LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - spectrallines/Splatalogue - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 215 243 88.5 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#  Subtract continuum from spectral line data
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2004
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : //#
      28             : 
      29             : #include <spectrallines/Splatalogue/ListConverter.h>
      30             : 
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Quantum.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Unit.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/RegularFile.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/IO/RegularFileIO.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScaColDesc.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/SetupNewTab.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/StandardStMan.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
      41             : 
      42             : using namespace casacore;
      43             : namespace casa {
      44             : 
      45           2 : ListConverter::ListConverter(const Vector<String>& filenames, const String& table) :
      46           2 :         _log(new LogIO()), _listFiles(Vector<RegularFile>(0)), _tableName(table), _freqUnit("") {
      47           2 :         RegularFile t(_tableName);
      48           2 :         if (t.exists()) {
      49           0 :                 *_log << "File " << _tableName << " already exists and will not be overwritten" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      50             :         }
      51           2 :         File::FileWriteStatus tableStatus = t.getWriteStatus();
      52           2 :         if(tableStatus == File::NOT_CREATABLE ) {
      53           0 :                 *_log << "Table " << _tableName << " cannot be created" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      54             :         }
      55           4 :         for (Vector<String>::const_iterator iter = filenames.begin(); iter != filenames.end(); iter++) {
      56           2 :                 RegularFile file(*iter);
      57           2 :                 if (! file.exists()) {
      58           0 :                         *_log << "File " << *iter << " does not exist" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      59             :                 }
      60           2 :                 if (! file.isReadable()) {
      61           0 :                         *_log << "File " << *iter << " does not have read permission" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      62             :                 }
      63           2 :                 _listFiles.resize(_listFiles.size()+1, true);
      64           2 :                 _listFiles[_listFiles.size() - 1] = file;
      65           4 :         }
      66           2 : }
      67             : 
      68           2 : ListConverter::~ListConverter() {
      69           2 :         delete _log;
      70           2 : }
      71             : 
      72           2 : SplatalogueTable* ListConverter::load() {
      73           2 :         _parseLists();
      74           2 :         SplatalogueTable *newTable = _defineTable(_species.size());
      75           2 :         _addData(newTable);
      76           2 :         newTable->flush();
      77           2 :         return newTable;
      78             : }
      79             : 
      80           2 : void ListConverter::_parseLists() {
      81           2 :         _log->origin(LogOrigin("ListConverter", __FUNCTION__));
      82             : 
      83           2 :         uInt transitionIndex = 0;
      84           2 :         Regex blankLine("^[ \n\t\r\v\f]+$");
      85           2 :         Regex lastLine("^Found [0-9]+ rows");
      86           2 :         Regex debye2("D<sup>2</sup>");
      87           2 :         Regex k("(K)");
      88           2 :         Regex cm1("(cm<sup>-1</sup>)");
      89             : 
      90           2 :         _frequency.resize(0);
      91           2 :         for (
      92           4 :                 Vector<RegularFile>::const_iterator iter = _listFiles.begin();
      93           4 :                 iter != _listFiles.end(); iter++
      94             :         ) {
      95           2 :                 RegularFileIO fileIO(*iter);
      96           2 :                 Int bufSize = 10000;
      97           2 :                 char *buffer = new char[bufSize];
      98             :                 int nRead;
      99           2 :                 String contents;
     100         644 :                 while ((nRead =, buffer, false)) == bufSize) {
     101         642 :                         String chunk(buffer, bufSize);
     102         642 :                         contents += chunk;
     103         642 :                 }
     104             :                 // get the last chunk
     105           2 :                 String chunk(buffer, nRead);
     106           2 :                 contents += chunk;
     107             : 
     108           2 :                 Vector<String> lines = stringToVector(contents, '\n');
     109           2 :                 uInt newSize = _frequency.size() + lines.size();
     110           2 :                 _species.resize(newSize, true);
     111           2 :                 _chemName.resize(newSize, true);
     112           2 :                 _qns.resize(newSize, true);
     113           2 :                 _lineList.resize(newSize, true);
     114           2 :                 _recommended.resize(newSize, true);
     115           2 :                 _frequency.resize(newSize, true);
     116           2 :                 _intensity.resize(newSize, true);
     117           2 :                 _smu2.resize(newSize, true);
     118           2 :                 _logA.resize(newSize, true);
     119           2 :                 _eL.resize(newSize, true);
     120           2 :                 _eU.resize(newSize, true);
     121           2 :                 uInt lineCount = 0;
     122       60004 :                 for(Vector<String>::iterator liter=lines.begin(); liter!=lines.end(); liter++) {
     123       60006 :                         if (
     124      120002 :                                 liter->empty() || liter->firstchar() == '#'
     125      120002 :                                 || liter->matches(blankLine) || liter->matches(lastLine)
     126             :                         ) {
     127             :                                 // skip comment
     128           4 :                                 lineCount++;
     129           6 :                                 continue;
     130             :                         }
     131       59998 :                         uInt tabCount = liter->freq('\t');
     132       59998 :                         if (tabCount != 10) {
     133           0 :                                 *_log << "bad format for line " << (lineCount+1)
     134           0 :                                         << " in file " << iter->path().baseName() << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     135             :                         }
     136       59998 :                         Vector<String> parts = stringToVector(*liter, '\t');
     137      719976 :                         for (Vector<String>::iterator viter = parts.begin(); viter != parts.end(); viter++) {
     138      659978 :                                 viter->trim();
     139       59998 :                         }
     140      119996 :                         String filename = iter->path().dirName() + "/" + iter->path().baseName();
     141       59998 :                         String species = parts[0];
     142       59998 :                         String recommended = parts[1];
     143       59998 :                         String chemicalName = parts[2];
     144       59998 :                         String frequency = parts[3];
     145       59998 :                         String qns = parts[4];
     146       59998 :                         String intensity = parts[5];
     147       59998 :                         String smu2 = parts[6];
     148       59998 :                         String logA = parts[7];
     149       59998 :                         String eL = parts[8];
     150       59998 :                         String eU = parts[9];
     151       59998 :                         String lineList = parts[10];
     152       59998 :                         if (lineCount == 0) {
     153             :                                 // header line look for units
     154           2 :                                 Vector<String> freqHeaderParts = stringToVector(frequency, ' ');
     155           6 :                                 for (
     156           4 :                                         Vector<String>::const_iterator viter=freqHeaderParts.begin();
     157           8 :                                         viter!=freqHeaderParts.end(); viter++
     158             :                                 ) {
     159             :                                         try {
     160           6 :                                                 Unit freqUnit(*viter);
     161           4 :                                                 Quantity qq(1, freqUnit);
     162           4 :                                                 if (qq.isConform(Unit("Hz"))) {
     163           2 :                                                         _freqUnit = freqUnit.getName();
     164             :                                                 }
     165           4 :                                         }
     166           2 :                                         catch (AipsError x) {}
     167           2 :                                 }
     168           2 :                                 Vector<String> smuHeaderParts = stringToVector(smu2, ' ');
     169           4 :                                 for (
     170           4 :                                         Vector<String>::const_iterator viter=smuHeaderParts.begin();
     171           6 :                                         viter!=smuHeaderParts.end(); viter++
     172             :                                 ) {
     173             :                                         try {
     174           4 :                                                 String smu2(*viter);
     175           4 :                                                 if (smu2.matches(debye2)) {
     176           0 :                                                         _smu2Unit = "Debye*Debye";
     177             : 
     178             :                                                 }
     179           4 :                                         }
     180           0 :                                         catch (AipsError x) {}
     181           2 :                                 }
     182           2 :                                 Vector<String> elHeaderParts = stringToVector(eL, ' ');
     183           4 :                                 for (
     184           4 :                                         Vector<String>::const_iterator viter=elHeaderParts.begin();
     185           6 :                                         viter!=elHeaderParts.end(); viter++
     186             :                                 ) {
     187             :                                         try {
     188           4 :                                                 String el = *viter;
     189           4 :                                                 if (el.matches(k)) {
     190           0 :                                                         _elUnit = "K";
     191             :                                                 }
     192           4 :                                                 else if (el.matches(cm1)) {
     193           0 :                                                         _elUnit = "cm-1";
     194             :                                                 }
     195           4 :                                         }
     196           0 :                                         catch (AipsError x) {}
     197           2 :                                 }
     198           2 :                                 Vector<String> euHeaderParts = stringToVector(eU, ' ');
     199           4 :                                 for (
     200           4 :                                         Vector<String>::const_iterator viter=euHeaderParts.begin();
     201           6 :                                         viter!=euHeaderParts.end(); viter++
     202             :                                 ) {
     203             :                                         try {
     204           4 :                                                 String eu = *viter;
     205           4 :                                                 if (eu.matches(k)) {
     206           0 :                                                         _euUnit = "K";
     207             :                                                 }
     208           4 :                                                 else if (eu.matches(cm1)) {
     209           0 :                                                         _euUnit = "cm-1";
     210             :                                                 }
     211           4 :                                         }
     212           0 :                                         catch (AipsError x) {}
     213           2 :                                 }
     214           2 :                                 lineCount++;
     215           2 :                                 continue;
     216           2 :                         }
     217             : 
     218       59996 :                         if (lineCount % 20000 == 0) {
     219           2 :                                 *_log << LogIO::NORMAL << "Parsing line " << lineCount << " of file "
     220           2 :                                         << iter->path().baseName() << LogIO::POST;
     221             :                         }
     222       59996 :                         Bool recFreq = recommended.length() > 0;
     223       59996 :                         if (! frequency.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     224           0 :                                 *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     225             :                                         << ": frequency value " << frequency << " is not numeric"
     226           0 :                                         << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     227             :                         }
     228       59996 :                         if (! intensity.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     229           0 :                                 *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     230             :                                         << ": intensity value " << intensity << " is not numeric"
     231           0 :                                         << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     232             :                         }
     233       59996 :                         if (! smu2.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     234           0 :                         *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     235             :                                 << ": S_ij*mu**2 value " << smu2 << " is not numeric"
     236           0 :                                 << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     237             :                         }
     238       59996 :                         if (! logA.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     239           0 :                         *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     240             :                                 << ": log(A) value " << logA << " is not numeric"
     241           0 :                                 << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     242             :                         }
     243       59996 :                         if (! eL.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     244           0 :                                 *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     245             :                                         << ": E_l value " << eL << " is not numeric"
     246           0 :                                         << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     247             :                         }
     248       59996 :                         if (! eU.matches(RXdouble) ) {
     249           0 :                                 *_log << "File " << filename << ", line " << lineCount
     250             :                                         << ": E_u value " << eU << " is not numeric"
     251           0 :                                         << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     252             :                         }
     253       59996 :                         _species[transitionIndex] = species;
     254       59996 :                         _chemName[transitionIndex] = chemicalName;
     255       59996 :                         _qns[transitionIndex] = qns;
     256       59996 :                         _lineList[transitionIndex] = lineList;
     257       59996 :                         _recommended[transitionIndex] = recFreq;
     258       59996 :                         _frequency[transitionIndex] = String::toDouble(frequency);
     259       59996 :                         _intensity[transitionIndex] = String::toFloat(intensity);
     260       59996 :                         _smu2[transitionIndex] = String::toFloat(smu2);
     261       59996 :                         _logA[transitionIndex] = String::toFloat(logA);
     262       59996 :                         _eL[transitionIndex] = String::toFloat(eL);
     263       59996 :                         _eU[transitionIndex] = String::toFloat(eU);
     264       59996 :                         transitionIndex++;
     265       59996 :                         lineCount++;
     266       60024 :                 }
     267           4 :         }
     268           2 :         _species.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     269           2 :         _chemName.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     270           2 :         _qns.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     271           2 :         _lineList.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     272           2 :         _recommended.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     273           2 :         _frequency.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     274           2 :         _intensity.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     275           2 :         _smu2.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     276           2 :         _logA.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     277           2 :         _eL.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     278           2 :         _eU.resize(transitionIndex, true);
     279           2 : }
     280             : 
     281             : 
     282           2 : SplatalogueTable* ListConverter::_defineTable(const uInt nrows) {
     283           2 :         String descName = _tableName + "_desc";
     284           2 :         TableDesc td(descName,TableDesc::Scratch);
     285           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<String>(SplatalogueTable::SPECIES, SplatalogueTable::SPECIES));
     286           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Bool>(SplatalogueTable::RECOMMENDED, SplatalogueTable::RECOMMENDED));
     287           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<String>(SplatalogueTable::CHEMICAL_NAME, SplatalogueTable::CHEMICAL_NAME));
     288           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Double>(SplatalogueTable::FREQUENCY, SplatalogueTable::FREQUENCY));
     289           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<String>(SplatalogueTable::QUANTUM_NUMBERS, SplatalogueTable::QUANTUM_NUMBERS));
     290           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Float>(SplatalogueTable::INTENSITY, SplatalogueTable::INTENSITY));
     291           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Float>(SplatalogueTable::SMU2, SplatalogueTable::SMU2));
     292           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Float>(SplatalogueTable::LOGA, SplatalogueTable::LOGA));
     293           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Float>(SplatalogueTable::EL, SplatalogueTable::EL));
     294           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Float>(SplatalogueTable::EU, SplatalogueTable::EU));
     295           2 :         td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<String>(SplatalogueTable::LINELIST, SplatalogueTable::LINELIST));
     296           2 :         SetupNewTable tableSetup(_tableName, td, Table::New);
     297           2 :         StandardStMan stm;
     298           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::SPECIES, stm);
     299           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::RECOMMENDED, stm);
     300           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::CHEMICAL_NAME, stm);
     301           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::FREQUENCY, stm);
     302           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::QUANTUM_NUMBERS, stm);
     303           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::INTENSITY, stm);
     304           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::SMU2, stm);
     305           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::LOGA, stm);
     306           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::EL, stm);
     307           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::EU, stm);
     308           2 :         tableSetup.bindColumn(SplatalogueTable::LINELIST, stm);
     309           2 :         if (_freqUnit.empty()) {
     310           0 :                 *_log << LogIO::WARN << "Could not determine frequency unit, assuming GHz" << LogIO::POST;
     311           0 :                 _freqUnit = "GHz";
     312             :         }
     313           4 :         return new SplatalogueTable(tableSetup, nrows, _freqUnit, _smu2Unit, _elUnit, _euUnit);
     314           2 : }
     315             : 
     316           2 : void ListConverter::_addData(const SplatalogueTable* table) const {
     317           2 :         ScalarColumn<String> col(*table, SplatalogueTable::SPECIES);
     318           2 :         col.putColumn(_species);
     319           2 :         ScalarColumn<Bool> rcol(*table, SplatalogueTable::RECOMMENDED);
     320           2 :         rcol.putColumn(_recommended);
     321           2 :         ScalarColumn<String> cncol(*table, SplatalogueTable::CHEMICAL_NAME);
     322           2 :         cncol.putColumn(_chemName);
     323           2 :         ScalarColumn<Double> fcol(*table,SplatalogueTable::FREQUENCY);
     324           2 :         fcol.putColumn(_frequency);
     325           2 :         ScalarColumn<String> qncol(*table, SplatalogueTable::QUANTUM_NUMBERS);
     326           2 :         qncol.putColumn(_qns);
     327           2 :         ScalarColumn<Float> icol(*table, SplatalogueTable::INTENSITY);
     328           2 :         icol.putColumn(_intensity);
     329           2 :         ScalarColumn<Float> smu2col(*table, SplatalogueTable::SMU2);
     330           2 :         smu2col.putColumn(_smu2);
     331           2 :         ScalarColumn<Float> lacol(*table, SplatalogueTable::LOGA);
     332           2 :         lacol.putColumn(_logA);
     333           2 :         ScalarColumn<Float> elcol(*table, SplatalogueTable::EL);
     334           2 :         elcol.putColumn(_eL);
     335           2 :         ScalarColumn<Float> eucol(*table, SplatalogueTable::EU);
     336           2 :         eucol.putColumn(_eU);
     337           2 :         ScalarColumn<String> llcol(*table, SplatalogueTable::LINELIST);
     338           2 :         llcol.putColumn(_lineList);
     339           2 : }
     340             : 
     341             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     342             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16