LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - msvis/MSVis - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 396 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 13 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of VisChunkAverager.h
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2010
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      27             : 
      28             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisChunkAverager.h>
      29             : 
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayPartMath.h>
      31             : 
      32             : using namespace casacore;
      33             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      34             : 
      35             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      36             :   
      37           0 : VisChunkAverager::VisChunkAverager(const Vector<MS::PredefinedColumns>& dataCols,
      38             :                                    const Bool doSpWeight,
      39           0 :                                    const Vector<Matrix<Int> >& chBounds) 
      40           0 :   : colEnums_p(dataCols),
      41           0 :     doSpWeight_p(doSpWeight),
      42           0 :     chanAveBounds_p(chBounds),
      43           0 :     readyToHash_p(false),
      44           0 :     haveHashMap_p(false)
      45             : {
      46           0 :   reset();
      47           0 : }
      48             : 
      49             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      50             : 
      51           0 : VisChunkAverager::~VisChunkAverager()
      52             : {
      53             : // Null default destructor
      54           0 : }
      55             : 
      56             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      57             : 
      58           0 : void VisChunkAverager::reset()
      59             : {
      60           0 :   haveHashMap_p = false;
      61           0 :   sphash_to_inprows_p.clear();
      62           0 :   readyToHash_p = false;
      63           0 : }
      64             : 
      65             : // read all the columns into vb.
      66           0 : void VisChunkAverager::fill_vb(VisBuffer& vb)
      67             : {
      68           0 :   vb.time();
      69             :   // timeExtraPrec?
      70           0 :   vb.antenna1();
      71           0 :   vb.antenna2();
      72             :   // antenna3?
      73           0 :   vb.feed1();
      74           0 :   vb.feed2();
      75             :   // feed3?
      76             :   // ddid implicitly read during the implicit sort.
      77             :   // So shouldn't fieldId have been read as well?
      78           0 :   vb.processorId();
      79             :   // phaseId?
      80           0 :   vb.fieldId();
      81           0 :   vb.timeInterval();
      82           0 :   vb.exposure();
      83           0 :   vb.timeCentroid();
      84             :   // pulsar_bin?
      85             :   // pulsar_gate_id?
      86           0 :   vb.scan();
      87           0 :   vb.arrayId();
      88           0 :   vb.observationId();
      89           0 :   vb.stateId();
      90             :   // baseline_ref?
      91           0 :   vb.uvwMat();
      92             :   // vb.uvw2();
      93           0 :   for(Int i = colEnums_p.nelements(); i--;){
      94           0 :     if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
      95           0 :       vb.correctedVisCube();
      96           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
      97           0 :       vb.modelVisCube();
      98             :     // else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::LAG_DATA)
      99             :     //  VisBuffer doesn't handle LAG_DATA.
     100           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::FLOAT_DATA)
     101           0 :       vb.floatDataCube();
     102           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::DATA)
     103           0 :       vb.visCube();
     104             :   }
     105             :   // video_point?
     106           0 :   vb.sigmaMat();
     107           0 :   vb.weightMat();
     108           0 :   if(doSpWeight_p)
     109           0 :     vb.weightSpectrum();
     110           0 :   vb.flagCube();
     111           0 :   vb.flagCategory();
     112           0 :   vb.flagRow();
     113           0 : }
     114             : 
     115           0 : Bool VisChunkAverager::setupHashFunction(ROVisibilityIterator& vi)
     116             : {
     117           0 :   if(readyToHash_p)                     // No-op.
     118           0 :     return true;
     119             : 
     120           0 :   VisBuffer vb(vi);
     121             : 
     122           0 :   maxant1p1_p = 1;
     123           0 :   maxant2p1_p = 1;
     124           0 :   maxfeed1p1_p = 1;
     125           0 :   maxfeed2p1_p = 1;
     126             :   // maxprocp1_p = max(vb.processorId()) + 1; Not needed
     127             : 
     128           0 :   for(vi.origin(); vi.more(); ++vi){
     129           0 :     maxant1p1_p = uIntMax(maxant1p1_p, 1 + max(vb.antenna1()));
     130           0 :     maxant2p1_p = uIntMax(maxant2p1_p, max(vb.antenna2()) + 1);
     131           0 :     maxfeed1p1_p = uIntMax(maxfeed1p1_p, max(vb.feed1()) + 1);
     132           0 :     maxfeed2p1_p = uIntMax(maxfeed2p1_p, max(vb.feed2()) + 1);
     133             :   }
     134           0 :   vi.origin();  // Go back to the start of the chunk.
     135           0 :   return true;
     136           0 : }
     137             : 
     138           0 : VisBuffer& VisChunkAverager::average(ROVisibilityIterator& vi)
     139             : {
     140             :     using casacore::operator*;
     141             : 
     142             :   // Just in case findCollision() returned before doing it.
     143             :   // makeHashMap will return right away if it can.
     144           0 :   haveHashMap_p = makeHashMap(vi);
     145             : 
     146           0 :   VisBuffer vb(vi);
     147           0 :   uInt chunkletNum = 0;
     148           0 :   Bool firstValidOutRowInChunk = true;
     149           0 :   Vector<Bool> firstrowinslot(sphash_to_inprows_p.size());
     150           0 :   firstrowinslot.set(true);
     151             : 
     152           0 :   initialize(vb);
     153             : 
     154             :   Double minTime, maxTime, firstinterval, lastinterval;
     155           0 :   Int nrows = vb.nRow();
     156             :   // Paranoid initialization.
     157           0 :   minTime = vb.time()[0];
     158           0 :   firstinterval = vb.timeInterval()[0];
     159           0 :   maxTime = vb.time()[nrows - 1];
     160           0 :   lastinterval = vb.timeInterval()[nrows - 1];
     161             : 
     162           0 :   for(vi.origin(); vi.more(); ++vi){
     163             :     // Preload the things that need to be channel averaged.
     164           0 :     for(uInt colind = 0; colind < colEnums_p.nelements(); ++colind){
     165           0 :       if(colEnums_p[colind] == MS::DATA)
     166           0 :         vb.visCube();
     167           0 :       else if(colEnums_p[colind] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
     168           0 :         vb.modelVisCube();
     169           0 :       else if(colEnums_p[colind] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
     170           0 :         vb.correctedVisCube();
     171           0 :       else if(colEnums_p[colind] == MS::DATA)
     172           0 :         vb.floatDataCube();
     173             :     }
     174             : 
     175             :     // The flags and weights are already loaded by this point, UNLESS the
     176             :     // row flag was true for all the rows.  Make sure they're loaded, or
     177             :     // they could end up with the wrong shape.
     178           0 :     vb.flagCube();
     179           0 :     if(vi.existsWeightSpectrum())
     180           0 :       vb.weightSpectrum();
     181           0 :     vb.weightMat();
     182           0 :     vb.sigmaMat();
     183           0 :     if(nCat_p > 0)
     184           0 :       vb.flagCategory();
     185             :       
     186           0 :     vb.channelAve(chanAveBounds_p[vi.spectralWindow()]);
     187             : 
     188             :     // Handle zeros
     189           0 :     vb.sigmaMat()(vb.sigmaMat()<FLT_EPSILON)=FLT_MAX;
     190           0 :     vb.weightMat()(vb.weightMat()<FLT_EPSILON)=FLT_EPSILON;
     191             : 
     192             :     // First iterate through the *unflagged* rows of the current VisBuffer.
     193           0 :     Int outrow = 0;
     194           0 :     Bool firstValidOutRowInIntegration = true;
     195             : 
     196           0 :     mapuIvIType::iterator sphend = sphash_to_inprows_p.end();
     197           0 :     for(mapuIvIType::iterator sphit = sphash_to_inprows_p.begin();
     198           0 :         sphit != sphend; ++sphit){
     199           0 :       Int inrow = sphit->second[chunkletNum];
     200             : 
     201           0 :       if(inrow >= 0){
     202           0 :         if(firstValidOutRowInIntegration){
     203           0 :           Double time = vb.time()[inrow];
     204             : 
     205           0 :           firstValidOutRowInIntegration = false;
     206             : 
     207             :           // Some initialization for the chunk
     208           0 :           if(firstValidOutRowInChunk){
     209           0 :             firstValidOutRowInChunk = false;
     210           0 :             minTime = time;
     211           0 :             maxTime = minTime;
     212           0 :             firstinterval = vb.timeInterval()[inrow];
     213           0 :             lastinterval = firstinterval;
     214             :           }
     215             : 
     216           0 :           if(time < minTime){
     217           0 :             minTime = time;
     218           0 :             firstinterval = max(vb.timeInterval()[inrow], 0.0);
     219             :           }
     220           0 :           else if(time > maxTime){
     221           0 :             maxTime = time;
     222           0 :             lastinterval = max(vb.timeInterval()[inrow], 0.0);
     223             :           }
     224             :         }
     225             : 
     226             :         // Add the VisBuffer row to the current accumulation
     227             : 
     228           0 :         if(firstrowinslot[outrow]){
     229           0 :           firstrowinslot[outrow] = false;
     230             : 
     231           0 :           avBuf_p.antenna1()[outrow] = vb.antenna1()[inrow];
     232           0 :           avBuf_p.antenna2()[outrow] = vb.antenna2()[inrow];
     233           0 :           avBuf_p.feed1()[outrow] = vb.feed1()[inrow];
     234           0 :           avBuf_p.feed2()[outrow] = vb.feed2()[inrow];
     235           0 :           avBuf_p.observationId()[outrow] = vb.observationId()[inrow];
     236           0 :           avBuf_p.processorId()[outrow] = vb.processorId()[inrow];
     237           0 :           avBuf_p.scan()[outrow] = vb.scan()[inrow];
     238           0 :           avBuf_p.stateId()[outrow] = vb.stateId()[inrow];
     239             :         }
     240             : 
     241           0 :         Vector<Float> wtM;
     242           0 :         if (anyEQ(colEnums_p,MS::CORRECTED_DATA))
     243             :           // use weightMat for corrected data
     244           0 :           wtM.reference(vb.weightMat().column(inrow));
     245             :         else
     246             :           // otherwise use sigmaMat (data, model)
     247           0 :           wtM=Float(1.)/square(vb.sigmaMat().column(inrow));
     248             : 
     249             :         // Accumulate the visibilities and weights, and set the flags.
     250             :         // For better or worse, calibration may adjust WEIGHT without adjusting
     251             :         // WEIGHT_SPECTRUM.  This means that at least for now weightSpectrum
     252             :         // should be treated as a unnormalized relative quantity between
     253             :         // channels, and the overall weight is given by WEIGHT.
     254             :         // Note that avBuf_p.weightSpectrum() is used to accumulate the weights
     255             :         // regardless of vb.existsWeightSpectrum(), so its absolute magnitude
     256             :         // does matter (i.e. it holds the relative weights between one
     257             :         // integration and the next).
     258           0 :         Double totwt = 0.0;                       // Total weight for inrow.
     259           0 :         for(Int cor = 0; cor < nCorr_p; ++cor){
     260           0 :           Double constwtperchan = wtM[cor];  // Already adjusted by flagging.
     261             : 
     262           0 :           Double totwtsp = wtM[cor];
     263           0 :           Bool useWtSp = doSpWeight_p;
     264           0 :           if(doSpWeight_p){
     265           0 :             totwtsp = 0.0;
     266           0 :             for(Int ochan = 0; ochan < nChan_p; ++ochan)
     267           0 :               totwtsp += vb.weightSpectrum()(cor, ochan, inrow);
     268           0 :             useWtSp = totwtsp > 0.0;
     269             :           }
     270             : 
     271           0 :           Double unflaggedWt = 0.0;
     272           0 :           for(Int ochan = 0; ochan < nChan_p; ++ochan){
     273           0 :             if(totwtsp > 0.0){
     274           0 :               for(Int cat = 0; cat < nCat_p; ++cat){
     275           0 :                 avBuf_p.flagCategory()(IPosition(4, cor, ochan, cat, outrow)) &=
     276           0 :                   vb.flagCategory()(IPosition(4, cor, ochan, cat, inrow));
     277             :               }
     278             :             }
     279           0 :             if(!vb.flagCube()(cor, ochan, inrow)){
     280           0 :               Double wt = useWtSp ?
     281           0 :                 wtM[cor] * vb.weightSpectrum()(cor, ochan, inrow) / totwtsp
     282           0 :                 : constwtperchan;
     283             : 
     284           0 :               if(wt > 0.0){
     285           0 :                 avBuf_p.weightSpectrum()(cor, ochan, outrow) += wt;
     286           0 :                 avBuf_p.flagCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) = false;
     287             :                 
     288           0 :                 for(Int i = colEnums_p.nelements(); i--;){
     289           0 :                   if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
     290           0 :                     avBuf_p.correctedVisCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) += 
     291           0 :                       (wt * vb.correctedVisCube()(cor, ochan, inrow));
     292           0 :                   else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
     293           0 :                     avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) += 
     294           0 :                       (wt * vb.modelVisCube()(cor, ochan, inrow));
     295             :                   // else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::LAG_DATA)
     296             :                   //  VisBuffer doesn't handle LAG_DATA
     297           0 :                   else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::FLOAT_DATA)
     298           0 :                     avBuf_p.floatDataCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) +=
     299           0 :                       (wt * vb.floatDataCube()(cor, ochan, inrow));
     300           0 :                   else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::DATA)
     301           0 :                     avBuf_p.visCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) += 
     302           0 :                       (wt * vb.visCube()(cor, ochan, inrow));
     303             :                 }
     304           0 :                 unflaggedWt += wt;
     305             :               }
     306             :             }
     307             :           }
     308           0 :           avBuf_p.weightMat()(cor, outrow) += unflaggedWt;
     309           0 :           Double sig = vb.sigmaMat()(cor, inrow);
     310           0 :           avBuf_p.sigmaMat()(cor, outrow) += unflaggedWt * unflaggedWt * sig * sig;
     311           0 :           totwt += unflaggedWt;
     312             :         }
     313             : 
     314           0 :         Double totslotwt = 0.0;
     315             : 
     316           0 :         for(Int cor = 0; cor < nCorr_p; ++cor)
     317           0 :           totslotwt += avBuf_p.weightMat()(cor, outrow);
     318             : 
     319             :         // totwt > 0.0 implies totslotwt > 0.0, as required by
     320             :         // the running averages (mandatory for timeCentroid!).
     321           0 :         if(totwt > 0.0){
     322           0 :           Double leverage = avBuf_p.timeCentroid()[outrow] == 0.0 ? 1.0 :
     323           0 :             totwt / totslotwt;  // Technically == 1 for the 1st input
     324             :                                 // integration, but numerical error is a real problem.
     325             : 
     326             :           // UVW (weighted only by weight for now)
     327             :       // // Iterate through slots.
     328             :       // for(ui2vmap::iterator slotit = bin_slots_p[tbn].begin();
     329             :       //     slotit != bin_slots_p[tbn].end(); ++slotit){
     330             :       //   for(uivector::iterator toikit = slotv.begin();
     331             :       //       toikit != slotv.end(); ++toikit){
     332             :       //       Double wv = 0.0;
     333             :       //       Array<Complex>::const_iterator dataEnd = data_toikit.end();
     334             :       //       for(Array<Complex>::const_iterator dit = data_toikit.begin();
     335             :       //           dit != dataEnd; ++dit)
     336             :       //         wv += fabs(*dit);
     337             :       //       if(wv > 0.0){
     338             :       //         swv += wv;
     339             :       //         outUVW += (wv / swv) * (inUVW(*toikit) - outUVW);
     340             :       //       }
     341             :       //   } // End of loop through the slot's rows.
     342           0 :           for(uInt ax = 0; ax < 3; ++ax)
     343           0 :             avBuf_p.uvwMat()(ax, outrow) += leverage * (vb.uvwMat()(ax, inrow) -
     344           0 :                                                         avBuf_p.uvwMat()(ax, outrow));
     345             : 
     346           0 :           avBuf_p.timeCentroid()[outrow] += leverage *
     347           0 :             (vb.timeCentroid()[inrow] - avBuf_p.timeCentroid()[outrow]);
     348           0 :           avBuf_p.exposure()[outrow] += totwt * vb.exposure()[inrow];
     349             :         }
     350           0 :         else if(totslotwt == 0.0){      // Put in a representative UVW.
     351           0 :           for(uInt ax = 0; ax < 3; ++ax)
     352           0 :             avBuf_p.uvwMat()(ax, outrow) = vb.uvwMat()(ax, inrow);
     353             :         }
     354           0 :       }
     355           0 :       ++outrow;
     356             :     }                   // End of loop over sphit for chunkletNum.
     357           0 :     ++chunkletNum;
     358             :   }             // End of loop over chunkletNums (integrations) in vi's current chunk.
     359             : 
     360             : 
     361             :   // Now go back and see if there were any flagged earlier minTimes or later
     362             :   // maxTimes.  Remember that although TIME and INTERVAL should not care
     363             :   // about flagging, sphash_to_inprows_p does.  BUT, don't let RIDICULOUS
     364             :   // flagged times and intervals contaminate the average.
     365             :   //
     366             :   // ridiculous means off from the unflagged values by > 40 years.
     367             :   // That's a generous but maybe too wide margin.  The most common bad values
     368             :   // seem to be 0s (= 1858 A.D.) and twice the current epoch.
     369             :   // const Double ridiculous = 1262304000.0;
     370             :   // Double acc_minTime = minTime - ridiculous;
     371             :   // Double acc_maxTime = maxTime + ridiculous;
     372             :   // for(vi.origin(); vi.more(); ++vi){
     373             :   //   Double time = vb.time()[0];
     374             : 
     375             :   //   if(time < minTime && time > acc_minTime){
     376             :   //     minTime = time;
     377             :   //     firstinterval = max(vb.timeInterval()[0], 0.0);
     378             :   //   }
     379             :   //   else if(time > maxTime && time < acc_maxTime){
     380             :   //     maxTime = time;
     381             :   //     lastinterval = max(vb.timeInterval()[0], 0.0);
     382             :   //   }
     383             :   // }
     384             : 
     385           0 :   normalize(minTime, maxTime, firstinterval, lastinterval);
     386             : 
     387           0 :   return avBuf_p;
     388           0 : }
     389             : 
     390           0 : void VisChunkAverager::initialize(VisBuffer& vb)
     391             : {
     392             : // Initialize the averaging buffer.
     393             : // Output to private data:
     394             : //    avBuf_p          VisBuffer       Averaging buffer
     395             : //    readyToHash_p    Bool            sets to true
     396             : //    nChan_p          Int             # of channels
     397             : //    nCorr_p          Int             # of polarizations
     398             : 
     399           0 :   fill_vb(vb);
     400             : 
     401             :   // Assign to vb to establish a two-way connection to the underlying VisIter.
     402             :   // Assign main meta info only
     403             :   //    avBuf_p.assign(vb,true);  
     404           0 :   avBuf_p.assign(vb, false);  
     405           0 :   avBuf_p.updateCoordInfo();  // This is the (simplified) CalVisBuffer version!
     406             :   
     407             :   // Immutables:
     408           0 :   nChan_p = vb.nChannel();
     409           0 :   nCorr_p = vb.corrType().nelements();
     410           0 :   nCat_p = vb.flagCategory().nelements() > 0 ? vb.flagCategory().shape()(2) : 0;
     411             : 
     412             :   // More or less VisBuffAccumulator::initialize() up to
     413             :   // "// Fill in the antenna numbers for all rows"
     414           0 :   Int nRow = sphash_to_inprows_p.size();
     415             : 
     416           0 :   avBuf_p.nRow() = nRow;
     417           0 :   avBuf_p.nChannel() = nChan_p;
     418             : 
     419             :   // Resize and initialize the VisBuffer columns used here
     420           0 :   avBuf_p.antenna1().resize(nRow);
     421           0 :   avBuf_p.antenna2().resize(nRow);
     422             :   // avBuf_p.arrayId() is an Int, not a Vector.
     423           0 :   for(Int i = colEnums_p.nelements(); i--;){
     424           0 :     if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
     425           0 :       avBuf_p.correctedVisCube().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     426           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
     427           0 :       avBuf_p.modelVisCube().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     428             :     // else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::LAG_DATA)
     429             :     //  VisBuffer doesn't handle LAG_DATA
     430           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::FLOAT_DATA)
     431           0 :       avBuf_p.floatDataCube().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     432           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::DATA)
     433           0 :       avBuf_p.visCube().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     434             :   }
     435             :   // avBuf_p.dataDescriptionId() is an Int, not a Vector.
     436           0 :   avBuf_p.exposure().resize(nRow);
     437           0 :   avBuf_p.feed1().resize(nRow);
     438           0 :   avBuf_p.feed2().resize(nRow);
     439             :   // avBuf_p.fieldId() is an Int, not a Vector.
     440           0 :   avBuf_p.flagCube().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     441           0 :   avBuf_p.flagRow().resize(nRow);
     442             : 
     443           0 :   if(nCat_p > 0){
     444           0 :     avBuf_p.flagCategory().resize(IPosition(4, nCorr_p, nChan_p, nCat_p, nRow));
     445           0 :     avBuf_p.flagCategory() = true;
     446             :   }
     447             : 
     448           0 :   avBuf_p.observationId().resize(nRow);
     449           0 :   avBuf_p.processorId().resize(nRow);
     450           0 :   avBuf_p.scan().resize(nRow);
     451             : 
     452             :   // Use sigmaMat() throughout, not the correlation-averaged sigma().
     453           0 :   avBuf_p.sigmaMat().resize(nCorr_p, nRow); 
     454             : 
     455           0 :   avBuf_p.stateId().resize(nRow);
     456           0 :   avBuf_p.time().resize(nRow); 
     457           0 :   avBuf_p.timeCentroid().resize(nRow);
     458           0 :   avBuf_p.timeInterval().resize(nRow); 
     459           0 :   avBuf_p.uvwMat().resize(3, nRow); 
     460             : 
     461             :   // Use weightMat() throughout, not the correlation-averaged weight().
     462           0 :   avBuf_p.weightMat().resize(nCorr_p, nRow); 
     463             : 
     464             :   // Because of channel dependent flagging, avBuf_p's weight spectrum gets used
     465             :   // for normalization regardless of vb.existsWeightSpectrum().
     466           0 :   avBuf_p.weightSpectrum().resize(nCorr_p, nChan_p, nRow);
     467             : 
     468             :   // Fill in the antenna numbers for all rows.
     469             :   // Do not assume a constant number of antennas like VisBuffAccumulator.
     470             : 
     471             :   // Initialize everything else
     472           0 :   const Complex czero(0.0);
     473           0 :   for(Int i = colEnums_p.nelements(); i--;){
     474           0 :     if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
     475           0 :       avBuf_p.correctedVisCube() = czero;
     476           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
     477           0 :       avBuf_p.modelVisCube() = czero;
     478             :     // else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::LAG_DATA)
     479             :     //  VisBuffer doesn't handle LAG_DATA.
     480           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::FLOAT_DATA)
     481           0 :       avBuf_p.floatDataCube() = 0.0;
     482           0 :     else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::DATA)
     483           0 :       avBuf_p.visCube() = czero;
     484             :   }
     485           0 :   avBuf_p.exposure() = 0.0;
     486           0 :   avBuf_p.flagCube() = true;
     487           0 :   avBuf_p.flagRow() = false;
     488           0 :   avBuf_p.scan() = 0;                   // This should be unnecessary.
     489           0 :   avBuf_p.time() = 0.0;                 // This should be unnecessary.
     490           0 :   avBuf_p.timeInterval() = 0.0;         // This should be unnecessary.
     491           0 :   avBuf_p.timeCentroid() = 0.0;
     492           0 :   avBuf_p.uvwMat() = 0.0;
     493           0 :   avBuf_p.weightMat() = 0.0;
     494           0 :   avBuf_p.sigmaMat() = 0.0;
     495           0 :   avBuf_p.weightSpectrum() = 0.0;
     496           0 : }
     497             : 
     498             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     499             : 
     500           0 : void VisChunkAverager::normalize(const Double minTime, const Double maxTime,
     501             :                                  const Double firstinterval,
     502             :                                  const Double lastinterval)
     503             : {
     504             : // Normalize the current accumulation timeBin
     505             : // Output to private data:
     506             : //    avBuf_p         VisBuffer&       Averaged buffer
     507             : //  
     508             : 
     509             :   // These columns are independently normalized:
     510             :   // DATA_DESC_ID, UVW, TIME_CENTROID, WEIGHT,
     511             :   // WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, FLAG
     512             : 
     513             :   // Things that are the same throughout avBuf_p.
     514             :   // A short running average (for numerical stability).
     515           0 :   avBuf_p.time() = minTime + 0.5 * (maxTime - minTime);
     516             : 
     517           0 :   avBuf_p.timeInterval() = maxTime - minTime +
     518           0 :                            0.5 * (firstinterval + lastinterval);
     519             : 
     520             :   // Already done by initialize()'s avBuf_p.assign(vb, false);
     521             :   // avBuf_p.dataDescriptionId() = vb.dataDescriptionId();
     522             : 
     523           0 :   uInt outrow = 0;
     524           0 :   mapuIvIType::iterator sphend = sphash_to_inprows_p.end();
     525             : 
     526           0 :   for(mapuIvIType::iterator sphit = sphash_to_inprows_p.begin();
     527           0 :       sphit != sphend; ++sphit){
     528             :     // Divide by the weights
     529           0 :     Vector<Float> wtM(avBuf_p.weightMat().column(outrow));
     530           0 :     Double wt = 0.0;  // total weight for the output row.
     531             : 
     532           0 :     for(Int cor = 0; cor < nCorr_p; ++cor){
     533           0 :       Float orw = wtM[cor];
     534             :       
     535             :       // sigma is the channel-averaged sigma for a single chan.
     536           0 :       avBuf_p.sigmaMat()(cor, outrow) = orw > 0.0 ?
     537           0 :         sqrt(avBuf_p.sigmaMat()(cor, outrow)) / orw
     538             :         : -1.0; // Seems safer than 0.0.
     539           0 :       wt += orw;
     540             :     }
     541             : 
     542           0 :     if(wt == 0.0){
     543           0 :       avBuf_p.flagRow()[outrow] = true;
     544             : 
     545             :       // Looks better than 0 (-> 1858).
     546           0 :       avBuf_p.timeCentroid()[outrow] = avBuf_p.time()[outrow];
     547             :     }
     548             :     else{
     549           0 :       uInt nrowsinslot = 0;
     550           0 :       std::vector<Int>::iterator vend = sphit->second.end();
     551             : 
     552           0 :       for(std::vector<Int>::iterator vit = sphit->second.begin();
     553           0 :           vit != vend; ++vit){
     554           0 :         if(*vit >= 0)
     555           0 :           ++nrowsinslot;
     556             :       }
     557             : 
     558           0 :       avBuf_p.exposure()[outrow] *= nrowsinslot / wt;
     559             :     }
     560             : 
     561           0 :     if(!avBuf_p.flagRow()[outrow]){
     562             :       
     563           0 :       Matrix<Float> rowWeightSpectrum(avBuf_p.weightSpectrum().xyPlane(outrow));
     564           0 :       Vector<Float> rowWeightMat(avBuf_p.weightMat().column(outrow));
     565           0 :       Vector<Float> rowSigmaMat(avBuf_p.sigmaMat().column(outrow));
     566             : 
     567             :       // extract chan-indep weight/sigma
     568           0 :       rowWeightMat = partialMedians(rowWeightSpectrum,IPosition(1,1));
     569             : 
     570           0 :       for(Int cor = 0; cor < nCorr_p; ++cor){
     571             : 
     572           0 :         if (rowWeightMat[cor]<FLT_EPSILON)
     573           0 :           rowWeightMat[cor]=FLT_EPSILON;
     574           0 :         rowSigmaMat[cor]=1/sqrt(rowWeightMat[cor]);
     575             : 
     576           0 :         for(Int ochan = 0; ochan < avBuf_p.nChannel(); ++ochan){
     577           0 :           if(!avBuf_p.flagCube()(cor, ochan, outrow)){
     578           0 :             Double w = avBuf_p.weightSpectrum()(cor, ochan, outrow);
     579             : 
     580             :             // The 2nd choice begs the question of why it isn't flagged.
     581           0 :             Double norm = w > 0.0 ? 1.0 / w : 0.0;      
     582             : 
     583           0 :             for(Int i = colEnums_p.nelements(); i--;){
     584           0 :               if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::CORRECTED_DATA)
     585           0 :                 avBuf_p.correctedVisCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) *= norm;
     586           0 :               else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::MODEL_DATA)
     587           0 :                 avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) *= norm;
     588             :               // else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::LAG_DATA)
     589             :               //  VisBuffer doesn't handle LAG_DATA.
     590           0 :               else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::FLOAT_DATA)
     591           0 :                 avBuf_p.floatDataCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) *= norm;
     592           0 :               else if(colEnums_p[i] == MS::DATA)
     593           0 :                 avBuf_p.visCube()(cor, ochan, outrow) *= norm;
     594             :             }
     595             :           }     // ends if(!avBuf_p.flagCube()(cor, ochan, outrow))
     596             :         }       // ends chan loop
     597             :       }         // ends cor loop
     598           0 :     }           // ends if(!avBuf_p.flagRow()(outrow))
     599           0 :     ++outrow;
     600           0 :   }             // ends sphit loop
     601           0 : }
     602             : 
     603           0 : uInt VisChunkAverager::hashFunction(const Int ant1, const Int ant2,
     604             :                                     const Int feed1, const Int feed2,
     605             :                                     const Int procid) const
     606             : {
     607           0 :   return feed2 +
     608           0 :     maxfeed2p1_p * (feed1 +
     609           0 :                     maxfeed1p1_p * (ant2 +
     610           0 :                                     maxant2p1_p * (ant1 +
     611           0 :                                                    maxant1p1_p * procid)));
     612             : };
     613             : 
     614           0 : Bool VisChunkAverager::makeHashMap(ROVisibilityIterator& vi)
     615             : {
     616           0 :   if(haveHashMap_p)     // No-op
     617           0 :     return true;
     618             : 
     619           0 :   readyToHash_p = setupHashFunction(vi);
     620           0 :   if(!readyToHash_p)
     621           0 :     return false;
     622             : 
     623           0 :   sphash_to_inprows_p.clear();
     624             : 
     625           0 :   uInt nChunklets = vi.nSubInterval();  // The # of vb's in vi's current chunk.
     626           0 :   uInt chunkletNum = 0;
     627           0 :   VisBuffer vb(vi);
     628             : 
     629           0 :   for(vi.origin(); vi.more(); ++vi){
     630           0 :     uInt nrow = vb.nRow();
     631             : 
     632           0 :     for(uInt rn = 0; rn < nrow; ++rn){
     633           0 :       if(!vb.flagRow()[rn] && !allTrue(vb.flagCube().xyPlane(rn))){
     634             :         // sphash = sparse hash
     635           0 :         uInt sphash = hashFunction(vb.antenna1()[rn], vb.antenna2()[rn],
     636           0 :                                    vb.feed1()[rn], vb.feed2()[rn],
     637           0 :                                    vb.processorId()[rn]);
     638             : 
     639             :         /* jagonzal: These insertions cause a seg. fault in MAC 10.00 using llvm and C++11
     640             :         if(sphash_to_inprows_p.count(sphash) < 1){
     641             :           sphash_to_inprows_p.insert(poshint,
     642             :                             std::pair<uInt, std::vector<Int> >(sphash,
     643             :                                                         std::vector<Int>()));
     644             :           ++poshint;
     645             : 
     646             :           // Fill the new vector of input rows with "the skip value".
     647             :           sphash_to_inprows_p[sphash].assign(nChunklets, -1);
     648             :         }
     649             :         */
     650             : 
     651           0 :         if(sphash_to_inprows_p.count(sphash) < 1){
     652           0 :           sphash_to_inprows_p[sphash]=std::vector<Int>(nChunklets,-1);
     653             :         }
     654             : 
     655           0 :         sphash_to_inprows_p[sphash][chunkletNum] = rn;
     656             : 
     657             :       }
     658             :     }
     659           0 :     ++chunkletNum;
     660             :   }
     661           0 :   vi.origin();  // Go back to the start of the chunk.
     662           0 :   return true;
     663           0 : }
     664             : 
     665           0 : Bool VisChunkAverager::check_chunk(ROVisibilityIterator& vi, Double& time_to_break,
     666             :                                   const Bool watch_obs, const Bool watch_scan,
     667             :                                   const Bool watch_state)
     668             : {
     669             :   Bool foundbreak;
     670           0 :   Vector<MS::PredefinedColumns> dataCols;
     671             :   //VisChunkAverager vba(time_to_break, dataCols, false);
     672           0 :   VisChunkAverager vba(dataCols, false);
     673             : 
     674           0 :   foundbreak = vba.findCollision(vi, time_to_break, watch_obs,
     675             :                                  watch_scan, watch_state);
     676           0 :   return foundbreak;
     677           0 : }
     678             : 
     679           0 : Bool VisChunkAverager::findCollision(ROVisibilityIterator& vi, Double& time_to_break,
     680             :                                     const Bool watchObs, const Bool watchScan,
     681             :                                     const Bool watchState)
     682             : {
     683           0 :   if(!(watchScan || watchState || watchObs))
     684           0 :     return false;       // Nothing would count as a collision.
     685             : 
     686           0 :   if(vi.nRowChunk() < 2)        // It takes two to collide, so
     687           0 :     return false;               // return before accessing nonexistent rows.
     688             : 
     689           0 :   haveHashMap_p = makeHashMap(vi);
     690             : 
     691           0 :   if(!haveHashMap_p)
     692           0 :     throw(AipsError("VisChunkAverager::findCollision(): could not make a hash map"));
     693             : 
     694           0 :   Bool foundCollision = false;
     695           0 :   VisBuffer vb(vi);
     696           0 :   uInt chunkletNum = 0;
     697           0 :   uInt nslots = sphash_to_inprows_p.size();
     698           0 :   Vector<Int> firstScan;    // The first scan for each sphash
     699           0 :   Vector<Int> firstState;   // The first state for each sphash
     700           0 :   Vector<Int> firstObs;     // The first obsID for each sphash
     701             : 
     702           0 :   if(watchScan)
     703           0 :     firstScan.resize(nslots);
     704           0 :   if(watchState)
     705           0 :     firstState.resize(nslots);
     706           0 :   if(watchObs)
     707           0 :     firstObs.resize(nslots);
     708             : 
     709           0 :   for(vi.origin(); vi.more(); ++vi){
     710           0 :     if(foundCollision)                  // The last chunklet did it.
     711           0 :       break;
     712             : 
     713             :     // We want the soonest time_to_break in all the keys.  Default
     714             :     // time_to_break to the last time in the latest chunklet, assuming vb is
     715             :     // time sorted.
     716           0 :     time_to_break = vb.time()[vb.nRow() - 1];
     717             : 
     718           0 :     uInt slotnum = 0;
     719           0 :     for(mapuIvIType::const_iterator keyit = sphash_to_inprows_p.begin();
     720           0 :         keyit != sphash_to_inprows_p.end(); ++keyit){
     721           0 :       Int row = keyit->second[chunkletNum];
     722             : 
     723           0 :       if(row >= 0){     // If the chunklet has this sphash...
     724             :         // Don't collapse this into an || chain - time_to_break needs to be evaluated
     725             :         // even if a collision has already been found.
     726           0 :         if(watchScan)
     727           0 :           foundCollision |= checkForBreak(firstScan, vb.scan()[row], slotnum,
     728           0 :                                           chunkletNum, keyit->second);
     729           0 :         if(watchState)
     730           0 :           foundCollision |= checkForBreak(firstState, vb.stateId()[row], slotnum,
     731           0 :                                           chunkletNum, keyit->second);
     732             :         //if(watchArray)  arrayIDs are already separated by the chunking.
     733           0 :         if(watchObs)
     734           0 :           foundCollision |= checkForBreak(firstObs, vb.observationId()[row],
     735           0 :                                           slotnum, chunkletNum, keyit->second);
     736             :       
     737           0 :         if(foundCollision){
     738           0 :           time_to_break = vb.time()[row];
     739           0 :           break;
     740             :         }
     741             :       }
     742           0 :       ++slotnum;
     743             :     }
     744           0 :     ++chunkletNum;
     745             :   }
     746           0 :   vi.origin();                  // Go back to the start of the chunk.
     747           0 :   return foundCollision;
     748           0 : }
     749             : 
     750           0 : Bool VisChunkAverager::checkForBreak(Vector<Int>& firstVals, const Int i, 
     751             :                                      const uInt slotnum,
     752             :                                      const uInt chunkletNum,
     753             :                                      const std::vector<Int>& inrows_for_slot) const
     754             : {
     755           0 :   if(chunkletNum == 0 || inrows_for_slot[chunkletNum - 1] < 0)
     756           0 :     firstVals[slotnum] = i;
     757           0 :   return i != firstVals[slotnum];
     758             : }
     759             : 
     760             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     761             : 

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