LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - miriad/Filling - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 761 1008 75.5 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 19 24 79.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Importmiriad: miriad dataset to MeasurementSet conversion
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,2000,2001,2002,2013,2015
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       6             : //# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       8             : //# (at your option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      11             : //# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12             : //# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
      13             : //# GNU General Public License for more details.
      14             : //# 
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      16             : //# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      17             : //# Foundation, Inc., 675 Masve, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : 
      20             : //#Includes
      21             : #include <miriad/Filling/Importmiriad.h>
      22             : 
      23             : #include <casacore/casa/Inputs/Input.h>
      24             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      25             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/GenSort.h>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      28             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayUtil.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MatrixMath.h>
      34             : 
      35             : 
      36             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasData.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Stokes.h>
      40             : 
      41             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableInfo.h>
      43             : 
      44             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets.h> 
      45             : 
      46             : #include <casacore/mirlib/maxdimc.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/mirlib/miriad.h>
      48             : #include <sstream>
      49             : 
      50             : using namespace casa;
      51             : 
      52             : // helper functions
      53             : 
      54           0 : String show_version_info()
      55             : {
      56             :   return "============================================================\n"
      57             :    "Importmiriad - last few updates:\n"
      58             :    " Mar 2013 - make it process ATCA/CABB data \n"
      59             :    " Jul 2015 - deal with multiple zoom setups \n"
      60             :    "           ...\n"
      61           0 :    "============================================================\n";
      62             : }
      63             : 
      64             : 
      65             : // Convert fits date string of form dd/mm/yy to mjd seconds
      66             : 
      67           0 : Double date2mjd(const String& date)
      68             : {
      69             :   Int day,month,year;
      70             :   
      71           0 :   if (date[2] == '/') {     // old FITS style (dd/mm/yy)
      72           0 :     sscanf(date.chars(),"%2d/%2d/%2d",&day,&month,&year);
      73           0 :     year+=1900;
      74           0 :     if (year<1950) year+=100;   // yuck !
      75             :   } else {      // YEAR-2000 (ISO) convention (ccyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss)
      76             :     // cerr<< "Parsing new Year-2000 notation" << endl;
      77           0 :     sscanf(date.chars(),"%4d-%2d-%2d",&year,&month,&day);
      78             :     //sscanf(date,"%4d-%2d-%2dT%2d:%2d:%f",&year,&month,&day,&hour,&min,&sec);
      79             :   }
      80           0 :   MVTime mjd_date(year,month,(Double)day);
      81           0 :   return mjd_date.second();
      82           0 : }
      83             : 
      84             : // apply CARMA line calibration, the 'linecal' method
      85             : // check MIRIADs 'uvcal options=linecal' for the other approach
      86             : 
      87           0 : void linecal(int ndata, float *data, float phi1, float phi2)
      88             : {
      89             :   float x,y,c,s;
      90           0 :   if (ndata <= 0) return;
      91             : 
      92           0 :   c = cos(phi1-phi2);
      93           0 :   s = sin(phi1-phi2);
      94             : 
      95           0 :   for (int i=0; i<ndata*2; i+=2) {
      96           0 :     x = data[i];
      97           0 :     y = data[i+1];
      98           0 :     data[i]   =  c*x - s*y;
      99           0 :     data[i+1] =  s*x + c*y;
     100             :   }
     101             : }
     102             : 
     103             : // ==============================================================================================
     104           1 : Importmiriad::Importmiriad(String& infile, Int debug, 
     105           1 :                          Bool Qtsys, Bool Qarrays, Bool Qlinecal)
     106             : {
     107           1 :   infile_p = infile;
     108           1 :   debug_p = debug;
     109           1 :   msc_p = 0;
     110           1 :   nArray_p = 0;
     111           1 :   nFreqSet_p = 0;
     112           1 :   nfield = 0;           //  # mosaiced fields (using offsets?)
     113           1 :   npoint = 0;           //  # pointings (using independant RA/DEC?)
     114           1 :   Qtsys_p = Qtsys;
     115           1 :   Qarrays_p = Qarrays;
     116           1 :   Qlinecal_p = Qlinecal;
     117           1 :   os_p = LogOrigin("Importmiriad");
     118           1 :   zero_tsys = 0;
     119       10001 :   for (int i=0; i<MAXFIELD; i++) fcount[i] = 0;
     120          65 :   for (int i=0; i<MAXANT;   i++) phasem1[i] = 0.0;
     121             : 
     122           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::Importmiriad debug_level=" << debug << LogIO::POST;
     123           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Opening miriad dataset " << infile_p << LogIO::POST;
     124           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << (Qtsys_p ?  "tsys weights" : "weights=1") << LogIO::POST;
     125           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << (Qarrays_p ? "split arrays" : "single array forced") << LogIO::POST;
     126           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << (Qlinecal_p ? "linecal applied" : "linecal not applied") << LogIO::POST;
     127             : 
     128             :   if (sizeof(double) != sizeof(Double))
     129             :     os_p<< LogIO::SEVERE<<"Double != double; importmiriad will probably fail" << LogIO::POST;
     130             :   if (sizeof(int) != sizeof(Int))
     131             :     os_p << LogIO::SEVERE<<"int != Int; importmiriad will probably fail" << LogIO::POST;
     132             : 
     133             :   // open miriad dataset
     134           1 :   uvopen_c(&uv_handle_p, infile_p.chars(), "old");
     135             : 
     136             :   // preamble data must be UVW (default miriad is UV)
     137           1 :   uvset_c(uv_handle_p,"preamble","uvw/time/baseline",0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
     138             : 
     139             :   // initialize those UV variables that need to be tracked
     140           1 :   Tracking(-1);      
     141           1 : }
     142             : 
     143             : // ============================================================================================== 
     144           1 : Importmiriad::~Importmiriad() 
     145             : {
     146           1 :   if (msc_p) { delete msc_p; msc_p=0;}
     147           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p <<LogIO::DEBUG1<< "Importmiriad::~Importmiriad" << LogIO::POST;
     148           1 :   if (zero_tsys)
     149           0 :     os_p << "There were " << zero_tsys << " record with no WEIGHT due to zero TSYS" << LogIO::POST;
     150             : 
     151           1 :   if (Debug(1))
     152           0 :     for (int i=0; i<nfield; i++)
     153           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Field " << i << " = " << fcount[i] << " records" << LogIO::POST;
     154             : 
     155             :   // most single MIRIAD files are time ordered, so could check for 
     156             :   // that, and if so, add SORT_ORDER = 'ASCENDING' and COLUMNS = 'TIME'
     157             : 
     158           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "*** Closing " << infile_p << " ***"<<LogIO::POST;
     159             :   //os_p << "Importmiriad::END" << LogIO::POST;
     160           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p<<LogIO::DEBUG1 << show_version_info()<<LogIO::POST;
     161           1 : }
     162             : 
     163             : // ==============================================================================================
     164           0 : void Importmiriad::Error(char *msg)
     165             : {
     166           0 :   throw(AipsError(msg));
     167             : }
     168             : 
     169             : // ==============================================================================================
     170           0 : void Importmiriad::Warning(char *msg)
     171             : {
     172           0 :   os_p << LogIO::WARN<< "### Warning: " << msg <<  LogIO::POST;
     173           0 : }
     174             : 
     175             : // ==============================================================================================
     176         913 : Bool Importmiriad::Debug(int level)
     177             : {
     178         913 :   Bool ok=false;
     179         913 :   if (level <= debug_p) ok=true;
     180         913 :   return ok;
     181             : }
     182             : 
     183             : // ==============================================================================================
     184           1 : void Importmiriad::checkInput(Block<Int>& spw, Block<Int>& wide)
     185             : {
     186             :   Int i, nread, nwread, vlen, vupd;
     187             :   char vtype[10], vdata[256];
     188             :   Float epoch;
     189             : 
     190           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::checkInput" << LogIO::POST;
     191             : 
     192             :   // Let's read one scan and try and derive some basics. If important
     193             :   // variables not present, bail out (or else scan on)
     194             : 
     195           1 :   nvis = 0;
     196             :   for (;;) {   // loop forever until happy or EOF
     197             : 
     198           1 :     uvread_c(uv_handle_p, preamble, data, flags, MAXCHAN, &nread);    
     199           1 :     if (nread <= 0) break;
     200           1 :     nvis++;
     201           1 :     uvwread_c(uv_handle_p, wdata, wflags, MAXCHAN, &nwread);
     202             : 
     203           1 :     if (nvis == 1) {
     204             :     
     205             :       // get the initial correllator setup
     206           1 :       check_window();
     207             :       // setup the 'keep' array to specify which data we want to keep
     208           1 :       keep_p.resize(MAXWIN+MAXWIDE); keep_p.set(False);
     209           1 :       if (spw.nelements()>0) {
     210          67 :         for (Int i=0; i<MAXWIN+MAXWIDE; i++) keep_p[i]=(spw[0]==-1);
     211           2 :         for (uInt i=0; i<spw.nelements(); i++) {
     212           1 :           if (spw[i]>=0 && spw[i]<win[0].nspect) keep_p[spw[i]]=true;
     213             :         }
     214             :       }
     215           1 :       Int n=win[0].nspect;
     216           1 :       if (wide.nelements()>0) {
     217           0 :         for (Int i=0; i<win[0].nwide; i++) keep_p[n+i]=(wide[0]==-1);
     218           0 :         for (uInt i=0; i<wide.nelements(); i++) {
     219           0 :           if (wide[i]>0 && wide[i]<win[0].nwide) keep_p[n+wide[i]]=true;
     220             :         }
     221             :       }
     222             :       //  should store nread + nwread, or handle it as option
     223           1 :       if (win[freqSet_p].nspect > 0) {    // narrow band, with possibly wide band also
     224           1 :         nchan_p = nread;
     225           1 :         nwide_p = nwread;
     226             :       } else {                            // wide band data only: nread=nwread
     227           0 :         nchan_p = nread;
     228           0 :         nwide_p = 0;
     229             :       }
     230             : 
     231             :       // get the initial array configuration
     232             : 
     233           1 :       nants_offset_p = 0;
     234           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT, "nants", (char *)&nants_p,1);
     235           1 :       if (nants_p > MAXANT) {
     236           0 :         ostringstream  msg;
     237           0 :         msg << "Importmiriad: Too many antennas, "<< nants_p << " > "<< MAXANT<<endl;
     238           0 :         throw(AipsError(msg.str()));
     239             :         return;
     240           0 :       }
     241             : 
     242           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"antpos",(char *)antpos,3*nants_p);
     243           1 :       if (Debug(1)) {
     244           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Found " << nants_p << " antennas (first scan)" << LogIO::POST;
     245           0 :         for (int i=0; i<nants_p; i++) {
     246           0 :           os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << antpos[i] << " " << 
     247           0 :             antpos[i+nants_p] << " " << 
     248           0 :             antpos[i+nants_p*2] << LogIO::POST;
     249             :         }
     250             :       }
     251             :     
     252             :       // remember systemp is stored systemp[nants][nwin] in C notation
     253           1 :       if (win[freqSet_p].nspect > 0) {
     254           1 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"systemp",(char *)systemp,nants_p*win[freqSet_p].nspect);
     255           1 :         if (Debug(1)) {
     256           0 :           os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Found systemps (first scan)" ;
     257           0 :           for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++)  os_p << systemp[i] << " ";
     258           0 :           os_p << LogIO::POST;
     259             :         }
     260             :       } else {
     261           0 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"wsystemp",(char *)systemp,nants_p);
     262           0 :         if (Debug(1)) {
     263           0 :           os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Found wsystemps (first scan)" ;
     264           0 :           for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++)  os_p << systemp[i] << " ";
     265           0 :           os_p << LogIO::POST;
     266             :         }
     267             :       }
     268             : 
     269           1 :       if (win[freqSet_p].nspect > 0) {
     270           1 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"restfreq",(char *)win[freqSet_p].restfreq,win[freqSet_p].nspect);
     271           1 :         if (Debug(1)) {
     272           0 :           os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Found restfreq (first scan)" ;
     273           0 :           for (Int i=0; i<win[freqSet_p].nspect; i++)  os_p << win[freqSet_p].restfreq[i] << " ";
     274           0 :           os_p << LogIO::POST;
     275             :         }
     276             :       }
     277             : 
     278             :       // Note that MIRIAD coordinates are in nanosec, but actual unused
     279             :       // antennas are filled with -999 values (or sometimes 0!)
     280             : 
     281           1 :       uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"project",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
     282           1 :       if (vupd) {
     283           1 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"project",vdata,32);
     284           1 :         project_p = vdata;
     285             :       } else
     286           0 :         project_p = "unknown";
     287           1 :       if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Project=>" << project_p << "<=" << LogIO::POST;
     288             : 
     289           1 :       uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"version",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
     290           1 :       if (vupd) {
     291           0 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"version",vdata,80);
     292           0 :         version_p = vdata;
     293           0 :         if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Version=>" << version_p << "<=" << LogIO::POST;
     294             :       }
     295           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"source",vdata,16);
     296           1 :       object_p = vdata;
     297             :       
     298             :       // TODO: telescope will now change, so this is not a good idea
     299           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"telescop",vdata,16);
     300           1 :       array_p = vdata;
     301             : 
     302             :       // array_p = "CARMA";
     303           1 :       if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "First baseline=>" << array_p << "<=" << LogIO::POST;
     304             :       
     305             :       // All CARMA (OVRO,BIMA,SZA) & ATCA have this 
     306           1 :       mount_p = 0;
     307             : #if 0
     308             :         if (array_p == "VLA")
     309             :           mount_p = 1;
     310             :         uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"mount",(char *)&mount_p, (char *)&mount_p, 1);
     311             :         os_p << "Warning: " << array_p 
     312             :              << " Cannot handle all of this telescope yet" << LogIO::POST;
     313             :         os_p << "Assumed mount=" << mount_p << LogIO::POST;
     314             : #endif
     315             :       
     316           1 :       uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"observer",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
     317           1 :       if (vupd) {
     318           1 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"observer",vdata,16);
     319           1 :         observer_p = vdata;
     320             :       } else              
     321           0 :         observer_p = "unknown";    
     322             :       
     323           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"epoch",(char *)&epoch,1);
     324           1 :       epoch_p = epoch;
     325             :       // do this globally, we used to do this in the Field table alone
     326           1 :       epochRef_p=MDirection::J2000;      
     327           1 :       if (nearAbs(epoch_p,1950.0,0.01)) epochRef_p=MDirection::B1950;   
     328             : 
     329           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"npol", (char *)&npol_p,1);
     330           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"pol",(char *)&pol_p,1);
     331           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"inttime",(char *)&inttime_p,1);
     332           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"jyperk",(char *)&jyperk_p,1);
     333             :       
     334           1 :       uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"freq",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
     335           1 :       freq_p = 1e9;
     336           1 :       if (vupd) {
     337           0 :         uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"freq",(char *)&freq_p,1);
     338           0 :         freq_p *= 1e9;
     339             :       }
     340             : 
     341           1 :       uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"ifchain",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
     342           1 :       if(!vupd) {
     343           0 :         for (i=0; i<MAXWIN+MAXWIDE;i++) win[freqSet_p].chain[i]=0;
     344             :       }
     345             :      // and initial source position
     346             : 
     347           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"ra", (char *)&ra_p, 1);
     348           1 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"dec",(char *)&dec_p,1);
     349             :       
     350             :       // check if certain calibration tables are present and warn if so,
     351             :       // since we can't (don't want to) deal with them here; miriad
     352             :       // programs like uvcat should be used to apply them!
     353             : 
     354           1 :       if (hexists_c(uv_handle_p,"gains")) 
     355           0 :         os_p << LogIO::WARN << "gains table present, but cannot apply it" << LogIO::POST;
     356           1 :       if (hexists_c(uv_handle_p,"bandpass")) 
     357           0 :         os_p << LogIO::WARN << "bandpass table present, but cannot apply it" << LogIO::POST;
     358           1 :       if (hexists_c(uv_handle_p,"leakage")) 
     359           0 :         os_p << LogIO::WARN << "leakage table present, but cannot apply it" << LogIO::POST;
     360             :       
     361             :       
     362           1 :       if (npol_p > 1) {     // read the next npol-1 scans to find the other pols
     363           4 :         for (i=1; i<npol_p; i++) {
     364           3 :           uvread_c(uv_handle_p, preamble, data, flags, MAXCHAN, &nread);
     365           3 :           if (nread <= 0) {
     366           0 :             break;
     367             :           }
     368           3 :           if (Debug(1)) { if (i==1) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "POL(" << i << ") = " << pol_p[0] << LogIO::POST;}
     369           3 :           uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"pol",(char *)&pol_p[i],1);        // FIX
     370           3 :           if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "POL(" << i+1 << ") = " << pol_p[i] << LogIO::POST;
     371             :         }
     372             :       }
     373             :       // only do one scan
     374           1 :       break;
     375             :     }
     376           0 :   }
     377           1 :   if (nvis == 0) {
     378           0 :     throw(AipsError("Importmiriad: Bad first uvread: no narrow or wide band data present"));
     379             :     return;
     380             :   }
     381             :   //os_p << "Importmiriad::checkInput: " << nvis << " records found" << LogIO::POST;
     382             :   //os_p << "Found " << nvis << " records" << LogIO::POST;
     383           1 :   uvrewind_c(uv_handle_p);
     384             : 
     385           1 :   Int numCorr = npol_p;
     386           1 :   corrType_p.resize(numCorr); 
     387           5 :   for (i=0; i < numCorr; i++) {
     388             :     // note: 1-based ref pix
     389           4 :     corrType_p(i)=pol_p[i];
     390             :     // convert AIPS-convention Stokes description to CASA enum
     391             :     // CHECK if these are really the right conversions for CASA
     392           4 :     if (corrType_p(i)<0) {
     393           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-8) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::YX;
     394           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-7) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::XY;
     395           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-6) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::YY;
     396           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-5) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::XX;
     397           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-4) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::LR;
     398           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-3) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::RL;
     399           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-2) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::LL;
     400           4 :       if (corrType_p(i)==-1) corrType_p(i)=Stokes::RR;
     401             :     }
     402             :   }
     403             : 
     404           1 :   Vector<Int> tmp(numCorr); tmp=corrType_p;
     405             :   // Sort the polarizations to standard order
     406           1 :   GenSort<Int>::sort(corrType_p);
     407           1 :   corrIndex_p.resize(numCorr);
     408             :   // Get the sort indices to rearrange the data to standard order
     409           5 :   for (i=0;i<numCorr;i++) {
     410          20 :     for (Int j=0;j<numCorr;j++) {
     411          16 :       if (corrType_p(j)==tmp(i)) corrIndex_p(i)=j;
     412             :     }
     413             :   }
     414             : 
     415             :   // Figure out the correlation products from the polarizations
     416           1 :   corrProduct_p.resize(2,numCorr); corrProduct_p=0;
     417           5 :   for (i=0; i<numCorr; i++) {
     418           4 :     Fallible<Int> receptor=Stokes::receptor1(Stokes::type(corrType_p(i)));
     419           4 :     if (receptor.isValid()) corrProduct_p(0,i)=receptor;
     420           4 :     receptor=Stokes::receptor2(Stokes::type(corrType_p(i)));
     421           4 :     if (receptor.isValid()) corrProduct_p(1,i)=receptor;
     422           4 :   }
     423           1 : }
     424             : 
     425             : // ==============================================================================================
     426           1 : void Importmiriad::setupMeasurementSet(const String& MSFileName, Bool useTSM)
     427             : {
     428           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::setupMeasurementSet" << LogIO::POST;
     429             : 
     430           1 :   Int nCorr =  (array_p=="CARMA" ? 1 : npol_p); // # stokes (1 for CARMA for now)
     431           1 :   Int nChan = nchan_p;  // we are only exporting the narrow channels to the MS
     432             : 
     433             :   // Make the MS table
     434           1 :   TableDesc td = MS::requiredTableDesc();
     435             : 
     436           1 :   MS::addColumnToDesc(td, MS::DATA,2);
     437           1 :   td.removeColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG));
     438           1 :   MS::addColumnToDesc(td, MS::FLAG,2);
     439             : 
     440             : #if 0
     441             :   // why does the FITS code do this? We don't need it....
     442             :   td.removeColumn(MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA));
     443             :   MS::addColumnToDesc(td, MS::SIGMA, IPosition(1,nCorr), 
     444             :                       ColumnDesc::Direct);
     445             : #endif
     446             : 
     447             : 
     448             :   // #define OLD_CODE     // define this if you want to try the old method again
     449             : 
     450             : #ifdef OLD_CODE
     451             :   // OLD
     452             :   if (useTSM) {
     453             :     td.defineHypercolumn("TiledData",3,
     454             :                          stringToVector(MS::columnName(MS::DATA)+","+
     455             :                                         MS::columnName(MS::FLAG)));
     456             :   }
     457             : #else
     458             :   // NEW
     459           1 :   if (useTSM) {    
     460           1 :     td.defineHypercolumn("TiledData",3,
     461           2 :                          stringToVector(MS::columnName(MS::DATA)));
     462           1 :     td.defineHypercolumn("TiledFlag",3,
     463           2 :                          stringToVector(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG)));
     464           1 :     td.defineHypercolumn("TiledUVW",2,
     465           2 :                          stringToVector(MS::columnName(MS::UVW)));
     466             :   }
     467             : #endif
     468             : 
     469           1 :   if (Debug(1))  os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Creating MS=" << MSFileName  << LogIO::POST;
     470           1 :   SetupNewTable newtab(MSFileName, td, Table::New);
     471             :   
     472             :   // Set the default Storage Manager to be the Incr one
     473           1 :   IncrementalStMan incrStMan ("ISMData");
     474           1 :   newtab.bindAll(incrStMan, true);
     475           1 :   StandardStMan aipsStMan; 
     476             : 
     477             : 
     478             : #ifdef OLD_CODE
     479             :   // ORIGINAL CODE
     480             :   newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::ANTENNA2), aipsStMan);
     481             :   if (useTSM) {
     482             :     // choose a tile size in the channel direction that is <=10
     483             :     Int tileSize=(nChan+nChan/10)/(nChan/10+1);
     484             :     // make the tile about 32k big
     485             :     TiledColumnStMan tiledStMan1("TiledData",
     486             :                                  IPosition(3,nCorr,tileSize,
     487             :                                            2000/nCorr/tileSize));
     488             :     TiledColumnStMan tiledStMan2("TiledWeight",
     489             :                                  IPosition(2,tileSize,
     490             :                                            8000/tileSize));
     491             :     // Bind the DATA and FLAG columns to the tiled stman
     492             :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::DATA),tiledStMan1);
     493             :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG),tiledStMan1);
     494             :   }
     495             :   // Change some to aipsStMan as they change every row
     496             :   newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::ANTENNA2),aipsStMan);
     497             :   newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::UVW),aipsStMan);
     498             :   if (!useTSM) {
     499             :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::DATA),aipsStMan);
     500             :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG),aipsStMan);
     501             :   }    
     502             :   MeasurementSet ms(newtab);
     503             : #else
     505           1 :   if (useTSM) {
     506           1 :     Int tileSize=nChan/10+1;
     507             : 
     508             :     TiledShapeStMan tiledStMan1("TiledData",
     509           0 :                                  IPosition(3,nCorr,tileSize,
     510           2 :                                            16384/nCorr/tileSize));
     511             :     TiledShapeStMan tiledStMan1f("TiledFlag",
     512           0 :                                  IPosition(3,nCorr,tileSize,
     513           2 :                                            16384/nCorr/tileSize));
     514             :     //TiledShapeStMan tiledStMan2("TiledWeight",
     515             :     //                             IPosition(3,nCorr,tileSize,
     516             :     //                                       16384/nCorr/tileSize));
     517             :     TiledColumnStMan tiledStMan3("TiledUVW",
     518           2 :                                  IPosition(2,3,1024));
     519             : 
     520             :     // Bind the DATA and FLAG columns to the tiled stman
     521           1 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::DATA),tiledStMan1);
     522           1 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG),tiledStMan1f);
     523           1 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::UVW),tiledStMan3);
     524           1 :   } else {
     525           0 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::DATA),aipsStMan);
     526           0 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLAG),aipsStMan);
     527           0 :     newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::UVW),aipsStMan);
     528             :   }   
     529           1 :   TableLock lock(TableLock::AutoLocking);
     530           1 :   MeasurementSet ms(newtab,lock);
     531             : #endif
     532             : 
     533             :   // create all subtables
     534             :   // we make new tables with 0 rows
     535           1 :   Table::TableOption option=Table::New;
     536             : 
     537             :   // Set up the default subtables for the MS
     538           1 :   ms.createDefaultSubtables(option);
     539             : 
     540             :   // Add some optional columns to the required tables
     541             :   //ms.spectralWindow().addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Int>(
     542             :   //  MSSpectralWindow::columnName(MSSpectralWindow::ASSOC_SPW_ID),
     543             :   //  MSSpectralWindow::columnStandardComment(MSSpectralWindow::ASSOC_SPW_ID)));
     544             : 
     545             :   //ms.spectralWindow().addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<String>(
     546             :   //  MSSpectralWindow::columnName(MSSpectralWindow::ASSOC_NATURE),
     547             :   //  MSSpectralWindow::columnStandardComment(MSSpectralWindow::ASSOC_NATURE)));
     548             : 
     549           1 :   ms.spectralWindow().addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Int>(
     550             :     MSSpectralWindow::columnName(MSSpectralWindow::DOPPLER_ID),
     551             :     MSSpectralWindow::columnStandardComment(MSSpectralWindow::DOPPLER_ID)));
     552             : 
     553             :   // Now setup some optional columns::
     554             : 
     555             :   // the SOURCE table, 2 extra optional columns needed
     556           1 :   TableDesc sourceDesc = MSSource::requiredTableDesc();
     557           1 :   MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc,MSSourceEnums::REST_FREQUENCY,1);
     558           1 :   MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc,MSSourceEnums::SYSVEL,1);
     559           1 :   MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc,MSSourceEnums::TRANSITION,1);
     560           1 :   SetupNewTable sourceSetup(ms.sourceTableName(),sourceDesc,option);
     561           2 :   ms.rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::SOURCE),
     562           2 :                                      Table(sourceSetup));
     563             : 
     564             :   // the DOPPLER table, no optional columns needed
     565           1 :   TableDesc dopplerDesc = MSDoppler::requiredTableDesc();
     566           1 :   SetupNewTable dopplerSetup(ms.dopplerTableName(),dopplerDesc,option);
     567           2 :   ms.rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::DOPPLER),
     568           2 :                                      Table(dopplerSetup));
     569             : 
     570             :   // the SYSCAL table, 1 optional column needed
     571           1 :   TableDesc syscalDesc = MSSysCal::requiredTableDesc();
     572           1 :   MSSysCal::addColumnToDesc(syscalDesc,MSSysCalEnums::TSYS,1);
     573           1 :   SetupNewTable syscalSetup(ms.sysCalTableName(),syscalDesc,option);
     574           2 :   ms.rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::SYSCAL),
     575           2 :                                      Table(syscalSetup));
     576             : 
     577             :   // update the references to the subtable keywords
     578           1 :   ms.initRefs();
     579             : 
     580             :   { // Set the TableInfo
     581           1 :     TableInfo& info(ms.tableInfo());
     582           1 :     info.setType(TableInfo::type(TableInfo::MEASUREMENTSET));
     583           1 :     info.setSubType(String("MIRIAD"));
     584           1 :     info.readmeAddLine("Made with Importmiriad");
     585             :   }                                       
     586             : 
     587           1 :   ms_p=ms;
     588           1 :   msc_p = new MSColumns(ms_p);
     589           1 : } // setupMeasurementSet()
     590             : 
     591             : // ==============================================================================================
     592           1 : void Importmiriad::fillObsTables()
     593             : {
     594           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillObsTables" << LogIO::POST;
     595             : 
     596             :   char hline[256];
     597             :   Int heof;
     598             : 
     599           1 :   ms_p.observation().addRow();
     600           1 :   MSObservationColumns msObsCol(ms_p.observation());
     601             : 
     602           1 :   msObsCol.telescopeName().put(0,array_p);
     603           1 :,observer_p);
     604           1 :   msObsCol.project().put(0,project_p);
     605           1 :   if (array_p == "HATCREEK") {
     606           0 :     Vector<String> blog(1);
     607           0 :     blog(0) = "See HISTORY for CARMA observing log";
     608           0 :     msObsCol.log().put(0,blog);
     609           0 :   }
     610           1 :   Vector<Double> range(2);
     611           1 :   MSColumns msCol(ms_p);
     612           1 :   range(0) = msCol.time()(0)-1;
     613           1 :   range(1) = msCol.time()(ms_p.nrow()-1)+1;
     614           1 :   msObsCol.timeRange().put(0,range);
     615             : 
     616             :   // should double buffer history, and search for  (e.g.)
     617             :   // GPAVER: Executed on: 96SEP12:15:40:48.0
     618             :  
     619             :   // String date("");
     620             :   // if (date=="") date="01/01/00";
     621             :   // Double time=date2mjd(date);
     622             : 
     623           1 :   MSHistoryColumns msHisCol(ms_p.history());
     624             : 
     625           1 :   String history;
     626           1 :   Int row=-1;
     627           1 :   hisopen_c(uv_handle_p,"read");
     628             :   for (;;) {
     629         289 :     hisread_c(uv_handle_p,hline,256,&heof);
     630         289 :     if (heof) break;
     631         288 :     ms_p.history().addRow(); 
     632         288 :     row++;
     633         288 :     msHisCol.observationId().put(row,0);
     634             :     //    msHisCol.time().put(row,time);    // fix the "2000/01/01/24:00:00" bug
     635             :     //  nono, better file a report, it appears to be an aips++ problem
     636         288 :     msHisCol.priority().put(row,"NORMAL");
     637         288 :     msHisCol.origin().put(row,"Importmiriad::fillObsTables");
     638         288 :     msHisCol.application().put(row,"importmiriad");
     639         288 :     msHisCol.message().put(row,hline);
     640             :   }
     641           1 :   hisclose_c(uv_handle_p);
     642           1 : } // fillObsTables()
     643             : 
     644             : // ==============================================================================================
     645             : //
     646             : // Loop over the visibility data and fill the main table of the MeasurementSet 
     647             : // as you find corr/wcorr's
     648             : //
     649           1 : void Importmiriad::fillMSMainTable()
     650             : {
     651           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillMSMainTable" << LogIO::POST;
     652             : 
     653           1 :   MSColumns& msc(*msc_p);           // Get access to the MS columns, new way
     654           1 :   Int nCorr = (array_p=="CARMA" ? 1 : npol_p); // # stokes (1 for CARMA for now)
     655           1 :   Int nChan = MAXCHAN;              // max # channels to be written
     656           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "nCorr = "<<nCorr<<", nChan = "<< nChan <<LogIO::POST;
     657           1 :   Int nCat  = 3;                    // # initial flagging categories (fixed at 3)
     658           1 :   Int iscan = 0;
     659           1 :   Int ifield_old = 0;
     660             : 
     661           1 :   Matrix<Complex> vis(nCorr,nChan);
     662           1 :   Vector<Float>   sigma(nCorr);
     663           1 :   Vector<String>  cat(nCat);
     664           1 :   cat(0)="FLAG_CMD";
     665           1 :   cat(1)="ORIGINAL";
     666           1 :   cat(2)="USER";
     667           1 :   msc.flagCategory().rwKeywordSet().define("CATEGORY",cat);
     668           1 :   Cube<Bool> flagCat(nCorr,nChan,nCat,false);  
     669           1 :   Matrix<Bool> flag = flagCat.xyPlane(0); // references flagCat's storage
     670           1 :   Vector<Float> w1(nCorr), w2(nCorr);
     671             : 
     672           1 :   uvrewind_c(uv_handle_p);
     673             :   
     674           1 :   nAnt_p.resize(1);
     675           1 :   nAnt_p[0]=0;
     676             : 
     677           1 :   receptorAngle_p.resize(1);
     678           1 :   Int group, row=-1;
     679             :   Double interval;
     680           1 :   Bool lastRowFlag = false;
     681             : 
     682             :   //os_p << "Found  " << win[0].nspect << " spectral window" << (win[0].nspect>1 ? "s":"") << LogIO::POST;
     683             : 
     684           1 :   time_p=0;
     685           1 :   for (group=0; ; group++) {        // loop forever until end-of-file
     686             :     int nread, nwread;
     687         211 :     uvread_c(uv_handle_p, preamble, data, flags, MAXCHAN, &nread);
     688             :     // os_p << "UVREAD: " << data[0] << " " << data[1] << LogIO::POST;
     689             : 
     690         211 :     Float baseline = preamble[4];
     691         211 :     Int ant1 = Int(baseline)/256;              // baseline = 256*A1 + A2
     692         211 :     Int ant2 = Int(baseline) - ant1*256;       // mostly A1 <= A2
     693             : 
     694             : 
     695         211 :     if (Debug(9)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "UVREAD: " << nread << LogIO::POST;
     696         211 :     if (nread <= 0) break;          // done with reading miriad data
     697         210 :     if (win[freqSet_p].nspect > 0)
     698         210 :         uvwread_c(uv_handle_p, wdata, wflags, MAXCHAN, &nwread);
     699             :     else
     700           0 :         nwread=0;
     701             : 
     702             :     // get time in MJD seconds ; input was in JD
     703         210 :     Double time = (preamble[3] - 2400000.5) * C::day;
     704         210 :     if (time>time_p) {
     705          14 :       if (time_p==0) timeFirst_p=time;
     706             :       // new time slot (assuming time sorted data)
     707             :       // update tsys data - TODO
     708             :     }
     709         210 :     time_p = time;
     710             : 
     711             :     // for MIRIAD, this would always cause a single array dataset,
     712             :     // but we need to count the antpos occurences to find out
     713             :     // which array configuration we're in.
     714             : 
     715         210 :     if (uvupdate_c(uv_handle_p)) {       // aha, something important changed
     716         210 :         if (Debug(4)) {
     717           0 :             os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Record " << group+1 << " uvupdate" << LogIO::POST;
     718             :         }
     719         210 :         Tracking(group);
     720             :     } else {
     721           0 :         if (Debug(5)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Record " << group << LogIO::POST;
     722             :     }
     723             : 
     724             :     // now that phasem1 has been loaded, apply linelength, if needed
     725         210 :     if (Qlinecal_p) {
     726           0 :       linecal(nread,data,phasem1[ant1-1],phasem1[ant2-1]);
     727             :       // linecal(nwread,wdata,phasem1[ant1-1],phasem1[ant2-1]);
     728             :     }
     729             : 
     730         210 :     nAnt_p[nArray_p-1] = max(nAnt_p[nArray_p-1],ant1);   // for MIRIAD, and also 
     731         210 :     nAnt_p[nArray_p-1] = max(nAnt_p[nArray_p-1],ant2);
     732         210 :     ant1--; ant2--;                                      // make them 0-based for CASA
     733             : 
     734         210 :     ant1 += nants_offset_p;     // correct for different array offsets
     735         210 :     ant2 += nants_offset_p;
     736             : 
     737             : 
     738             :     // should ant1 and ant2 be offset with (nArray_p-1)*nant_p ???
     739             :     // in case there are multiple arrays???
     740             :     // TODO: code should just assuming single array
     741             :     
     742         210 :     Vector<Double> uvw(3);
     743         210 :     uvw(0) = -preamble[0] * 1e-9; // convert to seconds
     744         210 :     uvw(1) = -preamble[1] * 1e-9; // MIRIAD uses nanosec
     745         210 :     uvw(2) = -preamble[2] * 1e-9; // note - sign (CASA vs. MIRIAD convention)
     746         210 :     uvw   *= C::c;                // Finally convert to meters for CASA
     747             : 
     748         210 :     if (group==0 && Debug(1)) {
     749           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "### First record: " << LogIO::POST;
     750           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "### Preamble: " << preamble[0] << " " <<
     751             :                                 preamble[1] << " " <<
     752           0 :                                 preamble[2] << " nanosec.(MIRIAD convention)" << LogIO::POST;
     753           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "### uvw: " << uvw(0) << " " <<
     754           0 :                                uvw(1) << " " <<
     755           0 :                                uvw(2) << " meter. (CASA convention)" << LogIO::POST;
     756             :     }
     757             : 
     758             : 
     759             :     // first construct the data (vis & flag) in a single long array
     760             :     // containing all spectral windows
     761             :     // In the (optional) loop over all spectral windows, subsets of
     762             :     // these arrays will be written out
     763             : 
     764        1050 :     for (Int i=0; i<nCorr; i++) {
     765         840 :       Int count = 0;                // index into data[] array
     766         840 :       if (i>0) uvread_c(uv_handle_p, preamble, data, flags, MAXCHAN, &nread);
     767             :       //if (group==0) {
     768             :       //        os_p << "pol="<< pol<<", nread="<<nread<<LogIO::POST;
     769             :       //  os_p << "data(500)="<< data[1000] <<", "<< data[1001] <<LogIO::POST;
     770             :       //}
     771    58800840 :       for (Int chan=0; chan<nChan; chan++) {
     772             : 
     773             :         // miriad uses bl=ant1-ant2, FITS/AIPS/CASA use bl=ant2-ant1
     774             :         // apart from using -(UVW)'s, the visib need to be conjugated as well
     775    58800000 :         Bool  visFlag =  (flags[count/2] == 0) ? false : true;
     776    58800000 :         Float visReal = +data[count]; count++; 
     777    58800000 :         Float visImag = -data[count]; count++;
     778    58800000 :         Float wt = 1.0;
     779    58800000 :         if (!visFlag) wt = -wt;
     780             :         
     781             :         // check flags array !! need separate counter (count/2)
     782    58800000 :         Int pol = corrIndex_p(i);
     783    58800000 :         flag(pol,chan) = (wt<=0); 
     784    58800000 :         vis(pol,chan) = Complex(visReal,visImag);
     785             :       } // chan
     786             :       //if (group==0) os_p << "vis = "<<vis(pol,500)<<LogIO::POST;
     787             :     } // pol
     788             : 
     789         210 :     Int ispw=-1;
     790         420 :     for (Int sno=0; sno < win[freqSet_p].nspect; sno++) {
     791         210 :       if (not keep_p(sno)) continue;    
     792             :       // IFs go to separate rows in the MS, pol's do not!
     793         210 :       ms_p.addRow(); 
     794         210 :       row++; ispw++;
     795             : 
     796             :       // first fill in values for all the unused columns
     797         210 :       if (row==0) {
     798           1 :         ifield_old = ifield;
     799           1 :         msc.feed1().put(row,0);
     800           1 :         msc.feed2().put(row,0);
     801           1 :         msc.flagRow().put(row,false);
     802           1 :         lastRowFlag = false;
     803           1 :         msc.scanNumber().put(row,iscan);
     804           1 :         msc.processorId().put(row,-1);
     805           1 :         msc.observationId().put(row,0);
     806           1 :         msc.stateId().put(row,-1);
     807             :       }
     808             :       
     809         210 :       Matrix<Complex> tvis(nCorr,win[freqSet_p].nschan[sno]);
     810         210 :       Cube<Bool> tflagCat(nCorr,win[freqSet_p].nschan[sno],nCat,false);  
     811         210 :       Matrix<Bool> tflag = tflagCat.xyPlane(0); // references flagCat's storage
     812             :       
     813         210 :       Int woffset = win[freqSet_p].ischan[sno]-1;
     814         210 :       Int wsize   = win[freqSet_p].nschan[sno];
     815        1050 :       for (Int j=0; j<nCorr; j++) {
     816     1722000 :         for (Int i=0; i< wsize; i++) {
     817     1721160 :           tvis(j,i) = vis(j,i+woffset);
     818     1721160 :           tflag(j,i) = flag(j,i+woffset);
     819             :         }
     820             :       }
     821             : 
     822             :       //if (group==0) os_p<<"tvis="<<tvis(0,500)<<", "<<tvis(1,500)<<LogIO::POST;
     823         210 :,tvis);
     824         210 :       msc.flag().put(row,tflag);
     825         210 :       msc.flagCategory().put(row,tflagCat);
     826             : 
     827         210 :       Bool rowFlag = allEQ(flag,true);
     828         210 :       if (rowFlag != lastRowFlag) {
     829           0 :         msc.flagRow().put(row,rowFlag);
     830           0 :         lastRowFlag = rowFlag;
     831             :       }
     832             : 
     833         210 :       msc.antenna1().put(row,ant1);
     834         210 :       msc.antenna2().put(row,ant2);
     835         210 :       msc.time().put(row,time);           // CARMA did begin of scan.., now middle (2009)
     836         210 :       msc.timeCentroid().put(row,time);   // do we really need this ? flagging/blanking ?
     837             : 
     838         210 :       interval = inttime_p;
     839         210 :       msc.exposure().put(row,interval);
     840         210 :       msc.interval().put(row,interval);
     841         210 :       Float chnbw = win[freqSet_p].sdf[sno]*1e9;
     842         210 :       Float factor = interval * abs(chnbw)/jyperk_p/jyperk_p;
     843             :       // sigma=sqrt(Tx1*Tx2)/sqrt(chnbw*intTime)*JyPerK;
     844         210 :       if (Qtsys_p) {    
     845           0 :         w2 = 1.0; 
     846           0 :         if( systemp[ant1] == 0 || systemp[ant2] == 0) {
     847           0 :           zero_tsys++;
     848           0 :           w1 = 0.0;
     849             :         } else {
     850           0 :           w1 = factor/(systemp[ant1]*systemp[ant2]);  // see uvio::uvinfo_variance()
     851           0 :           w2 = sqrt(systemp[ant1]*systemp[ant2])/sqrt(factor);
     852             :         }
     853             :         // os_p << w1 << " " << w2 << " " << jyperk_p << " "<< chnbw<< " "<< interval<< LogIO::POST;
     854           0 :         msc.weight().put(row,w1);
     855           0 :         msc.sigma().put(row,w2);        
     856             :       } else {
     857         210 :           w1=factor/50/50;  // Use nominal 50K systemp to keep values similar
     858         210 :           w2=50/sqrt(factor);
     859         210 :           msc.weight().put(row,w1);
     860         210 :           msc.sigma().put(row,w2);
     861             :       }
     862         210 :       msc.uvw().put(row,uvw);
     863         210 :       msc.arrayId().put(row,nArray_p-1);
     864             :       // calc index into table
     865         210 :       msc.dataDescId().put(row,ddid_p+ispw);
     866         210 :       msc.fieldId().put(row,ifield);
     867             : 
     868             : 
     869         210 :       if (ifield_old != ifield) 
     870           0 :         iscan++;
     871         210 :       ifield_old = ifield;
     872         210 :       msc.scanNumber().put(row,iscan);
     873             : 
     874         210 :     }  // sno
     875         210 :     fcount[ifield]++;
     876         210 :   } // for(grou) : loop over all visibilities
     877           1 :   show();
     878           1 :   if (ms_p.nrow()==0) {
     879           0 :     os_p<<LogIO::SEVERE<<"No data selected, table is empty!" <<LogIO::POST;
     880             :   }
     881             :   else {
     882           2 :     os_p << "Processed " << group << " visibilities from " << infile_p  
     883           1 :        << (Qlinecal_p ? " (applying linecal)." : " (raw)." )
     884           1 :        << LogIO::POST;
     885           1 :     os_p << "Found " << npoint << " pointings with "
     886             :        <<  nfield << " unique source/fields, "
     887             :        <<  source_p.nelements() << " sources and "
     888           1 :        <<  nArray_p << " array"<< (nArray_p>1 ? "s":"")<<"." 
     889           1 :        << LogIO::POST;
     890             :   }
     891           1 :   if (Debug(1))
     892           0 :     os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "nAnt_p contains: " << nAnt_p.nelements() << LogIO::POST;
     893             : 
     894             : 
     895           1 : } // fillMSMainTable()
     896             : 
     897           1 : void Importmiriad::fillAntennaTable()
     898             : {
     899           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillAntennaTable" << LogIO::POST;
     900           1 :   Int nAnt=nants_p;
     901             : 
     902             : #if 0
     903             :   Int array = nArray_p;
     904             :   // we don't have 'array' yet, and nAnt_p isnt' big enough....
     905             :   if (nAnt_p[array]>MAXANT)
     906             :     throw(AipsError("Too many antennas -- should never occur"));
     907             :   if (nAnt_p[array]>nants_p)
     908             :     throw(AipsError("Not all antennas found in antenna table:"));
     909             : 
     910             : 
     911             :   receptorAngle_p[array].resize(2*nAnt);
     912             : #endif
     913             : 
     914             :   // === Here's a recipe to get them in ITRF format in casapy ===
     915             :   //     But there appears to be some GEODETIC vs. GEOCENTRIC issue 
     916             :   // WGS84 
     917             :   // b=me.measure(me.observatory('carma'),'itrf')    
     918             :   // b2=me.measure(me.observatory('carma'),'wgs84')    
     919             :   // lon=me.getvalue(b)['m0']['value'] 
     920             :   // lat=me.getvalue(b2)['m1']['value'] 
     921             :   // r=me.getvalue(b)['m2']['value'] 
     922             :   // x=r*cos(lat)*cos(lon)
     923             :   // y=r*cos(lat)*sin(lon)
     924             :   // z=r*sin(lat)
     925             :   // print 'arrayXYZ_p(0) =',x,';'
     926             :   // print 'arrayXYZ_p(1) =',y,';'
     927             :   // print 'arrayXYZ_p(2) =',z,';'
     928           1 :   arrayXYZ_p.resize(3);
     929           1 :   if (array_p == "HATCREEK" || array_p == "BIMA") {     // Array center:
     930           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(0) = -2523862.04;
     931           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(1) = -4123592.80;
     932           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(2) =  4147750.37;
     933           1 :   } else if (array_p == "ATCA") {
     934           1 :     arrayXYZ_p(0) = -4750915.837;
     935           1 :     arrayXYZ_p(1) =  2792906.182;
     936           1 :     arrayXYZ_p(2) = -3200483.747;
     937           0 :   } else if (array_p == "OVRO" || array_p == "CARMA") {
     938           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(0) = -2397389.65197;
     939           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(1) = -4482068.56252;
     940           0 :     arrayXYZ_p(2) =  3843528.41479;
     941             :   } else {
     942           0 :     os_p << LogIO::WARN<< "unknown array position for "<<array_p<<LogIO::POST;
     943           0 :     arrayXYZ_p = 0.0;
     944             :   }
     945           1 :   if(Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "number of antennas ="<<nAnt<<LogIO::POST;
     946           1 :   if(Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "array ref pos:"<<arrayXYZ_p<<LogIO::POST;
     947             : 
     948           1 :   String timsys = "TAI";  // assume, for now .... 
     949             : 
     950             :   // store the time keywords ; again, miriad doesn't have this (yet)
     951             :   // check w/ uvfitsfiller again
     952             : 
     953             :   //save value to set time reference frame elsewhere
     954           1 :   timsys_p=timsys;
     955             : 
     956             :   // Antenna diamater:
     957             :   // Should check the 'antdiam' UV variable, but it doesn't appear to 
     958             :   // exist in our CARMA datasets.
     959             :   // So, fill in some likely values
     960           1 :   Float diameter=25;                        //# most common size (:-)
     961           1 :   if (array_p=="ATCA")     diameter=22;     //# only at 'low' freq !!
     962           1 :   if (array_p=="HATCREEK") diameter=6;
     963           1 :   if (array_p=="BIMA")     diameter=6;
     964           1 :   if (array_p=="CARMA")    diameter=8;
     965           1 :   if (array_p=="OVRO")     diameter=10;
     966             : 
     967           1 :   if (nAnt == 15 && array_p=="OVRO") {
     968           0 :     os_p << "CARMA array (6 OVRO, 9 BIMA) assumed" << LogIO::POST;
     969           0 :     array_p = "CARMA";
     970           1 :   } else  if (nAnt == 23 && array_p=="OVRO") {
     971           0 :     os_p << "CARMA array (6 OVRO, 9 BIMA, 8 SZA) assumed" << LogIO::POST;
     972           0 :     array_p = "CARMA";
     973           1 :   } else  if (array_p=="CARMA") {
     974           0 :     os_p << "Hurray, CARMA data; version " << version_p << " with " << nAnt
     975           0 :          << " antennas" << LogIO::POST;
     976           1 :   } else if (array_p=="ATCA") {
     977           1 :     os_p <<"Found ATCA data with " << nAnt << " antennas" << LogIO::POST;
     978             :   } else
     979           0 :     os_p << "Ant configuration not supported yet" << LogIO::POST;
     980             : 
     981           1 :   MSAntennaColumns& ant(msc_p->antenna());
     982           1 :   Vector<Double> antXYZ(3);
     983             : 
     984             :   // add antenna info to table
     985           1 :   if (nArray_p == 0) {                   // check if needed
     986           1 :     ant.setPositionRef(MPosition::ITRF);
     987             :     //ant.setPositionRef(MPosition::WGS84);
     988             :   }
     989           1 :   Int row=ms_p.antenna().nrow()-1;
     990             : 
     991           1 :   if (Debug(2)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Importmiriad::fillAntennaTable row=" << row+1 
     992           0 :        << " array " << nArray_p+1 << LogIO::POST;
     993             : 
     994           7 :   for (Int i=0; i<nAnt; i++) {
     995             : 
     996           6 :     ms_p.antenna().addRow(); 
     997           6 :     row++;
     998           6 :     if (array_p=="OVRO" || array_p=="BIMA" || array_p=="HATCREEK" || array_p=="CARMA") {
     999           0 :       if (i<6)
    1000           0 :         ant.dishDiameter().put(row,10.4);  // OVRO
    1001           0 :       else if (i<15)
    1002           0 :         ant.dishDiameter().put(row,6.1);   // BIMA or HATCREEK
    1003             :       else
    1004           0 :         ant.dishDiameter().put(row,3.5);   // SZA
    1005             :     } else {
    1006           6 :       ant.dishDiameter().put(row,diameter); // others
    1007             :     }
    1008           6 :     antXYZ(0) = antpos[i];              //# these are now in nano-sec
    1009           6 :     antXYZ(1) = antpos[i+nAnt];
    1010           6 :     antXYZ(2) = antpos[i+nAnt*2];
    1011           6 :     antXYZ *= 1e-9 * C::c;             //# and now in meters
    1012           6 :     if (Debug(2)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Ant " << i+1 << ":" << antXYZ << " (m)." << LogIO::POST;
    1013             : 
    1014           6 :     String mount;                           // really should consult
    1015           6 :     switch (mount_p) {                      // the "mount" uv-variable
    1016           6 :       case  0: mount="ALT-AZ";      break;
    1017           0 :       case  1: mount="EQUATORIAL";  break;
    1018           0 :       case  2: mount="X-Y";         break;
    1019           0 :       case  3: mount="ORBITING";    break;
    1020           0 :       case  4: mount="BIZARRE";     break;
    1021             :       // case  5: mount="SPACE-HALCA"; break;
    1022           0 :       default: mount="UNKNOWN";     break;
    1023             :     }
    1024           6 :     ant.mount().put(row,mount);
    1025           6 :     ant.flagRow().put(row,false);
    1026          12 :     String antName = "C";
    1027           6 :     if (array_p=="ATCA") antName="CA0";
    1028           6 :     antName += String::toString(i+1);
    1029           6 :,antName);
    1030           6 :     ant.station().put(row,"ANT" + String::toString(i+1));  // unknown PADs, so for now ANT#
    1031           6 :     ant.type().put(row,"GROUND-BASED");
    1032             : 
    1033          12 :     Vector<Double> offsets(3);
    1034           6 :     offsets=0.0;
    1035             :     // store absolute positions, with all offsets 0
    1036             : 
    1037             : #if 1
    1038             :     // from MirFiller; but why we're rotating this? To reverse miriad's rotation
    1039             :     // of y-axis to local East
    1040           6 :     Double arrayLong = atan2(arrayXYZ_p(1),arrayXYZ_p(0));
    1041          12 :     Matrix<Double> posRot = Rot3D(2,arrayLong);
    1042           6 :     antXYZ = product(posRot,antXYZ);
    1043             : #endif
    1044             : 
    1045             : #if 1
    1046             : // This doesn't work because miriad calculated the relative positions with
    1047             : // respect to the first antenna with non zero coordinates, 
    1048             : // not the array reference position. This makes it impossible to invert exactly
    1049           6 :     ant.position().put(row,arrayXYZ_p+antXYZ);
    1050             : #else
    1051             :     //test
    1052             :     ant.position().put(row,arrayXYZ_p);
    1053             : #endif
    1054           6 :     ant.offset().put(row,offsets);
    1055             : 
    1056             :     // store the angle for use in the feed table
    1057             : //    receptorAngle_p[array](2*i+0)=polangleA(i)*C::degree;
    1058             : //    receptorAngle_p[array](2*i+1)=polangleB(i)*C::degree;
    1059           6 :   }
    1060             :   // ant.position().rwKeywordSet().define("MEASURE_REFERENCE","ITRF");
    1061             : 
    1062           1 :   nArray_p++;
    1063           1 :   nAnt_p.resize(nArray_p);
    1064           1 :   nAnt_p[nArray_p-1] = 0;
    1065           1 :   if (Debug(3) && nArray_p > 1)
    1066           0 :     os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2  << nAnt_p[nArray_p-2] << LogIO::POST;
    1067             :   
    1068           1 :   if (nArray_p > 1) return;
    1069             : 
    1070             :   // now do some things which only need to happen the first time around
    1071             : 
    1072             :   // store these items in non-standard keywords for now
    1073             :   // 
    1074           1 :   String arrnam = array_p;
    1075           1 :"ARRAY_NAME",arrnam);
    1076           1 :   ant.position().rwKeywordSet().define("ARRAY_POSITION",arrayXYZ_p);
    1077             : 
    1078             : 
    1079             :   // fill the array table entry
    1080             :   // this assumes there is one AN table for each (sub)array index encountered.
    1081             : 
    1082             :   //PJT ms_p.array().addRow();
    1083             :   // array is now gone, there is an array_id in the main MS table for 
    1084             :   // id purposes.  We store the ARRAY_POSITION as a non-standard keyword
    1085             :   // with the POSITION collumn in the ANTENNA table (see above)
    1086             : #if 0
    1087             :   MSArrayColumns arr(ms_p.array());
    1088             :,array_p);
    1089             :   arr.position().put(array,arrayXYZ);
    1090             :   arr.position().rwKeywordSet().define("MEASURE_REFERENCE","ITRF");
    1091             : #endif
    1092           1 : } // fillAntennaTable
    1093             : 
    1094             : // ==============================================================================================
    1095          15 : void Importmiriad::fillSyscalTable()
    1096             : {
    1097             :   //if (Debug(1)) os_p << "Importmiriad::fillSyscalTable" << LogIO::POST;
    1098             : 
    1099          15 :   MSSysCalColumns&     msSys(msc_p->sysCal());
    1100          15 :   Vector<Float> Systemp(1);    // should we set both receptors same?
    1101          15 :   Int row = ms_p.sysCal().nrow();
    1102             : 
    1103             :   //  if (Debug(1)) 
    1104             :   //   for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++)
    1105             :   //     os_p  << "SYSTEMP: " << i << ": " << systemp[i] << LogIO::POST;
    1106             : 
    1107          30 :   for (Int j=0; j<win[freqSet_p].nspect; j++) {
    1108         105 :     for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++) {
    1109          90 :       ms_p.sysCal().addRow(); 
    1110          90 :       msSys.antennaId().put(row,i);   //  i, or i+nants_offset_p ????
    1111          90 :       msSys.feedId().put(row,0);
    1112          90 :       msSys.spectralWindowId().put(row,j);    // all of them for now .....
    1113          90 :       msSys.time().put(row,time_p);
    1114          90 :       msSys.interval().put(row,-1.0);
    1115             :     
    1116          90 :       Systemp(0) = systemp[i+j*nants_p];
    1117          90 :       msSys.tsys().put(row,Systemp);
    1118          90 :       row++; 
    1119             :     }
    1120             :   }
    1121             :  
    1122             : 
    1123             : 
    1124             :   // this may actually be a nasty problem for MIRIAD datasets that are not
    1125             :   // timesorted. A temporary table needs to be written with all records,
    1126             :   // which then needs to be sorted and 'recomputed'
    1127          15 : }
    1128             : 
    1129             : // ==============================================================================================
    1130           1 : void Importmiriad::fillSpectralWindowTable(String vel)
    1131             : {
    1132           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillSpectralWindowTable" << LogIO::POST;
    1133             : 
    1134           1 :   MSSpWindowColumns&      msSpW(msc_p->spectralWindow());
    1135           1 :   MSDataDescColumns&      msDD(msc_p->dataDescription());
    1136           1 :   MSPolarizationColumns&  msPol(msc_p->polarization());
    1137           1 :   MSDopplerColumns&       msDop(msc_p->doppler());
    1138             : 
    1139           1 :   Int nCorr = ( array_p=="CARMA" ? 1 : npol_p);            // CARMA wants 1 polarization 
    1140             :   Int i, side;
    1141           1 :   Double BW = 0.0;
    1142             : 
    1143           1 :   MDirection::Types dirtype = epochRef_p;    // MDirection::B1950 or MDirection::J2000;
    1144           2 :   MEpoch ep(Quantity(time_p, "s"), MEpoch::UTC);
    1145             :   // ERROR::   type specifier omitted for parameter  in older AIPS++, now works in CASA
    1146           1 :   MPosition obspos(MVPosition(arrayXYZ_p), MPosition::ITRF);
    1147             :   //MPosition obspos(MVPosition(arrayXYZ_p), MPosition::WGS84);
    1148           2 :   MDirection dir(Quantity(ra_p, "rad"), Quantity(dec_p, "rad"), dirtype);
    1149           1 :   MeasFrame frame(ep, obspos, dir);
    1150             :   
    1151           1 :   String velsys = vel;
    1152             :   // Keep previous default, for ATCA leave at TOPO (multi-source data)
    1153           1 :   if (array_p!="ATCA" && velsys=="") velsys="LSRK";
    1154             :   
    1155           1 :   Bool convert=true;
    1156             :   MFrequency::Types freqsys_p;
    1157           1 :   if (velsys=="LSRK") {
    1158           0 :     freqsys_p = MFrequency::LSRK;        // LSRD vs. LSRK
    1159           0 :     if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "USE_LSRK" << LogIO::POST;
    1160           1 :   } else if (velsys=="LSRD"){
    1161           0 :     freqsys_p = MFrequency::LSRD;        // LSRD vs. LSRK
    1162           0 :     if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "USE_LSRD" << LogIO::POST;
    1163             :   } else {
    1164           1 :     freqsys_p = MFrequency::TOPO;        // use TOPO if unspecified
    1165           1 :     convert=false;
    1166             :   }
    1167             : 
    1168             :   MFrequency::Convert tolsr(MFrequency::TOPO, 
    1169           1 :                             MFrequency::Ref(freqsys_p, frame));     // LSRD vs. LSRK
    1170             :   // fill out the polarization info (only 1 entry allowed for now)
    1171           1 :   ms_p.polarization().addRow();
    1172           1 :   msPol.numCorr().put(0,nCorr);
    1173           1 :   msPol.corrType().put(0,corrType_p);
    1174           1 :   msPol.corrProduct().put(0,corrProduct_p);
    1175           1 :   msPol.flagRow().put(0,false);
    1176             : 
    1177             :   // fill out doppler table (only 1 entry needed, CARMA data only identify 1 line :-(
    1178           1 :   if (array_p=="CARMA") {
    1179           0 :     if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad:: now writing Doppler table " << LogIO::POST;
    1180           0 :     for (i=0; i<win[0].nspect; i++) {
    1181           0 :       ms_p.doppler().addRow();
    1182           0 :       msDop.dopplerId().put(i,i);
    1183           0 :       msDop.sourceId().put(i,-1);     // how the heck..... for all i guess
    1184           0 :       msDop.transitionId().put(i,-1);
    1185           0 :       msDop.velDefMeas().put(i,MDoppler(Quantity(0),MDoppler::RADIO));
    1186             :     }
    1187             :   }
    1188           1 :   Int ddid=-1;
    1189           2 :   for (Int k=0; k < nFreqSet_p; k++) {
    1190           2 :     for (Int i=0; i < win[k].nspect; i++) {
    1191           1 :       if(not keep_p(i)) continue;
    1192           1 :       ddid++;
    1193           1 :       Int n = win[k].nschan[i];
    1194           1 :       Vector<Double> f(n), w(n),cs(n);
    1195             :       
    1196           1 :       ms_p.spectralWindow().addRow();
    1197           1 :       ms_p.dataDescription().addRow();
    1198             :       
    1199           1 :       msDD.spectralWindowId().put(ddid,ddid);
    1200           1 :       msDD.polarizationId().put(ddid,0);
    1201           1 :       msDD.flagRow().put(ddid,false);
    1202             : 
    1203           1 :       msSpW.numChan().put(ddid,win[k].nschan[i]);
    1204           1 :       BW = 0.0;
    1205           1 :       Double fwin = win[k].sfreq[i]*1e9;
    1206           1 :       if (convert) {
    1207           0 :         if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Fwin: OBS=" << fwin/1e9;
    1208           0 :         fwin = tolsr(fwin).getValue().getValue();
    1209           0 :         if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << " LSR=" << fwin/1e9 << LogIO::POST;
    1210             :       }
    1211        2050 :       for (Int j=0; j < win[k].nschan[i]; j++) {
    1212        2049 :         f(j) = fwin + j * win[k].sdf[i] * 1e9;
    1213        2049 :         w(j) = abs(win[k].sdf[i]*1e9);
    1214        2049 :         cs(j) = win[k].sdf[i]*1e9;
    1215        2049 :         BW += w(j);
    1216             :       }
    1217             : 
    1218           1 :       msSpW.chanFreq().put(ddid,f);
    1219           1 :       if (i<win[k].nspect) {
    1220             :         // I think restfreq should just be in source table,
    1221             :         // but leave for now if it makes sense
    1222           1 :         if (win[k].restfreq[i]>0 && freqsys_p!=MFrequency::TOPO) {
    1223           0 :           msSpW.refFrequency().put(ddid,win[k].restfreq[i]*1e9);
    1224             :         } else {
    1225           1 :           msSpW.refFrequency().put(ddid,win[k].sfreq[i]*1e9);
    1226             :         } 
    1227             :       } else
    1228           0 :         msSpW.refFrequency().put(ddid,freq_p);            // no reference for wide band???
    1229             :       
    1230           1 :       msSpW.resolution().put(ddid,w);
    1231           1 :       msSpW.chanWidth().put(ddid,cs); // MSSelection wants width<0 if spectrum inverted
    1232           1 :       msSpW.effectiveBW().put(ddid,w);
    1233           1 :       msSpW.totalBandwidth().put(ddid,BW);
    1234           1 :       Int ifchain = win[k].chain[i];
    1235           1 :       msSpW.ifConvChain().put(ddid,ifchain);
    1236             :       // can also do it implicitly via Measures you give to the freq's
    1237           1 :       msSpW.measFreqRef().put(ddid,freqsys_p);
    1238           1 :       if (i<win[k].nspect && array_p=="CARMA")
    1239           0 :         msSpW.dopplerId().put(ddid,i);    // CARMA has only 1 ref freq line
    1240             :       else
    1241           1 :         msSpW.dopplerId().put(ddid,-1);    // no ref
    1242             : 
    1243           1 :       if (win[k].sdf[i] > 0)      side = 1;
    1244           1 :       else if (win[k].sdf[i] < 0) side = -1;
    1245           0 :       else                     side = 0;
    1246             :       
    1247           1 :       switch (win[k].code[i]) {
    1248           1 :       case 'N':
    1249           1 :         msSpW.netSideband().put(ddid,side);
    1250           1 :         msSpW.freqGroup().put(ddid,1);
    1251           1 :         msSpW.freqGroupName().put(ddid,"MULTI-CHANNEL-DATA");
    1252           1 :         break;
    1253           0 :       case 'W':
    1254           0 :         msSpW.netSideband().put(ddid,side);
    1255           0 :         msSpW.freqGroup().put(ddid,3);
    1256           0 :         msSpW.freqGroupName().put(ddid,"SIDE-BAND-AVERAGE");
    1257           0 :         break;
    1258           0 :       case 'S':
    1259           0 :         msSpW.netSideband().put(ddid,side);
    1260           0 :         msSpW.freqGroup().put(ddid,2);
    1261           0 :         msSpW.freqGroupName().put(ddid,"MULTI-CHANNEL-AVG");
    1262           0 :         break;
    1263           0 :       default:
    1264           0 :         throw(AipsError("Bad code for a spectral window"));
    1265             :         break;
    1266             :       }
    1267           1 :     }
    1268             :   }
    1269           1 : }
    1270             : 
    1271             : // ==============================================================================================
    1272           1 : void Importmiriad::fillFieldTable()
    1273             : {
    1274           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillFieldTable" << LogIO::POST;
    1275             : 
    1276             :   // set the DIRECTION MEASURE REFERENCE for appropriate columns
    1277             :   // but note we're not varying them accross rows
    1278             :   /// MDirection::Types epochRef=MDirection::J2000;
    1279             :   /// if (nearAbs(epoch_p,1950.0,0.01)) epochRef=MDirection::B1950;   
    1280           1 :   msc_p->setDirectionRef(epochRef_p);
    1281             : 
    1282           1 :   MSFieldColumns& msField(msc_p->field());
    1283             : 
    1284           1 :   Vector<Double> radec(2), pm(2);
    1285           1 :   Vector<MDirection> radecMeas(1);
    1286             :   Int fld;
    1287             :   Double cosdec;
    1288             : 
    1289           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillFieldTable() adding " << nfield 
    1290           0 :                      << " fields" << LogIO::POST;
    1291             : 
    1292           1 :   pm = 0;                       // Proper motion is zero
    1293             : 
    1294           1 :   if (nfield == 0) {            // if no pointings found, say there is 1
    1295           0 :     os_p << "Warning: no dra/ddec pointings found, creating 1." << LogIO::POST;
    1296           0 :     nfield = npoint = 1;
    1297           0 :     dra[0] = ddec[0] = 0.0;
    1298             :   } 
    1299             : 
    1300           2 :   for (fld = 0; fld < nfield; fld++) {
    1301             : 
    1302           1 :     ms_p.field().addRow();
    1303             : 
    1304           1 :     if (Debug(1))
    1305           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "FLD: " << fld << " " << field[fld] << " " << source_p[field[fld]] << LogIO::POST;
    1306             : 
    1307           1 :     msField.sourceId().put(fld,field[fld]); 
    1308           1 :,source_p[field[fld]]);        // this is the source name
    1309           1 :     msField.code().put(fld,purpose_p[field[fld]]);
    1310           1 :     msField.numPoly().put(fld,0);
    1311             :     
    1312           1 :     cosdec = cos(dec[fld]);
    1313           1 :     radec(0) = ra[fld]  + dra[fld]/cosdec;           // RA, in radians
    1314           1 :     radec(1) = dec[fld] + ddec[fld];                 // DEC, in radians
    1315           1 :     radecMeas(0).set(MVDirection(radec(0), radec(1)), MDirection::Ref(epochRef_p));
    1316             : 
    1317           1 :     msField.delayDirMeasCol().put(fld,radecMeas);
    1318           1 :     msField.phaseDirMeasCol().put(fld,radecMeas);
    1319           1 :     msField.referenceDirMeasCol().put(fld,radecMeas);
    1320             :     // put in best guess for time of position, this is not the coord epoch,
    1321             :     // rather it is meant to cope with moving objects which have a rate.
    1322           1 :     msField.time().put(fld,timeFirst_p);
    1323             :   }
    1324           1 : }
    1325             : 
    1326             : // ==============================================================================================
    1327           1 : void Importmiriad::fillSourceTable()
    1328             : {
    1329             :   // According to MS2 specs we should have a source table with
    1330             :   // an entry for every source/spectral window combination that occurs.
    1331             :   // For the moment we ignore spectral window (and TIME) as an index and 
    1332             :   // just use -1. This means there is only a single rest frequency.
    1333             :   
    1334           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillSourceTable" << LogIO::POST;
    1335           1 :   Int ns = 0;
    1336             :   Int skip;
    1337             : 
    1338           1 :   MSSourceColumns& msSource(msc_p->source());
    1339             : 
    1340           1 :   Vector<Double> radec(2);
    1341           1 :   Vector<Double> restFreq(1),sysvel(1);
    1342           1 :   sysvel(0)=0;
    1343           1 :   Int m=win[0].nspect;
    1344           1 :   restFreq(0)=0;
    1345             :   // pick first non zero restFreq
    1346           2 :   for (Int i=0; i<m; i++) {
    1347           1 :     if (win[0].restfreq[i]>0) {
    1348           0 :       restFreq(0) = win[0].restfreq[i] * 1e9;    // convert from GHz to Hz
    1349           0 :       break;
    1350             :     }
    1351             :   }
    1352             : 
    1353             :   //String key("MEASURE_REFERENCE");
    1354             :   //msSource.restFrequency().rwKeywordSet().define(key,"REST");
    1355             : 
    1356           1 :   if (Debug(1)) {
    1357           0 :     os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillSourceTable() querying " << source_p.nelements()
    1358           0 :          << " sources" << LogIO::POST;
    1359           0 :     os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << source_p << LogIO::POST;
    1360             :   }
    1361             :   
    1362             : 
    1363             :   // 
    1364           2 :   for (uInt src=0; src < source_p.nelements(); src++) {
    1365             : 
    1366           1 :     skip = 0;
    1367           1 :     for (uInt i=0; i<src; i++) {               // loop over sources to avoid duplicates
    1368           0 :       if (source_p[i] == source_p[src]) {
    1369           0 :         skip=1; cerr<<"Found duplicate source name! Fix code!"<<LogIO::POST;
    1370           0 :         break;
    1371             :       }
    1372             :     }
    1373             : 
    1374           1 :     if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "source : " << source_p[src] << " " << skip << LogIO::POST;
    1375             : 
    1376           1 :     if (skip) continue;    // if seen before, don't add it again
    1377           1 :     ms_p.source().addRow();
    1378             : 
    1379           1 :     radec(0) = ras_p[src];
    1380           1 :     radec(1) = decs_p[src];
    1381             : 
    1382           1 :     msSource.sourceId().put(ns,src);
    1383           1 :,source_p[src]);
    1384           1 :     msSource.spectralWindowId().put(src,-1);     // set valid for all
    1385           1 :     msSource.direction().put(ns,radec);
    1386           1 :     msSource.numLines().put(ns,1);
    1387           1 :     msSource.restFrequency().put(ns,restFreq);
    1388           1 :     msSource.time().put(ns,0.0);               // valid for all times
    1389           1 :     msSource.interval().put(ns,0);             // valid forever
    1390           1 :     msSource.sysvel().put(ns,sysvel);
    1391             :     // TODO?
    1392             :     // missing position/sysvel/transition in the produced MS/SOURCE sub-table ??
    1393             : 
    1394             :     // listobs complains:
    1395             :     // No systemic velocity information found in SOURCE table.
    1396             : 
    1397           1 :     ns++;
    1398             :   }
    1399             : 
    1400             :   // TODO:  #sources wrong if you take raw miriad before noise taken out
    1401           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillSourceTable() added " << ns << " sources" << LogIO::POST;
    1402           1 : }
    1403             : 
    1404             : // ==============================================================================================
    1405           1 : void Importmiriad::fillFeedTable() 
    1406             : {
    1407           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fillFeedTable" << LogIO::POST;
    1408             : 
    1409           1 :   MSFeedColumns msfc(ms_p.feed());
    1410             : 
    1411             :   // find out the POLARIZATION_TYPE
    1412             :   // In the fits files we handle there can be only a single, uniform type
    1413             :   // of polarization so the following should work.
    1414           1 :   MSPolarizationColumns& msPolC(msc_p->polarization());
    1415             : 
    1416           1 :   Int numCorr=msPolC.numCorr()(0);
    1417           1 :   Vector<String> rec_type(2); rec_type="";
    1418           1 :   if (corrType_p(0)>=Stokes::RR && corrType_p(numCorr-1)<=Stokes::LL) {
    1419           0 :       rec_type(0)="R"; rec_type(1)="L";
    1420             :   }
    1421           1 :   if (corrType_p(0)>=Stokes::XX && corrType_p(numCorr-1)<=Stokes::YY) {
    1422           1 :       rec_type(0)="X"; rec_type(1)="Y";
    1423             :   }
    1424             : 
    1425           1 :   Matrix<Complex> polResponse(2,2); 
    1426           1 :   polResponse=0.; polResponse(0,0)=polResponse(1,1)=1.;
    1427           1 :   Matrix<Double> offset(2,2); offset=0.;
    1428           1 :   Vector<Double> position(3); position=0.;
    1429           1 :   Vector<Double> ra(2);
    1430           1 :   ra = 0.0;
    1431           1 :   if (array_p == "ATCA") {
    1432           1 :     ra(0)=C::pi/4;
    1433             :     // 7mm feed is different; assumes all spectral windows are in same band for now...
    1434           1 :     if (win[freqSet_p].sfreq[0]>30. && win[freqSet_p].sfreq[0]<50.) ra(0)+=C::pi/2;
    1435           1 :     ra(1)=ra(0)+C::pi/2;
    1436             :   }
    1437             : 
    1438             :   // fill the feed table
    1439             :   // will only do UP TO the largest antenna referenced in the dataset
    1440           1 :   Int row=-1;
    1441           1 :   if (Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << nAnt_p.nelements() << LogIO::POST;
    1442           2 :   for (Int arr=0; arr< (Int)nAnt_p.nelements(); arr++) {   
    1443           1 :     if (Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2  << nAnt_p[arr] << LogIO::POST; 
    1444           7 :     for (Int ant=0; ant<nAnt_p[arr]; ant++) {
    1445           6 :       ms_p.feed().addRow(); row++;
    1446             : 
    1447           6 :       msfc.antennaId().put(row,ant);
    1448           6 :       msfc.beamId().put(row,-1);
    1449           6 :       msfc.feedId().put(row,0);
    1450           6 :       msfc.interval().put(row,DBL_MAX);
    1451             : 
    1452             :       // msfc.phasedFeedId().put(row,-1);    // now optional
    1453           6 :       msfc.spectralWindowId().put(row,-1); 
    1454           6 :       msfc.time().put(row,0.);
    1455           6 :       msfc.numReceptors().put(row,2);
    1456           6 :       msfc.beamOffset().put(row,offset);
    1457           6 :       msfc.polarizationType().put(row,rec_type);
    1458           6 :       msfc.polResponse().put(row,polResponse);
    1459           6 :       msfc.position().put(row,position);
    1460             :       // fix these when incremental array building is ok.
    1461             :       // although for CARMA this would never change ....
    1462           6 :       msfc.receptorAngle().put(row,ra);
    1463             :       // msfc.receptorAngle().put(row,receptorAngle_p[arr](Slice(2*ant,2)));
    1464             :     }
    1465             :   }      
    1466           1 : }
    1467             : 
    1468             : // ==============================================================================================
    1469           1 : void Importmiriad::fixEpochReferences() {
    1470             : 
    1471           1 :   if (Debug(1)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Importmiriad::fixEpochReferences" << LogIO::POST;
    1472             : 
    1473           1 :   if (timsys_p=="IAT") timsys_p="TAI";
    1474           1 :   if (timsys_p=="UTC" || timsys_p=="TAI") {
    1475           1 :     String key("MEASURE_REFERENCE");
    1476           1 :     MSColumns msc(ms_p);
    1477           1 :     msc.time().rwKeywordSet().define(key,timsys_p);
    1478           1 :     msc.feed().time().rwKeywordSet().define(key,timsys_p);
    1479           1 :     msc.field().time().rwKeywordSet().define(key,timsys_p);
    1480             :     // Fits obslog time is probably local time instead of TAI or UTC
    1481             :     //PJT msc.obsLog().time().rwKeywordSet().define(key,timsys_p);
    1482           1 :   } else {
    1483           0 :     if (timsys_p!="")
    1484           0 :       cerr << "Unhandled time reference frame: "<<timsys_p<<LogIO::POST;
    1485             :   }
    1486           1 : }
    1487             : 
    1488             : //
    1489             : // track some important uv variables to get notified when they change
    1490             : // 
    1491             : // ==============================================================================================
    1492         211 : void Importmiriad::Tracking(int record)
    1493             : {
    1494         211 :   if (Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Importmiriad::Tracking" << LogIO::POST;
    1495             : 
    1496             :   char vtype[10], vdata[10];
    1497             :   int vlen, vupd, idat, vupd1, vupd2, vupd3, j, k;
    1498             :   //  float dx, dy;
    1499             :   //  Float rdat;
    1500             :   //  Double ddat;
    1501             : 
    1502         211 :   if (record < 0) {                 // first time around: set variables to track
    1503           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"nschan","u");   // narrow lines
    1504           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"nspect","u");   // window averages
    1505           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"ischan","u");
    1506           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"sdf","u");
    1507           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"sfreq","u");    // changes a lot (doppler)
    1508             : 
    1509           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"restfreq","u"); // never really changes....
    1510           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"freq","u");     // never really changes....
    1511           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"ifchain","u");  // optional
    1512             : 
    1513             : 
    1514           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"nwide","u");
    1515           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"wfreq","u");
    1516           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"wwidth","u");
    1517             : 
    1518           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"antpos","u");   // array's
    1519           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"pol","u");      // pol's
    1520           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"dra","u");      // fields
    1521           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"ddec","u");     // fields
    1522             : 
    1523           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"ra","u");       // source position
    1524           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"dec","u");      // source position
    1525             : 
    1526           1 :     uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"inttime","u");
    1527             : 
    1528           1 :     if (Qlinecal_p)
    1529           0 :       uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"phasem1","u");  // linelength meaurements
    1530             : 
    1531             :     // weather:
    1532             :     // uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"airtemp","u");
    1533             :     // uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"dewpoint","u");
    1534             :     // uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"relhumid","u");
    1535             :     // uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"winddir","u");
    1536             :     // uvtrack_c(uv_handle_p,"windmph","u");
    1537             : 
    1538           1 :     return;
    1539             :   }
    1540             : 
    1541             :   // here is all the special tracking code...
    1542             :   
    1543         210 :   check_window(); // check if the freq setup has changed
    1544             : 
    1545         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"pol",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1546         210 :   if (vupd && npol_p==1) {
    1547           0 :     uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"pol",(char *)&idat, NULL, 1);
    1548           0 :     if (idat != pol_p[0])
    1549           0 :         os_p << LogIO::WARN<<"polarization changed to " << *pol_p << LogIO::POST;
    1550           0 :     pol_p[0] = idat;
    1551             :   }
    1552             : 
    1553         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"npol",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1554         210 :   if (vupd) {
    1555           1 :     uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"npol",(char *)&idat, NULL, 1);
    1556           1 :     if (idat != npol_p)
    1557           0 :       throw(AipsError("Cannot handle a changing npol yet"));
    1558             :   }
    1559             : 
    1560         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"inttime",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1561         210 :   if (vupd) {
    1562           1 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"inttime",(char *)&inttime_p,1);
    1563             :   }
    1564         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"antpos",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1565         210 :   if (vupd && record) {
    1566           0 :     if (Qarrays_p) 
    1567           0 :       nants_offset_p += nants_p;      // increment from size of previous array
    1568           0 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT, "nants", (char *)&nants_p,1);
    1569           0 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"antpos",(char *)antpos,3*nants_p);
    1570           0 :     if (Debug(2)) {
    1571           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Found " << nants_p << " antennas for array " 
    1572           0 :            << nArray_p << LogIO::POST;
    1573           0 :       for (int i=0; i<nants_p; i++) {
    1574           0 :         os_p << antpos[i] << " " << 
    1575           0 :                 antpos[i+nants_p] << " " << 
    1576           0 :                 antpos[i+nants_p*2] << LogIO::POST;
    1577             :       }
    1578             :     }
    1579           0 :     if (Debug(2)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Warning: antpos changed at record " << record << LogIO::POST;
    1580           0 :     if (Qarrays_p)
    1581           0 :       fillAntennaTable();
    1582             :   }
    1583             : 
    1584         210 :   if (Qlinecal_p) {
    1585           0 :     uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"phasem1",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1586           0 :     if (vupd) {
    1587             :       // lets assume (hope?) that nants_p didn't change, it better not.
    1588           0 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"phasem1",(char *)phasem1,nants_p);
    1589             :       // os_p << "PHASEM1: " << phasem1[0] << " " << phasem1[1] << " ...\n";
    1590             :     }
    1591             :   }
    1592             : 
    1593         210 :   if (win[freqSet_p].nspect > 0) {
    1594         210 :     uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"systemp",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);  
    1595         210 :     if (vupd) {
    1596          14 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"systemp",(char *)systemp,nants_p*win[freqSet_p].nspect);
    1597          14 :       if (Debug(3)) {
    1598           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Found systemps (new scan)" ;
    1599           0 :         for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++)  os_p << systemp[i] << " ";
    1600           0 :         os_p << LogIO::POST;
    1601             :       }
    1602          14 :       fillSyscalTable();
    1603             :     }
    1604             :   } else {
    1605           0 :     uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"wsystemp",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);  
    1606           0 :     if (vupd) {
    1607           0 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"wsystemp",(char *)systemp,nants_p);
    1608           0 :       if (Debug(3)) {
    1609           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Found wsystemps (new scan)" ;
    1610           0 :         for (Int i=0; i<nants_p; i++)  os_p << systemp[i] << " ";
    1611           0 :         os_p << LogIO::POST;
    1612             :       }
    1613             :     }
    1614             :   }
    1615             : 
    1616             :   // Go after a new pointing (where {source,ra,dec} was changed)
    1617             :   // SOURCE and DRA/DDEC are mixed together they define a row in the FIELD table
    1618             :   // so we need to build a field index here as well
    1619             : 
    1620         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"source",vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1621         210 :   if (vupd) {
    1622           1 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"source",vdata,16);
    1623           1 :     object_p = vdata;  
    1624             : 
    1625           1 :     j=-1;
    1626           1 :     for (uInt i=0; i<source_p.nelements(); i++) {    // find first matching source name
    1627           0 :       if (source_p[i] == object_p) {
    1628           0 :               j = i ;
    1629           0 :               os_p << "Found old source: " << object_p << LogIO::POST;
    1630             : 
    1631           0 :               break;
    1632             :       }
    1633             :     }
    1634           1 :     if (j==-1) {
    1635           1 :       os_p << "Found new source: " << object_p << LogIO::POST;
    1636           1 :       source_p.resize(source_p.nelements()+1, true);     // need to copy the old values
    1637           1 :       source_p[source_p.nelements()-1] = object_p;
    1638             :     
    1639           1 :       ras_p.resize(ras_p.nelements()+1, true);     
    1640           1 :       decs_p.resize(decs_p.nelements()+1, true);   
    1641           1 :       ras_p[ras_p.nelements()-1] = 0.0;                  // if no source at (0,0) offset
    1642           1 :       decs_p[decs_p.nelements()-1] = 0.0;                // these would never be initialized  
    1643             :     }
    1644           1 :     uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"purpose",vtype,&vlen,&vupd3);
    1645           1 :     purpose_p.resize(purpose_p.nelements()+1, true);   // need to copy the old values
    1646           1 :     purpose_p[purpose_p.nelements()-1] = " ";
    1647           1 :     if (vupd3) {
    1648           0 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_BYTE,"purpose",vdata,16);
    1649           0 :       purpose_p[purpose_p.nelements()-1] = vdata;
    1650             :     }
    1651             :   }
    1652             : 
    1653         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"dra", vtype,&vlen,&vupd1);
    1654         210 :   uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"ddec",vtype,&vlen,&vupd2);
    1655             : 
    1656         210 :   uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"ra", (char *)&ra_p, 1);
    1657         210 :   uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"dec",(char *)&dec_p,1);
    1658             : 
    1659         210 :   if (vupd || vupd1 || vupd2) {    // if either source or offset changed, find FIELD_ID
    1660           1 :     npoint++;
    1661           1 :     if (vupd1) uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"dra", (char *)&dra_p,  1);
    1662           1 :     if (vupd2) uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"ddec",(char *)&ddec_p, 1);
    1663             : 
    1664           1 :     j=-1;
    1665           1 :     for (uInt i=0; i<source_p.nelements(); i++) {    // find first matching source name
    1666           1 :       if (source_p[i] == object_p) {
    1667           1 :         j = i ;
    1668           1 :         break;
    1669             :       }
    1670             :     }
    1671             :     // j should always be >= 0 now, and is the source index
    1672           1 :     k=-1;
    1673           1 :     for (Int i=0; i<nfield; i++) { // check if we had this pointing/source before 
    1674           0 :       if (dra[i] == dra_p && ddec[i] == ddec_p && field[i] == j) {
    1675           0 :         k = i;
    1676           0 :         break;
    1677             :       }
    1678             :     }
    1679             :     // k could be -1, when a new field/source is found
    1680             :     // else it is >=0 and the index into the field array
    1681             : 
    1682           1 :     if (Debug(1)) {
    1683           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "POINTING: " << npoint 
    1684           0 :            << " source: " << object_p << " [" << j << "," << k << "] "
    1685           0 :            << " dra/ddec: "   << dra_p << " " << ddec_p << LogIO::POST;
    1686             :     }
    1687             :     
    1688           1 :     if (k<0) {                             // we have a new source/field combination
    1689           1 :       ifield = nfield;
    1690           1 :       nfield++;
    1691           1 :       if (Debug(2)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Adding new field " << ifield 
    1692           0 :                          << " for " << object_p << " " << source_p[j] 
    1693             :                          << " at " 
    1694           0 :                          << dra_p *206264.8062 << " " 
    1695           0 :                          << ddec_p*206264.8062 << " arcsec." << LogIO::POST;
    1696           1 :       if (Debug(1)) show();
    1697             : 
    1698           1 :       if (nfield >= MAXFIELD) {
    1699           0 :         os_p << "Cannot handle more than " << MAXFIELD << " fields." << LogIO::POST;
    1700           0 :         exit(1);
    1701             :       }
    1702           1 :       ra[ifield]  = ra_p;
    1703           1 :       dec[ifield] = dec_p;
    1704           1 :       dra[ifield]  = dra_p;
    1705           1 :       ddec[ifield] = ddec_p;
    1706           1 :       field[ifield] = j;
    1707           1 :       if (dra_p == 0.0 && ddec_p==0.0) {   // store ra/dec for SOURCE table as well 
    1708           1 :         ras_p[j]  = ra_p;
    1709           1 :         decs_p[j] = dec_p;
    1710             :       }
    1711             :     } else {
    1712           0 :       ifield = k;
    1713             :     }
    1714             : 
    1715           1 :     if (Debug(3)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Warning: pointing " << j 
    1716             :         << " (dra/ddec) changed at record " << record << " : " 
    1717           0 :         << dra_p *206264.8062 << " " 
    1718           0 :         << ddec_p*206264.8062 << LogIO::POST;
    1719             :   }
    1720             : } // Tracking()
    1721             : 
    1722             : 
    1723             : 
    1724             : // ==============================================================================================
    1725             : // Check for changes of the frequency setup and store them all
    1726         211 : void Importmiriad::check_window()
    1727             : {
    1728             :   int vlen,vupd;
    1729             :   char vtype[10];
    1730         211 :   Int next = nFreqSet_p;
    1731         211 :   if (Debug(2)) os_p << LogIO::DEBUG2 << "Importmiriad::check_window" << LogIO::POST;
    1732         211 :   Int idx, nchan=0, nspect=0, nwide=0;
    1733             : 
    1734         211 :   uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"nchan",(char *)&nchan, (char *)&nchan, 1);
    1735         211 :   uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"nspect",(char *)&nspect,(char *)&nspect, 1);
    1736         211 :   win[next].nspect = nspect;
    1737         211 :   uvrdvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"nwide",(char *)&nwide, (char *)&nwide, 1);
    1738         211 :   win[next].nwide = nwide;
    1739             : 
    1740         211 :   if (nspect > 0 && nspect <= MAXWIN) {
    1741             : 
    1742         211 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"ischan",(char *)win[next].ischan, nspect);
    1743         211 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"nschan",(char *)win[next].nschan, nspect);
    1744         211 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"restfreq",(char *)win[next].restfreq, nspect);
    1745         211 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"sdf",(char *)win[next].sdf, nspect);
    1746         211 :     uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_DBLE,"sfreq",(char *)win[next].sfreq, nspect);
    1747         211 :     uvprobvr_c(uv_handle_p,"ifchain", vtype,&vlen,&vupd);
    1748         211 :     if (vtype[0]=='i')
    1749         211 :       uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_INT,"ifchain",(char *)win[next].chain, nspect);
    1750             :   }
    1751         211 :   if (nwide>0) {
    1752           0 :        uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"wfreq",(char *)win[next].wfreq, nwide);
    1753           0 :        uvgetvr_c(uv_handle_p,H_REAL,"wwidth",(char *)win[next].wwidth, nwide); 
    1754             :   }
    1755             : 
    1756         211 :   if (nwide >0 && nspect != nwide) {
    1757             :     // don't know how to handle this
    1758             :     // we could assume the smaller one is the one we should deal with
    1759             :     // but there's no way to check how select=win() was used...
    1760             :     // also, if you've used uvcat options=nowide, nwide=0 and nspect non-zero.
    1761             :     // we really don't care about the wide bands anymore
    1762           0 :     if (nwide < nspect)
    1763           0 :       throw(AipsError("nspect != nwide"));
    1764             :     else {
    1765           0 :       nwide = nspect;
    1766             :     }
    1767             :   }
    1768             : 
    1769         422 :   for (Int i=0; i<nspect; i++) {
    1770         211 :     win[next].code[i] = 'N';
    1771             :   }
    1772             : 
    1773         211 :   idx = (nspect > 0 ? nspect : 0);           // idx points into the combined[] elements
    1774         211 :   for (Int i=0; i<nwide; i++) {
    1775           0 :     Int side = (win[next].sdf[i] < 0 ? -1 : 1);
    1776           0 :     win[next].code[idx]     = 'S';
    1777           0 :     win[next].ischan[idx]   = nchan + i + 1;
    1778           0 :     win[next].nschan[idx]   = 1;
    1779           0 :     win[next].sfreq[idx]    = win[next].wfreq[i];
    1780           0 :     win[next].sdf[idx]      = side * win[next].wwidth[i];
    1781           0 :     win[next].restfreq[idx] = -1.0;  // no meaning
    1782           0 :     idx++;
    1783             :   }
    1784             :   
    1785         211 :   if (nspect>0) {
    1786             :     // Got all the window details, now check if we already have this one
    1787         211 :     Bool found=false;
    1788         211 :     for (Int i=0; i<nFreqSet_p; i++) {
    1789             :       // compare win[i] and win[next]
    1790         210 :       found=compareWindows(win[i],win[next]);
    1791         210 :       if (found) {
    1792         210 :         freqSet_p=i;
    1793         210 :         break;
    1794             :       }
    1795             :     }
    1796             : 
    1797         211 :     if (not found && Debug(1)) {
    1798           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Layout of spectral windows (check_window): nspect=" << nspect 
    1799           0 :            << " nwide=" << nwide << LogIO::POST;
    1800           0 :       os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "(N=narrow    W=wide,   S=spectral window averages)" << LogIO::POST;
    1801             : 
    1802           0 :       for (Int i=0; i<nspect+nwide; i++)
    1803           0 :         os_p << LogIO::DEBUG1 << win[next].code[i] << ": " << i+1  << " " << keep_p(i) << " "
    1804             :              << win[next].nschan[i] << " " << win[next].ischan[i] << " " 
    1805             :              << win[next].sfreq[i] <<  " " << win[next].sdf[i] <<  " " << win[next].restfreq[i]
    1806           0 :              << LogIO::POST;
    1807             :     }
    1808             : 
    1809             : 
    1810         211 :     if (not found) {
    1811           1 :       os_p << "New frequency setting with "<<nspect<<" spectral windows"<<LogIO::POST;
    1812           1 :       nFreqSet_p=nFreqSet_p+1;
    1813           1 :       if (nFreqSet_p>=MAXFSET) throw(AipsError("Too many frequency settings"));
    1814           1 :       freqSet_p=next;
    1815             :     }
    1816             :     // Calculate datadesc_id offset
    1817         211 :     ddid_p=0;
    1818         211 :     for (Int i=0; i<freqSet_p; i++){
    1819           0 :       for (Int j=0; j<win[i].nspect+win[i].nwide; j++) {
    1820           0 :         if (keep_p(j)) ddid_p+=1;
    1821             :       }
    1822             :     }
    1823             :   }
    1824         211 : }
    1825             : 
    1826             : // ==============================================================================================
    1827         210 : Bool Importmiriad::compareWindows(WINDOW& win1,WINDOW& win2)
    1828             : {
    1829             :   // Check if two freq/corr windows are the same (within tolerance)
    1830         210 :   if (win1.nspect!= win2.nspect || win1.nwide!=win2.nwide) return false;
    1831         420 :   for (Int i=0; i<win1.nspect; i++){
    1832         210 :     if (win1.nschan[i]!=win2.nschan[i]) return false;
    1833         210 :     Double w = abs(win1.sdf[i]);
    1834         210 :     if (abs(win1.sdf[i]-win2.sdf[i])>0.01*w) return false;
    1835         210 :     if (abs(win1.sfreq[i]-win2.sfreq[i])>0.5*w) return false;
    1836         210 :     if (abs(win1.restfreq[i]-win2.restfreq[i])>0.5*w) return false;
    1837         210 :     if (win1.chain[i]!=win2.chain[i]) return false;
    1838             :   }
    1839             :   // could check wides, but since they are not written..
    1840         210 :   return true;
    1841             : }
    1842             : 
    1843             : // ==============================================================================================
    1844           1 : void Importmiriad::show()
    1845             : {
    1846             : #if 0
    1847             :   os_p << "Importmiriad::show()" << LogIO::POST;
    1848             :   for (int i=0; i<source_p.nelements(); i++)  os_p << "SOURCE_P_1: " << source_p[i] << LogIO::POST;
    1849             : #endif
    1850           1 : }
    1851             : 
    1852             : // ==============================================================================================
    1853           1 : void Importmiriad::close()
    1854             : {
    1855             :   // close the file
    1856           1 :   uvclose_c(uv_handle_p);
    1857           1 : }
    1858             : 

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