LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - msvis/MSVis - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 168 206 81.6 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 8 10 80.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of VisBuffAccumulator.h
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id:,v 19.7 2006/01/17 08:22:27 gvandiep Exp $
      27             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      28             : 
      29             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffAccumulator.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      34             : #include <iomanip>
      35             : 
      36             : #define PRTLEV_VBA 0
      37             : 
      38             : using namespace casacore;
      39             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      40             : 
      41             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      42             :   
      43         250 : VisBuffAccumulator::VisBuffAccumulator(const Int& nAnt, const Double& interval,
      44         250 :                                        const Bool& prenorm, const Bool fillModel) 
      45         250 :   : avBuf_p(),
      46         250 :     nAnt_p(nAnt), 
      47         250 :     interval_p(interval), 
      48         250 :     prenorm_p(prenorm),
      49         250 :     prtlev_(PRTLEV_VBA),
      50         250 :     nBuf_p(0),
      51         250 :     fillModel_p(fillModel),
      52         250 :     tvi_debug(False)
      53             : {
      54             : // Construct from the number of antennas and the averaging interval
      55             : // Input:
      56             : //    nAnt                 const Int&       No. of antennas
      57             : //    interval             const Double&    Time interval (in seconds).
      58             : //    prenorm              const Bool&      Pre-normalization flag
      59             : //    fillModel            const Bool       Whether or not to accumulate MODEL_DATA
      60             : // Output to private data:
      61             : //    nAnt_p               Int              No. of antennas
      62             : //    interval_p           Double           Time interval (in seconds).
      63             : //    prenorm_p            Bool             Pre-normalization flag
      64             : //
      65             : 
      66         250 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << "VBA::VBA()" << endl;
      67             : 
      68             :   // Interval MUST be strictly greater than zero
      69         250 :   if (interval_p < DBL_EPSILON)
      70           4 :     interval_p=0.1;   // TBD: is this reasonable? 
      71             : 
      72             :   // Reset the averager
      73         250 :   reset();
      74             : 
      75         250 : }
      76             : 
      77             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      78             : 
      79         250 : VisBuffAccumulator::~VisBuffAccumulator()
      80             : {
      81             : // Null default destructor
      82             : //
      83         250 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << "VBA::~VBA()" << endl;
      84         250 : }
      85             : 
      86             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      87             : 
      88         250 : void VisBuffAccumulator::reset()
      89             : {
      90             : // Reset the averager
      91             : // Output to private data:
      92             : //    tStart_p         Double        Start time of current accumulation
      93             : //    firstInterval_p  Bool          Is this the first interval ?
      94             : //    nChan_p          Int           No. of channels in the averaging buffer
      95             : //    avrow_p          Int           Starting row of current accumulation
      96             : //    avBuf_p          VisBuffer     Averaging buffer
      97             : //
      98         250 :   tStart_p = 0.0;
      99         250 :   firstInterval_p = true;
     100         250 :   nCorr_p = 0;
     101         250 :   nChan_p = 0;
     102         250 :   avrow_p = 0;
     103         250 :   aveTime_p = 0.0;
     104         250 :   aveTimeWt_p = 0.0;
     105         250 :   globalTime_p = 0.0;
     106         250 :   globalTimeWt_p = 0.0;
     107         250 :   nBuf_p = 0;
     108             : 
     109         250 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << " VBA::reset()" << endl;
     110             : 
     111         250 : }
     112             : 
     113             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     114             : 
     115        4159 : void VisBuffAccumulator::accumulate (const VisBuffer& vb)
     116             : {
     117             : // Accumulate a VisBuffer
     118             : // Input:
     119             : //    vb               const VisBuffer&     VisBuffer to accumulate
     120             : // Output to private data:
     121             : //    tStart_p         Double               Start time of current accumulation
     122             : //    nChan_p          Int                  No. of channels in the avg. buffer
     123             : //    avrow_p          Int                  Start row of current accumulation
     124             : //    avBuf_p          CalVisBuffer         Averaging buffer
     125             : //
     126             : 
     127        4159 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << " VBA::accumulate() " << endl;
     128             : 
     129             :   // Check if avBuf_p initialization required; if so,
     130             :   // assign to vb to establish a two-way connection to
     131             :   // the underlying VisIter. 
     132        4159 :   if (firstInterval_p) {
     133             :     // Initialize the averaging buffer
     134             :     //  THIS IS OLD INEFFICIENT WAY (PRE-CALVISBUFFER)
     135             :     //    avBuf_p = vb;
     136             : 
     137             :     // Assign main meta info only
     138             :     //    avBuf_p.assign(vb,true);  
     139         250 :     avBuf_p.assign(vb,false);  
     140             :     //avBuf_p.updateCoordInfo();  // This is (simplified) CalVisBuffer version!
     141         250 :     avBuf_p.copyCoordInfo(vb, true);    // This only goes to VisIter if vb is
     142             :                                         // missing something needed.
     143             : 
     144             :     // Zero row count
     145         250 :     avBuf_p.nRow();
     146         250 :     avBuf_p.nRow() = 0;
     147             : 
     148             :     // Immutables:
     149         250 :     nChan_p = vb.nChannel();
     150         250 :     nCorr_p = vb.corrType().nelements();
     151             : 
     152             :     // Initialize the first accumulation interval
     153             :     //   without copy (nothing accumulated yet)
     154         250 :     initialize(false);
     155             : 
     156             :   }
     157             : 
     158             :   // Iterate through the current VisBuffer
     159        4159 :   Int row = 0;
     160      181874 :   while (row < vb.nRow()) {
     161             :     // Find the next unflagged time
     162      177715 :     while (row < vb.nRow() && vb.flagRow()(row)) {
     163           0 :       row++;
     164             :     }
     165      177715 :     if (row < vb.nRow()) {
     166      177715 :       Double thisTime = vb.time()(row);
     167             : 
     168             :       // Check for the first accumulation interval
     169      177715 :       if (firstInterval_p) {
     170         250 :         tStart_p = thisTime;
     171         250 :         firstInterval_p = false;
     172             :       }
     173             : 
     174             :       // Check for end of the current accumulation interval
     175             : 
     176      177715 :       if ((vb.time()(row) - tStart_p) > (interval_p-DBL_EPSILON)) {
     177             :         // Normalize
     178        3824 :         normalize();
     179             :         // Advance indices to the next accumulation interval
     180        3824 :         tStart_p = thisTime;
     181        3824 :         avrow_p += hashFunction(nAnt_p-1, nAnt_p-1) + 1;
     182             :         // Initialize the next accumulation interval
     183             :         //  (copy prior preavg'd intervals)
     184        3824 :         initialize(true);
     185             :       }
     186             : 
     187             :       // Add the VisBuffer row to the current accumulation
     188             :       // 
     189             :       // Only accumulate VisBuffers with the same number of channels
     190      177715 :       Int nCorr=vb.corrType().nelements();
     191      177715 :       if (vb.nChannel() != nChan_p || nCorr != nCorr_p) {
     192           0 :         throw(AipsError("VisBuffAccumulator: data shape does not conform"));
     193             :       }
     194             : 
     195      177715 :       Int ant1 = vb.antenna1()(row);
     196      177715 :       Int ant2 = vb.antenna2()(row);
     197             : 
     198             :       // Calculate row from antenna numbers with the hash function.
     199      177715 :       Int outrow = avrow_p + hashFunction (ant1, ant2);
     200             : 
     201             :       // Record the row in vb that corresponds to outrow in avBuf_p.
     202      177715 :       outToInRow_p[outrow] = row;
     203             : 
     204      177715 :       Vector<Float> wtM(vb.weightMat().column(row));
     205             :       // Row weight for timestamp ave:
     206             :       //  (used to use vb.weight(), which read WEIGHT col 
     207             :       //   directly, which is wrong because it might be calibrated!)
     208             :       //  The following is what vb.weight() does, but here with
     209             :       //   the weigthMat info, which has been reset from SIGMA
     210      177715 :       Float wt = (wtM(0)+wtM(nCorr-1))/2;  
     211             : 
     212             :       // (Prenormalization removed!)
     213             : 
     214             :       // Accumulate the visCube itself
     215             :       //  TBD: Handle weights of channel-dep accumulation
     216             :       //       better (i.e., if some channels are sometimes
     217             :       //       flagged, they should accumulate with different
     218             :       //       total weights, even if we will maintain only 
     219             :       //       a channel-indep weightMat.  So, either use
     220             :       //       weightSpectrum, or at least accumulate per
     221             :       //       channel correctly!)
     222             : 
     223      177715 :       Int goodChan(0);
     224      584380 :       for (Int chn=0; chn<vb.nChannel(); chn++) {
     225      406665 :         if (!vb.flag()(chn,row) or tvi_debug) {// jagonzal: Always copy inputVis to outputVis
     226      398796 :           goodChan++;
     227      398796 :           avBuf_p.flag()(chn,outrow) = false;
     228     1319472 :           for (Int cor=0;cor<nCorr;cor++) {
     229      920676 :             avBuf_p.visCube()(cor,chn,outrow) += 
     230     1841352 :               (wtM(cor)*vb.visCube()(cor,chn,row));
     231      920676 :             if(fillModel_p)
     232      920676 :               avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor,chn,outrow) += 
     233     1841352 :                 (wtM(cor)*vb.modelVisCube()(cor,chn,row));
     234             :           }
     235             :         }
     236             :       }
     237             : 
     238             :       // Only if there is any good channels this row
     239      177715 :       if (goodChan > 0) {
     240      177715 :         avBuf_p.flagRow()(outrow) = false;
     241      177715 :         avBuf_p.weight()(outrow) += wt;
     242      873570 :         for (Int cor=0;cor<nCorr;cor++) 
     243      695855 :           avBuf_p.weightMat()(cor,outrow) += wtM(cor);
     244             : 
     245             :         // UVW (vector average, is this right?)
     246             :         // gcc-3.2 needs the multiplication on a separate line; gcc-3.4 can do
     247             :         // it as: avBuf_p.uvw()(outrow) += vb.uvw()(row) * Double(wt);
     248      177715 :         RigidVector<Double,3> wtuvw = vb.uvw()(row) * Double(wt);
     249      177715 :         avBuf_p.uvw()(outrow) += wtuvw;
     250             :         
     251             :         // Accumulate global timestamp average for this interval:
     252             :         //   (subtract offset from time here to avoid roundoff problems)
     253      177715 :         aveTime_p += (vb.time()(row)-tStart_p) * Double(wt);
     254      177715 :         aveTimeWt_p += Double(wt);
     255             :       }
     256             : 
     257             :       // Increment the row number
     258      177715 :       row++;
     259      177715 :     } // if (row < vb.nRow())
     260             :   } // while (row < vb.nRow())
     261        4159 :   ++nBuf_p;
     262             : 
     263             :   // jagonzal: Fill rowId and flagCube (flag only provides
     264             :   // an OR of the flags corresponding to all corrs per chan)
     265        4159 :   if (nBuf_p==1 and tvi_debug)
     266             :   {
     267           0 :           for (uInt outrow_idx=0;outrow_idx<outToInRow_p.size();outrow_idx++)
     268             :           {
     269           0 :                   if (outToInRow_p(outrow_idx) > -1)
     270             :                   {
     271           0 :                           avBuf_p.rowIds()(outrow_idx) = vb.rowIds()(outToInRow_p(outrow_idx));
     272           0 :                           avBuf_p.flagCube().xyPlane(outrow_idx) = vb.flagCube().xyPlane(outToInRow_p(outrow_idx));
     273             :                   }
     274             :                   else
     275             :                   {
     276           0 :                           avBuf_p.rowIds()(outrow_idx) = -1;
     277           0 :                           avBuf_p.flagCube().xyPlane(outrow_idx) = True;
     278             :                   }
     279             :           }
     280             :   }
     281        4159 : }
     282             : 
     283             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     284             : 
     285         250 : void VisBuffAccumulator::finalizeAverage ()
     286             : {
     287             : // Finalize the average, and return the result
     288             : // Output:
     289             : //    avBuf         VisBuffer&       Averaged buffer
     290             : //
     291             : 
     292         250 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << " VBA::finalizeAverage()" << endl;
     293             : 
     294             :   // Normalize the current (final) accumulation interval
     295         250 :   normalize();
     296             : 
     297         250 : }
     298             : 
     299             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     300             : 
     301        4074 : void VisBuffAccumulator::initialize(const Bool& copydata)
     302             : {
     303             : // Initialize the next accumulation interval
     304             : // Output to private data:
     305             : //    avBuf_p          VisBuffer       Averaging buffer
     306             : //    
     307             : 
     308        4074 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout << "  VBA::initialize()" << endl;
     309             : 
     310             : 
     311             : 
     312             :   
     313             :   ///KG notes
     314             :   ////Really dangerous and unmaintainable code changing private variables of vb without 
     315             :   ////really changing the internal connnections if say some internal or vb or like here
     316             :   //// vb.modelVisCube decides to use its private variables ...its nrow is totally wrong ...
     317             :   /// after the next few lines !
     318             :   ////function decide to use nRow_p or nChannel_p it is bound to be wrong
     319             :   //// that is why i am calling the damn visCube and modelVisCube above because
     320             :   /// coders belive that vb.nRow should give the visbuffer number of rows when accessing /// a given array
     321             : 
     322        4074 :   Int nRowAdd = hashFunction (nAnt_p-1, nAnt_p-1) + 1;
     323        4074 :   avBuf_p.nRow() += nRowAdd;
     324        4074 :   avBuf_p.nChannel() = nChan_p;
     325             : 
     326             :   // Resize and initialize the VisBuffer columns used here
     327        4074 :   Int nRow = avBuf_p.nRow();
     328             : 
     329        4074 :   avBuf_p.antenna1().resize(nRow, copydata);
     330        4074 :   avBuf_p.antenna2().resize(nRow, copydata);
     331             : 
     332        4074 :   avBuf_p.time().resize(nRow, copydata); 
     333        4074 :   avBuf_p.uvw().resize(nRow, copydata); 
     334             : 
     335        4074 :   avBuf_p.visCube().resize(nCorr_p,nChan_p, nRow,copydata);
     336        4074 :   if(fillModel_p)
     337        4074 :     copydata ?
     338        3824 :       avBuf_p.modelVisCube().resize(nCorr_p,nChan_p, nRow,copydata):
     339        4074 :       avBuf_p.setModelVisCube(Cube<Complex>(nCorr_p,nChan_p, nRow));
     340             : 
     341        4074 :   avBuf_p.weight().resize(nRow, copydata); 
     342        4074 :   avBuf_p.weightMat().resize(nCorr_p,nRow, copydata); 
     343             : 
     344        4074 :   avBuf_p.flagRow().resize(nRow, copydata); 
     345             : 
     346        4074 :   avBuf_p.flag().resize(nChan_p, nRow,copydata);
     347             : 
     348             :   // jagonzal: Fill rowId and flagCube (flag only provides
     349             :   // an OR of the flags corresponding to all corrs per chan)
     350        4074 :   if (tvi_debug)
     351             :   {
     352           0 :           avBuf_p.rowIds().resize(nRow, copydata);
     353           0 :           avBuf_p.flagCube().resize(nCorr_p,nChan_p, nRow,copydata);
     354             :   }
     355             : 
     356             :   // Setup the map from avBuf_p's row numbers to input row numbers.
     357        4074 :   outToInRow_p.resize(nRow, copydata);
     358        4074 :   if(!copydata)
     359         250 :     outToInRow_p = -1;                   // Unfilled rows point to -1.
     360             : 
     361             :   // Fill in the antenna numbers for all rows
     362        4074 :   Int row = avrow_p;
     363       43914 :   for (Int ant1=0; ant1 < nAnt_p; ant1++) {
     364      256380 :     for (Int ant2 = ant1; ant2 < nAnt_p; ant2++) {
     365      216540 :       avBuf_p.antenna1()(row) = ant1;
     366      216540 :       avBuf_p.antenna2()(row) = ant2;
     367      216540 :       row++;
     368             :     }
     369             :   }
     370             : 
     371             :   // Initialize everything else
     372      220614 :   for (row = avrow_p; row < nRow; row++) {
     373      216540 :     avBuf_p.time()(row) = 0.0;
     374      216540 :     avBuf_p.uvw()(row) = 0.0;
     375      823890 :     for (Int chn = 0; chn < nChan_p; chn++) {
     376      607350 :       avBuf_p.flag()(chn,row) = true;
     377     1860090 :       for (Int cor=0; cor < nCorr_p; cor++) {
     378     1252740 :         avBuf_p.visCube()(cor,chn,row) = Complex(0.0);
     379     1252740 :         if(fillModel_p)
     380     1252740 :           avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor,chn,row) = Complex(0.0);
     381             :       }
     382             :     }
     383      216540 :     avBuf_p.weight()(row) = 0.0f;
     384      216540 :     avBuf_p.weightMat().column(row) = 0.0f;
     385      216540 :     avBuf_p.flagRow()(row) = true;
     386             :   }
     387             : 
     388             :   // Init global timestamp
     389        4074 :   aveTime_p = 0.0;
     390        4074 :   aveTimeWt_p = 0.0;
     391             : 
     392        4074 : }
     393             : 
     394             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     395             : 
     396        4074 : void VisBuffAccumulator::normalize()
     397             : {
     398             : // Normalize the current accumulation interval
     399             : // Output to private data:
     400             : //    avBuf_p         VisBuffer&       Averaged buffer
     401             : //  
     402             : 
     403        4074 :   if (prtlev()>2) cout  << "  VBA::normalize()" << endl;
     404             : 
     405             :   // Only if there will be a valid timestamp
     406        4074 :   if (aveTimeWt_p > 0.0 ) {
     407             : 
     408             :     // Contribute to global timestamp average
     409        4074 :     globalTime_p-=tStart_p;
     410        4074 :     globalTime_p*=globalTimeWt_p;
     411        4074 :     globalTime_p+=aveTime_p;
     412        4074 :     globalTimeWt_p+=aveTimeWt_p;
     413        4074 :     globalTime_p/=globalTimeWt_p;
     414        4074 :     globalTime_p+=tStart_p;
     415             : 
     416             :     // Mean timestamp for this interval
     417        4074 :     aveTime_p/=aveTimeWt_p;
     418        4074 :     aveTime_p+=tStart_p;
     419             : 
     420             :     // Divide by the weights
     421      220614 :     for (Int row=avrow_p; row<avBuf_p.nRow(); row++) {
     422      216540 :       Float wt=avBuf_p.weight()(row);
     423      216540 :       Vector<Float> wtM(avBuf_p.weightMat().column(row));
     424      216540 :       if (wt==0.0f) avBuf_p.flagRow()(row)=true;
     425      216540 :       if (!avBuf_p.flagRow()(row)) {
     426      175930 :         avBuf_p.time()(row)=aveTime_p;
     427      175930 :         avBuf_p.uvw()(row)*=(1.0f/wt);
     428      580810 :         for (Int chn=0; chn<avBuf_p.nChannel(); chn++) {
     429      404880 :           if (!avBuf_p.flag()(chn,row)) {
     430     1315902 :             for (Int cor=0;cor<nCorr_p;cor++) {
     431      918891 :               if (wtM(cor)>0.0f) {
     432      574371 :                 avBuf_p.visCube()(cor,chn,row)*=1.0f/wtM(cor);
     433      574371 :                 if(fillModel_p)
     434      574371 :                   avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor,chn,row)*=1.0f/wtM(cor);
     435             :               }
     436             :               else {
     437      344520 :                 avBuf_p.visCube()(cor,chn,row)=0.0;
     438      344520 :                 if(fillModel_p)
     439      344520 :                   avBuf_p.modelVisCube()(cor,chn,row)=0.0;
     440             :               }
     441             :             }
     442             :           }
     443             :         }
     444             :       }
     445      216540 :     }
     446             :   }
     447             :   else {
     448             :     // Ensure this interval is entirely flagged
     449           0 :     for (Int row=avrow_p; row<avBuf_p.nRow(); row++) {
     450           0 :       avBuf_p.flagRow()(row)=true;
     451           0 :       avBuf_p.weight()(row)=0.0f;
     452           0 :       avBuf_p.weightMat().column(row)=0.0f;
     453             :     }
     454             :   }
     455        4074 : }
     456             : 
     457             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     458             : 
     459      185613 : Int VisBuffAccumulator::hashFunction (const Int& ant1, const Int& ant2)
     460             : {
     461             : // Compute row index in an accumulation interval for an
     462             : // interferometer index (ant1, ant2).
     463             : // Input:
     464             : //    ant1            const Int&      Antenna 1
     465             : //    ant2            const Int&      Antenna 2
     466             : // Output:
     467             : //    hashFunction    Int             Row offset in current accumulation
     468             : //
     469             :   Int index;
     470      185613 :   index = nAnt_p * ant1 - (ant1 * (ant1 - 1)) / 2 + ant2 - ant1;
     471      185613 :   return index;
     472             : }
     473             : 
     474             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     475             : 
     476           0 : void VisBuffAccumulator::throw_err(const String& origin, const String &msg)
     477             : {
     478           0 :   LogOrigin("VisBuffAccumulator", origin);
     479           0 :   throw(AipsError(msg));
     480             : }
     481             : 
     482           0 : void VisBuffAccumulator::reportData() {
     483             : 
     484           0 :   CalVisBuffer& cvb(aveCalVisBuff());
     485           0 :   Slice corrs(0,2,3), sl;
     486             : 
     487           0 :   Vector<Int> a1(cvb.antenna1()), a2(cvb.antenna2());
     488           0 :   Cube<Complex> vCC(cvb.visCube()(corrs,sl,sl));
     489           0 :   Cube<Complex> vCM(cvb.modelVisCube()(corrs,sl,sl));
     490           0 :   Matrix<Float> wtS(cvb.weightMat()(corrs,sl));
     491           0 :   Matrix<Bool> flg(cvb.flag()(sl,sl));
     492             : 
     493           0 :   cout << "Time=" << MVTime(timeStamp()/C::day).string(MVTime::YMD,7) << endl;
     494           0 :   cout.precision(8);
     495           0 :   for (Int irow=0;irow<cvb.nRow();++irow) {
     496           0 :     for (Int ich=0;ich<cvb.nChannel();++ich) {
     497           0 :       if (flg(ich,irow)) continue;
     498           0 :       cout << std::setw(2) << a1(irow) << "-" << std::setw(2) << a2(irow) << " ";
     499           0 :       if (cvb.nChannel()>1) cout << "ich=" << ich << " ";
     500           0 :       cout << "fl=" << flg(Slice(ich),Slice(irow)).nonDegenerate() << " ";
     501           0 :       cout << "wt=" << wtS(Slice(),Slice(irow)).nonDegenerate() << " ";
     502           0 :       cout << "cM=" << vCM(Slice(),Slice(),Slice(irow)).nonDegenerate() << " ";
     503           0 :       cout << "cC=" << vCC(Slice(),Slice(),Slice(irow)).nonDegenerate() << " ";
     504           0 :       cout << endl;
     505             :     }
     506             :   }
     507             : 
     508             : 
     509             : 
     510           0 : }
     511             : 
     512             : 
     513             : 
     514             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     515             : 

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