LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - nrao/VLA - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 74 222 33.3 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 4 15 26.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#  this defines VLA nearly realtime routines for read VLA data
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1999,2000
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id:,v 2006/02/17 23:46:40 wyoung Exp $
      27             : 
      28             : //# Includes
      29             : 
      30             : /*
      31             :    _olroutines - Routines for fetching data from the current VLA disk file
      32             : 
      33             :    _olopen  - opens the on online status record
      34             :    _olread  - returns a data from the shared memory
      35             :    _olclose - close out the online status record
      36             : 
      37             : Dec 1992  Modified by George Martin to remove timeout while waiting for data
      38             : 
      39             : Dec 1992 Switched to _ol for AIPS compatibility
      40             : 
      41             : Feb 1993 Added changes made by Wes Young and a little other cleanup 
      42             : 
      43             : Jun 1993 Changed "sleep()" to sleep1() for fractions of a second 
      44             : 
      45             : Mar 1994 Begin changes to get rid of "slots", add printing of
      46             :          internet addresses instead of slot numbers 
      47             : 
      48             : Sep 1994 Changed routines to wait only when last_record == last_record
      49             :          avoids alot of hanging problems.  Also olopen_ forks aoc_clnt
      50             :          if it's aips.  Probably don't want this for miranda.
      51             : 
      52             : 
      53             : This is some real yucky code I wrote a long time ago but as it more or less
      54             : works, I'm reluctant to change it too much
      55             : */
      56             : 
      57             : #include <signal.h>
      58             : #include <stdio.h>
      59             : #include <stdlib.h>
      60             : #include <string.h>
      61             : #include <time.h>
      62             : #include <sys/types.h>
      63             : #include <sys/stat.h>
      64             : #include <unistd.h>
      65             : #include <errno.h>
      66             : #include <arpa/inet.h>
      67             : 
      68             : #include <nrao/VLA/nreal.h>
      69             : #include <iostream>
      70             : 
      71             : 
      72             : /*int MAX_TIME = 60; */
      73             : int QUIT = 0;
      74             : int ONLINE = 0;
      75             : #define LEAP_SECONDS 33
      76             : 
      77             : static int Last_Record;
      78             : 
      79             : void  ThatsAllFolks(int);
      80             : void  sleep1(double);
      81             : 
      82             : static FILE *fpVisData = 0;
      83             : static FILE *timeData = 0;
      84             : static FILE *hostLog = 0;
      85             : static char logDataFile[131];
      86             : // int   fdVisData;
      87             : static long  lastMJAD = 0;
      88             : static long  lastTick = 0;
      89             : static long  MJAD = 0;
      90             : static off_t lastOffset;
      91             : static int oldDay =0;
      92             : static int previousDay = 0;
      93             : static char *tomorrowsFile = 0;
      94             : 
      95             : static const char *visDataDir = "/home/vis-serv-mirror/vladata/";
      96             : 
      97           0 : char *getTodaysFile(char *dataDir, char *aDate, int relDay){
      98           0 : int LeapSeconds = LEAP_SECONDS;
      99             :   time_t curTime, holdTime;          /* time vars */
     100             :   struct tm *tmTime;                 /* time structure */
     101           0 :    if(!aDate)
     102           0 :       aDate = (char *)calloc(1, 81);
     103           0 :    curTime = time(&holdTime) + LeapSeconds + relDay*86400;
     104           0 :    tmTime = gmtime(&curTime);
     105           0 :    sprintf(aDate, "%s/vla%04d-%02d-%02d.dat",dataDir, tmTime->tm_year+1900,
     106           0 :                          tmTime->tm_mon+1, tmTime->tm_mday);
     107           0 :    return(aDate);
     108             : }
     109             : 
     110           0 : char *getVisDir(){
     111           0 :    char *dataDir = 0;
     112           0 :    dataDir = getenv("VISDATADIR");
     113           0 :    if(!dataDir){
     114           0 :        dataDir = strdup(visDataDir);
     115             :    }
     116           0 :    return(dataDir);
     117             : }
     118             : 
     119           0 : int whatsToday(){
     120           0 :   time_t LeapSeconds = LEAP_SECONDS;
     121             :   time_t curTime, holdTime;          /* time vars */
     122             :   struct tm *tmTime;                 /* time structure */
     123           0 :   curTime = time(&holdTime) + LeapSeconds;
     124           0 :    tmTime = gmtime(&curTime);
     125           0 :    return tmTime->tm_yday;
     126             : }
     127             : 
     128           0 : int oladvf_(int* /*unit_no*/, int *files){
     129           0 :   char *visDataFile = 0;
     130           0 :   int rstatus = 0;
     131             : 
     132           0 :   if(!*files)
     133           0 :      rewind(fpVisData);
     134           0 :   else if(*files < 0){
     135             :       /* Reset the file name to the previous days data */
     136             : 
     137           0 :       if(fpVisData)
     138           0 :          fclose(fpVisData);
     139           0 :       visDataFile = getTodaysFile(getVisDir(), visDataFile, *files);
     140           0 :       fpVisData = fopen(visDataFile, "r");
     141           0 :       ONLINE = 1;
     142           0 :       previousDay = *files;
     143           0 :       oldDay += *files;
     144           0 :       if(fpVisData == NULL){
     145           0 :          rstatus = -1;
     146           0 :          printf("Unable to open file %s, sorry\n", visDataFile);
     147           0 :          printf("Historical data is not kept on-line very long, please try to get it from"
     148             :                  " the VLA archive.\n");
     149             :       }
     150             :   } else {
     151           0 :       rstatus = fseeko(fpVisData, 0, SEEK_END); 
     152             :   }
     153           0 :   return rstatus;
     154             : }
     155           0 : int olseek(off_t offset){
     156           0 :    int r_status = 0;
     157           0 :    if(fpVisData != NULL){
     158           0 :        if(offset < 0){
     159           0 :           r_status = fseeko(fpVisData, 0, SEEK_END); 
     160             :        }else {
     161           0 :           r_status = fseeko(fpVisData, offset, SEEK_SET);
     162             :        }
     163             :    }
     164           0 :    return r_status;
     165             : }
     166          16 : void attachFile(const char *filename)
     167             : {
     168          16 :    fpVisData = fopen(filename, "r");
     169          16 :    ONLINE=false;
     170          16 :    QUIT=false;
     171             :    //std::cerr << "Attaching to " << filename << std::endl;
     172          16 : }
     173          16 : void detachFile(){
     174          16 :         fclose(fpVisData);
     175          16 :         fpVisData = 0;
     176          16 : }
     177           0 : int olopen_(int *unit_no, char *filename, int /*charCount*/)
     178             : {
     179           0 :    char *visDataFile = 0;
     180             :    char iAm[81];
     181           0 :    signal(SIGINT, ThatsAllFolks);
     182           0 :    signal(SIGUSR1, ThatsAllFolks);
     183           0 :    signal(SIGUSR2, ThatsAllFolks);
     184           0 :    signal(SIGTERM, ThatsAllFolks);
     185           0 :    signal(SIGHUP, ThatsAllFolks);
     186           0 :    if(!strcasecmp(filename, "online")){
     187           0 :       ONLINE = 1;
     188           0 :       tomorrowsFile = getTodaysFile(getVisDir(), tomorrowsFile, 1);
     189           0 :       visDataFile = getTodaysFile(getVisDir(), visDataFile, 0);
     190           0 :       timeData = fopen("/home/vis-serv-mirror/vladata/lastdata", "r");
     191           0 :       if(timeData){
     192             : #ifdef __APPLE__
     193             :          fscanf(timeData, "%ld %ld %lld", &lastMJAD, &lastTick, &lastOffset);
     194             : #else
     195           0 :          fscanf(timeData, "%ld %ld %zd", &lastMJAD, &lastTick, &lastOffset);
     196             : #endif
     197           0 :          MJAD = lastMJAD;
     198             :       }
     199           0 :       gethostname(iAm, 81);
     200           0 :       sprintf(logDataFile, "%s/connected/%s.%ld", visDataDir, iAm, 
     201           0 :               static_cast<long>(getpid()));
     202           0 :       hostLog = fopen(logDataFile, "w");
     203             :       
     204             :    }else{
     205           0 :       visDataFile = filename;
     206           0 :       ONLINE = 0;
     207           0 :       if(fpVisData)
     208           0 :          fclose(fpVisData);
     209             :    }
     210             :    // printf ("Data file is %s\n", visDataFile);
     211           0 :    oldDay = whatsToday();
     212             : 
     213             : 
     214           0 :    if (*unit_no == -99){  /* called by aips */
     215           0 :       *unit_no = -1;
     216           0 :    } else if (*unit_no == 99) { /* non aips call */
     217           0 :       *unit_no = 1;
     218             :    } else { /* illegal call */
     219           0 :       *unit_no = 0;
     220           0 :       return (*unit_no);
     221             :    }
     222           0 :    fpVisData = fopen(visDataFile, "r");
     223           0 :    if(fpVisData){
     224           0 :       if(ONLINE){
     225           0 :          if(lastOffset > 0){
     226           0 :             fseeko(fpVisData, lastOffset, SEEK_SET);
     227             :          }else{
     228           0 :             fseeko(fpVisData, 0, SEEK_END);
     229           0 :             printf("On-line disk opened");
     230             :          }
     231             :       }
     232             :    } else {
     233             :    // fdVisData = fileno(fpVisData);
     234           0 :       *unit_no = 0;
     235           0 :          printf("ERROR: On-line disk opened FAILED!");
     236             :    }
     237             : 
     238             :    /*free(tmTime);*/
     239             :    /*free(visDataFile);*/
     240             : 
     241           0 :    return(*unit_no);
     242             : }
     243             : /*
     244             :    Function to terminate Data stream
     245             : */
     246           0 : void ThatsAllFolks(int /*theSignal*/){
     247           0 :    QUIT = 1;
     248           0 :    return;
     249             : }
     250           0 : void reattachCurrent(){
     251           0 :    char *visDataFile = 0;
     252           0 :    if(previousDay < 0) previousDay++;
     253           0 :    else if(previousDay > 0) previousDay--;
     254           0 :    visDataFile = getTodaysFile(getVisDir(), visDataFile, previousDay);
     255           0 :    if(fpVisData)
     256           0 :       fclose(fpVisData);
     257           0 :    fpVisData = fopen(visDataFile, "r");
     258           0 :    while(fpVisData == NULL){
     259           0 :        sleep1(5.0);
     260           0 :        visDataFile = getTodaysFile(getVisDir(), visDataFile, previousDay);
     261           0 :        fpVisData = fopen(visDataFile, "r");
     262             :    }
     263           0 :    free(visDataFile);
     264           0 : }
     265             : 
     266       31631 : int diskread_(int */*unit_no*/, char *buffer)
     267             : {
     268             : 
     269             :    static int FirstRecord = 1;
     270             :    static int NumPhysRecords;
     271             :    static int PhysRecord;
     272             :    static int LastSize;
     273             : 
     274             :    long LRSize;
     275       31631 :    int RecordSize = PHYS_RECORD_SIZE;
     276             :    struct stat;
     277             :    int curDay;
     278       31631 :    size_t itemsGot = 0;
     279             :    static int feedback = 0;
     280             : 
     281             : /*
     282             :    Ok here we go, first see if we have to reopen the current data file.
     283             : 
     284             :    Need to make sure we're at the end of the file.
     285             : */
     286             : 
     287       31631 :    Last_Record++;
     288             :    /*free(tmTime);*/
     289       31631 :    if(timeData){
     290           0 :       rewind(timeData);
     291             : #ifdef __APPLE__
     292             :       fscanf(timeData, "%ld %ld %lld", &MJAD, &lastTick, &lastOffset);
     293             : #else
     294           0 :       fscanf(timeData, "%ld %ld %zd", &MJAD, &lastTick, &lastOffset);
     295             : #endif
     296             :    }
     297       31631 :    if(hostLog){
     298           0 :       rewind(hostLog);
     299             : #ifdef __APPLE__
     300             :       fprintf(hostLog, "%ld %ld %lld\n", MJAD, lastTick, lastOffset);
     301             : #else
     302           0 :       fprintf(hostLog, "%ld %ld %zd\n", MJAD, lastTick, lastOffset);
     303             : #endif
     304             :    }
     305             :    /* Now we check that we're at the end of file and try again after a bit */
     306             :    /* Double check there is enough data to read */
     307             :    /* Get the visibility data from the file */
     308       31631 :    if(FirstRecord){
     309       20585 :       if(feedback)
     310           0 :          printf("Fetching 0\n");
     311       20585 :       PhysRecord = 0;
     312       20585 :       itemsGot = fread(buffer, 2048, 1, fpVisData);
     313             :       // printf("itemsGot %d %d item size = 2048\n", itemsGot, ftell(fpVisData));
     314       20585 :       if(!itemsGot || feof(fpVisData) || ferror(fpVisData)){
     315          16 :          clearerr(fpVisData);
     316          16 :          if(!ONLINE){
     317          16 :             QUIT=1;
     318          16 :             FirstRecord = 1;
     319             :          } else{
     320           0 :             if(!feedback)
     321           0 :                printf("Fetching 1\n");
     322             :             // feedback = 1;
     323             :          }
     324          16 :          while(ONLINE && !QUIT){
     325           0 :             itemsGot = fread(buffer, 2048, 1, fpVisData);
     326           0 :             if(itemsGot){
     327           0 :                break;
     328             :             }
     329             :             /* If it is the next day and eof close out and reattach */
     330           0 :             if(feof(fpVisData)){
     331           0 :                curDay = whatsToday();
     332           0 :                if(oldDay != curDay){
     333           0 :                   reattachCurrent();
     334           0 :                   if(feedback)
     335           0 :                      printf(".Next File found\n");
     336             :                   // feedback = 0;
     337           0 :                   oldDay +=1;
     338             :                }
     339           0 :                clearerr(fpVisData);
     340             :             }
     341           0 :             sleep1(10.0);  /* should decode integration time and use it */
     342             :          }
     343             :       }
     344       20585 :       if(QUIT){
     345          16 :               FirstRecord = 1;
     346          16 :               return(0);
     347             :       }
     348       20569 :       memcpy((void *)&LRSize, buffer+sizeof(TapeHeader), sizeof(LRSize));
     349       20569 :       LRSize = 2*ntohl(LRSize);
     350             :       // printf ("LRSize %d\n", LRSize);
     351       20569 :       NumPhysRecords = LRSize/(PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-4);
     352       20569 :       if(LRSize%(PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-4)){
     353       20569 :          NumPhysRecords += 1;
     354       20569 :          LastSize = 2048*((LRSize%(PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-4))/2048);
     355       20569 :          if((LRSize%(PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-4))%2048)
     356       20569 :              LastSize += 2048;  /* Ignore the Tape header */
     357             :       } else {
     358           0 :           LastSize = PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-4;
     359             :       }
     360       20569 :       FirstRecord = 0;
     361             :    }
     362       31615 :    if(feedback)
     363           0 :       printf(".\n");
     364       31615 :    PhysRecord++;
     365             :    // std::cout << "PhysRecord, NumPhysRecords : " << PhysRecord << ", " << NumPhysRecords << std::endl;
     366             :    // std::cout << "RecordSize : " << RecordSize << std::endl;
     367       31615 :    if(PhysRecord == NumPhysRecords){
     368       20569 :          RecordSize = LastSize;
     369       20569 :          FirstRecord = 1;
     370       20569 :          if(feedback)
     371           0 :             printf("Fetched\n");
     372             :    }
     373       31615 :    if(PhysRecord == 1){
     374       20569 :        if (RecordSize > 2048) {
     375             :            // finish getting this record
     376       20569 :            itemsGot = fread(buffer+2048, RecordSize-2048, 1, fpVisData);
     377             :            // std::cout << "A: itemsGot : " << itemsGot << " item size = " << (RecordSize-2048) << " feof(fpVisData) : " << feof(fpVisData) << " ferror(fpVisData) " << ferror(fpVisData) << std::endl;
     378             :        }
     379             :    } else {
     380       11046 :       itemsGot = fread(buffer, RecordSize, 1, fpVisData);
     381             :       // std::cout << "B: itemsGot : " << itemsGot << " item size = " << RecordSize << " feof(fpVisData) : " << feof(fpVisData) << " ferror(fpVisData) " << ferror(fpVisData) << std::endl;
     382             :    }
     383       31615 :    if(!itemsGot || feof(fpVisData) || ferror(fpVisData))
     384           0 :       QUIT= 1;
     385       31615 :    if(QUIT){
     386           0 :            FirstRecord =1;
     387           0 :            return(0);}
     388             :    
     389       31615 :    return(RecordSize);
     390             : }
     391             : 
     392       20585 : int readVLALogRec(char *data){
     393       20585 :    int dum(99);
     394             :    TapeHeader tapeHead;
     395       20585 :    char  *physrec = new char[PHYS_RECORD_SIZE];    //Allocate the physical Record
     396             : 
     397       20585 :    int bytesRead = diskread_(&dum,  physrec);  // Read first physical record
     398             :    // std::cout << "bytesRead : " << bytesRead << std::endl;
     399             : 
     400       20585 :    memcpy(&tapeHead, physrec, sizeof(TapeHeader)); //Get the "tape" information
     401             : 
     402             :         //Calculate the Logical Record Size
     403             :    long LRSize ;
     404       20585 :    memcpy((void *)&LRSize, physrec+sizeof(TapeHeader), sizeof(LRSize));
     405       20585 :    LRSize = 2*ntohl(LRSize);
     406             :    // std::cout << "LRSize : " << LRSize << std::endl;
     407             :         // Now shift the bits from the physical to Logical Record
     408       20585 :    int BeePtr(0);
     409       20585 :    int NumPhysRecs(ntohs(;
     410       20585 :    int en = sizeof(TapeHeader);
     411             :    // std::cout << "NumPhysRecs : " << NumPhysRecs << std::endl;
     412             :    // std::cout << "en : " << en << std::endl;
     413             : 
     414       20585 :    if (ntohs(tapeHead.current) == 1) {
     415       20569 :          memcpy(data+BeePtr, physrec+en, PHYS_RECORD_SIZE-en);
     416       20569 :          BeePtr = PHYS_RECORD_SIZE - en;
     417             :    }
     418       20585 :    if((LRSize < MAX_LOGICAL_RECORD_SIZE) && (ntohs(tapeHead.current) <= ntohs({
     419       31615 :       for (int i=1; i<NumPhysRecs && !QUIT ; i++) {
     420       11046 :          bytesRead += diskread_(&dum,  physrec);
     421       11046 :          memcpy(data+BeePtr, physrec+en, PHYS_RECORD_SIZE - en);
     422       11046 :          BeePtr += (PHYS_RECORD_SIZE - en);
     423             :       }
     424       20569 :    } else {
     425             :        // std::cout << "QUIT=1 : " << std::endl;
     426          16 :       QUIT = 1;
     427             :    }
     428             : 
     429       20585 :    delete [] physrec;
     430       20585 :    if(QUIT)
     431          16 :            LRSize = 0;
     432       20585 :    return LRSize;
     433             : }
     434             : 
     435             : 
     436             : 
     437           0 : int olread_(int *unit_no, char *buffer, int /*buff_len*/)
     438             : {
     439           0 :     return diskread_(unit_no, buffer);
     440             : }
     441             : 
     442           0 : int olclose_(int */*unit_no*/)
     443             : {
     444           0 :    fclose(fpVisData);
     445           0 :    if(timeData)
     446           0 :       fclose(timeData);
     447           0 :    if(hostLog)
     448           0 :       fclose(hostLog);
     449           0 :    unlink(logDataFile);
     450           0 :    return 0;
     451             : }
     452             : 
     453             : /* Implement a "sleep()" function which also suspends for fractions of
     454             :    a second.  Following a GNU implementation of usleep(), this routine
     455             :    calls select() with NULL pointers of the I/O descriptor sets to 
     456             :    do the actual delay.  This is potentially better than sleep() which
     457             :    only does integer seconds and usleep() which only does micro seconds */
     458             : 
     459             : #include <sys/time.h>
     460             : #include <sys/types.h>
     461             : #ifdef R6000
     462             : #include <sys/select.h>
     463             : #endif
     464             : 
     465           0 : void sleep1(double sleep_time) {
     466             : 
     467             :    struct timeval wait;
     468             :    double wait_mu;
     469             :    int ready;
     470             : 
     471           0 :    if ( (sleep_time <= 0.0) || (sleep_time > 1.0e8) )
     472           0 :       return;
     473             : 
     474             :                 /* convert floating seconds to integer
     475             :                    seconds and micro seconds */
     476             : 
     477           0 :    wait_mu = sleep_time*1000000.0;    /* secs to micro secs */
     478             : 
     479           0 :    wait.tv_sec = (long int) (wait_mu/1000000.0);
     480           0 :    wait.tv_usec = (long int) (wait_mu - ( (double) wait.tv_sec*1000000.0));
     481             : 
     482           0 :    ready = select(1, (fd_set *) NULL, (fd_set *) NULL, (fd_set *) NULL,  &wait);   if (ready < 0) {
     483           0 :       perror ("error on calling setitimer");
     484           0 :       return;
     485             :       }
     486           0 :    return;
     487             :    }
     488             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16