LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementComponents - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 373 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-28 15:53:10 Functions: 0 37 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SDDoubleCircleGainCal.cpp
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  Created on: Jun 3, 2016
       5             :  *      Author: nakazato
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SDDoubleCircleGainCal.h>
       9             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/StandardVisCal.h>
      10             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SolvableVisCal.h>
      11             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SDDoubleCircleGainCalImpl.h>
      12             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SolveDataBuffer.h>
      13             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/VisEquation.h>
      14             : #include <synthesis/Utilities/PointingDirectionCalculator.h>
      15             : #include <synthesis/Utilities/PointingDirectionProjector.h>
      16             : #include <synthesis/CalTables/CTIter.h>
      17             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
      18             : 
      19             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      20             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      21             : #include <casacore/casa/IO/ArrayIO.h>
      22             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Quantum.h>
      23             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/QuantumHolder.h>
      24             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      25             : #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
      26             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ScalarQuantColumn.h>
      27             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ArrayQuantColumn.h>
      28             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSIter.h>
      29             : 
      30             : #include <iostream>
      31             : #include <sstream>
      32             : #include <cassert>
      33             : #include <map>
      34             : 
      35             : // Debug Message Handling
      36             : // if SDGAIN_DEBUG is defined, the macro debuglog and
      37             : // debugpost point standard output stream (std::cout and
      38             : // std::endl so that debug messages are sent to standard
      39             : // output. Otherwise, these macros basically does nothing.
      40             : // "Do nothing" behavior is implemented in NullLogger
      41             : // and its associating << operator below.
      42             : //
      43             : // Usage:
      44             : // Similar to standard output stream.
      45             : //
      46             : //   debuglog << "Any message" << any_value << debugpost;
      47             : //
      48             : //#define SDGAINDBLC_DEBUG
      49             : 
      50             : namespace {
      51             : struct NullLogger {
      52             : };
      53             : 
      54             : template<class T>
      55           0 : inline NullLogger &operator<<(NullLogger &logger, T /*value*/) {
      56           0 :   return logger;
      57             : }
      58             : }
      59             : 
      60             : #ifdef SDGAINDBLC_DEBUG
      61             : #define debuglog std::cerr
      62             : #define debugpost std::endl
      63             : #else
      64             : ::NullLogger nulllogger;
      65             : #define debuglog nulllogger
      66             : #define debugpost 0
      67             : #endif
      68             : 
      69             : namespace {
      70           0 : inline void fillNChanParList(casacore::String const &msName,
      71             : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &nChanParList) {
      72           0 :   casacore::MeasurementSet const ms(msName);
      73           0 :   casacore::MSSpectralWindow const &msspw = ms.spectralWindow();
      74           0 :   casacore::ScalarColumn<casacore::Int> nchanCol(msspw, "NUM_CHAN");
      75           0 :   debuglog << "nchanCol=" << nchanCol.getColumn() << debugpost;
      76           0 :   nChanParList = nchanCol.getColumn()(
      77           0 :   casacore::Slice(0, nChanParList.nelements()));
      78           0 : }
      79             : 
      80             : template<class T>
      81           0 : inline casacore::String toString(casacore::Vector<T> const &v) {
      82           0 :   std::ostringstream oss;
      83           0 :   oss << "[";
      84           0 :   std::string delimiter = "";
      85           0 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < v.nelements(); ++i) {
      86           0 :     oss << delimiter << v[i];
      87           0 :     delimiter = ",";
      88             :   }
      89           0 :   oss << "]";
      90           0 :   return casacore::String(oss);
      91           0 : }
      92             : 
      93           0 : inline casacore::String selectOnSourceAutoCorr(
      94             : casacore::MeasurementSet const &ms) {
      95           0 :   debuglog << "selectOnSource" << debugpost;
      96             :   casacore::String taqlForState(
      98           0 :   casacore::Table stateSel = casacore::tableCommand(taqlForState, ms.state()).table();
      99           0 :   auto stateIdList = stateSel.rowNumbers();
     100           0 :   debuglog << "stateIdList = " << stateIdList << debugpost;
     101           0 :   std::ostringstream oss;
     102           0 :   oss << "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE ANTENNA1 == ANTENNA2 && STATE_ID IN "
     103           0 :       << toString(stateIdList)
     104           0 :       << " ORDER BY FIELD_ID, ANTENNA1, FEED1, DATA_DESC_ID, TIME";
     105           0 :   return casacore::String(oss);
     106           0 : }
     107             : 
     108             : class DataColumnAccessor {
     109             : public:
     110           0 :   DataColumnAccessor(casacore::Table const &ms,
     111           0 :   casacore::String const colName = "DATA") :
     112           0 :       dataCol_(ms, colName) {
     113           0 :   }
     114             :   casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float> operator()(size_t irow) {
     115             :     return casacore::real(dataCol_(irow));
     116             :   }
     117           0 :   casacore::Cube<casacore::Float> getColumn() {
     118           0 :     return casacore::real(dataCol_.getColumn());
     119             :   }
     120             : private:
     121             :   DataColumnAccessor() {
     122             :   }
     123             :   casacore::ArrayColumn<casacore::Complex> dataCol_;
     124             : };
     125             : 
     126             : class FloatDataColumnAccessor {
     127             : public:
     128           0 :   FloatDataColumnAccessor(casacore::Table const &ms) :
     129           0 :       dataCol_(ms, "FLOAT_DATA") {
     130           0 :   }
     131             :   casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float> operator()(size_t irow) {
     132             :     return dataCol_(irow);
     133             :   }
     134           0 :   casacore::Cube<casacore::Float> getColumn() {
     135           0 :     return dataCol_.getColumn();
     136             :   }
     137             : private:
     138             :   FloatDataColumnAccessor() {
     139             :   }
     140             :   casacore::ArrayColumn<casacore::Float> dataCol_;
     141             : };
     142             : 
     143           0 : inline bool isEphemeris(casacore::String const &name) {
     144             :   // Check if given name is included in MDirection types
     145             :   casacore::Int nall, nextra;
     146             :   const casacore::uInt *typ;
     147           0 :   auto *types = casacore::MDirection::allMyTypes(nall, nextra, typ);
     148           0 :   auto start_extra = nall - nextra;
     149           0 :   auto capital_name = name;
     150           0 :   capital_name.upcase();
     151             : 
     152           0 :   for (auto i = start_extra; i < nall; ++i) {
     153           0 :     if (capital_name == types[i]) {
     154           0 :       return true;
     155             :     }
     156             :   }
     157             : 
     158           0 :   return false;
     159           0 : }
     160             : 
     161           0 : inline void updateWeight(casa::NewCalTable &ct) {
     162           0 :   casa::CTMainColumns ctmc(ct);
     163             : 
     164             :   // simply copy FPARAM
     165           0 :   for (size_t irow = 0; irow < ct.nrow(); ++irow) {
     166           0 :     ctmc.weight().put(irow, real(ctmc.cparam()(irow)));
     167             :   }
     168           0 : }
     169             : 
     170           0 : casacore::Double rad2arcsec(casacore::Double value_in_rad) {
     171           0 :   return casacore::Quantity(value_in_rad, "rad").getValue("arcsec");
     172             : }
     173             : }
     174             : 
     175             : using namespace casacore;
     176             : namespace casa {
     177           0 : SDDoubleCircleGainCal::SDDoubleCircleGainCal(VisSet &vs) :
     178             :     VisCal(vs),             // virtual base
     179             :     VisMueller(vs),         // virtual base
     180           0 :     GJones(vs), central_disk_size_(0.0), smooth_(True), currAnt_() {
     181           0 : }
     182             : 
     183           0 : SDDoubleCircleGainCal::SDDoubleCircleGainCal(const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc) :
     184             :     VisCal(msmc),             // virtual base
     185             :     VisMueller(msmc),         // virtual base
     186           0 :     GJones(msmc), central_disk_size_(0.0), smooth_(True), currAnt_() {
     187           0 : }
     188             : 
     189           0 : SDDoubleCircleGainCal::~SDDoubleCircleGainCal() {
     190           0 : }
     191             : 
     192           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::setSolve() {
     193           0 :   central_disk_size_ = 0.0;
     194           0 :   smooth_ = True;
     195             : 
     196             :   // call parent setSolve
     197           0 :   SolvableVisCal::setSolve();
     198             : 
     199             :   // solint forcibly set to 'int'
     200           0 :   solint() = "int";
     201           0 : }
     202             : 
     203           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::setSolve(const Record &solve) {
     204             :   // parameters for double circle gain calibration
     205           0 :   if (solve.isDefined("smooth")) {
     206           0 :     smooth_ = solve.asBool("smooth");
     207             :   }
     208           0 :   if (solve.isDefined("radius")) {
     209           0 :     String size_string = solve.asString("radius");
     210           0 :     QuantumHolder qh;
     211           0 :     String error;
     212           0 :     qh.fromString(error, size_string);
     213           0 :     Quantity q = qh.asQuantity();
     214           0 :     central_disk_size_ = q.getValue("rad");
     215           0 :   }
     216             : 
     217           0 :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "smooth=" << smooth_ << LogIO::POST;
     218             :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "central disk size=" << central_disk_size_
     219             :       << " rad" << "(" << rad2arcsec(central_disk_size_) << " arcsec)"
     220           0 :       << LogIO::POST;
     221             : 
     222           0 :   if (central_disk_size_ < 0.0) {
     223           0 :     logSink() << "Negative central disk size is given" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     224             :   }
     225             : 
     226             :   // call parent setSolve
     227           0 :   SolvableVisCal::setSolve(solve);
     228             : 
     229             :   // solint forcibly set to 'int'
     230           0 :   solint() = "int";
     231           0 : }
     232             : 
     233           0 : String SDDoubleCircleGainCal::solveinfo() {
     234           0 :   ostringstream o;
     235           0 :   o << typeName() << ": " << calTableName() << " smooth="
     236           0 :       << (smooth_ ? "True" : "False") << endl << " radius="
     237           0 :       << central_disk_size_;
     238           0 :   if (central_disk_size_ == 0.0) {
     239           0 :     o << " (half of primary beam will be used)";
     240             :   }
     241           0 :   o << endl;
     242           0 :   return String(o);
     243           0 : }
     244             : 
     245           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::globalPostSolveTinker() {
     246             : 
     247             :   // apply generic post-solve stuff - is it necessary?
     248           0 :   SolvableVisCal::globalPostSolveTinker();
     249             : 
     250             :   // double-circle gain calibration is implemented here
     251             :   // assuming that given caltable (on memory) has complete
     252             :   // set of spectral data required for the calibration
     253             : 
     254             :   // setup worker_
     255           0 :   ROScalarQuantColumn<Double> antennaDiameterColumn(ct_->antenna(),
     256           0 :       "DISH_DIAMETER");
     257           0 :   ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> observingFrequencyColumn(ct_->spectralWindow(),
     258           0 :       "CHAN_FREQ");
     259           0 :   Int smoothingSize = -1;// use default smoothing size
     260           0 :   worker_.setCentralRegion(central_disk_size_);
     261           0 :   if (smooth_) {
     262           0 :     worker_.setSmoothing(smoothingSize);
     263             :   } else {
     264           0 :     worker_.unsetSmoothing();
     265             :   }
     266             : 
     267             :   // sort caltable by TIME
     268           0 :   NewCalTable sorted(ct_->sort("TIME"));
     269           0 :   Block<String> col(3);
     270           0 :   col[0] = "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID";
     271           0 :   col[1] = "FIELD_ID";
     272           0 :   col[2] = "ANTENNA1";
     273             :   //col[3] = "FEED1";
     274           0 :   CTIter ctiter(sorted,col);
     275             : 
     276           0 :   Vector<rownr_t> to_be_removed;
     277           0 :   while (!ctiter.pastEnd()) {
     278           0 :     Int const thisAntenna = ctiter.thisAntenna1();
     279           0 :     Quantity antennaDiameterQuant = antennaDiameterColumn(thisAntenna); // nominal
     280           0 :     worker_.setAntennaDiameter(antennaDiameterQuant.getValue("m"));
     281           0 :     debuglog<< "antenna diameter = " << worker_.getAntennaDiameter() << "m" << debugpost;
     282           0 :     Int const thisSpw = ctiter.thisSpw();
     283           0 :     Vector<Quantity> observingFrequencyQuant = observingFrequencyColumn(thisSpw);
     284           0 :     Double meanFrequency = 0.0;
     285           0 :     auto numChan = observingFrequencyQuant.nelements();
     286           0 :     debuglog<< "numChan = " << numChan << debugpost;
     287           0 :     assert(numChan > 0);
     288           0 :     if (numChan % 2 == 0) {
     289           0 :       meanFrequency = (observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2 - 1].getValue("Hz")
     290           0 :           + observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2].getValue("Hz")) / 2.0;
     291             :     } else {
     292           0 :       meanFrequency = observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2].getValue("Hz");
     293             :     }
     294             :     //debuglog << "mean frequency " << meanFrequency.getValue() << " [" << meanFrequency.getFullUnit() << "]" << debugpost;
     295           0 :     debuglog<< "mean frequency " << meanFrequency << debugpost;
     296           0 :     worker_.setObservingFrequency(meanFrequency);
     297           0 :     debuglog<< "observing frequency = " << worker_.getObservingFrequency() / 1e9 << "GHz" << debugpost;
     298           0 :     Double primaryBeamSize = worker_.getPrimaryBeamSize();
     299           0 :     debuglog<< "primary beam size = " << rad2arcsec(primaryBeamSize) << " arcsec" << debugpost;
     300             : 
     301             :     // get table entry sorted by TIME
     302           0 :     Vector<Double> time(ctiter.time());
     303           0 :     Cube<Complex> p(ctiter.cparam());
     304           0 :     Cube<Bool> fl(ctiter.flag());
     305             : 
     306             :     // take real part of CPARAM
     307           0 :     Cube<Float> preal = real(p);
     308             : 
     309             :     // execute double-circle gain calibration
     310           0 :     worker_.doCalibrate(time, preal, fl);
     311             : 
     312             :     // if gain calibration fail (typically due to insufficient
     313             :     // number of data points), go to next iteration step
     314           0 :     if (preal.empty()) {
     315             :       // add row numbers to the "TO-BE-REMOVED" list
     316           0 :       auto rows = ctiter.table().rowNumbers();
     317           0 :       size_t nelem = to_be_removed.nelements();
     318           0 :       size_t nelem_add = rows.nelements();
     319           0 :       to_be_removed.resize(nelem + nelem_add, True);
     320           0 :       to_be_removed(Slice(nelem, nelem_add)) = rows;
     321           0 :;
     322           0 :       continue;
     323           0 :     }
     324             : 
     325             :     // set real part of CPARAM
     326           0 :     setReal(p, preal);
     327             : 
     328             :     // record result
     329           0 :     ctiter.setcparam(p);
     330           0 :     ctiter.setflag(fl);
     331           0 :;
     332           0 :   }
     333             : 
     334             :   // remove rows registered to the "TO-BE-REMOVED" list
     335           0 :   if (to_be_removed.nelements() > 0) {
     336           0 :     ct_->removeRow(to_be_removed);
     337             :   }
     338           0 : }
     339             : 
     340           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::keepNCT() {
     341             :   // Call parent to do general stuff
     342           0 :   GJones::keepNCT();
     343             : 
     344           0 :   if (prtlev()>4)
     345           0 :     cout << " SDDoubleCircleGainCal::keepNCT" << endl;
     346             : 
     347             :   // Set proper antenna id
     348           0 :   Vector<Int> a1(nAnt());
     349           0 :   a1 = currAnt_;
     350             :   //indgen(a1);
     351             : 
     352             :   // We are adding to the most-recently added rows
     353           0 :   RefRows rows(ct_->nrow() - nElem(), ct_->nrow() - 1, 1);
     354             : 
     355             :   // Write to table
     356           0 :   CTMainColumns ncmc(*ct_);
     357           0 :   ncmc.antenna1().putColumnCells(rows, a1);
     358           0 : }
     359             : 
     360           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::syncWtScale()
     361             : {
     362           0 :   currWtScale().resize(currJElem().shape());
     363             : 
     364             :   // We use simple (pre-inversion) square of currJElem
     365           0 :   Cube<Float> cWS(currWtScale());
     366           0 :   cWS=real(currJElem()*conj(currJElem()));
     367           0 :   cWS(!currJElemOK())=1.0;
     368           0 : }
     369             : 
     370           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::selfGatherAndSolve(VisSet& vs,
     371             :     VisEquation& /* ve */) {
     372           0 :   SDDoubleCircleGainCalImpl sdcalib;
     373           0 :   debuglog << "SDDoubleCircleGainCal::selfGatherAndSolve()" << debugpost;
     374             : 
     375             :   // TODO: implement pre-application of single dish caltables
     376             : 
     377           0 :   debuglog << "nspw = " << nSpw() << debugpost;
     378           0 :   fillNChanParList(msName(), nChanParList());
     379           0 :   debuglog << "nChanParList=" << nChanParList() << debugpost;
     380             : 
     381             :   // Create a new caltable to fill up
     382           0 :   createMemCalTable();
     383             : 
     384             :   // Setup shape of solveAllRPar
     385           0 :   nElem() = 1;
     386           0 :   currAnt_.resize(nElem());
     387           0 :   currAnt_ = -1;
     388           0 :   initSolvePar();
     389             : 
     390             :   // re-initialize calibration solution to 0.0 and calibration flags to false
     391           0 :   for (Int ispw=0;ispw<nSpw();++ispw) {
     392           0 :     currSpw() = ispw;
     393           0 :     solveAllParOK() = false;
     394           0 :     solveAllCPar() = Complex(0.0);
     395             :   }
     396             : 
     397             :   // Pick up OFF spectra using STATE_ID
     398           0 :   auto const msSel = vs.iter().ms();
     399             :   debuglog << "configure data selection for specific calibration mode"
     400           0 :       << debugpost;
     401           0 :   auto const taql = selectOnSourceAutoCorr(msSel);
     402           0 :   debuglog << "taql = \"" << taql << "\"" << debugpost;
     403           0 :   MeasurementSet msOnSource(tableCommand(taql, msSel).table());
     404             :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "msSel.nrow()=" << msSel.nrow()
     405           0 :       << " msOnSource.nrow()=" << msOnSource.nrow() << LogIO::POST;
     406           0 :   if (msOnSource.nrow() == 0) {
     407           0 :     throw AipsError("No reference integration in the data.");
     408             :   }
     409             :   String dataColName =
     410           0 :       (msOnSource.tableDesc().isColumn("FLOAT_DATA")) ? "FLOAT_DATA" : "DATA";
     411             :   logSink() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "dataColName = " << dataColName
     412           0 :       << LogIO::POST;
     413             : 
     414           0 :   if (msOnSource.tableDesc().isColumn("FLOAT_DATA")) {
     415           0 :     executeDoubleCircleGainCal<FloatDataColumnAccessor>(msOnSource);
     416             :   } else {
     417           0 :     executeDoubleCircleGainCal<DataColumnAccessor>(msOnSource);
     418             :   }
     419             : 
     420             :   //assignCTScanField(*ct_, msName());
     421             : 
     422             :   // update weight
     423           0 :   updateWeight(*ct_);
     424             : 
     425             :   // store caltable
     426           0 :   storeNCT();
     427           0 : }
     428             : 
     429           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::selfSolveOne(SDBList &sdbs) {
     430             :   // do nothing at this moment
     431           0 :   auto const nSDB = sdbs.nSDB();
     432           0 :   debuglog << "nSDB = " << nSDB << debugpost;
     433           0 :   for (Int i = 0; i < nSDB; ++i) {
     434           0 :     auto const &sdb = sdbs(i);
     435           0 :     debuglog << "SDB" << i << ": ";
     436             :     debuglog << "fld " << sdb.fieldId()
     437             :         << " ant " << sdb.antenna1()
     438           0 :         << " spw " << sdb.spectralWindow();
     439           0 :     auto current_precision = cerr.precision();
     440           0 :     cerr.precision(16);
     441           0 :     debuglog << " time " << sdb.time() << debugpost;
     442           0 :     cerr.precision(current_precision);
     443             :   }
     444           0 :   AlwaysAssert(nSDB == 1, AipsError);
     445             :   // DebugAssert(nSDB == 1, AipsError);
     446             : 
     447           0 :   auto &sdb = sdbs(0);
     448           0 :   debuglog << "spw = " << sdb.spectralWindow()[0] << " antenna1 = "
     449           0 :       << sdb.antenna1()[0] << "," << sdb.antenna2()[0] << " nRows = "
     450           0 :       << sdb.nRows() << debugpost;
     451             : 
     452           0 :   debuglog << "solveAllCPar().shape() = " << solveAllCPar().shape()
     453           0 :       << debugpost;
     454           0 :   debuglog << "visCube.shape() = " << sdb.visCubeCorrected().shape()
     455           0 :       << debugpost;
     456             : 
     457           0 :   auto const &corrected = sdb.visCubeCorrected();
     458           0 :   auto const &flag = sdb.flagCube();
     459             : 
     460           0 :   if (!corrected.conform(solveAllCPar())) {
     461             :     // resize solution array
     462           0 :     nElem() = sdb.nRows();
     463           0 :     currAnt_.resize(nElem());
     464           0 :     sizeSolveParCurrSpw(sdb.nChannels());
     465             :   }
     466             : 
     467           0 :   solveAllCPar() = Complex(1.0);
     468           0 :   solveAllParOK() = false;
     469           0 :   currAnt_ = sdb.antenna1();
     470             : 
     471           0 :   size_t const numCorr = corrected.shape()[0];
     472           0 :   for (size_t iCorr = 0; iCorr < numCorr; ++iCorr) {
     473           0 :     solveAllCPar().yzPlane(iCorr) = corrected.yzPlane(iCorr);
     474           0 :     solveParOK().yzPlane(iCorr) = !flag.yzPlane(iCorr);
     475           0 :     solveAllParErr().yzPlane(iCorr) = 0.1; // TODO
     476           0 :     solveAllParSNR().yzPlane(iCorr) = 1.0; // TODO
     477             :   }
     478           0 : }
     479             : 
     480             : template<class Accessor>
     481           0 : void SDDoubleCircleGainCal::executeDoubleCircleGainCal(
     482             :     MeasurementSet const &ms) {
     483           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("SDDoubleCircleGainCal", __FUNCTION__, WHERE);
     484             :   // setup worker class
     485           0 :       SDDoubleCircleGainCalImpl worker;
     486             : 
     487           0 :       Int smoothingSize = -1;// use default smoothing size
     488           0 :       worker.setCentralRegion(central_disk_size_);
     489           0 :       if (smooth_) {
     490           0 :         worker.setSmoothing(smoothingSize);
     491             :       } else {
     492           0 :         worker.unsetSmoothing();
     493             :       }
     494             : 
     495             : //      ArrayColumn<Double> uvwColumn(ms, "UVW");
     496             : //      Matrix<Double> uvw = uvwColumn.getColumn();
     497             : //      debuglog<< "uvw.shape " << uvw.shape() << debugpost;
     498             : //
     499             :       // make a map between SOURCE_ID and source NAME
     500           0 :       auto const &sourceTable = ms.source();
     501           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> idCol(sourceTable,
     502             :           sourceTable.columnName(MSSource::MSSourceEnums::SOURCE_ID));
     503           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> nameCol(sourceTable,
     504             :           sourceTable.columnName(MSSource::MSSourceEnums::NAME));
     505           0 :       std::map<Int, String> sourceMap;
     506           0 :       for (uInt irow = 0; irow < sourceTable.nrow(); ++irow) {
     507           0 :         auto sourceId = idCol(irow);
     508           0 :         if (sourceMap.find(sourceId) == sourceMap.end()) {
     509           0 :           sourceMap[sourceId] = nameCol(irow);
     510             :         }
     511             :       }
     512             : 
     513             :       // make a map between FIELD_ID and SOURCE_ID
     514           0 :       auto const &fieldTable = ms.field();
     515           0 :       idCol.attach(fieldTable,
     516             :           fieldTable.columnName(MSField::MSFieldEnums::SOURCE_ID));
     517           0 :       ROArrayMeasColumn<MDirection> dirCol(fieldTable, "REFERENCE_DIR");
     518           0 :       std::map<Int, Int> fieldMap;
     519           0 :       for (uInt irow = 0; irow < fieldTable.nrow(); ++irow) {
     520           0 :         auto sourceId = idCol(irow);
     521           0 :         fieldMap[static_cast<Int>(irow)] = sourceId;
     522             :       }
     523             : 
     524             :       // access to subtable columns
     525           0 :       ROScalarQuantColumn<Double> antennaDiameterColumn(ms.antenna(),
     526             :           "DISH_DIAMETER");
     527           0 :       ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> observingFrequencyColumn(ms.spectralWindow(),
     528             :           "CHAN_FREQ");
     529             : 
     530             :       // traverse MS
     531           0 :       Int cols[] = {MS::FIELD_ID, MS::ANTENNA1, MS::FEED1, MS::DATA_DESC_ID};
     532           0 :       Int *colsp = cols;
     533           0 :       Block<Int> sortCols(4, colsp, false);
     534           0 :       MSIter msIter(ms, sortCols, 0.0, false, false);
     535           0 :       for (msIter.origin(); msIter.more(); msIter++) {
     536           0 :         MeasurementSet const currentMS = msIter.table();
     537             : 
     538           0 :         uInt nrow = currentMS.nrow();
     539           0 :         debuglog<< "nrow = " << nrow << debugpost;
     540           0 :         if (nrow == 0) {
     541           0 :           debuglog<< "Skip" << debugpost;
     542           0 :           continue;
     543             :         }
     544           0 :         Int ispw = msIter.spectralWindowId();
     545           0 :         if (nChanParList()[ispw] == 4) {
     546             :           // Skip WVR
     547             :           debuglog<< "Skip " << ispw
     548           0 :           << "(nchan " << nChanParList()[ispw] << ")"
     549           0 :           << debugpost;
     550           0 :           continue;
     551             :         }
     552             :         logSink() << "Process spw " << ispw
     553           0 :         << "(nchan " << nChanParList()[ispw] << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     554             : 
     555           0 :         Int ifield = msIter.fieldId();
     556           0 :         ScalarColumn<Int> antennaCol(currentMS, "ANTENNA1");
     557             :         //currAnt_ = antennaCol(0);
     558           0 :         Int iantenna = antennaCol(0);
     559           0 :         ScalarColumn<Int> feedCol(currentMS, "FEED1");
     560             :         debuglog<< "FIELD_ID " << msIter.fieldId()
     561             :         << " ANTENNA1 " << iantenna//currAnt_
     562             :         << " FEED1 " << feedCol(0)
     563             :         << " DATA_DESC_ID " << msIter.dataDescriptionId()
     564           0 :         << debugpost;
     565             : 
     566             :         // setup PointingDirectionCalculator
     567           0 :         PointingDirectionCalculator pcalc(currentMS);
     568           0 :         pcalc.setDirectionColumn("DIRECTION");
     569           0 :         pcalc.setFrame("J2000");
     570           0 :         pcalc.setDirectionListMatrixShape(PointingDirectionCalculator::ROW_MAJOR);
     571           0 :     debuglog<< "SOURCE_ID " << fieldMap[ifield] << " SOURCE_NAME " << sourceMap[fieldMap[ifield]] << debugpost;
     572           0 :     auto const isEphem = ::isEphemeris(sourceMap[fieldMap[ifield]]);
     573           0 :     Matrix<Double> offset_direction;
     574           0 :     if (isEphem) {
     575           0 :       pcalc.setMovingSource(sourceMap[fieldMap[ifield]]);
     576           0 :       offset_direction = pcalc.getDirection();
     577             :     } else {
     578           0 :       pcalc.unsetMovingSource();
     579           0 :       Matrix<Double> direction = pcalc.getDirection();
     580             : 
     581             :       // absolute coordinate -> offset from center
     582           0 :       OrthographicProjector projector(1.0f);
     583           0 :       projector.setDirection(direction);
     584           0 :       Vector<MDirection> md = dirCol.convert(ifield, MDirection::J2000);
     585             :       //logSink() << "md.shape() = " << md.shape() << LogIO::POST;
     586           0 :       auto const qd = md[0].getAngle("rad");
     587           0 :       auto const d = qd.getValue();
     588           0 :       auto const lat = d[0];
     589           0 :       auto const lon = d[1];
     590           0 :       logSink() << "reference coordinate: lat = " << lat << " lon = " << lon << LogIO::POST;
     591           0 :       projector.setReferencePixel(0.0, 0.0);
     592           0 :       projector.setReferenceCoordinate(lat, lon);
     593           0 :       offset_direction = projector.project();
     594           0 :       auto const pixel_size = projector.pixel_size();
     595             :       // convert offset_direction from pixel to radian
     596           0 :       offset_direction *= pixel_size;
     597           0 :     }
     598             : //    debuglog<< "offset_direction = " << offset_direction << debugpost;
     599             : //    Double const *direction_p =;
     600             : //    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
     601             : //      debuglog<< "offset_direction[" << i << "]=" << direction_p[i] << debugpost;
     602             : //    }
     603             : 
     604           0 :     ScalarColumn<Double> timeCol(currentMS, "TIME");
     605           0 :     Vector<Double> time = timeCol.getColumn();
     606           0 :     Accessor dataCol(currentMS);
     607           0 :     Cube<Float> data = dataCol.getColumn();
     608           0 :     ArrayColumn<Bool> flagCol(currentMS, "FLAG");
     609           0 :     Cube<Bool> flag = flagCol.getColumn();
     610             : //    debuglog<< "data = " << data << debugpost;
     611             : 
     612           0 :     Vector<Double> gainTime;
     613           0 :     Cube<Float> gain;
     614           0 :     Cube<Bool> gain_flag;
     615             : 
     616             :     // tell some basic information to worker object
     617           0 :     Quantity antennaDiameterQuant = antennaDiameterColumn(iantenna);
     618           0 :     worker.setAntennaDiameter(antennaDiameterQuant.getValue("m"));
     619           0 :     debuglog<< "antenna diameter = " << worker.getAntennaDiameter() << "m" << debugpost;
     620           0 :     Vector<Quantity> observingFrequencyQuant = observingFrequencyColumn(ispw);
     621           0 :     Double meanFrequency = 0.0;
     622           0 :     auto numChan = observingFrequencyQuant.nelements();
     623           0 :     debuglog<< "numChan = " << numChan << debugpost;
     624           0 :     assert(numChan > 0);
     625           0 :     if (numChan % 2 == 0) {
     626           0 :       meanFrequency = (observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2 - 1].getValue("Hz")
     627           0 :           + observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2].getValue("Hz")) / 2.0;
     628             :     } else {
     629           0 :       meanFrequency = observingFrequencyQuant[numChan / 2].getValue("Hz");
     630             :     }
     631             :     //debuglog << "mean frequency " << meanFrequency.getValue() << " [" << meanFrequency.getFullUnit() << "]" << debugpost;
     632           0 :     debuglog<< "mean frequency " << meanFrequency << debugpost;
     633           0 :     worker.setObservingFrequency(meanFrequency);
     634           0 :     debuglog<< "observing frequency = " << worker.getObservingFrequency() / 1e9 << "GHz" << debugpost;
     635           0 :     Double primaryBeamSize = worker.getPrimaryBeamSize();
     636           0 :     debuglog<< "primary beam size = " << rad2arcsec(primaryBeamSize) << " arcsec" << debugpost;
     637             : 
     638           0 :     auto const effective_radius = worker.getRadius();
     639             :     logSink() << "effective radius of the central region = " << effective_radius << " arcsec"
     640           0 :         << " (" << rad2arcsec(effective_radius) << " arcsec)"<< LogIO::POST;
     641           0 :     if (worker.isSmoothingActive()) {
     642           0 :       auto const effective_smoothing_size = worker.getEffectiveSmoothingSize();
     643           0 :       logSink() << "smoothing activated. effective size = " << effective_smoothing_size << LogIO::POST;
     644             :     }
     645             :     else {
     646           0 :       logSink() << "smoothing deactivated." << LogIO::POST;
     647             :     }
     648             : 
     649             :     // execute calibration
     650           0 :     worker.calibrate(data, flag, time, offset_direction, gainTime, gain, gain_flag);
     651             :     //debuglog<< "gain_time = " << gain_time << debugpost;
     652             :     //debuglog<<"gain = " << gain << debugpost;
     653           0 :     size_t numGain = gainTime.nelements();
     654           0 :     debuglog<< "number of gain " << numGain << debugpost;
     655             : 
     656           0 :     currSpw() = ispw;
     657             : 
     658             :     // make sure storage and flag for calibration solution allocated
     659             :     // for the current spw are properly initialized
     660           0 :     solveAllCPar() = Complex(0.0);
     661           0 :     solveAllParOK() = false;
     662             : 
     663           0 :     currField() = ifield;
     664           0 :     currAnt_ = iantenna;
     665           0 :     debuglog << "antenna is " << currAnt_ << debugpost;
     666             : 
     667           0 :     size_t numCorr = gain.shape()[0];
     668           0 :     Slice const chanSlice(0, numChan);
     669           0 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < numGain; ++i) {
     670           0 :       refTime() = gainTime[i];
     671           0 :       Slice const rowSlice(i, 1);
     672           0 :       for (size_t iCorr = 0; iCorr < numCorr; ++iCorr) {
     673           0 :         Slice const corrSlice(iCorr, 1);
     674           0 :         auto cparSlice = solveAllCPar()(corrSlice, chanSlice, Slice(0, 1));
     675           0 :         convertArray(cparSlice, gain(corrSlice, chanSlice, rowSlice));
     676           0 :         solveAllParOK()(corrSlice, chanSlice, Slice(0, 1)) = !gain_flag(corrSlice, chanSlice, rowSlice);
     677           0 :         solveAllParErr().yzPlane(iCorr) = 0.1; // TODO
     678           0 :         solveAllParSNR().yzPlane(iCorr) = 1.0; // TODO
     679             :       }
     680             : 
     681           0 :       keepNCT();
     682             :     }
     683             : 
     684             :   }
     685           0 : }
     686             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16