent"));
    3354           0 :     ofstream outFile;,std::ofstream::out);
    3355           0 :     if (!outFile) logIO << "Failed to open filed \"" << fileName << "\"" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    3356             :     //  String itsImageName;
    3357           0 :     outFile << "itsImageNameBase: " << itsImageName << endl;
    3358             : 
    3359             :     //IPosition itsImageShape;
    3360           0 :     outFile << "itsImageShape: " << itsImageShape.nelements() << " ";
    3361           0 :     for (uInt i=0;i<itsImageShape.nelements(); i++) outFile << itsImageShape(i) << " "; outFile << endl;
    3362             : 
    3363             :     // Don't know what to do with this.  Looks like this gets
    3364             :     // filled-in from one of the images.  So load this from one of the
    3365             :     // images if they exist?
    3366             :     //CoordinateSystem itsCoordSys; 
    3367             : 
    3368             :     // Int itsNFacets;
    3369           0 :     outFile << "itsNFacets: " << itsNFacets << endl;
    3370           0 :     outFile << "itsUseWeight: " << itsUseWeight << endl;
    3371             :     
    3372             : 
    3373             :     // Misc Information to go into the header. 
    3374             :     //    Record itsMiscInfo; 
    3375           0 :     itsMiscInfo.print(outFile);
    3376             :     
    3377             :     // std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > itsMask, itsPsf, itsModel, itsResidual, itsWeight, itsImage, itsSumWt;
    3378             :     // std::shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Complex> > itsForwardGrid, itsBackwardGrid;
    3379             : 
    3380           0 :     Vector<Bool> ImageExists(MAX_IMAGE_IDS);
    3381           0 :     if ( ! itsMask )     ImageExists(MASK)=False;
    3382           0 :     if ( ! itsPsf )      ImageExists(PSF)=False;
    3383           0 :     if ( ! itsModel )    ImageExists(MODEL)=False;
    3384           0 :     if ( ! itsResidual ) ImageExists(RESIDUAL)=False;
    3385           0 :     if ( ! itsWeight )   ImageExists(WEIGHT)=False;
    3386           0 :     if ( ! itsImage )    ImageExists(IMAGE)=False;
    3387           0 :     if ( ! itsSumWt )    ImageExists(SUMWT)=False;
    3388           0 :     if ( ! itsGridWt )   ImageExists(GRIDWT)=False;
    3389           0 :     if ( ! itsPB )       ImageExists(PB)=False;
    3390             : 
    3391           0 :     if ( ! itsForwardGrid )    ImageExists(FORWARDGRID)=False;
    3392           0 :     if ( ! itsBackwardGrid )   ImageExists(BACKWARDGRID)=False;
    3393             :     
    3394           0 :     outFile << "ImagesExist: " << ImageExists << endl;
    3395           0 :   }
    3396             :   //
    3397             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------
    3398             :   //
    3399           0 :   void SIImageStore::recreate(String& fileName)
    3400             :   {
    3401           0 :     LogIO logIO(LogOrigin("SIImageStore", "recreate"));
    3402           0 :     ifstream inFile;,std::ofstream::out);
    3403           0 :     if (!inFile) logIO << "Failed to open filed \"" << fileName << "\"" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    3404             : 
    3405           0 :     String token;
    3406           0 :     inFile >> token; if (token == "itsImageNameBase:") inFile >> itsImageName;
    3407             : 
    3408           0 :     inFile >> token; 
    3409           0 :     if (token=="itsImageShape:")
    3410             :       {
    3411             :         Int n;
    3412           0 :         inFile >> n;
    3413           0 :         itsImageShape.resize(n);
    3414           0 :         for (Int i=0;i<n; i++) inFile >> itsImageShape(i);
    3415             :       }
    3416             : 
    3417             :     // Int itsNFacets;
    3418           0 :     inFile >> token; if (token=="itsNFacets:") inFile >> itsNFacets;
    3419           0 :     inFile >> token; if (token=="itsUseWeight:") inFile >> itsUseWeight;
    3420             : 
    3421           0 :     Bool coordSysLoaded=False;
    3422           0 :     String itsName;      
    3423             :     try 
    3424             :       {
    3425           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(MASK);casa::openImage(itsName,     itsMask);
    3426           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsMask->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsImage->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3427           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3428             :     try 
    3429             :       {
    3430           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(MODEL);casa::openImage(itsName,    itsModel);
    3431           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsModel->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsModel->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3432           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3433             :     try 
    3434             :       {
    3435           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(RESIDUAL);casa::openImage(itsName, itsResidual);
    3436           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsResidual->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsResidual->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3437           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3438             :     try 
    3439             :       {
    3440           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(WEIGHT);casa::openImage(itsName,   itsWeight);
    3441           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsWeight->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsWeight->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3442           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3443             :     try 
    3444             :       {
    3445           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(IMAGE);casa::openImage(itsName,    itsImage);
    3446           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsImage->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsImage->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3447           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3448             :     try 
    3449             :       {
    3450           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(SUMWT);casa::openImage(itsName,    itsSumWt);
    3451           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsSumWt->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsSumWt->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3452           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3453             :     try
    3454             :       {
    3455           0 :         itsName=itsImageName+imageExts(PSF);casa::openImage(itsName,      itsPsf);
    3456           0 :         if (coordSysLoaded==False) {itsCoordSys=itsPsf->coordinates(); itsMiscInfo=itsPsf->miscInfo();coordSysLoaded=True;}
    3457           0 :       } catch (AipsIO& x) {logIO << "\"" << itsName << "\" not found." << LogIO::WARN;};
    3458             :     try
    3459             :       {
    3460           0 :         casa::openImage(itsImageName+imageExts(FORWARDGRID),  itsForwardGrid);
    3461           0 :         casa::openImage(itsImageName+imageExts(BACKWARDGRID), itsBackwardGrid);
    3462             :       }
    3463           0 :     catch (AipsError& x)
    3464             :       {
    3465           0 :         logIO << "Did not find forward and/or backward grid.  Just say'n..." << LogIO::POST;
    3466           0 :       }
    3467             : 
    3468           0 :   }
    3469             : //////////////
    3470          15 :   Bool SIImageStore::intersectComplexImage(const String& ComplexImageName){
    3471          15 :         Vector<Int> whichStokes(0);
    3472          15 :         CoordinateSystem cimageCoord = StokesImageUtil::CStokesCoord( itsCoordSys,
    3473          15 :                                                                   whichStokes, itsDataPolRep);
    3474             : 
    3475             : 
    3476             :         //cerr <<"itsDataPolRep " << itsDataPolRep << endl;
    3477             :         
    3478          15 :         CountedPtr<PagedImage<Complex> > compliantImage =nullptr;
    3479             :         {
    3480          15 :           PagedImage<Complex>inputImage(ComplexImageName);
    3481          15 :           IPosition theShape=itsImageShape;
    3482          15 :           theShape(0)=inputImage.shape()(0);
    3483          15 :           theShape(1)=inputImage.shape()(1);
    3484          15 :           CoordinateSystem inpcsys=inputImage.coordinates();
    3485          15 :           Vector<Double> refpix=cimageCoord.referencePixel();
    3486          15 :           refpix(0)+=(theShape(0)-itsImageShape(0))/2.0;
    3487          15 :           refpix(1)+=(theShape(1)-itsImageShape(1))/2.0;
    3488          15 :           cimageCoord.setReferencePixel(refpix);
    3489          30 :           String tmpImage=File::newUniqueName(".", "TempImage").absoluteName();
    3490          15 :           compliantImage=new PagedImage<Complex>(theShape, cimageCoord, tmpImage);
    3491          15 :           compliantImage->set(0.0);
    3492          15 :           IPosition iblc(theShape.nelements(),0);
    3493          15 :           IPosition itrc=theShape-1;
    3494             :           //cerr << "blc "  << iblc << " trc " << itrc  << " shape " << theShape << endl;
    3495          15 :           LCBox lbox(iblc, itrc, theShape);
    3496          15 :           ImageRegion imagreg(WCBox(lbox, cimageCoord));
    3497             :                 
    3498             :           
    3499          15 :           SubImage<Complex> subim(inputImage, imagreg, false);
    3500             :           //cerr << "shapes " << inputImage.shape() << "  sub " << subim.shape() << " compl " << compliantImage->shape() << endl;
    3501          15 :           compliantImage->copyData(subim);
    3502             :                         
    3503          15 :         }
    3504          15 :         TableUtil::deleteTable(ComplexImageName);
    3505          15 :         compliantImage->rename(ComplexImageName);
    3506          15 :         return True;
    3507             :                 
    3508          15 :   }
    3509             :         
    3510             : 
    3511             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3512             :   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3513             : 
    3514             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
    3515             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16