LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - nrao/VLA - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 105 127 82.7 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 9 11 81.8 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : 
      28             : #include <nrao/VLA/VLACDA.h>
      29             : #include <nrao/VLA/VLAContinuumRecord.h>
      30             : #include <nrao/VLA/VLASpectralLineRecord.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      33             : 
      34          64 : VLACDA::VLACDA()
      35          64 :   :itsRecord(),
      36          64 :    itsOffset(0),
      37          64 :    itsBaselineSize(0),
      38          64 :    itsNant(0),
      39          64 :    itsNchan(0),
      40          64 :    itsACorr(0),
      41          64 :    itsXCorr(0)
      42             : {
      43             :   //  cout << "VLACDA::VLACDA()" << endl;
      44          64 : }
      45             : 
      46           0 : VLACDA::VLACDA(ByteSource& record, uInt offset, uInt baselineSize,
      47           0 :                uInt nant, uInt nchan)
      48           0 :   :itsRecord(record),
      49           0 :    itsOffset(offset),
      50           0 :    itsBaselineSize(baselineSize),
      51           0 :    itsNant(nant),
      52           0 :    itsNchan(nchan),
      53           0 :    itsACorr(itsNant, (VLABaselineRecord*)0),
      54           0 :    itsXCorr(itsNant*(itsNant-1)/2, (VLABaselineRecord*)0)
      55             : {
      56             :   //  cout << "VLACDA::VLACDA(...)" << endl;
      57           0 :   DebugAssert(record.isNull() || record.isReadable(), AipsError);
      58           0 :   DebugAssert(record.isNull() || record.isSeekable(), AipsError);
      59           0 : }
      60             : 
      61          64 : VLACDA::VLACDA(const VLACDA& other)
      62          64 :   :itsRecord(),
      63          64 :    itsOffset(0),
      64          64 :    itsBaselineSize(0),
      65          64 :    itsNant(0),
      66          64 :    itsNchan(0),
      67          64 :    itsACorr(0),
      68          64 :    itsXCorr(0)
      69             : {
      70             :   //  cout << "VLACDA::VLACDA(const VLACDA& other)" << endl;
      71          64 :   DebugAssert(other.itsRecord.isNull() || 
      72             :               other.itsRecord.isReadable(), AipsError);
      73          64 :   DebugAssert(other.itsRecord.isNull() ||
      74             :               other.itsRecord.isSeekable(), AipsError);
      75          64 :   attach(other.itsRecord, other.itsOffset, other.itsBaselineSize,
      76          64 :          other.itsNant, other.itsNchan);
      77          64 : }
      78             : 
      79         128 : VLACDA::~VLACDA() {
      80             :   //  cout << "~VLACDA::VLACDA()" << endl;
      81         128 :   deleteACorr(0);
      82         128 :   deleteXCorr(0);
      83         128 : }
      84             : 
      85           0 : VLACDA& VLACDA::operator=(const VLACDA& other) {
      86             :   //  cout << "VLACDA::operator=(const VLACDA& other)" << endl;
      87           0 :   if (this != &other) {
      88           0 :     DebugAssert(other.itsRecord.isNull() ||
      89             :                 other.itsRecord.isReadable(), AipsError);
      90           0 :     DebugAssert(other.itsRecord.isNull() ||
      91             :                 other.itsRecord.isSeekable(), AipsError);
      92           0 :     attach(other.itsRecord, other.itsOffset, other.itsBaselineSize,
      93           0 :            other.itsNant, other.itsNchan);
      94             :   }
      95           0 :   return *this;
      96             : }
      97             : 
      98       82604 : void VLACDA::deleteACorr(uInt start) {
      99       86254 :   for (uInt a = start; a < itsNant; a++) {
     100        3650 :     VLABaselineRecord*& ptr = itsACorr[a];
     101        3650 :     if (ptr != 0) {
     102          27 :       delete ptr;
     103          27 :       ptr = 0;
     104             :     }
     105             :   }
     106       82604 : }
     107             : 
     108       82604 : void VLACDA::deleteXCorr(uInt start) {
     109       82604 :   const uInt nCorr = itsNant*(itsNant-1)/2;
     110      129768 :   for (uInt a = start; a < nCorr; a++) {
     111       47164 :     VLABaselineRecord*& ptr = itsXCorr[a];
     112       47164 :     if (ptr != 0) {
     113        6916 :       delete ptr;
     114        6916 :       ptr = 0;
     115             :     }
     116             :   }
     117       82604 : }
     118             : 
     119       82340 : void VLACDA::attach(ByteSource& newRecord, uInt newOffset,
     120             :                     uInt newBaselineSize, uInt newNant, uInt newChan) {
     121             :   //  cout << "VLACDA::attach(...)" << endl;
     122       82340 :   DebugAssert(newRecord.isNull() || newRecord.isReadable(), AipsError);
     123       82340 :   DebugAssert(newRecord.isNull() || newRecord.isSeekable(), AipsError);
     124       82340 :   itsRecord = newRecord;
     125       82340 :   itsOffset = newOffset;
     126       82340 :   itsBaselineSize = newBaselineSize;
     127             :   // pointers are only deleted if newNant < itsNant;
     128       82340 :   deleteACorr(newNant);
     129       82340 :   const uInt newNcorr = (newNant*(newNant-1))/2;
     130       82340 :   deleteXCorr(newNcorr);
     131       82340 :   itsACorr.resize(newNant, false, true);
     132       82340 :   itsXCorr.resize(newNcorr, false, true);
     133       84060 :   for (uInt a = itsNant; a < newNant; a++) { // only done if newNant > itsNant
     134        1720 :     itsACorr[a] = 0;
     135             :   }
     136      104596 :   for (uInt a = itsNant*(itsNant-1)/2; a < newNcorr; a++) {
     137       22256 :     itsXCorr[a] = 0;
     138             :   }
     139       82340 :   itsNant = newNant;
     140             : 
     141       82340 :   const uInt xCorrOffset = itsOffset + itsBaselineSize*itsNant;
     142       82340 :   if (newChan == 1 && itsNchan == 1) {
     143     2253300 :     for (uInt a = 0; a < itsNant; a++) {
     144     2172668 :       DebugAssert(itsACorr[a] == 0 ||
     145             :                   itsACorr[a]->type() == VLABaselineRecord::CONTINUUM, 
     146             :                   AipsError);
     147     2172668 :       VLAContinuumRecord*& ptr = (VLAContinuumRecord*&) itsACorr[a];
     148     2172668 :       if (ptr != 0) {
     149           0 :         ptr->attach(itsRecord, itsOffset+itsBaselineSize*a);
     150             :       }
     151             :     }
     152    28268168 :     for (uInt a = 0; a < newNcorr; a++) {
     153    28187536 :       DebugAssert(itsXCorr[a] == 0 ||
     154             :                   itsXCorr[a]->type() == VLABaselineRecord::CONTINUUM, 
     155             :                   AipsError);
     156    28187536 :       VLAContinuumRecord*& ptr = (VLAContinuumRecord*&) itsXCorr[a];
     157    28187536 :       if (ptr != 0) {
     158     4025970 :         ptr->attach(newRecord, xCorrOffset+itsBaselineSize*a);
     159             :       }
     160             :     }
     161       82340 :   } else if (newChan > 1 && itsNchan > 1) {
     162       42698 :     for (uInt a = 0; a < itsNant; a++) {
     163       41126 :       DebugAssert(itsACorr[a] == 0 || 
     164             :                   itsACorr[a]->type() == VLABaselineRecord::SPECTRALLINE, 
     165             :                   AipsError);
     166       41126 :       VLASpectralLineRecord*& ptr = (VLASpectralLineRecord*&) itsACorr[a];
     167       41126 :       if (ptr != 0) {
     168        3429 :         ptr->attach(itsRecord, itsOffset+itsBaselineSize*a, newChan);
     169             :       }
     170             :     }
     171      519076 :     for (uInt a = 0; a < newNcorr; a++) {
     172      517504 :       DebugAssert(itsXCorr[a] == 0 ||
     173             :                   itsXCorr[a]->type() == VLABaselineRecord::SPECTRALLINE, 
     174             :                   AipsError);
     175      517504 :       VLASpectralLineRecord*& ptr = (VLASpectralLineRecord*&) itsXCorr[a];
     176      517504 :       if (ptr != 0) {
     177      517504 :         ptr->attach(newRecord, xCorrOffset+itsBaselineSize*a, newChan);
     178             :       }
     179             :     }
     180        1572 :   } else { // delete the Baseline records. They get recreated when needed.
     181         136 :     deleteACorr(0);
     182         136 :     deleteXCorr(0);
     183             :   }
     184       82340 :   itsNchan = newChan;
     185       82340 : }
     186             : 
     187       53327 : Bool VLACDA::isValid() const {
     188       53327 :   return (itsOffset != 0);
     189             : }
     190             : 
     191        3456 : const VLABaselineRecord& VLACDA::autoCorr(uInt which) const {
     192        3456 :   DebugAssert(which < itsACorr.nelements(), AipsError);
     193        3456 :   if (itsACorr[which] == 0) {
     194          27 :     if (itsNchan == 1) {
     195           0 :       itsACorr[which] = 
     196           0 :         new VLAContinuumRecord(itsRecord, itsOffset+itsBaselineSize*which);
     197             :     } else {
     198          27 :       itsACorr[which] = 
     199          27 :         new VLASpectralLineRecord(itsRecord, itsOffset+itsBaselineSize*which,
     200          27 :                                   itsNchan);
     201             :     }
     202             :   }
     203        3456 :   return *itsACorr[which];
     204             : }
     205             : 
     206     2619890 : const VLABaselineRecord& VLACDA::crossCorr(uInt which) const {
     207     2619890 :   DebugAssert(which < itsXCorr.nelements(), AipsError);
     208     2619890 :   if (itsXCorr[which] == 0) {
     209        6916 :     const uInt xCorrOffset = itsBaselineSize*itsNant + itsOffset;
     210        6916 :     if (itsNchan == 1) {
     211        4914 :       itsXCorr[which] = 
     212        4914 :         new VLAContinuumRecord(itsRecord, xCorrOffset+itsBaselineSize*which);
     213             :     } else {
     214        2002 :       itsXCorr[which] = 
     215        2002 :         new VLASpectralLineRecord(itsRecord, xCorrOffset+itsBaselineSize*which,
     216        2002 :                                   itsNchan);
     217             :     }
     218             :   }
     219     2619890 :   return *itsXCorr[which];
     220             : }
     221             : // Local Variables: 
     222             : // compile-command: "gmake VLACDA"
     223             : // End: 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16