LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alma/ASDM - ArrayTimeInterval.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 26 52 50.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 10 15 66.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array
       3             :  * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002
       4             :  * (c) Associated Universities Inc., 2002
       5             :  * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
       6             :  * Copyright by AUI (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
       7             :  * All rights reserved.
       8             :  * 
       9             :  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      10             :  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      11             :  * License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
      12             :  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      13             :  * 
      14             :  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
      17             :  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             :  * 
      19             :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      20             :  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      21             :  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      22             :  * MA 02111-1307  USA
      23             :  *
      24             :  * File ArrayTimeInterval.h
      25             :  */
      26             : 
      27             : #ifndef ArrayTimeInterval_CLASS
      28             : #define ArrayTimeInterval_CLASS
      29             : 
      30             : #include <stdint.h>
      31             : #include <alma/ASDM/LongWrapper.h>
      32             : #include <alma/ASDM/ArrayTime.h>
      33             : #include <alma/ASDM/Interval.h>
      34             : 
      35             : #ifndef WITHOUT_ACS
      36             : #include <asdmIDLTypesC.h>
      37             : #endif
      38             : 
      39             : namespace asdm {
      40             :         
      41             :   /**
      42             :    * The ArrayTimeInterval class aggregates an instance of ArrayTime
      43             :    * and an instance of Interval. Instances of ArrayTimeInterval are
      44             :    * used in many ASDM tables whose rows contain information relevant
      45             :    * during a certain laps of time and starting at a given date.
      46             :    */
      47             :   class ArrayTimeInterval {
      48             :     friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream &, ArrayTimeInterval& );
      49             :     friend std::istream & operator >> ( std::istream &, ArrayTimeInterval& );
      50             :   private:
      51             :     
      52             :     ArrayTime start;
      53             :     Interval duration;
      54             :   
      55             :     static bool readStartTimeDurationInBin_;
      56             :     static bool readStartTimeDurationInXML_;
      57             :   
      58             :   public:
      59             : 
      60             : 
      61             :     // Constructors
      62             :     ArrayTimeInterval();
      63             :     ArrayTimeInterval(ArrayTime  start,
      64             :                       Interval  duration);
      65             :                                           
      66             :     ArrayTimeInterval(double startInMJD,
      67             :                       double durationInDays);
      68             :                           
      69             :     ArrayTimeInterval(int64_t startInNanoSeconds,
      70             :                       int64_t durationInNanoSeconds);
      71             :                                           
      72             :     ArrayTimeInterval(ArrayTime start);
      73             :     ArrayTimeInterval(double startInMJD);
      74             :     ArrayTimeInterval(int64_t startInNanoSeconds);
      75             :         
      76             : #ifndef WITHOUT_ACS
      77             :     ArrayTimeInterval (asdmIDLTypes::IDLArrayTimeInterval t); 
      78             : #endif  
      79             :     // Setters
      80             :     void setStart(ArrayTime start);
      81             :     void setStart(double start);
      82             :     void setStart(int64_t start);
      83             :         
      84             :     void setDuration(Interval duration);
      85             :     void setDuration(int64_t nanoSeconds);
      86             :     void setDuration(double days);
      87             :                 
      88             :     // Getters  
      89             :     ArrayTime getStart() const ;
      90             :     ArrayTime getMidPoint() const ;
      91             :     double getStartInMJD() const ;
      92             :     int64_t getStartInNanoSeconds() const ;
      93             :         
      94             :     Interval getDuration() const ;
      95             :     int64_t getDurationInNanoSeconds() const ;
      96             :     double getDurationInDays() const ;
      97             :         
      98             :     // Checkers
      99             :     bool equals(ArrayTimeInterval ati);
     100             :     bool overlaps(ArrayTimeInterval ati);
     101             :     bool contains(ArrayTimeInterval ati);
     102             :     bool contains(ArrayTime at);
     103             : 
     104             :     // Operators
     105             :     bool operator == (ArrayTimeInterval&);
     106             :     bool operator != (ArrayTimeInterval&);
     107             :                 
     108             : #ifndef WITHOUT_ACS
     109             :     // To IDL conversion
     110             :     const asdmIDLTypes::IDLArrayTimeInterval toIDLArrayTimeInterval() const; 
     111             : #endif
     112             :     /**
     113             :      * Defines how the representation of an ArrayTimeInterval found in subsequent reads of
     114             :      * a document containing table exported in binary  must be interpreted. The interpretation depends on the value of the argument b :
     115             :      * b == true means that it must be interpreted as (startTime, duration)
     116             :      * b == false means that it must be interpreted as (midPoint, duration)
     117             :      *
     118             :      * @param b a boolean value.
     119             :      */
     120             :     static void readStartTimeDurationInBin(bool b);
     121             : 
     122             :     /**
     123             :      * Returns a boolean value whose meaning is defined as follows:
     124             :      * true <=> the representation of ArrayTimeInterval object found in any binary table will be considered as (startTime, duration).
     125             :      * false <=> the representation of ArrayTimeInterval object found in any binary table will be considered as (midPoint, duration).
     126             :      *
     127             :      */
     128             :     static bool readStartTimeDurationInBin();
     129             : 
     130             :     /**
     131             :      * Defines how the representation of an ArrayTimeInterval found in subsequent reads of
     132             :      * a document containing table exported in XML  must be interpreted. The interpretation depends on the value of the argument b :
     133             :      * b == true means that it must be interpreted as (startTime, duration)
     134             :      * b == false means that it must be interpreted as (midPoint, duration)
     135             :      *
     136             :      * @param b a boolean value.
     137             :      */
     138             :     static void readStartTimeDurationInXML(bool b);
     139             : 
     140             :     /**
     141             :      * Returns a boolean value whose meaning is defined as follows:
     142             :      * true <=> the representation of ArrayTimeInterval object found in any binary table will be considered as (startTime, duration).
     143             :      * false <=> the representation of ArrayTimeInterval object found in any binary table will be considered as (midPoint, duration).
     144             :      *
     145             :      */
     146             :     static bool readStartTimeDurationInXML();
     147             : 
     148             :     /**
     149             :      * Write the binary representation of this to a EndianOSStream.
     150             :      * It writes successively the midpoint , the duration.
     151             :      */         
     152             :     void toBin(EndianOSStream& eoss) const ;
     153             : 
     154             :     /**
     155             :      * Write the binary representation of a vector of ArrayTime to a EndianOSStream.
     156             :      * @param arrayTimeInterval the vector of ArrayTime to be written
     157             :      * @param eoss the EndianOSStream to be written to
     158             :      */
     159             :     static void toBin(const std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval>& arrayTimeInterval,  EndianOSStream& eoss);
     160             :         
     161             :     /**
     162             :      * Write the binary representation of a vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval to a EndianOSStream.
     163             :      * @param arrayTimeInterval the vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval to be written
     164             :      * @param eoss the EndianOSStream to be written to
     165             :      */ 
     166             :     static void toBin(const std::vector<std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval> >& arrayTimeInterval,  EndianOSStream& eoss);
     167             :         
     168             :     /**
     169             :      * Write the binary representation of a vector of vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval to a EndianOSStream.
     170             :      * @param arrayTimeInterval the vector of vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval to be written
     171             :      * @param eoss the EndianOSStream to be written to
     172             :      */
     173             :     static void toBin(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval> > >& arrayTimeInterval,  EndianOSStream& eoss);
     174             : 
     175             :     /**
     176             :      * Read the binary representation of an ArrayTimeInterval from a EndianIStream
     177             :      * and use the read value to set an  ArrayTimeInterval.
     178             :      * @param eis the EndianStream to be read
     179             :      * @return an ArrayTimeInterval
     180             :      */
     181             :     static ArrayTimeInterval fromBin(EndianIStream& eis);
     182             :         
     183             :     /**
     184             :      * Read the binary representation of  a vector of  ArrayTimeInterval from an EndianIStream
     185             :      * and use the read value to set a vector of  ArrayTimeInterval.
     186             :      * @param dis the EndianIStream to be read
     187             :      * @return a vector of ArrayTimeInterval
     188             :      */  
     189             :     static std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval> from1DBin(EndianIStream & eis);
     190             :          
     191             :     /**
     192             :      * Read the binary representation of  a vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval from an EndianIStream
     193             :      * and use the read value to set a vector of  vector of ArrayTimeInterval.
     194             :      * @param eiis the EndianIStream to be read
     195             :      * @return a vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval
     196             :      */  
     197             :     static std::vector<std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval> > from2DBin(EndianIStream & eis);
     198             :          
     199             :     /**
     200             :      * Read the binary representation of  a vector of vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval from an EndianIStream
     201             :      * and use the read value to set a vector of  vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval.
     202             :      * @param eis the EndianIStream to be read
     203             :      * @return a vector of vector of vector of ArrayTimeInterval
     204             :      */  
     205             :     static std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ArrayTimeInterval> > > from3DBin(EndianIStream & eis);
     206             : 
     207             :     /**
     208             :      * Returns a string representation of this.
     209             :      */
     210             :     std::string toString() const ;
     211             :   };
     212             : 
     213             : 
     214             :   // inline constructors
     215             : 
     216    13753266 :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(): start((int64_t)0), duration(0) {}
     217       61825 :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(ArrayTime start_, Interval duration_) {
     218       61825 :     start = start_;
     219       61825 :     duration = Interval(std::min(duration_.get(), Long::MAX_VALUE - start.get()));
     220       61825 :   }
     221             :  
     222             :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(double startInMJD, double durationInDays) :
     223             :     start(startInMJD), 
     224             :     duration((int64_t) (ArrayTime::unitsInADay * durationInDays)){}
     225             :  
     226    13742859 :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(int64_t startInNanoSeconds,
     227    13742859 :                                               int64_t durationInNanoSeconds){
     228    13742859 :     start = startInNanoSeconds;
     229    13742859 :     duration = std::min(durationInNanoSeconds, Long::MAX_VALUE - startInNanoSeconds);
     230    13742859 :   }                             
     231             :  
     232           0 :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(ArrayTime  start_):
     233           0 :     start(start_) {
     234           0 :     duration = Interval(Long::MAX_VALUE - start.get());
     235           0 :   }
     236             :  
     237             :   inline ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(double startInMJD):
     238             :     start(startInMJD) {
     239             :     this->duration = Interval(Long::MAX_VALUE - start.get());
     240             :   }
     241             :  
     242             :   inline        ArrayTimeInterval::ArrayTimeInterval(int64_t startInNanoSeconds):
     243             :     start(startInNanoSeconds) {
     244             :     this->duration = Interval(Long::MAX_VALUE - start.get());
     245             :   }
     246             :  
     247             :   // Inline setters
     248             :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setStart(ArrayTime start) {
     249             :     this->start = ArrayTime(start);
     250             :   }
     251             :  
     252             :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setStart(double start) {
     253             :     this->start = ArrayTime(start);
     254             :   }
     255             :  
     256             :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setStart(int64_t start) {
     257             :     this->start = ArrayTime(start);
     258             :   }
     259             :  
     260        5616 :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setDuration(Interval duration) {
     261        5616 :     this->duration = Interval(duration);     
     262        5616 :   }
     263             :  
     264             :  
     265       56187 :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setDuration(double duration) {
     266       56187 :     this->duration = Interval((int64_t) (ArrayTime::unitsInADay * duration));
     267       56187 :   }
     268             :  
     269             :   inline void ArrayTimeInterval::setDuration(int64_t duration) {
     270             :     this->duration = Interval(duration);     
     271             :   }
     272             :  
     273             :   // inline getters
     274      489386 :   inline ArrayTime ArrayTimeInterval::getStart() const {
     275      489386 :     return start;       
     276             :   }
     277             :  
     278        1478 :   inline ArrayTime ArrayTimeInterval::getMidPoint() const {
     279        1478 :     return ArrayTime(start.get() + duration.get() / 2);
     280             :   }
     281             : 
     282      168752 :   inline double ArrayTimeInterval::getStartInMJD() const {
     283      168752 :     return start.getMJD();      
     284             :   }
     285             :  
     286             :   inline int64_t ArrayTimeInterval::getStartInNanoSeconds() const  {
     287             :     return start.get(); 
     288             :   }
     289             :  
     290      106291 :   inline Interval ArrayTimeInterval::getDuration() const {
     291      106291 :     return duration;    
     292             :   }
     293             :  
     294       56378 :   inline double ArrayTimeInterval::getDurationInDays() const {
     295       56378 :     return (((double) duration.get()) / ArrayTime::unitsInADay);        
     296             :   }
     297             :  
     298             :   inline int64_t ArrayTimeInterval::getDurationInNanoSeconds() const {
     299             :     return duration.get();      
     300             :   }
     301             :  
     302             :   // inline checkers
     303             :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::equals(ArrayTimeInterval ati) {
     304             :     return ((start.get() == ati.getStart().get()) && 
     305             :             (duration.get() == ati.getDuration().get()));
     306             :   }
     307             :  
     308           0 :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::overlaps(ArrayTimeInterval ati) {
     309           0 :     int64_t start1 = start.get();
     310           0 :     int64_t end1 = start1 + duration.get();
     311             :    
     312             :    
     313           0 :     int64_t start2 = ati.getStart().get();
     314           0 :     int64_t end2   = start2 + ati.getDuration().get();
     315             :    
     316           0 :     return (start2 <= start1 && end2 >= start1) ||
     317           0 :       (start2 >= start1 && start2 <= end1);
     318             :   }
     319             :  
     320           0 :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::contains(ArrayTimeInterval ati) {
     321           0 :     int64_t start1 = start.get();;
     322           0 :     int64_t end1 = start1 + duration.get();
     323             :    
     324           0 :     int64_t start2 = ati.getStart().get();
     325           0 :     int64_t end2   = start2 + ati.getDuration().get();
     326             :    
     327           0 :     return (start2>=start1 && end2<=end1);
     328             :   }
     329             :  
     330           0 :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::contains(ArrayTime ati) {
     331           0 :     int64_t start1 = start.get();
     332           0 :     int64_t end1 = start1 + duration.get();
     333             :    
     334           0 :     int64_t time = ati.get();
     335           0 :     return (time >= start1 && time < end1);
     336             :   }
     337             :  
     338             :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::operator == (ArrayTimeInterval &ati){
     339             :     return (start == ati.start) && (duration == ati.duration);
     340             :   }
     341             :  
     342             :   inline bool ArrayTimeInterval::operator != (ArrayTimeInterval &ati){
     343             :     return (start != ati.start) || (duration != ati.duration);
     344             :   }
     345             :  
     346             :   inline std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream &o, ArrayTimeInterval &ati ) {
     347             :     o << "(start=" << ati.getStart().get() << ",duration=" << ati.getDuration().get() << ")";
     348             :     return o;   
     349             :   } 
     350             : 
     351           0 :   inline std::istream & operator >> ( std::istream &i, ArrayTimeInterval &ati) {
     352           0 :     i >> ati.start;
     353           0 :     i >> ati.duration;
     354           0 :     return i;
     355             :   }
     356             : } // End namespace asdm
     357             : #endif // ArrayTimeInterval_CLASS

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16