LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - spectrallines/Splatalogue/SQLiteSearch - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 330 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 36 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Copyright (C) 2004
       2             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       3             : //#
       4             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       5             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       6             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       7             : //# option) any later version.
       8             : //#
       9             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      10             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      11             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      12             : //# License for more details.
      13             : //#
      14             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      15             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      16             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      17             : //#
      18             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      19             : //#        Internet email:
      20             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      21             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      22             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      23             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      24             : #include "SearcherSQLite.h"
      25             : 
      26             : 
      27             : #include <spectrallines/Splatalogue/SQLiteSearch/DatabaseConnector.h>
      28             : #include <sqlite3.h>
      29             : #include <iostream>
      30             : #include <sstream>
      31             : 
      32             : 
      33             : using namespace std;
      34             : 
      35             : namespace casa {
      36             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::TABLE_SPECIES = "species";
      37             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::TABLE_MAIN = "main";
      38             : 
      39             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::SPECIES_ID_COLUMN = "species_id"; //Type 1
      40             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FREQUENCY_COLUMN = "orderedfreq"; //Type 2
      41             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::TEMPERATURE_COLUMN ="upper_state_energy_K";
      42             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::SPECIES_COLUMN = "s_name"; //Type 3
      43             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::SMU2_COLUMN = "sijmu2";
      44             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::LOGA_COLUMN = "aij";
      45             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::EL_COLUMN = "lower_state_energy";
      46             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::EU_COLUMN = "upper_state_energy";
      47             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::RESOLVED_QNS_COLUMN = "resolved_QNs"; //Type 3
      48             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::INTENSITY_COLUMN = "intintensity"; //Type 5
      49             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::CHEMICAL_NAME_COLUMN = "chemical_name";
      50             : 
      51             : std::vector<string> SearcherSQLite::resultColumns(END_COL);
      52             : 
      53             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_KNOWN_AST_COLUMN = "known_ast_molecules";
      54             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_PLANET_COLUMN = "planet";
      55             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_HOTCORE_COLUMN = "ism_hotcore";
      56             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_DIFFUSECLOUD_COLUMN = "ism_diffusecloud";
      57             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_DARKCLOUD_COLUMN = "ism_darkcloud";
      58             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_COMET_COLUMN = "comet";
      59             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_EXTRAGALACTIC_COLUMN = "extragalactic";
      60             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_AGB_PPN_PN_COLUMN = "AGB_PPN_PN";
      61             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FILTER_TOP20_COLUMN = "Top20";
      62             : 
      63             : std::vector<string> SearcherSQLite::filterNames( END_FILTERS );
      64             : 
      65             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::AND = " AND ";
      66             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::OPEN_PAREN = "(";
      67             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::CLOSE_PAREN = ")";
      68             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::SINGLE_QUOTE = "'";
      69             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::COMMA = ", ";
      70             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::PERIOD = ".";
      71             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::EQUALS = " = ";
      72             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::IN = " IN ";
      73             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::SELECT = "SELECT ";
      74             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::FROM = " FROM ";
      75             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::BETWEEN = " BETWEEN ";
      76             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::LIKE = " LIKE ";
      77             : const std::string SearcherSQLite::OR = " OR ";
      78             : 
      79             : const int SearcherSQLite::DEFAULT_VALUE = -1;
      80             : 
      81           0 : SearcherSQLite::SearcherSQLite( const string& databasePath):
      82           0 :                 filters(END_FILTERS),
      83           0 :                 rowLimit(25){
      84           0 :         db = DatabaseConnector::getDatabase(databasePath);
      85           0 :         if ( db != NULL ){
      86             :                 /*string errorMsg;
      87             :                 string mainTableInfo = this->tableInfo( TABLE_MAIN, errorMsg );
      88             :                 cout << "Main table: "<<mainTableInfo << endl;
      89             :                 string speciesTableInfo = this->tableInfo( TABLE_SPECIES, errorMsg );
      90             :                 cout << "Species table: "<<speciesTableInfo << endl;
      91             :                 */
      92             : 
      93           0 :                 resultColumns[SPECIES_ID_COL] = TABLE_MAIN + PERIOD + SPECIES_ID_COLUMN;
      94           0 :                 resultColumns[SPECIES_NAME_COL] = SPECIES_COLUMN;
      95           0 :                 resultColumns[CHEMICAL_NAME_COL] = CHEMICAL_NAME_COLUMN;
      96           0 :                 resultColumns[FREQUENCY_COL] = FREQUENCY_COLUMN;
      97           0 :                 resultColumns[TEMPERATURE_COL]= TEMPERATURE_COLUMN;
      98           0 :                 resultColumns[RESOLVED_QNS_COL] = RESOLVED_QNS_COLUMN;
      99           0 :                 resultColumns[INTENSITY_COL] = INTENSITY_COLUMN;
     100           0 :                 resultColumns[SMU2_COL] = SMU2_COLUMN;
     101           0 :                 resultColumns[LOGA_COL] = LOGA_COLUMN;
     102           0 :                 resultColumns[EL_COL] = EL_COLUMN;
     103           0 :                 resultColumns[EU_COL] = EU_COLUMN;
     104             : 
     105           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_TOP_20] = FILTER_TOP20_COLUMN;
     106           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_PLANETARY_ATMOSPHERE] = FILTER_PLANET_COLUMN;
     107           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_HOT_CORES] = FILTER_HOTCORE_COLUMN;
     108           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_DARK_CLOUDS] = FILTER_DARKCLOUD_COLUMN;
     109           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_DIFFUSE_CLOUDS] = FILTER_DIFFUSECLOUD_COLUMN;
     110           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_COMETS]=FILTER_COMET_COLUMN;
     111           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_AGB_PPN_PN] = FILTER_AGB_PPN_PN_COLUMN;
     112           0 :                 filterNames[FILTER_EXTRAGALACTIC] = FILTER_EXTRAGALACTIC_COLUMN;
     113             :         }
     114             :         else {
     115           0 :                 cout << "Could not open database from path "<<databasePath.c_str()<<endl;
     116             :         }
     117           0 :         reset();
     118           0 : }
     119             : 
     120           0 : bool SearcherSQLite::isConnected() const {
     121           0 :         bool connected = false;
     122           0 :         if ( db != NULL ){
     123           0 :                 connected = true;
     124             :         }
     125           0 :         return connected;
     126             : }
     127             : 
     128           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setSearchResultLimit( int limit ){
     129           0 :         rowLimit = limit;
     130           0 : }
     131             : 
     132             : 
     133             : //*********************************************************************
     134             : //                    Search Parameters
     135             : //*********************************************************************
     136             : 
     137           0 : void SearcherSQLite::reset(){
     138           0 :         chemicalNames.clear();
     139           0 :         speciesNames.clear();
     140           0 :         qns.clear();
     141           0 :         for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(filters.size()); i++ ){
     142           0 :                 filters[i] = false;
     143             :         }
     144           0 :         minValueFreq = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     145           0 :         maxValueFreq = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     146           0 :         minValueIntensity = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     147           0 :         maxValueIntensity = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     148           0 :         minValueSmu2 = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     149           0 :         maxValueSmu2 = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     150           0 :         minValueLoga = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     151           0 :         maxValueLoga = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     152           0 :         minValueEl = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     153           0 :         maxValueEl = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     154           0 :         minValueEu = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     155           0 :         maxValueEu = DEFAULT_VALUE;
     156           0 : }
     157             : 
     158           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setChemicalNames( const vector<string>& chemNames ){
     159           0 :         chemicalNames = chemNames;
     160           0 : }
     161             : 
     162           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setSpeciesNames( const vector<string>& species ){
     163           0 :         speciesNames = species;
     164           0 : }
     165             : 
     166           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFrequencyRange( double minVal, double maxVal ){
     167           0 :         if ( minVal < maxVal ){
     168           0 :                 minValueFreq = minVal;
     169           0 :                 maxValueFreq = maxVal;
     170             :         }
     171             :         else {
     172           0 :                 minValueFreq = maxVal;
     173           0 :                 maxValueFreq = minVal;
     174             :         }
     175           0 : }
     176             : 
     177           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setIntensityRange( double minValue, double maxValue ){
     178           0 :         if ( minValue < maxValue ){
     179           0 :                 minValueIntensity = minValue;
     180           0 :                 maxValueIntensity = maxValue;
     181             :         }
     182             :         else {
     183           0 :                 minValueIntensity = maxValue;
     184           0 :                 maxValueIntensity = minValue;
     185             :         }
     186           0 : }
     187             : 
     188           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setSmu2Range( double minValue, double maxValue ){
     189           0 :         if ( minValue < maxValue ){
     190           0 :                 minValueSmu2 = minValue;
     191           0 :                 maxValueSmu2 = maxValue;
     192             :         }
     193             :         else {
     194           0 :                 minValueSmu2 = maxValue;
     195           0 :                 maxValueSmu2 = minValue;
     196             :         }
     197           0 : }
     198             : 
     199           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setLogaRange( double minValue, double maxValue ){
     200           0 :         if ( minValue < maxValue ){
     201           0 :                 minValueLoga = minValue;
     202           0 :                 maxValueLoga = maxValue;
     203             :         }
     204             :         else {
     205           0 :                 minValueLoga = maxValue;
     206           0 :                 maxValueLoga = minValue;
     207             :         }
     208           0 : }
     209             : 
     210           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setElRange( double minValue, double maxValue ){
     211           0 :         if ( minValue < maxValue ){
     212           0 :                 minValueEl = minValue;
     213           0 :                 maxValueEl = maxValue;
     214             :         }
     215             :         else {
     216           0 :                 minValueEl = maxValue;
     217           0 :                 maxValueEl = minValue;
     218             :         }
     219           0 : }
     220             : 
     221           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setEuRange( double minValue, double maxValue ){
     222           0 :         if ( minValue < maxValue ){
     223           0 :                 minValueEu = minValue;
     224           0 :                 maxValueEu = maxValue;
     225             :         }
     226             :         else {
     227           0 :                 minValueEu = maxValue;
     228           0 :                 maxValueEu = minValue;
     229             :         }
     230           0 : }
     231             : 
     232           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setQNS( const vector<string>& qns ){
     233           0 :         this->qns = qns;
     234           0 : }
     235             : 
     236             : //*********************************************************************
     237             : //                     Filters
     238             : //*********************************************************************
     239             : 
     240           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterTop20( bool filter ){
     241           0 :         filters[FILTER_TOP_20] = filter;
     242           0 : }
     243           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterPlanetaryAtmosphere( bool filter ){
     244           0 :         filters[FILTER_PLANETARY_ATMOSPHERE] = filter;
     245           0 : }
     246           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterHotCores( bool filter ){
     247           0 :         filters[FILTER_HOT_CORES] = filter;
     248           0 : }
     249           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterDarkClouds( bool filter ){
     250           0 :         filters[FILTER_DARK_CLOUDS] = filter;
     251           0 : }
     252           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterDiffuseClouds( bool filter ){
     253           0 :         filters[FILTER_DIFFUSE_CLOUDS] = filter;
     254           0 : }
     255           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterComets( bool filter ){
     256           0 :         filters[FILTER_COMETS] = filter;
     257           0 : }
     258           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterAgbPpnPn( bool filter ){
     259           0 :         filters[FILTER_AGB_PPN_PN] = filter;
     260           0 : }
     261           0 : void SearcherSQLite::setFilterExtragalactic( bool filter ){
     262           0 :         filters[FILTER_EXTRAGALACTIC] = filter;
     263           0 : }
     264             : 
     265             : 
     266             : //**********************************************************************
     267             : //                  Database Information
     268             : //**********************************************************************
     269             : 
     270           0 : string SearcherSQLite::tableInfo( const string& tableName, string& errorMsg ) const{
     271           0 :         string query;
     272           0 :         query.append( SELECT );
     273           0 :         query.append( "*");
     274           0 :         query.append( FROM );
     275           0 :         query.append( tableName );
     276           0 :         query.append(" LIMIT 1" );
     277           0 :         sqlite3_stmt* statement = NULL;
     278           0 :         bool successfulQuery = executeQuery( statement, query, errorMsg );
     279           0 :         string tableInfo;
     280           0 :         if ( successfulQuery ){
     281             :                 //Returns one row for each column in the table
     282           0 :                 int columnCount = sqlite3_column_count( statement );
     283           0 :                 while( sqlite3_step( statement ) == SQLITE_ROW ){
     284           0 :                         for ( int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++ ){
     285           0 :                                 const char* columnName = sqlite3_column_name( statement, j );
     286           0 :                                 int columnType = sqlite3_column_type( statement, j );
     287           0 :                                 string rowInfo( columnName );
     288           0 :                                 rowInfo.append( " ");
     289           0 :                                 rowInfo.append( numToString(columnType) );
     290           0 :                                 rowInfo.append( "\n");
     291           0 :                                 tableInfo.append( rowInfo );
     292           0 :                         }
     293             :                 }
     294             :         }
     295             :         else {
     296           0 :                 errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg( db );
     297             :                 //cout << "Error obtaining table information "<<errorMsg<< endl;
     298             :         }
     299           0 :         return tableInfo;
     300           0 : }
     301             : 
     302           0 : string SearcherSQLite::getCreatedDate() const {
     303           0 :         return DatabaseConnector::getCreatedDate();
     304             : }
     305             : 
     306             : 
     307             : 
     308             : //************************************************************************
     309             : //                    Querying the Database
     310             : //************************************************************************
     311             : 
     312           0 : void SearcherSQLite::stopSearch(){
     313           0 :         sqlite3_interrupt( db );
     314           0 : }
     315             : 
     316           0 : long SearcherSQLite::doSearchCount( string& errorMsg ){
     317           0 :         string query = prepareQuery( true, 0 );
     318             :         sqlite3_stmt* statement;
     319           0 :         long resultCount = 0;
     320           0 :         bool success =  executeQuery( statement, query, errorMsg );
     321           0 :         if ( success ){
     322           0 :                 int result = sqlite3_step( statement );
     323           0 :                 if( result == SQLITE_ROW ){
     324           0 :                         resultCount = sqlite3_column_int( statement, 0 );
     325             :                 }
     326             :         }
     327             :         else {
     328           0 :                 errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg( db );
     329           0 :                 cout << "Error was " << errorMsg << endl;
     330             :         }
     331             :         //cout << "Result count="<<resultCount<<endl;
     332           0 :         sqlite3_finalize(statement);
     333           0 :         return resultCount;
     334           0 : }
     335             : 
     336           0 : vector<SplatResult> SearcherSQLite::doSearch( string& errorMsg, int offset ){
     337           0 :         string query = prepareQuery( false, offset );
     338             :         sqlite3_stmt* statement;
     339           0 :         vector<SplatResult> results;
     340           0 :         bool success =  executeQuery( statement, query, errorMsg );
     341           0 :         if ( success ){
     342           0 :                 while( sqlite3_step( statement ) == SQLITE_ROW ){
     343             : 
     344           0 :                         int speciesId = sqlite3_column_int( statement, SPECIES_ID_COL);
     345           0 :                         string chemicalName = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text( statement, CHEMICAL_NAME_COL ));
     346           0 :                         string speciesName = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text( statement, SPECIES_NAME_COL ));
     347           0 :                         double frequency = sqlite3_column_double( statement, FREQUENCY_COL );
     348           0 :                         double temperature = sqlite3_column_double( statement, TEMPERATURE_COL );
     349           0 :                         double smu2 = sqlite3_column_double( statement, SMU2_COL );
     350           0 :                         double loga = sqlite3_column_double( statement, LOGA_COL );
     351           0 :                         double el = sqlite3_column_double( statement, EL_COL );
     352           0 :                         double eu = sqlite3_column_double( statement, EU_COL );
     353           0 :                         string resolvedQNs = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text( statement, RESOLVED_QNS_COL ));
     354           0 :                         double intensity = sqlite3_column_double( statement, INTENSITY_COL );
     355           0 :                         pair<double,string> freqPair( frequency, "MHz");
     356           0 :                         pair<double,string> tempPair( temperature, "K");
     357           0 :                         pair<double,string> elPair( el, "cm-1" );
     358           0 :                         pair<double,string> euPair( eu, "cm-1" );
     359             :                         SplatResult result( speciesId, speciesName, chemicalName, resolvedQNs,
     360           0 :                                                 freqPair, tempPair, smu2, elPair, euPair, loga, intensity );
     361           0 :                         results.push_back( result );
     362             :                         //cout << result.toLine();
     363           0 :                 }
     364             :         }
     365             :         else {
     366           0 :                 errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg( db );
     367             :                 //cout << "Error was " << errorMsg << endl;
     368             :         }
     369           0 :         sqlite3_finalize(statement);
     370           0 :         return results;
     371           0 : }
     372             : 
     373           0 : bool SearcherSQLite:: executeQuery( sqlite3_stmt*& statement, const string& query,
     374             :                 string& errorMsg ) const {
     375           0 :         bool success = true;
     376           0 :         int status =  sqlite3_prepare( db, query.c_str(), -1, &statement, NULL);
     377           0 :         if ( status != SQLITE_OK ){
     378           0 :                 success = false;
     379           0 :                 errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg( db );
     380             :         }
     381           0 :         return success;
     382             : }
     383             : 
     384           0 : string SearcherSQLite::prepareQuery( bool countOnly, int offset ) const {
     385           0 :         std::string query;
     386           0 :         query.append( SELECT );
     387           0 :         if ( countOnly ){
     388           0 :                 query.append( "Count()");
     389             :         }
     390             :         else {
     391           0 :                 int resultColumnCount = resultColumns.size();
     392           0 :                 for ( int i = 0; i < resultColumnCount; i++ ){
     393           0 :                         query.append( resultColumns[i]);
     394           0 :                         if ( i != resultColumnCount - 1 ){
     395           0 :                                 query.append( COMMA );
     396             :                         }
     397             :                 }
     398             :         }
     399           0 :         query.append( FROM );
     400           0 :         query.append( TABLE_MAIN );
     401           0 :         query.append( COMMA );
     402           0 :         query.append( TABLE_SPECIES );
     403           0 :         query.append( " WHERE ");
     404             : 
     405             :         //Join the two tables together based on the species id
     406           0 :         query.append( TABLE_MAIN );
     407           0 :         query.append( PERIOD );
     408           0 :         query.append( SPECIES_ID_COLUMN );
     409           0 :         query.append( " == " );
     410           0 :         query.append( TABLE_SPECIES );
     411           0 :         query.append( PERIOD );
     412           0 :         query.append( SPECIES_ID_COLUMN );
     413             : 
     414             :         //Frequency
     415           0 :         if ( minValueFreq >= 0 && maxValueFreq >= 0 && minValueFreq <= maxValueFreq ){
     416           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( FREQUENCY_COLUMN, minValueFreq, maxValueFreq ) );
     417             :         }
     418             : 
     419             : 
     420             : 
     421             :         //Species
     422           0 :         if (speciesNames.size() > 0) {
     423             :                 //query.append( getInClause( SPECIES_COLUMN, speciesNames ) );
     424           0 :                 query.append( getLikeClause( SPECIES_COLUMN, speciesNames) );
     425             :         }
     426             : 
     427             :         //Chemical Names
     428           0 :         if (chemicalNames.size() > 0) {
     429           0 :                 query.append( getInClause( CHEMICAL_NAME_COLUMN, chemicalNames ));
     430             :         }
     431             : 
     432             :         //Resolved Quantum Numbers
     433           0 :         if (qns.size() > 0) {
     434           0 :                 query.append( getInClause( RESOLVED_QNS_COLUMN, qns ));
     435             :         }
     436             : 
     437             :         //Intensity
     438           0 :         if (minValueIntensity < maxValueIntensity) {
     439           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( INTENSITY_COLUMN, minValueIntensity, maxValueIntensity));
     440             :         }
     441             : 
     442             :         //SMU2
     443           0 :         if ( minValueSmu2 < maxValueSmu2 ) {
     444           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( SMU2_COLUMN, minValueSmu2, maxValueSmu2));
     445             :         }
     446             : 
     447             :         //LOGA
     448           0 :         if ( minValueLoga < maxValueLoga ) {
     449           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( LOGA_COLUMN, minValueLoga, maxValueLoga ) );
     450             :         }
     451             : 
     452             :         //EL
     453           0 :         if ( minValueEl < maxValueEl ) {
     454           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( EL_COLUMN, minValueEl, maxValueEl ));
     455             :         }
     456             : 
     457             :         //EU
     458           0 :         if ( minValueEu < maxValueEu ) {
     459           0 :                 query.append( getBetweenClause( EU_COLUMN, minValueEu, maxValueEu ));
     460             :         }
     461             : 
     462             :         //Astronomical Filters
     463           0 :         for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(filters.size()); i++ ){
     464           0 :                 if ( filters[i] ){
     465           0 :                         query.append( AND );
     466           0 :                         query.append( filterNames[i]);
     467           0 :                         query.append( EQUALS );
     468           0 :                         query.append( getTrue());
     469             :                 }
     470             :         }
     471             : 
     472             : 
     473           0 :         if ( !countOnly ){
     474           0 :                 if ( rowLimit > 0 ){
     475           0 :                         query.append( " LIMIT ");
     476           0 :                         query.append( numToString(rowLimit) );
     477           0 :                         if ( offset > 0 ){
     478           0 :                                 query.append( " OFFSET ");
     479           0 :                                 query.append( numToString(offset) );
     480             :                         }
     481             :                 }
     482             :         }
     483             :         //cout << "Query: "<<query.c_str()<<endl;
     484           0 :         return query;
     485           0 : }
     486             : 
     487             : 
     488             : 
     489             : //******************************************************************
     490             : //                       Utility
     491             : //******************************************************************
     492           0 : string SearcherSQLite::numToString( double number ) const {
     493           0 :         string result;
     494           0 :         ostringstream convert;
     495           0 :         convert << number;
     496           0 :         result = convert.str();
     497           0 :         return result;
     498           0 : }
     499             : 
     500             : 
     501           0 : std::string numToString( float val ){
     502           0 :         std::stringstream stream;
     503           0 :         std::string str;
     504           0 :         stream << val;
     505           0 :         str = stream.str();
     506           0 :         return str;
     507           0 : }
     508             : 
     509             : 
     510           0 : std::string SearcherSQLite::getTrue() const {
     511           0 :         return "1";
     512             : }
     513             : 
     514           0 : string SearcherSQLite::getBetweenClause( const string& columnName,
     515             :                 double low, double high) const {
     516           0 :         string betweenClause;
     517           0 :         betweenClause.append( AND );
     518           0 :         betweenClause.append( OPEN_PAREN );
     519           0 :         betweenClause.append( columnName );
     520           0 :         betweenClause.append( BETWEEN );
     521           0 :         betweenClause.append( numToString( low ) );
     522           0 :         betweenClause.append( AND );
     523           0 :         betweenClause.append( numToString( high ) );
     524           0 :         betweenClause.append( CLOSE_PAREN );
     525           0 :         return betweenClause;
     526           0 : }
     527             : 
     528             : 
     529             : 
     530           0 : string SearcherSQLite::getInClause( const string& columnName, const vector<string>& values ) const {
     531           0 :         string inClause;
     532           0 :         inClause.append( AND );
     533           0 :         inClause.append( OPEN_PAREN );
     534           0 :         inClause.append( columnName );
     535           0 :         inClause.append( IN );
     536           0 :         inClause.append( OPEN_PAREN );
     537           0 :         int valueCount = values.size();
     538           0 :         for (int i=0; i<valueCount; i++) {
     539           0 :                 inClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     540           0 :                 inClause.append( values[i] );
     541           0 :                 inClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     542           0 :                 if (i != valueCount - 1) {
     543           0 :                         inClause.append( ", ");
     544             :                 }
     545             :         }
     546           0 :         inClause.append( CLOSE_PAREN );
     547           0 :         inClause.append( CLOSE_PAREN );
     548           0 :         return inClause;
     549           0 : }
     550             : 
     551             : 
     552           0 : string SearcherSQLite::getLikeClause( const string& columnName, const vector<string>& values ) const {
     553           0 :         string likeClause;
     554           0 :         likeClause.append( AND );
     555           0 :         likeClause.append( OPEN_PAREN );
     556             : 
     557             :         //This was written so that for users searching by chemical formula,
     558             :         //they could enter 'CO' and return entries such as 'CO v=0' and
     559             :         //'CO v=1', which are in the species column.
     560           0 :         int valueCount = values.size();
     561           0 :         for (int i=0; i<valueCount; i++) {
     562           0 :                 likeClause.append( columnName );
     563           0 :                 likeClause.append( LIKE );
     564           0 :                 likeClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     565           0 :                 likeClause.append( values[i]);
     566           0 :                 likeClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     567             : 
     568           0 :                 likeClause.append( OR );
     569           0 :                 likeClause.append( columnName );
     570           0 :                 likeClause.append( LIKE );
     571           0 :                 likeClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     572           0 :                 likeClause.append( values[i] + " %");
     573           0 :                 likeClause.append( SINGLE_QUOTE );
     574             :         }
     575           0 :         likeClause.append( CLOSE_PAREN );
     576           0 :         return likeClause;
     577           0 : }
     578             : 
     579             : 
     580           0 : SearcherSQLite::~SearcherSQLite() {
     581             :         // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
     582           0 : }
     583             : 
     584             : }

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