LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - atnf/rpfits - dconv.f (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 22 122 18.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 1 22 4.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : *=======================================================================
       2             : *   These are a set of byte-oriented routines to facilitate conversion
       3             : *   of data between different architectures.  They are designed to work
       4             : *   on any architecture which uses two's complement byte arithmetic.
       5             : *
       6             : *     IB2B: Big-endian integer -> big-endian integer (copy).
       7             : *     IB2L: big-endian integer -> little-endian integer (byte swap).
       8             : *     IB2V: big-endian integer -> VAX integer (byte swap).
       9             : *
      10             : *     IL2B: little-endian integer -> big-endian integer (byte swap).
      11             : *     IL2L: little-endian integer -> little-endian integer (copy).
      12             : *     IL2V: little-endian integer -> VAX integer (copy).
      13             : *
      14             : *     IV2B: VAX integer -> big-endian integer (byte swap).
      15             : *     IV2L: VAX integer -> little-endian integer (copy).
      16             : *     IV2V: VAX integer -> VAX integer (copy).
      17             : *
      18             : *     RB2B: IEEE big-endian real -> IEEE big-endian real (copy).
      19             : *     RB2L: IEEE big-endian real -> IEEE little-endian real (byte swap).
      20             : *     RB2V: IEEE big-endian real -> VAX real (format translation).
      21             : *
      22             : *     RL2B: IEEE little-endian real -> IEEE big-endian real (byte swap).
      23             : *     RL2L: IEEE little-endian real -> IEEE little-endian real (copy).
      24             : *     RL2V: IEEE little-endian real -> VAX real (format translation).
      25             : *
      26             : *     RV2B: VAX real -> IEEE big-endian real (format translation).
      27             : *     RV2L: VAX real -> IEEE little-endian real (format translation).
      28             : *     RV2V: VAX real -> VAX real (copy).
      29             : *
      30             : *   The routines take two BYTE(4) dummy arguments, the first being the
      31             : *   given value-to-convert and the second being the returned, converted
      32             : *   value.  They may be called with INTEGER or REAL actual arguments in
      33             : *   place of the BYTE(4) dummy arguments, and the arguments may have the
      34             : *   same address, e.g. CALL IV2B (B, B) is allowed.
      35             : *
      36             : *   Original: 1997/08/20 MRC
      37             : *   $Id: dconv.f,v 1.6 2007/05/04 02:27:54 cal103 Exp $
      38             : *=======================================================================
      39             : *   Two's complement integer representation
      40             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
      41             : *
      42             : *   The one's complement of a bit pattern is formed by interchanging
      43             : *   zeros and ones.  For example:
      44             : *
      45             : *           Binary pattern: 00110010
      46             : *         One's complement: 11001101
      47             : *
      48             : *   In two's complement arithmetic, negative integers are represented
      49             : *   as the one's complement plus 1.  For a one-byte signed integer
      50             : *
      51             : *                Binary  1: 00000001
      52             : *      Two's complement -1: 11111111
      53             : *
      54             : *   When a binary integer is added to its two's complement the result
      55             : *   is all zeros (binary 0) with the carry bit set (ignored).
      56             : *
      57             : *   Note the special case:
      58             : *
      59             : *           Binary pattern: 10000000
      60             : *         Two's complement: 10000000
      61             : *
      62             : *   This is taken to be the least negative integer, so the range for
      63             : *   one-byte signed integers is -128 to +127.  Similarly for multi-byte
      64             : *   integers.
      65             : *
      66             : *   All modern computers (including VAXs) use two's complement integer
      67             : *   representation.  For four-byte integers
      68             : *
      69             : *      byte:    0        1        2        3
      70             : *            siiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii
      71             : *            ^                                 ^
      72             : *      bit: 31                                 0
      73             : *
      74             : *   These byte and bit numbers DO NOT reflect the order in memory, see
      75             : *   below.
      76             : *
      77             : *   Bit 31 is the sign bit and significance increases with increasing
      78             : *   bit number.
      79             : *
      80             : *   The "storage format" is commonly "big-endian" or "little-endian":
      81             : *
      82             : *                       Byte addresses in memory
      83             : *   Storage format     b      b+1     b+2     b+3
      84             : *   --------------    -----------------------------
      85             : *      Big-endian      0       1       2       3
      86             : *   Little-endian      3       2       1       0
      87             : *
      88             : *   Where b is the byte address in memory (b precedes b+1).  DEC (VAX,
      89             : *   Alpha) and INTEL machines (PCs) are little-endian while most others
      90             : *   are big-endian.
      91             : *
      92             : *=======================================================================
      93             : *   IEEE 754-1985 single-precision floating representation
      94             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
      95             : *
      96             : *   The bit-pattern of an IEEE 754-1985 single-precision floating point
      97             : *   number is
      98             : *
      99             : *      byte:    0        1        2        3
     100             : *            seeeeeee efffffff ffffffff ffffffff
     101             : *            ^                                 ^
     102             : *      bit: 31                                 0
     103             : *
     104             : *   These byte and bit numbers DO NOT reflect the order in memory, see
     105             : *   below.
     106             : *
     107             : *      bit field  (significance increases with increasing bit number)
     108             : *      ---------
     109             : *           31     sign bit ( 1 bit)
     110             : *        23-30     exponent ( 8 bits)
     111             : *         0-22     fraction (23 bits)
     112             : *
     113             : *   The IEEE single-precision representation is summarized as follows:
     114             : *
     115             : *      seeeeeee efffffff ffffffff ffffffff
     116             : *      -----------------------------------
     117             : *      00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    +0
     118             : *      10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    -0
     119             : *          0 < e < 255                        Normalized number
     120             : *          e = 0, f != 0                      Unnormalized number
     121             : *      01111111 10000000 00000000 00000000    +Infinity
     122             : *      11111111 10000000 00000000 00000000    -Infinity
     123             : *      s1111111 11ffffff ffffffff ffffffff    Quiet NaN
     124             : *      s1111111 10ffffff ffffffff ffffffff    Signalling NaN (f != 0)
     125             : *
     126             : *   The value of a normalized number is 
     127             : *
     128             : *      (-1)**s * 2**(e-127) * 1.f
     129             : *
     130             : *   where the implicit fraction bit occurs to the left of the binary
     131             : *   radix point.
     132             : *
     133             : *   The value of an unnormalized number is 
     134             : *
     135             : *      (-1)**s * 2**(-126) * 0.f
     136             : *
     137             : *   Unnormalized numbers allow for "progressive underflow".
     138             : *
     139             : *   The IEEE 754-1985 standard explicitly does not specify a "storage
     140             : *   format", byte ordering is commonly "big-endian" or "little-endian":
     141             : *
     142             : *                       Byte addresses in memory
     143             : *   Storage format     b      b+1     b+2     b+3
     144             : *   --------------    -----------------------------
     145             : *      Big-endian      0       1       2       3
     146             : *   Little-endian      3       2       1       0
     147             : *
     148             : *   Where b is the byte address in memory (b precedes b+1).  DEC Alphas,
     149             : *   and INTEL machines (PCs) are commonly little-endian, while most
     150             : *   other IEEE 754 machines are big-endian.
     151             : *
     152             : *=======================================================================
     153             : *   Integer representations of IEEE floating point infinities and NaNs
     154             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     155             : *
     156             : *   Assuming consistent endianness of integer and single-precision
     157             : *   representations the following relations may be useful:
     158             : *
     159             : *   -Infinity:
     160             : *     11111111 10000000 00000000 00000000 =   -8388608
     161             : *
     162             : *   Negative range of signalling NaNs:
     163             : *     11111111 10000000 00000000 00000001 =   -8388607
     164             : *         :
     165             : *     11111111 10111111 11111111 11111111 =   -4194305
     166             : *
     167             : *   Negative range of quiet NaNs:
     168             : *     11111111 11000000 00000000 00000000 =   -4194304
     169             : *         :
     170             : *     11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 =         -1
     171             : *
     172             : *   +Infinity:
     173             : *     01111111 10000000 00000000 00000000 = 2139095040
     174             : *
     175             : *   Positive range of signalling NaNs:
     176             : *     01111111 10000000 00000000 00000001 = 2139095041
     177             : *         :
     178             : *     01111111 10111111 11111111 11111111 = 2143289343
     179             : *
     180             : *   Positive range of quiet NaNs:
     181             : *     01111111 11000000 00000000 00000000 = 2143289344
     182             : *         :
     183             : *     01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 = 2147483647
     184             : *
     185             : *   Thus the integer representation of IEEE floating point infinities
     186             : *   and NaNs ranges from -8388608 to -1, and 2139095040 to 2147483647
     187             : *   inclusive.
     188             : *
     189             : *=======================================================================
     190             : *   IEEE 754-1985 double-precision floating representation
     191             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     192             : *
     193             : *   The bit-pattern of an IEEE 754-1985 double-precision floating point
     194             : *   number is
     195             : *
     196             : *      byte:    0        1        2        3        4     ...    7
     197             : *            seeeeeee eeeeffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ... ffffffff
     198             : *            ^                                                       ^
     199             : *      bit: 63                                                       0
     200             : *
     201             : *      bit field  (significance increases with increasing bit number)
     202             : *      ---------
     203             : *           63     sign bit ( 1 bit)
     204             : *        52-62     exponent (11 bits)
     205             : *         0-51     fraction (52 bits)
     206             : *
     207             : *   The representation of infinities and NaNs follows the pattern
     208             : *   established for single-precision numbers.
     209             : *
     210             : *   The value of a normalized number is 
     211             : *
     212             : *      (-1)**s * 2**(e-1023) * 1.f
     213             : *
     214             : *   where the implicit fraction bit occurs to the left of the binary
     215             : *   radix point.
     216             : *
     217             : *   The value of an unnormalized number is 
     218             : *
     219             : *      (-1)**s * 2**(-1022) * 0.f
     220             : *
     221             : *=======================================================================
     222             : *   VAX F_floating single-precision floating representation
     223             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     224             : *
     225             : *   VAX F_floating format does not follow the IEEE 754 standard.  The
     226             : *   bit pattern is
     227             : *
     228             : *      byte:    0        1        2        3
     229             : *            seeeeeee efffffff ffffffff ffffffff
     230             : *            ^                                 ^
     231             : *      bit: 31                                 0
     232             : *
     233             : *   These byte and bit numbers DO NOT reflect the order in memory, see
     234             : *   below.
     235             : *
     236             : *      bit field  (significance increases with increasing bit number)
     237             : *      ---------
     238             : *           31     sign bit
     239             : *        23-30     exponent
     240             : *         0-22     fraction
     241             : *
     242             : *   The VAX F_floating representation is summarized as follows:
     243             : *
     244             : *      seeeeeee efffffff ffffffff ffffffff
     245             : *      -----------------------------------
     246             : *      00000000 0fffffff ffffffff ffffffff    0 (unsigned)
     247             : *      10000000 0fffffff ffffffff ffffffff    reserved operand
     248             : *          0 < e <= 255                       Normal number
     249             : *
     250             : *   The value of a normal number is
     251             : *
     252             : *      (-1)**s * 2**(e-128) * 0.1f
     253             : *
     254             : *   where the implicit fraction bit occurs to the right of the binary
     255             : *   radix point.
     256             : *
     257             : *                       Byte addresses in memory
     258             : *   Storage format     b      b+1     b+2     b+3
     259             : *   --------------    -----------------------------
     260             : *   VAX F_floating     1       0       3       2
     261             : *
     262             : *   The address of a VAX F_floating datum is the address, b, of byte 1.
     263             : *
     264             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     265             : *
     266             : *   Apart from byte ordering, normal IEEE 754 numbers differ from VAX
     267             : *   F_floating numbers by a factor of 4 because:
     268             : *
     269             : *      * IEEE exponents are excess 127 whereas VAX exponents are excess
     270             : *        128.
     271             : *
     272             : *      * The IEEE implicit fraction bit occurs to the left of the binary
     273             : *        radix point wheras the VAX implicit bit occurs to the right.
     274             : *
     275             : *   The multiplication or division by 4 can be accomplished by adding
     276             : *   or subtracting 1 from byte 0.
     277             : *
     278             : *=======================================================================
     279             : 
     280             : 
     281             : 
     282           0 :       SUBROUTINE BCOPY (B1, B2)
     283             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     284             : *  Does byte copying 0123 <--> 0123.
     285             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     286             :       BYTE      B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     287             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     288             : *     Copy big-endian integer --> big-endian integer.
     289           0 :       ENTRY IB2B (B1, B2)
     290             : 
     291             : *     Copy little-endian integer --> little-endian integer.
     292           0 :       ENTRY IL2L (B1, B2)
     293             : 
     294             : *     Copy VAX integer --> VAX integer.
     295           0 :       ENTRY IV2V (B1, B2)
     296             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     297             : *     Copy VAX integer --> little-endian integer.
     298           0 :       ENTRY IV2L (B1, B2)
     299             : 
     300             : *     Copy little-endian integer --> VAX integer.
     301           0 :       ENTRY IL2V (B1, B2)
     302             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     303             : *     Copy IEEE big-endian real --> IEEE big-endian real.
     304           0 :       ENTRY RB2B (B1, B2)
     305             : 
     306             : *     Copy IEEE little-endian real --> IEEE little-endian real.
     307           0 :       ENTRY RL2L (B1, B2)
     308             : 
     309             : *     Copy VAX real --> VAX real.
     310           0 :       ENTRY RV2V (B1, B2)
     311             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     312           0 :       B2(0) = B1(0)
     313           0 :       B2(1) = B1(1)
     314           0 :       B2(2) = B1(2)
     315           0 :       B2(3) = B1(3)
     316             :  
     317           0 :       RETURN
     318             :       END
     319             : 
     320             : 
     321             : 
     322           0 :       SUBROUTINE BSWAP (B1, B2)
     323             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     324             : *   Does byte swapping 0123 <--> 3210.
     325             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     326             :       BYTE      B(0:3), B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     327             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     328             : *     Convert VAX integer --> big-endian integer.
     329           0 :       ENTRY IV2B (B1, B2)
     330             : 
     331             : *     Convert big-endian integer --> VAX integer.
     332           0 :       ENTRY IB2V (B1, B2)
     333             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     334             : *     Convert little-endian integer --> big-endian integer.
     335           0 :       ENTRY IL2B (B1, B2)
     336             : 
     337             : *     Convert big-endian integer --> little-endian integer.
     338           0 :       ENTRY IB2L (B1, B2)
     339             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     340             : *     Convert IEEE little-endian real --> IEEE big-endian real.
     341           0 :       ENTRY RL2B (B1, B2)
     342             : 
     343             : *     Convert IEEE big-endian real --> IEEE little-endian real.
     344           0 :       ENTRY RB2L (B1, B2)
     345             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     346           0 :       B(0) = B1(3)
     347           0 :       B(1) = B1(2)
     348           0 :       B(2) = B1(1)
     349           0 :       B(3) = B1(0)
     350             : 
     351           0 :       B2(0) = B(0)
     352           0 :       B2(1) = B(1)
     353           0 :       B2(2) = B(2)
     354           0 :       B2(3) = B(3)
     355             : 
     356           0 :       RETURN
     357             :       END
     358             : 
     359             : 
     360             : 
     361           0 :       SUBROUTINE RV2B (B1, B2)
     362             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     363             : *     Converts VAX real --> IEEE big-endian real.
     364             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     365             :       BYTE      B(0:3), B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     366             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     367             : *     Natural order.
     368           0 :       B(0) = B1(1)
     369           0 :       B(1) = B1(0)
     370           0 :       B(2) = B1(3)
     371           0 :       B(3) = B1(2)
     372             : 
     373           0 :       IF (B(0).EQ.-128 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     374             : *        VAX reserved operand, set to NaN.
     375           0 :          B(0) = -1
     376           0 :          B(1) = -1
     377           0 :          B(2) =  0
     378           0 :          B(3) =  0
     379             : 
     380           0 :       ELSE IF (B(1).LT.0 .AND. (B(0).EQ.127 .OR. B(0).EQ.-1)) THEN
     381             : *        Overflow, set to signed infinity.
     382             : *        B(0) = B(0)
     383           0 :          B(1) = -128
     384           0 :          B(2) =  0
     385           0 :          B(3) =  0
     386             : 
     387           0 :       ELSE IF (B(0).EQ.0 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     388             : *        VAX zero.
     389           0 :          B(0) = 0
     390           0 :          B(1) = 0
     391           0 :          B(2) = 0
     392           0 :          B(3) = 0
     393             : 
     394             :       ELSE
     395             : *        Scale VAX to IEEE.
     396           0 :          B(0) = B(0) - 1
     397             :       END IF
     398             : 
     399             : *     Big-endian ordering.
     400           0 :       B2(0) = B(0)
     401           0 :       B2(1) = B(1)
     402           0 :       B2(2) = B(2)
     403           0 :       B2(3) = B(3)
     404             : 
     405           0 :       RETURN
     406             :       END
     407             : 
     408             : 
     409             : 
     410           0 :       SUBROUTINE RB2V (B1, B2)
     411             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     412             : *     Converts IEEE big-endian real --> VAX real.
     413             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     414             :       BYTE      B(0:3), B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     415             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     416             : *     Natural ordering.
     417           0 :       B(0) = B1(0)
     418           0 :       B(1) = B1(1)
     419           0 :       B(2) = B1(2)
     420           0 :       B(3) = B1(3)
     421             : 
     422           0 :       IF (B(1).LT.0 .AND. (B(0).EQ.127 .OR. B(0).EQ.-1)) THEN
     423             : *        Convert IEEE NaN or Infinity to VAX reserved operand.
     424           0 :          B(0) = -128
     425           0 :          B(1) = 0
     426           0 :          B(2) = 0
     427           0 :          B(3) = 0
     428             : 
     429           0 :       ELSE IF (B(0).EQ.-128 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     430             : *        Convert IEEE negative zero or unnormalized number to VAX zero.
     431           0 :          B(0) = 0
     432           0 :          B(1) = 0
     433           0 :          B(2) = 0
     434           0 :          B(3) = 0
     435             : 
     436             :       ELSE
     437             : *        Scale IEEE to VAX.
     438           0 :          B(0) = B(0) + 1
     439             :       END IF
     440             : 
     441             : *     VAX ordering.
     442           0 :       B2(0) = B(1)
     443           0 :       B2(1) = B(0)
     444           0 :       B2(2) = B(3)
     445           0 :       B2(3) = B(2)
     446             : 
     447           0 :       RETURN
     448             :       END
     449             : 
     450             : 
     451             : 
     452    15100212 :       SUBROUTINE RV2L (B1, B2)
     453             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     454             : *     Converts VAX real --> IEEE little-endian real.
     455             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     456             :       BYTE      B(0:3), B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     457             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     458             : *     Natural order.
     459    15100212 :       B(0) = B1(1)
     460    15100212 :       B(1) = B1(0)
     461    15100212 :       B(2) = B1(3)
     462    15100212 :       B(3) = B1(2)
     463             : 
     464    15100212 :       IF (B(0).EQ.-128 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     465             : *        VAX reserved operand, set to NaN.
     466      155040 :          B(0) = -1
     467      155040 :          B(1) = -1
     468      155040 :          B(2) =  0
     469      155040 :          B(3) =  0
     470             : 
     471    14945172 :       ELSE IF (B(1).LT.0 .AND. (B(0).EQ.127 .OR. B(0).EQ.-1)) THEN
     472             : *        Overflow, set to signed infinity.
     473             : *        B(0) = B(0)
     474           0 :          B(1) = -128
     475           0 :          B(2) =  0
     476           0 :          B(3) =  0
     477             : 
     478    14945172 :       ELSE IF (B(0).EQ.0 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     479             : *        VAX zero.
     480          57 :          B(0) = 0
     481          57 :          B(1) = 0
     482          57 :          B(2) = 0
     483          57 :          B(3) = 0
     484             : 
     485             :       ELSE
     486             : *        Scale VAX to IEEE.
     487    14945115 :          B(0) = B(0) - 1
     488             :       END IF
     489             :  
     490             : *     Little-endian ordering.
     491    15100212 :       B2(0) = B(3)
     492    15100212 :       B2(1) = B(2)
     493    15100212 :       B2(2) = B(1)
     494    15100212 :       B2(3) = B(0)
     495             : 
     496    15100212 :       RETURN
     497             :       END
     498             : 
     499             : 
     500             : 
     501           0 :       SUBROUTINE RL2V (B1, B2)
     502             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     503             : *     Converts IEEE little-endian real --> VAX real.
     504             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     505             :       BYTE      B(0:3), B1(0:3), B2(0:3)
     506             : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     507             : *     Natural order.
     508           0 :       B(0) = B1(3)
     509           0 :       B(1) = B1(2)
     510           0 :       B(2) = B1(1)
     511           0 :       B(3) = B1(0)
     512             : 
     513           0 :       IF (B(1).LT.0 .AND. (B(0).EQ.127 .OR. B(0).EQ.-1)) THEN
     514             : *        Convert IEEE NaN or Infinity to VAX reserved operand.
     515           0 :          B(0) = -128
     516           0 :          B(1) = 0
     517           0 :          B(2) = 0
     518           0 :          B(3) = 0
     519             : 
     520           0 :       ELSE IF (B(0).EQ.-128 .AND. B(1).GE.0) THEN
     521             : *        Convert IEEE negative zero or unnormalized number to VAX zero.
     522           0 :          B(0) = 0
     523           0 :          B(1) = 0
     524           0 :          B(2) = 0
     525           0 :          B(3) = 0
     526             : 
     527             :       ELSE
     528             : *        Scale IEEE to VAX.
     529           0 :          B(0) = B(0) + 1
     530             :       END IF
     531             : 
     532             : *     VAX ordering.
     533           0 :       B2(0) = B(1)
     534           0 :       B2(1) = B(0)
     535           0 :       B2(2) = B(3)
     536           0 :       B2(3) = B(2)
     537             : 
     538           0 :       RETURN
     539             :       END

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16