LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 306 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-28 15:53:10 Functions: 0 6 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //#  this defines ComponentImager which modifies images by ComponentLists
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id: 18855 2005-07-21 08:03:40Z nkilleen $
      27             : 
      28             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ComponentImager.h>
      29             : 
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/IPosition.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicMath/Math.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MFrequency.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasRef.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Stokes.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogOrigin.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Unit.h>
      45             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitMap.h>
      46             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitVal.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVAngle.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVDirection.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVFrequency.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Quantum.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/QMath.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      54             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      55             : 
      56             : #include <components/ComponentModels/ComponentList.h>
      57             : #include <components/ComponentModels/SpectralModel.h>
      58             : #include <components/ComponentModels/Flux.h>
      59             : #include <components/ComponentModels/GaussianShape.h>
      60             : #include <components/ComponentModels/PointShape.h>
      61             : #include <components/ComponentModels/C11Timer.h>
      62             : #include <components/ComponentModels/SkyCompRep.h>
      63             : 
      64             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/Coordinate.h>
      65             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/SpectralCoordinate.h>
      68             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      69             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInfo.h>
      70             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeIterator.h>
      71             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeStepper.h>
      72             : 
      73             : #include <iostream>
      74             : 
      75             : #include <iomanip>
      76             : 
      77             : using namespace casacore;
      78             : namespace casa {
      79             : 
      80           0 : ComponentImager::ComponentImager(
      81             :         const SPIIF image, const Record *const &region, const String& mask
      82           0 : ) : ImageTask<Float>(image, region, mask, "", false),
      83           0 :         _image(image) {
      84           0 :         _construct();
      85           0 : }
      86             : 
      87           0 : ComponentImager::~ComponentImager() {}
      88             : 
      89           0 : void ComponentImager::modify(Bool verbose) {
      90           0 :         *this->_getLog() << LogOrigin(getClass(), __func__);
      91           0 :         int nelem = _list.nelements();
      92           0 :         Vector<SkyComponent> mod(nelem);
      93           0 :         for (int i = 0; i < nelem; ++i) {
      94           0 :                 mod[i] = _list.component(i);
      95             :         }
      96           0 :         const auto n = mod.size();
      97           0 :         ThrowIf(n == 0, "There are no components in the model componentlist");
      98             :         auto subImage = SubImageFactory<Float>::createSubImageRW(
      99           0 :                 *_image, *this->_getRegion(), this->_getMask(),
     100           0 :                 (verbose ? this->_getLog().get() : nullptr),
     101           0 :         AxesSpecifier(), this->_getStretch()
     102           0 :         );
     103             :         // Allow for subtraction/addition
     104           0 :         ComponentList cl;
     105           0 :         for (uInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
     106           0 :                 SkyComponent sky = mod(i);
     107           0 :                 if (_subtract) {
     108           0 :                         sky.flux().scaleValue(-1.0);
     109             :                 }
     110           0 :                 cl.add(sky);
     111           0 :         }
     112             :     ComponentListImage cli(
     113           0 :         cl, subImage->coordinates(), subImage->shape(), False
     114           0 :     );
     115           0 :     Lattice<Float>* x = &cli;
     116           0 :     LatticeExpr<Float> expr;
     117           0 :         const auto& imageUnitName = subImage->units().getName();
     118           0 :         static const Unit solidAngleUnit("arcsec.arcsec");
     119           0 :         if (imageUnitName.contains("pixel")) {
     120             :             // nothing needs to be done
     121             :         }
     122           0 :         else if (imageUnitName.contains("beam")) {
     123           0 :             const auto& imageInfo = subImage->imageInfo();
     124           0 :             const auto& csys = subImage->coordinates();
     125           0 :             const auto& dc = csys.directionCoordinate();
     126           0 :             if (imageInfo.hasSingleBeam()) {
     127           0 :                 auto f = imageInfo.getBeamAreaInPixels(0, 0, dc);
     128           0 :                 expr = cli * f;
     129           0 :                 x = &expr;
     130             :             }
     131           0 :             else if (imageInfo.hasMultipleBeams()) {
     132           0 :                 auto nchan = imageInfo.nChannels();
     133           0 :                 auto nstokes = imageInfo.nStokes();
     134           0 :                 auto freqAxis = csys.spectralAxisNumber(False);
     135           0 :                 auto stokesAxis = csys.polarizationAxisNumber(False);
     136           0 :                 auto n = subImage->ndim();
     137           0 :                 IPosition latShape(n, 1);
     138           0 :                 auto hasFreq = freqAxis >= 0;
     139           0 :                 auto hasStokes = stokesAxis >= 0;
     140           0 :                 if (hasFreq) {
     141           0 :                     latShape[freqAxis] = nchan;
     142             :                 }
     143           0 :                 if (hasStokes) {
     144           0 :                     latShape[stokesAxis] = nstokes;
     145             :                 }
     146           0 :                 ArrayLattice<Float> beamAreas(latShape);
     147           0 :                 IPosition pos(n, 0);
     148           0 :                 for (uInt c=0; c<nchan; ++c) {
     149           0 :                     if (hasFreq) {
     150           0 :                         pos[freqAxis] = c;
     151             :                     }
     152           0 :                     for (uInt s=0; s<nstokes; ++s) {
     153           0 :                         if (hasStokes) {
     154           0 :                             pos[stokesAxis] = s;
     155             :                         }
     156           0 :                         beamAreas.putAt(imageInfo.getBeamAreaInPixels(c, s, dc), pos);
     157             :                     }
     158             :                 }
     159           0 :                 expr = cli * beamAreas;
     160           0 :                 x = &expr;
     161           0 :             }
     162             :             else {
     163           0 :                 *_getLog() << LogIO::WARN
     164             :                     << "No beam defined even though the image units contain a beam. "
     165           0 :                     << "Will assume the beam area is one pixel" << LogIO::POST;
     166             :             }
     167             :         }
     168             :         else {
     169           0 :             *_getLog() << LogIO::WARN
     170             :                 << "Image units [" << imageUnitName
     171             :                 << "] are not dimensionally equivalent to Jy/pixel or Jy/beam. "
     172           0 :                 << "Assuming they are equivalent Jy/pixel" << LogIO::POST;
     173             :         }
     174           0 :     *subImage += *x;
     175           0 : }
     176             : 
     177           0 : void ComponentImager::project(ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ComponentList& list) {
     178           0 :         const auto& coords = image.coordinates();
     179           0 :         const auto imageShape = image.shape();
     180           0 :         LogIO os(LogOrigin("ComponentImager", __func__));
     181             : 
     182             :         // I currently REQUIRE that:
     183             :         // * The list has at least one element.
     184             :         // * The image has at least one pixel.
     185             :         // * The image has one direction coordinate (only).
     186             :         // * The direction coordinate has two pixel and two world axes.
     187             :         // * Polarization and frequency coordinates are optional, however at most one
     188             :         //   each of these coordinates can exist.
     189             :         // * If there is a Stokes axis it can only contain Stokes::I,Q,U,V pols.
     190             :         // * No other coordinate types, like LinearCoordinate, are used.
     191           0 :         ThrowIf(
     192             :                 ! coords.hasDirectionCoordinate(), "Image does not have a direction coordinate"
     193             :         );
     194             :         uInt longAxis, latAxis;
     195             :         {
     196           0 :                 const Vector<Int> dirAxes = coords.directionAxesNumbers();
     197           0 :                 longAxis = dirAxes(0);
     198           0 :                 latAxis = dirAxes(1);
     199           0 :         }
     200           0 :         DirectionCoordinate dirCoord = coords.directionCoordinate();
     201           0 :         dirCoord.setWorldAxisUnits(Vector<String>(2, "rad"));
     202             : 
     203             :         // Make sure get conversion frame, not just the native one
     204             : 
     205             :         MDirection::Types dirFrame;
     206           0 :         dirCoord.getReferenceConversion(dirFrame);
     207           0 :         const MeasRef<MDirection> dirRef(dirFrame);
     208             : 
     209           0 :         MVAngle pixelLatSize, pixelLongSize;
     210             :         {
     211           0 :                 const Vector<Double> inc = dirCoord.increment();
     212           0 :                 pixelLongSize = MVAngle(abs(inc[0]));
     213           0 :                 pixelLatSize = MVAngle(abs(inc[1]));
     214             :                 ;
     215           0 :         }
     216             : 
     217             :         // Check if there is a Stokes Axes and if so which polarizations. Otherwise
     218             :         // only grid the I polarisation.
     219             :         // because the code that puts pixel values needs at least one stokes for this to work.
     220           0 :         uInt nStokes = 1;
     221           0 :         if (coords.hasPolarizationCoordinate()) {
     222           0 :                 StokesCoordinate stCoord = coords.stokesCoordinate();
     223           0 :                 Vector<Int> types = stCoord.stokes();
     224           0 :                 nStokes = types.nelements();
     225           0 :                 for (uInt p = 0; p < nStokes; p++) {
     226           0 :                         Stokes::StokesTypes type = Stokes::type(types[p]);
     227           0 :                         ThrowIf(
     228             :                                 type != Stokes::I && type != Stokes::Q
     229             :                                 && type != Stokes::U && type != Stokes::V,
     230             :                                 "Unsupported stokes type " + Stokes::name(type)
     231             :                         );
     232             :                 }
     233           0 :         }
     234             : 
     235             :         // Check if there is a frequency axis and if so get the all the frequencies
     236             :         // as a Vector<MVFrequency>. Otherwise assume the reference frequency is the
     237             :         // same as the reference frequency of the first component in the list.
     238             : 
     239           0 :         MeasRef<MFrequency> freqRef;
     240           0 :         uInt nFreqs = 1;
     241           0 :         Int freqAxis = -1;
     242           0 :         Vector<MVFrequency> freqValues(nFreqs);
     243           0 :         if (coords.hasSpectralAxis()) {
     244           0 :                 freqAxis = coords.spectralAxisNumber(false);
     245           0 :                 nFreqs = (uInt)imageShape[freqAxis];
     246           0 :                 freqValues.resize(nFreqs);
     247           0 :                 SpectralCoordinate specCoord = coords.spectralCoordinate();
     248           0 :                 specCoord.setWorldAxisUnits(Vector<String>(1, "Hz"));
     249             : 
     250             :                 // Create Frequency MeasFrame; this will enable conversions between
     251             :                 // spectral frames (e.g. the CS frame might be TOPO and the CL
     252             :                 // frame LSRK)
     253             : 
     254             :                 MFrequency::Types specConv;
     255           0 :                 MEpoch epochConv;
     256           0 :                 MPosition posConv;
     257           0 :                 MDirection dirConv;
     258           0 :                 specCoord.getReferenceConversion(specConv,  epochConv, posConv, dirConv);
     259           0 :                 MeasFrame measFrame(epochConv, posConv, dirConv);
     260           0 :                 freqRef = MeasRef<MFrequency>(specConv, measFrame);
     261             :                 Double thisFreq;
     262           0 :                 for (uInt f = 0; f < nFreqs; f++) {
     263             :                         // Includes any frame conversion
     264           0 :                         ThrowIf (
     265             :                                 !specCoord.toWorld(thisFreq, f),
     266             :                                 "cannot convert a frequency value"
     267             :                         );
     268           0 :                         freqValues(f) = MVFrequency(thisFreq);
     269             :                 }
     270           0 :         }
     271             :         else {
     272             :                 const MFrequency& defaultFreq =
     273           0 :                                 list.component(0).spectrum().refFrequency();
     274           0 :                 freqRef = defaultFreq.getRef();
     275           0 :                 freqValues(0) = defaultFreq.getValue();
     276             :         }
     277             : 
     278             :         // Find out what the units are. Currently allowed units are anything
     279             :         // dimensionally equivalent to Jy/pixel or Jy/beam. If the former then the
     280             :         // pixel size at the center of the image is assumed to hold throughout the
     281             :         // image. If the latter then the beam is fished out of the header and a
     282             :         // 'beam' unit defined. If the units are not defined or are not one of the
     283             :         // above they are assumed to be Jy/pixel and a warning message is sent to the
     284             :         // logger.
     285             : 
     286           0 :         Unit fluxUnits;
     287             :         {
     288           0 :                 Unit imageUnit = image.units();
     289           0 :                 const String& imageUnitName = imageUnit.getName();
     290           0 :                 UnitMap::putUser(
     291           0 :                         "pixel", UnitVal(pixelLatSize.radian() *
     292           0 :                         pixelLongSize.radian(), "rad.rad")
     293             :                 );
     294             :                 // redefine is required to reset Unit Cache
     295           0 :                 const Unit pixel("pixel");
     296           0 :                 if (imageUnitName.contains("pixel")) {
     297             :                         // Get the new definition of the imageUnit which uses the new
     298             :                         // definition of the pixels unit.
     299           0 :                         imageUnit = image.units();
     300           0 :                         fluxUnits.setValue(imageUnit.getValue() * pixel.getValue());
     301           0 :                         fluxUnits.setName(imageUnitName + String(".") + pixel.getName());
     302             :                 }
     303           0 :                 else if (imageUnitName.contains("beam")) {
     304           0 :                         const ImageInfo imageInfo = image.imageInfo();
     305             :                         // FIXME this needs to support multiple beams
     306           0 :                         const GaussianBeam beam = imageInfo.restoringBeam();
     307           0 :                         if (beam.isNull()) {
     308             :                                 os << LogIO::WARN
     309             :                                         << "No beam defined even though the image units contain a beam"
     310           0 :                                         << endl << "Assuming the beam is one pixel" << LogIO::POST;
     311           0 :                                 UnitMap::putUser("beam", pixel.getValue());
     312             :                         }
     313             :                         else {
     314           0 :                                 const Quantity beamArea = beam.getArea("sr");
     315           0 :                                 UnitMap::putUser(
     316           0 :                                         "beam", UnitVal(beamArea.getValue(),
     317           0 :                                         beamArea.getFullUnit().getName()))
     318             :                                 ;
     319           0 :                         }
     320           0 :                         const Unit beamUnit("beam");
     321             :                         const UnitVal fudgeFactor(
     322           0 :                                 pixel.getValue().getFac()/
     323           0 :                                 beamUnit.getValue().getFac()
     324           0 :                         );
     325             : 
     326             :                         // Get the new definition of the imageUnit which uses the new
     327             :                         // definition of the beam unit.  The re-use of the Unit constructor
     328             :                         // from the String forces the new Unit definitions to take effect
     329           0 :                         imageUnit = Unit(image.units().getName());
     330           0 :                         fluxUnits.setValue(imageUnit.getValue() *
     331           0 :                                         beamUnit.getValue() * fudgeFactor);
     332           0 :                         fluxUnits.setName(imageUnitName + String(".") + beamUnit.getName());
     333           0 :                 }
     334             :                 // 20101013 the code above for Jy/pixel doesn't work, since Unit doesn't
     335             :                 // understand that Jy/pixel.pixel == Jy.
     336           0 :                 const Unit jy("Jy");
     337           0 :                 os << "Adding components to image with units [" << fluxUnits.getName() << "]" << LogIO::POST;
     338           0 :                 if (fluxUnits.getName()=="Jy/pixel.pixel") {
     339           0 :                         fluxUnits=jy;
     340             :                 }
     341           0 :                 if (fluxUnits != jy) {
     342             :                         os << LogIO::WARN
     343             :                                         << "Image units [" << fluxUnits.getName() << "] are not dimensionally equivalent to "
     344             :                                         << "Jy/pixel or Jy/beam " << endl
     345             :                                         << "Ignoring the specified units and proceeding on the assumption"
     346           0 :                                         << " they are Jy/pixel" << LogIO::POST;
     347           0 :                         fluxUnits = jy;
     348             :                 }
     349           0 :         }
     350             : 
     351             :         // Does the image have a writable mask ?  Output pixel values are
     352             :         // only modified if the mask==T  and the coordinate conversions
     353             :         // succeeded.  The mask==F on output if the coordinate conversion
     354             :         // fails (usually means a pixel is outside of the valid CoordinateSystem)
     355             :         //
     356           0 :         Bool doMask = false;
     357           0 :         if (image.isMasked() && image.hasPixelMask()) {
     358           0 :                 if (image.pixelMask().isWritable()) {
     359           0 :                         doMask = true;
     360             :                 }
     361             :                 else {
     362             :                         os << LogIO::WARN
     363           0 :                                 << "The image is masked, but it cannot be written to" << LogIO::POST;
     364             :                 }
     365             :         }
     366             : 
     367           0 :         auto myList = &list;
     368           0 :         const auto naxis = imageShape.nelements();
     369           0 :         IPosition pixelPosition(naxis, 0);
     370           0 :         Int polAxis = coords.polarizationAxisNumber(false);
     371             :         auto modifiedList = _doPoints(
     372             :                 image, list, longAxis, latAxis, fluxUnits, dirRef,
     373             :                 pixelLatSize, pixelLongSize, freqValues, freqRef,
     374             :                 freqAxis, polAxis, nStokes
     375           0 :         );
     376             : 
     377             : 
     378           0 :         if (modifiedList) {
     379           0 :                 myList = modifiedList.get();
     380             :         }
     381             : 
     382             : 
     383             :         // Setup an iterator to step through the image in chunks that can fit into
     384             :         // memory. Go to a bit of effort to make the chunk size as large as
     385             :         // possible but still minimize the number of tiles in the cache.
     386           0 :         auto chunkShape = imageShape;
     387             :         {
     388           0 :                 const IPosition tileShape = image.niceCursorShape(2048*2048);
     389           0 :                 chunkShape(longAxis) = tileShape(longAxis);
     390           0 :                 chunkShape(latAxis) = tileShape(latAxis);
     391           0 :         }
     392           0 :         auto pixelShape = imageShape;
     393           0 :         pixelShape(longAxis) = pixelShape(latAxis) = 1;
     394           0 :         LatticeStepper pixelStepper(imageShape, pixelShape, LatticeStepper::RESIZE);
     395           0 :         LatticeIterator<Float> chunkIter(image, chunkShape);
     396           0 :         const uInt nDirs = chunkShape(longAxis) * chunkShape(latAxis);
     397           0 :         Cube<Double> pixelVals(4, nDirs, nFreqs);
     398           0 :         Vector<MVDirection> dirVals(nDirs);
     399           0 :         Vector<Bool> coordIsGood(nDirs);
     400           0 :         Vector<Double> pixelDir(2);
     401             :         uInt d;
     402             : 
     403           0 :         auto doSample = myList->nelements() > 0;
     404           0 :         Lattice<Bool>* pixelMaskPtr = 0;
     405           0 :         if (doMask) {
     406           0 :                 pixelMaskPtr = &image.pixelMask();
     407             :         }
     408           0 :         std::unique_ptr<Array<Bool> > maskPtr;
     409           0 :         for (chunkIter.reset(); !chunkIter.atEnd(); chunkIter++) {
     410             :                 // Iterate through sky plane of cursor and do coordinate conversions
     411             : 
     412           0 :                 const IPosition& blc = chunkIter.position();
     413           0 :                 const IPosition& trc = chunkIter.endPosition();
     414           0 :                 d = 0;
     415           0 :                 pixelDir[1] = blc[latAxis];
     416           0 :                 coordIsGood = true;
     417           0 :                 auto endLat = trc[latAxis];
     418           0 :                 while (pixelDir[1] <= endLat) {
     419           0 :                         pixelDir[0] = blc[longAxis];
     420           0 :                         auto endLong = trc[longAxis];
     421           0 :                         while (pixelDir[0] <= endLong) {
     422           0 :                                 if (!dirCoord.toWorld(dirVals[d], pixelDir)) {
     423             :                                         // These pixels will be masked
     424           0 :                                         coordIsGood[d] = false;
     425             :                                 }
     426           0 :                                 ++d;
     427           0 :                                 ++pixelDir[0];
     428             :                         }
     429           0 :                         ++pixelDir[1];
     430             :                 }
     431           0 :                 if (doSample) {
     432             :                         // Sample model, converting the values in the components
     433             :                         // to the specified direction and spectral frames
     434           0 :                         myList->sample(
     435             :                                 pixelVals, fluxUnits, dirVals, dirRef, pixelLatSize,
     436             :                                 pixelLongSize, freqValues, freqRef
     437             :                         );
     438             :                 }
     439             :                 else {
     440           0 :                         pixelVals = 0;
     441             :                 }
     442             :                 // Modify data by model for this chunk of data
     443           0 :                 auto& imageChunk = chunkIter.rwCursor();
     444             : 
     445             :                 // Get input mask values if available
     446           0 :                 if (doMask) {
     447           0 :                         maskPtr.reset(
     448             :                                 new Array<Bool>(
     449           0 :                                         image.getMaskSlice(chunkIter.position(),
     450           0 :                                         chunkIter.cursorShape(), false)
     451           0 :                                 )
     452             :                         );
     453             :                 }
     454           0 :                 d = 0;
     455           0 :                 pixelPosition[latAxis] = 0;
     456           0 :                 coordIsGood = true;
     457             : 
     458           0 :                 while (pixelPosition[latAxis] < chunkShape[latAxis]) {
     459           0 :                         pixelPosition(longAxis) = 0;
     460           0 :                         while (pixelPosition[longAxis] < chunkShape[longAxis]) {
     461           0 :                                 if (coordIsGood[d]) {
     462           0 :                                         for (uInt f = 0; f < nFreqs; f++) {
     463           0 :                                                 if (freqAxis >= 0) {
     464           0 :                                                         pixelPosition(freqAxis) = f;
     465             :                                                 }
     466           0 :                                                 for (uInt s = 0; s < nStokes; s++) {
     467           0 :                                                         if (polAxis >= 0) {
     468           0 :                                                                 pixelPosition(polAxis) = s;
     469             :                                                         }
     470           0 :                                                         if (! doMask || (doMask && (*maskPtr)(pixelPosition))) {
     471           0 :                                                                 imageChunk(pixelPosition) += pixelVals(s, d, f);
     472             :                                                         }
     473             :                                                 }
     474             :                                         }
     475             :                                 }
     476           0 :                                 else if (doMask) {
     477           0 :                                         (*maskPtr)(pixelPosition) = false;
     478             :                                 }
     479           0 :                                 d++;
     480           0 :                                 pixelPosition(longAxis)++;
     481             :                         }
     482           0 :                         pixelPosition(latAxis)++;
     483             :                 }
     484             :                 // Update output mask in appropriate fashion
     485             : 
     486           0 :                 if (doMask) {
     487           0 :                         pixelMaskPtr->putSlice(*maskPtr, chunkIter.position());
     488             :                 }
     489           0 :         }
     490           0 : }
     491             : 
     492           0 : std::unique_ptr<ComponentList> ComponentImager::_doPoints(
     493             :         ImageInterface<Float>& image, const ComponentList& list,
     494             :         int longAxis, int latAxis, const Unit& fluxUnits,
     495             :         const MeasRef<MDirection>& dirRef, const MVAngle& pixelLatSize,
     496             :         const MVAngle& pixelLongSize, const Vector<MVFrequency>& freqValues,
     497             :         const MeasRef<MFrequency>& freqRef, Int freqAxis, Int polAxis, uInt nStokes
     498             : ) {
     499             :         // deal with point sources separately
     500           0 :         vector<Int> pointSourceIdx;
     501           0 :         auto n = list.nelements();
     502           0 :         Vector<Double> pixel;
     503           0 :         MVDirection imageWorld;
     504           0 :         auto nFreqs = freqValues.size();
     505           0 :         Cube<Double> values(4, 1, nFreqs);
     506           0 :         IPosition pixelPosition(image.ndim(), 0);
     507           0 :         const auto& dirCoord = image.coordinates().directionCoordinate();
     508           0 :         const auto imageShape = image.shape();
     509           0 :         std::unique_ptr<ComponentList> modifiedList;
     510           0 :         for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
     511           0 :                 if (list.getShape(i)->type() == ComponentType::POINT) {
     512           0 :                         auto dir = list.getRefDirection(i);
     513           0 :                         dirCoord.toPixel(pixel, dir);
     514           0 :                         pixelPosition[longAxis] = floor(pixel[0] + 0.5);
     515           0 :                         pixelPosition[latAxis] = floor(pixel[1] + 0.5);
     516             :                         // in case the source and the coordinate system have different
     517             :                         // ref frames
     518           0 :                         dirCoord.toWorld(imageWorld, pixel);
     519           0 :                         const auto& point = list.component(i);
     520           0 :                         values = 0;
     521           0 :                         Bool foundPixel = false;
     522           0 :                         if (
     523           0 :                                 pixelPosition[longAxis] >= 0 && pixelPosition[latAxis] >= 0
     524           0 :                                 && pixelPosition[longAxis] < imageShape[longAxis]
     525           0 :                                 && pixelPosition[latAxis] < imageShape[latAxis]
     526             :                         ) {
     527           0 :                                 point.sample(
     528           0 :                                         values, fluxUnits, Vector<MVDirection>(1, imageWorld),
     529             :                                         dirRef, pixelLatSize, pixelLongSize, freqValues, freqRef
     530             :                                 );
     531           0 :                                 foundPixel = anyNE(values, 0.0);
     532             :                         }
     533           0 :                         if (! foundPixel) {
     534             :                                 // look for the pixel in a 3x3 square around the target pixel
     535           0 :                                 auto targetPixel = pixelPosition;
     536           0 :                                 for (
     537           0 :                                         pixelPosition[longAxis]=targetPixel[longAxis]-1;
     538           0 :                                         pixelPosition[longAxis]<=targetPixel[longAxis]+1; ++pixelPosition[longAxis]
     539             :                                 ) {
     540           0 :                                         for (
     541           0 :                                                 pixelPosition[latAxis]=targetPixel[latAxis]-1;
     542           0 :                                                 pixelPosition[latAxis]<=targetPixel[latAxis]+1; ++pixelPosition[latAxis]
     543             :                                         ) {
     544           0 :                                                 if (
     545           0 :                                                         (pixelPosition[longAxis] != targetPixel[longAxis]
     546           0 :                                                         || pixelPosition[latAxis] != targetPixel[latAxis])
     547           0 :                                                         && pixelPosition[longAxis] >= 0 && pixelPosition[latAxis] >= 0
     548           0 :                                                         && pixelPosition[longAxis] < imageShape[longAxis]
     549           0 :                                                         && pixelPosition[latAxis] < imageShape[latAxis]
     550             :                                                 ) {
     551           0 :                                                         dirCoord.toWorld(imageWorld, pixel);
     552           0 :                                                         point.sample(
     553           0 :                                                                 values, fluxUnits, Vector<MVDirection>(1, imageWorld),
     554             :                                                                 dirRef, pixelLatSize, pixelLongSize, freqValues, freqRef
     555             :                                                         );
     556           0 :                                                         foundPixel = anyNE(values, 0.0);
     557           0 :                                                         if (foundPixel) {
     558           0 :                                                                 break;
     559             :                                                         }
     560             :                                                 }
     561           0 :                                                 if (foundPixel) {
     562           0 :                                                         break;
     563             :                                                 }
     564             :                                         }
     565             :                                 }
     566           0 :                         }
     567           0 :                         if (foundPixel) {
     568           0 :                                 pointSourceIdx.push_back(i);
     569           0 :                                 for (uInt f = 0; f < nFreqs; f++) {
     570           0 :                                         if (freqAxis >= 0) {
     571           0 :                                                 pixelPosition[freqAxis] = f;
     572             :                                         }
     573           0 :                                         for (uInt s = 0; s < nStokes; s++) {
     574           0 :                                                 if (polAxis >= 0) {
     575           0 :                                                         pixelPosition[polAxis] = s;
     576             :                                                 }
     577           0 :                                                 image.putAt(image.getAt(pixelPosition) + values(s, 0, f), pixelPosition);
     578             :                                         }
     579             :                                 }
     580             :                         }
     581           0 :                 }
     582             :         }
     583           0 :         if (! pointSourceIdx.empty()) {
     584           0 :                 modifiedList.reset(new ComponentList(list));
     585           0 :                 modifiedList->remove(Vector<Int>(pointSourceIdx));
     586             :         }
     587           0 :         return modifiedList;
     588           0 : }
     589             : 
     590             : }

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