LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - atnf/rpfits - rpfitsout.f (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 429 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 1 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             : C
       3             : C                     SUBROUTINE RPFITSOUT
       4             : C
       5             : C $Id: rpfitsout.f,v 1.35 2015/01/19 05:13:00 rey052 Exp $
       6             : C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
       7           0 :       subroutine RPFITSOUT (jstat, vis, weight, baseline, ut, u, v,
       8             :      +   w, flag, bin, if_no, sourceno)
       9             : 
      10             : C     This routine is for writing an RPFITS file.
      11             : C     Its function when called depends primarily on the value of
      12             : C     JSTAT, as follows:
      13             : C           JSTAT=-3......Open file
      14             : C           JSTAT=-2......Open file and write a header
      15             : C           JSTAT=-1......Write a header
      16             : C           JSTAT=0.......Write a data group to the file
      17             : C           JSTAT=1.......Close the file.
      18             : C           JSTAT=2.......Write an FG table to the end of the data
      19             : C           JSTAT=3.......Flush buffer, close file, reopen file
      20             : C     When JSTAT=1 or -1, all the other arguments are dummy, and are
      21             : C     left unchanged.
      22             : C     When JSTAT=0, all the parameters and the contents of common blocks
      23             : C     should be set before entry. They are all unchanged on exit, except
      24             : C     DATOBS which, if blank on entry, will contain the current UT
      25             : C     date on exit.
      26             : C
      27             : C     On exit, JSTAT indicates the success of the operation:
      28             : C           JSTAT=-1.........Operation unsuccessful
      29             : C           JSTAT=0..........Operation successful
      30             : C
      31             : C-----------------DUMMY ARGUMENTS---------------------------------------
      32             : 
      33             :       integer baseline, flag, bin, if_no, sourceno
      34             :       real    weight(*), ut, u, v, w
      35             :       complex vis(*)
      36             : 
      37             : C-----------------OTHER BITS & PIECES-----------------------------------
      38             : 
      39             :       include ''
      40             : 
      41             :       double precision D2PI
      42             :       parameter (D2PI = 2d0 * 3.14159265358979323846d0)
      43             : 
      44             :       logical   async, open, scan_head
      45             :       integer   AT_CLOSE, AT_CREATE, AT_REOPEN_WRITE, AT_WRITE, bufleft,
      46             :      +          bufleft3, bufptr, cdelt3, crval3, grplength, grpptr, i,
      47             :      +          i_buff(640), i_grphdr(11), icard, illegal, instat,
      48             :      +          jstat, k, length, lun, n_words, newdim, pcount
      49             :       real      buffer(640), crpix4, grphdr(11),
      50             :      +          sc_buf(max_sc*max_if*ant_max)
      51             :       character key*8, utdate*12
      52             : 
      53             :       equivalence (i_buff(1), buffer(1))
      54             :       equivalence (i_grphdr(1), grphdr(1))
      55             :       equivalence (sc_buf(1), sc_cal(1,1,1))
      56             : 
      57             :       common /filelun/ lun
      58             : 
      59             :       save buffer, bufptr
      60             : 
      61             : C-------------------TEMPLATE FOR RPFITS HEADERS-------------------------
      62             : 
      63             :       integer    ACTUALDIM, MAX_HEADER
      64             :       parameter (ACTUALDIM  = 70)
      65             :       parameter (MAX_HEADER = 2240)
      66             : 
      67             :       character m(MAX_HEADER)*80
      68             :       integer   ichr(640), j
      69             :       character mout(32)*80
      70             :       real      chr(640)
      71             :       equivalence (ichr, chr, mout)
      72             : 
      73             :       data illegal /32768/
      74             :       data bufptr  /1/
      75             :       data async   /.false./
      76             :       data length  /2560/
      77             :       data open    /.false./
      78             :       data pcount  /11/
      79             :       data rpfitsversion /'2.12                '/
      80             : 
      81             :       data (m(i), i = 1,15) /
      82             :      + 'SIMPLE  =                    F  / NONCONFORMIST',
      83             :      + 'FORMAT  =             ''RPFITS''  / RPFITS',
      84             :      + 'SCANS   =                   -1  / No. of scans in file',
      85             :      + 'BITPIX  =                  -32  / Values are real',
      86             :      + 'NAXIS   =                    6  /',
      87             :      + 'NAXIS1  =                    0  / Required for grouped data',
      88             :      + 'NAXIS2  =                    3  / Complex=real,imag.,weight',
      89             :      + 'NAXIS3  =                    ?  / No. of Stokes parameters',
      90             :      + 'NAXIS4  =                    ?  / No. of frequencies',
      91             :      + 'NAXIS5  =                    1  / Right Ascension (EPOCH)',
      92             :      + 'NAXIS6  =                    1  / Declination (EPOCH)',
      93             :      + 'RPFITS  = ''0.0                 '' / RPFITS version number',
      94             :      + 'GROUPS  =                    T  / Data structured in groups',
      95             :      + 'PCOUNT  =                   11  / No. of random parameters',
      96             :      + 'GCOUNT  =                    ?  / No. of groups'/
      97             : 
      98             :       data (m(i), i = 16,25) /
      99             :      + 'BUNIT   = ''JY                ''  / Unit of flux',
     100             :      + 'BLANK   =               -32768  / Value of blank pixel',
     101             :      + 'OBJECT  = ''                  ''  / Source Name',
     102             :      + 'INSTRUME= ''DUMMY             ''  / Instrument',
     103             :      + 'CAL     = ''NONE              ''  / Cal applied',
     104             :      + 'EPOCH   = ''J2000             ''  / Epoch of RA & Dec.',
     105             :      + 'OBSERVER= ''                  ''  /',
     106             :      + 'DATE    = ''                  ''  / UT Date data written',
     107             :      + 'DATE-OBS= ''                  ''  / UT Date data generated',
     108             :      + 'HISTORY AT''                  ''  /'/
     109             : 
     110             : 
     111             :       data (m(i), i = 26,37) /
     112             :      + 'CTYPE2  = ''COMPLEX''             / Fringe visibilities',
     113             :      + 'CRPIX2  =                  1.0  /',
     114             :      + 'CRVAL2  =                  1.0  /',
     115             :      + 'CDELT2  =                  1.0  /',
     116             : 
     117             :      + 'CTYPE3  = ''STOKES''              /',
     118             :      + 'CRPIX3  =                    1  /',
     119             :      + 'CRVAL3  =                    1  /',
     120             :      + 'CDELT3  =                    1  /',
     121             : 
     122             :      + 'CTYPE4  = ''FREQ     ''           / Frequency in Hz',
     123             :      + 'CRPIX4  =                    ?  / Ref. pixel= centre channel',
     124             :      + 'CRVAL4  =                    ?  / Freq. (Hz) of ref. pixel',
     125             :      + 'CDELT4  =                  1.0  / Frequency interval (Hz)'/
     126             : 
     127             :       data (m(i), i = 38,45) /
     128             :      + 'CTYPE5  = ''RA''                  / Right Ascension in radians',
     129             :      + 'CRPIX5  =                    1  /',
     130             :      + 'CRVAL5  =                  0.0  /',
     131             :      + 'CDELT5  =                  1.0  /',
     132             : 
     133             :      + 'CTYPE6  = ''DEC''                 / Declination in radians',
     134             :      + 'CRPIX6  =                    1  /',
     135             :      + 'CRVAL6  =                    ?  /',
     136             :      + 'CDELT6  =                  1.0  /'/
     137             : 
     138             :       data (m(i), i = 46,56) /
     139             :      + 'PTYPE1  = ''UU  ''                / U coordinate in metres',
     140             :      + 'PTYPE2  = ''VV  ''                / V coordinate in metres',
     141             :      + 'PTYPE3  = ''WW  ''                / W coordinate in metres',
     142             :      + 'PTYPE4  = ''BASELINE''            / =aerial(j)*256+aerial(i)',
     143             :      + 'PTYPE5  = ''UT   ''               / UT in seconds',
     144             :      + 'PTYPE6  = ''FLAG ''               / Data flag',
     145             :      + 'PTYPE7  = ''BIN  ''               / Pulsar bin no.',
     146             :      + 'PTYPE8  = ''IF_NO''               / IF no (index to IF table)',
     147             :      + 'PTYPE9  = ''SOURCENO''            / SRC no (index to SU table)',
     148             :      + 'PTYPE10 = ''INTBAS''              / Integration time (secs)',
     149             :      + 'VELREF  =                    0  / Velocity reference system'/
     150             : 
     151             :       data (m(i), i = 57,66) /
     152             :      + 'RESTFREQ=                  0.0  / Line rest frequency in Hz',
     153             :      + 'ALTRVAL =                  0.0  / Alternate reference value',
     154             :      + 'ALTRPIX =                  1.0  / Alternate reference pixel',
     155             :      + 'INTIME  =                    0  / Integration time in seconds',
     156             :      + 'HISTORY = ''?                   '' /',
     157             :      + 'TABLES  =                    1  / May be tables',
     158             :      + 'DEFEAT  =                    0  / Ephemeris defeat switch',
     159             :      + 'UTCMTAI =                    0  / UTC-TAI in seconds',
     160             :      + 'DJMREFP =                    0  / Param from USNO circular',
     161             :      + 'DJMREFT =                    0  / Param from USNO circular'/
     162             :       data (m(i), i = 67,70) /
     163             :      + 'VERSION = ''                    '' / Set by calling program ',
     164             :      + 'PMRA    =                    0  / Proper motion RA (sect/day)',
     165             :      + 'PMDEC   =                    0  / Proper motion DEC (asec/day)',
     166             :      + 'PMEPOCH =                    0  / Ref epoch for proper motion'/
     167             : 
     168             : C---------------------DECIDE ON FUNCTION--------------------------------
     169             : 
     170           0 :       instat=jstat
     171           0 :       if (jstat.eq.-3) go to 100
     172           0 :       if (jstat.eq.-2) go to 100
     173           0 :       if (jstat.eq.-1) go to 100
     174           0 :       if (jstat.eq.0) go to 2000
     175           0 :       if (jstat.eq.1) go to 6000
     176           0 :       if (jstat.eq.2) go to 1000
     177           0 :       if (jstat.eq.3) go to 6000
     178             :       write (6, *)
     179           0 :      +   ' Illegal value of jstat in routine RPFITSOUT is ', jstat
     180           0 :       RETURN
     181             : 
     182             : C------------------------WRITE HEADER ----------------------------------
     183             : 
     184             : C     Only this first bit differs for file or scan headers.
     185           0 :   100 if (jstat.eq.-1) then
     186           0 :          scan_head = .true.
     187           0 :          jstat = 0
     188             : 
     189             : 
     190             : C        If an incomplete buffer remains fill it with reserved operands
     191             : C        for easy detection then write it out.
     192           0 :          if ( then
     193           0 :             do i = bufptr, 640
     194           0 :                call I4VAX (illegal, i_buff(i))
     195             :             end do
     196             : 
     197           0 :             rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     198           0 :             if ( then
     199           0 :                jstat = -1
     200           0 :                write (6, *) 'Cannot empty buffer'
     201           0 :                RETURN
     202             :             end if
     203             :          end if
     204             :       else
     205           0 :          if (open) then
     206           0 :             write (6, *) 'File is already open'
     207           0 :             jstat = -1
     208           0 :             RETURN
     209             :          end if
     210           0 :          scan_head = .false.
     211           0 :          jstat = 0
     212           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_CREATE (file, async, 0, lun)
     213           0 :          if ( then
     214           0 :             jstat = -1
     215           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot open file'
     216           0 :             RETURN
     217             :          end if
     218             : 
     219           0 :          nscan = 0
     220             :       end if
     221             : 
     222           0 :       if (instat.eq.-3) RETURN
     223             : 
     224             : C------------------- SET UP STOKES PARAMETERS --------------------------
     225             : 
     226             : C     First see how many words are to be written.
     227           0 :       if (data_format .eq. 1) then
     228           0 :          n_words = 1
     229           0 :          write_wt = .false.
     230           0 :       else if (data_format .eq. 2 ) then
     231           0 :          n_words = 2
     232           0 :          write_wt = .false.
     233           0 :       else if (data_format .eq. 3 ) then
     234           0 :          n_words = 3
     235           0 :          write_wt = .true.
     236             :       else
     237           0 :          write (6, *) 'rpfitsout:data_format must be 1, 2 or 3'
     238           0 :          jstat = -1
     239           0 :          RETURN
     240             :       end if
     241             : 
     242             : c     This section really needs to be re-done sometime to handle data
     243             : c     with non-standard stokes order: JER.
     244           0 :       if (feed_type(1,1)(1:1).eq.'I' .or. feed_type(1,1).eq.' ') then
     245           0 :          crval3 = 1
     246           0 :          cdelt3 = 1
     247           0 :       else if (feed_type(1,1).eq.'R' .or. feed_type(1,1).eq.'L') then
     248           0 :          crval3 = -1
     249           0 :          cdelt3 = -1
     250           0 :       else if (feed_type(1,1).eq.'X' .or. feed_type(1,1).eq.'Y') then
     251           0 :          crval3 = -5
     252           0 :          cdelt3 = -1
     253             :       else
     254           0 :          crval3 = 5
     255           0 :          cdelt3 = 1
     256             :       end if
     257             : 
     258             : 
     259             : C------------------ SET UP HEADER PARAMETERS ---------------------------
     260             : 
     261             : C     Get UTC date.
     262           0 :       call datfit (' ', utdate, jstat)
     263             : 
     264             : C     Create current UTC date in the form yyyy-mm-dd
     265           0 :       if (datobs(1:2).eq.'  ') then
     266           0 :          if (utdate.eq.' ') then
     267           0 :             jstat = -1
     268           0 :             datobs = ' '
     269           0 :             write (6, *) 'Failed to get current date for header.'
     270           0 :             RETURN
     271             :          else
     272           0 :             datobs = utdate
     273             :          endif
     274             :       end if
     275             : 
     276             : C------------ SORT OUT OBSOLETE HEADER QUANTITIES IF NECESSARY ---------
     277           0 :       n_if = MAX (1, n_if)
     278           0 :       if (if_freq(1).eq.0.) if_freq(1)  = freq
     279           0 :       if (if_bw(1).eq.0.)   if_bw(1)    = nfreq*dfreq
     280           0 :       if (if_nfreq(1).eq.0) if_nfreq(1) = nfreq
     281           0 :       if (if_nstok(1).eq.0) if_nstok(1) = nstok
     282           0 :       if (if_ref(1).eq.0) if_ref(1) = (nfreq+1)/2
     283           0 :       if (if_simul(1) .eq.0) if_simul(1) = 1
     284           0 :       if (if_chain(1) .eq.0) if_chain(1) = 1
     285           0 :       freq  = if_freq(1)
     286           0 :       nfreq = if_nfreq(1)
     287           0 :       if (dfreq.eq.0.) dfreq = if_bw(1)/if_nfreq(1)
     288           0 :          nstok = if_nstok(1)
     289           0 :          crpix4 = if_ref(1)
     290             : 
     291           0 :          n_su = MAX (1, n_su)
     292           0 :          if (object.eq.' ') then
     293           0 :             object = su_name(1)
     294           0 :          else if (su_name(1).eq.' ') then
     295           0 :             su_name(1) = object
     296             :          end if
     297             : 
     298           0 :          if (ra.eq.0d0 .and. dec.eq.0d0) then
     299           0 :             ra  = su_ra(1)
     300           0 :             dec = su_dec(1)
     301           0 :          else if (su_ra(1).eq.0d0 .and. su_dec(1).eq.0d0) then
     302           0 :             su_ra(1)  = ra
     303           0 :             su_dec(1) = dec
     304             :          end if
     305             : 
     306             : C-------------------- WRITE FILE HEADER --------------------------------
     307             : 
     308             : 
     309           0 :          do i = 1, ACTUALDIM
     310           0 :             key = m(i)(1:8)
     311           0 :             if (key.EQ.'SCANS ') then
     312           0 :                if (scan_head) then
     313           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') 0
     314             :                else
     315           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') -1
     316             :                end if
     317             :             end if
     318             : 
     319           0 :             if (key(1:5).eq.'NAXIS') then
     320           0 :                if (key.EQ.'NAXIS2') then
     321           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') n_words
     322           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'NAXIS3') then
     323           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') nstok
     324           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'NAXIS4') then
     325           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') nfreq
     326             :                end if
     327           0 :             else if (key(1:5).eq.'CRVAL') then
     328           0 :                if (key.EQ.'CRVAL3') then
     329           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') crval3
     330           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'CRVAL4') then
     331           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') freq
     332           0 :                   call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     333           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'CRVAL5') then
     334           0 :                   if ( ra = ra + D2PI
     335           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') ra
     336           0 :                   call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     337           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'CRVAL6') then
     338           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') dec
     339           0 :                   call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     340             :                end if
     341           0 :             else if (key(1:5).eq.'CDELT') then
     342           0 :                if (key.EQ.'CDELT3') then
     343           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') cdelt3
     344           0 :                else if (key.EQ.'CDELT4') then
     345           0 :                   write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') dfreq
     346           0 :                   call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     347             :                end if
     348           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'CRPIX4') then
     349           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.5)') crpix4
     350           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'GCOUNT') then
     351           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') ncount
     352           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'INTIME') then
     353           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') intime
     354           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'BUNIT   ') then
     355           0 :                call LJUSTY(bunit)
     356           0 :                write(m(i)(12:29),'(a16,2x)') bunit
     357           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'OBJECT  ') then
     358           0 :                call LJUSTY(object)
     359           0 :                write(m(i)(12:29),'(a8,10x)') object
     360           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'INSTRUME') then
     361           0 :                call LJUSTY(instrument)
     362           0 :                write(m(i)(12:29),'(a16,2x)') instrument
     363           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'CAL     ') then
     364           0 :                call LJUSTY(cal)
     365           0 :                write(m(i)(12:29),'(a16,2x)') cal
     366           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'OBSERVER') then
     367           0 :                call LJUSTY(rp_observer)
     368           0 :                write(m(i)(12:29),'(a16,2x)') rp_observer
     369           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'RPFITS  ') then
     370           0 :                call LJUSTY(rpfitsversion)
     371           0 :                write(m(i)(12:31),'(a20)') rpfitsversion
     372           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'VERSION ') then
     373           0 :                call LJUSTY(version)
     374           0 :                write(m(i)(12:31),'(a20)') version
     375           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'DATE    ') then
     376           0 :                m(i)(12:23) = utdate
     377           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'DATE-OBS') then
     378           0 :                m(i)(12:23) = datobs
     379           0 :             else if (m(i)(1:9).EQ.'HISTORY =') then
     380           0 :                m(i)(12:31) = 'RPFITSOUT ' // datobs(:10)
     381           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'VELREF  ') then
     382           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') ivelref
     383           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'RESTFREQ') then
     384           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') rfreq
     385           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     386           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'ALTRVAL ') then
     387           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') vel1
     388           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     389           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'EPOCH   ') then
     390           0 :                m(i)(12:19) = coord
     391           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'DEFEAT  ') then
     392           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(i20)') rp_defeat
     393           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'UTCMTAI ') then
     394           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') rp_utcmtai
     395           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     396           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'DJMREFP ') then
     397           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') rp_djmrefp
     398           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     399           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'DJMREFT ') then
     400           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') rp_djmreft
     401           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     402           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'PMRA    ') then
     403           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') pm_ra
     404           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     405           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'PMDEC   ') then
     406           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') pm_dec
     407           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     408           0 :             else if (key.EQ.'PMEPOCH ') then
     409           0 :                write (m(i)(11:30), '(g20.12)') pm_epoch
     410           0 :                call RJUSTY(m(i)(11:30))
     411             :             end if
     412             :          end do
     413           0 :          i = ACTUALDIM
     414             : 
     415             : C        Write antenna cards (coordinates in metres), and met stuff
     416             : C        for PTI data.
     417           0 :          if ((Index(instrument,'PTI').gt.0) .and. (x(1).ne.0.0)) then
     418           0 :             do k = 1, nant
     419           0 :                i = 4*(k-1) + 1 + ACTUALDIM
     420           0 :                write (m(i), 900) k, sta(k)(1:3), x(k), y(k), z(k)
     421             :  900           format ('ANTENNA N=',I1,1x,a3,
     422             :      +           ' X=',g17.10,' Y=',g17.10,' Z=',g17.10)
     423           0 :                write (m(i+1), 910) 'PRESS', k, ' =  ', rp_pressure(k)
     424           0 :                write (m(i+2), 910) 'TEMPE', k, ' =  ', rp_temp(k)
     425           0 :                write (m(i+3), 910) 'HUMID', k, ' =  ', rp_humid(k)
     426             :  910           format (a5,i2,a3,g20.6)
     427             :             end do
     428           0 :             i = ACTUALDIM + 4*nant
     429             :          end if
     430             : 
     431             : C        Write ephemeris parameters.
     432           0 :          do k = 1, 12
     433           0 :             write (m(i+k), 910) 'EPHEM', k, ' = ', rp_c(k)
     434           0 :             call RJUSTY(m(i+k)(11:30))
     435             :          end do
     436           0 :          i = i + 12
     437             : 
     438             : C        Write user-defined cards.
     439           0 :          do icard = 1, ncard
     440           0 :             write (m(i+icard), '(a)') card(icard)
     441             :          end do
     442           0 :          i = i + ncard
     443             : 
     444             : C        Write out tables.
     445           0 :          if ( call WRITE_IF_TABLE (i, m)
     446           0 :          if ( call WRITE_SU_TABLE (i, m)
     447           0 :          if ( call WRITE_FG_TABLE (i, m)
     448           0 :          if ( call WRITE_MT_TABLE (i, m)
     449           0 :          if ( call WRITE_CU_TABLE (i, m)
     450           0 :          if ( call WRITE_AN_TABLE (i, m)
     451             : 
     452             : C        Write it all out.
     453           0 :          newdim = i + 1
     454           0 :          write (m(newdim), '(a)') 'END'
     455             : 
     456           0 :          do i = 1, (newdim-1)/32+1
     457           0 :             do j = 1, 32
     458           0 :                mout(j) = m(j + 32*(i-1))
     459             :             end do
     460             : C           'ichr', 'chr' and 'mout' are equivalenced
     461             : C           read (mout, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640)
     462           0 :             rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, chr, length)
     463           0 :             if ( then
     464           0 :                jstat = -1
     465           0 :                write (6, *) 'Cannot write header'
     466           0 :                RETURN
     467             :             end if
     468             :          end do
     469             : 
     470             : C        Tidy up ready for next time.
     471           0 :          do icard = ACTUALDIM + 1, newdim
     472           0 :             m(icard) = ' '
     473             :          end do
     474             : 
     475             : 
     476           0 :          jstat = 0
     477           0 :          bufptr = 1
     478           0 :          nscan = nscan + 1
     479           0 :          n_if = MAX (n_if, 1)
     480           0 :          RETURN
     481             : 
     482             : C--------------------------- WRITE FG TABLE ----------------------------
     483             : 
     484             :  1000 continue
     485             : 
     486             : C     Fill the remainder of the buffer with reserved operands for easy
     487             : C     detection.
     488           0 :       if ( then
     489           0 :          do i = bufptr, 640
     490           0 :             call I4VAX (illegal, i_buff(i))
     491             :          end do
     492             : 
     493             : C        Flush buffer.
     494           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     495           0 :          if ( then
     496           0 :             jstat = -1
     497           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot empty buffer'
     498           0 :             RETURN
     499             :          end if
     500             :       end if
     501           0 :       bufptr = 1
     502             : 
     503             : C     Write table into buffer.
     504           0 :       newdim = 0
     505           0 :       if ( call write_fg_table (newdim, m)
     506             : 
     507             : C     Flush buffer.
     508           0 :       do i = 1, (newdim-1)/32+1
     509           0 :          do j = 1, 32
     510           0 :             mout(j) = m(j + 32*(i-1))
     511             :          end do
     512             : C        'ichr', 'chr' and 'mout' are equivalenced
     513           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, chr, length)
     514           0 :          if ( then
     515           0 :             jstat = -1
     516           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot write FG table'
     517           0 :             RETURN
     518             :          end if
     519             :       end do
     520             : 
     521           0 :       jstat = 0
     522           0 :       RETURN
     523             : 
     524             : C------------------------WRITE DATA TO FITS FILE------------------------
     525             : 
     526             :  2000 continue
     527             : 
     529             : C     GRPLENGTH     No. of visibilities in group
     530             : C     GRPPTR        Pointer to next visibility in group to be written
     531             : C     BUFPTR        Pointer to next word to be written to current buffer
     532             : C     BUFLEFT       No. of words still to be written to current buffer
     533             : 
     534             : C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     535             : C     Note: data are written in blocks of 5 records = 640(4byte) words
     536             : 
     537             : C     Determine grplength.
     538           0 :       if (baseline.eq.-1) then
     539           0 :          grplength = sc_ant*sc_if*sc_q
     540           0 :       else if ( then
     541           0 :          grplength = if_nfreq(if_no)*if_nstok(if_no)
     542             :       else
     543           0 :          grplength = nstok*nfreq
     544             :       end if
     545             : 
     546           0 :       grpptr = 1
     547             : 
     548             : 
     550             : C----------- VIS data -------------      ----------- SYSCAL data -------
     551             : C     (baseline > 0)                         (baseline = -1)
     552             : C     param 1=u in m                         0.0
     553             : C     param 2=v in m                         0.0
     554             : C     param 3=w in m                         0.0
     555             : C     param 4=baseline number                -1.0
     556             : C     param 5=UT in seconds                  sc_ut: UT in seconds
     557             : C     param 6= flag (if present)             sc_ant
     558             : C     param 7= bin  (if present)             sc_if
     559             : C     param 8=if_no (if present)             sc_q
     560             : C     param 9=sourceno (if present)          sc_srcno
     561             : C     param 10=intbase integration time      0.0
     562             : C     param 11=data_format                   0
     563             : 
     564           0 :       bufleft = 641-bufptr
     565           0 :       if (baseline.eq.-1) then
     566           0 :          if ( then
     567           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, buffer(bufptr))
     568           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, buffer(bufptr+1))
     569           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, buffer(bufptr+2))
     570           0 :             call R4VAX (FLOAT(baseline), buffer(bufptr+3))
     571           0 :             call R4VAX (sc_ut, buffer(bufptr+4))
     572           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_ant, i_buff(bufptr+5))
     573           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_if, i_buff(bufptr+6))
     574           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_q, i_buff(bufptr+7))
     575           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_srcno, i_buff(bufptr+8))
     576           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, buffer(bufptr+9))
     577           0 :             call I4VAX (0, i_buff(bufptr+10))
     578           0 :             bufptr = bufptr + pcount
     579           0 :             ut = sc_ut
     580             :          else
     581           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, grphdr(1))
     582           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, grphdr(2))
     583           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, grphdr(3))
     584           0 :             call R4VAX (FLOAT(baseline), grphdr(4))
     585           0 :             call R4VAX (sc_ut, grphdr(5))
     586           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_ant, i_grphdr(6))
     587           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_if, i_grphdr(7))
     588           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_q, i_grphdr(8))
     589           0 :             call I4VAX (sc_srcno, i_grphdr(9))
     590           0 :             call R4VAX (0.0, grphdr(10))
     591           0 :             call I4VAX (0, i_grphdr(11))
     592           0 :             ut = sc_ut
     593             : 
     594           0 :             do i = 1, bufleft
     595           0 :                i_buff(bufptr+i-1) = i_grphdr(i)
     596             :             end do
     597             : 
     598           0 :             rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     599           0 :             if ( then
     600           0 :                jstat = -1
     601           0 :                write (6, *) 'Cannot write data (1)'
     602           0 :                RETURN
     603             :             end if
     604           0 :             bufptr = pcount - bufleft
     605           0 :             do i = 1, bufptr
     606           0 :                i_buff(i) = i_grphdr(i+bufleft)
     607             :             end do
     608           0 :             bufptr = bufptr+1
     609             :          end if
     610             :       else
     611           0 :          if ( then
     612           0 :             call R4VAX (u, buffer(bufptr))
     613           0 :             call R4VAX (v, buffer(bufptr+1))
     614           0 :             call R4VAX (w, buffer(bufptr+2))
     615           0 :             call R4VAX (FLOAT(baseline), buffer(bufptr+3))
     616           0 :             call R4VAX (ut, buffer(bufptr+4))
     617           0 :             call I4VAX (flag, i_buff(bufptr+5))
     618           0 :             call I4VAX (bin, i_buff(bufptr+6))
     619           0 :             call I4VAX (if_no, i_buff(bufptr+7))
     620           0 :             call I4VAX (sourceno, i_buff(bufptr+8))
     621           0 :             call R4VAX (intbase, buffer(bufptr+9))
     622           0 :             call I4VAX (data_format, i_buff(bufptr+10))
     623             : 
     624           0 :             bufptr = bufptr + pcount
     625             :          else
     626           0 :             call R4VAX (u, grphdr(1))
     627           0 :             call R4VAX (v, grphdr(2))
     628           0 :             call R4VAX (w, grphdr(3))
     629           0 :             call R4VAX (FLOAT(baseline), grphdr(4))
     630           0 :             call R4VAX (ut, grphdr(5))
     631           0 :             call I4VAX (flag, i_grphdr(6))
     632           0 :             call I4VAX (bin, i_grphdr(7))
     633           0 :             call I4VAX (if_no, i_grphdr(8))
     634           0 :             call I4VAX (sourceno, i_grphdr(9))
     635           0 :             call R4VAX (intbase, grphdr(10))
     636           0 :             call I4VAX (data_format, i_grphdr(11))
     637             : 
     638           0 :             do i = 1, bufleft
     639           0 :                i_buff(bufptr+i-1) = i_grphdr(i)
     640             :             end do
     641           0 :             rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     642           0 :             if ( then
     643           0 :                jstat = -1
     644           0 :                write (6, *) 'Cannot write data (1)'
     645           0 :                RETURN
     646             :             end if
     647           0 :             bufptr = pcount - bufleft
     648           0 :             do i = 1, bufptr
     649           0 :                i_buff(i) = i_grphdr(i+bufleft)
     650             :             end do
     651           0 :             bufptr = bufptr + 1
     652             :          end if
     653             :       end if
     654             : 
     655           0 :       if (bufptr.eq.0.or.bufptr.eq.641) then
     656           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     657           0 :          if ( then
     658           0 :             jstat = -1
     659           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot write data (2)'
     660           0 :             RETURN
     661             :          end if
     662           0 :          bufptr = 1
     663             :       end if
     664             : 
     665             : C ---------------------- WRITE VIS DATA TO FILE ------------------------
     666           0 :       if (baseline.eq.-1) go to 4000
     667             : C        FORMAT FROM RPFITS IS:
     668             : C        data_format  3        2        1
     669             : C        word 1 =   Re(vis)   Re(vis)   Real(vis)
     670             : C        word 2 =   Imag(vis) Imag(vis) -
     671             : C        word 3 =   weight    -         -
     672             : 
     673             : 3500  continue
     674             : C        First see how many words are to be written.
     675           0 :          if (data_format .eq. 1) then
     676           0 :             n_words = 1
     677           0 :             write_wt = .false.
     678           0 :          else if (data_format .eq. 2 ) then
     679           0 :             n_words = 2
     680           0 :             write_wt = .false.
     681           0 :          else if (data_format .eq. 3 ) then
     682           0 :             n_words = 3
     683           0 :             write_wt = .true.
     684             :          else
     685           0 :             write (6, *) 'rpfitsout:data_format must be 1, 2 or 3'
     686           0 :             jstat = -1
     687           0 :             RETURN
     688             :          end if
     689             : 
     690             : C        type *,'data_format is ',data_format
     691             : C        type *,'n_words is ',n_words
     692             : C        type *,'write_wt is ',write_wt
     693             : 
     694             : C        If entire group can be put in existing buffer then do so.
     695           0 :          bufleft = 641 - bufptr
     696           0 :          if (*(grplength-grpptr+1))) then
     697           0 :             do i = grpptr, grplength
     698           0 :                if (n_words.eq.1) then
     699           0 :                   call R4VAX (REAL(vis(i)), buffer(bufptr))
     700             :                else
     701           0 :                   call R4VAX (REAL(vis(i)), buffer(bufptr))
     702           0 :                   call R4VAX (AIMAG(vis(i)), buffer(bufptr+1))
     703             :                end if
     704           0 :                if (write_wt) call R4VAX (weight(i), buffer(bufptr+2))
     705           0 :                bufptr = bufptr+n_words
     706             :             end do
     707           0 :             jstat = 0
     708           0 :             RETURN
     709             : 
     710             :          else
     711             : C           Otherwise things are a bit more complicated, first write
     712             : C           complete visibilities to old buffer.
     713           0 :             bufleft3 = bufleft/n_words
     714           0 :             do i = 1, bufleft3
     715           0 :                call R4VAX (REAL(vis(grpptr+i-1)), buffer(bufptr))
     716           0 :                if (
     717           0 :      +            call R4VAX (AIMAG(vis(grpptr+i-1)), buffer(bufptr+1))
     718             : 
     719           0 :                if (write_wt)
     720           0 :      +            call R4VAX (weight(grpptr+i-1), buffer(bufptr+2))
     721           0 :                bufptr = bufptr+n_words
     722             :             end do
     723           0 :             grpptr = grpptr+bufleft3
     724             : 
     725             : C           Now write the fraction of a visibility left into old buffer.
     726           0 :             bufleft = bufleft-n_words*bufleft3
     727             : 
     728           0 :             if (bufleft.eq.1) then
     729           0 :                call R4VAX (REAL(vis(grpptr)), buffer(640))
     730           0 :             else if (bufleft.eq.2 .and. n_words.eq.3) then
     731           0 :                call R4VAX (REAL(vis(grpptr)), buffer(639))
     732           0 :                call R4VAX (AIMAG(vis(grpptr)), buffer(640))
     733             :             end if
     734             : 
     735             : C           Start a new buffer.
     736           0 :             rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     737           0 :             if ( then
     738           0 :                jstat = -1
     739           0 :                write (6, *) 'Cannot write data (3)'
     740           0 :                RETURN
     741             :             end if
     742             : 
     743             : C           Fill any incomplete visibility, and reset BUFPTR.
     744           0 :             if (bufleft.eq.0) then
     745           0 :                bufptr = 1
     746           0 :             else if (bufleft.eq.1) then
     747           0 :                call R4VAX (AIMAG(vis(grpptr)), buffer(1))
     748           0 :                if (write_wt) call R4VAX (weight(grpptr), buffer(2))
     749           0 :                grpptr = grpptr+1
     750           0 :                bufptr = n_words
     751           0 :             else if (bufleft.eq.2 .and. write_wt) then
     752           0 :                call R4VAX (weight(grpptr), buffer(1))
     753           0 :                grpptr = grpptr+1
     754           0 :                bufptr = n_words-1
     755             :             end if
     756             :          end if
     757             : 
     758             : C        Loop to write out the rest of the group.
     759           0 :       go to 3500
     760             : 
     761             : 
     762             : C---------------------- WRITE SYSCAL DATA TO FILE ----------------------
     763             : 4000  continue
     764             : 
     765           0 :       bufleft = 641 - bufptr
     766           0 :       if ( then
     767             : C        Easy, the group fits into buffer.
     768           0 :          do i = grpptr, grplength
     769           0 :             call R4VAX (sc_buf(i), buffer(bufptr))
     770           0 :             bufptr = bufptr + 1
     771             :          end do
     772             : 
     773           0 :          jstat = 0
     774           0 :          RETURN
     775             : 
     776             :       else
     777             : C        Fill the buffer.
     778           0 :          do i = 1, bufleft
     779           0 :             call R4VAX (sc_buf(grpptr+i-1), buffer(bufptr))
     780           0 :             bufptr = bufptr + 1
     781             :          end do
     782             : 
     783           0 :          grpptr = grpptr + bufleft
     784             : 
     785             : C        Write the buffer out.
     786           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     787           0 :          if ( then
     788           0 :             jstat = -1
     789           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot write data (3)'
     790           0 :             RETURN
     791             :          end if
     792             : 
     793             : C        Start a new buffer.
     794           0 :          bufptr = 1
     795             :       end if
     796             : 
     797             : C     Return to write out the rest of the group.
     798           0 :       go to 4000
     799             : 
     800             : 
     801             : C--------------------------- CLOSE FILE --------------------------------
     802             : 
     803             : 6000  continue
     804             : 
     805           0 :       if ( then
     806             : C        Fill buffer with reserved operands.
     807           0 :          do i = bufptr, 640
     808           0 :             call I4VAX (illegal, i_buff(i))
     809             :          end do
     810             : 
     811             : C        Write out buffer.
     812           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_WRITE (lun, buffer, length)
     813           0 :          if ( then
     814           0 :             jstat = -1
     815           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot empty buffer'
     816           0 :             RETURN
     817             :          end if
     818             :       end if
     819             : 
     820             : C     Reset buffer pointer.
     821           0 :       bufptr = 1
     822             : 
     823             : C     Close file.
     824           0 :       rp_iostat = AT_CLOSE (lun)
     825           0 :       if ( then
     826           0 :          jstat = -1
     827           0 :          write (6, *) 'Cannot close file'
     828           0 :          RETURN
     829             :       end if
     830             : 
     831           0 :       if (jstat.eq.1) then
     832           0 :           jstat = 0
     833           0 :           open  = .false.
     834             :       else
     835             : C        REOPEN file.
     836           0 :          rp_iostat = AT_REOPEN_WRITE (file, lun)
     837           0 :          if ( then
     838           0 :             jstat = -1
     839           0 :             write (6, *) 'Cannot reopen file'
     840             :          else
     841           0 :             jstat = 0
     842             :          end if
     843             :       end if
     844             : 
     845           0 :       RETURN
     846             : 
     847             :       end

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