LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - graphics/GenericPlotter - PlotEvent.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 38 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 26 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# PlotEvent.h: Classes for interaction events.
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2008
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id: $
      27             : #ifndef PLOTEVENT_H_
      28             : #define PLOTEVENT_H_
      29             : 
      30             : #include <graphics/GenericPlotter/PlotOptions.h>
      31             : 
      32             : namespace casa {
      33             : 
      34             : //# Forward Declarations
      35             : class Plotter;
      36             : class PlotCanvas;
      37             : class PlotButton;
      38             : class PlotCheckbox;
      39             : 
      40             : // Base class for an event.
      41             : class PlotEvent {
      42             : public:
      43           0 :     PlotEvent() { }
      44             :     
      45           0 :     virtual ~PlotEvent() { }
      46             :     
      47             :     // Return the origin of the object that spawned this event.
      48             :     virtual void* origin() const = 0;
      49             : };
      50             : 
      51             : 
      52             : // Event for when the user selects a region on a plot canvas with the mouse.
      53             : class PlotSelectEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
      54             : public:
      55             :     // Constructor that takes the originating canvas and the selected region.
      56             :     PlotSelectEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, const PlotRegion& region);
      57             :     
      58             :     // Destructor.
      59             :     ~PlotSelectEvent();
      60             :     
      61             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
      62           0 :     void* origin() const { return canvas(); }
      63             :     
      64             :     // Returns the canvas upon which the selection was made.
      65             :     PlotCanvas* canvas() const;
      66             :     
      67             :     // Returns the region that was selected.
      68             :     PlotRegion region() const;
      69             :     
      70             : protected:
      71             :     PlotCanvas* m_canvas; // Canvas
      72             :     PlotRegion m_region;  // Selected Region
      73             : };
      74             : 
      75             : 
      76             : // Generic mouse event where the canvas is the origin, and the type, button,
      77             : // and location of the event are provided.
      78             : class PlotMouseEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
      79             : public:
      80             :     // Mouse event types.
      81             :     enum Type {
      82             :         CLICK,   // press and release (can be double)
      83             :         PRESS,   // press
      84             :         RELEASE, // release
      85             :         DRAG,    // mouse movement while button is down
      86             :         MOVE     // mouse movement any time
      87             :     };
      88             :     
      89             :     // Mouse button types that we care about.
      90             :     enum Button {
      91             :         SINGLE,  // left button, single click
      92             :         DOUBLE,  // left button, double click
      93             :         CONTEXT, // right button
      94             :         MIDDLE   // middle button
      95             :     };
      96             :     
      97             :     // Constructor which takes the originating canvas, type, button, and
      98             :     // location.
      99             :     PlotMouseEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Type type, Button button,
     100             :                    const PlotCoordinate& coord);
     101             :     
     102             :     // Destructor.
     103             :     virtual ~PlotMouseEvent();
     104             :     
     105             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     106           0 :     void* origin() const { return canvas(); }
     107             :     
     108             :     // Canvas origin of event.
     109             :     PlotCanvas* canvas() const;
     110             :     
     111             :     // Type of event.
     112             :     Type type() const;
     113             :     
     114             :     // Button of event.
     115             :     Button button() const;
     116             :     
     117             :     // Location of event.
     118             :     PlotCoordinate where() const;
     119             :     
     120             : protected:
     121             :     PlotCanvas* m_canvas;   // Canvas
     122             :     Type m_type;            // Type
     123             :     Button m_button;        // Button
     124             :     PlotCoordinate m_coord; // Location
     125             : };
     126             : 
     127             : 
     128             : // Convenience class for mouse clicks.
     129             : class PlotClickEvent : public PlotMouseEvent {
     130             : public:    
     131           0 :     PlotClickEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Button button,
     132           0 :             const PlotCoordinate& coord) :
     133           0 :             PlotMouseEvent(canvas, CLICK, button, coord) { }
     134             :     
     135           0 :     ~PlotClickEvent() { }
     136             : };
     137             : 
     138             : // Convenience class for mouse presses.
     139             : class PlotMousePressEvent : public PlotMouseEvent {
     140             : public:
     141           0 :     PlotMousePressEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Button button,
     142           0 :             const PlotCoordinate& coord) :
     143           0 :             PlotMouseEvent(canvas, PRESS, button, coord) { }
     144             :     
     145           0 :     ~PlotMousePressEvent() { }
     146             : };
     147             : 
     148             : // Convenience class for mouse releases.
     149             : class PlotMouseReleaseEvent : public PlotMouseEvent {
     150             : public:
     151           0 :     PlotMouseReleaseEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Button button,
     152           0 :             const PlotCoordinate& coord) :
     153           0 :             PlotMouseEvent(canvas, RELEASE, button, coord) { }
     154             :     
     155           0 :     ~PlotMouseReleaseEvent() { }
     156             : };
     157             : 
     158             : // Convenience class for mouse drags.
     159             : class PlotMouseDragEvent : public PlotMouseEvent {
     160             : public:
     161           0 :     PlotMouseDragEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Button button,
     162           0 :             const PlotCoordinate& coord) :
     163           0 :             PlotMouseEvent(canvas, DRAG, button, coord) { }
     164             :     
     165           0 :     ~PlotMouseDragEvent() { }
     166             : };
     167             : 
     168             : // Convenience class for mouse moves.
     169             : class PlotMouseMoveEvent : public PlotMouseEvent {
     170             : public:
     171           0 :     PlotMouseMoveEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, Button button,
     172           0 :             const PlotCoordinate& coord) :
     173           0 :             PlotMouseEvent(canvas, MOVE, button, coord) { }
     174             :     
     175           0 :     ~PlotMouseMoveEvent() { }
     176             : };
     177             : 
     178             : 
     179             : // Event for when the user scrolls the scroll wheel.  The scroll event contains
     180             : // a "delta" which is negative when the user scrolls back and positive when
     181             : // the user scrolls forward.  The number indicates how many "clicks" the user
     182             : // scrolled.
     183             : class PlotWheelEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
     184             : public:
     185             :     // Constructor which takes the originating canvas, the wheel delta, and the
     186             :     // location.
     187             :     PlotWheelEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, int delta, const PlotCoordinate& c);
     188             :     
     189             :     // Destructor.
     190             :     ~PlotWheelEvent();
     191             :     
     192             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     193           0 :     void* origin() const { return canvas(); }
     194             :     
     195             :     // Canvas that was scrolled upon.
     196             :     PlotCanvas* canvas() const;
     197             :     
     198             :     // Scroll delta.
     199             :     int delta() const;
     200             :     
     201             :     // Where the scroll happened.
     202             :     PlotCoordinate where() const;
     203             :     
     204             : protected:
     205             :     PlotCanvas* m_canvas;   // Canvas
     206             :     int m_delta;            // Scroll delta
     207             :     PlotCoordinate m_coord; // Location
     208             : };
     209             : 
     210             : 
     211             : // Event for when the user makes a keyboard command when a canvas has focus.
     212             : // An example of a keyboard command would be "ctrl+s" or "n" or "shift+g" or
     213             : // "F3".  Note that this event is only valid for key commands that can be
     214             : // represented with a char (or, in the case of the F1-F12 keys, the F modifier
     215             : // plus the character representation of the number).
     216             : class PlotKeyEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
     217             : public:
     218             :     // Modifier for a key press
     219             :     enum Modifier {
     220             :         CONTROL, SHIFT, ALT, F
     221             :     };
     222             :     
     223             :     // Constructor that takes the originating canvas, the key pressed, and any
     224             :     // modifiers.
     225             :     PlotKeyEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, char key, const std::vector<Modifier>& mods);
     226             :     
     227             :     // Destructor.
     228             :     ~PlotKeyEvent();
     229             :     
     230             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     231           0 :     void* origin() const { return canvas(); }
     232             :     
     233             :     // Returns the originating canvas.
     234             :     PlotCanvas* canvas() const;
     235             :     
     236             :     // Returns the pressed character key.
     237             :     char key() const;
     238             :     
     239             :     // Returns the key modifiers.
     240             :     std::vector<Modifier> modifiers() const;
     241             :     
     242             :     // Returns a casacore::String representation of this key event.
     243             :     casacore::String toString() const;
     244             :     
     245             :     
     246             :     // Converts between KeyModifier and its casacore::String representation.
     247             :     // <group>
     248           0 :     static casacore::String modifier(Modifier f) {
     249           0 :         switch(f) {
     250           0 :         case CONTROL: return "Ctrl";
     251           0 :         case ALT: return "Alt";
     252           0 :         case SHIFT: return "Shift";
     253           0 :         case F: return "F";
     254             :         
     255           0 :         default: return "?";
     256             :         }
     257             :     }    
     258             :     static Modifier modifier(casacore::String f) {
     259             :         f.downcase();
     260             :         
     261             :         if(f == "ctrl" || f == "control") return CONTROL;
     262             :         if(f == "shift") return SHIFT;
     263             :         if(f == "alt") return ALT;
     264             :         if(f == "f" || f == "function") return F;
     265             :         
     266             :         return F;
     267             :     }
     268             :     // </group>
     269             :     
     270             : protected:
     271             :     PlotCanvas* m_canvas;    // Canvas
     272             :     char m_key;              // Character
     273             :     std::vector<Modifier> m_mods; // Modifiers
     274             : };
     275             : 
     276             : 
     277             : // Event for when a canvas or plotter is resized.
     278             : class PlotResizeEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
     279             : public:
     280             :     // Canvas resize constructor, which takes the old and new sizes.
     281             :     PlotResizeEvent(PlotCanvas* canvas, int oldWidth, int oldHeight,
     282             :                     int newWidth, int newHeight);
     283             :     
     284             :     // Plotter resize constructor, which takes the old and new sizes.
     285             :     PlotResizeEvent(Plotter* plotter, int oldWidth, int oldHeight,
     286             :                     int newWidth, int newHeight);
     287             :     
     288             :     // Destructor.
     289             :     ~PlotResizeEvent();
     290             :     
     291             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     292           0 :     void* origin() const {
     293           0 :         if(canvas() != NULL) return canvas();
     294           0 :         else                 return plotter();
     295             :     }
     296             :     
     297             :     // Canvas that was resized, or NULL if it was a plotter.
     298             :     PlotCanvas* canvas() const;
     299             :     
     300             :     // Plotter that was resize, or NULL if it was a canvas.
     301             :     Plotter* plotter() const;
     302             :     
     303             :     // Old size, in pixels.
     304             :     std::pair<int, int> oldSize() const;
     305             :     
     306             :     // New size, in pixels.
     307             :     std::pair<int, int> newSize() const;
     308             :     
     309             : protected:
     310             :     Plotter* m_plotter;   // Plotter (or NULL)
     311             :     PlotCanvas* m_canvas; // Canvas (or NULL)
     312             :     std::pair<int, int> m_old; // Old size
     313             :     std::pair<int, int> m_new; // New size
     314             : };
     315             : 
     316             : 
     317             : // Event for when a PlotButton is pressed.
     318             : class PlotButtonEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
     319             : public:
     320             :     // Constructor which takes the originating button.
     321             :     PlotButtonEvent(PlotButton* button);
     322             :     
     323             :     // Destructor.
     324             :     ~PlotButtonEvent();
     325             :     
     326             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     327           0 :     void* origin() const { return button(); }
     328             :     
     329             :     // Returns the button that was clicked.
     330             :     PlotButton* button() const;
     331             :     
     332             : protected:
     333             :     PlotButton* m_button; // button
     334             : };
     335             : 
     336             : // Event for when a PlotCheckbox is clicked.
     337             : class PlotCheckboxEvent : public virtual PlotEvent {
     338             : public:
     339             :     // Constructor which takes the originating checkbox.
     340             :     PlotCheckboxEvent(PlotCheckbox* checkbox);
     341             :     
     342             :     // Destructor.
     343             :     ~PlotCheckboxEvent();
     344             :     
     345             :     // Overrides PlotEvent::origin().
     346           0 :     void* origin() const { return checkbox(); }
     347             :     
     348             :     // Returns the checkbox that was clicked.
     349             :     PlotCheckbox* checkbox() const;
     350             :     
     351             : protected:
     352             :     PlotCheckbox* m_checkbox; // checkbox
     353             : };
     354             : 
     355             : }
     356             : 
     357             : #endif /*PLOTEVENT_H_*/

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16