LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alma/ASDMBinaries - BaselinesSet.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 13 13 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #if     !defined(_BASELINESSET_H)
       2             :  
       3             : #include <alma/ASDM/ASDMEntities.h>
       4             : #include <alma/ASDMBinaries/Error.h>
       5             : #include <alma/ASDMBinaries/BaselineMetadata.h>
       6             : #include <alma/ASDMBinaries/SwitchCyclesList.h>
       7             : #include <alma/ASDMBinaries/DataDescriptionsSet.h>
       8             : 
       9             : #include <alma/Enumtcl/AxisName.h>
      10             : #include <alma/Enumtcl/DataContent.h>
      11             : 
      12             : 
      13             : namespace sdmbin {
      14             :   
      15             :   /** Definition of the second level (the top level) in the tree hierarchy: include the antenna baseline
      16             :    *  configuration */ 
      17             :   class BaselinesSet : public DataDescriptionsSet
      18             :   {
      19             :   public:
      20             :     BaselinesSet();
      21             : 
      22             :     /** Definition of the second level of the tree hierarchy 
      23             :      * @pre the lower levels of the tree hierarchy are already known
      24             :      * @param v_antennaIdArray  Array of antenna identifiers
      25             :      * @param v_feedIdArray     Array of feed identifiers 
      26             :      *   \note                    Because with ALMA there is only one feed used at any time this vector has 
      27             :      *                            the same size as v_antennaIdArray. With Focal Plane Array this size is
      28             :      *                            multiplied by the number of feeds in the FPA
      29             :      * @param v_phasedArrayList Place-holder, not yet implemented
      30             :      * @param v_antennaUsedArray Array to tell in the antennaIdArray which antenna have been actually used
      31             :      *                           for the data being stored. v_antennaUsedArray and v_antennaIdArray must have
      32             :      *                           the same size.
      33             :      * @param dataDescriptionsSet a dataDescriptionsSet object (<i>i.e.</i> the lower levels of the hierarchy 
      34             :      * @post the whole tree hierarchy is now known, transfer identifier available for read and write methods
      35             :      * @note v_feedIdArray may be typed vector<vector<int> > in the future to better describe the case of
      36             :      *       of focal plane arrays when used with interferometers
      37             :      */     
      38             :     BaselinesSet( std::vector<asdm::Tag>  v_antennaIdArray, 
      39             :                   std::vector<int>  v_feedIdArray,
      40             :                   std::vector<int>  v_phasedArrayList,
      41             :                   std::vector<bool> v_antennaUsedArray, 
      42             :                   DataDescriptionsSet& dataDescriptionsSet
      43             :                   );
      44             : 
      45             :     /** Copy constructor */
      46             :     BaselinesSet(const BaselinesSet &);
      47             : 
      48             :     /** Destructor (use the default implementation) */
      49             :     ~BaselinesSet();
      50             : 
      51             :     /** Transfer identifier for a given node in the tree hierarchy for auto-correlation data
      52             :      *  Transfer identifier for a given node in the tree hierarchy for auto-correlation data
      53             :      *  @pre WARNING: if the use-case is CROSS_AND_AUTO and the current index ndd corresponds
      54             :      *       to the case when crossDataDescriptionId is not associated to an autoDataDescriptionId,
      55             :      *       i.e. when v_pairDataDescriptionId[ndd]==false, it is an error to invoke this method. 
      56             :      *       This situation is met with DSB front-ends, the sideband separation being possible only 
      57             :      *       for the cross data. 
      58             :      *  @param  na   Index of the antenna
      59             :      *  @param  ndd  Index of the dataDescription
      60             :      *  @param  nbin Index for the step in a switchCycle (nbin=0 if no switchCycle mode used)
      61             :      *  @return A position (counted in number of PDT values) in the container of auto-correlation 
      62             :      *          data where the data starts for the selection
      63             :      *  @note Note that the APC axis has a size of 1 for the auto-correlations, even when, in the 
      64             :      *        CROSS_AND_AUTO mode, the cross data are stored with an APC axis size of 2. Would TelCal
      65             :      *        not like this feature will have to be modified in the method size() of the base class
      66             :      *        DataDescriptionsSet and this will have an additional napc input parameter.  
      67             :      */ 
      68             :     unsigned int transferId(unsigned int na,  unsigned int ndd, unsigned int nbin);
      69             : 
      70             :     /** Transfer identifier for a given node in the tree hierarchy for auto-correlation data
      71             :      *  @pre WARNING: if the use-case is CROSS_AND_AUTO and the current index ndd corresponds
      72             :      *       to the case when crossDataDescriptionId is not associated to a autoDataDescriptionId,
      73             :      *       i.e. when v_pairDataDescriptionId[ndd]==false, it is an error to invoke this method. 
      74             :      *       This situation is met with DSB front-ends, the sideband separation being possible only 
      75             :      *       for the cross data. 
      76             :      *  @param  na   Index of the antenna
      77             :      *  @param  nfe  Index of the feed (required when using FPAs)
      78             :      *  @param  ndd  Index of the dataDescription
      79             :      *  @param  nbin Index for the step in a switchCycle (nbin=0 if no switchCycle mode used)
      80             :      *  @return A position (counted in number of PDT values) in the container of auto-correlation 
      81             :      *          data where the data starts for the selection
      82             :      *  @note Note that the APC axis has a size of 1 for the auto-correlations, even when, in the 
      83             :      *        CROSS_AND_AUTO mode, the cross data are stored with an APC axis size of 2. Would TelCal
      84             :      *        not like this feature will have to be modified in the method size() of the base class
      85             :      *        DataDescriptionsSet and this will have an additional napc input parameter.  
      86             :      */ 
      87             :     unsigned int transferId(unsigned int na,  unsigned int nfe, unsigned int ndd, unsigned int nbin);
      88             :     
      89             :     /** Transfer identifier for a given node in the tree hierarchy for cross-correlation data
      90             :      *  @param  na1  Index of the antenna 1
      91             :      *  @param  na2  Index of the antenna 2
      92             :      *  @param  ndd  Index of the dataDescription
      93             :      *  @param  nbin index for the step in a switchCycle (nbin=0 if no switchCycle mode used)
      94             :      *  @return A position (counted in number of PDT values) in the container of cross-correlation 
      95             :      *          data where the data starts for the selection
      96             :      *  @note A baseline corresponds to a pair of indices. The convention is that the first index is 
      97             :      *        smaller than the second one (i.e. na1<na2). In case na2<na1, this method will consider 
      98             :      *        na2 as the first index and na1 as the second one.
      99             :      */ 
     100             :     unsigned int transferId(unsigned int na1, unsigned int na2, unsigned int ndd, unsigned int nbin, unsigned int napc);
     101             : 
     102             :     /** Transfer identifier for a given node in the tree hierarchy for cross-correlation data
     103             :      *  @param  na1  Index of the antenna 1
     104             :      *  @param  na2  Index of the antenna 2
     105             :      *  @param  nfe  Index of the feed (required when using FPAs)
     106             :      *  @param  ndd  Index of the dataDescription
     107             :      *  @param  nbin Index for the step in a switchCycle (0nbin=0 if no switchCycle mode used)
     108             :      *  @return A position (counted in number of PDT values) in the container of cross-correlation 
     109             :      *          data where the data starts for the selection
     110             :      *  @note A baseline corresponds to a pair of indices. The convention is that the first index is 
     111             :      *        smaller than the second one (i.e. na1<na2). In case na2<na1, this method will consider 
     112             :      *        na2 as the first index and na1 as the second one.
     113             :      */ 
     114             :     unsigned int transferId(unsigned int na1, unsigned int na2, unsigned int nfe, unsigned int ndd,  unsigned int nbin, unsigned int napc);
     115             : 
     116             :     /** Baseline number for a given antenna identifier. This number is equal to i+1 where i is the antenna index in the
     117             :      * list of antennas effectively producing data. In this context this is the 'zero-baseline' number. This number
     118             :      * never exceed the number of effectively used antennas (given by the method getNumEffAntennas()).
     119             :      * @param  antennaId Antenna identifier
     120             :      * @exception antennaId does not correspond to any of the antenna effectively producing data. 
     121             :      * @return The baseline number (one-based)
     122             :      * @exception Error if there is no antenna effectively 
     123             :      * producing data with this antennaId.
     124             :      */
     125             :     unsigned int baselineIndex( asdm::Tag antennaId)  ;
     126             : 
     127             :     /** Baseline number for a given pair of antenna identifiers
     128             :      * @param  antennaId1 Antenna identifier of one of the antenna in a pair of a non-zero baseline
     129             :      * @exception antennaId1 does not correspond to any of the antenna effectively producing data. 
     130             :      * @param  antennaId2 Antenna identifier of the other antenna in a pair to define the non-zero baseline
     131             :      * @exception antennaId2 does not correspond to any of the antenna effectively producing data. 
     132             :      * @return The baseline number (one-based)
     133             :      * @exception Error if antennaId1 or (and) antennaId2 is (are) not associated to an antenna producing 
     134             :      * effectively data. 
     135             :      * \note Order of the baselines:\n
     136             :      *      Example 1: Consider an antenna array with the list of identifiers (1,2,3,5) the pairs of identifier
     137             :      *      defining the baselines are in the order (1,2 1,3 2,3 1,5 2,5 3,5).  
     138             :      *      Hence, if antennaId1=2 and antennaId2=3 the returned value is 3. \n
     139             :      *      Example 2: Consider an antenna array with the list of identifiers (5,2,3,1) the pairs of identifier
     140             :      *      defining the baselines are in the order (5,2 5,3 2,3 5,1 2,1 3,1).  
     141             :      *      If antennaId1=2 and antennaId2=3 the returned value is 3. If antennaId1=5 and antennaId2=1 the returned 
     142             :      *      value is 4. Note that if antennaId1=1 and antennaId2=5 the returned value will be again 4 due to the
     143             :      *      convention that baselines are defined on the basis of a pair onf indices (see the note in the documentation
     144             :      *      for the transferId(int, int, int, int, int) method.
     145             :      */ 
     146             :     unsigned int baselineIndex( asdm::Tag antennaId1, asdm::Tag antennaId2) ;
     147             : 
     148             :     /** Baseline number for a given pair of antenna indices in the list of antennas effectively producing data
     149             :      * @param  na1 index (zero-based) of antenna 1
     150             :      * @exception na1 exceeds the maximum limit imposed by the number of antennas effectively producing data
     151             :      * @param  na2 index  (zero-based) of antenna 2
     152             :      * @exception na2 exceeds the maximum limit imposed by the number of antennas effectively producing data
     153             :      * @return the corresponding baseline number (one-based)
     154             :      * @exception Error this methods returns 0 in lax mode if na1 or na2 exceeds this maximum limit
     155             :      * @note 
     156             :      * -# Order of the baselines:\n
     157             :      *      Example for an antenna array consisting of 4 antennas the indices describing this array range
     158             :      *      from 0 to 3. The pairs of indices for the baselines are in the order (0,1 0,2 1,2 0,3 1,3 2,3). Hence, if
     159             :      *              na1=1 and na2=3 the returned value is 5.
     160             :      * -# By definition the first index in any pair being always smaller than the second index, would in the input na1>na2,
     161             :      * the method swaps these indices. 
     162             :      */ 
     163             :     unsigned int baselineIndex( unsigned int na1, unsigned int na2) ;
     164             : 
     165             :     /** Antenna index of the first antenna of a pair defining a baseline number 
     166             :      * @param baselineIndex A baseline number (zero-based)
     167             :      * @exception baselineIndex not zero-based
     168             :      * @return the index for the first antenna of the pair in the list of antennas effectively producing data
     169             :      * @exception Error if there is no such baselineIndex in the configuration.
     170             :      * @note See the note in the documentation of the baselineIndex() method to know
     171             :      *       how baselines are ordered and how baselines correspond to pairs of 
     172             :      *       antenna indices. 
     173             :      */
     174             :     unsigned int antenna1(unsigned int baselineIndex)  ;
     175             : 
     176             :     /** Antenna index of the second antenna of a pair defining a baseline number
     177             :      * @param baselineIndex A baseline number (one-based)
     178             :      * @exception baselineIndex not one-based
     179             :      * @return the index for the second antenna of the pair
     180             :      * @exception Error if there is no such baselineIndex in the configuration.
     181             :      * @note See the note in the documentation of the baselineIndex() method to know
     182             :      *       how baselines are ordered and how baselines correspond to pairs of 
     183             :      *       antenna indices. 
     184             :      */
     185             :     unsigned int antenna2(unsigned int baselineIndex)  ;
     186             : 
     187             :     /** Accessor to the feed index of a feed identifier given an antenna identifier
     188             :      * @param antennaId Antenna identifier of an antenna
     189             :      * @param feedId    Feed identifier
     190             :      * @return The feed index (zero-based)
     191             :      * @exception Error
     192             :      * - No antenna with this antenna identifier. In this case, in lax mode, this method return -1.
     193             :      * - No feed with this feed identifier given the antenna identifier. In this case, in lax mode, this method return -2.
     194             :      */
     195             :     unsigned int feedIndex(asdm::Tag antennaId, int feedId) ;
     196             : 
     197             :     /** Antenna identifier from its index in the sequence of antenna restricted to those effectively producing data
     198             :      * @param na The antenna index in the list of \f$ N'_{ant}\f$ antennas effectively producing data
     199             :      * @exception na exceeds \f$ N'_{ant}-1\f$
     200             :      * @return The antenna identifier
     201             :      */
     202             :     asdm::Tag         getEffAntennaId(unsigned int na) ;
     203             : 
     204             :     /** Number of antenna involved in the data if none would have been dropped
     205             :      * @return this number \f$ N_{ant} \f$ which is also the number of antenna scheduled for the observations
     206             :      */
     207             :     unsigned int getNumAntennas();
     208             : 
     209             : 
     210             :     /** Accessor to the feed identifier given a feed index and an antenna index
     211             :      * @param na The antenna index in the list of \f$ N'_{ant}\f$ antennas effectively producing data
     212             :      * @exception na exceeds \f$ N'_{ant}-1\f$
     213             :      * @param nfe The feed index
     214             :      * @exception nfe exceeds the upper limit considering the number of feeds used in the configuration.
     215             :      * @return a feed identifier
     216             :      * @note In general for telescopes with no focal plane arrays (FPA), this identifier should have always
     217             :      *       the value 0. Although ALMA does not have FPAs, a feed identifier may also have the value 1. That
     218             :      *       would happen in datasets with spectral windows located in the overlap region of two receiver bands,
     219             :      *       e.g. the ALMA bands 2 and 3, some of the data obtained with band 2 and the other
     220             :      *       data with band 3 for identical spectral windows.
     221             :      */   
     222             :     int         getFeedId(unsigned int na, unsigned int nfe) ;
     223             : 
     224             :     /** Number of antenna actualy involved in the data
     225             :      * @return the actual number \f$ N'_{ant} \f$ producing data
     226             :      * @note The constraint is that this number can not exceed the number of antenna scheduled
     227             :      *       for the observations: \f$ N'_{ant} \le N_{ant} \f$. \n
     228             :      *       This number \f$ N'_{ant}\f$ is equal to the number of items in the vector antennaUsedArray
     229             :      *       which have the value "true", this vector being a parameter required by the constructors.
     230             :      *
     231             :      * See the BaselineFlagsMetadata class for details to define or find when a given antenna produce
     232             :      * or not data. 
     233             :      */
     234             :     unsigned int getNumEffAntennas();
     235             : 
     236             :     /** Get the number of antenna pairs if all the antennas in  v_AntennaIdArray_ were used 
     237             :      * @return The number of baselines actually scheduled for the observations.
     238             :      * @note  This is simply given by \f$ N_{bl}=N_{ant}(N_{ant}-1)/2 \f$
     239             :      */
     240             :     unsigned int getNumBaselines();
     241             : 
     242             :     /** Get the effective number of antenna pairs producing data
     243             :      * @return The number of antenna actually producing data
     244             :      * @note  This is simply given by \f$ N'_{bl}=N'_{ant}(N'_{ant}-1)/2 \f$\n
     245             :      * where N'_{ant} is the value returned by the method getNumEffAntennas().
     246             :      */
     247             :     unsigned int getNumEffBaselines();
     248             :     
     249             :     /** Get the number of primitive data values (i.e. when a complex number counts for
     250             :      *  two values) for a block of data.
     251             :      * @param e_dc the nature of the data content
     252             :      * @param es_an the sequence of axes associated to the structure for this block of data
     253             :      * @param effective a boolean to tell if one consider only the antennas which actualy
     254             :      *        produce data or all those scheduled to do the observations. 
     255             :      * @note  Note that ALMA has dropped this concept of restricting to the antennas that 
     256             :      *        have effectively produced data. Hence in that context "effective" must be set
     257             :      *        to false and the data involving the antennas with problem will be considered
     258             :      *        as blanked on the basis of the FLAGS information.
     259             :      */
     260             :     unsigned int getNumPDTvalue(Enum<DataContentMod::DataContent> e_dc, EnumSet<AxisNameMod::AxisName> es_an, bool effective);
     261             : 
     262             :   private:
     263             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>  v_AntennaIdArray_;   //!< Input array set of antenna identifiers (size numAntennas_)
     264             :     std::vector<int>  v_FeedIdArray_;      //!< Input array list of feed identifiers (size numFeed*numAntennas_)
     265             :     std::vector<int>  v_PhasedArrayList_;  //!< Input phasedArray list (not yet implemented) 
     266             :     unsigned int numFeeds_;           //!< Input number of feeds
     267             :     unsigned int numAntennas_;        //!< Input number of antennas
     268             :     unsigned int numEffAntennas_;     //!< Effective number of antennas with data
     269             :     unsigned int numBaselines_;       //!< number of antenna pairs
     270             :     unsigned int numEffBaselines_;    //!< Effective number of antenna pairs
     271             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>  v_effAntennaIdArray_;//!< Effective array of antenna identifiers
     272             : 
     273             :   };
     274             : 
     275             : 
     276    11550156 :   inline unsigned int BaselinesSet::transferId(unsigned int na1,unsigned int na2,unsigned int nfe, unsigned int ndd,unsigned int nbin,unsigned int napc){
     277             : 
     278    11550156 :     unsigned int baselineidx = baselineIndex(na1,na2);                   //cout << "baselineidx=" << baselineidx << endl;
     279             : 
     280    11550156 :     unsigned int v_cumulCrossSize_ndd=0; if(v_cumulCrossSize_.size()!=0)v_cumulCrossSize_ndd = v_cumulCrossSize_[ndd];
     281    11550156 :     unsigned int v_crossSize_ndd=0;      if(v_crossSize_.size()!=0)     v_crossSize_ndd      = v_crossSize_[ndd];
     282             : 
     283             :     unsigned int n = 
     284    11550156 :       baselineidx*numFeeds_*sumCrossSize_ +                           // /baseline
     285    11550156 :       nfe*sumCrossSize_ +                                             // /baseline/feed     
     286             :       v_cumulCrossSize_ndd +                                          // /baseline/feed/datadesc
     287    23100312 :       nbin*(v_crossSize_ndd/numBin(ndd)) +                            // /baseline/feed/datadesc/bin
     288    11550156 :       napc*(v_crossSize_ndd/(numBin(ndd)*numApc_));                   // /baseline/feed/datadesc/bin/napc
     289             : 
     290    11550156 :     return n;
     291             :   }
     292             : 
     293    11550156 :   inline unsigned int BaselinesSet::baselineIndex( unsigned int na1, unsigned int na2) {
     294    11550156 :     unsigned int iIdx = std::min (na1, na2);
     295    11550156 :     unsigned int jIdx = std::max (na1, na2);
     296    11550156 :     return jIdx * (jIdx - 1) / 2 + iIdx;
     297             :   }
     298             : }
     299             : #define _BASELINESSET_H
     300             : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16