LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - singledish/SingleDish - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1979 2153 91.9 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 92 101 91.1 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #include <algorithm>
       2             : #include <cstdlib>
       3             : #include <iostream>
       4             : #include <map>
       5             : #include <string>
       6             : #include <sys/time.h>
       7             : #include <vector>
       8             : 
       9             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      10             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      11             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Allocator.h>
      12             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h>
      13             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      14             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogOrigin.h>
      15             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      16             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      17             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/GenSort.h>
      18             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSSpectralWindow.h>
      19             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelection.h>
      20             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelectionTools.h>
      21             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
      22             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSetUtil.h>
      23             : #include <casacore/scimath/Fitting/GenericL2Fit.h>
      24             : #include <casacore/scimath/Fitting/NonLinearFitLM.h>
      25             : #include <casacore/scimath/Functionals/CompiledFunction.h>
      26             : #include <casacore/scimath/Functionals/CompoundFunction.h>
      27             : #include <casacore/scimath/Functionals/Function.h>
      28             : #include <casacore/scimath/Functionals/Gaussian1D.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/scimath/Functionals/Lorentzian1D.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/Convolver.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/VectorKernel.h>
      32             : #include <singledish/SingleDish/BaselineTable.h>
      33             : #include <singledish/SingleDish/BLParameterParser.h>
      34             : #include <singledish/SingleDish/LineFinder.h>
      35             : #include <singledish/SingleDish/SingleDishMS.h>
      36             : #include <stdcasa/StdCasa/CasacSupport.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
      38             : #include <casa_sakura/SakuraAlignedArray.h>
      39             : 
      40             : // for importasap and importnro
      41             : #include <singledishfiller/Filler/NRO2MSReader.h>
      42             : #include <singledishfiller/Filler/Scantable2MSReader.h>
      43             : #include <singledishfiller/Filler/SingleDishMSFiller.h>
      44             : 
      45             : #define _ORIGIN LogOrigin("SingleDishMS", __func__, WHERE)
      46             : 
      47             : namespace {
      48             :   // Max number of rows to get in each iteration
      49             :   constexpr casacore::Int kNRowBlocking = 1000;
      50             :   // Sinusoid
      51             :   constexpr int SinusoidWaveNumber_kUpperLimit = -999;
      52             :   // Weight
      53             :   constexpr size_t WeightIndex_kStddev = 0;
      54             :   constexpr size_t WeightIndex_kRms = 1;
      55             :   constexpr size_t WeightIndex_kNum = 2;
      56             : 
      57         369 : double gettimeofday_sec() {
      58             :   struct timeval tv;
      59         369 :   gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
      60         369 :   return tv.tv_sec + (double) tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6;
      61             : }
      62             : 
      63             : using casa::vi::VisBuffer2;
      64             : using casacore::Matrix;
      65             : using casacore::Cube;
      66             : using casacore::Float;
      67             : using casacore::Complex;
      68             : using casacore::AipsError;
      69             : 
      70             : template<class CUBE_ACCESSOR>
      71             : struct DataAccessorInterface {
      72         962 :   static void GetCube(VisBuffer2 const &vb, Cube<Float> &cube) {
      73         962 :     real(cube, CUBE_ACCESSOR::GetVisCube(vb));
      74         962 :   }
      75             :   static void GetSlice(VisBuffer2 const &vb, size_t const iPol,
      76             :       Matrix<Float> &cubeSlice) {
      77             :     real(cubeSlice, CUBE_ACCESSOR::GetVisCube(vb).yzPlane(iPol));
      78             :   }
      79             : };
      80             : 
      81             : struct DataAccessor: public DataAccessorInterface<DataAccessor> {
      82         942 :   static Cube<Complex> GetVisCube(VisBuffer2 const &vb) {
      83         942 :     return vb.visCube();
      84             :   }
      85             : };
      86             : 
      87             : struct CorrectedDataAccessor: public DataAccessorInterface<CorrectedDataAccessor> {
      88          20 :   static Cube<Complex> GetVisCube(VisBuffer2 const &vb) {
      89          20 :     return vb.visCubeCorrected();
      90             :   }
      91             : };
      92             : 
      93             : struct FloatDataAccessor {
      94         989 :   static void GetCube(VisBuffer2 const &vb, Cube<Float> &cube) {
      95         989 :     cube = GetVisCube(vb);
      96         989 :   }
      97             :   static void GetSlice(VisBuffer2 const &vb, size_t const iPol,
      98             :       Matrix<Float> &cubeSlice) {
      99             :     cubeSlice = GetVisCube(vb).yzPlane(iPol);
     100             :   }
     101             : private:
     102         989 :   static Cube<Float> GetVisCube(VisBuffer2 const &vb) {
     103         989 :     return vb.visCubeFloat();
     104             :   }
     105             : };
     106             : 
     107         942 : inline void GetCubeFromData(VisBuffer2 const &vb, Cube<Float> &cube) {
     108         942 :   DataAccessor::GetCube(vb, cube);
     109         942 : }
     110             : 
     111          20 : inline void GetCubeFromCorrected(VisBuffer2 const &vb, Cube<Float> &cube) {
     112          20 :   CorrectedDataAccessor::GetCube(vb, cube);
     113          20 : }
     114             : 
     115         989 : inline void GetCubeFromFloat(VisBuffer2 const &vb, Cube<Float> &cube) {
     116         989 :   FloatDataAccessor::GetCube(vb, cube);
     117         989 : }
     118             : 
     119           0 : inline void GetCubeDefault(VisBuffer2 const& /*vb*/, Cube<Float>& /*cube*/) {
     120           0 :   throw AipsError("Data accessor for VB2 is not properly configured.");
     121             : }
     122             : 
     123        4708 : inline void compute_weight(size_t const num_data,
     124             :                            float const data[/*num_data*/],
     125             :                            bool const mask[/*num_data*/],
     126             :                            std::vector<float>& weight) {
     127       14124 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < WeightIndex_kNum; ++i) {
     128        9416 :     weight[i] = 0.0;
     129             :   }
     130             : 
     131        4708 :   int num_data_effective = 0;
     132        4708 :   double sum = 0.0;
     133        4708 :   double sum_sq = 0.0;
     134    19492964 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
     135    19488256 :     if (mask[i]) {
     136    19406262 :       num_data_effective++;
     137    19406262 :       sum += data[i];
     138    19406262 :       sum_sq += data[i] * data[i];
     139             :     }
     140             :   }
     141             : 
     142        4708 :   if (num_data_effective > 0) {
     143        4708 :     double factor = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(num_data_effective);
     144        4708 :     double mean = sum * factor;
     145        4708 :     double mean_sq = sum_sq * factor;
     146             : 
     147        4708 :     std::vector<double> variance(WeightIndex_kNum);
     148        4708 :     variance[WeightIndex_kStddev] = mean_sq - mean * mean;
     149        4708 :     variance[WeightIndex_kRms] = mean_sq;
     150             : 
     151        9416 :     auto do_compute_weight = [&](size_t idx) {
     152        9416 :       if (variance[idx] > 0.0) {
     153        9416 :         weight[idx] = static_cast<float>(1.0 / variance[idx]);
     154             :       } else {
     155           0 :         LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     156           0 :         os << "Weight set to 0 for a bad data." << LogIO::WARN;
     157           0 :       }
     158        9416 :     };
     159             : 
     160        4708 :     do_compute_weight(WeightIndex_kStddev);
     161        4708 :     do_compute_weight(WeightIndex_kRms);
     162        4708 :   }
     163        4708 : }
     164             : 
     165             : } // anonymous namespace
     166             : 
     167             : using namespace casacore;
     168             : namespace casa {
     169             : 
     170           0 : SingleDishMS::SingleDishMS() : msname_(""), sdh_(0) {
     171           0 :   initialize();
     172           0 : }
     173             : 
     174         757 : SingleDishMS::SingleDishMS(string const& ms_name) : msname_(ms_name), sdh_(0) {
     175        1514 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     176         757 :   initialize();
     177         757 : }
     178             : 
     179         757 : SingleDishMS::~SingleDishMS() {
     180         757 :   if (sdh_) {
     181          12 :     delete sdh_;
     182          12 :     sdh_ = 0;
     183             :   }
     184         757 :   msname_ = "";
     185         757 : }
     186             : 
     187        1496 : void SingleDishMS::initialize() {
     188        1496 :   in_column_ = MS::UNDEFINED_COLUMN;
     189             :   //  out_column_ = MS::UNDEFINED_COLUMN;
     190        1496 :   doSmoothing_ = false;
     191        1496 :   doAtmCor_ = false;
     192        1496 :   visCubeAccessor_ = GetCubeDefault;
     193        1496 : }
     194             : 
     195           0 : bool SingleDishMS::close() {
     196           0 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     197           0 :   os << "Detaching from SingleDishMS" << LogIO::POST;
     198             : 
     199           0 :   if (sdh_) {
     200           0 :     delete sdh_;
     201           0 :     sdh_ = 0;
     202             :   }
     203           0 :   msname_ = "";
     204             : 
     205           0 :   return true;
     206           0 : }
     207             : 
     208             : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     209             : ///// Common utility functions
     210             : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     211         756 : void SingleDishMS::setSelection(Record const &selection, bool const verbose) {
     212        1512 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     213         756 :   if (!selection_.empty()) // selection is set before
     214           0 :     os << "Discard old selection and setting new one." << LogIO::POST;
     215         756 :   if (selection.empty()) // empty selection is passed
     216           0 :     os << "Resetting selection." << LogIO::POST;
     217             : 
     218         756 :   selection_ = selection;
     219             :   // Verbose output
     220         756 :   bool any_selection(false);
     221         756 :   if (verbose && !selection_.empty()) {
     222         756 :     String timeExpr(""), antennaExpr(""), fieldExpr(""), spwExpr(""),
     223         756 :            uvDistExpr(""), taQLExpr(""), polnExpr(""), scanExpr(""), arrayExpr(""),
     224         756 :            obsExpr(""), intentExpr("");
     225         756 :     timeExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "timerange");
     226         756 :     antennaExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "antenna");
     227         756 :     fieldExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "field");
     228         756 :     spwExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "spw");
     229         756 :     uvDistExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "uvdist");
     230         756 :     taQLExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "taql");
     231         756 :     polnExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "correlation");
     232         756 :     scanExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "scan");
     233         756 :     arrayExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "array");
     234         756 :     intentExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "intent");
     235         756 :     obsExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(selection_, "observation");
     236             :     // selection Summary
     237         756 :     os << "[Selection Summary]" << LogIO::POST;
     238         756 :     if (obsExpr != "") {
     239           0 :       any_selection = true;
     240           0 :       os << "- Observation: " << obsExpr << LogIO::POST;
     241             :     }
     242         756 :     if (antennaExpr != "") {
     243           7 :       any_selection = true;
     244           7 :       os << "- Antenna: " << antennaExpr << LogIO::POST;
     245             :     }
     246         756 :     if (fieldExpr != "") {
     247           8 :       any_selection = true;
     248           8 :       os << "- Field: " << fieldExpr << LogIO::POST;
     249             :     }
     250         756 :     if (spwExpr != "") {
     251         580 :       any_selection = true;
     252         580 :       os << "- SPW: " << spwExpr << LogIO::POST;
     253             :     }
     254         756 :     if (polnExpr != "") {
     255          43 :       any_selection = true;
     256          43 :       os << "- Pol: " << polnExpr << LogIO::POST;
     257             :     }
     258         756 :     if (scanExpr != "") {
     259           9 :       any_selection = true;
     260           9 :       os << "- Scan: " << scanExpr << LogIO::POST;
     261             :     }
     262         756 :     if (timeExpr != "") {
     263           6 :       any_selection = true;
     264           6 :       os << "- Time: " << timeExpr << LogIO::POST;
     265             :     }
     266         756 :     if (intentExpr != "") {
     267         105 :       any_selection = true;
     268         105 :       os << "- Intent: " << intentExpr << LogIO::POST;
     269             :     }
     270         756 :     if (arrayExpr != "") {
     271           0 :       any_selection = true;
     272           0 :       os << "- Array: " << arrayExpr << LogIO::POST;
     273             :     }
     274         756 :     if (uvDistExpr != "") {
     275           0 :       any_selection = true;
     276           0 :       os << "- UVDist: " << uvDistExpr << LogIO::POST;
     277             :     }
     278         756 :     if (taQLExpr != "") {
     279           1 :       any_selection = true;
     280           1 :       os << "- TaQL: " << taQLExpr << LogIO::POST;
     281             :     }
     282             :     {// reindex
     283             :       Int ifield;
     284         756 :       ifield = selection_.fieldNumber(String("reindex"));
     285         756 :       if (ifield > -1) {
     286         756 :         Bool reindex = selection_.asBool(ifield);
     287         756 :         os << "- Reindex: " << (reindex ? "ON" : "OFF" ) << LogIO::POST;
     288             :       }
     289             :     }
     290         756 :     if (!any_selection)
     291         155 :       os << "No valid selection parameter is set." << LogIO::WARN;
     292         756 :   }
     293         756 : }
     294             : 
     295          10 : void SingleDishMS::setAverage(Record const &average, bool const verbose) {
     296          20 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     297          10 :   if (!average_.empty()) // average is set before
     298           0 :     os << "Discard old average and setting new one." << LogIO::POST;
     299          10 :   if (average.empty()) // empty average is passed
     300           0 :     os << "Resetting average." << LogIO::POST;
     301             : 
     302          10 :   average_ = average;
     303             : 
     304          10 :   if (verbose && !average_.empty()) {
     305          20 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     306             :     Int ifield;
     307          10 :     ifield = average_.fieldNumber(String("timeaverage"));
     308          10 :     os << "[Averaging Settings]" << LogIO::POST;
     309          10 :     if (ifield < 0 || !average_.asBool(ifield)) {
     310           0 :       os << "No averaging will be done" << LogIO::POST;
     311           0 :       return;
     312             :     }
     313             : 
     314          10 :     String timebinExpr(""), timespanExpr(""), tweightExpr("");
     315          10 :     timebinExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(average_, "timebin");
     316          10 :     timespanExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(average_, "timespan");
     317          10 :     tweightExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(average_, "tweight");
     318          10 :     if (timebinExpr != "") {
     319          10 :       os << "- Time bin: " << timebinExpr << LogIO::POST;
     320             :     }
     321          10 :     if (timespanExpr != "") {
     322           8 :       os << "- Time span: " << timespanExpr << LogIO::POST;
     323             :     }
     324          10 :     if (tweightExpr != "") {
     325           0 :       os << "- Averaging weight: " << tweightExpr << LogIO::POST;
     326             :     }
     327             : 
     328          10 :   }
     329          10 : }
     330             : 
     331           4 : void SingleDishMS::setPolAverage(Record const &average, bool const verbose) {
     332           8 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     333           4 :   if (!pol_average_.empty()) // polaverage is set before
     334           0 :     os << "Discard old average and setting new one." << LogIO::POST;
     335           4 :   if (average.empty()) // empty polaverage is passed
     336           0 :     os << "Resetting average." << LogIO::POST;
     337             : 
     338           4 :   pol_average_ = average;
     339             : 
     340           4 :   if (verbose && !pol_average_.empty()) {
     341           8 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     342             :     Int ifield;
     343           4 :     ifield = pol_average_.fieldNumber(String("polaverage"));
     344           4 :     os << "[Polarization Averaging Settings]" << LogIO::POST;
     345           4 :     if (ifield < 0 || !pol_average_.asBool(ifield)) {
     346           0 :       os << "No polarization averaging will be done" << LogIO::POST;
     347           0 :       return;
     348             :     }
     349             : 
     350           4 :     String polAverageModeExpr("");
     351           4 :     polAverageModeExpr = get_field_as_casa_string(pol_average_, "polaveragemode");
     352           4 :     if (polAverageModeExpr != "") {
     353           4 :       os << "- Mode: " << polAverageModeExpr << LogIO::POST;
     354             :     }
     355           4 :   }
     356           4 : }
     357             : 
     358        9852 : String SingleDishMS::get_field_as_casa_string(Record const &in_data,
     359             :                                               string const &field_name) {
     360             :   Int ifield;
     361        9852 :   ifield = in_data.fieldNumber(String(field_name));
     362        9852 :   if (ifield > -1)
     363        1363 :     return in_data.asString(ifield);
     364        8489 :   return "";
     365             : }
     366             : 
     367         160 : bool SingleDishMS::prepare_for_process(string const &in_column_name,
     368             :                                        string const &out_ms_name) {
     369             :   // Sort by single dish default
     370         160 :   return prepare_for_process(in_column_name, out_ms_name, Block<Int>(), true);
     371             : }
     372             : 
     373         751 : bool SingleDishMS::prepare_for_process(string const &in_column_name,
     374             :                                        string const &out_ms_name,
     375             :                                        Block<Int> const &sortColumns,
     376             :                                        bool const addDefaultSortCols) {
     377        1502 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     378         751 :   AlwaysAssert(msname_ != "", AipsError);
     379             :   // define a column to read data from
     380         751 :   string in_column_name_lower = in_column_name;
     381         751 :   std::transform(
     382             :     in_column_name_lower.begin(),
     383             :     in_column_name_lower.end(),
     384             :     in_column_name_lower.begin(),
     385        5557 :     [](unsigned char c) {return std::tolower(c);}
     386             :   );
     387         751 :   if (in_column_name_lower == "float_data") {
     388         398 :     in_column_ = MS::FLOAT_DATA;
     389         398 :     visCubeAccessor_ = GetCubeFromFloat;
     390         353 :   } else if (in_column_name_lower == "corrected") {
     391          33 :     in_column_ = MS::CORRECTED_DATA;
     392          33 :     visCubeAccessor_ = GetCubeFromCorrected;
     393         320 :   } else if (in_column_name_lower == "data") {
     394         320 :     in_column_ = MS::DATA;
     395         320 :     visCubeAccessor_ = GetCubeFromData;
     396             :   } else {
     397           0 :     throw(AipsError("Invalid data column name"));
     398             :   }
     399             :   // destroy SDMSManager
     400         751 :   if (sdh_)
     401           0 :     delete sdh_;
     402             :   // Configure record
     403         751 :   Record configure_param(selection_);
     404         751 :   format_selection(configure_param);
     405         751 :   configure_param.define("inputms", msname_);
     406         751 :   configure_param.define("outputms", out_ms_name);
     407         751 :   String in_name(in_column_name);
     408         751 :   in_name.upcase();
     409         751 :   configure_param.define("datacolumn", in_name);
     410             :   // merge averaging parameters
     411         751 :   configure_param.merge(average_);
     412             :   // The other available keys
     413             :   // - buffermode, realmodelcol, usewtspectrum, tileshape,
     414             :   // - chanaverage, chanbin, useweights,
     415             :   // - ddistart, hanning
     416             :   // - regridms, phasecenter, restfreq, outframe, interpolation, nspw,
     417             :   // - mode, nchan, start, width, veltype,
     418             :   // - timeaverage, timebin, timespan, maxuvwdistance
     419             : 
     420             :   // smoothing
     421         751 :   configure_param.define("smoothFourier", doSmoothing_);
     422             : 
     423             :   // merge polarization averaging parameters
     424         751 :   configure_param.merge(pol_average_);
     425             : 
     426             :   // offline ATM correction
     427         751 :   configure_param.define("atmCor", doAtmCor_);
     428         751 :   configure_param.merge(atmCorConfig_);
     429             : 
     430             :   // Generate SDMSManager
     431         751 :   sdh_ = new SDMSManager();
     432             : 
     433             :   // Configure SDMSManager
     434         751 :   sdh_->configure(configure_param);
     435             : 
     436         751 :   ostringstream oss;
     437         751 :   configure_param.print(oss);
     438         751 :   String str(oss.str());
     439         751 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << " Configuration Record " << LogIO::POST;
     440         751 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << str << LogIO::POST;
     441             :   // Open the MS and select data
     442         751 :   sdh_->open();
     443         746 :   sdh_->getOutputMs()->flush();
     444             :   // set large timebin if not averaging
     445             :   Double timeBin;
     446         746 :   int exists = configure_param.fieldNumber("timebin");
     447         746 :   if (exists < 0) {
     448             :     // Avoid TIME col being added to sort columns in MSIter::construct.
     449             :     // TIME is automatically added to sort column when
     450             :     // timebin is not 0, even if addDefaultSortCols=false.
     451         736 :     timeBin = 0.0;
     452             :   } else {
     453          10 :     String timebin_string;
     454          10 :     configure_param.get(exists, timebin_string);
     455          10 :     timeBin = casaQuantity(timebin_string).get("s").getValue();
     456             : 
     457             :     Int ifield;
     458          10 :     ifield = configure_param.fieldNumber(String("timeaverage"));
     459          10 :     Bool average_time = ifield < 0 ? false : configure_param.asBool(ifield);
     460          10 :     if (timeBin < 0 || (average_time && timeBin == 0.0))
     461           0 :       throw(AipsError("time bin should be positive"));
     462          10 :   }
     463             :   // set sort column
     464         746 :   sdh_->setSortColumns(sortColumns, addDefaultSortCols, timeBin);
     465             :   // Set up the Data Handler
     466         746 :   sdh_->setup();
     467         746 :   return true;
     468         776 : }
     469             : 
     470         739 : void SingleDishMS::finalize_process() {
     471         739 :   initialize();
     472         739 :   if (sdh_) {
     473         739 :     sdh_->close();
     474         739 :     delete sdh_;
     475         739 :     sdh_ = 0;
     476             :   }
     477         739 : }
     478             : 
     479         751 : void SingleDishMS::format_selection(Record &selection) {
     480             :   // At this moment sdh_ is not supposed to be generated yet.
     481        1502 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
     482             :   // format spw
     483        1502 :   String const spwSel(get_field_as_casa_string(selection, "spw"));
     484         751 :   selection.define("spw", spwSel == "" ? "*" : spwSel);
     485             : 
     486             :   // Select only auto-correlation
     487         751 :   String autoCorrSel("");
     488             :   os << "Formatting antenna selection to select only auto-correlation"
     489         751 :      << LogIO::POST;
     490        1502 :   String const antennaSel(get_field_as_casa_string(selection, "antenna"));
     491             :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Input antenna expression = " << antennaSel
     492         751 :      << LogIO::POST;
     493         751 :   if (antennaSel == "") { //Antenna selection is NOT set
     494         744 :     autoCorrSel = String("*&&&");
     495             :   } else { //User defined antenna selection
     496           7 :     MeasurementSet MSobj = MeasurementSet(msname_);
     497           7 :     MeasurementSet* theMS = &MSobj;
     498           7 :     MSSelection theSelection;
     499           7 :     theSelection.setAntennaExpr(antennaSel);
     500           7 :     TableExprNode exprNode = theSelection.toTableExprNode(theMS);
     501           7 :     Vector<Int> ant1Vec = theSelection.getAntenna1List();
     502             :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << ant1Vec.nelements()
     503           7 :        << " antenna(s) are selected. ID = ";
     504          14 :     for (uInt i = 0; i < ant1Vec.nelements(); ++i) {
     505           7 :       os << ant1Vec[i] << ", ";
     506           7 :       if (autoCorrSel != "")
     507           0 :         autoCorrSel += ";";
     508           7 :       autoCorrSel += String::toString(ant1Vec[i]) + "&&&";
     509             :     }
     510           7 :     os << LogIO::POST;
     511           7 :   }
     512             :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Auto-correlation selection string: " << autoCorrSel
     513         751 :      << LogIO::POST;
     514             : 
     515         751 :   selection.define("antenna", autoCorrSel);
     516         751 : }
     517             : 
     518        1951 : void SingleDishMS::get_data_cube_float(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb,
     519             :                                        Cube<Float> &data_cube) {
     520             : //  if (in_column_ == MS::FLOAT_DATA) {
     521             : //    data_cube = vb.visCubeFloat();
     522             : //  } else { //need to convert Complex cube to Float
     523             : //    Cube<Complex> cdata_cube(data_cube.shape());
     524             : //    if (in_column_ == MS::DATA) {
     525             : //      cdata_cube = vb.visCube();
     526             : //    } else { //MS::CORRECTED_DATA
     527             : //      cdata_cube = vb.visCubeCorrected();
     528             : //    }
     529             : //    // convert Complext to Float
     530             : //    convertArrayC2F(data_cube, cdata_cube);
     531             : //  }
     532        1951 :   (*visCubeAccessor_)(vb, data_cube);
     533        1951 : }
     534             : 
     535           0 : void SingleDishMS::convertArrayC2F(Array<Float> &to,
     536             :                                    Array<Complex> const &from) {
     537           0 :   if (to.nelements() == 0 && from.nelements() == 0) {
     538           0 :     return;
     539             :   }
     540           0 :   if (to.shape() != from.shape()) {
     541           0 :     throw(ArrayConformanceError("Array shape differs"));
     542             :   }
     543           0 :   Array<Complex>::const_iterator endFrom = from.end();
     544           0 :   Array<Complex>::const_iterator iterFrom = from.begin();
     545           0 :   for (Array<Float>::iterator iterTo = to.begin(); iterFrom != endFrom; ++iterFrom, ++iterTo) {
     546           0 :     *iterTo = iterFrom->real();
     547           0 :   }
     548           0 : }
     549             : 
     550          39 : std::vector<string> SingleDishMS::split_string(string const &s, char delim) {
     551          39 :   std::vector<string> elems;
     552          39 :   string item;
     553          86 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
     554          47 :     char ch =;
     555          47 :     if (ch == delim) {
     556           4 :       if (!item.empty()) {
     557           4 :         elems.push_back(item);
     558             :       }
     559           4 :       item.clear();
     560             :     } else {
     561          43 :       item += ch;
     562             :     }
     563             :   }
     564          39 :   if (!item.empty()) {
     565          39 :     elems.push_back(item);
     566             :   }
     567          78 :   return elems;
     568          39 : }
     569             : 
     570         100 : bool SingleDishMS::file_exists(string const &filename) {
     571             :   FILE *fp;
     572         100 :   if ((fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL)
     573         100 :     return false;
     574           0 :   fclose(fp);
     575           0 :   return true;
     576             : }
     577             : 
     578         561 : void SingleDishMS::parse_spw(string const &in_spw,
     579             :                              Vector<Int> &rec_spw,
     580             :                              Matrix<Int> &rec_chan,
     581             :                              Vector<size_t> &nchan,
     582             :                              Vector<Vector<Bool> > &mask,
     583             :                              Vector<bool> &nchan_set) {
     584         561 :   Record selrec = sdh_->getSelRec(in_spw);
     585         561 :   rec_spw = selrec.asArrayInt("spw");
     586         561 :   rec_chan = selrec.asArrayInt("channel");
     587         561 :   nchan.resize(rec_spw.nelements());
     588         561 :   mask.resize(rec_spw.nelements());
     589         561 :   nchan_set.resize(rec_spw.nelements());
     590        2579 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < nchan_set.nelements(); ++i) {
     591        2018 :     nchan_set(i) = false;
     592             :   }
     593         561 : }
     594             : 
     595        1957 : void SingleDishMS::get_nchan_and_mask(Vector<Int> const &rec_spw,
     596             :                                       Vector<Int> const &data_spw,
     597             :                                       Matrix<Int> const &rec_chan,
     598             :                                       size_t const num_chan,
     599             :                                       Vector<size_t> &nchan,
     600             :                                       Vector<Vector<Bool> > &mask,
     601             :                                       Vector<bool> &nchan_set,
     602             :                                       bool &new_nchan) {
     603        1957 :   new_nchan = false;
     604        7310 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < rec_spw.nelements(); ++i) {
     605             :     //get nchan by spwid and set to nchan[]
     606      748535 :     for (size_t j = 0; j < data_spw.nelements(); ++j) {
     607      744350 :       if ((!nchan_set(i)) && (data_spw(j) == rec_spw(i))) {
     608        1168 :         bool found = false;
     609        5428 :         for (size_t k = 0; k < nchan.nelements(); ++k) {
     610        4260 :           if (!nchan_set(k))
     611        3154 :             continue;
     612        1106 :           if (nchan(k) == num_chan)
     613        1106 :             found = true;
     614             :         }
     615        1168 :         if (!found) {
     616         561 :           new_nchan = true;
     617             :         }
     618        1168 :         nchan(i) = num_chan;
     619        1168 :         nchan_set(i) = true;
     620        1168 :         break;
     621             :       }
     622             :     }
     623        5353 :     if (!nchan_set(i))
     624        2290 :       continue;
     625        3063 :     mask(i).resize(nchan(i));
     626             :     // generate mask
     627        3063 :     get_mask_from_rec(rec_spw(i), rec_chan, mask(i), true);
     628             :   }
     629        1957 : }
     630             : 
     631        3140 : void SingleDishMS::get_mask_from_rec(Int spwid,
     632             :                                      Matrix<Int> const &rec_chan,
     633             :                                      Vector<Bool> &mask,
     634             :                                      bool initialize) {
     635        3140 :   if (initialize) {
     636    17259595 :     for (size_t j = 0; j < mask.nelements(); ++j) {
     637    17256532 :       mask(j) = false;
     638             :     }
     639             :   }
     640             :   //construct a list of (start, end, stride, start, end, stride, ...)
     641             :   //from rec_chan for the spwid
     642        3140 :   std::vector<uInt> edge;
     643        3140 :   edge.clear();
     644       13706 :   for (size_t j = 0; j < rec_chan.nrow(); ++j) {
     645       10566 :     if (rec_chan.row(j)(0) == spwid) {
     646        3698 :       edge.push_back(rec_chan.row(j)(1));
     647        3698 :       edge.push_back(rec_chan.row(j)(2));
     648        3698 :       edge.push_back(rec_chan.row(j)(3));
     649             :     }
     650             :   }
     651             :   //generate mask
     652        6838 :   for (size_t j = 0; j < edge.size()-2; j += 3) {
     653    17480531 :     for (size_t k = edge[j]; k <= edge[j + 1] && k < mask.size(); k += edge[j + 2]) {
     654    17476833 :       mask(k) = true;
     655             :     }
     656             :   }
     657        3140 : }
     658             : 
     659      798639 : void SingleDishMS::get_masklist_from_mask(size_t const num_chan,
     660             :                                           bool const *mask,
     661             :                                           Vector<uInt> &masklist) {
     662      798639 :   size_t const max_num_masklist = num_chan + 1;
     663      798639 :   masklist.resize(max_num_masklist);  // clear
     664      798639 :   uInt last_idx = num_chan - 1;
     665      798639 :   uInt num_masklist = 0;
     666     2404540 :   auto append = [&](uInt i){
     667     2404540 :     masklist[num_masklist] = i;
     668     2404540 :     num_masklist++;
     669     3203179 :   };
     670             : 
     671      798639 :   if (mask[0]) {
     672      267555 :     append(0);
     673             :   }
     674    66467985 :   for (uInt i = 1; i < last_idx; ++i) {
     675    65669346 :     if (!mask[i]) continue;
     676             : 
     677             :     // The following if-statements must be judged independently.
     678             :     // Don't put them together as a single statement by connecting with '||'.
     679    55571396 :     if (!mask[i - 1]) {
     680      934697 :       append(i);
     681             :     }
     682    55571396 :     if (!mask[i + 1]) {
     683      934718 :       append(i);
     684             :     }
     685             :   }
     686      798639 :   if (mask[last_idx]) {
     687      267552 :     if ((1 <= last_idx) && (!mask[last_idx - 1])) {
     688          18 :       append(last_idx);
     689             :     }
     690      267552 :     append(last_idx);
     691             :   }
     692      798639 :   masklist.resize(num_masklist, true);
     693      798639 : }
     694             : 
     695         351 : void SingleDishMS::get_baseline_context(size_t const bltype,
     696             :                                         uint16_t order,
     697             :                                         size_t num_chan,
     698             :                                         Vector<size_t> const &nchan,
     699             :                                         Vector<bool> const &nchan_set,
     700             :                                         Vector<size_t> &ctx_indices,
     701             :                                         std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts) {
     702         351 :   size_t idx = 0;
     703         351 :   bool found = false;
     704         445 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < nchan.nelements(); ++i) {
     705         445 :     if ((nchan_set[i])&&(nchan[i] == num_chan)) {
     706         351 :       idx = bl_contexts.size();
     707         351 :       found = true;
     708         351 :       break;
     709             :     }
     710             :   }
     711         351 :   if (found) {
     712        1426 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < nchan.nelements(); ++i) {
     713        1075 :       if ((nchan_set[i])&&(nchan[i] == num_chan)) {
     714         351 :         ctx_indices[i] = idx;
     715             :       }
     716             :     }
     717             : 
     718             :     LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *context;
     719         351 :     LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kNG);
     720         351 :     if ((bltype == BaselineType_kPolynomial)||(bltype == BaselineType_kChebyshev)) {
     721         241 :       status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat)(static_cast<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitType)>(bltype),
     722             :                                                                     static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     723             :                                                                     num_chan, &context);
     724         110 :     } else if (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) {
     725          87 :       status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat)(static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     726             :                                                                      num_chan, &context);
     727          23 :     } else if (bltype == BaselineType_kSinusoid) {
     728          23 :       status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat)(static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     729             :                                                                   num_chan, &context);
     730             :     }
     731         351 :     check_sakura_status("sakura_CreateLSQFitContextFloat", status);
     732         351 :     bl_contexts.push_back(context);
     733             :   }
     734         351 : }
     735             : 
     736         373 : void SingleDishMS::get_baseline_context(size_t const bltype,
     737             :                                         uint16_t order,
     738             :                                         size_t num_chan,
     739             :                                         size_t ispw,
     740             :                                         Vector<size_t> &ctx_indices,
     741             :                                         std::vector<size_t> & ctx_nchans,
     742             :                                         std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts) {
     743         373 :   AlwaysAssert(bl_contexts.size() == ctx_nchans.size() || bl_contexts.size() == ctx_nchans.size()-1 , AipsError);
     744         373 :   size_t idx = 0;
     745         373 :   bool found = false;
     746         373 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < bl_contexts.size(); ++i) {
     747         211 :     if (ctx_nchans[i] == num_chan) {
     748         211 :       idx = i;
     749         211 :       found = true;
     750         211 :       break;
     751             :     }
     752             :   }
     753         373 :   if (found) {
     754             :     // contexts with the valid number of channels already exists.
     755             :     // just update idx to bl_contexts and return.
     756         211 :     ctx_indices[ispw] = idx;
     757         211 :     return;
     758             :   }
     759             :   // contexts with the number of channels is not yet in bl_contexts.
     760             :   // Need to create a new context.
     761         162 :   ctx_indices[ispw] = bl_contexts.size();
     762             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *context;
     763         162 :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kNG);
     764         162 :   if ((bltype == BaselineType_kPolynomial)||(bltype == BaselineType_kChebyshev)) {
     765         110 :     status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat)(static_cast<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitType)>(bltype),
     766             :                                                                   static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     767             :                                                                   num_chan, &context);
     768          52 :   } else if (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) {
     769          50 :     status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat)(static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     770             :                                                                    num_chan, &context);
     771           2 :   } else if (bltype == BaselineType_kSinusoid) {
     772           2 :     status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat)(static_cast<uint16_t>(order),
     773             :                                                                 num_chan, &context);
     774             :   }
     775         162 :   check_sakura_status("sakura_CreateLSQFitContextFloat", status);
     776         162 :   bl_contexts.push_back(context);
     777         162 :   if (ctx_nchans.size() != bl_contexts.size()) {
     778          59 :     ctx_nchans.push_back(num_chan);
     779             :   }
     780         162 :   AlwaysAssert(bl_contexts.size() == ctx_nchans.size(), AipsError);
     781             : }
     782             : 
     783         642 : void SingleDishMS::destroy_baseline_contexts(std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts) {
     784             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
     785        1155 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < bl_contexts.size(); ++i) {
     786         513 :     status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(DestroyLSQFitContextFloat)(bl_contexts[i]);
     787         513 :     check_sakura_status("sakura_DestoyBaselineContextFloat", status);
     788             :   }
     789         642 : }
     790             : 
     791     2397987 : void SingleDishMS::check_sakura_status(string const &name,
     792             :                                        LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) const status) {
     793     2397987 :   if (status == LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kOK)) return;
     794             : 
     795           0 :   ostringstream oss;
     796           0 :   oss << name << "() failed -- ";
     797           0 :   if (status == LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kNG)) {
     798           0 :     oss << "NG";
     799           0 :   } else if (status == LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kInvalidArgument)) {
     800           0 :     oss << "InvalidArgument";
     801           0 :   } else if (status == LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kNoMemory)) {
     802           0 :     oss << "NoMemory";
     803           0 :   } else if (status == LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status_kUnknownError)) {
     804           0 :     oss << "UnknownError";
     805             :   }
     806           0 :   throw(AipsError(oss.str()));
     807           0 : }
     808             : 
     809      198610 : void SingleDishMS::check_baseline_status(LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) const bl_status) {
     810      198610 :   if (bl_status != LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus_kOK)) {
     811           0 :     throw(AipsError("baseline fitting isn't successful."));
     812             :   }
     813      198610 : }
     814             : 
     815      799519 : void SingleDishMS::get_spectrum_from_cube(Cube<Float> &data_cube,
     816             :                                           size_t const row,
     817             :                                           size_t const plane,
     818             :                                           size_t const num_data,
     819             :                                           float out_data[]) {
     820      799519 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<size_t>(data_cube.ncolumn()) == num_data, AipsError);
     821    74678367 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i)
     822    73878848 :     out_data[i] = static_cast<float>(data_cube(plane, i, row));
     823      799519 : }
     824             : 
     825      799311 : void SingleDishMS::set_spectrum_to_cube(Cube<Float> &data_cube,
     826             :                                         size_t const row,
     827             :                                         size_t const plane,
     828             :                                         size_t const num_data,
     829             :                                         float *in_data) {
     830      799311 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<size_t>(data_cube.ncolumn()) == num_data, AipsError);
     831    73570959 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i)
     832    72771648 :     data_cube(plane, i, row) = static_cast<Float>(in_data[i]);
     833      799311 : }
     834             : 
     835          37 : void SingleDishMS::get_weight_matrix(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb,
     836             :                                      Matrix<Float> &weight_matrix) {
     837          37 :   weight_matrix = vb.weight();
     838          37 : }
     839             : 
     840        4708 : void SingleDishMS::set_weight_to_matrix(Matrix<Float> &weight_matrix,
     841             :                                         size_t const row,
     842             :                                         size_t const plane,
     843             :                                         float in_weight) {
     844        4708 :   weight_matrix(plane, row) = static_cast<Float>(in_weight);
     845        4708 : }
     846             : 
     847        1951 : void SingleDishMS::get_flag_cube(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb,
     848             :                                  Cube<Bool> &flag_cube) {
     849        1951 :   flag_cube = vb.flagCube();
     850        1951 : }
     851             : 
     852      805601 : void SingleDishMS::get_flag_from_cube(Cube<Bool> &flag_cube,
     853             :                                       size_t const row,
     854             :                                       size_t const plane,
     855             :                                       size_t const num_flag,
     856             :                                       bool out_flag[]) {
     857      805601 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<size_t>(flag_cube.ncolumn()) == num_flag, AipsError);
     858   100132257 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_flag; ++i)
     859    99326656 :     out_flag[i] = static_cast<bool>(flag_cube(plane, i, row));
     860      805601 : }
     861             : 
     862           0 : void SingleDishMS::set_flag_to_cube(Cube<Bool> &flag_cube,
     863             :                                     size_t const row,
     864             :                                     size_t const plane,
     865             :                                     size_t const num_flag,
     866             :                                     bool *in_flag) {
     867           0 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<size_t>(flag_cube.ncolumn()) == num_flag, AipsError);
     868           0 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_flag; ++i)
     869           0 :     flag_cube(plane, i, row) = static_cast<Bool>(in_flag[i]);
     870           0 : }
     871             : 
     872        1676 : void SingleDishMS::flag_spectrum_in_cube(Cube<Bool> &flag_cube,
     873             :                                          size_t const row,
     874             :                                          size_t const plane) {
     875        1676 :   uInt const num_flag = flag_cube.ncolumn();
     876     7415436 :   for (uInt ichan = 0; ichan < num_flag; ++ichan)
     877     7413760 :     flag_cube(plane, ichan, row) = true;
     878        1676 : }
     879             : 
     880      805601 : bool SingleDishMS::allchannels_flagged(size_t const num_flag,
     881             :                                        bool const* flag) {
     882      805601 :   bool res = true;
     883    20583525 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_flag; ++i) {
     884    20579116 :     if (!flag[i]) {
     885      801192 :       res = false;
     886      801192 :       break;
     887             :     }
     888             :   }
     889      805601 :   return res;
     890             : }
     891             : 
     892      799566 : size_t SingleDishMS::NValidMask(size_t const num_mask, bool const* mask) {
     893      799566 :   std::size_t nvalid = 0;
     894             :   // the assertion lines had better be replaced with static_assert when c++11 is supported
     895      799566 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<std::size_t>(true) == 1, AipsError);
     896      799566 :   AlwaysAssert(static_cast<std::size_t>(false) == 0, AipsError);
     897    75660174 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mask; ++i) {
     898    74860608 :     nvalid += static_cast<std::size_t>(mask[i]);
     899             :   }
     900      799566 :   return nvalid;
     901             : }
     902             : 
     903         501 : void SingleDishMS::split_bloutputname(string str) {
     904         501 :   char key = ',';
     905         501 :   vector<size_t> v;
     906       14817 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
     907       14316 :     char target = str[i];
     908       14316 :     if (key == target) {
     909        1002 :       v.push_back(i);
     910             :     }
     911             :   }
     912             : 
     913             :   //cout << "comma " << v.size() << endl;
     914             :   //cout << "v[1] " << v[1] << endl;
     915             :   //cout <<  "v.size()-1 " <<  v.size()-1 << endl;
     916             :   //cout << "v[1]+1 " << v[1]+1 << endl;
     917             :   //cout << "str.size()-v[1]-1 " << str.size()-v[1]-1 << endl;
     918             :   //cout << "str.substr(v[1]+1, str.size()-v[1]-1) " << str.substr(v[1]+1, str.size()-v[1]-1) << endl;
     919             : 
     920         501 :   string ss;
     921         501 :   bloutputname_csv.clear();
     922         501 :   bloutputname_text.clear();
     923         501 :   bloutputname_table.clear();
     924             : 
     925         501 :   if (0 != v[0]) {
     926         223 :     bloutputname_csv = str.substr(0, v[0]);
     927         223 :     ss = str.substr(0, v[0]);
     928             :   }
     929         501 :   if (v[0] + 1 != v[1]) {
     930         100 :     bloutputname_text = str.substr(v[0] + 1, v[1] - v[0] - 1);
     931             :   }
     932         501 :   if (v[1] != str.size() - 1) {
     933          75 :     bloutputname_table = str.substr(v[1] + 1, str.size() - v[1] - 1);
     934             :   }
     935         501 : }
     936             : 
     937      798639 : size_t SingleDishMS::get_num_coeff_bloutput(size_t const bltype,
     938             :                                             size_t order,
     939             :                                             size_t &num_coeff_max) {
     940      798639 :   size_t num_coeff = 0;
     941      798639 :   switch (bltype) {
     942      401487 :   case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
     943             :   case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
     944      401487 :     break;
     945      198706 :   case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
     946      198706 :     num_coeff = order + 1;
     947      198706 :     break;
     948      198446 :   case BaselineType_kSinusoid:
     949      198446 :     break;
     950           0 :   default:
     951           0 :     throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
     952             :   }
     953      798639 :   if (num_coeff_max < num_coeff) {
     954      198642 :     num_coeff_max = num_coeff;
     955             :   }
     956             : 
     957      798639 :   return num_coeff;
     958             : }
     959             : 
     960         228 : vector<int> SingleDishMS::string_to_list(string const &wn_str, char const delim) {
     961         228 :   vector<int> wn_list;
     962         228 :   wn_list.clear();
     963         228 :   vector<size_t> delim_position;
     964         228 :   delim_position.clear();
     965       24941 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < wn_str.size(); ++i) {
     966       24713 :     if (wn_str[i] == delim) {
     967        5168 :       delim_position.push_back(i);
     968             :     }
     969             :   }
     970         228 :   delim_position.push_back(wn_str.size());
     971         228 :   size_t start_position = 0;
     972        5624 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < delim_position.size(); ++i) {
     973        5396 :     size_t end_position = delim_position[i];
     974        5396 :     size_t length = end_position - start_position;
     975        5396 :     if (length > 0) {
     976        5288 :       wn_list.push_back(std::atoi(wn_str.substr(start_position, length).c_str()));
     977             :     }
     978        5396 :     start_position = end_position + 1;
     979             :   }
     980         456 :   return wn_list;
     981         228 : }
     982             : 
     983         110 : void SingleDishMS::get_effective_nwave(std::vector<int> const &addwn,
     984             :                                        std::vector<int> const &rejwn,
     985             :                                        int const wn_ulimit,
     986             :                                        std::vector<int> &effwn) {
     987         110 :   effwn.clear();
     988         110 :   if (addwn.size() < 1) {
     989           0 :     throw AipsError("addwn has no elements.");
     990             :   }
     991             : 
     992         220 :   auto up_to_nyquist_limit = [&](std::vector<int> const &v){ return ((v.size() == 2) && (v[1] == SinusoidWaveNumber_kUpperLimit)); };
     993         266 :   auto check_rejwn_add = [&](int const v){
     994         266 :     bool add = (0 <= v) && (v <= wn_ulimit); // check v in range
     995         393 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < rejwn.size(); ++i) {
     996         148 :       if (rejwn[i] == v) {
     997          21 :         add = false;
     998          21 :         break;
     999             :       }
    1000             :     }
    1001         266 :     if (add) {
    1002         243 :       effwn.push_back(v);
    1003             :     }
    1004         376 :   };
    1005             : 
    1006         110 :   if (up_to_nyquist_limit(addwn)) {
    1007           8 :     if (up_to_nyquist_limit(rejwn)) {
    1008           0 :       if (addwn[0] < rejwn[0]) {
    1009           0 :         for (int wn = addwn[0]; wn < rejwn[0]; ++wn) {
    1010           0 :           if ((0 <= wn) && (wn <= wn_ulimit)) {
    1011           0 :             effwn.push_back(wn);
    1012             :           }
    1013             :         }
    1014             :       } else {
    1015           0 :         throw(AipsError("No effective wave number given for sinusoidal fitting."));
    1016             :       }
    1017             :     } else {
    1018         137 :       for (int wn = addwn[0]; wn <= wn_ulimit; ++wn) {
    1019         129 :         check_rejwn_add(wn);
    1020             :       }
    1021             :     }
    1022             :   } else {
    1023         102 :     if (up_to_nyquist_limit(rejwn)) {
    1024           1 :       int maxwn = rejwn[0] - 1;
    1025           1 :       if (maxwn < 0) {
    1026           0 :         throw(AipsError("No effective wave number given for sinusoidal fitting."));
    1027             :       }
    1028           3 :       for (size_t i = 0; i < addwn.size(); ++i) {
    1029           2 :         if ((0 <= addwn[i]) && (addwn[i] <= maxwn)) {
    1030           1 :           effwn.push_back(addwn[i]);
    1031             :         }
    1032             :       }
    1033             :     } else {
    1034         238 :       for (size_t i = 0; i < addwn.size(); ++i) {
    1035         137 :         check_rejwn_add(addwn[i]);
    1036             :       }
    1037             :     }
    1038             :   }
    1039         110 :   if (effwn.size() == 0) {
    1040           6 :     throw(AipsError("No effective wave number given for sinusoidal fitting."));
    1041             :   }
    1042         104 : }
    1043             : 
    1044      198610 : void SingleDishMS::finalise_effective_nwave(std::vector<int> const &blparam_eff_base,
    1045             :                                             std::vector<int> const &blparam_exclude,
    1046             :                                             int const &blparam_upperlimit,
    1047             :                                             size_t const &num_chan,
    1048             :                                             float const *spec,
    1049             :                                             bool const *mask,
    1050             :                                             bool const &applyfft,
    1051             :                                             string const &fftmethod,
    1052             :                                             string const &fftthresh_str,
    1053             :                                             std::vector<size_t> &blparam_eff) {
    1054             :   //why?
    1055      198610 :   blparam_eff.resize(blparam_eff_base.size());
    1056      198610 :   copy(blparam_eff_base.begin(), blparam_eff_base.end(), blparam_eff.begin());
    1057             : 
    1058      198610 :   if (applyfft) {
    1059      198564 :     string fftthresh_attr;
    1060             :     float fftthresh_sigma;
    1061             :     int fftthresh_top;
    1062      198564 :     parse_fftthresh(fftthresh_str, fftthresh_attr, fftthresh_sigma, fftthresh_top);
    1063      198564 :     std::vector<int> blparam_fft;
    1064      198564 :     select_wavenumbers_via_fft(num_chan, spec, mask, fftmethod, fftthresh_attr,
    1065             :                                fftthresh_sigma, fftthresh_top, blparam_upperlimit,
    1066             :                                blparam_fft);
    1067      198564 :     merge_wavenumbers(blparam_eff_base, blparam_fft, blparam_exclude, blparam_eff);
    1068      198564 :   }
    1069      198610 : }
    1070             : 
    1071      198564 : void SingleDishMS::parse_fftthresh(string const& fftthresh_str,
    1072             :                                    string& fftthresh_attr,
    1073             :                                    float& fftthresh_sigma,
    1074             :                                    int& fftthresh_top) {
    1075      198564 :   size_t idx_sigma = fftthresh_str.find("sigma");
    1076      198564 :   size_t idx_top   = fftthresh_str.find("top");
    1077             : 
    1078      198564 :   if (idx_top == 0) {
    1079           4 :     std::istringstream is(fftthresh_str.substr(3));
    1080           4 :     is >> fftthresh_top;
    1081           4 :     fftthresh_attr = "top";
    1082      198564 :   } else if (idx_sigma == fftthresh_str.size() - 5) {
    1083           6 :     std::istringstream is(fftthresh_str.substr(0, fftthresh_str.size() - 5));
    1084           6 :     is >> fftthresh_sigma;
    1085           6 :     fftthresh_attr = "sigma";
    1086           6 :   } else {
    1087      198554 :     bool is_number = true;
    1088     1588432 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < fftthresh_str.size()-1; ++i) {
    1089     1389878 :       char ch = (fftthresh_str.substr(i, 1).c_str())[0];
    1090     1389878 :       if (!(isdigit(ch) || (fftthresh_str.substr(i, 1) == "."))) {
    1091           0 :         is_number = false;
    1092           0 :         break;
    1093             :       }
    1094             :     }
    1095      198554 :     if (is_number) {
    1096      198554 :       std::istringstream is(fftthresh_str);
    1097      198554 :       is >> fftthresh_sigma;
    1098      198554 :       fftthresh_attr = "sigma";
    1099      198554 :     } else {
    1100           0 :       throw(AipsError("fftthresh has a wrong value"));
    1101             :     }
    1102             :   }
    1103      198564 : }
    1104             : 
    1105      198564 : void SingleDishMS::select_wavenumbers_via_fft(size_t const num_chan,
    1106             :                                               float const *spec,
    1107             :                                               bool const *mask,
    1108             :                                               string const &fftmethod,
    1109             :                                               string const &fftthresh_attr,
    1110             :                                               float const fftthresh_sigma,
    1111             :                                               int const fftthresh_top,
    1112             :                                               int const blparam_upperlimit,
    1113             :                                               std::vector<int> &blparam_fft) {
    1114      198564 :   blparam_fft.clear();
    1115      198564 :   std::vector<float> fourier_spec;
    1116      198564 :   if (fftmethod == "fft") {
    1117      198564 :     exec_fft(num_chan, spec, mask, false, true, fourier_spec);
    1118             :   } else {
    1119           0 :     throw AipsError("fftmethod must be 'fft' for now.");
    1120             :   }
    1121             : // Anything except fft and 3.0 is not used?
    1122             : // top, sigma are not documented
    1123      198564 :   int fourier_spec_size = static_cast<int>(fourier_spec.size());
    1124      198564 :   if (fftthresh_attr == "sigma") {
    1125      198560 :     float mean  = 0.0;
    1126      198560 :     float mean2 = 0.0;
    1127     6937408 :     for (int i = 0; i < fourier_spec_size; ++i) {
    1128     6738848 :       mean  += fourier_spec[i];
    1129     6738848 :       mean2 += fourier_spec[i] * fourier_spec[i];
    1130             :     }
    1131      198560 :     mean  /= static_cast<float>(fourier_spec_size);
    1132      198560 :     mean2 /= static_cast<float>(fourier_spec_size);
    1133      198560 :     float thres = mean + fftthresh_sigma * float(sqrt(mean2 - mean * mean));
    1134             : 
    1135     6937408 :     for (int i = 0; i < fourier_spec_size; ++i) {
    1136     6738848 :       if ((i <= blparam_upperlimit)&&(thres <= fourier_spec[i])) {
    1137      203720 :         blparam_fft.push_back(i);
    1138             :       }
    1139             :     }
    1140           4 :   } else if (fftthresh_attr == "top") {
    1141           4 :     int i = 0;
    1142          20 :     while (i < fftthresh_top) {
    1143          16 :       float max = 0.0;
    1144          16 :       int max_idx = 0;
    1145       65568 :       for (int j = 0; j < fourier_spec_size; ++j) {
    1146       65552 :         if (max < fourier_spec[j]) {
    1147          32 :           max = fourier_spec[j];
    1148          32 :           max_idx = j;
    1149             :         }
    1150             :       }
    1151          16 :       fourier_spec[max_idx] = 0.0;
    1152          16 :       if (max_idx <= blparam_upperlimit) {
    1153          16 :         blparam_fft.push_back(max_idx);
    1154          16 :         ++i;
    1155             :       }
    1156             :     }
    1157             :   } else {
    1158           0 :     throw AipsError("fftthresh is wrong.");
    1159             :   }
    1160      198564 : }
    1161             : 
    1162      198564 : void SingleDishMS::exec_fft(size_t const num_chan,
    1163             :                             float const *in_spec,
    1164             :                             bool const *in_mask,
    1165             :                             bool const get_real_imag,
    1166             :                             bool const get_ampl_only,
    1167             :                             std::vector<float> &fourier_spec) {
    1168      198564 :   Vector<Float> spec;
    1169      198564 :   interpolate_constant(static_cast<int>(num_chan), in_spec, in_mask, spec);
    1170             : 
    1171      198564 :   FFTServer<Float, Complex> ffts;
    1172      198564 :   Vector<Complex> fftres;
    1173      198564 :   ffts.fft0(fftres, spec);
    1174             : 
    1175      198564 :   float norm = static_cast<float>(2.0/static_cast<double>(num_chan));
    1176      198564 :   fourier_spec.clear();
    1177      198564 :   if (get_real_imag) {
    1178           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < fftres.size(); ++i) {
    1179           0 :       fourier_spec.push_back(real(fftres[i]) * norm);
    1180           0 :       fourier_spec.push_back(imag(fftres[i]) * norm);
    1181             :     }
    1182             :   } else {
    1183             :     //not used?
    1184     6953800 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < fftres.size(); ++i) {
    1185     6755236 :       fourier_spec.push_back(abs(fftres[i]) * norm);
    1186     6755236 :       if (!get_ampl_only) fourier_spec.push_back(arg(fftres[i]));
    1187             :     }
    1188             :   }
    1189      198564 : }
    1190             : 
    1191      198564 : void SingleDishMS::interpolate_constant(int const num_chan,
    1192             :                                         float const *in_spec,
    1193             :                                         bool const *in_mask,
    1194             :                                         Vector<Float> &spec) {
    1195      198564 :   spec.resize(num_chan);
    1196    13311908 :   for (int i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    1197    13113344 :     spec[i] = in_spec[i];
    1198             :   }
    1199      198564 :   int idx_left = -1;
    1200      198564 :   int idx_right = -1;
    1201      198564 :   bool masked_region = false;
    1202             : 
    1203    10730788 :   for (int i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    1204    10532224 :     if (!in_mask[i]) {
    1205      366080 :       masked_region = true;
    1206      366080 :       idx_left = i;
    1207     3079936 :       while (i < num_chan) {
    1208     2947200 :         if (in_mask[i]) break;
    1209     2713856 :         idx_right = i;
    1210     2713856 :         ++i;
    1211             :       }
    1212             :     }
    1213             : 
    1214    10532224 :     if (masked_region) {
    1215             :       // execute interpolation as the following criteria:
    1216             :       // (1) for a masked region inside the spectrum, replace the spectral
    1217             :       //     values with the mean of those at the two channels just outside
    1218             :       //     the both edges of the masked region.
    1219             :       // (2) for a masked region at the spectral edge, replace the values
    1220             :       //     with the one at the nearest non-masked channel.
    1221             :       //     (ZOH, but bilateral)
    1222      366080 :       Float interp = 0.0;
    1223      366080 :       int idx_left_next = idx_left - 1;
    1224      366080 :       int idx_right_next = idx_right + 1;
    1225      366080 :       if (idx_left_next < 0) {
    1226      132736 :         if (idx_right_next < num_chan) {
    1227      132736 :           interp = in_spec[idx_right_next];
    1228             :         } else {
    1229           0 :           throw AipsError("Bad data. all channels are masked.");
    1230             :         }
    1231             :       } else {
    1232      233344 :         interp = in_spec[idx_left_next];
    1233      233344 :         if (idx_right_next < num_chan) {
    1234      100608 :           interp = (interp + in_spec[idx_right_next]) / 2.0;
    1235             :         }
    1236             :       }
    1237             : 
    1238      366080 :       if ((0 <= idx_left) && (idx_left < num_chan) && (0 <= idx_right) && (idx_right < num_chan)) {
    1239     3079936 :         for (int j = idx_left; j <= idx_right; ++j) {
    1240     2713856 :           spec[j] = interp;
    1241             :         }
    1242             :       }
    1243             : 
    1244      366080 :       masked_region = false;
    1245             :     }
    1246             :   }
    1247      198564 : }
    1248             : 
    1249      198564 : void SingleDishMS::merge_wavenumbers(std::vector<int> const &blparam_eff_base,
    1250             :                                      std::vector<int> const &blparam_fft,
    1251             :                                      std::vector<int> const &blparam_exclude,
    1252             :                                      std::vector<size_t> &blparam_eff) {
    1253      402300 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < blparam_fft.size(); ++i) {
    1254      203736 :     bool found = false;
    1255      208944 :     for (size_t j = 0; j < blparam_eff_base.size(); ++j) {
    1256      203744 :       if (blparam_eff_base[j] == blparam_fft[i]) {
    1257      198536 :         found = true;
    1258      198536 :         break;
    1259             :       }
    1260             :     }
    1261      203736 :     if (!found) { //new value to add
    1262             :       //but still need to check if it is to be excluded
    1263        5200 :       bool found_exclude = false;
    1264        5200 :       for (size_t j = 0; j < blparam_exclude.size(); ++j) {
    1265          16 :         if (blparam_exclude[j] == blparam_fft[i]) {
    1266          16 :           found_exclude = true;
    1267          16 :           break;
    1268             :         }
    1269             :       }
    1270        5200 :       if (!found_exclude) {
    1271        5184 :         blparam_eff.push_back(blparam_fft[i]);
    1272             :       }
    1273             :     }
    1274             :   }
    1275             : 
    1276      198564 :   if (1 < blparam_eff.size()) {
    1277         928 :     sort(blparam_eff.begin(), blparam_eff.end());
    1278         928 :     unique(blparam_eff.begin(), blparam_eff.end());
    1279             :   }
    1280      198564 : }
    1281             : 
    1282             : template<typename Func0, typename Func1, typename Func2, typename Func3>
    1283         418 : void SingleDishMS::doSubtractBaseline(string const& in_column_name,
    1284             :                                       string const& out_ms_name,
    1285             :                                       string const& out_bloutput_name,
    1286             :                                       bool const& do_subtract,
    1287             :                                       string const& in_spw,
    1288             :                                       bool const& update_weight,
    1289             :                                       string const& sigma_value,
    1290             :                                       LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status)& status,
    1291             :                                       std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> &bl_contexts,
    1292             :                                       size_t const bltype,
    1293             :                                       vector<int> const& blparam,
    1294             :                                       vector<int> const& blparam_exclude,
    1295             :                                       bool const& applyfft,
    1296             :                                       string const& fftmethod,
    1297             :                                       string const& fftthresh,
    1298             :                                       float const clip_threshold_sigma,
    1299             :                                       int const num_fitting_max,
    1300             :                                       bool const linefinding,
    1301             :                                       float const threshold,
    1302             :                                       int const avg_limit,
    1303             :                                       int const minwidth,
    1304             :                                       vector<int> const& edge,
    1305             :                                       Func0 func0,
    1306             :                                       Func1 func1,
    1307             :                                       Func2 func2,
    1308             :                                       Func3 func3,
    1309             :                                       LogIO os) {
    1310         418 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Calling SingleDishMS::doSubtractBaseline " << LogIO::POST;
    1311             : 
    1312             :   // in_ms = out_ms
    1313             :   // in_column = [FLOAT_DATA|DATA|CORRECTED_DATA], out_column=new MS
    1314             :   // no iteration is necessary for the processing.
    1315             :   // procedure
    1316             :   // 1. iterate over MS
    1317             :   // 2. pick single spectrum from in_column (this is not actually necessary for simple scaling but for exibision purpose)
    1318             :   // 3. fit baseline to each spectrum and subtract it
    1319             :   // 4. put single spectrum (or a block of spectra) to out_column
    1320             : 
    1321         418 :   Block<Int> columns(1);
    1322         418 :   columns[0] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    1323         418 :   prepare_for_process(in_column_name, out_ms_name, columns, false);
    1324         418 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *vi = sdh_->getVisIter();
    1325         418 :   vi->setRowBlocking(kNRowBlocking);
    1326         418 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi->getVisBuffer();
    1327             : 
    1328         418 :   split_bloutputname(out_bloutput_name);
    1329         418 :   bool write_baseline_csv = (bloutputname_csv != "");
    1330         418 :   bool write_baseline_text = (bloutputname_text != "");
    1331         418 :   bool write_baseline_table = (bloutputname_table != "");
    1332         418 :   ofstream ofs_csv;
    1333         418 :   ofstream ofs_txt;
    1334         418 :   BaselineTable *bt = 0;
    1335             : 
    1336         418 :   if (write_baseline_csv) {
    1337         195 :;
    1338             :   }
    1339         418 :   if (write_baseline_text) {
    1340          88 :, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app);
    1341             :   }
    1342         418 :   if (write_baseline_table) {
    1343          53 :     bt = new BaselineTable(vi->ms());
    1344             :   }
    1345             : 
    1346         418 :   Vector<Int> recspw;
    1347         418 :   Matrix<Int> recchan;
    1348         418 :   Vector<size_t> nchan;
    1349         418 :   Vector<Vector<Bool> > in_mask;
    1350         418 :   Vector<bool> nchan_set;
    1351         418 :   parse_spw(in_spw, recspw, recchan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set);
    1352             : 
    1353         418 :   Vector<size_t> ctx_indices(nchan.nelements(), 0ul);
    1354         418 :   std::vector<int> blparam_eff_base;
    1355      199072 :   auto wn_ulimit_by_rejwn = [&](){
    1356      198654 :     return ((blparam_exclude.size() == 2) &&
    1357      198654 :             (blparam_exclude[1] == SinusoidWaveNumber_kUpperLimit)); };
    1358             : 
    1359         418 :   std::vector<float> weight(WeightIndex_kNum);
    1360         418 :   size_t const var_index = (sigma_value == "stddev") ? WeightIndex_kStddev : WeightIndex_kRms;
    1361             : 
    1362        1261 :   for (vi->originChunks(); vi->moreChunks(); vi->nextChunk()) {
    1363        2534 :     for (vi->origin(); vi->more(); vi->next()) {
    1364        1619 :       Vector<Int> scans = vb->scan();
    1365        1619 :       Vector<Double> times = vb->time();
    1366        1619 :       Vector<Int> beams = vb->feed1();
    1367        1619 :       Vector<Int> antennas = vb->antenna1();
    1368        1619 :       Vector<Int> data_spw = vb->spectralWindows();
    1369        1619 :       size_t const num_chan = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nChannels());
    1370        1619 :       size_t const num_pol = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nCorrelations());
    1371        1619 :       size_t const num_row = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nRows());
    1372        1619 :       Cube<Float> data_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row, Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1373        1619 :       SakuraAlignedArray<float> spec(num_chan);
    1374        1619 :       Cube<Bool> flag_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row, Array<Bool>::uninitialized);
    1375        1619 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> flag(num_chan);
    1376        1619 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask(num_chan);
    1377        1619 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask_after_clipping(num_chan);
    1378        1619 :       float *spec_data =;
    1379        1619 :       bool *flag_data =;
    1380        1619 :       bool *mask_data =;
    1381        1619 :       bool *mask_after_clipping_data =;
    1382        1619 :       Matrix<Float> weight_matrix(num_pol, num_row, Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1383             : 
    1384      200339 :       auto get_wavenumber_upperlimit = [&](){ return static_cast<int>(num_chan) / 2 - 1; };
    1385             : 
    1386        1619 :       uInt final_mask[num_pol];
    1387        1619 :       uInt final_mask_after_clipping[num_pol];
    1388        1619 :       final_mask[0] = 0;
    1389        1619 :       final_mask[1] = 0;
    1390        1619 :       final_mask_after_clipping[0] = 0;
    1391        1619 :       final_mask_after_clipping[1] = 0;
    1392             : 
    1393        1619 :       bool new_nchan = false;
    1394        1619 :       get_nchan_and_mask(recspw, data_spw, recchan, num_chan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set, new_nchan);
    1395        1619 :       if (new_nchan) {
    1396         418 :         int blparam_max = blparam[blparam.size() - 1];
    1397         418 :         if (bltype == BaselineType_kSinusoid) {
    1398         110 :           int nwave_ulimit = get_wavenumber_upperlimit();
    1399         110 :           get_effective_nwave(blparam, blparam_exclude, nwave_ulimit, blparam_eff_base);
    1400         104 :           blparam_max = blparam_eff_base[blparam_eff_base.size() - 1];
    1401             :         }
    1402         412 :         if ((bltype != BaselineType_kSinusoid) || (!applyfft) || wn_ulimit_by_rejwn()) {
    1403         331 :           get_baseline_context(bltype,
    1404             :                                static_cast<uint16_t>(blparam_max),
    1405             :                                num_chan, nchan, nchan_set,
    1406             :                                ctx_indices, bl_contexts);
    1407             :         }
    1408             :       } else {
    1409        1201 :         int last_nchan_set_idx = nchan_set.size() - 1;
    1410        1549 :         for (int i = nchan_set.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
    1411        1549 :           if (nchan_set[i]) break;
    1412         348 :           --last_nchan_set_idx;
    1413             :         }
    1414        1201 :         if (0 < last_nchan_set_idx) {
    1415         431 :           for (int i = 0; i < last_nchan_set_idx; ++i) {
    1416         431 :             if (nchan[i] == nchan[last_nchan_set_idx]) {
    1417         431 :               ctx_indices[last_nchan_set_idx] = ctx_indices[i];
    1418         431 :               break;
    1419             :             }
    1420             :           }
    1421             :         }
    1422             :       }
    1423             : 
    1424             :       // get data/flag cubes (npol*nchan*nrow) from VisBuffer
    1425        1613 :       get_data_cube_float(*vb, data_chunk);
    1426        1613 :       get_flag_cube(*vb, flag_chunk);
    1427             : 
    1428             :       // get weight matrix (npol*nrow) from VisBuffer
    1429        1613 :       if (update_weight) {
    1430          23 :         get_weight_matrix(*vb, weight_matrix);
    1431             :       }
    1432             : 
    1433             :       // loop over MS rows
    1434     1646951 :       for (size_t irow = 0; irow < num_row; ++irow) {
    1435      799647 :         size_t idx = 0;
    1436      800520 :         for (size_t ispw = 0; ispw < recspw.nelements(); ++ispw) {
    1437      800520 :           if (data_spw[irow] == recspw[ispw]) {
    1438      799647 :             idx = ispw;
    1439      799647 :             break;
    1440             :           }
    1441             :         }
    1442             : 
    1443             :         //prepare variables for writing baseline table
    1444      799647 :         Array<Bool> apply_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), true);
    1445      799647 :         Array<uInt> bltype_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), (uInt)bltype);
    1446             :         //Array<Int> fpar_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), (Int)blparam[blparam.size()-1]);
    1447      799647 :         std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > fpar_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    1448      799647 :         std::vector<std::vector<double> > ffpar_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    1449      799647 :         std::vector<std::vector<uInt> > masklist_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    1450      799647 :         std::vector<std::vector<double> > coeff_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    1451             : 
    1452      799647 :         Array<Float> rms_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), (Float)0);
    1453      799647 :         Array<Float> cthres_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1454      799647 :         Array<uInt> citer_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), Array<uInt>::uninitialized);
    1455      799647 :         Array<Bool> uself_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), Array<Bool>::uninitialized);
    1456      799647 :         Array<Float> lfthres_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1457      799647 :         Array<uInt> lfavg_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), Array<uInt>::uninitialized);
    1458      799647 :         Array<uInt> lfedge_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 2), Array<uInt>::uninitialized);
    1459             : 
    1460      799647 :         size_t num_apply_true = 0;
    1461      799647 :         size_t num_fpar_max = 0;
    1462      799647 :         size_t num_ffpar_max = 0;
    1463      799647 :         size_t num_masklist_max = 0;
    1464      799647 :         size_t num_coeff_max = 0;
    1465             : 
    1466             :         // loop over polarization
    1467     2401339 :         for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    1468             :           // get a channel mask from data cube
    1469             :           // (note that the variable 'mask' is flag in the next line
    1470             :           // actually, then it will be converted to real mask when
    1471             :           // taking AND with user-given mask info. this is just for
    1472             :           // saving memory usage...)
    1473      802616 :           get_flag_from_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, flag_data);
    1474             :           // skip spectrum if all channels flagged
    1475      802616 :           if (allchannels_flagged(num_chan, flag_data)) {
    1476        3540 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    1477        3540 :             continue;
    1478             :           }
    1479             : 
    1480             :           // convert flag to mask by taking logical NOT of flag
    1481             :           // and then operate logical AND with in_mask
    1482    71645604 :           for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    1483    70846528 :             mask_data[ichan] = in_mask[idx][ichan] && (!(flag_data[ichan]));
    1484             :           }
    1485             :           // get a spectrum from data cube
    1486      799076 :           get_spectrum_from_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    1487             :           // line finding. get baseline mask (invert=true)
    1488      799076 :           if (linefinding) {
    1489        3484 :             findLineAndGetMask(num_chan, spec_data, mask_data, threshold,
    1490             :                 avg_limit, minwidth, edge, true, mask_data);
    1491             :           }
    1492             : 
    1493      799076 :           std::vector<size_t> blparam_eff;
    1494             : 
    1495             :           size_t num_coeff;
    1496      799076 :           if (bltype == BaselineType_kSinusoid) {
    1497      198610 :             int nwave_ulimit = get_wavenumber_upperlimit();
    1498      198610 :             finalise_effective_nwave(blparam_eff_base, blparam_exclude,
    1499             :                                      nwave_ulimit,
    1500             :                                      num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    1501             :                                      applyfft, fftmethod, fftthresh,
    1502             :                                      blparam_eff);
    1503      198610 :             size_t blparam_eff_size = blparam_eff.size();
    1504      198610 :             if (blparam_eff[0] == 0) {
    1505      198580 :                 num_coeff = blparam_eff_size * 2 - 1;
    1506             :             } else {
    1507          30 :                 num_coeff = blparam_eff_size * 2;
    1508             :             }
    1509      600466 :           } else if (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) {
    1510      198830 :             blparam_eff.resize(1);
    1511      198830 :             blparam_eff[0] = blparam[blparam.size() - 1];
    1512      198830 :             num_coeff = blparam_eff[0] * 4;
    1513             :           } else { // poly, chebyshev
    1514      401636 :             blparam_eff.resize(1);
    1515      401636 :             blparam_eff[0] = blparam[blparam.size() - 1];
    1516      401636 :             status =
    1517      401636 :               LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat)(bl_contexts[ctx_indices[idx]],
    1518             :                                                              blparam_eff[0],
    1519             :                                                              &num_coeff);
    1520      401636 :             check_sakura_status("sakura_GetNumberOfCoefficients", status);
    1521             :           }
    1522             : 
    1523             :           // Final check of the valid number of channels
    1524      799076 :           size_t num_min =
    1525      799076 :             (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) ? blparam[blparam.size()-1] + 3 : num_coeff;
    1526      799076 :           if (NValidMask(num_chan, mask_data) < num_min) {
    1527           0 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol);
    1528           0 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    1529             :             os << LogIO::WARN
    1530             :                << "Too few valid channels to fit. Skipping Antenna "
    1531           0 :                << antennas[irow] << ", Beam " << beams[irow] << ", SPW "
    1532           0 :                << data_spw[irow] << ", Pol " << ipol << ", Time "
    1533           0 :                << MVTime(times[irow] / 24. / 3600.).string(MVTime::YMD, 8)
    1534           0 :                << LogIO::POST;
    1535           0 :             continue;
    1536             :           }
    1537             :           // actual execution of single spectrum
    1538             :           float rms;
    1539      799076 :           if (write_baseline_text || write_baseline_csv || write_baseline_table) {
    1540      798476 :             num_apply_true++;
    1541             : 
    1542      798476 :             if (num_coeff_max < num_coeff) {
    1543      795810 :               num_coeff_max = num_coeff;
    1544             :             }
    1545      798476 :             SakuraAlignedArray<double> coeff(num_coeff);
    1546      798476 :             double *coeff_data =;
    1547             : 
    1548             :             //---GetBestFitBaselineCoefficientsFloat()...
    1549             :             //func0(ctx_indices[idx], num_chan, blparam_eff, spec_data, mask_data, num_coeff, coeff_data, mask_after_clipping_data, &rms);
    1550      798476 :             LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *context = nullptr;
    1551      798476 :             if ((bltype != BaselineType_kSinusoid) || (!applyfft) || wn_ulimit_by_rejwn()) {
    1552      600080 :               context = bl_contexts[ctx_indices[idx]];
    1553             :             }
    1554      798476 :             func0(context, num_chan, blparam_eff, spec_data, mask_data, num_coeff, coeff_data, mask_after_clipping_data, &rms);
    1555             : 
    1556    66729804 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    1557    65931328 :               if (mask_data[i] == false) {
    1558    10847408 :                 final_mask[ipol] += 1;
    1559             :               }
    1560    65931328 :               if (mask_after_clipping_data[i] == false) {
    1561    10857281 :                 final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] += 1;
    1562             :               }
    1563             :             }
    1564             : 
    1565             :             //set_array_for_bltable(fpar_mtx_tmp)
    1566      798476 :             size_t num_fpar = blparam_eff.size();
    1567      798476 :             fpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_fpar);
    1568      798476 :             if (num_fpar_max < num_fpar) {
    1569      795810 :               num_fpar_max = num_fpar;
    1570             :             }
    1571      798476 :             fpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_fpar);
    1572     1602420 :             for (size_t ifpar = 0; ifpar < num_fpar; ++ifpar) {
    1573      803944 :               fpar_mtx_tmp[ipol][ifpar] = blparam_eff[ifpar];
    1574             :             }
    1575             : 
    1576             :             //---set_array_for_bltable(ffpar_mtx_tmp)
    1577      798476 :             func1(ipol, ffpar_mtx_tmp, num_ffpar_max);
    1578             : 
    1579             :             //set_array_for_bltable<double, Float>(ipol, num_coeff, coeff_data, coeff_mtx);
    1580      798476 :             coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_coeff);
    1581     4222960 :             for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < num_coeff; ++icoeff) {
    1582     3424484 :               coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol][icoeff] = coeff_data[icoeff];
    1583             :             }
    1584             : 
    1585      798476 :             Vector<uInt> masklist;
    1586      798476 :             get_masklist_from_mask(num_chan, mask_after_clipping_data, masklist);
    1587      798476 :             if (masklist.size() > num_masklist_max) {
    1588      795827 :               num_masklist_max = masklist.size();
    1589             :             }
    1590      798476 :             masklist_mtx_tmp[ipol].clear();
    1591     3202316 :             for (size_t imask = 0; imask < masklist.size(); ++imask) {
    1592     2403840 :               masklist_mtx_tmp[ipol].push_back(masklist[imask]);
    1593             :             }
    1594             : 
    1595             :             //---SubtractBaselineUsingCoefficientsFloat()...
    1596             :             //func2(ctx_indices[idx], num_chan, fpar_mtx_tmp[ipol], spec_data, num_coeff, coeff_data);
    1597      798476 :             func2(context, num_chan, fpar_mtx_tmp[ipol], spec_data, num_coeff, coeff_data);
    1598             : 
    1599      798476 :             rms_mtx[0][ipol] = rms;
    1600             : 
    1601      798476 :             cthres_mtx[0][ipol] = clip_threshold_sigma;
    1602      798476 :             citer_mtx[0][ipol] = (uInt)num_fitting_max - 1;
    1603      798476 :             uself_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    1604      798476 :             lfthres_mtx[0][ipol] = 0.0;
    1605      798476 :             lfavg_mtx[0][ipol] = 0;
    1606     2395428 :             for (size_t iedge = 0; iedge < 2; ++iedge) {
    1607     1596952 :               lfedge_mtx[iedge][ipol] = 0;
    1608             :             }
    1609      798476 :           } else {
    1610             :             //---SubtractBaselineFloat()...
    1611             :             //func3(ctx_indices[idx], num_chan, blparam_eff, num_coeff, spec_data, mask_data, &rms);
    1612         600 :             LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *context = nullptr;
    1613         600 :             if ((bltype != BaselineType_kSinusoid) || (!applyfft) || wn_ulimit_by_rejwn()) {
    1614         432 :               context = bl_contexts[ctx_indices[idx]];
    1615             :             }
    1616         600 :             func3(context, num_chan, blparam_eff, num_coeff, spec_data, mask_data, mask_after_clipping_data, &rms);
    1617             :           }
    1618             :           // set back a spectrum to data cube
    1619      799076 :           if (do_subtract) {
    1620      799016 :             set_spectrum_to_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    1621             :           }
    1622             : 
    1623      799076 :           if (update_weight) {
    1624        4680 :             compute_weight(num_chan, spec_data, mask_after_clipping_data, weight);
    1625        4680 :             set_weight_to_matrix(weight_matrix, irow, ipol,;
    1626             :           }
    1627             : 
    1628             :         } // end of polarization loop
    1629             : 
    1630             :         // output results of fitting
    1631      799647 :         if (num_apply_true == 0) continue;
    1632             : 
    1633      795810 :         Array<Int> fpar_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_fpar_max),
    1634             :                             Array<Int>::uninitialized);
    1635      795810 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<size_t, Int>(num_pol, num_fpar_max,
    1636             :                                             fpar_mtx_tmp, fpar_mtx);
    1637      795810 :         Array<Float> ffpar_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_ffpar_max),
    1638             :                                Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1639      795810 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<double, Float>(num_pol, num_ffpar_max,
    1640             :                                               ffpar_mtx_tmp, ffpar_mtx);
    1641      795810 :         Array<uInt> masklist_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_masklist_max),
    1642             :                                  Array<uInt>::uninitialized);
    1643      795810 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<uInt, uInt>(num_pol, num_masklist_max,
    1644             :                                            masklist_mtx_tmp, masklist_mtx);
    1645      795810 :         Array<Float> coeff_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_coeff_max),
    1646             :                                Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    1647      795810 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<double, Float>(num_pol, num_coeff_max,
    1648             :                                               coeff_mtx_tmp, coeff_mtx);
    1649      795810 :         Matrix<uInt> masklist_mtx2 = masklist_mtx;
    1650      795810 :         Matrix<Bool> apply_mtx2 = apply_mtx;
    1651             : 
    1652      795810 :         if (write_baseline_table) {
    1653         378 :           bt->appenddata((uInt)scans[irow], (uInt)beams[irow], (uInt)antennas[irow],
    1654         189 :                          (uInt)data_spw[irow], 0, times[irow],
    1655             :                          apply_mtx, bltype_mtx, fpar_mtx, ffpar_mtx, masklist_mtx,
    1656             :                          coeff_mtx, rms_mtx, (uInt)num_chan, cthres_mtx, citer_mtx,
    1657             :                          uself_mtx, lfthres_mtx, lfavg_mtx, lfedge_mtx);
    1658             :         }
    1659             : 
    1660      795810 :         if (write_baseline_text) {
    1661       12245 :           for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    1662        4896 :             if (apply_mtx2(ipol, 0) == false) continue;
    1663             : 
    1664        4896 :             ofs_txt << "Scan" << '[' << (uInt)scans[irow] << ']' << ' '
    1665        4896 :                     << "Beam" << '[' << (uInt)beams[irow] << ']' << ' '
    1666        4896 :                     << "Spw"  << '[' << (uInt)data_spw[irow] << ']' << ' '
    1667        4896 :                     << "Pol"  << '[' << ipol << ']' << ' '
    1668        9792 :                     << "Time" << '[' << MVTime(times[irow]/ 24. / 3600.).string(MVTime::YMD, 8) << ']'
    1669        4896 :                     << endl;
    1670        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1671        4896 :             ofs_txt << "Fitter range = " << '[';
    1672             : 
    1673        9865 :             for (size_t imasklist = 0; imasklist < num_masklist_max/2; ++imasklist) {
    1674        4969 :               if (imasklist == 0) {
    1675        4896 :                 ofs_txt << '['  << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    1676        4896 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    1677             :               }
    1678        4969 :               if (imasklist >= 1
    1679        5041 :                   && (0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist)
    1680          72 :                       && 0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1))) {
    1681          72 :                 ofs_txt << ",[" << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ','
    1682          72 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    1683             :               }
    1684             :             }
    1685             : 
    1686        4896 :             ofs_txt << ']' << endl;
    1687        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1688             : 
    1689        9792 :             Matrix<uInt> bltype_mtx2 = bltype_mtx[0][ipol];
    1690        9792 :             Matrix<Int> fpar_mtx2 = fpar_mtx[0][ipol];
    1691        9792 :             Matrix<Float> rms_mtx2 = rms_mtx[0][ipol];
    1692        4896 :             string bltype_name;
    1693             : 
    1694        4896 :             string blparam_name ="order";
    1695        4896 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)0) {
    1696        4811 :               bltype_name = "poly";
    1697          85 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)1) {
    1698           1 :               bltype_name = "chebyshev";
    1699          84 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)2) {
    1700           2 :                 blparam_name = "npiece";
    1701           2 :                 bltype_name = "cspline";
    1702          82 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    1703          82 :                 blparam_name = "nwave";
    1704          82 :                 bltype_name = "sinusoid";
    1705             :             }
    1706             : 
    1707             :             ofs_txt << "Baseline parameters  Function = "
    1708        4896 :                     << bltype_name << "  " << blparam_name << " = ";
    1709        4896 :             Matrix<Int> fpar_mtx3 = fpar_mtx;
    1710        4896 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0,0) == (uInt)3) {
    1711         504 :               for (size_t num = 0; num < num_fpar_max; ++num) {
    1712         422 :                 ofs_txt << fpar_mtx3(ipol, num) << " ";
    1713             :               }
    1714          82 :               ofs_txt << endl;
    1715             :             } else {
    1716        4814 :               ofs_txt << fpar_mtx2(0, 0) << endl;
    1717             :             }
    1718             : 
    1719        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1720        4896 :             ofs_txt << "Results of baseline fit" << endl;
    1721        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1722        4896 :             Matrix<Float> coeff_mtx2 = coeff_mtx;
    1723             : 
    1724        4896 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0,0) == (uInt)0 || bltype_mtx2(0,0) == (uInt)1 || bltype_mtx2(0,0) == (uInt)2){
    1725       33518 :               for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < num_coeff_max; ++icoeff) {
    1726       28704 :                 ofs_txt << "p" << icoeff << " = " << setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << "  ";
    1727             :               }
    1728          82 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0,0) == (uInt)3) {
    1729          82 :               size_t wn=0;
    1730          82 :               string c_s ="s";
    1731             :               //if (blparam[0] == 0) {
    1732          82 :               if (fpar_mtx3(ipol, wn) == 0) {
    1733          52 :                 ofs_txt << "c" << fpar_mtx3(ipol, wn) << " = " <<setw(13)<<left<< setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, 0) << "  ";
    1734          52 :                 wn = 1;
    1735             :                 //for (size_t icoeff = 1; icoeff < num_coeff_max; ++icoeff) {
    1736         232 :                 for (size_t icoeff = 1; icoeff < coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].size(); ++icoeff) {
    1737         180 :                   ofs_txt << c_s << fpar_mtx3(ipol, wn) << " = " <<setw(13)<<left<< setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << "  ";
    1738         180 :                   c_s == "s" ? (c_s = "c") : (c_s = "s");
    1739         180 :                   if (icoeff % 2 == 0) {
    1740          90 :                     ++wn;
    1741             :                   }
    1742             :                 }
    1743             :               } else {
    1744          30 :                 wn = 0;
    1745             :                 //for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < num_coeff_max; ++icoeff) {
    1746         590 :                 for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].size(); ++icoeff) {
    1747         560 :                   ofs_txt << c_s << fpar_mtx3(ipol, wn) << " = " <<setw(13)<<left<< setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << "  ";
    1748         560 :                   c_s == "s" ? (c_s = "c") : (c_s = "s");
    1749         560 :                   if (icoeff % 2 != 0) {
    1750         280 :                     ++wn;
    1751             :                   }
    1752             :                 }
    1753             :               }
    1754          82 :             }
    1755             : 
    1756        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1757        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1758        4896 :             ofs_txt << "rms = ";
    1759        4896 :             ofs_txt << setprecision(8) << rms_mtx2(0, 0) << endl;
    1760        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1761        4896 :             ofs_txt << "Number of clipped channels = "
    1762        4896 :                     << final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] - final_mask[ipol] << endl;
    1763        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1764        4896 :             ofs_txt << "------------------------------------------------------"
    1765        4896 :                     << endl;
    1766        4896 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    1767             :           }
    1768             :         }
    1769             : 
    1770      795810 :         if (write_baseline_csv) {
    1771     2379753 :           for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    1772      793278 :             if (apply_mtx2(ipol, 0) == false) continue;
    1773             : 
    1774      793278 :             ofs_csv << (uInt)scans[irow] << ',' << (uInt)beams[irow] << ','
    1775      793278 :                     << (uInt)data_spw[irow] << ',' << ipol << ','
    1776      793278 :                     << setprecision(12) << times[irow] << ',';
    1777      793278 :             ofs_csv << '[';
    1778     1989922 :             for (size_t imasklist = 0; imasklist < num_masklist_max / 2; ++imasklist) {
    1779     1196644 :               if (imasklist == 0) {
    1780      793278 :                 ofs_csv << '[' << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    1781      793278 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    1782             :               }
    1783     1196644 :               if (imasklist >= 1
    1784     1599981 :                   && (0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist)
    1785      403337 :                       && 0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1))) {
    1786      403337 :                 ofs_csv << ";[" << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    1787      403337 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    1788             :               }
    1789             :             }
    1790      793278 :             ofs_csv << ']' << ',';
    1791     1586556 :             Matrix<uInt> bltype_mtx2 = bltype_mtx[0][ipol];
    1792      793278 :             string bltype_name;
    1793      793278 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)0) {
    1794      198268 :               bltype_name = "poly";
    1795      595010 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)1) {
    1796      198148 :               bltype_name = "chebyshev";
    1797      396862 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)2) {
    1798      198556 :               bltype_name = "cspline";
    1799      198306 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    1800      198306 :               bltype_name = "sinusoid";
    1801             :             }
    1802             :             // TODO: revisit this line in CAS-13671
    1803      793278 :             Matrix<Int> fpar_mtx2 = fpar_mtx;
    1804      793278 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    1805      198306 :               ofs_csv << bltype_name.c_str() << ',' << fpar_mtx2(ipol, 0);
    1806      203644 :               for (size_t i = 1; i < num_fpar_max; ++i) {
    1807        5338 :                 ofs_csv << ';' << fpar_mtx2(ipol, i);
    1808             :               }
    1809      198306 :               ofs_csv << ',';
    1810             :             } else {
    1811      594972 :               ofs_csv << bltype_name.c_str() << ',' << fpar_mtx2(ipol, 0)
    1812      594972 :                       << ',';
    1813             :             }
    1814             : 
    1815      793278 :             Matrix<Float> coeff_mtx2 = coeff_mtx;
    1816      793278 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    1817      407290 :               for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].size(); ++icoeff) {
    1818      208984 :                 ofs_csv << setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << ',';
    1819             :               }
    1820             :             } else {
    1821     3779476 :               for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < num_coeff_max; ++icoeff) {
    1822     3184504 :                 ofs_csv << setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << ',';
    1823             :               }
    1824             :             }
    1825             : 
    1826      793278 :             Matrix<Float> rms_mtx2 = rms_mtx;
    1827      793278 :             ofs_csv << setprecision(8) << rms_mtx2(ipol, 0) << ',';
    1828      793278 :             ofs_csv << final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] - final_mask[ipol];
    1829      793278 :             ofs_csv << endl;
    1830             :           }
    1831             :         }
    1832             :       } // end of chunk row loop
    1833             :       // write back data cube to VisBuffer
    1834        1613 :       if (do_subtract) {
    1835        1583 :         if (update_weight) {
    1836          23 :           sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk, &weight_matrix);
    1837             :         } else {
    1838        1560 :           sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk);
    1839             :         }
    1840             :       }
    1841             :     } // end of vi loop
    1842             :   } // end of chunk loop
    1843             : 
    1844         412 :   if (write_baseline_table) {
    1845          53 :     bt->save(bloutputname_table);
    1846          53 :     delete bt;
    1847             :   }
    1848         412 :   if (write_baseline_csv) {
    1849         195 :     ofs_csv.close();
    1850             :   }
    1851         412 :   if (write_baseline_text) {
    1852          82 :     ofs_txt.close();
    1853             :   }
    1854             : 
    1855         412 :   finalize_process();
    1856         412 :   destroy_baseline_contexts(bl_contexts);
    1857             : 
    1858             :   //double tend = gettimeofday_sec();
    1859             :   //std::cout << "Elapsed time = " << (tend - tstart) << " sec." << std::endl;
    1860         478 : }
    1861             : 
    1862             : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1863             : ///// Atcual processing functions
    1864             : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1865             : 
    1866             : //Subtract baseline using normal or Chebyshev polynomials
    1867         226 : void SingleDishMS::subtractBaseline(string const& in_column_name,
    1868             :                                     string const& out_ms_name,
    1869             :                                     string const& out_bloutput_name,
    1870             :                                     bool const& do_subtract,
    1871             :                                     string const& in_spw,
    1872             :                                     bool const& update_weight,
    1873             :                                     string const& sigma_value,
    1874             :                                     string const& blfunc,
    1875             :                                     int const order,
    1876             :                                     float const clip_threshold_sigma,
    1877             :                                     int const num_fitting_max,
    1878             :                                     bool const linefinding,
    1879             :                                     float const threshold,
    1880             :                                     int const avg_limit,
    1881             :                                     int const minwidth,
    1882             :                                     vector<int> const& edge) {
    1883         226 :   vector<int> order_vect;
    1884         226 :   order_vect.push_back(order);
    1885         226 :   vector<int> blparam_exclude_dummy;
    1886         226 :   blparam_exclude_dummy.clear();
    1887             : 
    1888         452 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    1889             :   os << "Fitting and subtracting polynomial baseline order = " << order
    1890         226 :      << LogIO::POST;
    1891         226 :   if (order < 0) {
    1892           0 :     throw(AipsError("order must be positive or zero."));
    1893             :   }
    1894             : 
    1895             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
    1896             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) bl_status;
    1897         226 :   std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> bl_contexts;
    1898         226 :   bl_contexts.clear();
    1899         226 :   size_t bltype = BaselineType_kPolynomial;
    1900         226 :   string blfunc_lower = blfunc;
    1901         226 :   std::transform(
    1902             :     blfunc_lower.begin(),
    1903             :     blfunc_lower.end(),
    1904             :     blfunc_lower.begin(),
    1905        1134 :     [](unsigned char c) {return std::tolower(c);}
    1906             :   );
    1907         226 :   if (blfunc_lower == "chebyshev") {
    1908          46 :     bltype = BaselineType_kChebyshev;
    1909             :   }
    1910             : 
    1911         452 :   doSubtractBaseline(in_column_name,
    1912             :                      out_ms_name,
    1913             :                      out_bloutput_name,
    1914             :                      do_subtract,
    1915             :                      in_spw,
    1916             :                      update_weight,
    1917             :                      sigma_value,
    1918             :                      status,
    1919             :                      bl_contexts,
    1920             :                      bltype,
    1921             :                      order_vect,
    1922             :                      blparam_exclude_dummy,
    1923         226 :                      false,
    1924             :                      "",
    1925             :                      "",
    1926             :                      clip_threshold_sigma,
    1927             :                      num_fitting_max,
    1928             :                      linefinding,
    1929             :                      threshold,
    1930             :                      avg_limit,
    1931             :                      minwidth,
    1932             :                      edge,
    1933      401372 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    1934             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    1935             :                          float *spec, bool const *mask, size_t const /*num_coeff*/, double *coeff,
    1936             :                          bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms){
    1937      401372 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitPolynomialFloat)(
    1938      802744 :                          context, static_cast<uint16_t>(order_vect[0]),
    1939      401372 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    1940      401372 :                          order_vect[0] + 1, coeff, nullptr, nullptr, mask_after_clipping, rms, &bl_status);
    1941      401372 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat", status);
    1942      401372 :                        if (bl_status != LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus_kOK)) {
    1943           0 :                          throw(AipsError("baseline fitting isn't successful."));
    1944             :                        }
    1945      401372 :                      },
    1946      401372 :                      [&](size_t ipol, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &ffpar_mtx_tmp, size_t &num_ffpar_max) {
    1947      401372 :                        size_t num_ffpar = get_num_coeff_bloutput(bltype, 0, num_ffpar_max);
    1948      401372 :                        ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_ffpar);
    1949      401372 :                      },
    1950      401372 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    1951             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    1952             :                          float *spec, size_t const /*num_coeff*/, double *coeff){
    1953      802744 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractPolynomialFloat)(
    1954      401372 :                          context, num_chan, spec, order_vect[0] + 1, coeff, spec);
    1955      401372 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat", status);},
    1956         264 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    1957             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    1958             :                          size_t const /*num_coeff*/, float *spec, bool const *mask, bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms){
    1959         264 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitPolynomialFloat)(
    1960         528 :                          context, static_cast<uint16_t>(order_vect[0]),
    1961         264 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    1962         264 :                          order_vect[0] + 1, nullptr, nullptr, spec, mask_after_clipping, rms, &bl_status);
    1963         264 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat", status);
    1964         264 :                        if (bl_status != LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus_kOK)) {
    1965           0 :                          throw(AipsError("baseline fitting isn't successful."));
    1966             :                        }
    1967         264 :                      },
    1968             :                      os
    1969             :                      );
    1970         226 : }
    1971             : 
    1972             : //Subtract baseline using natural cubic spline
    1973          82 : void SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineCspline(string const& in_column_name,
    1974             :                                            string const& out_ms_name,
    1975             :                                            string const& out_bloutput_name,
    1976             :                                            bool const& do_subtract,
    1977             :                                            string const& in_spw,
    1978             :                                            bool const& update_weight,
    1979             :                                            string const& sigma_value,
    1980             :                                            int const npiece,
    1981             :                                            float const clip_threshold_sigma,
    1982             :                                            int const num_fitting_max,
    1983             :                                            bool const linefinding,
    1984             :                                            float const threshold,
    1985             :                                            int const avg_limit,
    1986             :                                            int const minwidth,
    1987             :                                            vector<int> const& edge) {
    1988          82 :   vector<int> npiece_vect;
    1989          82 :   npiece_vect.push_back(npiece);
    1990          82 :   vector<int> blparam_exclude_dummy;
    1991          82 :   blparam_exclude_dummy.clear();
    1992             : 
    1993         164 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    1994             :   os << "Fitting and subtracting cubic spline baseline npiece = " << npiece
    1995          82 :       << LogIO::POST;
    1996          82 :   if (npiece <= 0) {
    1997           0 :     throw(AipsError("npiece must be positive."));
    1998             :   }
    1999             : 
    2000             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
    2001             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) bl_status;
    2002          82 :   std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> bl_contexts;
    2003          82 :   bl_contexts.clear();
    2004          82 :   size_t const bltype = BaselineType_kCubicSpline;
    2005          82 :   SakuraAlignedArray<size_t> boundary(npiece+1);
    2006          82 :   size_t *boundary_data =;
    2007             : 
    2008         164 :   doSubtractBaseline(in_column_name,
    2009             :                      out_ms_name,
    2010             :                      out_bloutput_name,
    2011             :                      do_subtract,
    2012             :                      in_spw,
    2013             :                      update_weight,
    2014             :                      sigma_value,
    2015             :                      status,
    2016             :                      bl_contexts,
    2017             :                      bltype,
    2018             :                      npiece_vect,
    2019             :                      blparam_exclude_dummy,
    2020          82 :                      false,
    2021             :                      "",
    2022             :                      "",
    2023             :                      clip_threshold_sigma,
    2024             :                      num_fitting_max,
    2025             :                      linefinding,
    2026             :                      threshold,
    2027             :                      avg_limit,
    2028             :                      minwidth,
    2029             :                      edge,
    2030      198662 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    2031             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    2032             :                          float *spec, bool const *mask, size_t const /*num_coeff*/, double *coeff,
    2033             :                          bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms) {
    2034      198662 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitCubicSplineFloat)(
    2035      198662 :                          context, static_cast<uint16_t>(npiece_vect[0]),
    2036      198662 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    2037             :                          reinterpret_cast<double (*)[4]>(coeff), nullptr, nullptr,
    2038      198662 :                          mask_after_clipping, rms, boundary_data, &bl_status);
    2039      198662 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat", status);
    2040      198662 :                        if (bl_status != LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus_kOK)) {
    2041           0 :                          throw(AipsError("baseline fitting isn't successful."));
    2042             :                        }
    2043      198662 :                      },
    2044      198662 :                      [&](size_t ipol, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &ffpar_mtx_tmp, size_t &num_ffpar_max) {
    2045      198662 :                        size_t num_ffpar = get_num_coeff_bloutput(
    2046      198662 :                          bltype, npiece_vect[0], num_ffpar_max);
    2047      198662 :                        ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_ffpar);
    2048      992435 :                        for (size_t ipiece = 0; ipiece < num_ffpar; ++ipiece) {
    2049      793773 :                          ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol][ipiece] = boundary_data[ipiece];
    2050             :                        }
    2051      198662 :                      },
    2052      198662 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    2053             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    2054             :                          float *spec, size_t const /*num_coeff*/, double *coeff) {
    2055      198662 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractCubicSplineFloat)(
    2056      198662 :                          context, num_chan, spec, npiece_vect[0],
    2057      198662 :                          reinterpret_cast<double (*)[4]>(coeff), boundary_data, spec);
    2058      198662 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat", status);},
    2059         168 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context,
    2060             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &/*nwave*/,
    2061             :                          size_t const /*num_coeff*/, float *spec, bool const *mask, bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms) {
    2062         168 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitCubicSplineFloat)(
    2063         168 :                          context, static_cast<uint16_t>(npiece_vect[0]),
    2064         168 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    2065         168 :                          nullptr, nullptr, spec, mask_after_clipping, rms, boundary_data, &bl_status);
    2066         168 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat", status);
    2067         168 :                        if (bl_status != LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus_kOK)) {
    2068           0 :                          throw(AipsError("baseline fitting isn't successful."));
    2069             :                        }
    2070         168 :                      },
    2071             :                      os
    2072             :                      );
    2073          82 : }
    2074             : 
    2075             : 
    2076         114 : void SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineSinusoid(string const& in_column_name,
    2077             :                                             string const& out_ms_name,
    2078             :                                             string const& out_bloutput_name,
    2079             :                                             bool const& do_subtract,
    2080             :                                             string const& in_spw,
    2081             :                                             bool const& update_weight,
    2082             :                                             string const& sigma_value,
    2083             :                                             string const& addwn0,
    2084             :                                             string const& rejwn0,
    2085             :                                             bool const applyfft,
    2086             :                                             string const fftmethod,
    2087             :                                             string const fftthresh,
    2088             :                                             float const clip_threshold_sigma,
    2089             :                                             int const num_fitting_max,
    2090             :                                             bool const linefinding,
    2091             :                                             float const threshold,
    2092             :                                             int const avg_limit,
    2093             :                                             int const minwidth,
    2094             :                                             vector<int> const& edge) {
    2095         114 :   char const delim = ',';
    2096         114 :   vector<int> addwn = string_to_list(addwn0, delim);
    2097         114 :   vector<int> rejwn = string_to_list(rejwn0, delim);
    2098             : 
    2099         228 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    2100         114 :   os << "Fitting and subtracting sinusoid baseline with wave numbers " << addwn0 << LogIO::POST;
    2101         114 :   if (addwn.size() == 0) {
    2102           4 :     throw(AipsError("addwn must contain at least one element."));
    2103             :   }
    2104             : 
    2105             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
    2106             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) bl_status;
    2107         110 :   std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> bl_contexts;
    2108         110 :   bl_contexts.clear();
    2109         110 :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *context = nullptr;
    2110         110 :   size_t bltype = BaselineType_kSinusoid;
    2111             : 
    2112      595524 :   auto wn_ulimit_by_rejwn = [&](){
    2113      595548 :     return ((rejwn.size() == 2) &&
    2114      595548 :             (rejwn[1] == SinusoidWaveNumber_kUpperLimit)); };
    2115      595662 :   auto par_spectrum_context = [&](){
    2116      595662 :     return (applyfft && !wn_ulimit_by_rejwn());
    2117         110 :   };
    2118      198610 :   auto prepare_context = [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context0,
    2119             :                              size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &nwave){
    2120      198610 :     if (par_spectrum_context()) {
    2121      198564 :       status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat)(
    2122      198564 :                  static_cast<uint16_t>(nwave[nwave.size()-1]),
    2123      198564 :                  num_chan, &context);
    2124      198564 :       check_sakura_status("sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat", status);
    2125             :     } else {
    2126          46 :       context = const_cast<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *>(context0);
    2127             :     }
    2128      198610 :   };
    2129      198610 :   auto clear_context = [&](){
    2130      198610 :     if (par_spectrum_context()) {
    2131      198564 :       status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(DestroyLSQFitContextFloat)(context);
    2132      198564 :       check_sakura_status("sakura_DestoyBaselineContextFloat", status);
    2133      198564 :       context = nullptr;
    2134             :     }
    2135      198610 :   };
    2136             : 
    2137         116 :   doSubtractBaseline(in_column_name,
    2138             :                      out_ms_name,
    2139             :                      out_bloutput_name,
    2140             :                      do_subtract,
    2141             :                      in_spw,
    2142             :                      update_weight,
    2143             :                      sigma_value,
    2144             :                      status,
    2145             :                      bl_contexts,
    2146             :                      bltype,
    2147             :                      addwn,
    2148             :                      rejwn,
    2149             :                      applyfft,
    2150             :                      fftmethod,
    2151             :                      fftthresh,
    2152             :                      clip_threshold_sigma,
    2153             :                      num_fitting_max,
    2154             :                      linefinding,
    2155             :                      threshold,
    2156             :                      avg_limit,
    2157             :                      minwidth,
    2158             :                      edge,
    2159      198442 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context0,
    2160             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &nwave,
    2161             :                          float *spec, bool const *mask, size_t const num_coeff, double *coeff,
    2162             :                          bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms) {
    2163      198442 :                        prepare_context(context0, num_chan, nwave);
    2164      198442 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitSinusoidFloat)(
    2165      198442 :                          context, nwave.size(), &nwave[0],
    2166      198442 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    2167      198442 :                          num_coeff, coeff, nullptr, nullptr, mask_after_clipping, rms, &bl_status);
    2168      198442 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat", status);
    2169      198442 :                        check_baseline_status(bl_status);
    2170      198442 :                      },
    2171      198442 :                      [&](size_t ipol, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &ffpar_mtx_tmp, size_t &num_ffpar_max) {
    2172      198442 :                        size_t num_ffpar = get_num_coeff_bloutput(bltype, addwn.size(), num_ffpar_max);
    2173      198442 :                        ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].resize(num_ffpar);
    2174      198442 :                      },
    2175      198442 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context0,
    2176             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &nwave,
    2177             :                          float *spec, size_t num_coeff, double *coeff) {
    2178      198442 :                        if (!par_spectrum_context()) {
    2179          46 :                          context = const_cast<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *>(context0);
    2180             :                        }
    2181      198442 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractSinusoidFloat)(
    2182      198442 :                          context, num_chan, spec, nwave.size(), &nwave[0],
    2183             :                          num_coeff, coeff, spec);
    2184      198442 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_SubtractSinusoidFloat", status);
    2185      198442 :                        clear_context();
    2186      198442 :                      },
    2187         168 :                      [&](LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) const *context0,
    2188             :                          size_t const num_chan, std::vector<size_t> const &nwave,
    2189             :                          size_t const num_coeff, float *spec, bool const *mask, bool *mask_after_clipping, float *rms) {
    2190         168 :                        prepare_context(context0, num_chan, nwave);
    2191         168 :                        status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitSinusoidFloat)(
    2192         168 :                          context, nwave.size(), &nwave[0],
    2193         168 :                          num_chan, spec, mask, clip_threshold_sigma, num_fitting_max,
    2194         168 :                          num_coeff, nullptr, nullptr, spec, mask_after_clipping, rms, &bl_status);
    2195         168 :                        check_sakura_status("sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat", status);
    2196         168 :                        check_baseline_status(bl_status);
    2197         168 :                        clear_context();
    2198         168 :                      },
    2199             :                      os
    2200             :                      );
    2201         140 : }
    2202             : 
    2203             : // Apply baseline table to MS
    2204          10 : void SingleDishMS::applyBaselineTable(string const& in_column_name,
    2205             :                                       string const& in_bltable_name,
    2206             :                                       string const& in_spw,
    2207             :                                       bool const& update_weight,
    2208             :                                       string const& sigma_value,
    2209             :                                       string const& out_ms_name) {
    2210          20 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    2211          10 :   os << "Apply baseline table " << in_bltable_name << " to MS. " << LogIO::POST;
    2212             : 
    2213          10 :   if (in_bltable_name == "") {
    2214           0 :     throw(AipsError("baseline table is not given."));
    2215             :   }
    2216             : 
    2217             :   // parse fitting parameters in the text file
    2218          10 :   BLTableParser parser(in_bltable_name);
    2219          10 :   std::vector<size_t> baseline_types = parser.get_function_types();
    2220          10 :   map<size_t const, uint16_t> max_orders;
    2221          30 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < baseline_types.size(); ++i) {
    2222          20 :     max_orders[baseline_types[i]] = parser.get_max_order(baseline_types[i]);
    2223             :   }
    2224             :   { //DEBUG output
    2225          10 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "spw ID = " << in_spw << LogIO::POST;
    2226          10 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Baseline Types = " << baseline_types << LogIO::POST;
    2227          10 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max Orders:" << LogIO::POST;
    2228          10 :     map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2229          30 :     while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2230          40 :       os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "- type " << (*iter).first << ": "
    2231          20 :           << (*iter).second << LogIO::POST;
    2232          20 :       ++iter;
    2233             :     }
    2234             :   }
    2235             : 
    2236          10 :   Block<Int> columns(1);
    2237          10 :   columns[0] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;  // (CAS-9918, 2017/4/27 WK)   //columns[0] = MS::TIME;
    2238          10 :   prepare_for_process(in_column_name, out_ms_name, columns, false);
    2239          10 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *vi = sdh_->getVisIter();
    2240          10 :   vi->setRowBlocking(kNRowBlocking);
    2241          10 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi->getVisBuffer();
    2242             : 
    2243          10 :   Vector<Int> recspw;
    2244          10 :   Matrix<Int> recchan;
    2245          10 :   Vector<size_t> nchan;
    2246          10 :   Vector<Vector<Bool> > in_mask;
    2247          10 :   Vector<bool> nchan_set;
    2248          10 :   parse_spw(in_spw, recspw, recchan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set);
    2249             : 
    2250             :   // Baseline Contexts reservoir
    2251             :   // key: BaselineType
    2252             :   // value: a vector of Sakura_BaselineContextFloat for various nchans
    2253          10 :   Vector<size_t> ctx_indices(nchan.nelements(), 0ul);
    2254          10 :   map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> > context_reservoir;
    2255          10 :   map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2256          30 :   while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2257          20 :     context_reservoir[(*iter).first] = std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *>();
    2258          20 :     ++iter;
    2259             :   }
    2260             : 
    2261             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
    2262             : 
    2263          10 :   std::vector<float> weight(WeightIndex_kNum);
    2264          10 :   size_t const var_index = (sigma_value == "stddev") ? WeightIndex_kStddev : WeightIndex_kRms;
    2265             : 
    2266          42 :   for (vi->originChunks(); vi->moreChunks(); vi->nextChunk()) {
    2267          64 :     for (vi->origin(); vi->more(); vi->next()) {
    2268          32 :       Vector<Int> scans = vb->scan();
    2269          32 :       Vector<Double> times = vb->time();
    2270          32 :       Vector<Double> intervals = vb->timeInterval();
    2271          32 :       Vector<Int> beams = vb->feed1();
    2272          32 :       Vector<Int> antennas = vb->antenna1();
    2273          32 :       Vector<Int> data_spw = vb->spectralWindows();
    2274          32 :       size_t const num_chan = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nChannels());
    2275          32 :       size_t const num_pol = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nCorrelations());
    2276          32 :       size_t const num_row = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nRows());
    2277          32 :       Cube<Float> data_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2278          32 :       SakuraAlignedArray<float> spec(num_chan);
    2279          32 :       float *spec_data =;
    2280          32 :       Cube<Bool> flag_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2281          32 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> flag(num_chan);
    2282          32 :       bool *flag_data =;
    2283          32 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask(num_chan);
    2284          32 :       bool *mask_data =;
    2285          32 :       Matrix<Float> weight_matrix(num_pol, num_row, Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    2286             : 
    2287          32 :       bool new_nchan = false;
    2288          32 :       get_nchan_and_mask(recspw, data_spw, recchan, num_chan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set, new_nchan);
    2289          32 :       if (new_nchan) {
    2290          10 :         map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2291          30 :         while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2292          20 :           get_baseline_context((*iter).first, (*iter).second,
    2293             :                                num_chan, nchan, nchan_set,
    2294          20 :                                ctx_indices, context_reservoir[(*iter).first]);
    2295          20 :           ++iter;
    2296             :         }
    2297             :       }
    2298             :       // get data/flag cubes (npol*nchan*nrow) from VisBuffer
    2299          32 :       get_data_cube_float(*vb, data_chunk);
    2300          32 :       get_flag_cube(*vb, flag_chunk);
    2301             : 
    2302             :       // get weight matrix (npol*nrow) from VisBuffer
    2303          32 :       if (update_weight) {
    2304           8 :         get_weight_matrix(*vb, weight_matrix);
    2305             :       }
    2306             : 
    2307             :       // loop over MS rows
    2308          64 :       for (size_t irow = 0; irow < num_row; ++irow) {
    2309          32 :         size_t idx = 0;
    2310          72 :         for (size_t ispw = 0; ispw < recspw.nelements(); ++ispw) {
    2311          72 :           if (data_spw[irow] == recspw[ispw]) {
    2312          32 :             idx = ispw;
    2313          32 :             break;
    2314             :           }
    2315             :         }
    2316             : 
    2317             :         // find a baseline table row (index) corresponding to this MS row
    2318             :         size_t idx_fit_param;
    2319          32 :         if (!parser.GetFitParameterIdx(times[irow], intervals[irow],
    2320          32 :             scans[irow], beams[irow], antennas[irow], data_spw[irow],
    2321             :             idx_fit_param)) {
    2322           3 :           for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    2323           2 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol); //flag
    2324             :           }
    2325           1 :           continue;
    2326           1 :         }
    2327             : 
    2328             :         // loop over polarization
    2329          93 :         for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    2330             :           bool apply;
    2331          62 :           Vector<double> coeff;
    2332          62 :           Vector<size_t> boundary;
    2333          62 :           std::vector<bool> mask_bltable;
    2334         124 :           BLParameterSet fit_param;
    2335          62 :           parser.GetFitParameterByIdx(idx_fit_param, ipol, apply, coeff, boundary,
    2336             :                                       mask_bltable, fit_param);
    2337          62 :           if (!apply) {
    2338           1 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol); //flag
    2339           1 :             continue;
    2340             :           }
    2341             : 
    2342             :           // get a channel mask from data cube
    2343             :           // (note that the variable 'mask' is flag in the next line
    2344             :           // actually, then it will be converted to real mask when
    2345             :           // taking AND with user-given mask info. this is just for
    2346             :           // saving memory usage...)
    2347          61 :           get_flag_from_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, flag_data);
    2348             : 
    2349             :           // skip spectrum if all channels flagged
    2350          61 :           if (allchannels_flagged(num_chan, flag_data)) {
    2351           1 :             continue;
    2352             :           }
    2353             : 
    2354             :           // get a spectrum from data cube
    2355          60 :           get_spectrum_from_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    2356             : 
    2357             :           // actual execution of single spectrum
    2358             :           map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> >::iterator
    2359          60 :           iter = context_reservoir.find(fit_param.baseline_type);
    2360          60 :           if (iter == context_reservoir.end())
    2361           0 :             throw(AipsError("Invalid baseline type detected!"));
    2362             :           LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) * context =
    2363          60 :               (*iter).second[ctx_indices[idx]];
    2364             :           //cout << "Got context for type " << (*iter).first << ": idx=" << ctx_indices[idx] << endl;
    2365             : 
    2366          60 :           SakuraAlignedArray<double> coeff_storage(coeff);
    2367          60 :           double *coeff_data =;
    2368          60 :           SakuraAlignedArray<size_t> boundary_storage(boundary);
    2369          60 :           size_t *boundary_data =;
    2370          60 :           string subtract_funcname;
    2371          60 :           switch (static_cast<size_t>(fit_param.baseline_type)) {
    2372          50 :           case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    2373             :           case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    2374          50 :             status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractPolynomialFloat)(
    2375             :               context, num_chan, spec_data, coeff.size(), coeff_data, spec_data);
    2376          50 :             subtract_funcname = "sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat";
    2377          50 :             break;
    2378          10 :           case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    2379          10 :             status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractCubicSplineFloat)(
    2380          10 :               context, num_chan, spec_data, boundary.size()-1,
    2381             :               reinterpret_cast<double (*)[4]>(coeff_data),
    2382             :               boundary_data, spec_data);
    2383          10 :             subtract_funcname = "sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat";
    2384          10 :             break;
    2385           0 :           default:
    2386           0 :             throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    2387             :           }
    2388          60 :           check_sakura_status(subtract_funcname, status);
    2389             : 
    2390             :           // set back a spectrum to data cube
    2391          60 :           set_spectrum_to_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    2392             : 
    2393          60 :           if (update_weight) {
    2394             :             // convert flag to mask by taking logical NOT of flag
    2395             :             // and then operate logical AND with in_mask and with mask from bltable
    2396      131088 :             for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2397      131072 :               mask_data[ichan] = in_mask[idx][ichan] && (!(flag_data[ichan])) && mask_bltable[ichan];
    2398             :             }
    2399          16 :             compute_weight(num_chan, spec_data, mask_data, weight);
    2400          16 :             set_weight_to_matrix(weight_matrix, irow, ipol,;
    2401             :           }
    2402          68 :         } // end of polarization loop
    2403             : 
    2404             :       } // end of chunk row loop
    2405             :       // write back data and flag cube to VisBuffer
    2406          32 :       if (update_weight) {
    2407           8 :         sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk, &weight_matrix);
    2408             :       } else {
    2409          24 :         sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk);
    2410             :       }
    2411          32 :     } // end of vi loop
    2412             :   } // end of chunk loop
    2413             : 
    2414          10 :   finalize_process();
    2415             :   // destroy baseline contexts
    2416          10 :   map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> >::iterator ctxiter = context_reservoir.begin();
    2417          30 :   while (ctxiter != context_reservoir.end()) {
    2418          20 :     destroy_baseline_contexts (context_reservoir[(*ctxiter).first]);
    2419          20 :     ++ctxiter;
    2420             :   }
    2421          10 : }
    2422             : 
    2423             : // Fit line profile
    2424          50 : void SingleDishMS::fitLine(string const& in_column_name,
    2425             :                            string const& in_spw,
    2426             :                            string const& /* in_pol */,
    2427             :                            string const& fitfunc,
    2428             :                            string const& in_nfit,
    2429             :                            bool const linefinding,
    2430             :                            float const threshold,
    2431             :                            int const avg_limit,
    2432             :                            int const minwidth,
    2433             :                            vector<int> const& edge,
    2434             :                            string const& tempfile_name,
    2435             :                            string const& temp_out_ms_name) {
    2436             : 
    2437             :   // in_column = [FLOAT_DATA|DATA|CORRECTED_DATA]
    2438             :   // no iteration is necessary for the processing.
    2439             :   // procedure
    2440             :   // 1. iterate over MS
    2441             :   // 2. pick single spectrum from in_column (this is not actually necessary for simple scaling but for exibision purpose)
    2442             :   // 3. fit Gaussian or Lorentzian profile to each spectrum
    2443             :   // 4. write fitting results to outfile
    2444             : 
    2445         100 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    2446          50 :   os << "Fitting line profile with " << fitfunc << LogIO::POST;
    2447             : 
    2448          50 :   if (file_exists(temp_out_ms_name)) {
    2449           0 :     throw(AipsError("temporary ms file unexpectedly exists."));
    2450             :   }
    2451          50 :   if (file_exists(tempfile_name)) {
    2452           0 :     throw(AipsError("temporary file unexpectedly exists."));
    2453             :   }
    2454             : 
    2455          50 :   Block<Int> columns(1);
    2456          50 :   columns[0] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    2457          50 :   prepare_for_process(in_column_name, temp_out_ms_name, columns, false);
    2458          50 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *vi = sdh_->getVisIter();
    2459          50 :   vi->setRowBlocking(kNRowBlocking);
    2460          50 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi->getVisBuffer();
    2461          50 :   ofstream ofs(tempfile_name);
    2462             : 
    2463          50 :   Vector<Int> recspw;
    2464          50 :   Matrix<Int> recchan;
    2465          50 :   Vector<size_t> nchan;
    2466          50 :   Vector<Vector<Bool> > in_mask;
    2467          50 :   Vector<bool> nchan_set;
    2468          50 :   parse_spw(in_spw, recspw, recchan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set);
    2469             : 
    2470          50 :   std::vector<size_t> nfit;
    2471          50 :   if (linefinding) {
    2472          11 :     os << "Defining line ranges using line finder. nfit will be ignored." << LogIO::POST;
    2473             :   } else {
    2474          39 :     std::vector<string> nfit_s = split_string(in_nfit, ',');
    2475          39 :     nfit.resize(nfit_s.size());
    2476          82 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < nfit_s.size(); ++i) {
    2477          43 :       nfit[i] = std::stoi(nfit_s[i]);
    2478             :     }
    2479          39 :   }
    2480             : 
    2481          50 :   size_t num_spec = 0;
    2482          50 :   size_t num_noline = 0;
    2483         135 :   for (vi->originChunks(); vi->moreChunks(); vi->nextChunk()) {
    2484         170 :     for (vi->origin(); vi->more(); vi->next()) {
    2485          85 :       Vector<Int> scans = vb->scan();
    2486          85 :       Vector<Double> times = vb->time();
    2487          85 :       Vector<Int> beams = vb->feed1();
    2488          85 :       Vector<Int> antennas = vb->antenna1();
    2489             : 
    2490          85 :       Vector<Int> data_spw = vb->spectralWindows();
    2491          85 :       size_t const num_chan = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nChannels());
    2492          85 :       size_t const num_pol = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nCorrelations());
    2493          85 :       size_t const num_row = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nRows());
    2494          85 :       Cube<Float> data_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2495          85 :       SakuraAlignedArray<float> spec(num_chan);
    2496          85 :       Cube<Bool> flag_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2497          85 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask(num_chan);
    2498             :       // CAUTION!!!
    2499             :       // data() method must be used with special care!!!
    2500          85 :       float *spec_data =;
    2501          85 :       bool *mask_data =;
    2502             : 
    2503          85 :       bool new_nchan = false;
    2504          85 :       get_nchan_and_mask(recspw, data_spw, recchan, num_chan, nchan, in_mask,
    2505             :           nchan_set, new_nchan);
    2506             : 
    2507             :       // get data/flag cubes (npol*nchan*nrow) from VisBuffer
    2508          85 :       get_data_cube_float(*vb, data_chunk);
    2509          85 :       get_flag_cube(*vb, flag_chunk);
    2510             : 
    2511             :       // loop over MS rows
    2512         176 :       for (size_t irow = 0; irow < num_row; ++irow) {
    2513          91 :         size_t idx = 0;
    2514         441 :         for (size_t ispw = 0; ispw < recspw.nelements(); ++ispw) {
    2515         441 :           if (data_spw[irow] == recspw[ispw]) {
    2516          91 :             idx = ispw;
    2517          91 :             break;
    2518             :           }
    2519             :         }
    2520             : 
    2521          91 :         std::vector<size_t> fitrange_start;
    2522          91 :         fitrange_start.clear();
    2523          91 :         std::vector<size_t> fitrange_end;
    2524          91 :         fitrange_end.clear();
    2525        1100 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < recchan.nrow(); ++i) {
    2526        1009 :           if (recchan.row(i)(0) == data_spw[irow]) {
    2527          95 :             fitrange_start.push_back(recchan.row(i)(1));
    2528          95 :             fitrange_end.push_back(recchan.row(i)(2));
    2529             :           }
    2530             :         }
    2531          91 :         if (!linefinding && nfit.size() != fitrange_start.size()) {
    2532           0 :           throw(AipsError(
    2533           0 :               "the number of elements of nfit and fitranges specified in spw must be identical."));
    2534             :         }
    2535             : 
    2536             :         // loop over polarization
    2537         229 :         for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    2538             :           // get a channel mask from data cube
    2539             :           // (note that the variable 'mask' is flag in the next line
    2540             :           // actually, then it will be converted to real mask when
    2541             :           // taking AND with user-given mask info. this is just for
    2542             :           // saving memory usage...)
    2543         138 :           get_flag_from_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, mask_data);
    2544             :           // skip spectrum if all channels flagged
    2545         138 :           if (allchannels_flagged(num_chan, mask_data)) {
    2546           0 :             continue;
    2547             :           }
    2548         138 :           ++num_spec;
    2549             : 
    2550             :           // convert flag to mask by taking logical NOT of flag
    2551             :           // and then operate logical AND with in_mask
    2552      533898 :           for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2553      533760 :             mask_data[ichan] = in_mask[idx][ichan] && (!(mask_data[ichan]));
    2554             :           }
    2555             :           // get a spectrum from data cube
    2556         138 :           get_spectrum_from_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    2557             : 
    2558             :           // line finding. get fit mask (invert=false)
    2559         138 :           if (linefinding) {
    2560             :             list<pair<size_t, size_t>> line_ranges
    2561             :               = findLineAndGetRanges(num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    2562             :                                      threshold, avg_limit, minwidth,
    2563          20 :                                      edge, false);
    2564          20 :             if (line_ranges.size()==0) {
    2565           0 :               ++num_noline;
    2566           0 :               continue;
    2567             :             }
    2568          20 :             size_t nline = line_ranges.size();
    2569          20 :             fitrange_start.resize(nline);
    2570          20 :             fitrange_end.resize(nline);
    2571          20 :             nfit.resize(nline);
    2572          20 :             auto range=line_ranges.begin();
    2573          50 :             for (size_t iline=0; iline<nline; ++iline){
    2574          30 :               fitrange_start[iline] = (*range).first;
    2575          30 :               fitrange_end[iline] = (*range).second;
    2576          30 :               nfit[iline] = 1;
    2577          30 :               ++range;
    2578             :             }
    2579          20 :           }
    2580             : 
    2581         138 :           Vector<Float> x_;
    2582         138 :           x_.resize(num_chan);
    2583         138 :           Vector<Float> y_;
    2584         138 :           y_.resize(num_chan);
    2585         138 :           Vector<Bool> m_;
    2586         138 :           m_.resize(num_chan);
    2587      533898 :           for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2588      533760 :             x_[ichan] = static_cast<Float>(ichan);
    2589      533760 :             y_[ichan] = spec_data[ichan];
    2590             :           }
    2591         138 :           Vector<Float> parameters_;
    2592         138 :           Vector<Float> error_;
    2593             : 
    2594         138 :           PtrBlock<Function<Float>*> funcs_;
    2595         138 :           std::vector<std::string> funcnames_;
    2596         138 :           std::vector<int> funccomponents_;
    2597         138 :           std::string expr;
    2598         138 :           if (fitfunc == "gaussian") {
    2599         118 :             expr = "gauss";
    2600          20 :           } else if (fitfunc == "lorentzian") {
    2601          20 :             expr = "lorentz";
    2602             :           }
    2603             : 
    2604         138 :           bool any_converged = false;
    2605         294 :           for (size_t ifit = 0; ifit < nfit.size(); ++ifit) {
    2606         156 :             if (nfit[ifit] == 0)
    2607          16 :               continue;
    2608             : 
    2609         140 :             if (0 < ifit)
    2610          18 :               ofs << ":";
    2611             : 
    2612             :             //extract spec/mask within fitrange
    2613      518028 :             for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2614      517888 :               if ((fitrange_start[ifit] <= ichan)
    2615      517888 :                   && (ichan <= fitrange_end[ifit])) {
    2616      343353 :                 m_[ichan] = mask_data[ichan];
    2617             :               } else {
    2618      174535 :                 m_[ichan] = false;
    2619             :               }
    2620             :             }
    2621             : 
    2622             :             //initial guesss
    2623         140 :             Vector<Float> peak;
    2624         140 :             Vector<Float> cent;
    2625         140 :             Vector<Float> fwhm;
    2626         140 :             peak.resize(nfit[ifit]);
    2627         140 :             cent.resize(nfit[ifit]);
    2628         140 :             fwhm.resize(nfit[ifit]);
    2629         140 :             if (nfit[ifit] == 1) {
    2630         132 :               Float sum = 0.0;
    2631         132 :               Float max_spec = fabs(y_[fitrange_start[ifit]]);
    2632         132 :               Float max_spec_x = x_[fitrange_start[ifit]];
    2633         132 :               bool is_positive = true;
    2634      277949 :               for (size_t ichan = fitrange_start[ifit];
    2635      277949 :                    ichan <= fitrange_end[ifit]; ++ichan) {
    2636      277817 :                 sum += y_[ichan];
    2637      277817 :                 if (max_spec < fabs(y_[ichan])) {
    2638        6769 :                   max_spec = fabs(y_[ichan]);
    2639        6769 :                   max_spec_x = x_[ichan];
    2640        6769 :                   is_positive = (fabs(y_[ichan]) == y_[ichan]);
    2641             :                 }
    2642             :               }
    2643         132 :               peak[0] = max_spec * (is_positive ? 1 : -1);
    2644         132 :               cent[0] = max_spec_x;
    2645         132 :               fwhm[0] = fabs(sum / max_spec * 0.7);
    2646             :             } else {
    2647           8 :               size_t x_start = fitrange_start[ifit];
    2648           8 :               size_t x_width = (fitrange_end[ifit] - fitrange_start[ifit]) / nfit[ifit];
    2649           8 :               size_t x_end = x_start + x_width;
    2650          24 :               for (size_t icomp = 0; icomp < nfit[ifit]; ++icomp) {
    2651          16 :                 if (icomp == nfit[ifit] - 1) {
    2652           8 :                   x_end = fitrange_end[ifit] + 1;
    2653             :                 }
    2654             : 
    2655          16 :                 Float sum = 0.0;
    2656          16 :                 Float max_spec = fabs(y_[x_start]);
    2657          16 :                 Float max_spec_x = x_[x_start];
    2658          16 :                 bool is_positive = true;
    2659       65552 :                 for (size_t ichan = x_start; ichan < x_end; ++ichan) {
    2660       65536 :                   sum += y_[ichan];
    2661       65536 :                   if (max_spec < fabs(y_[ichan])) {
    2662         878 :                     max_spec = fabs(y_[ichan]);
    2663         878 :                     max_spec_x = x_[ichan];
    2664         878 :                     is_positive = (fabs(y_[ichan]) == y_[ichan]);
    2665             :                   }
    2666             :                 }
    2667          16 :                 peak[icomp] = max_spec * (is_positive ? 1 : -1);
    2668          16 :                 cent[icomp] = max_spec_x;
    2669          16 :                 fwhm[icomp] = fabs(sum / max_spec * 0.7);
    2670             : 
    2671          16 :                 x_start += x_width;
    2672          16 :                 x_end += x_width;
    2673             :               }
    2674             :             }
    2675             : 
    2676             :             //fitter setup
    2677         140 :             funcs_.resize(nfit[ifit]);
    2678         140 :             funcnames_.clear();
    2679         140 :             funccomponents_.clear();
    2680         288 :             for (size_t icomp = 0; icomp < funcs_.nelements(); ++icomp) {
    2681         148 :               if (expr == "gauss") {
    2682         120 :                 funcs_[icomp] = new Gaussian1D<Float>();
    2683          28 :               } else if (expr == "lorentz") {
    2684          28 :                 funcs_[icomp] = new Lorentzian1D<Float>();
    2685             :               }
    2686         148 :               (funcs_[icomp]->parameters())[0] = peak[icomp]; //initial guess (peak)
    2687         148 :               (funcs_[icomp]->parameters())[1] = cent[icomp]; //initial guess (centre)
    2688         148 :               (funcs_[icomp]->parameters())[2] = fwhm[icomp]; //initial guess (fwhm)
    2689         148 :               funcnames_.push_back(expr);
    2690         148 :               funccomponents_.push_back(3);
    2691             :             }
    2692             : 
    2693             :             //actual fitting
    2694         140 :             NonLinearFitLM<Float> fitter;
    2695         140 :             CompoundFunction<Float> func;
    2696         288 :             for (size_t icomp = 0; icomp < funcs_.nelements(); ++icomp) {
    2697         148 :               func.addFunction(*funcs_[icomp]);
    2698             :             }
    2699         140 :             fitter.setFunction(func);
    2700         140 :             fitter.setMaxIter(50 + 10 * funcs_.nelements());
    2701         140 :             fitter.setCriteria(0.001);      // Convergence criterium
    2702             : 
    2703         140 :             parameters_.resize();
    2704         140 :             parameters_ =, y_, &m_);
    2705         140 :             any_converged |= fitter.converged();
    2706             :             // if (!fitter.converged()) {
    2707             :             //   throw(AipsError("Failed in fitting. Fitter did not converge."));
    2708             :             // }
    2709         140 :             error_.resize();
    2710         140 :             error_ = fitter.errors();
    2711             : 
    2712             :             //write best-fit parameters to tempfile/outfile
    2713         288 :             for (size_t icomp = 0; icomp < funcs_.nelements(); ++icomp) {
    2714         148 :               if (0 < icomp)
    2715           8 :                 ofs << ":";
    2716         148 :               size_t offset = 3 * icomp;
    2717         148 :               ofs.precision(4);
    2718         148 :               ofs.setf(ios::fixed);
    2719         148 :               ofs << scans[irow] << ","     // scanID
    2720         148 :                   << times[irow] << ","     // time
    2721         148 :                   << antennas[irow] << ","  // antennaID
    2722         148 :                   << beams[irow] << ","     // beamID
    2723         148 :                   << data_spw[irow] << ","  // spwID
    2724         148 :                   << ipol << ",";           // polID
    2725         148 :               ofs.precision(8);
    2726         148 :               ofs << parameters_[offset + 1] << "," << error_[offset + 1] << "," // cent
    2727         148 :                   << parameters_[offset + 0] << "," << error_[offset + 0] << "," // peak
    2728         148 :                   << parameters_[offset + 2] << "," << error_[offset + 2]; // fwhm
    2729             :             }
    2730         140 :           }        //end of nfit loop
    2731         138 :           ofs << "\n";
    2732             :           // count up spectra w/o any line fit
    2733         138 :           if (!any_converged) ++num_noline;
    2734             : 
    2735         138 :         }        //end of polarization loop
    2736          91 :       }        // end of MS row loop
    2737          85 :     }        //end of vi loop
    2738             :   }        //end of chunk loop
    2739             : 
    2740          50 :   if (num_noline==num_spec) {
    2741             :     os << LogIO::WARN
    2742           2 :        << "Fitter did not converge on any fit components." << LogIO::POST;
    2743             :   }
    2744          48 :   else if (num_noline > 0) {
    2745             :     os << "No convergence for fitting to " << num_noline
    2746           0 :        << " out of " << num_spec << " spectra" << LogIO::POST;
    2747             :   }
    2748             : 
    2749          50 :   finalize_process();
    2750          50 :   ofs.close();
    2751          50 : }
    2752             : 
    2753             : //Subtract baseline by per spectrum fitting parameters
    2754          83 : void SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineVariable(string const& in_column_name,
    2755             :                                             string const& out_ms_name,
    2756             :                                             string const& out_bloutput_name,
    2757             :                                             bool const& do_subtract,
    2758             :                                             string const& in_spw,
    2759             :                                             bool const& update_weight,
    2760             :                                             string const& sigma_value,
    2761             :                                             string const& param_file,
    2762             :                                             bool const& verbose) {
    2763             : 
    2764         166 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    2765             :   os << "Fitting and subtracting baseline using parameters in file "
    2766          83 :      << param_file << LogIO::POST;
    2767             : 
    2768          83 :   Block<Int> columns(1);
    2769          83 :   columns[0] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    2770          83 :   prepare_for_process(in_column_name, out_ms_name, columns, false);
    2771          83 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *vi = sdh_->getVisIter();
    2772          83 :   vi->setRowBlocking(kNRowBlocking);
    2773          83 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi->getVisBuffer();
    2774             : 
    2775          83 :   split_bloutputname(out_bloutput_name);
    2776          83 :   bool write_baseline_csv = (bloutputname_csv != "");
    2777          83 :   bool write_baseline_text = (bloutputname_text != "");
    2778          83 :   bool write_baseline_table = (bloutputname_table != "");
    2779          83 :   ofstream ofs_csv;
    2780          83 :   ofstream ofs_txt;
    2781          83 :   BaselineTable *bt = 0;
    2782             : 
    2783          83 :   if (write_baseline_csv) {
    2784          28 :;
    2785             :   }
    2786          83 :   if (write_baseline_text) {
    2787          12 :, std::ios::app);
    2788             :   }
    2789          83 :   if (write_baseline_table) {
    2790          22 :     bt = new BaselineTable(vi->ms());
    2791             :   }
    2792             : 
    2793          83 :   Vector<Int> recspw;
    2794          83 :   Matrix<Int> recchan;
    2795          83 :   Vector<size_t> nchan;
    2796          83 :   Vector<Vector<Bool> > in_mask;
    2797          83 :   Vector<bool> nchan_set;
    2798          83 :   parse_spw(in_spw, recspw, recchan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set);
    2799             : 
    2800             :   // parse fitting parameters in the text file
    2801          83 :   BLParameterParser parser(param_file);
    2802          83 :   std::vector<size_t> baseline_types = parser.get_function_types();
    2803             :   /* max_orders: 
    2804             :   { baseline type as from enum,
    2805             :    or poly/chebyshev: order
    2806             :    or cspline: npiece
    2807             :    or sinusoid: nwave.size()
    2808             :    }
    2809             :    Note: the biggest one of each?
    2810             :    */
    2811          83 :   map<size_t const, uint16_t> max_orders;
    2812         293 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < baseline_types.size(); ++i) {
    2813         210 :     max_orders[baseline_types[i]] = parser.get_max_order(baseline_types[i]);
    2814             :   }
    2815             :   { //DEBUG ouput
    2816          83 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Baseline Types = " << baseline_types << LogIO::POST;
    2817          83 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max Orders:" << LogIO::POST;
    2818          83 :     map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2819         293 :     while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2820         420 :       os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "- type " << (*iter).first << ": "
    2821         210 :          << (*iter).second << LogIO::POST;
    2822         210 :       ++iter;
    2823             :     }
    2824             :   }
    2825             : 
    2826             :   // Baseline Contexts reservoir
    2827             :   // key: Sakura_BaselineType enum,
    2828             :   // value: a vector of Sakura_BaselineContextFloat for various nchans
    2829          83 :   map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> > context_reservoir;
    2830             :   {
    2831          83 :     map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2832         293 :     while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2833         210 :       context_reservoir[(*iter).first] = std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *>();
    2834         210 :       ++iter;
    2835             :     }
    2836             :   }
    2837             : 
    2838          83 :   Vector<size_t> ctx_indices(recspw.size(), 0ul);
    2839             :   //stores the number of channels of corresponding elements in contexts list.
    2840             :   // WORKAROUND for absense of the way to get num_bases_data in context.
    2841          83 :   vector<size_t> ctx_nchans;
    2842             : 
    2843             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) status;
    2844             :   LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) bl_status;
    2845             : 
    2846          83 :   std::vector<float> weight(WeightIndex_kNum);
    2847          83 :   size_t const var_index = (sigma_value == "stddev") ? WeightIndex_kStddev : WeightIndex_kRms;
    2848             : 
    2849         304 :   for (vi->originChunks(); vi->moreChunks(); vi->nextChunk()) {
    2850         442 :     for (vi->origin(); vi->more(); vi->next()) {
    2851         221 :       Vector<Int> scans = vb->scan();
    2852         221 :       Vector<Double> times = vb->time();
    2853         221 :       Vector<Int> beams = vb->feed1();
    2854         221 :       Vector<Int> antennas = vb->antenna1();
    2855         221 :       Vector<Int> data_spw = vb->spectralWindows();
    2856         221 :       size_t const num_chan = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nChannels());
    2857         221 :       size_t const num_pol = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nCorrelations());
    2858         221 :       size_t const num_row = static_cast<size_t>(vb->nRows());
    2859         221 :       auto orig_rows = vb->rowIds();
    2860         221 :       Cube<Float> data_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2861         221 :       SakuraAlignedArray<float> spec(num_chan);
    2862         221 :       Cube<Bool> flag_chunk(num_pol, num_chan, num_row);
    2863         221 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> flag(num_chan);
    2864         221 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask(num_chan);
    2865         221 :       SakuraAlignedArray<bool> mask_after_clipping(num_chan);
    2866             :       // CAUTION!!!
    2867             :       // data() method must be used with special care!!!
    2868         221 :       float *spec_data =;
    2869         221 :       bool *flag_data =;
    2870         221 :       bool *mask_data =;
    2871         221 :       bool *mask_after_clipping_data =;
    2872         221 :       Matrix<Float> weight_matrix(num_pol, num_row, Array<Float>::uninitialized);
    2873             : 
    2874         221 :       uInt final_mask[num_pol];
    2875         221 :       uInt final_mask_after_clipping[num_pol];
    2876         221 :       final_mask[0] = 0;
    2877         221 :       final_mask[1] = 0;
    2878         221 :       final_mask_after_clipping[0] = 0;
    2879         221 :       final_mask_after_clipping[1] = 0;
    2880             : 
    2881         221 :       bool new_nchan = false;
    2882         221 :       get_nchan_and_mask(recspw, data_spw, recchan, num_chan, nchan, in_mask, nchan_set, new_nchan);
    2883             :       // check if context should be created once per chunk
    2884             :       // in the first actual excution of baseline.
    2885         221 :       bool check_context = true;
    2886             : 
    2887             :       // get data/flag cubes (npol*nchan*nrow) from VisBuffer
    2888         221 :       get_data_cube_float(*vb, data_chunk);
    2889         221 :       get_flag_cube(*vb, flag_chunk);
    2890             : 
    2891             :       // get weight matrix (npol*nrow) from VisBuffer
    2892         221 :       if (update_weight) {
    2893           6 :         get_weight_matrix(*vb, weight_matrix);
    2894             :       }
    2895             : 
    2896             :       // loop over MS rows
    2897        2818 :       for (size_t irow = 0; irow < num_row; ++irow) {
    2898        2597 :         size_t idx = 0;
    2899        2858 :         for (size_t ispw = 0; ispw < recspw.nelements(); ++ispw) {
    2900        2858 :           if (data_spw[irow] == recspw[ispw]) {
    2901        2597 :             idx = ispw;
    2902        2597 :             break;
    2903             :           }
    2904             :         }
    2905             : 
    2906             :         //prepare varables for writing baseline table
    2907        2597 :         Array<Bool> apply_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1), true);
    2908        2597 :         Array<uInt> bltype_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2909        2597 :         Array<Int> fpar_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2910        2597 :         std::vector<std::vector<double> > ffpar_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    2911        2597 :         std::vector<std::vector<uInt> > masklist_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    2912        2597 :         std::vector<std::vector<double> > coeff_mtx_tmp(num_pol);
    2913        2597 :         Array<Float> rms_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2914        2597 :         Array<Float> cthres_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2915        2597 :         Array<uInt> citer_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2916        2597 :         Array<Bool> uself_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2917        2597 :         Array<Float> lfthres_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2918        2597 :         Array<uInt> lfavg_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 1));
    2919        2597 :         Array<uInt> lfedge_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, 2));
    2920             : 
    2921        2597 :         size_t num_apply_true = 0;
    2922        2597 :         size_t num_ffpar_max = 0;
    2923        2597 :         size_t num_masklist_max = 0;
    2924        2597 :         size_t num_coeff_max = 0;
    2925        2597 :         std::vector<size_t> numcoeff(num_pol);
    2926             : 
    2927             :         // loop over polarization
    2928        5383 :         for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    2929             :           // get a channel mask from data cube
    2930             :           // (note that the variable 'mask' is flag in the next line
    2931             :           // actually, then it will be converted to real mask when
    2932             :           // taking AND with user-given mask info. this is just for
    2933             :           // saving memory usage...)
    2934        2786 :           get_flag_from_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, flag_data);
    2935             :           // skip spectrum if all channels flagged
    2936        2786 :           if (allchannels_flagged(num_chan, flag_data)) {
    2937        1736 :             os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Row " << orig_rows[irow] << ", Pol " << ipol
    2938         868 :                << ": All channels flagged. Skipping." << LogIO::POST;
    2939         868 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    2940        2541 :             continue;
    2941             :           }
    2942             : 
    2943             :           // convert flag to mask by taking logical NOT of flag
    2944             :           // and then operate logical AND with in_mask
    2945     9398142 :           for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2946     9396224 :             mask_data[ichan] = in_mask[idx][ichan] && (!(flag_data[ichan]));
    2947             :           }
    2948             :           // get fitting parameter
    2949        3836 :           BLParameterSet fit_param;
    2950        1918 :           if (!parser.GetFitParameter(orig_rows[irow], ipol, fit_param)) { //no fit requrested
    2951        1673 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol);
    2952        3346 :             os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Row " << orig_rows[irow] << ", Pol " << ipol
    2953        1673 :                << ": Fit not requested. Skipping." << LogIO::POST;
    2954        1673 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    2955        1673 :             continue;
    2956             :           }
    2957         245 :           if (verbose) {
    2958           0 :             os << "Fitting Parameter" << LogIO::POST;
    2959           0 :             os << "[ROW " << orig_rows[irow] << " (nchan " << num_chan << ")" << ", POL" << ipol << "]"
    2960           0 :                << LogIO::POST;
    2961           0 :             fit_param.PrintSummary();
    2962             :           }
    2963             :           // Create contexts when actually subtract baseine for the first time (if not yet exist)
    2964         245 :           if (check_context) {
    2965             :             // Generate context for all necessary baseline types
    2966         130 :             map<size_t const, uint16_t>::iterator iter = max_orders.begin();
    2967         503 :             while (iter != max_orders.end()) {
    2968         373 :               get_baseline_context((*iter).first, (*iter).second, num_chan, idx,
    2969         373 :                                    ctx_indices, ctx_nchans, context_reservoir[(*iter).first]);
    2970         373 :               ++iter;
    2971             :             }
    2972         130 :             check_context = false;
    2973             :           }
    2974             :           // get mask from BLParameterset and create composit mask
    2975         245 :           if (fit_param.baseline_mask != "") {
    2976          77 :             stringstream local_spw;
    2977          77 :             local_spw << data_spw[irow] << ":" << fit_param.baseline_mask;
    2978          77 :             Record selrec = sdh_->getSelRec(local_spw.str());
    2979          77 :             Matrix<Int> local_rec_chan = selrec.asArrayInt("channel");
    2980          77 :             Vector<Bool> local_mask(num_chan, false);
    2981          77 :             get_mask_from_rec(data_spw[irow], local_rec_chan, local_mask, false);
    2982      630861 :             for (size_t ichan = 0; ichan < num_chan; ++ichan) {
    2983      630784 :               mask_data[ichan] = mask_data[ichan] && local_mask[ichan];
    2984             :             }
    2985          77 :           }
    2986             :           // check for composit mask and flag if no valid channel to fit
    2987         245 :           if (NValidMask(num_chan, mask_data) == 0) {
    2988           0 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol);
    2989           0 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    2990           0 :             os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Row " << orig_rows[irow] << ", Pol " << ipol
    2991           0 :                << ": No valid channel to fit. Skipping" << LogIO::POST;
    2992           0 :             continue;
    2993             :           }
    2994             :           // get a spectrum from data cube
    2995         245 :           get_spectrum_from_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    2996             : 
    2997             :           // get baseline context
    2998             :           map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> >::iterator
    2999         245 :           iter = context_reservoir.find(fit_param.baseline_type);
    3000         245 :           if (iter == context_reservoir.end()) {
    3001           0 :             throw(AipsError("Invalid baseline type detected!"));
    3002             :           }
    3003         245 :           LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) * context = (*iter).second[ctx_indices[idx]];
    3004             : 
    3005             :           // Number of coefficients to fit this spectrum
    3006             :           size_t num_coeff;
    3007         245 :           size_t bltype = static_cast<size_t>(fit_param.baseline_type);
    3008         245 :           switch (bltype) {
    3009         177 :           case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    3010             :           case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    3011         177 :             status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat)(context, fit_param.order, &num_coeff);
    3012         177 :             check_sakura_status("sakura_GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat", status);
    3013         177 :             break;
    3014          64 :           case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    3015          64 :             num_coeff = 4 * fit_param.npiece;
    3016          64 :             break;
    3017           4 :           case BaselineType_kSinusoid: 
    3018             :             /*
    3019             :             From sakuralib docs:
    3020             :             The number of elements in the array coeff. 
    3021             :             If coeff is not null pointer, it must be ( num_nwave*2-1 ) or ( num_nwave*2 ) 
    3022             :             in cases nwave contains zero or not, respectively, and must not exceed num_data, 
    3023             :             while the value is not checked when coeff is null pointer.
    3024             :             */ 
    3025           4 :             if (fit_param.nwave[0] == 0) 
    3026           0 :               num_coeff = fit_param.nwave.size() * 2 - 1;
    3027             :             else
    3028           4 :               num_coeff = fit_param.nwave.size() * 2;
    3029           4 :             break;
    3030           0 :           default:
    3031           0 :             throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    3032             :           }
    3033         245 :           numcoeff[ipol] = num_coeff;
    3034             : 
    3035             :           // Final check of the valid number of channels
    3036         245 :           size_t num_min = (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) ? fit_param.npiece + 3 : num_coeff;
    3037         245 :           if (NValidMask(num_chan, mask_data) < num_min) {
    3038           0 :             flag_spectrum_in_cube(flag_chunk, irow, ipol);
    3039           0 :             apply_mtx[0][ipol] = false;
    3040             :             os << LogIO::WARN
    3041             :                << "Too few valid channels to fit. Skipping Antenna "
    3042           0 :                << antennas[irow] << ", Beam " << beams[irow] << ", SPW "
    3043           0 :                << data_spw[irow] << ", Pol " << ipol << ", Time "
    3044           0 :                << MVTime(times[irow] / 24. / 3600.).string(MVTime::YMD, 8)
    3045           0 :                << LogIO::POST;
    3046           0 :             continue;
    3047             :           }
    3048             : 
    3049             :           // actual execution of single spectrum
    3050             :           float rms;
    3051         245 :           size_t num_boundary = 0;
    3052         245 :           if (bltype == BaselineType_kCubicSpline) {
    3053          64 :             num_boundary = fit_param.npiece+1;
    3054             :           }
    3055         490 :           SakuraAlignedArray<size_t> boundary(num_boundary);
    3056         245 :           size_t *boundary_data =;
    3057             : 
    3058         245 :           if (write_baseline_text || write_baseline_csv || write_baseline_table) {
    3059         163 :             num_apply_true++;
    3060         163 :             bltype_mtx[0][ipol] = (uInt)fit_param.baseline_type;
    3061             :             Int fpar_tmp;
    3062         163 :             switch (bltype) {
    3063         115 :             case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    3064             :             case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    3065         115 :               fpar_tmp = (Int)fit_param.order;
    3066         115 :               break;
    3067          44 :             case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    3068          44 :               fpar_tmp = (Int)fit_param.npiece;
    3069          44 :               break;
    3070           4 :             case BaselineType_kSinusoid:
    3071           4 :               fpar_tmp = (Int)fit_param.nwave.size();
    3072           4 :               break;
    3073           0 :             default:
    3074           0 :               throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    3075             :             }
    3076         163 :             fpar_mtx[0][ipol] = fpar_tmp;
    3077             : 
    3078         163 :             if (num_coeff > num_coeff_max) {
    3079          91 :               num_coeff_max = num_coeff;
    3080             :             }
    3081         326 :             SakuraAlignedArray<double> coeff(num_coeff);
    3082             :             // CAUTION!!!
    3083             :             // data() method must be used with special care!!!
    3084         163 :             double *coeff_data =;
    3085         326 :             string get_coeff_funcname;
    3086         163 :             switch (bltype) {
    3087         115 :             case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    3088             :             case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    3089         115 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitPolynomialFloat)(
    3090         115 :                 context, fit_param.order,
    3091             :                 num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    3092         115 :                 fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3093             :                 num_coeff, coeff_data, nullptr, nullptr,
    3094             :                 mask_after_clipping_data, &rms, &bl_status);
    3095             : 
    3096      942195 :               for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    3097      942080 :                 if (mask_data[i] == false) {
    3098      210640 :                   final_mask[ipol] += 1;
    3099             :                 }
    3100      942080 :                 if (mask_after_clipping_data[i] == false) {
    3101      216221 :                   final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] += 1;
    3102             :                 }
    3103             :               }
    3104             : 
    3105         115 :               get_coeff_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat";
    3106         115 :               break;
    3107          44 :             case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    3108          44 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitCubicSplineFloat)(
    3109             :                 context, fit_param.npiece,
    3110             :                 num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    3111          44 :                 fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3112             :                 reinterpret_cast<double (*)[4]>(coeff_data), nullptr, nullptr,
    3113             :                 mask_after_clipping_data, &rms, boundary_data, &bl_status);
    3114             : 
    3115      360492 :               for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    3116      360448 :                 if (mask_data[i] == false) {
    3117       83990 :                   final_mask[ipol] += 1;
    3118             :                 }
    3119      360448 :                 if (mask_after_clipping_data[i] == false) {
    3120       86619 :                   final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] += 1;
    3121             :                 }
    3122             :               }
    3123             : 
    3124          44 :               get_coeff_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat";
    3125          44 :               break;
    3126           4 :             case BaselineType_kSinusoid:
    3127           4 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitSinusoidFloat)(
    3128           4 :                 context, fit_param.nwave.size(), &fit_param.nwave[0], num_chan, spec_data,
    3129           4 :                 mask_data, fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3130             :                 num_coeff, coeff_data, nullptr, nullptr, mask_after_clipping_data,
    3131             :                 &rms, &bl_status);
    3132             :               
    3133       32772 :               for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chan; ++i) {
    3134       32768 :                 if (mask_data[i] == false) {
    3135           0 :                   final_mask[ipol] += 1;
    3136             :                 }
    3137       32768 :                 if (mask_after_clipping_data[i] == false) {
    3138           0 :                   final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] += 1;
    3139             :                 }
    3140             :               }
    3141             : 
    3142           4 :               get_coeff_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat";
    3143           4 :               break;
    3144           0 :             default:
    3145           0 :               throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    3146             :             }
    3147         163 :             check_sakura_status(get_coeff_funcname, status);
    3148             : 
    3149         163 :             size_t num_ffpar = get_num_coeff_bloutput(fit_param.baseline_type, fit_param.npiece, num_ffpar_max);
    3150         163 :             ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].clear();
    3151         254 :             for (size_t ipiece = 0; ipiece < num_ffpar; ++ipiece) {
    3152          91 :               ffpar_mtx_tmp[ipol].push_back(boundary_data[ipiece]);
    3153             :             }
    3154             : 
    3155         163 :             coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].clear();
    3156         614 :             for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < num_coeff; ++icoeff) {
    3157         451 :               coeff_mtx_tmp[ipol].push_back(coeff_data[icoeff]);
    3158             :             }
    3159             : 
    3160         326 :             Vector<uInt> masklist;
    3161         163 :             get_masklist_from_mask(num_chan, mask_after_clipping_data, masklist);
    3162         163 :             if (masklist.size() > num_masklist_max) {
    3163          89 :               num_masklist_max = masklist.size();
    3164             :             }
    3165         163 :             masklist_mtx_tmp[ipol].clear();
    3166         863 :             for (size_t imask = 0; imask < masklist.size(); ++imask) {
    3167         700 :               masklist_mtx_tmp[ipol].push_back(masklist[imask]);
    3168             :             }
    3169             : 
    3170         326 :             string subtract_funcname;
    3171         163 :             switch (fit_param.baseline_type) {
    3172         115 :             case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    3173             :             case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    3174         115 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractPolynomialFloat)(
    3175             :                   context, num_chan, spec_data, num_coeff, coeff_data,
    3176             :                   spec_data);
    3177         115 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat";
    3178         115 :               break;
    3179          44 :             case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    3180          44 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractCubicSplineFloat)(
    3181             :                   context,
    3182             :                   num_chan, spec_data, fit_param.npiece, reinterpret_cast<double (*)[4]>(coeff_data),
    3183             :                   boundary_data, spec_data);
    3184          44 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat";
    3185          44 :               break;
    3186           4 :             case BaselineType_kSinusoid:
    3187           4 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(SubtractSinusoidFloat)(
    3188             :                 context,
    3189           4 :                 num_chan, spec_data, fit_param.nwave.size(), &fit_param.nwave[0], 
    3190             :                 num_coeff, coeff_data, spec_data);
    3191           4 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_SubtractSinusoidFloat";
    3192           4 :               break;
    3193           0 :             default:
    3194           0 :               throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    3195             :             }
    3196         163 :             check_sakura_status(subtract_funcname, status);
    3197             : 
    3198         163 :             rms_mtx[0][ipol] = rms;
    3199             : 
    3200         163 :             cthres_mtx[0][ipol] = fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma;
    3201         163 :             citer_mtx[0][ipol] = (uInt)fit_param.num_fitting_max - 1;
    3202         163 :             uself_mtx[0][ipol] = (Bool)fit_param.line_finder.use_line_finder;
    3203         163 :             lfthres_mtx[0][ipol] = fit_param.line_finder.threshold;
    3204         163 :             lfavg_mtx[0][ipol] = fit_param.line_finder.chan_avg_limit;
    3205         489 :             for (size_t iedge = 0; iedge < 2; ++iedge) {
    3206         326 :               lfedge_mtx[iedge][ipol] = fit_param.line_finder.edge[iedge];
    3207             :             }
    3208             : 
    3209         163 :           } else {
    3210          82 :             string subtract_funcname;
    3211          82 :             switch (fit_param.baseline_type) {
    3212          62 :             case BaselineType_kPolynomial:
    3213             :             case BaselineType_kChebyshev:
    3214          62 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitPolynomialFloat)(
    3215          62 :                 context, fit_param.order,
    3216             :                 num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    3217          62 :                 fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3218             :                 num_coeff, nullptr, nullptr, spec_data,
    3219             :                 mask_after_clipping_data, &rms, &bl_status);
    3220          62 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat";
    3221          62 :               break;
    3222          20 :             case BaselineType_kCubicSpline:
    3223          20 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitCubicSplineFloat)(
    3224             :                 context, fit_param.npiece,
    3225             :                 num_chan, spec_data, mask_data,
    3226          20 :                 fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3227             :                 nullptr, nullptr, spec_data,
    3228             :                 mask_after_clipping_data, &rms, boundary_data, &bl_status);
    3229          20 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat";
    3230          20 :               break;
    3231           0 :             case BaselineType_kSinusoid:
    3232           0 :               status = LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitSinusoidFloat)(
    3233           0 :                 context, fit_param.nwave.size(), &fit_param.nwave[0], num_chan, spec_data,
    3234           0 :                 mask_data, fit_param.clip_threshold_sigma, fit_param.num_fitting_max,
    3235             :                 num_coeff, nullptr, nullptr, spec_data, mask_after_clipping_data,
    3236             :                 &rms, &bl_status);
    3237           0 :               subtract_funcname = "sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat";
    3238           0 :               break;
    3239           0 :             default:
    3240           0 :               throw(AipsError("Unsupported baseline type."));
    3241             :             }
    3242          82 :             check_sakura_status(subtract_funcname, status);
    3243          82 :           }
    3244             :           // set back a spectrum to data cube
    3245         245 :           if (do_subtract) {
    3246         235 :             set_spectrum_to_cube(data_chunk, irow, ipol, num_chan, spec_data);
    3247             :           }
    3248             : 
    3249         245 :           if (update_weight) {
    3250          12 :             compute_weight(num_chan, spec_data, mask_data, weight);
    3251          12 :             set_weight_to_matrix(weight_matrix, irow, ipol,;
    3252             :           }
    3253        1918 :         } // end of polarization loop
    3254             : 
    3255             :         // output results of fitting
    3256        2597 :         if (num_apply_true == 0) continue;
    3257             : 
    3258         176 :         Array<Float> ffpar_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_ffpar_max));
    3259          88 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<double, Float>(num_pol, num_ffpar_max,
    3260             :                                               ffpar_mtx_tmp, ffpar_mtx);
    3261         176 :         Array<uInt> masklist_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_masklist_max));
    3262          88 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<uInt, uInt>(num_pol, num_masklist_max,
    3263             :                                            masklist_mtx_tmp, masklist_mtx);
    3264         176 :         Array<Float> coeff_mtx(IPosition(2, num_pol, num_coeff_max));
    3265          88 :         set_matrix_for_bltable<double, Float>(num_pol, num_coeff_max,
    3266             :                                               coeff_mtx_tmp, coeff_mtx);
    3267         176 :         Matrix<uInt> masklist_mtx2 = masklist_mtx;
    3268         176 :         Matrix<Bool> apply_mtx2 = apply_mtx;
    3269             : 
    3270          88 :         if (write_baseline_table) {
    3271         124 :           bt->appenddata((uInt)scans[irow], (uInt)beams[irow], (uInt)antennas[irow],
    3272          62 :                          (uInt)data_spw[irow], 0, times[irow],
    3273             :                          apply_mtx, bltype_mtx, fpar_mtx, ffpar_mtx, masklist_mtx,
    3274             :                          coeff_mtx, rms_mtx, (uInt)num_chan, cthres_mtx, citer_mtx,
    3275             :                          uself_mtx, lfthres_mtx, lfavg_mtx, lfedge_mtx);
    3276             :         }
    3277             : 
    3278          88 :         if (write_baseline_text) {
    3279          69 :           for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    3280          46 :             if (apply_mtx2(ipol, 0) == false) continue;
    3281             : 
    3282          43 :             ofs_txt << "Scan" << '[' << (uInt)scans[irow] << ']' << ' '
    3283          43 :                     << "Beam" << '[' << (uInt)beams[irow] << ']' << ' '
    3284          43 :                     << "Spw"  << '[' << (uInt)data_spw[irow] << ']' << ' '
    3285          43 :                     << "Pol"  << '[' << ipol << ']' << ' '
    3286          86 :                     << "Time" << '[' << MVTime(times[irow]/ 24. / 3600.).string(MVTime::YMD, 8) << ']'
    3287          43 :                     << endl;
    3288          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3289          43 :             ofs_txt << "Fitter range = " << '[';
    3290             : 
    3291         248 :             for (size_t imasklist = 0; imasklist < num_masklist_max / 2; ++imasklist) {
    3292         205 :               if (imasklist == 0) {
    3293          43 :                 ofs_txt << '[' << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    3294          43 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    3295             :               }
    3296         205 :               if (imasklist >= 1
    3297         317 :                   && (0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist)
    3298         112 :                       && 0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1))) {
    3299         112 :                 ofs_txt << ",[" << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ','
    3300         112 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    3301             :               }
    3302             :             }
    3303             : 
    3304          43 :             ofs_txt << ']' << endl;
    3305          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3306             : 
    3307          86 :             Matrix<uInt> bltype_mtx2 = bltype_mtx[0][ipol];
    3308          86 :             Matrix<Int> fpar_mtx2 = fpar_mtx[0][ipol];
    3309          86 :             Matrix<Float> rms_mtx2 = rms_mtx[0][ipol];
    3310          43 :             string bltype_name;
    3311          43 :             string blparam_name = "order";
    3312          43 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)0) {
    3313          12 :               bltype_name = "poly";
    3314          31 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)1) {
    3315          17 :               bltype_name = "chebyshev";
    3316          14 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)2) {
    3317          14 :               bltype_name = "cspline";
    3318          14 :               blparam_name = "npiece";
    3319           0 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    3320           0 :               bltype_name = "sinusoid";
    3321           0 :               blparam_name = "nwave";
    3322             :             }
    3323             : 
    3324             :             ofs_txt << "Baseline parameters  Function = "
    3325          43 :                     << bltype_name << "  " << blparam_name << " = "
    3326          43 :                     << fpar_mtx2(0, 0) << endl;
    3327          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3328          43 :             ofs_txt << "Results of baseline fit" << endl;
    3329          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3330          43 :             Matrix<Float> coeff_mtx2 = coeff_mtx;
    3331         186 :             for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < numcoeff[ipol]; ++icoeff) {
    3332         143 :               ofs_txt << "p" << icoeff << " = "
    3333         143 :                       << setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << "  ";
    3334             :             }
    3335          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3336          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3337          43 :             ofs_txt << "rms = ";
    3338          43 :             ofs_txt << setprecision(8) << rms_mtx2(0, 0) << endl;
    3339          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3340          43 :             ofs_txt << "Number of clipped channels = "
    3341          43 :                     << final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] - final_mask[ipol] << endl;
    3342          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3343          43 :             ofs_txt << "------------------------------------------------------"
    3344          43 :                     << endl;
    3345          43 :             ofs_txt << endl;
    3346          43 :           }
    3347             :         }
    3348             : 
    3349          88 :         if (write_baseline_csv) {
    3350          15 :           for (size_t ipol = 0; ipol < num_pol; ++ipol) {
    3351          10 :             if (apply_mtx2(ipol, 0) == false) continue;
    3352             : 
    3353           8 :             ofs_csv << (uInt)scans[irow] << ',' << (uInt)beams[irow] << ','
    3354           8 :                     << (uInt)data_spw[irow] << ',' << ipol << ','
    3355           8 :                     << setprecision(12) << times[irow] << ',';
    3356           8 :             ofs_csv << '[';
    3357          17 :             for (size_t imasklist = 0; imasklist < num_masklist_max / 2; ++imasklist) {
    3358           9 :               if (imasklist == 0) {
    3359           8 :                 ofs_csv << '[' << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    3360           8 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    3361             :               }
    3362           9 :               if (imasklist >= 1
    3363          10 :                   && (0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist)
    3364           1 :                       && 0 != masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1))) {
    3365           1 :                 ofs_csv << ";[" << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist) << ';'
    3366           1 :                         << masklist_mtx2(ipol, 2 * imasklist + 1) << ']';
    3367             :               }
    3368             :             }
    3369             : 
    3370           8 :             ofs_csv << ']' << ',';
    3371          16 :             Matrix<uInt> bltype_mtx2 = bltype_mtx[0][ipol];
    3372           8 :             string bltype_name;
    3373           8 :             if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)0) {
    3374           3 :               bltype_name = "poly";
    3375           5 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)1) {
    3376           2 :               bltype_name = "chebyshev";
    3377           3 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)2) {
    3378           1 :               bltype_name = "cspline";
    3379           2 :             } else if (bltype_mtx2(0, 0) == (uInt)3) {
    3380           2 :               bltype_name = "sinusoid";
    3381             :             }
    3382             :             
    3383           8 :             Matrix<Int> fpar_mtx2 = fpar_mtx;
    3384           8 :             Matrix<Float> coeff_mtx2 = coeff_mtx;
    3385           8 :             ofs_csv << bltype_name.c_str() << ',' << fpar_mtx2(ipol, 0)
    3386           8 :                     << ',';
    3387          32 :             for (size_t icoeff = 0; icoeff < numcoeff[ipol]; ++icoeff) {
    3388          24 :               ofs_csv << setprecision(8) << coeff_mtx2(ipol, icoeff) << ',';
    3389             :             }
    3390           8 :             Matrix<Float> rms_mtx2 = rms_mtx;
    3391           8 :             ofs_csv << setprecision(8) << rms_mtx2(ipol, 0) << ',';
    3392           8 :             ofs_csv << final_mask_after_clipping[ipol] - final_mask[ipol];
    3393           8 :             ofs_csv << endl;
    3394           8 :           }
    3395             :         }
    3396       35214 :       } // end of chunk row loop
    3397             :       // write back data and flag cube to VisBuffer
    3398         221 :       if (update_weight) {
    3399           6 :         sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk, &weight_matrix);
    3400             :       } else {
    3401         215 :         sdh_->fillCubeToOutputMs(vb, data_chunk, &flag_chunk);
    3402             :       }
    3403         442 :     } // end of vi loop
    3404             :   } // end of chunk loop
    3405             : 
    3406          83 :   if (write_baseline_csv) {
    3407          28 :     ofs_csv.close();
    3408             :   }
    3409          83 :   if (write_baseline_text) {
    3410          12 :     ofs_txt.close();
    3411             :   }
    3412          83 :   if (write_baseline_table) {
    3413          22 :     bt->save(bloutputname_table);
    3414          22 :     delete bt;
    3415             :   }
    3416             : 
    3417          83 :   finalize_process();
    3418             :   // destroy baseline contexts
    3419          83 :   map<size_t const, std::vector<LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat) *> >::iterator ctxiter = context_reservoir.begin();
    3420         293 :   while (ctxiter != context_reservoir.end()) {
    3421         210 :     destroy_baseline_contexts (context_reservoir[(*ctxiter).first]);
    3422         210 :     ++ctxiter;
    3423             :   }
    3424          83 : } //end subtractBaselineVariable
    3425             : 
    3426        3504 : list<pair<size_t, size_t>> SingleDishMS::findLineAndGetRanges(size_t const num_data,
    3427             :                                                               float const* data,
    3428             :                                                               bool * mask,
    3429             :                                                               float const threshold,
    3430             :                                                               int const avg_limit,
    3431             :                                                               int const minwidth,
    3432             :                                                               vector<int> const& edge,
    3433             :                                                               bool const invert) {
    3434             :   // input value check
    3435        3504 :   AlwaysAssert(minwidth > 0, AipsError);
    3436        3504 :   AlwaysAssert(avg_limit >= 0, AipsError);
    3437        3504 :   size_t max_iteration = 10;
    3438        3504 :   size_t maxwidth = num_data;
    3439        3504 :   AlwaysAssert(maxwidth > static_cast<size_t>(minwidth), AipsError);
    3440             :   // edge handling
    3441        3504 :   pair<size_t, size_t> lf_edge;
    3442        3504 :   if (edge.size() == 0) {
    3443           0 :     lf_edge = pair<size_t, size_t>(0, 0);
    3444        3504 :   } else if (edge.size() == 1) {
    3445           2 :     AlwaysAssert(edge[0] >= 0, AipsError);
    3446           2 :     lf_edge = pair<size_t, size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(edge[0]), static_cast<size_t>(edge[0]));
    3447             :   } else {
    3448        3502 :     AlwaysAssert(edge[0] >= 0 && edge[1] >= 0, AipsError);
    3449        3502 :     lf_edge = pair<size_t, size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(edge[0]), static_cast<size_t>(edge[1]));
    3450             :   }
    3451             :   // line detection
    3452             :   list<pair<size_t, size_t>> line_ranges = linefinder::MADLineFinder(num_data,
    3453             :       data, mask, threshold, max_iteration, static_cast<size_t>(minwidth),
    3454        3504 :       maxwidth, static_cast<size_t>(avg_limit), lf_edge);
    3455             :   // debug output
    3456        7008 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3457        3504 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << line_ranges.size() << " lines found: ";
    3458        3504 :   for (list<pair<size_t, size_t>>::iterator iter = line_ranges.begin();
    3459       12762 :       iter != line_ranges.end(); ++iter) {
    3460        9258 :     os << "[" << (*iter).first << ", " << (*iter).second << "] ";
    3461             :   }
    3462        3504 :   os << LogIO::POST;
    3463        3504 :   if (invert) { // eliminate edge channels from output mask
    3464        3484 :     if (lf_edge.first > 0)
    3465           3 :       line_ranges.push_front(pair<size_t, size_t>(0, lf_edge.first - 1));
    3466        3484 :     if (lf_edge.second > 0)
    3467           3 :       line_ranges.push_back(
    3468           6 :           pair<size_t, size_t>(num_data - lf_edge.second, num_data - 1));
    3469             :   }
    3470        7008 :   return line_ranges;
    3471        3504 : }
    3472             : 
    3473        3484 : void SingleDishMS::findLineAndGetMask(size_t const num_data,
    3474             :                                       float const* data,
    3475             :                                       bool const* in_mask,
    3476             :                                       float const threshold,
    3477             :                                       int const avg_limit,
    3478             :                                       int const minwidth,
    3479             :                                       vector<int> const& edge,
    3480             :                                       bool const invert,
    3481             :                                       bool* out_mask) {
    3482             :   // copy input mask to output mask vector if necessary
    3483        3484 :   if (in_mask != out_mask) {
    3484           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
    3485           0 :       out_mask[i] = in_mask[i];
    3486             :     }
    3487             :   }
    3488             :   // line finding
    3489             :   list<pair<size_t, size_t>> line_ranges
    3490             :     = findLineAndGetRanges(num_data, data, out_mask, threshold,
    3491        3484 :                            avg_limit, minwidth, edge, invert);
    3492             :   // line mask creation (do not initialize in case of baseline mask)
    3493        3484 :   linefinder::getMask(num_data, out_mask, line_ranges, invert, !invert);
    3494        3484 : }
    3495             : 
    3496         160 : void SingleDishMS::smooth(string const &kernelType,
    3497             :                           float const kernelWidth,
    3498             :                           string const &columnName,
    3499             :                           string const &outMSName) {
    3500         320 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3501             :   os << "Input parameter summary:" << endl << "   kernelType = " << kernelType
    3502             :       << endl << "   kernelWidth = " << kernelWidth << endl
    3503             :       << "   columnName = " << columnName << endl << "   outMSName = "
    3504         160 :       << outMSName << LogIO::POST;
    3505             : 
    3506             :   // Initialization
    3507         160 :   doSmoothing_ = true;
    3508         160 :   prepare_for_process(columnName, outMSName);
    3509             : 
    3510             :   // configure smoothing
    3511         157 :   sdh_->setSmoothing(kernelType, kernelWidth);
    3512         157 :   sdh_->initializeSmoothing();
    3513             : 
    3514             :   // get VI/VB2 access
    3515         157 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *visIter = sdh_->getVisIter();
    3516         157 :   visIter->setRowBlocking(kNRowBlocking);
    3517         157 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = visIter->getVisBuffer();
    3518             : 
    3519         157 :   double startTime = gettimeofday_sec();
    3520             : 
    3521         334 :   for (visIter->originChunks(); visIter->moreChunks(); visIter->nextChunk()) {
    3522         866 :     for (visIter->origin(); visIter->more(); visIter->next()) {
    3523         689 :       sdh_->fillOutputMs(vb);
    3524             :     }
    3525             :   }
    3526             : 
    3527         157 :   double endTime = gettimeofday_sec();
    3528             :   os << LogIO::DEBUGGING
    3529             :      << "Elapsed time for VI/VB loop: " << endTime - startTime << " sec"
    3530         157 :      << LogIO::POST;
    3531             : 
    3532             :   // Finalization
    3533         157 :   finalize_process();
    3534         160 : }
    3535             : 
    3536          30 : void SingleDishMS::atmcor(Record const &config, string const &columnName, string const &outMSName) {
    3537          60 :   LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3538             :   os << LogIO::DEBUGGING
    3539             :      << "Input parameter summary:" << endl
    3540             :      << "   columnName = " << columnName << endl << "   outMSName = "
    3541          30 :      << outMSName << LogIO::POST;
    3542             : 
    3543             :   // Initialization
    3544          30 :   doAtmCor_ = true;
    3545          30 :   atmCorConfig_ = config;
    3546          30 :   os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "config summry:";
    3547          30 :   atmCorConfig_.print(os.output(), 25, "    ");
    3548          30 :   os << LogIO::POST;
    3549          30 :   Block<Int> sortCols(4);
    3550          30 :   sortCols[0] = MS::OBSERVATION_ID;
    3551          30 :   sortCols[1] = MS::ARRAY_ID;
    3552          30 :   sortCols[2] = MS::FEED1;
    3553          30 :   sortCols[3] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    3554          30 :   prepare_for_process(columnName, outMSName, sortCols, False);
    3555             : 
    3556             :   // get VI/VB2 access
    3557          28 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 *visIter = sdh_->getVisIter();
    3558             :   // for parallel processing: set row blocking (common multiple of 3 and 4)
    3559             :   // TODO: optimize row blocking size
    3560          28 :   constexpr rownr_t kNrowBlocking = 360u;
    3561          56 :   std::vector<Int> antenna1 = ScalarColumn<Int>(visIter->ms(), "ANTENNA1").getColumn().tovector();
    3562          28 :   std::sort(antenna1.begin(), antenna1.end());
    3563          28 :   auto const result = std::unique(antenna1.begin(), antenna1.end());
    3564          28 :   Int const nAntennas = std::distance(antenna1.begin(), result);
    3565          28 :   visIter->setRowBlocking(kNrowBlocking * nAntennas);
    3566             :   os << "There are " << nAntennas << " antennas in MAIN table. "
    3567          28 :      << "Set row-blocking size " << kNrowBlocking * nAntennas
    3568          28 :      << LogIO::POST;
    3569          28 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = visIter->getVisBuffer();
    3570             : 
    3571          28 :   double startTime = gettimeofday_sec();
    3572             : 
    3573          79 :   for (visIter->originChunks(); visIter->moreChunks(); visIter->nextChunk()) {
    3574         192 :     for (visIter->origin(); visIter->more(); visIter->next()) {
    3575         141 :       sdh_->fillOutputMs(vb);
    3576             :     }
    3577             :   }
    3578             : 
    3579          27 :   double endTime = gettimeofday_sec();
    3580             :   os << LogIO::DEBUGGING
    3581             :      << "Elapsed time for VI/VB loop: " << endTime - startTime << " sec"
    3582          27 :      << LogIO::POST;
    3583             : 
    3584             :   // Finalization
    3585          27 :   finalize_process();
    3586          34 : }
    3587             : 
    3588             : 
    3589           5 : bool SingleDishMS::importAsap(string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel) {
    3590           5 :   bool status = true;
    3591             :   try {
    3592           5 :     SingleDishMSFiller<Scantable2MSReader> filler(infile, parallel);
    3593           5 :     filler.fill();
    3594           5 :;
    3595           5 :   } catch (AipsError &e) {
    3596           0 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3597           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Exception occurred." << LogIO::POST;
    3598           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Original Message: \n" << e.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    3599           0 :     os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Detailed Stack Trace: \n" << e.getStackTrace() << LogIO::POST;
    3600           0 :     status = false;
    3601           0 :   } catch (...) {
    3602           0 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3603           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Unknown exception occurred." << LogIO::POST;
    3604           0 :     status = false;
    3605           0 :   }
    3606           5 :   return status;
    3607             : }
    3608             : 
    3609           2 : bool SingleDishMS::importNRO(string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel) {
    3610           2 :   bool status = true;
    3611             :   try {
    3612           2 :     SingleDishMSFiller<NRO2MSReader> filler(infile, parallel);
    3613           2 :     filler.fill();
    3614           2 :;
    3615           2 :   } catch (AipsError &e) {
    3616           0 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3617           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Exception occurred." << LogIO::POST;
    3618           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Original Message: \n" << e.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    3619           0 :     os << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Detailed Stack Trace: \n" << e.getStackTrace() << LogIO::POST;
    3620           0 :     status = false;
    3621           0 :   } catch (...) {
    3622           0 :     LogIO os(_ORIGIN);
    3623           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Unknown exception occurred." << LogIO::POST;
    3624           0 :     status = false;
    3625           0 :   }
    3626           2 :   return status;
    3627             : }
    3628             : 
    3629             : }  // End of casa namespace.

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