LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementComponents - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 601 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-28 15:53:10 Functions: 0 22 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of WBCleanImageSkyModel class
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id: 13615 2010-12-20 14:04:00 UrvashiRV$
      27             : //# v2.6 : Added psf-patch support to reduce memory footprint.
      28             : 
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      30             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/WBCleanImageSkyModel.h>
      31             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/CubeSkyEquation.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      33             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/SkyEquation.h>
      34             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      35             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/LatticeModel.h>
      36             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/LatConvEquation.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      40             : 
      41             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/images/Regions/ImageRegion.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/images/Regions/RegionManager.h>
      45             : 
      46             : #include <casacore/images/Regions/WCBox.h>
      47             : 
      48             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Quality.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/QualityCoordinate.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageUtilities.h>
      51             : 
      52             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/MatrixMathLA.h>
      53             : 
      54             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
      55             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSetUtil.h>
      56             : 
      57             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      58             : 
      59             : #include <sstream>
      60             : 
      61             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      62             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      63             : 
      64             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      65             : 
      66             : 
      67             : using namespace casacore;
      68             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      69             : #define TMR(a) "[User: " << a.user() << "] [System: " << a.system() << "] [Real: " << a.real() << "]"
      70             :         
      71             : #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<=(b) ? (a) : (b))
      72             : #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>=(b) ? (a) : (b))
      73             : 
      74             : /*************************************
      75             :  *          Constructor
      76             :  *************************************/
      77           0 : WBCleanImageSkyModel::WBCleanImageSkyModel()
      78             : {
      79           0 :   initVars();
      80           0 :   nscales_p=4;
      81           0 :   ntaylor_p=2;
      82           0 :   refFrequency_p=1.42e+09;
      83           0 :   scaleSizes_p.resize(0);
      84           0 : };
      85           0 :   WBCleanImageSkyModel::WBCleanImageSkyModel(const Int ntaylor,const Int nscales,const Double reffreq)
      86             : {
      87           0 :   initVars();
      88           0 :   nscales_p=nscales;
      89           0 :   ntaylor_p=ntaylor;
      90           0 :   refFrequency_p=reffreq;
      91           0 :   scaleSizes_p.resize(0);
      92           0 : };
      93           0 :   WBCleanImageSkyModel::WBCleanImageSkyModel(const Int ntaylor,const Vector<Float>& userScaleSizes,const Double reffreq)
      94             : {
      95           0 :   initVars();
      96           0 :   if(userScaleSizes.nelements()==0)  os << "No scales set !" << LogIO::WARN;
      97           0 :   if(userScaleSizes[0]!=0.0)
      98             :   {
      99           0 :     nscales_p=userScaleSizes.nelements()+1;
     100           0 :     scaleSizes_p.resize(nscales_p);
     101           0 :     for(Int i=1;i<nscales_p;i++) scaleSizes_p[i] = userScaleSizes[i-1];
     102           0 :     scaleSizes_p[0]=0.0;
     103             :   }
     104             :   else
     105             :   {
     106           0 :     nscales_p=userScaleSizes.nelements();
     107           0 :     scaleSizes_p.resize(nscales_p);
     108           0 :     for(Int i=0;i<nscales_p;i++) scaleSizes_p[i] = userScaleSizes[i];
     109             :   }
     110           0 :   ntaylor_p=ntaylor;
     111           0 :   refFrequency_p=reffreq;
     112           0 : };
     113             : 
     114           0 : void WBCleanImageSkyModel::initVars()
     115             : {
     116           0 :   adbg=0; 
     117           0 :   ddbg=1; // output per iteration
     118           0 :   tdbg=0;
     119             :   
     120           0 :   modified_p=true;
     121           0 :   memoryMB_p = Double(HostInfo::memoryTotal(true)/1024)/(2.0);
     122           0 :   donePSF_p=false;
     123           0 :   doneMTMCinit_p=false;
     124             : 
     125           0 :   numbermajorcycles_p=0;
     126           0 :   nfields_p=1;
     127           0 :   lc_p.resize(0);
     128             : 
     129           0 :   os = LogIO(LogOrigin("WBCleanImageSkyModel","solve"));
     130             : 
     131           0 :   setAlgorithm("MSMFS");
     132             :   
     133           0 : }
     134             : 
     135             : /*************************************
     136             :  *          Destructor
     137             :  *************************************/
     138           0 : WBCleanImageSkyModel::~WBCleanImageSkyModel()
     139             : {
     140           0 :   lc_p.resize(0);
     141             :   //cout << "WBCleanImageSkyModel destructor " << endl;
     142             : 
     143             :   /*
     144             :   if(nmodels_p > numberOfModels())
     145             :     {
     146             :       resizeWorkArrays(numberOfModels());
     147             :       nmodels_p = numberOfModels();
     148             :     }
     149             :   */
     150             : 
     151           0 : };
     152             : 
     153             : /*************************************
     154             :  *          Solver
     155             :  *************************************/
     156           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::solve(SkyEquation& se) 
     157             : {
     158           0 :         os << "MSMFS algorithm (v2.6) with " << ntaylor_p << " Taylor coefficients and Reference Frequency of " << refFrequency_p  << " Hz" << LogIO::POST;
     159           0 :         Int stopflag=0;
     160           0 :         Int nchan=0,npol=0;
     161             : 
     162             :         /* Gather shape information */
     163           0 :         nmodels_p = numberOfModels();
     164             : 
     165           0 :         if(nmodels_p % ntaylor_p != 0)
     166             :         {
     167           0 :           os << "Incorrect number of input models " << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     168           0 :           os << "NModels = N_fields x N_taylor" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     169           0 :           AlwaysAssert((nmodels_p % ntaylor_p == 0), AipsError);
     170             :         }
     171             : 
     172             :         /* Check supplied bandwidth-ratio and print warnings if needed */
     173           0 :         checkParameters();
     174             : 
     175             :         /* Calc the number of fields */
     176           0 :         nfields_p = nmodels_p/ntaylor_p;
     177             :         ///// NOTE : Code is written with loops on 'fields' to support a future implementation
     178             :         /////             Disable it for now, since it has not been tested.
     179             :         //AlwaysAssert(nfields_p==1, AipsError);
     180             : 
     181             :         //cout << "Number of fields : " << nfields_p << endl;
     182             : 
     183             :         /* Current restriction : one pol and one chan-plane */
     184           0 :         for(Int model=0;model<nmodels_p;model++)
     185             :         {
     186           0 :           nx = image(model).shape()(0);
     187           0 :           ny = image(model).shape()(1);
     188           0 :           npol=image(model).shape()(2);
     189           0 :           nchan=image(model).shape()(3);
     190           0 :           if(nchan > 1) os << "Cannot process more than one output channel" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     191           0 :           if(npol > 1) os << "Cannot process more than one output polarization" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     192           0 :           AlwaysAssert((nchan==1), AipsError);  
     193           0 :           AlwaysAssert((npol==1), AipsError);  
     194             :         }
     195             : 
     196             :         //------------------------------- For 'active'  ---------------------------------------------------------------///
     197             :         /* Calculate the initial residual image for all models. */
     198           0 :         if( se.isNewFTM() == false )
     199             :           {
     200           0 :             if(!donePSF_p)
     201             :               {
     202           0 :                 os << "Calculating initial residual images..." << LogIO::POST;
     203           0 :                 solveResiduals(se,(numberIterations()<1)?true:False);
     204             :               }
     205             :             else
     206             :               {
     207             :                 /*
     208             :                 if(numbermajorcycles_p>0) 
     209             :                   {
     210             :                     os << "RE-Calculating residual images because previous residuals have been modified in-place during restoration to be 'coefficient residuals'." << LogIO::POST;
     211             :                     solveResiduals(se,(numberIterations()<1)?true:False);
     212             :                   }
     213             :                 */
     214             :               }
     215             :           }
     216             :         //------------------------------- For 'active'  ---------------------------------------------------------------///
     217             :         
     218             :         /* Create the Point Spread Functions */
     219           0 :         if(!donePSF_p)
     220             :         {
     221             :             /* Resize the work arrays to calculate extra PSFs */
     222           0 :             Int original_nmodels = nmodels_p;
     223           0 :             nmodels_p = original_nmodels + nfields_p * (ntaylor_p - 1);
     224           0 :             resizeWorkArrays(nmodels_p);
     225             : 
     226             :             try
     227             :             {
     228             :               /* Make the 2N-1 PSFs */
     229           0 :               os << "Calculating spectral PSFs..." << LogIO::POST;
     230           0 :               makeSpectralPSFs(se, numberIterations()<0?true:False);
     231             :             }
     232           0 :             catch(AipsError &x)
     233             :             {
     234             :               /* Resize the work arrays to normal size - the destructors use 'nmodels_p' on other lists */
     235           0 :               nmodels_p = original_nmodels;
     236           0 :               resizeWorkArrays(nmodels_p);
     237           0 :               os << "Could not make PSFs. Please check image co-ordinate system : " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     238           0 :             }
     239             : 
     240           0 :             if(adbg) cout << "Shape of lc_p : " << lc_p.nelements() << endl;
     241             :             /* Initialize MTMC, allocate memory, and send in all 2N-1 psfs */
     242           0 :             if(lc_p.nelements()==0 && numberIterations()>=0)
     243             :               {
     244           0 :                 lc_p.resize(nfields_p);
     245           0 :                 Bool state=true;
     246             :                 /* Initialize the MultiTermMatrixCleaners */
     247           0 :                 for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++)
     248             :                   {
     249           0 :                     lc_p[thismodel].setscales(scaleSizes_p);
     250           0 :                     lc_p[thismodel].setntaylorterms(ntaylor_p);
     251           0 :                     nx = image(thismodel).shape()(0);
     252           0 :                     ny = image(thismodel).shape()(1);
     253           0 :                     state &= lc_p[thismodel].initialise(nx,ny); // allocates memory once....
     254             :                   }
     255           0 :                 if( !state ) // initialise will return false if there is any internal inconsistency with settings so far.
     256             :                   {
     257           0 :                     lc_p.resize(0);
     258           0 :                     nmodels_p = original_nmodels;
     259           0 :                     resizeWorkArrays(nmodels_p);
     260           0 :                     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Could not initialize MS-MFS minor cycle" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     261           0 :                     return false; // redundant
     262             :                   }
     263             :                 
     264             :                 /* Send all 2N-1 PSFs into the MultiTermLatticeCleaner */
     265           0 :                 for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++)
     266             :                   {
     267           0 :                     for (Int order=0;order<2*ntaylor_p-1;order++)
     268             :                       {
     269             :                         // This should be doing a reference only. Make sure of this.
     270           0 :                         Matrix<Float> tempMat;
     271           0 :                         Array<Float> tempArr;
     272           0 :                         (PSF(getModelIndex(thismodel,order))).get(tempArr,true);
     273           0 :                         tempMat.reference(tempArr);
     274             :                         
     275           0 :                         lc_p[thismodel].setpsf( order , tempMat ); 
     276           0 :                       }
     277             :                   }
     278           0 :                 doneMTMCinit_p = true;
     279             :               }
     280             :             
     281             :             /* Resize the work arrays to normal size - for residual comps, etc. */
     282           0 :             nmodels_p = original_nmodels;
     283           0 :             resizeWorkArrays(nmodels_p);
     284             :             ///// TODO : Make sure this releases memory as it is supposed to.      
     285             : 
     286           0 :             donePSF_p=true;
     287             :         }
     288             : 
     289             : 
     290             :         //------------------------------ For new FTMs --------------------------------------------------------------//
     291             :         ///// Consider doing lc_p.setmodel and getmodel instead of dividing/multiplying the avgPB in NewMTFT::initializeToVis
     292           0 :         if( se.isNewFTM() == true )
     293             :           {
     294             :             /* Calculate the initial residual image for all models. */
     295           0 :             if( numbermajorcycles_p==0 )
     296             :               {
     297           0 :                 os << "Calculating initial residual images..." << LogIO::POST;
     298           0 :                 solveResiduals(se,(numberIterations()<1)?true:False);
     299             :               }
     300             : 
     301             :           }
     302             :         //------------------------------- For new FTMs -------------------------------------------------------------//
     303             : 
     304             :         /* Return if niter=0 */
     305             :         /* Check if this is an interactive-clean run, or if niter=0 */
     306           0 :         if(adbg) cout << "NumberIterations - before any cycles: " << numberIterations() << endl;
     307           0 :         if(numberIterations() < 1)
     308             :         {
     309           0 :                 return true;
     310             :         }
     311             : 
     312             :         /* Check that lc_p's have been initialized by now.. */
     313           0 :         if(doneMTMCinit_p == false)
     314             :           {
     315           0 :             os << LogIO::SEVERE << "MultiTermMatrixCleaners are un-initialized, perhaps because of a previous im.clean(niter=-1) call. Please close imager, re-open it, and run with niter>=0" << LogIO::POST;
     316             :           }
     317             : 
     318             :         /* Set up the Mask image */
     319           0 :         for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++)
     320             :         {
     321           0 :           if(hasMask(getModelIndex(thismodel,0))) 
     322             :           {
     323           0 :             if(adbg) os << "Sending in the mask for lc_p : " << thismodel << LogIO::POST;
     324             : 
     325           0 :             Matrix<Float> tempMat;
     326           0 :             Array<Float> tempArr;
     327           0 :             (mask(getModelIndex(thismodel,0))).get(tempArr,true);
     328           0 :             tempMat.reference(tempArr);
     329             : 
     330           0 :             lc_p[thismodel].setmask( tempMat );
     331           0 :           }
     332             :         }
     333             : 
     334             :         /******************* START MAJOR CYCLE LOOP *****************/
     335             :         /* Logic for number of iterations in the minor-cycle vs major cycle vs total,
     336             :            how they relate to convergence thresholds, and how they change with 
     337             :            interactive vs non-interactive use (user specified total niter, vs niters per 
     338             :            major cycle...) is a bit of a mess. Needs cleanup. Right now, hard-coded for
     339             :            nfields=1 */
     340           0 :         previous_maxresidual_p=1e+10;
     341           0 :         Int index=0;
     342           0 :         Float fractionOfPsf=0.1;
     343           0 :         Vector<Int> iterationcount(nfields_p); iterationcount=0;
     344           0 :         Vector<Int> moreiterations(nfields_p); moreiterations=0;
     345           0 :         Vector<Int> thiscycleniter(nfields_p); thiscycleniter=0;
     346           0 :         for(Int itercountmaj=0;itercountmaj<1000;itercountmaj++)
     347             :           {
     348           0 :             numbermajorcycles_p ++;
     349           0 :             os << "**** Major Cycle " << numbermajorcycles_p << LogIO::POST;
     350           0 :             thiscycleniter=0;
     351             :             /* Compute stopping threshold for this major cycle */
     352           0 :             stopflag = static_cast<casacore::Int>(computeFluxLimit(fractionOfPsf));
     353             :             /* If the peak residual is already less than the user-threshold, stop */
     354           0 :             if(stopflag==1) break;
     355             :             /* If we detect divergence across major cycles, stop */
     356           0 :             if(stopflag==-1) break;
     357             :             
     358           0 :             for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++) // For now, nfields_p=1 always.
     359             :               {
     360             : 
     361           0 :                 if( !isSolveable(getModelIndex(thismodel,0)) )
     362             :                   {
     363             :                     // This field is not to be cleaned in this set of minor-cycle iterations
     364           0 :                     continue;
     365             :                   }
     366             : 
     367             :                 /* Number of iterations left to do */ 
     368           0 :                 moreiterations[thismodel] = numberIterations() - iterationcount[thismodel];
     369             :                 
     370             :                 /* If all iterations are done for this run, stop - for all fields*/
     371           0 :                 if(moreiterations[thismodel] <=0 ) {stopflag=-1;break;}
     372             :                 
     373             :                 /* Send in the current model and residual */
     374           0 :                 for (Int order=0;order<ntaylor_p;order++)
     375             :                   {
     376           0 :                     index = getModelIndex(thismodel,order);
     377             :                     
     378           0 :                     Matrix<Float> tempMat;
     379           0 :                     Array<Float> tempArr;
     380             :                     
     381           0 :                     (residual(index)).get(tempArr,true);
     382           0 :                     tempMat.reference(tempArr);
     383           0 :                     lc_p[thismodel].setresidual(order,tempMat); 
     384             :                     
     385           0 :                     (image(index)).get(tempArr,true);
     386           0 :                     tempMat.reference(tempArr);
     387           0 :                     lc_p[thismodel].setmodel(order,tempMat); 
     388           0 :                   }
     389             :                 
     390             :                 /* Deconvolve */
     391             :                 /* Return value is the number of minor-cycle iterations done */
     392           0 :                 os << "Starting Minor Cycle iterations for field : " << thismodel << LogIO::POST;
     393           0 :                 thiscycleniter[thismodel] = lc_p[thismodel].mtclean(moreiterations[thismodel], fractionOfPsf, gain(), threshold());
     394             :                 
     395             :                 /* A signal for a singular Hessian : stop */
     396           0 :                 if(thiscycleniter[thismodel]==-2) { stopflag=-2; break;}
     397             :                 
     398             :                 /* A signal for convergence with no iterations  */
     399             :                 /* One field may have converged, while others go on... so 'continue' */
     400             :                 //             if(thiscycleniter[thismodel]==0) { stopflag=1; break; }
     401           0 :                 if(thiscycleniter[thismodel]==0) { stopflag=1; continue; }
     402             :                 
     403             :                 ///* A signal for divergence. Save current model and stop (force a major cycle). */
     404             :                 //if(thiscycleniter==-1) { stopflag=1; }
     405             :                 
     406             :                 /* Increment the minor-cycle iteration counter */
     407           0 :                 iterationcount[thismodel] += thiscycleniter[thismodel];
     408             :                 
     409             :                 /* Get out the updated model */
     410           0 :                 for (Int order=0;order<ntaylor_p;order++)
     411             :                   {
     412           0 :                     index = getModelIndex(thismodel,order);
     413           0 :                     Matrix<Float> tempMod;
     414           0 :                     lc_p[thismodel].getmodel(order,tempMod);
     415           0 :                     image(index).put(tempMod);
     416           0 :                   }           
     417             :                 
     418             :               }// end of model loop
     419             :             
     420           0 :             if(adbg) cout << "end of major cycle : " << itercountmaj << " -> iterationcount : " << iterationcount << "  thiscycleniter : " << thiscycleniter << "  stopflag : " << stopflag << endl;
     421             :             
     422             :             /* Exit without further ado if MTMC cannot invert matrices */
     423           0 :             if(stopflag == -2)
     424             :               {
     425           0 :                 os << "Cannot invert Multi-Term Hessian matrix. Please check the reference-frequency and ensure that the number of frequency-channels in the selected data >= nterms" << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
     426           0 :                 break;
     427             :               }
     428             :             
     429             :             /* If reached 1000 major cycles - assume something is wrong */
     430           0 :             if(itercountmaj==999) os << " Reached the allowed maximum of 1000 major cycles " << LogIO::POST;
     431             :             
     432             :             /* Do the prediction and residual computation for all models. */
     433             :             /* Exit if we're already at the user-specified flux threshold, or reached numberIterations() */
     434           0 :             if( abs(stopflag)==1 || max(iterationcount) >= numberIterations() || itercountmaj==999) 
     435             :               {
     436           0 :                 os << "Calculating final residual images..." << LogIO::POST;
     437             :                 /* Call 'solveResiduals' with modelToMS = true to write the model to the MS */
     438           0 :                 solveResiduals(se,true);
     439           0 :                 break;
     440             :               }
     441             :             else 
     442             :               {
     443           0 :                 os << "Calculating new residual images..." << LogIO::POST;
     444           0 :                 solveResiduals(se);
     445             :               }
     446             : 
     447             :             /*      
     448             :             if( se.isNewFTM() == true )
     449             :               {
     450             :                 // The model will get PB-corrected in-place before prediction.
     451             :                 // This needs to be reset to what the preceeding minor cycle got, 
     452             :                 //    for incremental additions in the next cycle.
     453             :                 saveCurrentModels();
     454             :               }
     455             :             */
     456             : 
     457             :           } 
     458             :         /******************* END MAJOR CYCLE LOOP *****************/
     459             :         
     460             :         /* Compute and write alpha,beta results to disk */
     461             :         ///writeResultsToDisk();
     462             :         //      calculateCoeffResiduals();
     463             :         
     464             :         /* stopflag=1 -> stopped because the user-threshold was reached */
     465             :         /* stopflag=-1 -> stopped because number of iterations was reached */
     466             :         /* stopflag=-2 -> stopped because of singular Hessian */
     467             :         /* stopflag=0 -> reached maximum number of major-cycle iterations !! */
     468           0 :         if(stopflag>0) return(true);
     469           0 :         else return(false);
     470           0 : } // END OF SOLVE
     471             : 
     472             : 
     473           0 : void WBCleanImageSkyModel::saveCurrentModels()
     474             : {
     475             :   
     476           0 :   for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++)
     477             :     {
     478             :       /* Get out the updated model */
     479           0 :       for (Int order=0;order<ntaylor_p;order++)
     480             :         {
     481           0 :           Int index = getModelIndex(thismodel,order);
     482           0 :           Matrix<Float> tempMod;
     483           0 :           lc_p[thismodel].getmodel(order,tempMod);
     484           0 :           image(index).put(tempMod);
     485           0 :         }           
     486             :     }// end of model loop
     487             :   
     488           0 : }// end of saveCurrentModels
     489             : 
     490             : 
     491             : /* Calculate stopping threshold for the current set of minor-cycle iterations */
     492             : /* Note : The stopping threshold is computed from the residual image.
     493             :    However, MTMC checks on the peak of (residual * psf * scale_0).
     494             :    These values can differ slightly. 
     495             :    TODO : Perhaps move this function back into MTMC. 
     496             :    (It was brought out to conform to the other devonvolvers..)
     497             : */
     498           0 : Float WBCleanImageSkyModel::computeFluxLimit(Float &fractionOfPsf)
     499             : {
     500           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBCleanImageSkyModel", "computeFluxLimit", WHERE));
     501           0 :   Float maxres=0.0,maxval=0.0,minval=0.0;
     502           0 :   Vector<Float> fmaxres(nfields_p); fmaxres=0.0;
     503             :   
     504             :   /* Measure the peak residual across all fields */
     505           0 :   for(Int field=0;field<nfields_p;field++)
     506             :     {
     507           0 :       Int index = getModelIndex(field,0);
     508           0 :       Array<Float> tempArr;
     509           0 :       (residual(index)).get(tempArr,true);
     510           0 :       IPosition maxpos(tempArr.shape()),minpos(tempArr.shape());
     511           0 :       minMax(minval,maxval, minpos, maxpos,tempArr);
     512           0 :       fmaxres[field]=maxval;
     513           0 :     }
     514             :   
     515             :   /* Pick the peak residual across all fields */
     516           0 :   maxres = max(fmaxres);
     517           0 :   if(adbg) cout << "Peak Residual across fields (over all pixels) : " << maxres << endl;
     518             :   
     519             :   /* If we've already converged, return */
     520           0 :   if(maxres < threshold()) 
     521             :     {
     522           0 :       os << "Peak residual : " << maxres << " is lower than the user-specified stopping threshold : " << threshold() << LogIO::POST;
     523           0 :       return 1;
     524             :     }
     525             :   
     526             :   /* If we detect divergence across major cycles, warn or STOP */
     527           0 :   if(fabs( ((maxres - previous_maxresidual_p)/previous_maxresidual_p ) > 10.0 ))
     528             :     {
     529           0 :       os << "Peak residual : " << maxres << " has increased by more than a factor of 10 across major cycles. Could be diverging. Stopping" << LogIO::POST;
     530           0 :       return -1;
     531             :     }
     532           0 :   if(fabs( ((maxres - previous_maxresidual_p)/previous_maxresidual_p ) > 2.0 ))
     533             :     {
     534           0 :       os << "Peak residual : " << maxres << " has increased across major cycles. Could be diverging, but continuing..." << LogIO::POST;
     535             :     }
     536           0 :   previous_maxresidual_p = maxres;
     537             :   
     538             :   /* Find PSF sidelobe level */
     539           0 :   Float maxpsfside=0.0;
     540           0 :   for(uInt field=0;static_cast<Int>(field)<nfields_p;field++)
     541             :     {
     542           0 :       Int index = getModelIndex(field,0);
     543             :       /* abs(min of the PSF) will be treated as the max sidelobe level */
     544           0 :       Array<Float> tempArr;
     545           0 :       (PSF(index)).get(tempArr,true);
     546           0 :       IPosition maxpos(tempArr.shape()),minpos(tempArr.shape());
     547           0 :       minMax(minval,maxval, minpos, maxpos,tempArr);
     548           0 :       maxpsfside = max(maxpsfside, abs(minval));
     549           0 :     }
     550             :   
     551           0 :   fractionOfPsf = min(cycleMaxPsfFraction_p, cycleFactor_p * maxpsfside);
     552           0 :   if(fractionOfPsf>0.8) fractionOfPsf=0.8;
     553             :   // cyclethreshold = max(threshold(), fractionOfPsf * maxres);
     554             :   
     555             :   // if(adbg) 
     556             :   {
     557           0 :     os << "Peak Residual (all pixels) : " << maxres  << "  User Threshold : " << threshold() << "  Max PSF Sidelobe : " << abs(minval) <<  " User maxPsfFraction : " << cycleMaxPsfFraction_p  << "  User cyclefactor : " << cycleFactor_p << "  fractionOfPsf = min(maxPsfFraction, PSFsidelobe x cyclefactor) : " << fractionOfPsf << LogIO::POST;
     558             :     //    os << "Stopping threshold for this major cycle min(user threshold , fractionOfPsf x Max Residual) : " <<  cyclethreshold  << endl;
     559             :   }
     560             :   
     561           0 :   return 0;
     562           0 : }
     563             : 
     564             : /***********************************************************************/
     565           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::calculateAlphaBeta(const Vector<String> &restoredNames, 
     566             :                                                                            const Vector<String> &residualNames)
     567             : {
     568           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBCleanImageSkyModel", "calculateAlphaBeta", WHERE));
     569             :   //UNUSED: Int index=0;
     570           0 :   Bool writeerror=true;
     571             :   
     572             : 
     573           0 :   for(Int field=0;field<nfields_p;field++)
     574             :     {
     575           0 :       Int baseindex = getModelIndex(field,0);
     576           0 :       String alphaname,betaname, alphaerrorname;
     577           0 :       if(  ( (restoredNames[baseindex]).substr( (restoredNames[baseindex]).length()-3 , 3 ) ).matches("tt0") )
     578             :         {
     579           0 :           alphaname = (restoredNames[baseindex]).substr(0,(restoredNames[baseindex]).length()-3) + "alpha";
     580           0 :           betaname = (restoredNames[baseindex]).substr(0,(restoredNames[baseindex]).length()-3) + "beta";
     581           0 :           if(writeerror) alphaerrorname = alphaname+".error";
     582             :         }
     583             :       else
     584             :         {
     585           0 :           alphaname = (restoredNames[baseindex]) +  String(".alpha");
     586           0 :           betaname = (restoredNames[baseindex]) +  String(".beta");
     587             :         }
     588             :       
     589             :       /* Create empty alpha image, and alpha error image */
     590           0 :       PagedImage<Float> imalpha(image(baseindex).shape(),image(baseindex).coordinates(),alphaname); 
     591           0 :       imalpha.set(0.0);
     592             : 
     593             :       /* Open restored images */
     594           0 :       PagedImage<Float> imtaylor0(restoredNames[getModelIndex(field,0)]);
     595           0 :       PagedImage<Float> imtaylor1(restoredNames[getModelIndex(field,1)]);
     596             : 
     597             :       /* Open first residual image */
     598           0 :       PagedImage<Float> residual0(residualNames[getModelIndex(field,0)]);
     599             : 
     600             :       /* Create a mask - make this adapt to the signal-to-noise */
     601           0 :       LatticeExprNode leMaxRes=max(residual0);
     602           0 :       Float maxres = leMaxRes.getFloat();
     603             :       // Threshold is either 10% of the peak residual (psf sidelobe level) or 
     604             :       // user threshold, if deconvolution has gone that deep.
     605           0 :       Float specthreshold = MAX( threshold()*5 , maxres/5.0 );
     606           0 :       os << "Calculating spectral parameters for  Intensity > MAX(threshold*5,peakresidual/5) = " << specthreshold << " Jy/beam" << LogIO::POST;
     607           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> mask1(iif((imtaylor0)>(specthreshold),1.0,0.0));
     608           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> mask0(iif((imtaylor0)>(specthreshold),0.0,1.0));
     609             : 
     610             :       /////// Calculate alpha
     611           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> alphacalc( ((imtaylor1)*mask1)/((imtaylor0)+(mask0)) );
     612           0 :       imalpha.copyData(alphacalc);
     613             : 
     614             :       // Set the restoring beam for alpha
     615           0 :       ImageInfo ii = imalpha.imageInfo();
     616           0 :       ii.setRestoringBeam( (imtaylor0.imageInfo()).restoringBeam() );
     617           0 :       imalpha.setImageInfo(ii);
     618             :       //imalpha.setUnits(Unit("Spectral Index"));
     619           0 :       imalpha.table().unmarkForDelete();
     620             : 
     621             :       // Make a mask for the alpha image
     622           0 :       LatticeExpr<Bool> lemask(iif((imtaylor0 > specthreshold) , true, false));
     623             : 
     624           0 :       createMask(lemask, imalpha);
     625           0 :       os << "Written Spectral Index Image : " << alphaname << LogIO::POST;
     626             : 
     627             : 
     628             :       ////// Calculate error on alpha
     629           0 :       if(writeerror)
     630             :         {
     631           0 :           PagedImage<Float> imalphaerror(image(baseindex).shape(),image(baseindex).coordinates(),alphaerrorname); 
     632           0 :           imalphaerror.set(0.0);
     633           0 :           PagedImage<Float> residual1(residualNames[getModelIndex(field,1)]);
     634             : 
     635           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> alphacalcerror( abs(alphacalc) * sqrt( ( (residual0*mask1)/(imtaylor0+mask0) )*( (residual0*mask1)/(imtaylor0+mask0) ) + ( (residual1*mask1)/(imtaylor1+mask0) )*( (residual1*mask1)/(imtaylor1+mask0) )  ) );
     636           0 :           imalphaerror.copyData(alphacalcerror);
     637           0 :           imalphaerror.setImageInfo(ii);
     638           0 :           createMask(lemask, imalphaerror);
     639           0 :           imalphaerror.table().unmarkForDelete();      
     640           0 :           os << "Written Spectral Index Error Image : " << alphaerrorname << LogIO::POST;
     641             : 
     642             :           //          mergeDataError( imalpha, imalphaerror, alphaerrorname+".new" );
     643             : 
     644           0 :         }
     645             : 
     646             :       ////// Calculate beta
     647           0 :       if(ntaylor_p>2)
     648             :         {
     649           0 :           PagedImage<Float> imbeta(image(baseindex).shape(),image(baseindex).coordinates(),betaname); 
     650           0 :           imbeta.set(0.0);
     651           0 :           PagedImage<Float> imtaylor2(restoredNames[getModelIndex(field,2)]);
     652             :           
     653           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> betacalc( ((imtaylor2)*mask1)/((imtaylor0)+(mask0))-0.5*(imalpha)*(imalpha-1.0) );
     654           0 :           imbeta.copyData(betacalc);
     655           0 :           imbeta.setImageInfo(ii);
     656             :           //imbeta.setUnits(Unit("Spectral Curvature"));
     657           0 :           createMask(lemask, imbeta);
     658           0 :           imbeta.table().unmarkForDelete();
     659             : 
     660           0 :           os << "Written Spectral Curvature Image : " << betaname << LogIO::POST;
     661           0 :         }
     662             :       
     663           0 :     }// field loop
     664             : 
     665           0 :   return 0;
     666             : 
     667           0 : }
     668             : /***********************************************************************/
     669             : 
     670           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::createMask(LatticeExpr<Bool> &lemask, ImageInterface<Float> &outimage)
     671             : {
     672           0 :       ImageRegion outreg = outimage.makeMask("mask0",false,true);
     673           0 :       LCRegion& outmask=outreg.asMask();
     674           0 :       outmask.copyData(lemask);
     675           0 :       outimage.defineRegion("mask0",outreg, RegionHandler::Masks, true);
     676           0 :       outimage.setDefaultMask("mask0");
     677           0 :       return true;
     678           0 : }
     679             : 
     680             : 
     681             : /***********************************************************************/
     682           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::calculateCoeffResiduals()
     683             : {
     684           0 :   for(Int field=0;field<nfields_p;field++)
     685             :     {
     686           0 :       Int baseindex = getModelIndex(field,0);
     687             : 
     688             :       
     689             :       // Send in the final residuals
     690           0 :       for (Int order=0;order<ntaylor_p;order++)
     691             :         {
     692           0 :           Int index = getModelIndex(field,order);
     693           0 :           Matrix<Float> tempMat;
     694           0 :           Array<Float> tempArr;
     695           0 :           (residual(index)).get(tempArr,true);
     696           0 :           tempMat.reference(tempArr);
     697           0 :           lc_p[baseindex].setresidual(order,tempMat); 
     698           0 :         }      
     699             :       
     700             :       // Compute principal solution in-place.
     701           0 :       lc_p[baseindex].computeprincipalsolution();
     702             : 
     703             :       // Get the new residuals
     704           0 :       for (Int order=0;order<ntaylor_p;order++)
     705             :         {
     706           0 :           Int index = getModelIndex(field,order);
     707           0 :           Matrix<Float> tempMod;
     708           0 :           lc_p[baseindex].getresidual(order,tempMod);
     709           0 :           residual(index).put(tempMod);
     710           0 :         }
     711             : 
     712             :       
     713             :       /*
     714             : 
     715             :       //Apply Inverse Hessian to the residuals 
     716             :       IPosition gip(4,image(baseindex).shape()[0],image(baseindex).shape()[1],1,1);
     717             :       Matrix<Double> invhessian;
     718             :       lc_p[field].getinvhessian(invhessian);
     719             :       //cout << "Inverse Hessian : " << invhessian << endl;
     720             :       
     721             :       Int tindex;
     722             :       LatticeExprNode len_p;
     723             :       PtrBlock<TempLattice<Float>* > coeffresiduals(ntaylor_p); //,smoothresiduals(ntaylor_p);
     724             :       for(Int taylor1=0;taylor1<ntaylor_p;taylor1++)
     725             :         {
     726             :           coeffresiduals[taylor1] = new TempLattice<Float>(gip,memoryMB_p);
     727             :         }
     728             :       
     729             :       //Apply the inverse Hessian to the residuals 
     730             :       for(Int taylor1=0;taylor1<ntaylor_p;taylor1++)
     731             :         {
     732             :           len_p = LatticeExprNode(0.0);
     733             :           for(Int taylor2=0;taylor2<ntaylor_p;taylor2++)
     734             :             {
     735             :               tindex = getModelIndex(field,taylor2);
     736             :               len_p = len_p + LatticeExprNode((Float)(invhessian)(taylor1,taylor2)*(residual(tindex)));
     737             :             }
     738             :           (*coeffresiduals[taylor1]).copyData(LatticeExpr<Float>(len_p));
     739             :         }
     740             : 
     741             :       //Fill in the residual images with these coefficient residuals 
     742             :       for(Int taylor=0;taylor<ntaylor_p;taylor++)
     743             :         {
     744             :           tindex = getModelIndex(field,taylor);
     745             :           (residual(tindex)).copyData(LatticeExpr<Float>(*coeffresiduals[taylor]));
     746             :         }
     747             : 
     748             :       for(uInt i=0;i<coeffresiduals.nelements();i++) 
     749             :         {
     750             :           if(coeffresiduals[i]) delete coeffresiduals[i];
     751             :         }
     752             :       */
     753             : 
     754             : 
     755             :     }//end of field loop
     756           0 :   os << "Converting final residuals to 'coefficient residuals', for restoration" << LogIO::POST;
     757           0 :   return true;
     758             : }//end of calculateCoeffResiduals
     759             : 
     760             : /***********************************************************************/
     761             : ///// Write alpha and beta to disk. Calculate from smoothed model + residuals.
     762           0 : Int WBCleanImageSkyModel::writeResultsToDisk()
     763             : {
     764           0 :   if(ntaylor_p<=1) return 0;
     765             :   
     766           0 :   os << "Output Taylor-coefficient images : " << imageNames << LogIO::POST;
     767             :   //  if(ntaylor_p==2) os << "Calculating Spectral Index" << LogIO::POST;
     768             :   //  if(ntaylor_p>2) os << "Calculating Spectral Index and Curvature" << LogIO::POST;
     769             :   
     770             :   
     771           0 :   GaussianBeam beam;
     772           0 :   Int index=0;
     773             :   
     774           0 :   for(Int field=0;field<nfields_p;field++)
     775             :     {
     776           0 :       PtrBlock<TempLattice<Float>* > smoothed;
     777           0 :       if(ntaylor_p>2) smoothed.resize(3);
     778           0 :       else if(ntaylor_p==2) smoothed.resize(2);
     779             :       
     780           0 :       Int baseindex = getModelIndex(field,0);
     781           0 :       String alphaname,betaname;
     782           0 :       if(  ( (imageNames[baseindex]).substr( (imageNames[baseindex]).length()-3 , 3 ) ).matches("tt0") )
     783             :         {
     784           0 :           alphaname = (imageNames[baseindex]).substr(0,(imageNames[baseindex]).length()-3) + "alpha";
     785           0 :           betaname = (imageNames[baseindex]).substr(0,(imageNames[baseindex]).length()-3) + "beta";
     786             :         }
     787             :       else
     788             :         {
     789           0 :           alphaname = (imageNames[baseindex]) +  String(".alpha");
     790           0 :           betaname = (imageNames[baseindex]) +  String(".beta");
     791             :         }
     792             :       
     793           0 :       StokesImageUtil::FitGaussianPSF(PSF(baseindex), beam);
     794             :       
     795             :       /* Create empty alpha image */
     796           0 :       PagedImage<Float> imalpha(image(baseindex).shape(),image(baseindex).coordinates(),alphaname); 
     797           0 :       imalpha.set(0.0);
     798             :       
     799             :       /* Apply Inverse Hessian to the residuals */
     800           0 :       IPosition gip(4,image(baseindex).shape()[0],image(baseindex).shape()[1],1,1);
     801           0 :       Matrix<Double> invhessian;
     802           0 :       lc_p[field].getinvhessian(invhessian);
     803             :       //cout << "Inverse Hessian : " << invhessian << endl;
     804             :       
     805             :       Int tindex;
     806           0 :       LatticeExprNode len_p;
     807           0 :       PtrBlock<TempLattice<Float>* > coeffresiduals(ntaylor_p); //,smoothresiduals(ntaylor_p);
     808           0 :       for(Int taylor1=0;taylor1<ntaylor_p;taylor1++)
     809             :         {
     810           0 :           coeffresiduals[taylor1] = new TempLattice<Float>(gip,memoryMB_p);
     811             :         }
     812             :       
     813             :       /* Apply the inverse Hessian to the residuals */
     814           0 :       for(Int taylor1=0;taylor1<ntaylor_p;taylor1++)
     815             :         {
     816           0 :           len_p = LatticeExprNode(0.0);
     817           0 :           for(Int taylor2=0;taylor2<ntaylor_p;taylor2++)
     818             :             {
     819           0 :               tindex = getModelIndex(field,taylor2);
     820           0 :               len_p = len_p + LatticeExprNode((Float)(invhessian)(taylor1,taylor2)*(residual(tindex)));
     821             :             }
     822           0 :           (*coeffresiduals[taylor1]).copyData(LatticeExpr<Float>(len_p));
     823             :         }
     824             : 
     825             :       /* Fill in the residual images with these coefficient residuals */
     826           0 :       for(Int taylor=0;taylor<ntaylor_p;taylor++)
     827             :         {
     828           0 :           tindex = getModelIndex(field,taylor);
     829           0 :           (residual(taylor)).copyData(LatticeExpr<Float>(*coeffresiduals[taylor]));
     830             :         }
     831             : 
     832             : 
     833             :       /* Smooth the model images and add the above coefficient residuals */
     834           0 :       for(uInt i=0;i<smoothed.nelements();i++)
     835             :         {
     836           0 :           smoothed[i] = new TempLattice<Float>(gip,memoryMB_p);
     837             :           
     838           0 :           index = getModelIndex(field,i);
     839           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> cop(image(index));
     840           0 :           imalpha.copyData(cop);
     841           0 :           StokesImageUtil::Convolve(imalpha, beam);
     842             :           //cout << "Clean Beam from WBC : " << bmaj  << " , " << bmin << " , " << bpa << endl;
     843             :           //cout << "SkyModel internally-recorded beam for index " << index << " : " << beam(index) << endl;
     844             :           //LatticeExpr<Float> le(imalpha); 
     845           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> le(imalpha+( *coeffresiduals[i] )); 
     846           0 :           (*smoothed[i]).copyData(le);
     847           0 :         }
     848             :       
     849             :       
     850             :       /* Create a mask - make this adapt to the signal-to-noise */
     851           0 :       LatticeExprNode leMaxRes=max(residual( getModelIndex(field,0) ));
     852           0 :       Float maxres = leMaxRes.getFloat();
     853             :       // Threshold is either 10% of the peak residual (psf sidelobe level) or 
     854             :       // user threshold, if deconvolution has gone that deep.
     855           0 :       Float specthreshold = MAX( threshold()*5 , maxres/5.0 );
     856           0 :       os << "Calculating spectral parameters for  Intensity > MAX(threshold*5,peakresidual/5) = " << specthreshold << " Jy/beam" << LogIO::POST;
     857           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> mask1(iif((*smoothed[0])>(specthreshold),1.0,0.0));
     858           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> mask0(iif((*smoothed[0])>(specthreshold),0.0,1.0));
     859             :       
     860             :       /* Calculate alpha and beta */
     861           0 :       LatticeExpr<Float> alphacalc( ((*smoothed[1])*mask1)/((*smoothed[0])+(mask0)) );
     862           0 :       imalpha.copyData(alphacalc);
     863             :       
     864           0 :       ImageInfo ii = imalpha.imageInfo();
     865           0 :       ii.setRestoringBeam(beam);
     866             :       
     867           0 :       imalpha.setImageInfo(ii);
     868             :       //imalpha.setUnits(Unit("Spectral Index"));
     869           0 :       imalpha.table().unmarkForDelete();
     870           0 :       os << "Written Spectral Index Image : " << alphaname << LogIO::POST;
     871             :       
     872           0 :       if(ntaylor_p>2)
     873             :         {
     874           0 :           PagedImage<Float> imbeta(image(baseindex).shape(),image(baseindex).coordinates(),betaname); 
     875           0 :           imbeta.set(0.0);
     876             :           
     877           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> betacalc( ((*smoothed[2])*mask1)/((*smoothed[0])+(mask0))-0.5*(imalpha)*(imalpha-1.0) );
     878           0 :           imbeta.copyData(betacalc);
     879             :           
     880           0 :           imbeta.setImageInfo(ii);
     881             :           //imbeta.setUnits(Unit("Spectral Curvature"));
     882           0 :           imbeta.table().unmarkForDelete();
     883           0 :           os << "Written Spectral Curvature Image : " << betaname << LogIO::POST;
     884           0 :         }
     885             :       
     886             :       /* Print out debugging info for center pixel */
     887             :       /*
     888             :         IPosition cgip(4,512,512,0,0);
     889             :         IPosition cgip2(4,490,542,0,0);
     890             :         for(Int i=0;i<ntaylor_p;i++)
     891             :         {
     892             :         cout << "Extended : " << endl;
     893             :         cout << "Original residual : " << i << " : " << residual( getModelIndex(model,i) ).getAt(cgip) << endl;
     894             :         cout << "Smoothed residual : " << i << " : " << (*smoothresiduals[i]).getAt(cgip) << endl;
     895             :         cout << "Coeff residual : " << i << " : " << (*coeffresiduals[i]).getAt(cgip) << endl;
     896             :         cout << "Point : " << endl;
     897             :         cout << "Original residual : " << i << " : " << residual( getModelIndex(model,i) ).getAt(cgip2) << endl;
     898             :         cout << "Smoothed residual : " << i << " : " << (*smoothresiduals[i]).getAt(cgip2) << endl;
     899             :         cout << "Coeff residual : " << i << " : " << (*coeffresiduals[i]).getAt(cgip2) << endl;
     900             :         }
     901             :       */
     902             :       
     903             :       
     904             :       /* Clean up temp arrays */
     905           0 :       for(uInt i=0;i<smoothed.nelements();i++) if(smoothed[i]) delete smoothed[i];
     906           0 :       for(uInt i=0;i<coeffresiduals.nelements();i++) 
     907             :         {
     908           0 :           if(coeffresiduals[i]) delete coeffresiduals[i];
     909             :         }
     910             :       
     911           0 :     }// field loop
     912           0 :   return 0;
     913           0 : }
     914             : 
     915             : /***********************************************************************/
     916             : /*************************************
     917             :  *          Make Residuals and compute the current peak  
     918             :  *************************************/
     919           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::solveResiduals(SkyEquation& se, Bool modelToMS) 
     920             : {
     921           0 :   blankOverlappingModels();
     922           0 :   makeNewtonRaphsonStep(se,false,modelToMS);
     923           0 :   restoreOverlappingModels();
     924             :   
     925           0 :   return true;
     926             : }
     927             : /***********************************************************************/
     928             : 
     929             : /*************************************
     930             :  *          Make Residuals 
     931             :  *************************************/
     932             : // Currently - all normalized by ggS from taylor0.
     933             : // SAME WITH MAKE_SPECTRAL_PSFS
     934             : 
     935           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::makeNewtonRaphsonStep(SkyEquation& se, Bool incremental, Bool modelToMS) 
     936             : {
     937           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBCleanImageSkyModel", "makeNewtonRaphsonStep"));
     938           0 :   se.gradientsChiSquared(incremental, modelToMS);
     939             :   
     940           0 :   Int index=0,baseindex=0;
     941           0 :   LatticeExpr<Float> le;
     942           0 :   for(Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++) 
     943             :     {
     944           0 :       baseindex = getModelIndex(thismodel,0);
     945           0 :       for(Int taylor=0;taylor<ntaylor_p;taylor++)
     946             :         {
     947             :           /* Normalize by the Taylor 0 weight image */
     948           0 :           index = getModelIndex(thismodel,taylor);
     949             :           //cout << "Normalizing image " << index << " with " << baseindex << endl;
     950             :           //cout << "Shapes : " << ggS(index).shape() << gS(baseindex).shape() << endl;
     951             :           
     952             :           // UUU
     953             :           //      LatticeExpr<Float> le(iif(ggS(baseindex)>(0.0), -gS(index)/ggS(baseindex), 0.0));
     954             : 
     955             :           ///cout << "WBC : makeNRs : isnormalized : " << isImageNormalized() << endl;
     956             : 
     957           0 :           if (isImageNormalized()) le = LatticeExpr<Float>(gS(index));
     958           0 :           else                   le = LatticeExpr<Float>(iif(ggS(baseindex)>(0.0), 
     959           0 :                                                              -gS(index)/ggS(baseindex), 0.0));
     960           0 :           residual(index).copyData(le);
     961             : 
     962             :           //LatticeExprNode LEN = max( residual(index) );
     963             :           //LatticeExprNode len2 = max( ggS(baseindex) );
     964             :           //cout << "Max Residual : " << LEN.getFloat() << "  Max ggS : " << len2.getFloat() << endl;
     965             : 
     966             : 
     967             :           //storeAsImg(String("Weight.")+String::toString(thismodel)+String(".")+String::toString(taylor),ggS(index));
     968             :           //storeAsImg(String("TstResidual.")+String::toString(thismodel)+String(".")+String::toString(taylor),residual(index));
     969             :         }
     970             :     }
     971           0 :   modified_p=false;
     972           0 :   return true;
     973           0 : }
     974             : 
     975             : /*************************************
     976             :  *          Make Approx PSFs. 
     977             :  *************************************/
     978             : // The normalization ignores that done in makeSimplePSFs in the Sky Eqn
     979             : // and recalculates it from gS and ggS.
     980           0 : Int WBCleanImageSkyModel::makeSpectralPSFs(SkyEquation& se, Bool writeToDisk) 
     981             : {
     982           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBCleanImageSkyModel", "makeSpectralPSFs"));
     983           0 :   if(!donePSF_p)
     984             :     {
     985             :       //make sure the psf images are made
     986           0 :       for (Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nmodels_p;thismodel++) 
     987             :         {
     988           0 :           PSF(thismodel);
     989             :         }
     990             :     }
     991             :   
     992             :   // All 2N-1 psfs will get made here....
     993           0 :   se.makeApproxPSF(psf_p);  
     994             :   
     995             :   // Normalize
     996           0 :   Float normfactor=1.0;
     997           0 :   Int index=0,baseindex=0;
     998           0 :   LatticeExpr<Float> le;
     999           0 :   for (Int thismodel=0;thismodel<nfields_p;thismodel++) 
    1000             :     {
    1001           0 :       normfactor=1.0;
    1002           0 :       baseindex = getModelIndex(thismodel,0);
    1003           0 :       for(Int taylor=0;taylor<2*ntaylor_p-1;taylor++)
    1004             :         {
    1005             :           /* Normalize by the Taylor 0 weight image */
    1006           0 :           index = getModelIndex(thismodel,taylor);
    1007             :           //cout << "Normalizing PSF " << index << " with " << baseindex << endl;
    1008             :           //cout << "Shapes : " << ggS(index).shape() << gS(baseindex).shape() << endl;
    1009             :           //le = LatticeExpr<Float>(iif(ggS(baseindex)>(0.0), gS(index)/ggS(baseindex), 0.0));
    1010           0 :           if (isImageNormalized()) le = LatticeExpr<Float>(gS(index));
    1011           0 :           else                   le = LatticeExpr<Float>(iif(ggS(baseindex)>(0.0), 
    1012           0 :                                                              gS(index)/ggS(baseindex), 0.0));
    1013           0 :           PSF(index).copyData(le);
    1014           0 :           if(taylor==0)
    1015             :             { 
    1016           0 :               LatticeExprNode maxPSF=max(PSF(index));
    1017           0 :               normfactor = maxPSF.getFloat();
    1018           0 :               if(adbg) os << "Normalize PSFs for field " << thismodel << " by " << normfactor << LogIO::POST;
    1019           0 :             }
    1020           0 :           LatticeExpr<Float> lenorm(PSF(index)/normfactor);
    1021           0 :           PSF(index).copyData(lenorm);
    1022           0 :           LatticeExprNode maxPSF2=max(PSF(index));
    1023           0 :           Float maxpsf=maxPSF2.getFloat();
    1024           0 :           if(adbg) os << "Psf for Model " << thismodel << " and Taylor " << taylor << " has peak " << maxpsf << LogIO::POST;
    1025             : 
    1026           0 :           if(writeToDisk)
    1027             :             {
    1028             :               //need unique name as multiple processes can be running in the 
    1029             :               //same workingdir
    1030           0 :               String tmpName=image_p[thismodel]->name();
    1031           0 :               tmpName.del(String(".model.tt0"), 0);
    1032           0 :               storeAsImg(tmpName+String(".TempPsf.")+String::toString(taylor),PSF(index));
    1033           0 :             }
    1034           0 :         }
    1035             :       
    1036             :       //     index = getModelIndex(thismodel,0);
    1037             :       //beam(thismodel)=0.0;
    1038           0 :       if(!StokesImageUtil::FitGaussianPSF(PSF(baseindex),beam(thismodel))) 
    1039           0 :         os << "Beam fit failed: using default" << LogIO::POST;
    1040             :     }
    1041           0 :   return 0;
    1042           0 : }
    1043             : 
    1044             : 
    1045             : 
    1046             : /***********************************************************************/
    1047             : 
    1048             : /*************************************
    1049             :  *          Store a Templattice as an image
    1050             :  *************************************/
    1051             : 
    1052           0 :   Int WBCleanImageSkyModel::storeAsImg(String fileName, ImageInterface<Float>& theImg)
    1053             :   {
    1054           0 :   PagedImage<Float> tmp(theImg.shape(), theImg.coordinates(), fileName);
    1055           0 :   LatticeExpr<Float> le(theImg);
    1056           0 :   tmp.copyData(le);
    1057           0 :   return 0;
    1058           0 :   }
    1059             : /*  
    1060             :   Int WBCleanImageSkyModel::storeTLAsImg(String fileName, TempLattice<Float> &TL, ImageInterface<Float>& theImg)
    1061             :   {
    1062             :   PagedImage<Float> tmp(TL.shape(), theImg.coordinates(), fileName);
    1063             :   LatticeExpr<Float> le(TL);
    1064             :   tmp.copyData(le);
    1065             :   return 0;
    1066             :   }
    1067             :   
    1068             :   Int WBCleanImageSkyModel::storeTLAsImg(String fileName, TempLattice<Complex> &TL, ImageInterface<Float>& theImg)
    1069             :   {
    1070             :   PagedImage<Complex> tmp(TL.shape(), theImg.coordinates(), fileName);
    1071             :   LatticeExpr<Complex> le(TL);
    1072             :   tmp.copyData(le);
    1073             :   return 0;
    1074             :   }
    1075             : */
    1076             : 
    1077             : /**************************
    1078             :   Resize Work Arrays to calculate extra PSFs.
    1079             :   (Resizing back to a shorter list must free memory correctly).
    1080             : *************************/
    1081           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::resizeWorkArrays(Int length)
    1082             : {
    1083           0 :   Int originallength = gS_p.nelements();
    1084             :   
    1085           0 :   if(length < originallength) // Clean up extra arrays
    1086             :     {
    1087           0 :       for(Int i = length; i < originallength; ++i)
    1088             :         {
    1089           0 :           if(psf_p[i]){delete psf_p[i]; psf_p[i]=0;}
    1090           0 :           if(image_p[i]){delete image_p[i]; image_p[i]=0;}
    1091           0 :           if(cimage_p[i]){delete cimage_p[i]; cimage_p[i]=0;}
    1092           0 :           if(gS_p[i]){delete gS_p[i]; gS_p[i]=0;}
    1093           0 :           if(ggS_p[i]){delete ggS_p[i]; ggS_p[i]=0;}
    1094           0 :           if(work_p[i]){delete work_p[i]; work_p[i]=0;}
    1095           0 :           if(fluxScale_p[i]){delete fluxScale_p[i]; fluxScale_p[i]=0;}
    1096             :         }
    1097             : 
    1098             :     }
    1099             :   
    1100           0 :   psf_p.resize(length,true);
    1101           0 :   image_p.resize(length,true);
    1102           0 :   cimage_p.resize(length,true);
    1103           0 :   gS_p.resize(length,true);
    1104           0 :   ggS_p.resize(length,true);
    1105           0 :   work_p.resize(length,true);
    1106           0 :   fluxScale_p.resize(length,true);
    1107             :   
    1108           0 :   if(length > originallength) // Add extra arrays  // TODO : This part can go - I think !!!
    1109             :     {
    1110           0 :       for(Int i = originallength; i < length; ++i)
    1111             :         {
    1112           0 :           psf_p[i]=0;gS_p[i]=0;ggS_p[i]=0;cimage_p[i]=0;work_p[i]=0;fluxScale_p[i]=0;
    1113             :           
    1114           0 :           Int ind = getFieldIndex(i);
    1115             :           TempImage<Float>* imptr = 
    1116           0 :             new TempImage<Float> (IPosition(image_p[ind]->ndim(),
    1117           0 :                                             image_p[ind]->shape()(0),
    1118           0 :                                             image_p[ind]->shape()(1),
    1119           0 :                                             image_p[ind]->shape()(2),
    1120           0 :                                             image_p[ind]->shape()(3)),
    1121           0 :                                   image_p[ind]->coordinates(), memoryMB_p);
    1122           0 :           AlwaysAssert(imptr, AipsError);
    1123           0 :           image_p[i] = imptr;
    1124             :         }
    1125             :     }
    1126             : 
    1127             :   ///cout << "Memory held by ImageSkyModel : " << 6*length << " float + " << 1*length << " complex images " << endl;
    1128             : 
    1129           0 :   return true;
    1130             : }
    1131             : 
    1132             : /************************************************************************************
    1133             : Check some input parameters and print warnings for the user  
    1134             :          fbw = (fmax-fmin)/fref.  
    1135             :            if(fbw < 0.1) and nterms>2 
    1136             :                => lever-arm may be insufficient for more than alpha.
    1137             :                => polynomial fit will work but alpha interpretation may not be ok.
    1138             :            if(ref < fmin or ref > fmax) 
    1139             :                => polynomial fit will work, but alpha interpretation will not be right.
    1140             :            if(nchan==1) or fbw = 0, then ask to use only nterms=1, or choose more than one chan 
    1141             : 
    1142             : ***********************************************************************************/
    1143           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::checkParameters()
    1144             : {
    1145             :   /* Check ntaylor_p, nrefFrequency_p with min and max freq from the image-coords */
    1146             :   
    1147           0 :   for(uInt i=0; i<image(0).coordinates().nCoordinates(); i++)
    1148             :     {
    1149           0 :       if( image(0).coordinates().type(i) == Coordinate::SPECTRAL )
    1150             :         {
    1151           0 :           SpectralCoordinate speccoord(image(0).coordinates().spectralCoordinate(i));
    1152           0 :           Double startfreq=0.0,startpixel=-0.5;
    1153           0 :           Double endfreq=0.0,endpixel=+0.5;
    1154           0 :           speccoord.toWorld(startfreq,startpixel);
    1155           0 :           speccoord.toWorld(endfreq,endpixel);
    1156           0 :           Float fbw = (endfreq - startfreq)/refFrequency_p;
    1157             :           //os << "Freq range of the mfs channel : " << startfreq << " -> " << endfreq << endl;
    1158             :           //cout << "Fractional bandwidth : " << fbw << endl;
    1159             :           
    1160           0 :           os << "Fractional Bandwidth : " << fbw*100 << " %." << LogIO::POST;
    1161             :           
    1162             :           /*
    1163             :             if(fbw < 0.1 && ntaylor_p == 2 )
    1164             :             os << "Fractional Bandwidth is " << fbw*100 << " %. Please check that the flux variation across the chosen frequency range (" << startfreq << " Hz to " << endfreq << " Hz) is at least twice the single-channel noise-level. If not, please use nterms=1." << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST; 
    1165             :             
    1166             :             if(fbw < 0.1 && ntaylor_p > 2)
    1167             :             os << "Fractional Bandwidth is " << fbw*100 << " %. Please check that (a) the flux variation across the chosen frequency range (" << startfreq << " Hz to " << endfreq << " Hz) is at least twice the single-channel noise-level, and (b) a " << ntaylor_p << "-term Taylor-polynomial fit across this frequency range is appropriate. " << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST; 
    1168             :           */
    1169           0 :           if(refFrequency_p < startfreq || refFrequency_p > endfreq)
    1170           0 :             os << "A Reference frequency of " << refFrequency_p << "Hz is outside the frequency range of the selected data (" << startfreq << " Hz to " << endfreq << " Hz). A power-law interpretation of the resulting Taylor-coefficients may not be accurate." << LogIO::POST;
    1171             :           
    1172           0 :         }
    1173             :     }
    1174             :   
    1175             :   
    1176           0 :   return true;
    1177             : }
    1178             : 
    1179             : // Copied from MFCleanImageSkyModel
    1180           0 : void WBCleanImageSkyModel::blankOverlappingModels(){
    1181           0 :   if(nfields_p == 1)  return;
    1182             :   
    1183           0 :   for(Int taylor=0;taylor<ntaylor_p;taylor++)
    1184             :     {
    1185           0 :       for (Int field=0;field<nfields_p-1; ++field) 
    1186             :         {
    1187           0 :           Int model=getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1188           0 :           CoordinateSystem cs0=image(model).coordinates();
    1189           0 :           IPosition iblc0(image(model).shape().nelements(),0);
    1190             :           
    1191           0 :           IPosition itrc0(image(model).shape());
    1192           0 :           itrc0=itrc0-Int(1);
    1193           0 :           LCBox lbox0(iblc0, itrc0, image(model).shape());
    1194             :           
    1195           0 :           ImageRegion imagreg0(WCBox(lbox0, cs0));
    1196           0 :           for (Int nextfield=field+1; nextfield < nfields_p; ++nextfield)
    1197             :             {
    1198           0 :               Int nextmodel = getModelIndex(nextfield, taylor);
    1199           0 :               CoordinateSystem cs=image(nextmodel).coordinates();
    1200           0 :               IPosition iblc(image(nextmodel).shape().nelements(),0);
    1201             :               
    1202           0 :               IPosition itrc(image(nextmodel).shape());
    1203           0 :               itrc=itrc-Int(1);
    1204             :               
    1205           0 :               LCBox lbox(iblc, itrc, image(nextmodel).shape());
    1206             :               
    1207           0 :               ImageRegion imagreg(WCBox(lbox, cs));
    1208             :               try{
    1209           0 :                 LatticeRegion latReg=imagreg.toLatticeRegion(image(model).coordinates(), image(model).shape());
    1210           0 :                 ArrayLattice<Bool> pixmask(latReg.get());
    1211           0 :                 SubImage<Float> partToMask(image(model), imagreg, true);
    1212           0 :                 LatticeExpr<Float> myexpr(iif(pixmask, 0.0, partToMask) );
    1213           0 :                 partToMask.copyData(myexpr);
    1214             :                 
    1215           0 :               }
    1216           0 :               catch(...){
    1217             :                 //no overlap you think ?
    1218             :                 //cout << "Did i fail " << endl;
    1219           0 :                 continue;
    1220           0 :               }
    1221             :               
    1222             :               
    1223           0 :             }
    1224             :           
    1225             :           
    1226             :           
    1227           0 :         }// for field
    1228             :     }// for taylor
    1229             : }
    1230             : 
    1231             : // Copied from MFCleanImageSkyModel
    1232           0 : void WBCleanImageSkyModel::restoreOverlappingModels(){
    1233           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBImageSkyModel","restoreOverlappingModels"));
    1234           0 :   if(nfields_p == 1)  return;
    1235             :   
    1236           0 :   for(Int taylor=0;taylor<ntaylor_p;taylor++)
    1237             :     {
    1238             :       
    1239           0 :       for (Int field=0;field<nfields_p-1; ++field) 
    1240             :         {
    1241           0 :           Int model = getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1242           0 :           CoordinateSystem cs0=image(model).coordinates();
    1243           0 :           IPosition iblc0(image(model).shape().nelements(),0);
    1244           0 :           IPosition itrc0(image(model).shape());
    1245           0 :           itrc0=itrc0-Int(1);
    1246           0 :           LCBox lbox0(iblc0, itrc0, image(model).shape());
    1247           0 :           ImageRegion imagreg0(WCBox(lbox0, cs0));
    1248             :           
    1249           0 :           for (Int nextfield=field+1; nextfield < nfields_p; ++nextfield)
    1250             :             {
    1251           0 :               Int nextmodel = getModelIndex(nextfield,taylor);
    1252           0 :               CoordinateSystem cs=image(nextmodel).coordinates();
    1253           0 :               IPosition iblc(image(nextmodel).shape().nelements(),0);
    1254             :               
    1255           0 :               IPosition itrc(image(nextmodel).shape());
    1256           0 :               itrc=itrc-Int(1);
    1257             :               
    1258           0 :               LCBox lbox(iblc, itrc, image(nextmodel).shape());
    1259             :               
    1260           0 :               ImageRegion imagreg(WCBox(lbox, cs));
    1261             :               try{
    1262           0 :                 LatticeRegion latReg0=imagreg0.toLatticeRegion(image(nextmodel).coordinates(), image(nextmodel).shape());
    1263           0 :                 LatticeRegion latReg=imagreg.toLatticeRegion(image(model).coordinates(), image(model).shape());
    1264           0 :                 ArrayLattice<Bool> pixmask(latReg.get());
    1265             : 
    1266           0 :                 SubImage<Float> partToMerge(image(nextmodel), imagreg0, true);
    1267           0 :                 SubImage<Float> partToUnmask(image(model), imagreg, true);
    1268             :                 
    1269           0 :                 LatticeExpr<Float> myexpr0(iif(pixmask,partToMerge,partToUnmask));
    1270           0 :                 partToUnmask.copyData(myexpr0);
    1271             :                 
    1272           0 :               }
    1273           0 :               catch(AipsError x){
    1274             :                 /*
    1275             :                   os << LogIO::WARN
    1276             :                   << "no overlap or failure of copying the clean components"
    1277             :                   << x.getMesg()
    1278             :                   << LogIO::POST;
    1279             :                 */
    1280           0 :                 continue;
    1281           0 :               }
    1282           0 :             }// for field - inner
    1283           0 :         }// for field - outer
    1284             :     }// for taylor
    1285           0 : }
    1286             : 
    1287           0 : Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::mergeDataError(ImageInterface<Float> &data, ImageInterface<Float> &error, const String &outImg)
    1288             : ///Bool WBCleanImageSkyModel::mergeDataError(const String &dataImg, const String &errorImg, const String &outImg)
    1289             : {
    1290           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("WBImageSkyModel",__FUNCTION__));
    1291             : 
    1292             :        // open the data and the error image
    1293             :   //       ImageInterface<Float>  *data  = new PagedImage<Float>(dataImg, TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking);
    1294             :   //       ImageInterface<Float>  *error = new PagedImage<Float>(errorImg, TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking);
    1295             : 
    1296             :        // create the tiled shape for the output image
    1297           0 :        IPosition newShape=IPosition(data.shape());
    1298           0 :        newShape.append(IPosition(1, 2));
    1299           0 :        TiledShape tiledShape(newShape);
    1300             : 
    1301             :        // create the coordinate system for the output image
    1302           0 :        CoordinateSystem newCSys = data.coordinates();
    1303           0 :        Vector<Int> quality(2);
    1304           0 :        quality(0) = Quality::DATA;
    1305           0 :        quality(1) = Quality::ERROR;
    1306           0 :        QualityCoordinate qualAxis(quality);
    1307           0 :        newCSys.addCoordinate(qualAxis);
    1308             : 
    1309           0 :        Array<Float> outData=Array<Float>(newShape, 0.0f);
    1310           0 :        Array<Bool>  outMask;
    1311             : 
    1312             :        // get all the data values
    1313           0 :        Array<Float> inData;
    1314           0 :        Slicer inSlicer(IPosition((data.shape()).size(), 0), IPosition(data.shape()));
    1315           0 :        data.doGetSlice(inData, inSlicer);
    1316             : 
    1317             :        // define in the output array
    1318             :        // the slicers for data and error
    1319             :        Int qualCooPos, qualIndex;
    1320           0 :        qualCooPos = newCSys.findCoordinate(Coordinate::QUALITY);
    1321           0 :        (newCSys.qualityCoordinate(qualCooPos)).toPixel(qualIndex, Quality::DATA);
    1322           0 :        IPosition outStart(newShape.size(), 0);
    1323           0 :        outStart(newShape.size()-1)=qualIndex;
    1324           0 :        IPosition outLength(newShape);
    1325           0 :        outLength(newShape.size()-1)=1;
    1326           0 :        Slicer outDataSlice(outStart, outLength);
    1327           0 :        (newCSys.qualityCoordinate(qualCooPos)).toPixel(qualIndex, Quality::ERROR);
    1328           0 :        outStart(newShape.size()-1)=qualIndex;
    1329           0 :        Slicer outErrorSlice(outStart, outLength);
    1330             : 
    1331             :        // add the data values to the output array
    1332           0 :        outData(outDataSlice) = inData.addDegenerate(1);
    1333             : 
    1334             :        // get all the error values
    1335           0 :        error.doGetSlice(inData, inSlicer);
    1336             : 
    1337             : 
    1338             :        // add the error values to the output array
    1339           0 :        outData(outErrorSlice) = inData.addDegenerate(1);
    1340             : 
    1341             :        // check whether a mask is necessary
    1342           0 :        if (data.hasPixelMask() || error.hasPixelMask()){
    1343           0 :                Array<Bool> inMask;
    1344             : 
    1345           0 :                outMask=Array<Bool>(newShape, true);
    1346             : 
    1347             :                // make the mask for the data values
    1348           0 :                if (data.hasPixelMask()){
    1349           0 :                        inMask  = (data.pixelMask()).get();
    1350             :                }
    1351             :                else{
    1352           0 :                        inMask = Array<Bool>(data.shape(), true);
    1353             :                }
    1354             : 
    1355             :                // add the data mask to the output
    1356           0 :                outMask(outDataSlice)  = inMask.addDegenerate(1);
    1357             : 
    1358             :                // make the mask for the error values
    1359           0 :                if (error.hasPixelMask()){
    1360           0 :                        inMask  = (error.pixelMask()).get();
    1361             :                }
    1362             :                else{
    1363           0 :                        inMask = Array<Bool>(error.shape(), true);
    1364             :                }
    1365             : 
    1366             :                // add the data mask to the output
    1367           0 :                outMask(outErrorSlice) = inMask.addDegenerate(1);
    1368           0 :        }
    1369             : 
    1370             : 
    1371             :   // write out the combined image
    1372           0 :        ImageUtilities::writeImage(tiledShape, newCSys, outImg, outData, os, outMask);
    1373             : 
    1374             :        //       delete data;
    1375             :        //   delete error;
    1376             : 
    1377           0 :        return true;
    1378           0 : }
    1379             : 
    1380             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
    1381             : 

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