LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - mstransform/TVI - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 166 212 78.3 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 15 21 71.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# PhaseShiftingTVI.h: This file contains the implementation of the PhaseShiftingTVI class.
       2             : //#
       3             : //#  CASA - Common Astronomy Software Applications (
       4             : //#  Copyright (C) Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA 2011, All rights reserved.
       5             : //#  Copyright (C) European Southern Observatory, 2011, All rights reserved.
       6             : //#
       7             : //#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       8             : //#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
       9             : //#  License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
      10             : //#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      11             : //#
      12             : //#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      13             : //#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
      15             : //#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
      16             : //#
      17             : //#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      18             : //#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      19             : //#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      20             : //#  MA 02111-1307  USA
      21             : //# $Id: $
      22             : 
      23             : #include <mstransform/TVI/PhaseShiftingTVI.h>
      24             : 
      25             : using namespace casacore;
      26             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      27             : 
      28             : namespace vi { //# NAMESPACE VI - BEGIN
      29             : 
      30             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      31             : // PhaseShiftingTVI class
      32             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      33             : 
      34             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      35             : //
      36             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      37          79 : PhaseShiftingTVI::PhaseShiftingTVI(     ViImplementation2 * inputVii,
      38          79 :                                                                 const Record &configuration):
      39          79 :                                                                 FreqAxisTVI (inputVii)
      40             : {
      41          79 :         dx_p = 0;
      42          79 :         dy_p = 0;
      43             : 
      44             :         // CAS-12706 Zero initialization for wide-field phase shifting algorithm
      45          79 :         wideFieldMode_p = false;
      46          79 :         phaseCenterName_p = "";
      47          79 :         selectedInputMsCols_p = NULL;
      48             : 
      49             :         // Parse and check configuration parameters
      50             :         // Note: if a constructor finishes by throwing an exception, the memory
      51             :         // associated with the object itself is cleaned up — there is no memory leak.
      52          79 :         if (not parseConfiguration(configuration))
      53             :         {
      54           0 :                 throw AipsError("Error parsing PhaseShiftingTVI configuration");
      55             :         }
      56             : 
      57          79 :         initialize();
      58             : 
      59          79 :         return;
      60           0 : }
      61             : 
      62             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      63             : //
      64             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      65          79 : Bool PhaseShiftingTVI::parseConfiguration(const Record &configuration)
      66             : {
      67          79 :         int exists = -1;
      68          79 :         Bool ret = true;
      69             : 
      70          79 :         exists = -1;
      71          79 :         exists = configuration.fieldNumber ("XpcOffset");
      72          79 :         if (exists >= 0)
      73             :         {
      74           0 :                 configuration.get (exists, dx_p);
      75             :         }
      76             : 
      77          79 :         exists = -1;
      78          79 :         exists = configuration.fieldNumber ("YpcOffset");
      79          79 :         if (exists >= 0)
      80             :         {
      81           0 :                 configuration.get (exists, dy_p);
      82             :         }
      83             : 
      84          79 :         if (abs(dx_p) > 0 or abs(dy_p) > 0)
      85             :         {
      86           0 :                 logger_p        << LogIO::NORMAL << LogOrigin("PhaseShiftingTVI", __FUNCTION__)
      87           0 :                                         << "Phase shift is dx="<< dx_p << " dy=" << dy_p << LogIO::POST;
      88             :         }
      89             : 
      90             :         // CAS-12706 Add support for shifting across large offset/angles
      91          79 :         exists = -1;
      92          79 :         exists = configuration.fieldNumber ("phasecenter");
      93          79 :         if (exists >= 0)
      94             :         {
      95          79 :                 configuration.get (exists, phaseCenterName_p);
      96             :                 // casaMDirection requires a variant
      97          79 :                 casac::variant phaseCenterVar(phaseCenterName_p);
      98             : 
      99          79 :                 if(!casaMDirection(phaseCenterVar, phaseCenter_p))
     100             :                 {
     101           0 :                 logger_p << LogIO::SEVERE << LogOrigin("PhaseShiftingTVI", __FUNCTION__)
     102           0 :                                 << "Cannot interpret phase center " << phaseCenterName_p << LogIO::POST;
     103           0 :                 ret = false;
     104             :                 }
     105             :                 else
     106             :                 {
     107             :             MDirection::Types mdtype;
     108          79 :             const auto myFrame = phaseCenter_p.getRefString();
     109          79 :             MDirection::getType(mdtype, myFrame);
     110          79 :             ThrowIf(
     111             :                 mdtype == MDirection::HADEC || mdtype == MDirection::AZEL
     112             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::AZELSW || mdtype == MDirection::AZELNE
     113             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::AZELGEO || mdtype == MDirection::AZELSWGEO
     114             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::MECLIPTIC || mdtype == MDirection::TECLIPTIC
     115             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::TOPO,
     116             :                 myFrame + " is a time dependent reference frame and so is not supported" 
     117             :             );
     118          79 :             ThrowIf(
     119             :                 mdtype == MDirection::MERCURY || mdtype == MDirection::VENUS
     120             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::MARS || mdtype == MDirection::JUPITER
     121             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::SATURN || mdtype == MDirection::URANUS
     122             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::NEPTUNE || mdtype == MDirection::PLUTO
     123             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::SUN || mdtype == MDirection::MOON
     124             :                 || mdtype == MDirection::COMET,
     125             :                 myFrame + " denotes an ephemeris object and so is not supported" 
     126             :             );
     127          79 :             wideFieldMode_p = true;
     128         158 :                         logger_p << LogIO::NORMAL << LogOrigin("PhaseShiftingTVI", __FUNCTION__)
     129         158 :                                         << "Phase center " << phaseCenterName_p << " successfully parsed"<< LogIO::POST;
     130          79 :                 }
     131          79 :         }
     132             : 
     133          79 :         return ret;
     134             : }
     135             : 
     136             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     137             : //
     138             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     139          79 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::initialize()
     140             : {
     141             :         // Populate nchan input-output maps
     142             :         Int spw;
     143          79 :         uInt spw_idx = 0;
     144          79 :         map<Int,vector<Int> >::iterator iter;
     145         160 :         for(iter=spwInpChanIdxMap_p.begin();iter!=spwInpChanIdxMap_p.end();iter++)
     146             :         {
     147          81 :                 spw = iter->first;
     148          81 :                 spwOutChanNumMap_p[spw] = spwInpChanIdxMap_p[spw].size();
     149             : 
     150          81 :                 spw_idx++;
     151             :         }
     152             : 
     153             :         // CAS-12706 Add support for shifting across large offset/angles
     154             :         // Access observatory position and observation start (reference) time.
     155          79 :         if (wideFieldMode_p)
     156             :         {
     157          79 :                 selectedInputMsCols_p = new MSColumns(getVii()->ms());
     158          79 :             observatoryPosition_p = selectedInputMsCols_p->antenna().positionMeas()(0);
     159          79 :             referenceTime_p  = selectedInputMsCols_p->timeMeas()(0);
     160          79 :             referenceTimeUnits_p = selectedInputMsCols_p->timeQuant()(0).getUnit();
     161             :         }
     162             : 
     163         158 :         return;
     164             : }
     165             : 
     166             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     167             : // CAS-12706 Recalculate UVW and Phases according to wide-field phase shifting
     168             : // algorithm. This method should do the same as ComponentFTMachine::rotateUVW
     169             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     170        2231 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::shiftUVWPhases()
     171             : {
     172             :         // Get input VisBuffer
     173        2231 :         VisBuffer2 *vb = getVii()->getVisBuffer();
     174             : 
     175        2231 :         auto convertedPhaseCenter = phaseCenter_p;
     176        2231 :         if (phaseCenter_p.getRefString() != vb->phaseCenter().getRefString()) {
     177             :                 MDirection::Types mdtype;
     178         912 :                 MDirection::getType(mdtype, vb->phaseCenter().getRefString());
     179         912 :         convertedPhaseCenter = MDirection::Convert(phaseCenter_p, mdtype)();
     180             :         }
     181             : 
     182             :         // Initialize epoch corresponding to current buffer
     183             :         // with time reference to the first row in the MS
     184        4462 :         MEpoch epoch(Quantity(vb->time()(0),referenceTimeUnits_p),referenceTime_p.getRef());
     185        2231 :         MeasFrame refFrame(epoch,observatoryPosition_p);
     186        2231 :         UVWMachine uvwMachine(convertedPhaseCenter, vb->phaseCenter(), refFrame,false,false);
     187             :         // Initialize phase array and uvw matrix
     188        2231 :         phaseShift_p.resize(vb->nRows(),false);
     189        2231 :         newUVW_p.resize(vb->uvw().shape(),false);
     190             : 
     191             :         // Obtain phase shift and new uvw coordinates
     192        2231 :         Vector<Double> dummy(3,0.0);
     193        2231 :         double phase2radPerHz = -2.0 * C::pi / C::c;
     194      693465 :         for (uInt row=0;row<vb->nRows();row++)
     195             :         {
     196             :                 // Copy current uvw coordinates so that they are not modified
     197             :                 // Note: Columns in uvw correspond to rows in the main table/VisBuffer!
     198      691234 :                 dummy = vb->uvw().column(row);
     199             : 
     200             :                 // Have to change (u,v,w) to (-u,-v,w) because is the convention used by uvwMachine
     201      691234 :                 dummy(0) = -1*dummy(0);
     202      691234 :                 dummy(1) = -1*dummy(1);
     203             : 
     204             :                 // Transform uvw coordinates and obtain corresponding phase shift
     205      691234 :                 uvwMachine.convertUVW(phaseShift_p(row), dummy);
     206             : 
     207             :                 // Store new uvw coordinates
     208             :                 // Have to change back (-u,-v,w) to (u,v,w) because is the convention used by the MS
     209      691234 :                 dummy(0) = -1*dummy(0);
     210      691234 :                 dummy(1) = -1*dummy(1);
     211      691234 :                 newUVW_p.column(row) = dummy;
     212             :                 // Convert phase shift to radian/Hz
     213      691234 :                 phaseShift_p(row) = phase2radPerHz*phaseShift_p(row);
     214             :         }
     215        4462 :         return;
     216        2231 : }
     217             : 
     218             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     219             : //
     220             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     221         136 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::origin()
     222             : {
     223             :         // Drive underlying ViImplementation2
     224         136 :         getVii()->origin();
     225             : 
     226             :         // CAS-12706 Add support for shifting across large offset/angles
     227         136 :         if (wideFieldMode_p) shiftUVWPhases();
     228             : 
     229             :     // Define the shapes in the VB2, patch provided by cgarcia in CAS-12706
     230         136 :     configureShapes();
     231             : 
     232             :         // Synchronize own VisBuffer
     233         136 :         configureNewSubchunk();
     234             : 
     235         136 :         return;
     236             : }
     237             : 
     238             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     239             : //
     240             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     241        2095 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::next()
     242             : {
     243             :         // Drive underlying ViImplementation2
     244        2095 :         getVii()->next();
     245             : 
     246             :         // CAS-12706 Add support for shifting across large offset/angles
     247        2095 :         if (wideFieldMode_p) shiftUVWPhases();
     248             : 
     249             :     // Define the shapes in the VB2, patch provided by cgarcia in CAS-12706
     250        2095 :     configureShapes();
     251             : 
     252             :         // Synchronize own VisBuffer
     253        2095 :         configureNewSubchunk();
     254             : 
     255        2095 :         return;
     256             : }
     257             : 
     258             : 
     259             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     260             : //
     261             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     262        2095 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::visibilityObserved (Cube<Complex> & vis) const
     263             : {
     264             :         // Get input VisBuffer
     265        2095 :         VisBuffer2 *vb = getVii()->getVisBuffer();
     266        2095 :         Matrix<Double> uvw = vb->uvw();
     267        2095 :         Vector<Double> frequencies = vb->getFrequencies(0);
     268             : 
     269             :         // Reshape output data before passing it to the DataCubeHolder
     270        2095 :         vis.resize(getVisBuffer()->getShape(),false);
     271             : 
     272             :         // Gather input data
     273        2095 :         DataCubeMap inputData;
     274        2095 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> inputVisCubeHolder(vb->visCube());
     275        2095 :         inputData.add(MS::DATA,inputVisCubeHolder);
     276             : 
     277             :         // Gather output data
     278        2095 :         DataCubeMap outputData;
     279        2095 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> outputVisCubeHolder(vis);
     280        2095 :         outputData.add(MS::DATA,outputVisCubeHolder);
     281             : 
     282        2095 :         if (wideFieldMode_p)
     283             :         {
     284             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     285        2095 :                 WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(phaseShift_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     286             : 
     287             :                 // Transform data
     288        2095 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     289        2095 :         }
     290             :         else
     291             :         {
     292             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     293           0 :                 PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(dx_p,dy_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     294             : 
     295             :                 // Transform data
     296           0 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     297             :         }
     298             : 
     299        4190 :         return;
     300        2095 : }
     301             : 
     302             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     303             : //
     304             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     305        1757 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::visibilityCorrected (Cube<Complex> & vis) const
     306             : {
     307             :         // Get input VisBuffer
     308        1757 :         VisBuffer2 *vb = getVii()->getVisBuffer();
     309        1757 :         Matrix<Double> uvw = vb->uvw();
     310        1757 :         Vector<Double> frequencies = vb->getFrequencies(0);
     311             : 
     312             :         // Reshape output data before passing it to the DataCubeHolder
     313        1757 :         vis.resize(getVisBuffer()->getShape(),false);
     314             : 
     315             :         // Gather input data
     316        1757 :         DataCubeMap inputData;
     317        1757 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> inputVisCubeHolder(vb->visCubeCorrected());
     318        1757 :         inputData.add(MS::DATA,inputVisCubeHolder);
     319             : 
     320             :         // Gather output data
     321        1757 :         DataCubeMap outputData;
     322        1757 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> outputVisCubeHolder(vis);
     323        1757 :         outputData.add(MS::DATA,outputVisCubeHolder);
     324             : 
     325        1757 :         if (wideFieldMode_p)
     326             :         {
     327             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     328        1757 :                 WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(phaseShift_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     329             : 
     330             :                 // Transform data
     331        1757 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     332        1757 :         }
     333             :         else
     334             :         {
     335             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     336           0 :                 PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(dx_p,dy_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     337             : 
     338             :                 // Transform data
     339           0 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     340             :         }
     341             : 
     342        3514 :         return;
     343        1757 : }
     344             : 
     345             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     346             : //
     347             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     348        1757 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::visibilityModel (Cube<Complex> & vis) const
     349             : {
     350             :         // Get input VisBuffer
     351        1757 :         VisBuffer2 *vb = getVii()->getVisBuffer();
     352        1757 :         Matrix<Double> uvw = vb->uvw();
     353        1757 :         Vector<Double> frequencies = vb->getFrequencies(0);
     354             : 
     355             :         // Reshape output data before passing it to the DataCubeHolder
     356        1757 :         vis.resize(getVisBuffer()->getShape(),false);
     357             : 
     358             :         // Gather input data
     359        1757 :         DataCubeMap inputData;
     360        1757 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> inputVisCubeHolder(vb->visCubeModel());
     361        1757 :         inputData.add(MS::DATA,inputVisCubeHolder);
     362             : 
     363             :         // Gather output data
     364        1757 :         DataCubeMap outputData;
     365        1757 :         DataCubeHolder<Complex> outputVisCubeHolder(vis);
     366        1757 :         outputData.add(MS::DATA,outputVisCubeHolder);
     367             : 
     368        1757 :         if (wideFieldMode_p)
     369             :         {
     370             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     371        1757 :                 WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(phaseShift_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     372             : 
     373             :                 // Transform data
     374        1757 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     375        1757 :         }
     376             :         else
     377             :         {
     378             :                 // Configure Transformation Engine
     379           0 :                 PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<Complex> transformer(dx_p,dy_p,&uvw,&frequencies,&inputData,&outputData);
     380             : 
     381             :                 // Transform data
     382           0 :                 transformFreqAxis2(vb->getShape(),transformer);
     383             :         }
     384             : 
     385        3514 :         return;
     386        1757 : }
     387             : 
     388             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     389             : //
     390             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     391        2095 : void PhaseShiftingTVI::uvw (casacore::Matrix<double> & uvw) const
     392             : {
     393        2095 :         if (wideFieldMode_p)
     394             :         {
     395        2095 :                 uvw.resize(newUVW_p.shape(),false);
     396        2095 :                 uvw = newUVW_p;
     397             :         }
     398             :         else
     399             :         {
     400           0 :                 getVii()->uvw (uvw);
     401             :         }
     402             : 
     403        2095 :         return;
     404             : }
     405             : 
     406             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     407             : // PhaseShiftingTVIFactory class
     408             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     409             : 
     410             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     411             : //
     412             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     413           0 : PhaseShiftingTVIFactory::PhaseShiftingTVIFactory (      Record &configuration,
     414           0 :                                                                                                         ViImplementation2 *inputVii)
     415             : {
     416           0 :         inputVii_p = inputVii;
     417           0 :         configuration_p = configuration;
     418           0 : }
     419             : 
     420             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     421             : //
     422             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     423           0 : vi::ViImplementation2 * PhaseShiftingTVIFactory::createVi(VisibilityIterator2 *) const
     424             : {
     425           0 :         return new PhaseShiftingTVI(inputVii_p,configuration_p);
     426             : }
     427             : 
     428             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     429             : //
     430             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     431           0 : vi::ViImplementation2 * PhaseShiftingTVIFactory::createVi() const
     432             : {
     433           0 :         return new PhaseShiftingTVI(inputVii_p,configuration_p);
     434             : }
     435             : 
     436             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     437             : // PhaseShiftingTVILayerFactory class
     438             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     439             : 
     440          79 : PhaseShiftingTVILayerFactory::PhaseShiftingTVILayerFactory(Record &configuration) :
     441             :   ViiLayerFactory(),
     442          79 :   configuration_p(configuration)
     443          79 : {}
     444             : 
     445             : ViImplementation2* 
     446          79 : PhaseShiftingTVILayerFactory::createInstance(ViImplementation2* vii0) const 
     447             : {
     448             :   // Make the PhaseShiftingTVi2, using supplied ViImplementation2, and return it
     449          79 :   ViImplementation2 *vii = new PhaseShiftingTVI(vii0,configuration_p);
     450          79 :   return vii;
     451             : }
     452             : 
     453             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     454             : // PhaseShiftingTransformEngine class
     455             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     456             : 
     457             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     458             : //
     459             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     460           0 : template<class T> PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::PhaseShiftingTransformEngine(
     461             :                                                                                                                         Double dx, Double dy,
     462             :                                                                                                                         Matrix<Double> *uvw,
     463             :                                                                                                                         Vector<Double> *frequencies,
     464             :                                                                                                                         DataCubeMap *inputData,
     465             :                                                                                                                         DataCubeMap *outputData):
     466           0 :                                                                                                                         FreqAxisTransformEngine2<T>(inputData,outputData)
     467             : {
     468           0 :         uvw_p = uvw;
     469           0 :         frequencies_p = frequencies;
     470             : 
     471             :         // Offsets in radians (input is arcsec)
     472           0 :         dx_p = dx*(C::pi / 180.0 / 3600.0);
     473           0 :         dy_p = dy*(C::pi / 180.0 / 3600.0);
     474           0 : }
     475             : 
     476             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     477             : //
     478             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     479           0 : template<class T> void PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::transform(  )
     480             : {
     481           0 :         transformCore(inputData_p,outputData_p);
     482           0 : }
     483             : 
     484             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     485             : //
     486             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     487           0 : template<class T> void PhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::transformCore(      DataCubeMap *inputData,
     488             :                                                                                                                                                 DataCubeMap *outputData)
     489             : {
     490             :         // Get input/output data
     491           0 :         Vector<T> &inputVector = inputData->getVector<T>(MS::DATA);
     492           0 :         Vector<T> &outputVector = outputData->getVector<T>(MS::DATA);
     493             : 
     494             :         // Extra path as fraction of U and V in m
     495           0 :         Double phase = dx_p*(*uvw_p)(0,rowIndex_p) + dy_p*(*uvw_p)(1,rowIndex_p);
     496             : 
     497             :         // In radian/Hz
     498           0 :         phase *= -2.0 * C::pi / C::c;
     499             : 
     500             :         // Main loop
     501             :         Double phase_i;
     502           0 :         Complex factor;
     503           0 :         for (uInt chan_i=0;chan_i<inputVector.size();chan_i++)
     504             :         {
     505           0 :                 phase_i = phase * (*frequencies_p)(chan_i);
     506           0 :                 factor = Complex(cos(phase_i), sin(phase_i));
     507           0 :                 outputVector(chan_i) = factor*inputVector(chan_i);
     508             :         }
     509           0 : }
     510             : 
     511             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     512             : // WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine class
     513             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     514             : 
     515             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     516             : //
     517             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     518        5609 : template<class T> WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine(
     519             :                                                                                                                         const Vector<Double> &phaseShift,
     520             :                                                                                                                         Matrix<Double> *uvw,
     521             :                                                                                                                         Vector<Double> *frequencies,
     522             :                                                                                                                         DataCubeMap *inputData,
     523             :                                                                                                                         DataCubeMap *outputData):
     524        5609 :                                                                                                                         FreqAxisTransformEngine2<T>(inputData,outputData)
     525             : {
     526        5609 :         uvw_p = uvw;
     527        5609 :         frequencies_p = frequencies;
     528        5609 :         phaseShift_p = phaseShift;
     529        5609 : }
     530             : 
     531             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     532             : //
     533             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     534     3780720 : template<class T> void WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::transform( )
     535             : {
     536     3780720 :         transformCore(inputData_p,outputData_p);
     537     3780720 : }
     538             : 
     539             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     540             : //
     541             : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     542     3780720 : template<class T> void WideFieldPhaseShiftingTransformEngine<T>::transformCore(     DataCubeMap *inputData,
     543             :                                                                                                                                                 DataCubeMap *outputData)
     544             : {
     545             :         // Get input/output data
     546     3780720 :         Vector<T> &inputVector = inputData->getVector<T>(MS::DATA);
     547     3780720 :         Vector<T> &outputVector = outputData->getVector<T>(MS::DATA);
     548             : 
     549             :         // Main loop
     550             :         Double phase_i;
     551     3780720 :         Complex factor;
     552    11135172 :         for (uInt chan_i=0;chan_i<inputVector.size();chan_i++)
     553             :         {
     554     7354452 :                 phase_i = phaseShift_p(rowIndex_p) * (*frequencies_p)(chan_i);
     555     7354452 :                 factor = Complex(cos(phase_i), sin(phase_i));
     556     7354452 :                 outputVector(chan_i) = factor*inputVector(chan_i);
     557             :         }
     558     3780720 : }
     559             : 
     560             : 
     561             : } //# NAMESPACE VI - END
     562             : 
     563             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     564             : 
     565             : 

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