LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - msvis/MSVis - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 96 110 87.3 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 5 6 83.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Based on code/alma/apps/UVWCoords
       2             : 
       3             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
       4             : #include <msvis/MSVis/MSUVWGenerator.h>
       5             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
       6             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MFrequency.h>
       7             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
       8             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
       9             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSAntennaColumns.h>
      10             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCBaseline.h>
      11             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/GenSort.h>
      12             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
      13             : #include <map>
      14             : 
      15             : using namespace casacore;
      16             : namespace casa {
      17             : 
      18             : // The UvwCoords ctor has lines for the antennas, antenna offsets, and station
      19             : // positions.  This ctor assumes they're present in msc_p if present at all.
      20          16 :   MSUVWGenerator::MSUVWGenerator(MSColumns &msc_ref, const MBaseline::Types bltype,
      21          16 :                                  const Muvw::Types) :
      22          16 :   msc_p(msc_ref),                                       
      23          16 :   bl_csys_p(MBaseline::Ref(bltype)), // MBaseline::J2000, ITRF, etc.
      24          16 :   antColumns_p(msc_p.antenna()),
      25          16 :   antPositions_p(antColumns_p.positionMeas()),
      26          16 :   antOffset_p(antColumns_p.offsetMeas()),
      27          16 :   refpos_p(antPositions_p(0)),  // We use the first antenna for the reference
      28          16 :   feedOffset_p(msc_p.feed().positionMeas())
      29             : {
      30             :   // It seems that using a String is the only safe way to go from say,
      31             :   // MPosition::ITRF to MBaseline::ITRF.
      32          16 :   MBaseline::getType(refposref_p,
      33          32 :                      MPosition::showType(refpos_p.getRef().getType()));
      34             : 
      35          16 :   fill_bl_an(bl_an_p);          
      36          16 : }
      37             : 
      38          16 : MSUVWGenerator::~MSUVWGenerator(){
      39          16 : }
      40             : 
      41          16 : void MSUVWGenerator::fill_bl_an(Vector<MVBaseline>& bl_an_p)
      42             : {
      43          16 :   nant_p = antPositions_p.table().nrow();
      44          16 :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "nant_p: " << nant_p << LogIO::POST;
      45             : 
      46          16 :   Double max_baseline = -1.0;
      47             :   Double bl_len;
      48             :  
      49          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Double>& antDiams = antColumns_p.dishDiameter();
      50          16 :   Double smallestDiam = antDiams(0);
      51          16 :   Double secondSmallestDiam = antDiams(0);
      52             :   
      53          16 :   bl_an_p.resize(nant_p);
      54         446 :   for(uInt an = 0; an < nant_p; ++an){
      55             :     // MVBaselines are basically xyz Vectors, not Measures.
      56         430 :     bl_an_p[an] = MVBaseline(refpos_p.getValue(), antPositions_p(an).getValue());
      57             : 
      58             :     // MVBaseline has functions to return the length, but Manhattan distances
      59             :     // are good enough for this, and faster than a sqrt.
      60         430 :     Vector<Double> bluvw(bl_an_p[an].getValue());
      61         430 :     bl_len = fabs(bluvw[0]) + fabs(bluvw[1]) + fabs(bluvw[2]);
      62             : 
      63         430 :     if(bl_len > max_baseline)
      64          81 :       max_baseline = bl_len;
      65             : 
      66         430 :     if(antDiams(an) < secondSmallestDiam){
      67           0 :       if(antDiams(an) < smallestDiam){
      68           0 :         secondSmallestDiam = smallestDiam;
      69           0 :         smallestDiam = antDiams(an);
      70             :       }
      71             :       else
      72           0 :         secondSmallestDiam = antDiams(an);
      73             :     }
      74         430 :   }
      75             : 
      76             :   // Setting timeRes_p to 0.0025 * the time for a 1 radian phase change on the
      77             :   // longest baseline at 2x the primary beamwidth should be sufficiently short
      78             :   // for Earth based observations.  Space-based baselines will move faster, but
      79             :   // probably don't have the data rate to support full beam imaging.  An
      80             :   // alternative limit could come from |d(uvw)/dt|/|uvw|, but that is
      81             :   // guaranteed to be at least somewhat larger than this limit (replace the
      82             :   // 2.44 with 2, and remove the dish diameters and max_baseline).
      83             :   //
      84             :   // Do not raise the 0.0025 coefficient by too much, since the times used for
      85             :   // UVW calculation could be biased by as much as -0.5 * timeRes_p if more
      86             :   // than one integration fits into timeRes_p.  timeRes_p is not intended so
      87             :   // much for skipping calculations as it is for preventing antUVW_p from being
      88             :   // calculated for each row in the same integration.  The integration interval
      89             :   // may change within an MS, but ideally antUVW_p is calculated once per
      90             :   // integration (timeRes_p <~ integration) and there is no bias.
      91          16 :   timeRes_p = 0.0025 * 24.0 * 3600.0 / (6.283 * 2.44) *
      92          16 :     sqrt(smallestDiam * secondSmallestDiam) / max_baseline;
      93          16 : }  
      94             : 
      95        5139 : void MSUVWGenerator::uvw_an(const MEpoch& timeCentroid, const Int fldID,
      96             :                             const Bool WSRTConvention)
      97             : {
      98        5139 :   const MDirection& phasedir = msc_p.field().phaseDirMeas(fldID);
      99        5139 :   MeasFrame  measFrame(refpos_p, timeCentroid, phasedir);
     100        5139 :   MVBaseline mvbl;
     101        5139 :   MBaseline  basMeas;
     102             : 
     103             :   //logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG1
     104             :   //   << "timeCentroid: " << timeCentroid
     105             :   //   << "\nfldID: " << fldID
     106             :   //   << "\nphasedir: " << phasedir
     107             :   //   << LogIO::POST;
     108             : 
     109        5139 :   MBaseline::Ref basref(refposref_p);
     110        5139 :   basMeas.set(mvbl, basref);            // in antenna frame
     111        5139 :   basMeas.getRefPtr()->set(measFrame);
     112             : 
     113             :   // Setup a machine for converting a baseline vector from the antenna frame to
     114             :   // bl_csys_p's frame
     115        5139 :   MBaseline::Convert elconv(basMeas, bl_csys_p);
     116             : 
     117       74475 :   for(uInt i = 0; i < nant_p; ++i){
     118             :     //TODO: (Soon!) Antenna offsets are not handled yet.
     119       69336 :     basMeas.set(bl_an_p[i], basref);
     120       69336 :     MBaseline basOutFrame = elconv(basMeas);
     121             :     //MBaseline::Types botype = MBaseline::castType(basOutFrame.getRef().getType());
     122       69336 :     MVuvw uvwOutFrame(basOutFrame.getValue(), phasedir.getValue());
     123             :     
     124       69336 :     antUVW_p[i] = uvwOutFrame.getValue();
     125       69336 :   }
     126             : 
     127             :   // Tony Willis supplied this crucial bit of history: the WSRT definition of
     128             :   // phase is opposite to that of the VLA - the WSRT definition of the l,m
     129             :   // direction cosines is that l increases toward decreasing RA, whereas the
     130             :   // VLA definition is that l increases toward increasing RA.  AIPS seems to
     131             :   // understand this.  (For a completely useless piece of trivia, the WSRT defn
     132             :   // of phase is consistent with that of the Cambridge one-mile telescope as
     133             :   // Wim Brouw set things up to be in agreement with the one-mile telescope ca
     134             :   // 1968.)
     135             :   // RR: It is not just l, v and w are flipped as well.
     136        5139 :   if(WSRTConvention)
     137           0 :     antUVW_p = -antUVW_p;
     138        5139 : }
     139             : 
     140             : // antUVW_p must be set up for the correct timeCentroid and phase direction by
     141             : // uvw_an() before calling this.
     142           0 : void MSUVWGenerator::uvw_bl(const uInt ant1, const uInt,// feed1,
     143             :                             const uInt ant2, const uInt,// feed2,
     144             :                             Array<Double>& uvw)
     145             : {
     146             :   //uvw.resize(3);      // Probably redundant.  Does it significantly slow things down?
     147             :   //TODO: Feed offsets are not handled yet.
     148           0 :   uvw = antUVW_p[ant2] - antUVW_p[ant1];
     149           0 : }
     150             : 
     151          16 : Bool MSUVWGenerator::make_uvws(const Vector<Int> flds)
     152             : {
     153          16 :   ArrayColumn<Double>&      UVWcol   = msc_p.uvw();  
     154          16 :   const ScalarMeasColumn<MEpoch>& timeCentMeas = msc_p.timeCentroidMeas();
     155          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> fieldID(msc_p.fieldId());
     156          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> ant1(msc_p.antenna1());
     157          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> ant2(msc_p.antenna2());
     158          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> feed1(msc_p.feed1());
     159          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> feed2(msc_p.feed2());
     160          16 :   const ScalarColumn<Int> obsID(msc_p.observationId());
     161             : 
     162             :   // Use a time ordered index to minimize the number of calls to uvw_an.
     163             :   // TODO: use field as a secondary sort key.
     164          16 :   Vector<uInt> tOI;
     165          16 :   GenSortIndirect<Double>::sort(tOI, msc_p.timeCentroid().getColumn());
     166             : 
     167             :   // Having uvw_an() calculate positions for each antenna for every field is
     168             :   // somewhat inefficient since in a multiconfig MS not all antennas will be
     169             :   // used in each time interval, but it's not clear that determining which
     170             :   // antennas will be used for a given uvw_an() call would be any more
     171             :   // efficient.  It's not horribly inefficient, because uvw_an() is O(nant_p),
     172             :   // and uvw_bl() is only called for baselines that are actually used.
     173          16 :   antUVW_p.resize(nant_p);
     174             : 
     175          16 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("MSUVWGenerator", "make_uvws") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
     176             :   
     177          16 :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "timeRes_p: " << timeRes_p << LogIO::POST;
     178             : 
     179             :   try{
     180          16 :     Bool oldWsrtConvention = (msc_p.observation().telescopeName()(obsID(tOI[0])) ==
     181             :                               "WSRT");
     182             : 
     183             :     // Ensure a call to uvw_an on the 1st iteration.
     184          16 :     const Unit sec("s");
     185          16 :     Double oldTime = timeCentMeas(tOI[0]).get(sec).getValue() - 2.0 * timeRes_p;
     186          16 :     Int    oldFld  = -2;
     187             : 
     188             :     // IO reordering buffer to avoid poor IO patterns on files not sorted by time
     189          16 :     std::map<uInt, Vector<Double> > writebuffer;
     190             : 
     191     8430040 :     for(uInt row = 0; row < msc_p.nrow(); ++row){
     192     8430024 :       uInt   toir = tOI[row];
     193     8430024 :       const MEpoch & timecentmeas = timeCentMeas(toir);
     194     8430024 :       Double currTime = timecentmeas.get(sec).getValue();
     195     8430024 :       Int    currFld  = fieldID(toir);
     196     8430024 :       Bool   newWsrtConvention = (msc_p.observation().telescopeName()(obsID(toir)) ==
     197             :                                   "WSRT");
     198     8430024 :       if ((row % (1<<22)) == 0) {
     199             :         logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << "Rows handled: "
     200          16 :                   << row << "/" << msc_p.nrow() << LogIO::POST;
     201             :       }
     202             : 
     203     8430024 :       if(currTime - oldTime > timeRes_p || currFld != oldFld
     204     8424885 :          || newWsrtConvention != oldWsrtConvention){
     205        5139 :         oldTime = currTime;
     206        5139 :         oldFld  = currFld;
     207             : 
     208        5139 :         if(newWsrtConvention != oldWsrtConvention){
     209             :           logSink() << LogIO::WARN
     210             :                     << "There is a switch to or from the WSRT convention at row "
     211             :                     << toir << ".\nWatch for an inconsistency in the sign of UVW."
     212           0 :                     << LogIO::POST;
     213           0 :           oldWsrtConvention = newWsrtConvention;
     214             :         }
     215             : 
     216             :         //logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "currTime: " << currTime
     217             :         //          << "\ncurrFld: " << currFld << LogIO::POST;
     218        5139 :         uvw_an(timecentmeas, currFld, newWsrtConvention);
     219             :       }
     220             :     
     221     8430024 :       if(flds[fieldID(toir)] > -1){
     222             :         //      uvw_bl(ant1(toir), ant2(toir),
     223             :         //     feed1(toir), feed2(toir), UVWcol(toir));
     224             :         // collect output and write larger chunk in row sequential order
     225     8188548 :         writebuffer[toir] = antUVW_p[ant2(toir)] - antUVW_p[ant1(toir)];
     226     8188548 :         if (writebuffer.size() > 100000) {
     227     7900158 :           for (auto it = writebuffer.begin(); it != writebuffer.end(); ++it) {
     228     7900079 :             UVWcol.put(it->first, it->second);
     229             :           }
     230          79 :           writebuffer.clear();
     231             :         }
     232             :       }
     233     8430024 :     }
     234             :     // flush rest of buffer
     235      288485 :     for (auto it = writebuffer.begin(); it != writebuffer.end(); ++it) {
     236      288469 :       UVWcol.put(it->first, it->second);
     237             :     }
     238          16 :   }
     239           0 :   catch(AipsError x){
     240             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
     241           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     242           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in MSUVWGenerator::make_uvws."));
     243             :     return false;
     244           0 :   }
     245          16 :   return true;
     246          16 : }
     247             : 
     248             : // void MSUVWGenerator::get_ant_offsets(const MDirection& dir_with_a_frame)
     249             : // {
     250             : //   // This appears to be a required column of the ANTENNA table in version 2.0
     251             : //   // of the MeasurementSet definition
     252             : //   // (, so it is assumed to be
     253             : //   // present.  However, it is usually a set of zeroes, based on the common
     254             : //   // belief that it is only needed for heterogeneous arrays, since the
     255             : //   // receivers of homogeneous arrays move in concert.  That is not true when
     256             : //   // there are independent pointing errors.
     257             : 
     258             : //   // Convert ant_offset_measures to Vectors and check for nonzeroness.
     259             : //   ant_offset_vec_p.resize(nant);
     260             : //   for(uInt n = 0; n < nant; ++n)
     261             : //     ant_offset_vec_p[n] = ant_offset_meas_p.convert(0, pointingdir).getValue();
     262             : // }
     263             : 
     264             : // Bool MSUVWGenerator::set_receiv_offsets(const MDirection& dir_with_a_frame)
     265             : // {
     266             : //   // This appears to be a required column of the FEED table in version 2.0
     267             : //   // of the MeasurementSet definition
     268             : //   // (, so it is assumed to be
     269             : //   // present.  However, it is usually a set of zeroes, based on the common
     270             : //   // belief that it is only needed for heterogeneous arrays, since the
     271             : //   // receivers of homogeneous arrays move in concert.  That is not true when
     272             : //   // there are independent pointing errors.
     273             : 
     274             : //   // Convert feed_offset_measures to Vectors and check for nonzeroness.
     275             : //   Vector<Vector<Double> > offsetvects;
     276             : //   offsetvects.resize(nant);
     277             : //   for(uInt n = 0; n < nant; ++n){
     278             : //     offsetvects[n] = ant_offsets->convert(0, pointingdir).getValue();
     279             : //     if(ant_offsets[n] != ant_offsets[0]){
     280             : //       varying_offsets = true;
     281             : //     }
     282             : //   }
     283             : 
     284             : //   ignore_offsets = true;
     285             : //   return ignore_offsets;
     286             : // }
     287             : 
     288             : using namespace casacore;
     289             : } // Ends namespace casa.

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16