LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - singledish/SingleDish - SingleDishMS.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 8 8 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# SingleDishMS.h: this defines a class that handles single dish MSes
       2             : //#
       3             : //# Copyright (C) 2014,2015
       4             : //# National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : #ifndef _CASA_SINGLEDISH_MS_H_
      29             : #define _CASA_SINGLEDISH_MS_H_
      30             : 
      31             : #include <iostream>
      32             : #include <string>
      33             : 
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/aipstype.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      36             : #include <libsakura/sakura.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MeasurementSet.h>
      38             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/FFTServer.h>
      40             : #include <singledish/SingleDish/SDMSManager.h>
      41             : 
      42             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      43             : class SingleDishMS {
      44             : public:
      45             :   // Default constructor
      46             :   SingleDishMS();
      47             :   // Construct from casacore::MS name string
      48             :   SingleDishMS(string const& ms_name);
      49             : 
      50             :   // Destructor
      51             :   ~SingleDishMS();
      52             : 
      53             :   /*
      54             :    * Return the name of the MeasurementSet
      55             :    */
      56             :   string name() const {
      57             :     return msname_;
      58             :   }
      59             : 
      60             :   bool close();
      61             : 
      62             :   /*
      63             :    * Formats selection parameters for single dish processing.
      64             :    * @param [in] selection A casacore::Record consists of selection key and values
      65             :    * @param [in] verbose If true, print summary of selection logger
      66             :    */
      67             :   void setSelection(casacore::Record const& selection, bool const verbose = true);
      68             : 
      69             :   /*
      70             :    * Set time averaging parameters.
      71             :    */
      72             :   void setAverage(casacore::Record const& average, bool const verbose = true);
      73             : 
      74             :   /*
      75             :    * Set polarization averaging parameters.
      76             :    */
      77             :   void setPolAverage(casacore::Record const& average, bool const verbose = true);
      78             : 
      79             :   // Invoke baseline subtraction
      80             :   // (polynomial, write results in new casacore::MS)
      81             :   void subtractBaseline(string const& in_column_name,
      82             :                         string const& out_ms_name,
      83             :                         string const& out_bloutput_name,
      84             :                         bool const& do_subtract,
      85             :                         string const& in_spw,
      86             :                         bool const& update_weight,
      87             :                         string const& sigma_value,
      88             :                         string const& blfunc,
      89             :                         int const order,
      90             :                         float const clip_threshold_sigma,
      91             :                         int const num_fitting_max,
      92             :                         bool const linefinding,
      93             :                         float const threshold,
      94             :                         int const avg_limit,
      95             :                         int const minwidth,
      96             :                         std::vector<int> const& edge);
      97             : 
      98             :   //Cubicspline
      99             :   void subtractBaselineCspline(string const& in_column_name,
     100             :                                string const& out_ms_name,
     101             :                                string const& out_bloutput_name,
     102             :                                bool const& do_subtract,
     103             :                                string const& in_spw,
     104             :                                bool const& update_weight,
     105             :                                string const& sigma_value,
     106             :                                int const npiece,
     107             :                                float const clip_threshold_sigma,
     108             :                                int const num_fitting_max,
     109             :                                bool const linefinding,
     110             :                                float const threshold,
     111             :                                int const avg_limit,
     112             :                                int const minwidth,
     113             :                                std::vector<int> const& edge);
     114             : 
     115             :   //Sinusoid
     116             :    void subtractBaselineSinusoid(string const& in_column_name,
     117             :                                  string const& out_ms_name,
     118             :                                  string const& out_bloutput_name,
     119             :                                  bool const& do_subtract,
     120             :                                  string const& in_spw,
     121             :                                  bool const& update_weight,
     122             :                                  string const& sigma_value,
     123             :                                  string const& addwn0,
     124             :                                  string const& rejwn0,
     125             :                                  bool const applyfft,
     126             :                                  string const fftmethod,
     127             :                                  string const fftthresh,
     128             :                                  float const clip_threshold_sigma,
     129             :                                  int const num_fitting_max,
     130             :                                  bool const linefinding,
     131             :                                  float const threshold,
     132             :                                  int const avg_limit,
     133             :                                  int const minwidth,
     134             :                                  std::vector<int> const& edge);
     135             : 
     136             :   // variable fitting parameters stored in a text file
     137             :   void subtractBaselineVariable(string const& in_column_name,
     138             :                                 string const& out_ms_name,
     139             :                                 string const& out_bloutput_name,
     140             :                                 bool const& do_subtract,
     141             :                                 string const& in_spw,
     142             :                                 bool const& update_weight,
     143             :                                 string const& sigma_value,
     144             :                                 string const& param_file,
     145             :                                 bool const& verbose = true);
     146             : 
     147             :   // apply baseline table
     148             :   void applyBaselineTable(string const& in_column_name,
     149             :                           string const& in_bltable_name,
     150             :                           string const& in_spw,
     151             :                           bool const& update_weight,
     152             :                           string const& sigma_value,
     153             :                           string const& out_ms_name);
     154             : 
     155             :   // fit line profile
     156             :   void fitLine(string const& in_column_name, string const& in_spw,
     157             :       string const& in_pol, string const& fitfunc, string const& in_nfit,
     158             :       bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit,
     159             :       int const minwidth, std::vector<int> const& edge,
     160             :       string const& tempfile_name, string const& temp_out_ms_name);
     161             : 
     162             :   // smooth data with arbitrary smoothing kernel
     163             :   // smoothing kernels currently supported include gaussian and boxcar
     164             :   void smooth(string const& kernelType, float const kernelWidth,
     165             :       string const& columnName, string const& outMsName);
     166             : 
     167             :   // C++ implementation of sdatmcor
     168             :   void atmcor(casacore::Record const &config, string const &columnName, string const &outMsName);
     169             : 
     170             : private:
     171             :   /////////////////////////
     172             :   /// Utility functions ///
     173             :   /////////////////////////
     174             :   /*
     175             :    *  Initializes member variables: in_column_
     176             :    */
     177             :   void initialize();
     178             :   /*
     179             :    * Formats selection parameters for single dish processing.
     180             :    * @param [in] selection A casacore::Record consists of selection key and values
     181             :    */
     182             :   void format_selection(casacore::Record& selection);
     183             : 
     184             :   // retrieve a field by name from casacore::Record as casa::String.
     185             :   casacore::String get_field_as_casa_string(casacore::Record const& in_data,
     186             :                                             string const& field_name);
     187             : 
     188             :   bool prepare_for_process(string const& in_column_name,
     189             :                            string const& out_ms_name);
     190             : 
     191             :   bool prepare_for_process(string const& in_column_name,
     192             :                            string const& out_ms_name,
     193             :                            casacore::Block<casacore::Int> const& sortColumns,
     194             :                            bool const addDefaultSortCols = false);
     195             :   void finalize_process();
     196             : 
     197             :   // check column 'in' is in input casacore::MS and set to 'out' if it exists.
     198             :   // if not, out is set to casacore::MS::UNDEFINED_COLUMN
     199             :   bool set_column(casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns const& in,
     200             :                   casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns& out);
     201             :   // Convert a casacore::Complex casacore::Array to casacore::Float Array
     202             :   void convertArrayC2F(casacore::Array<casacore::Float>& from,
     203             :                        casacore::Array<casacore::Complex> const& to);
     204             :   // Split a string with given delimiter
     205             :   std::vector<string> split_string(string const& s,
     206             :                                    char delim);
     207             :   // examine if a file with specified name exists
     208             :   bool file_exists(string const& filename);
     209             :   /* Convert spw selection string to vectors of spwid and channel
     210             :      ranges by parsing msseltoindex output. Also creates some
     211             :      placeholder vectors to store mask and the muber of channels
     212             :      in each selected SPW.
     213             :      [in] in_spw: input SPW selection string
     214             :      [out] spw : a vector of selected SPW IDs. the number of
     215             :                  elements is the number of selected SPWs
     216             :      [out] chan : a vector of selected SPW IDs and channel ranges
     217             :                   returned by msseltoindex. [[SPWID, start, end, stride], ...]
     218             :      [out] nchan : a vector of length spw.size() initialized by zero
     219             :      [out] mask : an uninitialized vector of length spw.size()
     220             :      [out] nchan_set: a vector of length spw.size() initilazed by false
     221             :    */
     222             :   void parse_spw(string const& in_spw,
     223             :                  casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& spw,
     224             :                  casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int>& chan,
     225             :                  casacore::Vector<size_t>& nchan,
     226             :                  casacore::Vector<casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> >& mask,
     227             :                  casacore::Vector<bool>& nchan_set);
     228             :   /* Go through chunk and set valudes to nchan and mask selection
     229             :      vectors of the SPW if not already done.
     230             :     [in] rec_spw: a vector of selected SPW IDs. the number of
     231             :                  elements is the number of selected SPWs
     232             :     [in] data_spw: a vector of SPW IDs in current chunk. the
     233             :                    number of elements is equals to the number
     234             :                    of rows in the chunk.
     235             :     [in] rec_chan: a vector of selected SPW IDs and channel ranges
     236             :                   returned by msseltoindex. [[SPWID, start, end, stride], ...]
     237             :     [in] num_chan: a vector of the number of channels in current chunk.
     238             :                    the number of elements is equals to the number
     239             :                    of rows in the chunk.
     240             :     [out] nchan: a vector of length spw.size(). the number of channels
     241             :                  in the corresponding SPW is set when the loop traverses
     242             :                  the SPW for the first time.
     243             :     [out] mask: a vector of length spw.size().
     244             :     [in,out] nchan_set: a boolean vector of length spw.size().
     245             :                         the value indicates if nchan, and mask of
     246             :                         the corresponding SPW is already set.
     247             :     [out] new_nchan: returns true if this is the first time finding
     248             :                      SPWs with the same number of channels.
     249             :    */
     250             :   void get_nchan_and_mask(casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> const &rec_spw,
     251             :                           casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> const &data_spw,
     252             :                           casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int> const &rec_chan,
     253             :                           size_t const num_chan,
     254             :                           casacore::Vector<size_t>& nchan,
     255             :                           casacore::Vector<casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> >& mask,
     256             :                           casacore::Vector<bool>& nchan_set,
     257             :                           bool& new_nchan);
     258             :   void get_mask_from_rec(casacore::Int spwid,
     259             :                          casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int> const &rec_chan,
     260             :                          casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> &mask,
     261             :                          bool initialize = true);
     262             :   void get_masklist_from_mask(size_t const num_chan,
     263             :                               bool const* mask,
     264             :                               casacore::Vector<casacore::uInt>& masklist);
     265             :   // Create a set of baseline contexts (if necessary)
     266             :   void get_baseline_context(size_t const bltype,
     267             :                             uint16_t order,
     268             :                             size_t num_chan,
     269             :                             casacore::Vector<size_t> const& nchan,
     270             :                             casacore::Vector<bool> const& nchan_set,
     271             :                             casacore::Vector<size_t>& ctx_indices,
     272             :       std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *>& bl_contexts);
     273             :   void get_baseline_context(size_t const bltype,
     274             :       uint16_t order,
     275             :       size_t num_chan,
     276             :       size_t ispw,
     277             :       casacore::Vector<size_t> &ctx_indices,
     278             :       std::vector<size_t> &ctx_nchans,
     279             :       std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts);
     280             :   // Destroy a set of baseline contexts
     281             :   void destroy_baseline_contexts(std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts);
     282             :   void check_sakura_status(string const &name, LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) const status);
     283             :   void check_baseline_status(LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) const bl_status);
     284             :   template<typename T, typename U>
     285     3183504 :   void set_matrix_for_bltable(size_t const num_pol,
     286             :                               size_t const num_data_max,
     287             :                               std::vector<std::vector<T> > const& in_data,
     288             :                               casacore::Array<U> &out_data) {
     289     6377918 :     for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
     290    10622003 :       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data_max; ++i) {
     291     7427589 :         out_data[i][ipol] = static_cast<U>(0);
     292             :       }
     293     3194414 :       size_t num_data = in_data[ipol].size();
     294    10621697 :       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
     295     7427283 :         out_data[i][ipol] = static_cast<U>(in_data[ipol][i]);
     296             :       }
     297             :     }
     298     3183504 :   }
     299             :   template<typename T, typename U>
     300             :   void set_array_for_bltable(size_t const ipol,
     301             :                              size_t const num_data,
     302             :                              T const *in_data,
     303             :                              casacore::Array<U> &out_data) {
     304             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
     305             :       out_data[i][ipol] = static_cast<U>(in_data[i]);
     306             :     }
     307             :   }
     308             :   size_t get_num_coeff_bloutput(size_t const bltype,
     309             :                                 size_t order,
     310             :                                 size_t& num_coeff_max);
     311             :   std::vector<int> string_to_list(string const &wn_str, char const delim);
     312             :   void get_effective_nwave(std::vector<int> const& addwn,
     313             :                            std::vector<int> const& rejwn,
     314             :                            int const wn_ulimit,
     315             :                            std::vector<int>& effwn);
     316             :   void finalise_effective_nwave(std::vector<int> const& blparam_eff_base,
     317             :                                 std::vector<int> const& blparam_exclude,
     318             :                                 int const& blparam_upperlimit,
     319             :                                 size_t const& num_chan,
     320             :                                 float const* spec,
     321             :                                 bool const* mask,
     322             :                                 bool const& applyfft,
     323             :                                 string const& fftmethod,
     324             :                                 string const& fftthresh,
     325             :                                 std::vector<size_t>& blparam_eff);
     326             :   void parse_fftthresh(string const& fftthresh_str,
     327             :                        string& fftthresh_attr,
     328             :                        float& fftthresh_sigma,
     329             :                        int& fftthresh_top);
     330             :   void select_wavenumbers_via_fft(size_t const num_chan,
     331             :                                   float const *spec,
     332             :                                   bool const *mask,
     333             :                                   string const &fftmethod,
     334             :                                   string const &fftthresh_attr,
     335             :                                   float const fftthresh_sigma,
     336             :                                   int const fftthresh_top,
     337             :                                   int const blparam_upperlimit,
     338             :                                   std::vector<int> &blparam_fft);
     339             :   void exec_fft(size_t const num_chan,
     340             :                 float const *in_spec,
     341             :                 bool const *in_mask,
     342             :                 bool const get_real_imag,
     343             :                 bool const get_ampl_only,
     344             :                 std::vector<float> &fourier_spec);
     345             :   void interpolate_constant(int const num_chan,
     346             :                             float const *in_spec,
     347             :                             bool const *in_mask,
     348             :                             casacore::Vector<casacore::Float> &spec);
     349             :   void merge_wavenumbers(std::vector<int> const& blparam_eff_base,
     350             :                          std::vector<int> const& blparam_fft,
     351             :                          std::vector<int> const& blparam_exclude,
     352             :                          std::vector<size_t>& blparam_eff);
     353             :     list<pair<size_t, size_t>> findLineAndGetRanges(size_t const num_data,
     354             :                                                   float const data[/*num_data*/],
     355             :                                                   bool mask[/*num_data*/],
     356             :                                                   float const threshold,
     357             :                                                   int const avg_limit,
     358             :                                                   int const minwidth,
     359             :                                                   std::vector<int> const& edge,
     360             :                                                   bool const invert);
     361             :   void findLineAndGetMask(size_t const num_data,
     362             :                           float const data[/*num_data*/],
     363             :                           bool const in_mask[/*num_data*/],
     364             :                           float const threshold,
     365             :                           int const avg_limit,
     366             :                           int const minwidth,
     367             :                           std::vector<int> const& edge,
     368             :                           bool const invert,
     369             :                           bool out_mask[/*num_data*/]);
     370             :   template<typename Func0, typename Func1, typename Func2, typename Func3>
     371             :   void doSubtractBaseline(string const& in_column_name,
     372             :                           string const& out_ms_name,
     373             :                           string const& out_bloutput_name,
     374             :                           bool const& do_subtract,
     375             :                           string const& in_spw,
     376             :                           bool const& update_weight,
     377             :                           string const& sigma_value,
     378             :                           LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status)& status,
     379             :                           std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts,
     380             :                           size_t const bltype,
     381             :                           std::vector<int> const& blparam,
     382             :                           std::vector<int> const& blparam_exclude,
     383             :                           bool const& applyfft,
     384             :                           string const& fftmethod,
     385             :                           string const& fftthresh,
     386             :                           float const clip_threshold_sigma,
     387             :                           int const num_fitting_max,
     388             :                           bool const linefinding,
     389             :                           float const threshold,
     390             :                           int const avg_limit,
     391             :                           int const minwidth,
     392             :                           std::vector<int> const& edge,
     393             :                           Func0 func0,
     394             :                           Func1 func1,
     395             :                           Func2 func2,
     396             :                           Func3 func3,
     397             :                           casacore::LogIO os);
     398             : 
     399             :   /////////////////////////////
     400             :   /// casacore::MS handling functions ///
     401             :   /////////////////////////////
     402             :   // retrieve a spectrum at the row and plane (polarization) from data cube
     403             :   void get_spectrum_from_cube(casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& data_cube,
     404             :                               size_t const row,
     405             :                               size_t const plane,
     406             :                               size_t const num_data,
     407             :                               float out_data[/*num_data*/]);
     408             :   // set a spectrum at the row and plane (polarization) to data cube
     409             :   void set_spectrum_to_cube(casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& data_cube,
     410             :                             size_t const row,
     411             :                             size_t const plane,
     412             :                             size_t const num_data,
     413             :                             float in_data[/*num_data*/]);
     414             :   // get data cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) in in_column_ from visbuffer
     415             :   // and convert it to float cube
     416             :   void get_data_cube_float(vi::VisBuffer2 const& vb,
     417             :                            casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& data_cube);
     418             :   // get weight matrix (npol*nvirow) from visbuffer
     419             :   void get_weight_matrix(vi::VisBuffer2 const& vb,
     420             :                          casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float>& weight_matrix);
     421             :   // set a weight at the row and plane (polarization) to weight matrix
     422             :   void set_weight_to_matrix(casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float>& weight_matrix,
     423             :                             size_t const row,
     424             :                             size_t const plane,
     425             :                             float in_weight);
     426             :   // get flag cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) from visbuffer
     427             :   void get_flag_cube(vi::VisBuffer2 const& vb,
     428             :                      casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& flag_cube);
     429             :   // retrieve a flag at the row and plane (polarization) from flag cube
     430             :   void get_flag_from_cube(casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& flag_cube,
     431             :                           size_t const row,
     432             :                           size_t const plane,
     433             :                           size_t const num_flag,
     434             :                           bool out_flag[/*num_flag*/]);
     435             :   // set a flag at the row and plane (polarization) to flag cube
     436             :   void set_flag_to_cube(casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> &flag_cube,
     437             :                         size_t const row,
     438             :                         size_t const plane,
     439             :                         size_t const num_flag,
     440             :                         bool in_flag[/*num_data*/]);
     441             :   // flag all channels in a supectrum in cube at the row and plane (polarization)
     442             :   void flag_spectrum_in_cube(casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> &flag_cube,
     443             :                              size_t const row,
     444             :                              size_t const plane);
     445             :   // return true if all channels are flagged
     446             :   bool allchannels_flagged(size_t const num_flag,
     447             :                            bool const* flag);
     448             :   // returns the number of channels with true in input mask
     449             :   size_t NValidMask(size_t const num_mask,
     450             :                     bool const* mask);
     451             : 
     452             :   /////////////////////////////////
     453             :   /// casacore::Array execution functions ///
     454             :   /////////////////////////////////
     455             : 
     456             :   ////////////////////////
     457             :   /// Member variables ///
     458             :   ////////////////////////
     459             :   // the name of input MS
     460             :   string msname_;
     461             :   // columns to read and save data
     462             :   casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns in_column_;  //, out_column_;
     463             :   // casacore::Record of selection
     464             :   casacore::Record selection_;
     465             :   // casacore::Record of average
     466             :   casacore::Record average_;
     467             :   // Record of polarization average
     468             :   casacore::Record pol_average_;
     469             :   // SDMSManager
     470             :   SDMSManager *sdh_;
     471             :   // pointer to accessor function
     472             :   void (*visCubeAccessor_)(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Float> &cube);
     473             :   // smoothing flag
     474             :   casacore::Bool doSmoothing_;
     475             :   // offline ATM correction flag
     476             :   casacore::Bool doAtmCor_;
     477             :   casacore::Record atmCorConfig_;
     478             : 
     479             :   string bloutputname_csv;
     480             :   string bloutputname_text;
     481             :   string bloutputname_table;
     482             : 
     483             :   //split the name
     484             :   void split_bloutputname(string str);
     485             : 
     486             : public:
     487             :   static bool importAsap(string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel=false);
     488             :   static bool importNRO(string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel=false);
     489             : };
     490             : // class SingleDishMS -END
     491             : 
     492             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     493             : 
     494             : #endif /* _CASA_SINGLEDISH_MS_H_ */

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