LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - singledishfiller/Filler - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 284 358 79.3 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 27 27 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  *
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  Created on: Jan 5, 2016
       5             :  *      Author: nakazato
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : #include <singledishfiller/Filler/Scantable2MSReader.h>
       9             : 
      10             : #include <iostream>
      11             : #include <string>
      12             : 
      13             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      14             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      15             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
      16             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
      17             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      18             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      19             : #include <casacore/casa/IO/ArrayIO.h>
      20             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/Table.h>
      21             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Stokes.h>
      22             : 
      23             : using namespace casacore;
      24             : 
      25             : namespace {
      26           5 : Double queryAntennaDiameter(String const &name) {
      27           5 :   String capitalized = name;
      28           5 :   capitalized.upcase();
      29           5 :   Double diameter = 0.0;
      30           5 :   if (capitalized.matches(Regex(".*(DV|DA|PM)[0-9]+$"))) {
      31           5 :     diameter = 12.0;
      32           0 :   } else if (capitalized.matches(Regex(".*CM[0-9]+$"))) {
      33           0 :     diameter = 7.0;
      34           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("GBT")) {
      35           0 :     diameter = 104.9;
      36           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("MOPRA")) {
      37           0 :     diameter = 22.0;
      38           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("PKS") || capitalized.contains("PARKS")) {
      39           0 :     diameter = 64.0;
      40           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("TIDBINBILLA")) {
      41           0 :     diameter = 70.0;
      42           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("CEDUNA")) {
      43           0 :     diameter = 30.0;
      44           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("HOBART")) {
      45           0 :     diameter = 26.0;
      46           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("APEX")) {
      47           0 :     diameter = 12.0;
      48           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("ASTE")) {
      49           0 :     diameter = 10.0;
      50           0 :   } else if (capitalized.contains("NRO")) {
      51           0 :     diameter = 45.0;
      52             :   }
      53             : 
      54           5 :   return diameter;
      55           5 : }
      56             : 
      57             : template<class T, class U>
      58        1980 : U getMapValue(std::map<T, U> const mymap, T const key, U const default_value) {
      59        1980 :   auto iter = mymap.find(key);
      60        1980 :   if (iter != mymap.end()) {
      61        1980 :     return iter->second;
      62             :   } else {
      63           0 :     return default_value;
      64             :   }
      65             : }
      66             : 
      67         990 : String getIntent(Int srctype) {
      68         990 :   static std::map<Int, String> intent_map;
      69         990 :   if (intent_map.size() == 0) {
      70           1 :     String sep1 = "#";
      71           1 :     String sep2 = ",";
      72           1 :     String target = "OBSERVE_TARGET";
      73           1 :     String atmcal = "CALIBRATE_ATMOSPHERE";
      74           1 :     String anycal = "CALIBRATE_SOMETHING";
      75           1 :     String onstr = "ON_SOURCE";
      76           1 :     String offstr = "OFF_SOURCE";
      77           1 :     String pswitch = "POSITION_SWITCH";
      78           1 :     String nod = "NOD";
      79           1 :     String fswitch = "FREQUENCY_SWITCH";
      80           1 :     String sigstr = "SIG";
      81           1 :     String refstr = "REF";
      82           1 :     String hot = "HOT";
      83           1 :     String warm = "WARM";
      84           1 :     String cold = "COLD";
      85           1 :     String unspecified = "UNSPECIFIED";
      86           1 :     String ftlow = "LOWER";
      87           1 :     String fthigh = "HIGHER";
      88           1 :     intent_map[0] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + pswitch;
      89           1 :     intent_map[1] = target + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + pswitch;
      90           1 :     intent_map[2] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + nod;
      91           1 :     intent_map[3] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + sigstr;
      92           1 :     intent_map[4] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + refstr;
      93           1 :     intent_map[6] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + unspecified;
      94           1 :     intent_map[7] = atmcal + sep1 + hot + sep2 + unspecified;
      95           1 :     intent_map[8] = atmcal + sep1 + warm + sep2 + unspecified;
      96           1 :     intent_map[9] = atmcal + sep1 + cold + sep2 + unspecified;
      97           1 :     intent_map[10] = atmcal + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + pswitch;
      98           1 :     intent_map[11] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + pswitch;
      99           1 :     intent_map[12] = atmcal + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + nod;
     100           1 :     intent_map[13] = atmcal + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + sigstr;
     101           1 :     intent_map[14] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + refstr;
     102           1 :     intent_map[20] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     103           1 :     intent_map[21] = target + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     104           1 :     intent_map[26] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     105           1 :     intent_map[27] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     106           1 :     intent_map[28] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     107           1 :     intent_map[29] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + ftlow;
     108           1 :     intent_map[30] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     109           1 :     intent_map[31] = target + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     110           1 :     intent_map[36] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     111           1 :     intent_map[37] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     112           1 :     intent_map[38] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     113           1 :     intent_map[39] = atmcal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + fswitch + sep1 + fthigh;
     114           1 :     intent_map[90] = target + sep1 + onstr + sep2 + unspecified;
     115           1 :     intent_map[91] = target + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + unspecified;
     116           1 :     intent_map[92] = anycal + sep1 + offstr + sep2 + unspecified;
     117           1 :   }
     118         990 :   String default_type = "UNKNOWN_INTENT";
     119        1980 :   return getMapValue(intent_map, srctype, default_type);
     120         990 : }
     121             : 
     122         990 : Int getSubscan(Int srctype) {
     123         990 :   static std::map<Int, Int> subscan_map;
     124         990 :   if (subscan_map.size() == 0) {
     125           1 :     subscan_map[0] = 1;
     126           1 :     subscan_map[1] = 2;
     127           1 :     subscan_map[2] = 1;
     128           1 :     subscan_map[3] = 1;
     129           1 :     subscan_map[4] = 2;
     130           1 :     subscan_map[6] = 1;
     131           1 :     subscan_map[7] = 2;
     132           1 :     subscan_map[8] = 3;
     133           1 :     subscan_map[9] = 4;
     134           1 :     subscan_map[10] = 5;
     135           1 :     subscan_map[11] = 6;
     136           1 :     subscan_map[12] = 7;
     137           1 :     subscan_map[13] = 8;
     138           1 :     subscan_map[14] = 9;
     139           1 :     subscan_map[20] = 1;
     140           1 :     subscan_map[21] = 2;
     141           1 :     subscan_map[26] = 1;
     142           1 :     subscan_map[27] = 2;
     143           1 :     subscan_map[28] = 3;
     144           1 :     subscan_map[29] = 4;
     145           1 :     subscan_map[30] = 3;
     146           1 :     subscan_map[31] = 4;
     147           1 :     subscan_map[36] = 5;
     148           1 :     subscan_map[37] = 6;
     149           1 :     subscan_map[38] = 7;
     150           1 :     subscan_map[39] = 8;
     151           1 :     subscan_map[90] = 1;
     152           1 :     subscan_map[91] = 2;
     153           1 :     subscan_map[92] = 1;
     154             :   }
     155         990 :   Int default_subscan = 1;
     156         990 :   return getMapValue(subscan_map, srctype, default_subscan);
     157             : }
     158             : 
     159         990 : casacore::Stokes::StokesTypes getPol(uInt const polno, casacore::String const poltype) {
     160         990 :         casacore::Stokes::StokesTypes stokes = casacore::Stokes::Undefined;
     161         990 :         if (poltype == "linear") {
     162         990 :                 switch (polno) {
     163         590 :                 case 0:
     164         590 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::XX;
     165         590 :                         break;
     166         400 :                 case 1:
     167         400 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::YY;
     168         400 :                         break;
     169           0 :                 case 2:
     170           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::XY;
     171           0 :                         break;
     172           0 :                 case 3:
     173           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::YX;
     174             :                 }
     175           0 :         } else if (poltype == "circular") {
     176           0 :                 switch (polno) {
     177           0 :                 case 0:
     178           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::RR;
     179           0 :                         break;
     180           0 :                 case 1:
     181           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::LL;
     182           0 :                         break;
     183           0 :                 case 2:
     184           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::RL;
     185           0 :                         break;
     186           0 :                 case 3:
     187           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::LR;
     188           0 :                         break;
     189             :                 }
     190           0 :         } else if (poltype == "stokes") {
     191           0 :                 switch (polno) {
     192           0 :                 case 0:
     193           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::I;
     194           0 :                         break;
     195           0 :                 case 1:
     196           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::Q;
     197           0 :                         break;
     198           0 :                 case 2:
     199           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::U;
     200           0 :                         break;
     201           0 :                 case 3:
     202           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::V;
     203           0 :                         break;
     204             :                 }
     205           0 :         } else if (poltype == "linpol") {
     206           0 :                 switch (polno) {
     207           0 :                 case 0:
     208           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::Plinear;
     209           0 :                         break;
     210           0 :                 case 1:
     211           0 :                         stokes = casacore::Stokes::Pangle;
     212           0 :                         break;
     213             :                 }
     214             :         } else {
     215           0 :                 throw casacore::AipsError(
     216           0 :                                 casacore::String("Invalid poltype") + poltype);
     217             :         }
     218         990 :         if (stokes == casacore::Stokes::Undefined) {
     219           0 :                 throw casacore::AipsError(
     220           0 :                                 casacore::String("Invalid polno for type ") + poltype);
     221             :         }
     222         990 :         return stokes;
     223             : }
     224             : }
     225             : 
     226             : using namespace casacore;
     227             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
     228             : 
     229             : using namespace sdfiller;
     230             : 
     231           5 : Scantable2MSReader::Scantable2MSReader(std::string const &scantable_name) :
     232           5 :     ReaderInterface(scantable_name), main_table_(nullptr), tcal_table_(),
     233           5 :     weather_table_(), scan_column_(), cycle_column_(), ifno_column_(),
     234           5 :     polno_column_(), beam_column_(), flagrow_column_(), time_column_(),
     235           5 :     interval_column_(), srctype_column_(), data_column_(), flag_column_(),
     236           5 :     direction_column_(), scanrate_column_(), fieldname_column_(),
     237          10 :     tsys_column_(), tcal_id_column_(), sorted_rows_(),
     238          10 :     get_antenna_row_([&](sdfiller::AntennaRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getAntennaRowImpl(r);}),
     239          15 :     get_field_row_([&](sdfiller::FieldRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getFieldRowImpl(r);}),
     240          10 :     get_observation_row_([&](sdfiller::ObservationRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getObservationRowImpl(r);}),
     241          10 :     get_processor_row_([&](sdfiller::ProcessorRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getProcessorRowImpl(r);}),
     242          35 :     get_source_row_([&](sdfiller::SourceRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getSourceRowImpl(r);}),
     243          35 :     get_spw_row_([&](sdfiller::SpectralWindowRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::getSpectralWindowRowImpl(r);}),
     244          20 :     field_iter_(nullptr), freq_iter_(nullptr), source_iter_(nullptr) {
     245             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::Scantable2MSReader" << std::endl;
     246           5 : }
     247             : 
     248          10 : Scantable2MSReader::~Scantable2MSReader() {
     249             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::~Scantable2MSReader" << std::endl;
     250          10 : }
     251             : 
     252           5 : void Scantable2MSReader::initializeSpecific() {
     253             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::initialize" << std::endl;
     254           5 :   File f(name_);
     255           5 :   if (f.exists() and f.isDirectory()) {
     256           5 :     main_table_.reset(new Table(name_, Table::Old));
     257             :   } else {
     258           0 :     throw AipsError("Input data doesn't exist or is invalid");
     259             :   }
     260             : 
     261             :   // subtables
     262           5 :   tcal_table_ = main_table_->keywordSet().asTable("TCAL");
     263           5 :   weather_table_ = main_table_->keywordSet().asTable("WEATHER");
     264             : 
     265             :   // attach columns
     266           5 :   scan_column_.attach(*main_table_, "SCANNO");
     267           5 :   cycle_column_.attach(*main_table_, "CYCLENO");
     268           5 :   ifno_column_.attach(*main_table_, "IFNO");
     269           5 :   polno_column_.attach(*main_table_, "POLNO");
     270           5 :   beam_column_.attach(*main_table_, "BEAMNO");
     271           5 :   flagrow_column_.attach(*main_table_, "FLAGROW");
     272           5 :   time_column_.attach(*main_table_, "TIME");
     273           5 :   interval_column_.attach(*main_table_, "INTERVAL");
     274           5 :   srctype_column_.attach(*main_table_, "SRCTYPE");
     275           5 :   data_column_.attach(*main_table_, "SPECTRA");
     276           5 :   flag_column_.attach(*main_table_, "FLAGTRA");
     277           5 :   direction_column_.attach(*main_table_, "DIRECTION");
     278           5 :   scanrate_column_.attach(*main_table_, "SCANRATE");
     279           5 :   fieldname_column_.attach(*main_table_, "FIELDNAME");
     280           5 :   tsys_column_.attach(*main_table_, "TSYS");
     281           5 :   tcal_id_column_.attach(*main_table_, "TCAL_ID");
     282           5 :   weather_id_column_.attach(*main_table_, "WEATHER_ID");
     283             : 
     284           5 :   tcal_column_.attach(tcal_table_, "TCAL");
     285             : 
     286           5 :   temperature_column_.attach(weather_table_, "TEMPERATURE");
     287           5 :   pressure_column_.attach(weather_table_, "PRESSURE");
     288           5 :   humidity_column_.attach(weather_table_, "HUMIDITY");
     289           5 :   wind_speed_column_.attach(weather_table_, "WINDSPEED");
     290           5 :   wind_direction_column_.attach(weather_table_, "WINDAZ");
     291             : 
     292             :   // get sort index
     293           5 :   Sort s;
     294           5 :   Vector<Double> time_list = time_column_.getColumn();
     295           5 :   s.sortKey(, TpDouble, 0, Sort::Ascending);
     296           5 :   Vector<uInt> beamno_list = beam_column_.getColumn();
     297           5 :   s.sortKey(, TpUInt, 0, Sort::Ascending);
     298           5 :   Vector<uInt> ifno_list = ifno_column_.getColumn();
     299           5 :   s.sortKey(, TpUInt, 0, Sort::Ascending);
     300           5 :   Vector<uInt> polno_list = polno_column_.getColumn();
     301           5 :   s.sortKey(, TpUInt, 0, Sort::Ascending);
     302           5 :   uInt n = s.sort(sorted_rows_, main_table_->nrow());
     303           5 :   if (n != main_table_->nrow()) {
     304           0 :     AipsError("Internal problem when sorting rows");
     305             :   }
     306             : //  for (uInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
     307             : //    uInt j = sorted_rows_[i];
     308             : //    printf("id %3u row %3u T %10.3f B %2u S %2u P %2u\n", i, j, time_list[j],
     309             : //        beamno_list[j], ifno_list[j], polno_list[j]);
     310             : //  }
     311             : 
     312             :   // TCAL_ID mapping
     313           5 :   ScalarColumn<uInt> id_column(tcal_table_, "ID");
     314           5 :   tcal_id_map_.clear();
     315         325 :   for (uInt i = 0; i < tcal_table_.nrow(); ++i) {
     316         320 :     tcal_id_map_[id_column(i)] = i;
     317             :   }
     318             : 
     319             :   // WEATHER_ID mapping
     320           5 :   id_column.attach(weather_table_, "ID");
     321           5 :   weather_id_map_.clear();
     322        1580 :   for (uInt i = 0; i < weather_table_.nrow(); ++i) {
     323        1575 :     weather_id_map_[id_column(i)] = i;
     324             :   }
     325             : 
     326             :   // polarization type from header
     327           5 :   pol_type_ = main_table_->keywordSet().asString("POLTYPE");
     328           5 : }
     329             : 
     330           5 : void Scantable2MSReader::finalizeSpecific() {
     331             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::finalize" << std::endl;
     332           5 : }
     333             : 
     334           5 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getAntennaRowImpl(AntennaRecord &record) {
     335             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::getAntennaRowImpl" << std::endl;
     336           5 :   TableRecord const &header = main_table_->keywordSet();
     337             : 
     338             :   // header antenna name is constructed as <ObservatoryName>//<AntennaName>@<StationName>
     339           5 :   String header_antenna_name = header.asString("AntennaName");
     340           5 :   String::size_type separator = header_antenna_name.find("//");
     341           5 :   String antenna_name;
     342           5 :   if (separator != String::npos) {
     343           5 :     antenna_name = header_antenna_name.substr(separator + 2);
     344             :   } else {
     345           0 :     antenna_name = header_antenna_name;
     346             :   }
     347           5 :   separator = antenna_name.find("@");
     348           5 :   if (separator != String::npos) {
     349           5 :     record.station = antenna_name.substr(separator + 1);
     350           5 : = antenna_name.substr(0, separator);
     351             :   } else {
     352           0 :     record.station = "";
     353           0 : = antenna_name;
     354             :   }
     355           5 :   record.dish_diameter = queryAntennaDiameter(;
     356           5 :   record.type = "GROUND-BASED";
     357           5 :   record.mount = "ALT-AZ";
     358             : 
     359             :   Vector<Double> antenna_position_value = header.asArrayDouble(
     360           5 :       "AntennaPosition");
     361           5 :   Vector<Quantity> antenna_position_quant(3);
     362           5 :   antenna_position_quant[0] = Quantity(antenna_position_value[0], "m");
     363           5 :   antenna_position_quant[1] = Quantity(antenna_position_value[1], "m");
     364           5 :   antenna_position_quant[2] = Quantity(antenna_position_value[2], "m");
     365          10 :   record.position = MPosition(MVPosition(antenna_position_quant),
     366           5 :       MPosition::ITRF);
     367             : 
     368             :   // only one entry so redirect function pointer to noMoreRowImpl
     369          10 :   get_antenna_row_ = [&](sdfiller::AntennaRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::noMoreRowImpl<AntennaRecord>(r);};
     370             : 
     371           5 :   return true;
     372           5 : }
     373             : 
     374           5 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getObservationRowImpl(ObservationRecord &record) {
     375             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::getObservationRowImpl" << std::endl;
     376             : 
     377           5 :   ScalarColumn<Double> column(*main_table_, "TIME");
     378           5 :   Vector<Double> time_list = column.getColumn();
     379           5 :   if (record.time_range.size() != 2) {
     380           5 :     record.time_range.resize(2);
     381             :   }
     382           5 :   minMax(record.time_range[0], record.time_range[1], time_list);
     383           5 :   TableRecord const &header = main_table_->keywordSet();
     384           5 : = header.asString("Observer");
     385           5 :   record.project = header.asString("Project");
     386             :   // header antenna name is constructed as <ObservatoryName>//<AntennaName>@<StationName>
     387           5 :   String header_antenna_name = header.asString("AntennaName");
     388           5 :   String::size_type separator = header_antenna_name.find("//");
     389           5 :   if (separator != String::npos) {
     390           5 :     record.telescope_name = header_antenna_name.substr(0, separator);
     391             :   } else {
     392           0 :     separator = header_antenna_name.find("@");
     393           0 :     record.telescope_name = header_antenna_name.substr(0, separator);
     394             :   }
     395             : 
     396             :   // only one entry so redirect function pointer to noMoreRowImpl
     397          10 :   get_observation_row_ = [&](sdfiller::ObservationRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::noMoreRowImpl<ObservationRecord>(r);};
     398             : 
     399           5 :   return true;
     400           5 : }
     401             : 
     402           5 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getProcessorRowImpl(ProcessorRecord &/*record*/) {
     403             : //  std::cout << "Scantabl2MSReader::getProcessorRowImpl" << std::endl;
     404             : 
     405             :   // just add empty row once
     406             : 
     407             :   // only one entry so redirect function pointer to noMoreRowImpl
     408          10 :   get_processor_row_ = [&](sdfiller::ProcessorRecord &r) {return Scantable2MSReader::noMoreRowImpl<ProcessorRecord>(r);};
     409             : 
     410           5 :   return true;
     411             : }
     412             : 
     413          30 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getSourceRowImpl(SourceRecord &record) {
     414          30 :   return getRowImplTemplate(source_iter_, record, get_source_row_);
     415             : }
     416             : 
     417          10 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getFieldRowImpl(FieldRecord &record) {
     418          10 :   return getRowImplTemplate(field_iter_, record, get_field_row_, &field_map_);
     419             : }
     420             : 
     421          30 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getSpectralWindowRowImpl(
     422             :     SpectralWindowRecord &record) {
     423          30 :   return getRowImplTemplate(freq_iter_, record, get_spw_row_, &num_chan_map_);
     424             : }
     425             : 
     426         990 : Bool Scantable2MSReader::getData(size_t irow, DataRecord &record) {
     427             : //  std::cout << "Scantable2MSReader::getData(irow=" << irow << ")" << std::endl;
     428             : 
     429         990 :   if (irow >= main_table_->nrow()) {
     430           0 :     return false;
     431             :   }
     432             : 
     433         990 :   constexpr double kDay2Sec = 86400.0;
     434         990 :   uInt index = sorted_rows_[irow];
     435             : //  std::cout << "Accessing row " << index << std::endl;
     436             : 
     437         990 :   time_column_.get(index, record.time);
     438         990 :   record.time *= kDay2Sec;
     439         990 :   interval_column_.get(index, record.interval);
     440             : //  std::cout << "TIME=" << record.time << " INTERVAL=" << record.interval
     441             : //      << std::endl;
     442         990 :   Int srctype = srctype_column_(index);
     443         990 :   record.intent = getIntent(srctype);
     444         990 :   record.scan = (Int) scan_column_(index);
     445         990 :   record.subscan = getSubscan(srctype);
     446         990 :   String field_name = fieldname_column_.get(index);
     447         990 :   record.field_id = field_map_[field_name];
     448         990 :   record.antenna_id = (Int) 0;
     449         990 :   direction_column_.get(index, record.direction_vector);
     450         990 :   scanrate_column_.get(index, record.scan_rate);
     451         990 :   record.feed_id = (Int) beam_column_(index);
     452         990 :   record.spw_id = (Int) ifno_column_(index);
     453             :   uInt polno;
     454         990 :   polno_column_.get(index, polno);
     455         990 :   record.pol = getPol(polno, pol_type_);
     456         990 :   record.pol_type = pol_type_;
     457             : //  std::cout << "set data size to " << num_chan_map_[record.spw_id] << " shape "
     458             : //      << << std::endl;
     459         990 :   record.setDataSize(num_chan_map_[record.spw_id]);
     460         990 :   data_column_.get(index,;
     461         990 :   Vector<uChar> flag = flag_column_(index);
     462         990 :   convertArray(record.flag, flag);
     463         990 :   uInt flagrow = flagrow_column_(index);
     464         990 :   Bool bflagrow = (flagrow != 0);
     465         990 :   record.flag_row = bflagrow;
     466             : 
     467         990 :   if (tsys_column_.isDefined(index)) {
     468             : //    std::cout << "set tsys size to " << tsys_column_.shape(index)[0]
     469             : //        << " shape " << record.tsys.shape() << std::endl;
     470         990 :     record.setTsysSize(tsys_column_.shape(index)[0]);
     471         990 :     Vector<Float> tsys = tsys_column_(index);
     472         990 :     if (!allEQ(tsys, 1.0f) || !allEQ(tsys, 0.0f)) {
     473         990 :       record.tsys = tsys;
     474             :     }
     475         990 :   }
     476             : 
     477         990 :   uInt tcal_id = tcal_id_column_(index);
     478         990 :   auto iter = tcal_id_map_.find(tcal_id);
     479         990 :   if (iter != tcal_id_map_.end()) {
     480         990 :     uInt tcal_row = iter->second;
     481             : //    std::cout << "set tsys size to " << tcal_column.shape(0)[0] << " shape "
     482             : //        << record.tcal.shape() << std::endl;
     483         990 :     record.setTcalSize(tcal_column_.shape(tcal_row)[0]);
     484         990 :     Vector<Float> tcal = tcal_column_(tcal_row);
     485         990 :     if (!allEQ(tcal, 1.0f) || !allEQ(tcal, 0.0f)) {
     486         990 :       record.tcal = tcal;
     487             :     }
     488         990 :   }
     489             : 
     490         990 :   uInt weather_id = weather_id_column_(index);
     491         990 :   auto iter2 = weather_id_map_.find(weather_id);
     492         990 :   if (iter2 != weather_id_map_.end()) {
     493         990 :     uInt weather_row = iter2->second;
     494         990 :     record.temperature = temperature_column_(weather_row);
     495         990 :     record.pressure = pressure_column_(weather_row);
     496         990 :     record.rel_humidity = humidity_column_(weather_row);
     497         990 :     record.wind_speed = wind_speed_column_(weather_row);
     498         990 :     record.wind_direction = wind_direction_column_(weather_row);
     499             :   }
     500             : 
     501         990 :   return true;
     502         990 : }
     503             : 
     504             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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