LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - msvis/MSVis - VisModelDataI.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 2 2 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 2 3 66.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : 
       2             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
       3             : #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
       4             : #include <vector>
       5             : #if ! defined (MSVIS_VisModelDataI_H)
       6             : #define MSVIS_VisModelDataI_H
       7             : 
       8             : namespace casacore{
       9             : 
      10             :   class MeasurementSet;
      11             :   class RecordInterface;
      12             :   class String;
      13             :   class TableRecord;
      14             : 
      15             : }
      16             : 
      17             : namespace casa {
      18             : 
      19             :   class VisBuffer;
      20             :   namespace vi{class VisBuffer2;}
      21             : 
      22             :   
      23             :   class VisModelDataI;
      24             : 
      25             : 
      26             : 
      27             : class VisModelDataI {
      28             : 
      29             :  public:
      30             : 
      31             :   typedef VisModelDataI * (* Factory) ();
      32             : 
      33             :   static bool setFactory (Factory, casacore::Int whichone=0);
      34             : 
      35             :   //empty constructor
      36        6970 :   VisModelDataI() {}
      37             : 
      38             :   //From a FTMachine Record
      39             :   //VisModelDataI(const casacore::Record& ftmachinerec, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& validfieldids, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msIds);
      40       12723 :   virtual ~VisModelDataI() {}
      41             : 
      42             :   //Add Image/FTMachine to generate visibilities for
      43             :   //void addFTMachine(const casacore::Record& recordFTMachine, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& validfieldids, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msIds);
      44             :   //Add componentlist to generate visibilities for
      45             :   //void addCompFTMachine(const ComponentList& cl, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& validfieldids, 
      46             :   //                    const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msIds);
      47             :   //For simple model a special case for speed 
      48             :   
      49             :   // void addFlatModel(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Double>& value, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& validfieldids, 
      50             :   //                const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msIds);
      51             : 
      52             :   // //add componentlists or ftmachines 
      53             :   virtual void addModel(const casacore::RecordInterface& rec,  const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msids, const VisBuffer& vb) = 0;
      54             :   virtual void addModel(const casacore::RecordInterface& rec,  const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& msids, const vi::VisBuffer2& vb) = 0;
      55             :   virtual VisModelDataI * clone () = 0;
      56             : 
      57             :   static VisModelDataI * create ();
      58             :   static VisModelDataI * create2 ();
      59             :   // //put the model data for this VisBuffer in the modelVisCube
      60             :   virtual casacore::Bool getModelVis(VisBuffer& vb) = 0;
      61             :   virtual casacore::Bool getModelVis(vi::VisBuffer2& vb) = 0;
      62             :   // //this is a helper function that writes the model record to the ms 
      63             : 
      64             :   virtual void putModelI (const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems, const casacore::RecordInterface& rec,
      65             :                           const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& validfields, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& spws,
      66             :                           const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& starts, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& nchan,
      67             :                           const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& incr, casacore::Bool iscomponentlist=true, casacore::Bool incremental=false) = 0;
      68             :                           //Version 2 record to keep track of state and scan number
      69             :   virtual void putModelI(const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems,const casacore::RecordInterface& rec, const casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int>& indexComb, const casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int>& chansel,
      70             :                                           casacore::Bool iscomponentlist=true, casacore::Bool incremental=false)=0;
      71             : 
      72             :   // //helper function to clear the keywordSet of the ms of the model  for the fields 
      73             :   // //in that ms
      74             :   virtual void clearModelI(const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems) = 0;
      75             :   // // ...with field selection and optionally spw
      76             :   // static void clearModel(const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems, const casacore::String field, const casacore::String spws=casacore::String(""));
      77             : 
      78             :   // //Functions to see if model is defined in the casacore::MS either in the SOURCE table or else in the MAIN
      79             :   virtual casacore::Bool isModelDefinedI(const casacore::Int fieldId, const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems, casacore::String& key, casacore::Int& sourceRow) = 0;
      80             :   // static casacore::Bool isModelDefined(const casacore::String& elkey, const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems);
      81             : 
      82             :   // //Get a given model that is defined by key
      83             :   // //Forcing user to use a casacore::TableRecord rather than Generic casacore::RecordInterface ...just so as to avoid a copy.
      84             :   virtual casacore::Bool getModelRecordI(const casacore::String& theKey, casacore::TableRecord& theRec, const casacore::MeasurementSet& theMs) = 0;
      85             : 
      86             :   // // casacore::List the fields
      87             :   // static void listModel(const casacore::MeasurementSet& thems);
      88             : 
      89             :   // static FTMachine* NEW_FT(const casacore::Record& ftrec);
      90             :   // //check if an addFT or addCompFT is necessary
      91             :   // //casacore::Bool hasFT(casacore::Int msid, casacore::Int fieldid);
      92             :   // //casacore::Bool hasCL(casacore::Int msid, casacore::Int fieldid);
      93             :   // //returns a -1 if there is no model for this combination of ms,field,spw...but has not been  // checked yet if there is one
      94             :   // //returns a -2 if it has been tested before but does have it.
      95             :   // //returns a 1 if it has a model stored 
      96             :   virtual casacore::Int hasModel(casacore::Int msid, casacore::Int field, casacore::Int spw) = 0; 
      97             :   
      98             :   virtual casacore::Bool isVersion2() = 0;
      99             :   ///Make sure that VisModel has been called once loaded checks and
     100             :   ///detection of version 1 or 2 is valid
     101             :   virtual void init(const VisBuffer& vb) = 0;
     102             :   virtual void init(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb) = 0;
     103             : 
     104             :  private:
     105             : 
     106             :   static Factory factory_p;
     107             :   static Factory factory2_p;
     108             : 
     109             : };
     110             : 
     111             : 
     112             : 
     113             : }
     114             : 
     115             : #endif // ! defined (MSVIS_VisModelDataI_H)

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16