LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alma/ASDM - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 34 71 47.9 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 7 12 58.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array
       3             :  * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002
       4             :  * (c) Associated Universities Inc., 2002
       5             :  * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
       6             :  * Copyright by AUI (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
       7             :  * All rights reserved.
       8             :  * 
       9             :  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      10             :  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      11             :  * License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
      12             :  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      13             :  * 
      14             :  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
      17             :  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             :  * 
      19             :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      20             :  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      21             :  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      22             :  * MA 02111-1307  USA
      23             :  *
      24             :  * File Angle.cpp
      25             :  */
      26             : 
      27             : #include <alma/ASDM/Angle.h>
      28             : #include <alma/ASDM/DoubleWrapper.h>
      29             : #include <alma/ASDM/NumberFormatException.h>
      30             : 
      31             : using namespace std;
      32             : 
      33             : namespace asdm {
      34             : 
      35      169111 : Angle Angle::getAngle(StringTokenizer &t) {
      36      169111 :         double value = Double::parseDouble(t.nextToken());
      37      169111 :         return Angle (value);
      38             : }
      39             : 
      40           0 : bool Angle::isZero() const {
      41           0 :         return value == 0.0;
      42             : }
      43             : 
      44       15796 : double Angle::fromString(const string& s) {
      45       15796 :         return Double::parseDouble(s);
      46             : }
      47             : 
      48        4644 : string Angle::toString(double x) {
      49        4644 :         return Double::toString(x);
      50             : }
      51             : 
      52           0 : void Angle::toBin(EndianOSStream& eoss) {
      53           0 :         eoss.writeDouble(       value);
      54           0 : }
      55             : 
      56           0 : void Angle::toBin(const vector<Angle>& angle,  EndianOSStream& eoss) {
      57           0 :         eoss.writeInt((int) angle.size());
      58           0 :         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angle.size(); i++)
      59           0 :                 eoss.writeDouble(;
      60           0 : }
      61             : 
      62         764 : void Angle::toBin(const vector<vector<Angle> >& angle,  EndianOSStream& eoss) {
      63         764 :         eoss.writeInt((int) angle.size());
      64         764 :         eoss.writeInt((int);
      65      226276 :         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angle.size(); i++)
      66      676536 :                 for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++)
      67      451024 :                         eoss.writeDouble(;
      68         764 : }
      69             : 
      70           0 : void Angle::toBin(const vector< vector<vector<Angle> > >& angle,  EndianOSStream& eoss) {
      71           0 :         eoss.writeInt((int) angle.size());
      72           0 :         eoss.writeInt((int);
      73           0 :         eoss.writeInt((int);  
      74           0 :         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angle.size(); i++)
      75           0 :                 for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++)
      76           0 :                                 for (unsigned int k = 0; k <; j++)
      77           0 :                                         eoss.writeDouble(;
      78           0 : }
      79             : 
      80          10 : Angle Angle::fromBin(EndianIStream & eis) {
      81          10 :         return Angle(eis.readDouble());
      82             : }
      83             : 
      84          65 : vector<Angle> Angle::from1DBin(EndianIStream & eis) {
      85          65 :         int dim1 = eis.readInt();
      86          65 :         vector<Angle> result;
      87         200 :         for (int i = 0; i < dim1; i++)
      88         135 :                 result.push_back(Angle(eis.readDouble()));
      89          65 :         return result;  
      90           0 : }
      91             : 
      92      501356 : vector<vector<Angle > > Angle::from2DBin(EndianIStream & eis) {
      93      501356 :         int dim1 = eis.readInt();
      94      501356 :         int dim2 = eis.readInt();
      95             : 
      96      501356 :         vector< vector<Angle> >result;
      97      501356 :         vector <Angle> aux;
      98   218308872 :         for (int i = 0; i < dim1; i++) {
      99   217807516 :                 aux.clear();
     100   653422548 :                 for (int j = 0; j < dim2; j++)
     101   435615032 :                         aux.push_back(Angle(eis.readDouble()));
     102   217807516 :                 result.push_back(aux);
     103             :         }
     104     1002712 :         return result;  
     105      501356 : }
     106             : 
     107           0 : vector<vector<vector<Angle > > > Angle::from3DBin(EndianIStream & eis) {
     108           0 :         int dim1 = eis.readInt();
     109           0 :         int dim2 = eis.readInt();
     110           0 :         int dim3 = eis.readInt();
     111           0 :         vector<vector< vector<Angle> > >result;
     112           0 :         vector < vector<Angle> >aux1;
     113           0 :         vector <Angle> aux2;
     114           0 :         for (int i = 0; i < dim1; i++) {
     115           0 :                 aux1.clear();
     116           0 :                 for (int j = 0; j < dim2; j++) {
     117           0 :                         aux2.clear();
     118           0 :                         for (int k = 0; k < dim3; k++)
     119           0 :                                 aux2.push_back(Angle(eis.readDouble()));
     120           0 :                         aux1.push_back(aux2);
     121             :                 }
     122           0 :                 result.push_back(aux1);
     123             :         }
     124           0 :         return result;  
     125           0 : }
     126             : 
     127             : } // End namespace asdm

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16