LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - mstransform/TVI - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 223 225 99.1 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 8 8 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#  CASA - Common Astronomy Software Applications (
       2             : //#  Copyright (C) Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA 2011, All
       3             : //# rights reserved.
       4             : //#  Copyright (C) European Southern Observatory, 2011, All rights reserved.
       5             : //#
       6             : //#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       7             : //#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
       8             : //#  License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
       9             : //#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      12             : //#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
      14             : //#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      17             : //#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      18             : //#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      19             : //#  MA 02111-1307  USA
      20             : 
      21             : #include <mstransform/TVI/StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator.h>
      22             : 
      23             : #include <casacore/scimath/StatsFramework/ClassicalStatistics.h>
      24             : 
      25             : #include <msvis/MSVis/ViImplementation2.h>
      26             : #include <mstransform/TVI/StatWtTypes.h>
      27             : 
      28             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      29             : #include <omp.h>
      30             : #endif
      31             : 
      32             : using namespace casacore;
      33             : using namespace std;
      34             : 
      35             : namespace casa {
      36             : 
      37             : namespace vi {
      38             : 
      39          34 : StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator(
      40             :     ViImplementation2 *const vii,
      41             :     const std::map<casacore::Int, std::vector<StatWtTypes::ChanBin>>& chanBins,
      42             :     std::shared_ptr<map<uInt, pair<uInt, uInt>>>& samples,
      43             :     StatWtTypes::Column column, Bool noModel,
      44             :     const map<uInt, Cube<Bool>>& chanSelFlags, Bool combineCorr,
      45             :     shared_ptr<
      46             :         ClassicalStatistics<
      47             :             Double, Array<Float>::const_iterator,
      48             :             Array<Bool>::const_iterator
      49             :         >
      50             :     >& wtStats,
      51             :     shared_ptr<const pair<Double, Double>> wtrange,
      52             :     shared_ptr<const Double> binWidthInSeconds,
      53             :     shared_ptr<const Int> nTimeStampsInBin, const Bool timeBlockProcessing,
      54             :     shared_ptr<
      55             :         StatisticsAlgorithm<
      56             :             Double, Array<Float>::const_iterator,
      57             :             Array<Bool>::const_iterator, Array<Double>::const_iterator
      58             :         >
      59             :     >& statAlg, Int minSamp
      60          34 : ) : StatWtDataAggregator(
      61             :        vii, chanBins, samples, column, noModel, chanSelFlags, /* mustComputeWtSp,*/
      62             :        wtStats, wtrange, combineCorr, statAlg, minSamp
      63          34 :     ), _binWidthInSeconds(binWidthInSeconds),
      64          34 :     _nTimeStampsInBin(nTimeStampsInBin),
      65          68 :     _timeBlockProcessing(timeBlockProcessing) {
      66          34 :         ThrowIf(
      67             :             ! (_binWidthInSeconds || _nTimeStampsInBin ),
      68             :             "Logic error: neither binWidthInSeconds "
      69             :             "nor nTimeStampsInBin has been specified"
      70             :         );
      71          34 : }
      72             : 
      73          68 : StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::~StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator() {}
      74             : 
      75         251 : void StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::aggregate() {
      76         251 :     auto* vb = _vii->getVisBuffer();
      77             :     // map of rowID (the index of the vector) to rowIDs that should be used to
      78             :     // compute the weight for the key rowID
      79         251 :     std::vector<std::set<uInt>> rowMap;
      80         251 :     auto firstTime = True;
      81             :     // each subchunk is guaranteed to represent exactly one time stamp
      82         251 :     std::vector<Double> subChunkToTimeStamp;
      83             :     // Baseline-subchunk number pair to row index in that chunk
      84         251 :     std::map<std::pair<StatWtTypes::Baseline, uInt>, uInt> baselineSubChunkToIndex;
      85             :     // we build up the chunk data in the chunkData and chunkFlags cubes
      86         251 :     Cube<Complex> chunkData;
      87         251 :     Cube<Bool> chunkFlags;
      88         251 :     std::vector<Double> exposures;
      89         251 :     rownr_t subchunkStartRowNum = 0;
      90         251 :     auto initChanSelTemplate = True;
      91         251 :     Cube<Bool> chanSelFlagTemplate, chanSelFlags;
      92             :     // we cannot know the spw until inside the subchunk loop
      93         251 :     Int spw = -1;
      94         251 :     _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk.clear();
      95         502 :     Slicer sl(IPosition(3, 0), IPosition(3, 1));
      96         251 :     auto slStart = sl.start();
      97         251 :     auto slEnd = sl.end();
      98         251 :     std::vector<std::pair<uInt, uInt>> idToChunksNeededByIDMap,
      99         251 :         chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap;
     100         251 :     _limits(idToChunksNeededByIDMap, chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap);
     101         251 :     uInt subChunkID = 0;
     102        2450 :     for (_vii->origin(); _vii->more(); _vii->next(), ++subChunkID) {
     103        2233 :         if (_checkFirstSubChunk(spw, firstTime, vb)) {
     104          34 :             return;
     105             :         }
     106        2199 :         if (! _mustComputeWtSp) {
     107          54 :             _mustComputeWtSp.reset(
     108             :                 new Bool(
     109          27 :                     vb->existsColumn(VisBufferComponent2::WeightSpectrum)
     110          27 :                 )
     111             :             );
     112             :         }
     113        2199 :         _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk[*vb->rowIds().begin()] = subchunkStartRowNum;
     114        2199 :         const auto& ant1 = vb->antenna1();
     115        2199 :         const auto& ant2 = vb->antenna2();
     116             :         // [nCorrs, nFreqs, nRows)
     117        2199 :         const auto nrows = vb->nRows();
     118             :         // there is no guarantee a previous subchunk will be included,
     119             :         // eg if the timewidth is small enough
     120             :         // This is the first subchunk ID that should be used for averaging
     121             :         // grouping data for weight computation of the current subchunk ID.
     122             :         const auto firstChunkNeededByCurrentID
     123        2199 :             = idToChunksNeededByIDMap[subChunkID].first;
     124             :         const auto lastChunkNeededByCurrentID
     125        2199 :             = idToChunksNeededByIDMap[subChunkID].second;
     126             :         const auto firstChunkThatNeedsCurrentID
     127        2199 :             = chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap[subChunkID].first;
     128        2199 :         auto subchunkTime = vb->time()[0];
     129        2199 :         auto rowInChunk = subchunkStartRowNum;
     130        2199 :         pair<StatWtTypes::Baseline, uInt> mypair;
     131        2199 :         mypair.second = subChunkID;
     132      107060 :         for (rownr_t row=0; row<nrows; ++row, ++rowInChunk) {
     133             :             // loop over rows in sub chunk, grouping baseline specific data
     134             :             // together
     135      104861 :             const auto baseline = _baseline(ant1[row], ant2[row]);
     136      104861 :             mypair.first = baseline;
     137      104861 :             baselineSubChunkToIndex[mypair] = rowInChunk;
     138      104861 :             std::set<uInt> neededRowNums;
     139      104861 :             neededRowNums.insert(rowInChunk);
     140      104861 :             if (subChunkID > 0) {
     141       93024 :                 auto s = min(
     142             :                     firstChunkNeededByCurrentID, firstChunkThatNeedsCurrentID
     143             :                 );
     144       93024 :                 auto tpair = mypair;
     145      132404 :                 for (; s < subChunkID; ++s) {
     146       39380 :                     const auto myend = baselineSubChunkToIndex.end();
     147       39380 :                     tpair.second = s;
     148       39380 :                     const auto iter = baselineSubChunkToIndex.find(tpair);
     149       39380 :                     auto found = iter != myend;
     150       39380 :                     if (found) {
     151       39380 :                         const auto existingRowNum = iter->second;
     152       39380 :                         if (
     153             :                             s >= firstChunkNeededByCurrentID
     154       33715 :                             && s <= lastChunkNeededByCurrentID
     155             :                         ) {
     156             :                             // The subchunk data is needed for computation
     157             :                             // of the current subchunkID's weights
     158       33715 :                             neededRowNums.insert(existingRowNum);
     159             :                         }
     160       39380 :                         if (
     161       39380 :                             idToChunksNeededByIDMap[s].first <= subChunkID
     162       39380 :                             && idToChunksNeededByIDMap[s].second >= subChunkID
     163             :                         ) {
     164       32175 :                             rowMap[existingRowNum].insert(rowInChunk);
     165             :                         }
     166             :                     }
     167             :                 }
     168             :             }
     169      104861 :             rowMap.push_back(neededRowNums);
     170      104861 :         }
     171        2199 :         const auto dataCube = _dataCube(vb);
     172             :         const auto resultantFlags = _getResultantFlags(
     173             :             chanSelFlagTemplate, chanSelFlags, initChanSelTemplate,
     174        2199 :             spw, vb->flagCube()
     175        2199 :         );
     176        2199 :         const auto myExposures = vb->exposure().tovector();
     177        4398 :         exposures.insert(
     178        2199 :             exposures.end(), myExposures.begin(), myExposures.end()
     179             :         );
     180        2199 :         const auto cubeShape = dataCube.shape();
     181        2199 :         IPosition sliceStart(3, 0);
     182        2199 :         auto sliceEnd = cubeShape - 1;
     183             :         // build up chunkData and chunkFlags one subchunk at a time
     184        2199 :         if (chunkData.empty()) {
     185         217 :             chunkData = dataCube;
     186         217 :             chunkFlags = resultantFlags;
     187             :         }
     188             :         else {
     189        1982 :             auto newShape = chunkData.shape();
     190        1982 :             newShape[2] += nrows;
     191        1982 :             chunkData.resize(newShape, True);
     192        1982 :             chunkFlags.resize(newShape, True);
     193        1982 :             slStart[2] = subchunkStartRowNum;
     194        1982 :             sl.setStart(slStart);
     195        1982 :             slEnd = newShape - 1;
     196        1982 :             sl.setEnd(slEnd);
     197        1982 :             chunkData(sl) = dataCube;
     198        1982 :             chunkFlags(sl) = resultantFlags;
     199        1982 :         }
     200        2199 :         subChunkToTimeStamp.push_back(subchunkTime);
     201        2199 :         subchunkStartRowNum += nrows;
     202        2199 :     }
     203         217 :     _computeWeights(
     204         434 :         chunkData, chunkFlags, Vector<Double>(exposures), rowMap, spw
     205             :     );
     206         659 : }
     207             : 
     208         328 : void StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::weightSingleChanBin(
     209             :     Matrix<Float>& wtmat, Int nrows
     210             : ) const {
     211         328 :     Vector<rownr_t> rowIDs;
     212         328 :     _vii->getRowIds(rowIDs);
     213         328 :     const auto start = _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk.find(*rowIDs.begin());
     214         328 :     ThrowIf(
     215             :         start == _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk.end(),
     216             :         "Logic Error: Cannot find requested subchunk in stored chunk"
     217             :     );
     218             :     // this is the row index in the chunk
     219         328 :     auto chunkRowIndex = start->second;
     220         328 :     auto ncorr = wtmat.nrow();
     221        2284 :     for (Int i=0; i<nrows; ++i, ++chunkRowIndex) {
     222        1956 :         if (_combineCorr) {
     223           0 :             wtmat.column(i) = _weights(0, 0, chunkRowIndex);
     224             :         }
     225             :         else {
     226        9780 :             for (uInt corr=0; corr<ncorr; ++corr) {
     227        7824 :                 wtmat(corr, i) = _weights(
     228             :                     corr, 0, chunkRowIndex
     229             :                 );
     230             :             }
     231             :         }
     232             :     }
     233         328 : }
     234             : 
     235         217 : void StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::_computeWeights(
     236             :     const Cube<Complex>& data, const Cube<Bool>& flags,
     237             :     const Vector<Double>& exposures, const std::vector<std::set<uInt>>& rowMap,
     238             :     uInt spw
     239             : ) const {
     240         217 :     auto chunkShape = data.shape();
     241         217 :     const auto nActCorr = chunkShape[0];
     242         217 :     const auto ncorr = _combineCorr ? 1 : nActCorr;
     243         217 :     const auto& chanBins = _chanBins.find(spw)->second;
     244         217 :     _weights.resize(IPosition(3, ncorr, chanBins.size(), chunkShape[2]), False);
     245         217 :     const auto nRows = rowMap.size();
     246             : #ifdef _OPENMP
     247         217 : #pragma omp parallel for
     248             :     // cout << "DEBUG PARALLEL LOOPING IS OFF" << endl;
     249             : #endif
     250             : 
     251             :     for (size_t iRow=0; iRow<nRows; ++iRow) {
     252             :         IPosition chunkSliceStart(3, 0);
     253             :         auto chunkSliceLength = chunkShape;
     254             :         chunkSliceLength[2] = 1;
     255             :         Slicer chunkSlice(
     256             :             chunkSliceStart, chunkSliceLength, Slicer::endIsLength
     257             :         );
     258             :         auto chunkSliceEnd = chunkSlice.end();
     259             :         auto appendingSlice = chunkSlice;
     260             :         auto appendingSliceStart = appendingSlice.start();
     261             :         auto appendingSliceEnd = appendingSlice.end();
     262             :         auto intraChunkSlice = appendingSlice;
     263             :         auto intraChunkSliceStart = intraChunkSlice.start();
     264             :         auto intraChunkSliceEnd = intraChunkSlice.end();
     265             :         intraChunkSliceEnd[0] = nActCorr - 1;
     266             :         const auto& rowsToInclude = rowMap[iRow];
     267             :         auto dataShape = chunkShape;
     268             :         dataShape[2] = rowsToInclude.size();
     269             :         Cube<Complex> dataArray(dataShape);
     270             :         Cube<Bool> flagArray(dataShape);
     271             :         auto siter = rowsToInclude.begin();
     272             :         auto send = rowsToInclude.end();
     273             :         Vector<Double> exposureVector(rowsToInclude.size(), 0);
     274             :         uInt n = 0;
     275             :         // create an array with only the rows that should
     276             :         // be used in the computation of weights for the
     277             :         // current row
     278             :         for (; siter!=send; ++siter, ++n) {
     279             :             exposureVector[n] = exposures[*siter];
     280             :             appendingSliceStart[2] = n;
     281             :             appendingSlice.setStart(appendingSliceStart);
     282             :             appendingSliceEnd[2] = n;
     283             :             appendingSlice.setEnd(appendingSliceEnd);
     284             :             chunkSliceStart[2] = *siter;
     285             :             chunkSlice.setStart(chunkSliceStart);
     286             :             chunkSliceEnd[2] = *siter;
     287             :             chunkSlice.setEnd(chunkSliceEnd);
     288             :             dataArray(appendingSlice) = data(chunkSlice);
     289             :             flagArray(appendingSlice) = flags(chunkSlice);
     290             :         }
     291             :         // slice up for correlations and channel binning
     292             :         intraChunkSliceEnd[2] = dataShape[2] - 1;
     293             :         for (uInt corr=0; corr<ncorr; ++corr) {
     294             :             if (! _combineCorr) {
     295             :                 intraChunkSliceStart[0] = corr;
     296             :                 intraChunkSliceEnd[0] = corr;
     297             :             }
     298             :             auto citer = chanBins.begin();
     299             :             auto cend = chanBins.end();
     300             :             auto iChanBin = 0;
     301             :             for (; citer!=cend; ++citer, ++iChanBin) {
     302             :                 intraChunkSliceStart[1] = citer->start;
     303             :                 intraChunkSliceEnd[1] = citer->end;
     304             :                 intraChunkSlice.setStart(intraChunkSliceStart);
     305             :                 intraChunkSlice.setEnd(intraChunkSliceEnd);
     306             :                 _weights(corr, iChanBin, iRow)
     307             :                     = _varianceComputer->computeWeight(
     308             :                         dataArray(intraChunkSlice), flagArray(intraChunkSlice),
     309             :                         exposureVector, spw, exposures[iRow]
     310             :                     );
     311             :             }
     312             :         }
     313             :     }
     314         217 : }
     315             : 
     316        2199 : void StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::weightSpectrumFlags(
     317             :     Cube<Float>& wtsp, Cube<Bool>& flagCube, Bool& checkFlags,
     318             :     const Vector<Int>& ant1, const Vector<Int>&,
     319             :     const Vector<Int>& spws, const Vector<Double>&,
     320             :     const Vector<rownr_t>& rowIDs
     321             : ) const {
     322             :     // fish out the rows relevant to this subchunk
     323        2199 :     const auto start = _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk.find(*rowIDs.begin());
     324        2199 :     ThrowIf(
     325             :         start == _rowIDInMSToRowIndexInChunk.end(),
     326             :         "Logic Error: Cannot find requested subchunk in stored chunk"
     327             :     );
     328             :     // this is the row index in the chunk
     329        2199 :     auto chunkRowIndex = start->second;
     330        2199 :     auto chunkRowEnd = chunkRowIndex + ant1.size();
     331        2199 :     Slicer slice(IPosition(3, 0), flagCube.shape(), Slicer::endIsLength);
     332        2199 :     auto sliceStart = slice.start();
     333        2199 :     auto sliceEnd = slice.end();
     334        2199 :     auto nCorrBins = _combineCorr ? 1 : flagCube.shape()[0];
     335        2199 :     auto spw = *spws.begin();
     336        2199 :     const auto& chanBins = _chanBins.find(spw)->second;
     337        2199 :     auto subChunkRowIndex = 0;
     338      107060 :     for (; chunkRowIndex < chunkRowEnd; ++chunkRowIndex, ++subChunkRowIndex) {
     339      104861 :         sliceStart[2] = subChunkRowIndex;
     340      104861 :         sliceEnd[2] = subChunkRowIndex;
     341      104861 :         auto iChanBin = 0;
     342      371422 :         for (const auto& chanBin: chanBins) {
     343      266561 :             sliceStart[1] = chanBin.start;
     344      266561 :             sliceEnd[1] = chanBin.end;
     345      266561 :             auto corr = 0;
     346      694090 :             for (; corr < nCorrBins; ++corr) {
     347      427529 :                 if (! _combineCorr) {
     348      318024 :                     sliceStart[0] = corr;
     349      318024 :                     sliceEnd[0] = corr;
     350             :                 }
     351      427529 :                 slice.setStart(sliceStart);
     352      427529 :                 slice.setEnd(sliceEnd);
     353      855058 :                 _updateWtSpFlags(
     354             :                     wtsp, flagCube, checkFlags, slice,
     355      427529 :                     _weights(corr, iChanBin, chunkRowIndex)
     356             :                 );
     357             :             }
     358      266561 :             ++iChanBin;
     359             :         }
     360             :     }
     361        2199 : }
     362             : 
     363         251 : void StatWtFloatingWindowDataAggregator::_limits(
     364             :     std::vector<std::pair<uInt, uInt>>& idToChunksNeededByIDMap,
     365             :     std::vector<std::pair<uInt, uInt>>& chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap
     366             : ) const {
     367         251 :     pair<uInt, uInt> p, q;
     368         251 :     const uInt nTimes = _vii->nTimes();
     369         251 :     if (_nTimeStampsInBin) {
     370             :         // fixed number of time stamps specified
     371         243 :         if (_timeBlockProcessing) {
     372             :             // integer division
     373         227 :             uInt nBlocks = nTimes/(*_nTimeStampsInBin);
     374         227 :             if (nTimes % *_nTimeStampsInBin > 0) {
     375           8 :                 ++nBlocks;
     376             :             }
     377         227 :             uInt subChunkCount = 0;
     378        2504 :             for (uInt blockCount = 0; blockCount < nBlocks; ++blockCount) {
     379        2277 :                 if ((subChunkCount + *_nTimeStampsInBin <= nTimes)) {
     380        2269 :                     p.first = subChunkCount;
     381        2269 :                     p.second = subChunkCount + *_nTimeStampsInBin - 1;
     382             :                 }
     383             :                 else {
     384             :                     // chunk upper edge
     385           8 :                     p.first = nTimes < (uInt)*_nTimeStampsInBin
     386           8 :                         ? 0 : nTimes - *_nTimeStampsInBin;
     387           8 :                     p.second = nTimes - 1;
     388             :                 }
     389        2277 :                 q = p;
     390        4607 :                 for (uInt i=subChunkCount; i<=p.second; ++i, ++subChunkCount) {
     391        2330 :                     idToChunksNeededByIDMap.push_back(p);
     392        2330 :                     chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap.push_back(q);
     393             :                 }
     394             :             }
     395             :         }
     396             :         else {
     397             :             // sliding time window, fixed number of time stamps (timebin
     398             :             // specified as int
     399          16 :             const auto isEven = *_nTimeStampsInBin % 2 == 0;
     400             :             // integer division
     401          16 :             const uInt halfTimeBin = *_nTimeStampsInBin/2;
     402             :             const auto nBefore = isEven
     403          16 :                 ? (halfTimeBin - 1) : (*_nTimeStampsInBin - 1)/2;
     404          16 :             const auto nAfter = isEven ? halfTimeBin : nBefore;
     405             :             // integer division
     406             :             // p.first is the first sub chunk needed by the current index.
     407             :             // p.second is the first sub chunk that needs the current index
     408         144 :             for (uInt i=0; i<nTimes; ++i) {
     409         128 :                 Int begin = i - nBefore;
     410         128 :                 if (begin < 0) {
     411          32 :                     begin = 0;
     412             :                 }
     413         128 :                 p.second = begin + *_nTimeStampsInBin - 1;
     414         128 :                 if (p.second >= nTimes) {
     415          48 :                     p.second = nTimes - 1;
     416          48 :                     begin = p.second - *_nTimeStampsInBin + 1;
     417          48 :                     if (begin < 0) {
     418          31 :                         begin = 0;
     419             :                     }
     420             :                 }
     421         128 :                 ThrowIf(begin < 0, "Logic Error: begin < 0");
     422         128 :                 p.first = begin;
     423         128 :                 if ((Int)nTimes <= *_nTimeStampsInBin) {
     424          36 :                     q = p;
     425             :                 }
     426             :                 else {
     427          92 :                     if ((Int)i < *_nTimeStampsInBin) {
     428          33 :                         q.first = 0;
     429             :                     }
     430          59 :                     else if (i > nTimes - *_nTimeStampsInBin) {
     431          27 :                         q.second = nTimes - 1;
     432             :                     }
     433          32 :                     else if (isEven) {
     434          13 :                         begin = i - nAfter;
     435          13 :                         q.first = begin;
     436          13 :                         q.second = i + nBefore;
     437             :                     }
     438             :                     else {
     439             :                         // isOdd
     440          19 :                         q = p;
     441             :                     }
     442             :                 }
     443         128 :                 idToChunksNeededByIDMap.push_back(p);
     444         128 :                 chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap.push_back(q);
     445             :             }
     446             :         }
     447             :     }
     448             :     else {
     449           8 :         if (_timeBlockProcessing) {
     450             :             // shouldn't get in here
     451           0 :             ThrowCc("Logic error: shouldn't have gotten into this code block");
     452             :         }
     453             :         else {
     454           8 :             ThrowIf(
     455             :                 ! _binWidthInSeconds,
     456             :                 "Logic error: _binWidthInSeconds not defined"
     457             :             );
     458           8 :             const auto halfBinWidth = *_binWidthInSeconds/2;
     459           8 :             auto vb = _vii->getVisBuffer();
     460           8 :             vector<Double> times;
     461          72 :             for (_vii->origin(); _vii->more(); _vii->next()) {
     462          64 :                 times.push_back(vb->time()[0]);
     463             :             }
     464          72 :             for (uInt i=0; i<nTimes; ++i) {
     465          64 :                 auto mytime = times[i];
     466          64 :                 auto loit = std::lower_bound(
     467          64 :                     times.begin(), times.end(), mytime - halfBinWidth
     468             :                 );
     469          64 :                 ThrowIf(
     470             :                     loit == times.end(),
     471             :                     "Logic Error for std::lower_bound()"
     472             :                 );
     473          64 :                 p.first = std::distance(times.begin(), loit);
     474          64 :                 auto upit = std::upper_bound(
     475          64 :                     times.begin(), times.end(), mytime + halfBinWidth
     476             :                 );
     477          64 :                 p.second = upit == times.end()
     478          34 :                     ? nTimes - 1 : std::distance(times.begin(), upit) - 1;
     479          64 :                 q = p;
     480          64 :                 idToChunksNeededByIDMap.push_back(p);
     481          64 :                 chunkNeededToIDsThatNeedChunkIDMap.push_back(q);
     482             :             }
     483           8 :         }
     484             :     }
     485         251 : }
     486             : 
     487             : }
     488             : 
     489             : }

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