LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - mstransform/MSTransform - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 147 152 96.7 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 8 8 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#
       2             : //#  CASA - Common Astronomy Software Applications (
       3             : //#  Copyright (C) Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA 2011, All rights reserved.
       4             : //#  Copyright (C) European Southern Observatory, 2011, All rights reserved.
       5             : //#
       6             : //#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       7             : //#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
       8             : //#  License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
       9             : //#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      12             : //#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
      14             : //#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      17             : //#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      18             : //#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      19             : //#  MA 02111-1307  USA
      20             : 
      21             : #include <mstransform/MSTransform/StatWtColConfig.h>
      22             : 
      23             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/TiledShapeStMan.h>
      24             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrColDesc.h>
      25             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <msvis/MSVis/IteratingParameters.h>
      28             : #include <msvis/MSVis/LayeredVi2Factory.h>
      29             : #include <stdcasa/variant.h>
      30             : 
      31             : using namespace casacore;
      32             : using namespace casac;
      33             : 
      34             : namespace casa { 
      35             : 
      36          48 : StatWtColConfig::StatWtColConfig(
      37             :     casacore::MeasurementSet* ms, casacore::MeasurementSet* selMS, Bool preview,
      38             :     const String& dataColumn, const variant& chanbin
      39          48 : ) : _ms(ms), _selMS(selMS), _preview(preview), _dataColumn(dataColumn) {
      40          48 :     ThrowIf(_dataColumn.empty(), "data column cannot be empty");
      41          48 :     _dataColumn.downcase();
      42          48 :     ThrowIf (
      43             :         ! (
      44             :             _dataColumn.startsWith("c")
      45             :             || _dataColumn.startsWith("d")
      46             :             || _dataColumn.startsWith("residual")
      47             :             || _dataColumn.startsWith("residual_")
      48             :         ),
      49             :         "Unsupported value for data column: " + dataColumn
      50             :     );
      51          96 :     _possiblyWriteSigma = _dataColumn.startsWith("d")
      52          96 :         || _dataColumn.startsWith("residual_");
      53          48 :     auto chanBinType = chanbin.type();
      54          48 :     ThrowIf(
      55             :         (chanBinType == variant::BOOLVEC && ! chanbin.toBoolVec().empty())
      56             :         && chanBinType != variant::STRING && chanBinType != variant::INT,
      57             :         "Unsupported data type for chanbin"
      58             :     );
      59          48 :     _doChanBin = (
      60          89 :             chanBinType == variant::STRING && chanbin.toString() != "spw"
      61          89 :         ) || chanBinType == variant::INT;
      62          48 :     _determineFlags();
      63          48 :     _initSpecColsIfNecessary();
      64          48 : }
      65             : 
      66          48 : StatWtColConfig::~StatWtColConfig() {}
      67             : 
      68          47 : void StatWtColConfig::getColWriteFlags(
      69             :     casacore::Bool& mustWriteWt, casacore::Bool& mustWriteWtSp,
      70             :     casacore::Bool& mustWriteSig, casacore::Bool& mustWriteSigSp
      71             : ) const {
      72          47 :     mustWriteWt = _mustWriteWt;
      73          47 :     mustWriteWtSp = _mustWriteWtSp;
      74          47 :     mustWriteSig = _mustWriteSig;
      75          47 :     mustWriteSigSp = _mustWriteSigSp;
      76          47 : }
      77             : 
      78          48 : void StatWtColConfig::_determineFlags() {
      79          48 :     _mustWriteSig = _possiblyWriteSigma && ! _preview;
      80          48 :     Bool hasSigSp = False;
      81          48 :     Bool sigSpIsInitialized = False;
      82          48 :     _hasSpectrumIsSpectrumInitialized(
      83             :         hasSigSp, sigSpIsInitialized, MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM
      84             :     );
      85          48 :     _mustWriteSigSp = _mustWriteSig && (sigSpIsInitialized || _doChanBin);
      86          96 :     _mustWriteWt = ! _preview
      87          95 :         && (
      88          47 :             ! _mustWriteSig
      89           8 :             || (
      90           8 :                 _mustWriteSig
      91           8 :                 && ! _ms->isColumn(MSMainEnums::CORRECTED_DATA)
      92             :             )
      93             :         );
      94          48 :     Bool hasWtSp = False;
      95          48 :     Bool wtSpIsInitialized = False;
      96          48 :     _hasSpectrumIsSpectrumInitialized(
      97             :         hasWtSp, wtSpIsInitialized, MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM
      98             :     );
      99          48 :     _mustWriteWtSp = _mustWriteWt && (wtSpIsInitialized || _doChanBin);
     100          48 :     static const auto colNameWtSp = MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
     101             :     static const auto descWtSp = "weight spectrum";
     102             :     static const auto mgrWtSp = "TiledWgtSpectrum";
     103          96 :     _dealWithSpectrumColumn(
     104          48 :         hasWtSp, _mustWriteWtSp, _mustInitWtSp, _mustWriteWt,
     105             :         colNameWtSp, descWtSp, wtSpIsInitialized, mgrWtSp
     106             :     );
     107          48 :     static const auto colNameSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
     108             :     static const auto descSigSp = "sigma spectrum";
     109             :     static const auto mgrSigSp = "TiledSigSpectrum";
     110          96 :     _dealWithSpectrumColumn(
     111          48 :         hasSigSp, _mustWriteSigSp, _mustInitSigSp, _mustWriteSig,
     112             :         colNameSigSp, descSigSp, sigSpIsInitialized, mgrSigSp
     113             :     );
     114          96 :     LogIO log(LogOrigin("StatWtColConfig", __func__));
     115          48 :     if (_mustWriteWt) {
     116          45 :         if (_mustWriteSig) {
     117             :             log << LogIO::NORMAL
     118             :                 << "CORRECTED_DATA is not present. Updating the "
     119             :                 << "SIGMA/SIGMA_SPECTRUM and WEIGHT/WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values "
     120             :                 << "based on calculations using the DATA column."
     121           6 :                 << LogIO::POST;
     122             :         }
     123             :         else {
     124             :             log << LogIO::NORMAL
     125             :                 << "Updating the WEIGHT/WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values. SIGMA/SIGMA_SPECTRUM "
     126             :                 << "values will not be recalculated as they are related to the values "
     127          39 :                 << "in the DATA column." << LogIO::POST;
     128             :         }
     129             :     }
     130           3 :     else if (_mustWriteSig) {
     131             :         log << LogIO::NORMAL
     132             :             << "Updating the SIGMA/SIGMA_SPECTRUM values. WEIGHT/WEIGHT_SPECTRUM will "
     133             :             << "not be recalculated as they are related to the values in the "
     134           2 :             << "CORRECTED_DATA column." << LogIO::POST;
     135             :     }
     136          48 : }
     137             : 
     138          48 : void StatWtColConfig::_initSpecColsIfNecessary() {
     139          48 :     if (! _mustInitWtSp && ! _mustInitSigSp) {
     140          43 :         return;
     141             :     }
     142          10 :     LogIO log(LogOrigin("StatWtColConfig", __func__));
     143           5 :     if (_mustInitWtSp) {
     144             :         log << LogIO::NORMAL
     145             :             << "Fully initializing WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column"
     146           5 :             << LogIO::POST;
     147             :     }
     148           5 :     if (_mustInitWtSp) {
     149             :         log << LogIO::NORMAL
     150             :             << "Fully initializing SIGMA_SPECTRUM column"
     151           5 :             << LogIO::POST;
     152             :     }
     153           5 :     std::vector<Int> scs;
     154           5 :     scs.push_back(MS::ARRAY_ID);
     155           5 :     scs.push_back(MS::DATA_DESC_ID);
     156           5 :     scs.push_back(MS::TIME);
     157           5 :     Block<int> sort(scs.size());
     158           5 :     uInt i = 0;
     159          20 :     for (const auto& col: scs) {
     160          15 :         sort[i] = col;
     161          15 :         ++i;
     162             :     }
     163           5 :     vi::SortColumns sc(sort, False);
     164           5 :     vi::IteratingParameters ipar;
     165          15 :     for (uInt i=0; i<2; ++i) {
     166          10 :         if (i == 1 && _ms == _selMS) {
     167           0 :             break;
     168             :         }
     169             :         // FIXME, in some cases, this still doesn't add the needed columns
     170             :         // to _selMS
     171          10 :         MeasurementSet* ms = i == 0 ? _ms : _selMS;
     172          10 :         vi::VisIterImpl2LayerFactory mydata(ms, ipar, True);
     173          10 :         Vector<vi::ViiLayerFactory*> facts(1);
     174          10 :         facts[0] = &mydata;
     175          10 :         vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi(facts);
     176          10 :         vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi.getVisBuffer();
     177         602 :         for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
     178        2100 :             for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); {
     179        1508 :                 auto nrow = vb->nRows();
     180        1508 :                 auto nchan = vb->nChannels();
     181        1508 :                 auto ncor = vb->nCorrelations();
     182        1508 :                 if (_mustInitWtSp) {
     183        1508 :                     Cube<Float> newsp(ncor, nchan, nrow, 0);
     184        1508 :                     _setEqual(newsp, vb->weight());
     185        1508 :                     vb->initWeightSpectrum(newsp);
     186        1508 :                 }
     187        1508 :                 if (_mustInitSigSp) {
     188        1148 :                     Cube<Float> newsp(ncor, nchan, nrow, 0);
     189        1148 :                     _setEqual(newsp, vb->sigma());
     190        1148 :                     vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsp);
     191        1148 :                 }
     192        1508 :                 vb->writeChangesBack();
     193        1508 :                 if (_mustInitWtSp) {
     194        1508 :                     AlwaysAssert(vb->weightSpectrum().size() > 0, AipsError);
     195             :                 }
     196        1508 :                 if (_mustInitSigSp) {
     197        1148 :                     AlwaysAssert(vb->sigmaSpectrum().size() > 0, AipsError);
     198             :                 }
     199             :             }
     200             :         }
     201          10 :     }
     202           5 : }
     203             : 
     204        2656 : void StatWtColConfig::_setEqual(
     205             :     Cube<Float>& newsp, const Matrix<Float>& col
     206             : ) {
     207        2656 :     IPosition start(3, 0);
     208        2656 :     auto shape = newsp.shape();
     209        2656 :     auto end = shape - 1;
     210       12560 :     for (Int corr=0; corr<shape[0]; ++corr) {
     211      104320 :         for (Int row=0; row<shape[2]; ++row) {
     212       94416 :             start[0] = corr;
     213       94416 :             end[0] = corr;
     214       94416 :             start[2] = row;
     215       94416 :             end[2] = row;
     216       94416 :             newsp(start, end) = col(corr, row);
     217             :         }
     218             :     }
     219        2656 : }
     220             : 
     221          96 : void StatWtColConfig::_hasSpectrumIsSpectrumInitialized(
     222             :     bool& hasSpectrum, bool& spectrumIsInitialzed,
     223             :     MS::PredefinedColumns col
     224             : ) const {
     225          96 :     hasSpectrum = _ms->isColumn(col);
     226          96 :     if (! hasSpectrum) {
     227             :         // no column, so it is obviously not initialized
     228          11 :         spectrumIsInitialzed = False;
     229          11 :         return;
     230             :     }
     231          85 :     ArrayColumn<Float> column(*_ms, MS::columnName(col));
     232             :     try {
     233          85 :         column.get(0);
     234             :         // we were able to get a row, so its initialized.
     235          85 :         spectrumIsInitialzed = True;
     236             :     }
     237           0 :     catch (const AipsError& x) {
     238             :         // attempt to get first row failed, its not initialized.
     239           0 :         spectrumIsInitialzed = False;
     240           0 :     }
     241          85 : }
     242             : 
     243          96 : void StatWtColConfig::_dealWithSpectrumColumn(
     244             :     Bool& hasSpec, Bool& mustWriteSpec, Bool& mustInitSpec,
     245             :     Bool mustWriteNonSpec, const String& colName, const String& descName,
     246             :     Bool specIsInitialized, const String& mgrName
     247             : ) {
     248             :     // this conditional structure supports the
     249             :     // case of ! hasSpec && ! mustWriteSpec, in which case,
     250             :     // nothing need be done
     251          96 :     if (! hasSpec) {
     252          11 :         if (mustWriteSpec) {
     253             :             // we must create spectrum column
     254           7 :             hasSpec = True;
     255           7 :             mustInitSpec = True;
     256             :             // from
     257             :             // Nominal default tile shape
     258           7 :             IPosition dts(3, 4, 32, 1024);
     259             :             // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
     260           7 :             const auto dminfo = _ms->dataManagerInfo();
     261         119 :             for (uInt i=0; i<dminfo.nfields(); ++i) {
     262         119 :                 Record col = dminfo.asRecord(i);
     263         119 :                 if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"), String("DATA"))) {
     264          14 :                     dts = IPosition(
     265          14 :                         col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt("DEFAULTTILESHAPE")
     266           7 :                     );
     267           7 :                     break;
     268             :                 }
     269         119 :             }
     270             :             // Add the column
     271           7 :             String colWtSp = colName;
     272           7 :             TableDesc tdWtSp;
     273           7 :             tdWtSp.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colWtSp, descName, 2));
     274           7 :             TiledShapeStMan wtSpStMan(mgrName, dts);
     275           7 :             _ms->addColumn(tdWtSp, wtSpStMan);
     276           7 :         }
     277             :     }
     278          85 :     else if (mustWriteNonSpec) {
     279          42 :         if (specIsInitialized) {
     280             :             // it's initialized, so even if we are using the full
     281             :             // spw for binning, we still need to update *_SPECTRUM
     282          42 :             mustWriteSpec = True;
     283             :         }
     284             :         else {
     285             :             // it's not initialized, so we aren't going to write to it unless
     286             :             // chanbin has been specified to be less than the spw width
     287           0 :             mustInitSpec = mustWriteSpec;
     288             :         }
     289             :     }
     290          96 : }
     291             : 
     292             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16