LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 315 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-12 00:35:29 Functions: 0 12 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // -*- C++ -*-
       2             : //# Implementation of the AWVisResampler class
       3             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       4             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : 
      29             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisError.h>
      30             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/AWVisResampler.h>
      31             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/Utils.h>
      32             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisMath.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/SpectralCoordinate.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Timer.h>
      36             : #include <fstream>
      37             : #include <iostream>
      38             : #include <typeinfo>
      39             : #include <iomanip>
      40             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/FortranizedLoops.h>
      41             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      42             : #include <omp.h>
      43             : #endif
      44             : extern "C" {
      45             :   void clLoopsToGrid();
      46             : };
      47             : //#include <casa/BasicMath/Functors.h>
      48             : using namespace casacore;
      49             : namespace casa{
      50             : 
      51             :   //
      52             :   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      53             :   // Re-sample the griddedData on the VisBuffer (a.k.a gridding)
      54             :   //
      55             :   // Template instantiations for re-sampling onto a double precision
      56             :   // or single precision grid.
      57             :   //
      58             :   template 
      59             :   void AWVisResampler::addTo4DArray(DComplex* __restrict__ & store,
      60             :                                     const Int* __restrict__ & iPos, 
      61             :                                     const Vector<Int>& inc, 
      62             :                                     Complex& nvalue, Complex& wt) __restrict__ ;
      63             :   template 
      64             :   void AWVisResampler::addTo4DArray(Complex* __restrict__ & store,
      65             :                                     const Int* __restrict__ & iPos, 
      66             :                                     const Vector<Int>& inc, 
      67             :                                     Complex& nvalue, Complex& wt) __restrict__;
      68             :   template
      69             :   void AWVisResampler::DataToGridImpl_p(Array<DComplex>& grid, VBStore& vbs, 
      70             :                                         Matrix<Double>& sumwt,const Bool& dopsf,
      71             :                                         Bool useConjFreqCF); // __restrict__;
      72             :   template
      73             :   void AWVisResampler::DataToGridImpl_p(Array<Complex>& grid, VBStore& vbs, 
      74             :                                         Matrix<Double>& sumwt,const Bool& dopsf,
      75             :                                         Bool useConjFreqCF); // __restrict__;
      76             : 
      77             :   template
      78             :   Complex AWVisResampler::accumulateOnGrid(Array<DComplex>& grid, Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
      79             :                                           Complex& nvalue, Double& wVal, 
      80             :                                           Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, Vector<Float>& scaledSampling, 
      81             :                                           Vector<Double>& off, Vector<Int>& convOrigin, 
      82             :                                           Vector<Int>& /*cfShape*/, Vector<Int>& loc, Vector<Int>& igrdpos,
      83             :                                            Double& /*sinDPA*/, Double& /*cosDPA*/,
      84             :                                           Bool& pointingOffset, Bool dopsf);
      85             :   template
      86             :   Complex AWVisResampler::accumulateOnGrid(Array<Complex>& grid, Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
      87             :                                           Complex& nvalue, Double& wVal, 
      88             :                                           Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, Vector<Float>& scaledSampling, 
      89             :                                           Vector<Double>& off, Vector<Int>& convOrigin, 
      90             :                                           Vector<Int>& /*cfShape*/, Vector<Int>& loc, Vector<Int>& igrdpos,
      91             :                                            Double& /*sinDPA*/, Double& /*cosDPA*/,
      92             :                                           Bool& pointingOffset, Bool dopsf);
      93             :   // template
      94             :   // void AWVisResampler::accumulateFromGrid(Complex& nvalue, const DComplex* __restrict__& grid, 
      95             :   //                                      Vector<Int>& iGrdPos,
      96             :   //                                      Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
      97             :   //                                      Double& wVal, Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, 
      98             :   //                                      Vector<Float>& scaledSampling, Vector<Double>& off,
      99             :   //                                      Vector<Int>& convOrigin, Vector<Int>& cfShape,
     100             :   //                                      Vector<Int>& loc, 
     101             :   //                                      Complex& phasor, 
     102             :   //                                      Double& sinDPA, Double& cosDPA,
     103             :   //                                      Bool& finitePointingOffset, 
     104             :   //                                      Matrix<Complex>& cached_phaseGrad_p,
     105             :   //                                      Bool dopsf);
     106             :   template
     107             :   void AWVisResampler::accumulateFromGrid(Complex& nvalue, const Complex* __restrict__&  grid, 
     108             :                                           Vector<Int>& iGrdPos,
     109             :                                           Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
     110             :                                           Double& wVal, Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, 
     111             :                                           Vector<Float>& scaledSampling, Vector<Double>& off,
     112             :                                           Vector<Int>& convOrigin, Vector<Int>& cfShape,
     113             :                                           Vector<Int>& loc, 
     114             :                                           Complex& phasor, 
     115             :                                           Double& sinDPA, Double& cosDPA,
     116             :                                           Bool& finitePointingOffset, 
     117             :                                           Matrix<Complex>& cached_phaseGrad_p);
     118             :   
     119             :   template 
     120             :   void AWVisResampler::XInnerLoop(const Int *scaledSupport, const Float* scaledSampling,
     121             :                                   const Double* off,
     122             :                                   const Int* loc, Complex& cfArea,  
     123             :                                   const Int * __restrict__ iGrdPosPtr,
     124             :                                   Complex *__restrict__& convFuncV,
     125             :                                   const Int* convOrigin,
     126             :                                   Complex& nvalue,
     127             :                                   Double& wVal,
     128             :                                   Bool& /*finitePointingOffset*/,
     129             :                                   Bool& /*doPSFOnly*/,
     130             :                                   Complex* __restrict__ gridStore,
     131             :                                   Int* iloc,
     132             :                                   Complex& norm,
     133             :                                   Int* igrdpos);
     134             :   template 
     135             :   void AWVisResampler::XInnerLoop(const Int *scaledSupport, const Float* scaledSampling,
     136             :                                   const Double* off,
     137             :                                   const Int* loc, Complex& cfArea,  
     138             :                                   const Int * __restrict__ iGrdPosPtr,
     139             :                                   Complex *__restrict__& convFuncV,
     140             :                                   const Int* convOrigin,
     141             :                                   Complex& nvalue,
     142             :                                   Double& wVal,
     143             :                                   Bool& /*finitePointingOffset*/,
     144             :                                   Bool& /*doPSFOnly*/,
     145             :                                   DComplex* __restrict__ gridStore,
     146             :                                   Int* iloc,
     147             :                                   Complex& norm,
     148             :                                   Int* igrdpos);
     149             : 
     150           0 :   Complex* AWVisResampler::getConvFunc_p(const double& vbPA, Vector<Int>& cfShape,
     151             :                                          Vector<int>& support,
     152             :                                          int& muellerElement,
     153             :                                          CFBuffer& cfb,
     154             :                                          Double& wVal, Int& fndx, Int& wndx,
     155             :                                          PolMapType& mNdx, PolMapType& conjMNdx,
     156             :                                          Int& ipol, uInt& mRow)
     157             :   {
     158             :     Bool Dummy;
     159             :     Array<Complex> *convFuncV;
     160             :     CFCell *cfcell;
     161             :     //
     162             :     // Since we conjugate the CF depending on the sign of the w-value,
     163             :     // pick the appropriate element of the Mueller Matrix (see note on
     164             :     // this for details). Without reading the note/understanding,
     165             :     // fiddle with this logic at your own risk (can easily lead to a
     166             :     // lot of grief. --Sanjay).
     167             :     //
     168           0 :     timer_p.mark();
     169             : 
     170           0 :     if (wVal > 0.0) 
     171             :       {
     172           0 :         cfcell=&(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(fndx,wndx,mNdx[ipol][mRow])));
     173           0 :         CFCell& cfO=cfb(fndx,wndx,mNdx[ipol][mRow]);
     174           0 :         convFuncV = &(*cfO.getStorage());
     175           0 :         support(0)=support(1)=cfO.xSupport_p;
     176             :         //      convFuncV=&(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(fndx,wndx,mNdx[ipol][mRow])->getStorage()));//->getStorage(Dummy);
     177             :         // if (mNdx[ipol][mRow] != ipol)
     178             :         //   cerr << "Indexes+: " << fndx << " " << wndx << " " << mNdx[ipol][mRow] << " " << ipol << " " << mRow << endl;
     179             :       }
     180             :     else
     181             :       {
     182           0 :         cfcell=&(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(fndx,wndx,conjMNdx[ipol][mRow])));
     183           0 :         CFCell& cfO=cfb(fndx,wndx,conjMNdx[ipol][mRow]);
     184           0 :         convFuncV = &(*cfO.getStorage());
     185           0 :         support(0)=support(1)=cfO.xSupport_p;
     186             :         //      convFuncV=&(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(fndx,wndx,conjMNdx[ipol][mRow])->getStorage()));//->getStorage(Dummy);
     187             :         // if (conjMNdx[ipol][mRow] != ipol)
     188             :         //   cerr << "Indexes-: " << fndx << " " << wndx << " " << conjMNdx[ipol][mRow] << " " << ipol << " " << mRow << endl;
     189             :       }
     190             : 
     191             :     //    cerr << getpid() << " " << cfb.getCFCacheDir() << " " << cfcell->fileName_p << " " << cfcell->freqValue_p << endl;
     192             : 
     193             : 
     194             :     // Get the pointer to the CFCell storage (a single CF)
     195             :     //    if ((convFuncV = &(*cfcell->getStorage())) == NULL)
     196           0 :     if (convFuncV == NULL)
     197           0 :       throw(SynthesisFTMachineError("cfcell->getStorage() == null"));
     198             : 
     199             :     // Load the CF if it not already loaded.  If a new CF is loaded,
     200             :     // check if it needs to be rotated.
     201           0 :     if (convFuncV->shape().product() == 0)
     202             :       {
     203           0 :         Array<Complex>  tt=SynthesisUtils::getCFPixels(cfb.getCFCacheDir(), cfcell->fileName_p);
     204           0 :         cfcell->setStorage(tt);
     205             : 
     206             :         //cerr << (cfcell->isRotationallySymmetric_p?"o":"+");
     207             : 
     208             :         // No rotation necessary if the CF is rotationally symmetric
     209           0 :         if (!(cfcell->isRotationallySymmetric_p))
     210             :           {
     211           0 :             CFCell *baseCFC=NULL;
     212             :             // Rotate only if the difference between CF PA and VB PA
     213             :             // is greater than paTolerance.
     214           0 :             SynthesisUtils::rotate2(vbPA, *baseCFC, *cfcell, paTolerance_p);
     215             :           }
     216           0 :         convFuncV = &(*cfcell->getStorage());
     217           0 :       }
     218             : 
     219             :     //cfShape.reference(cfcell->cfShape_p);
     220           0 :      cfShape.assign(convFuncV->shape().asVector());
     221             : 
     222             :      // Always extract the Mueller element value from mNdx.  mNdx
     223             :      // carries the direct mapping between Mueller Matrix and
     224             :      // Visibility vector.
     225           0 :      muellerElement=cfb.getCFCellPtr(fndx,wndx,mNdx[ipol][mRow])->muellerElement_p;
     226             :     
     227           0 :     runTimeG1_p += timer_p.real();
     228             : 
     229             : 
     230           0 :     return convFuncV->getStorage(Dummy);
     231             :   };
     232             : 
     233             :   template <class T>
     234           0 :   void AWVisResampler::XInnerLoop(const Int *scaledSupport, const Float* scaledSampling,
     235             :                                   const Double* off,
     236             :                                   const Int* loc,  Complex& cfArea,  
     237             :                                   const Int * __restrict__ iGrdPosPtr,
     238             :                                   Complex *__restrict__& convFuncV,
     239             :                                   const Int* convOrigin,
     240             :                                   Complex& nvalue,
     241             :                                   Double& wVal,
     242             :                                   Bool& /*finitePointingOffset*/,
     243             :                                   Bool& /*doPSFOnly*/,
     244             :                                   T* __restrict__ gridStore,
     245             :                                   Int* iloc,
     246             :                                   Complex& norm,
     247             :                                   Int* igrdpos)
     248             :   {
     249           0 :     Complex wt;
     250           0 :     const Int *tt=iloc;
     251             :     Bool Dummy;
     252           0 :     const Int *cfInc_ptr=cfInc_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     253           0 :     for(Int ix=-scaledSupport[0]; ix <= scaledSupport[0]; ix++) 
     254             :       {
     255           0 :         iloc[0]=(Int)((scaledSampling[0]*ix+off[0])-1)+convOrigin[0];
     256           0 :         igrdpos[0]=loc[0]+ix;
     257             : 
     258             :         {
     259           0 :           wt = getFrom4DArray((const Complex * __restrict__ &)convFuncV, 
     260           0 :                               tt,cfInc_ptr)/cfArea;
     261           0 :           if (wVal > 0.0) {wt = conj(wt);}
     262           0 :             norm += (wt);
     263             :             // if (finitePointingOffset && !doPSFOnly) 
     264             :             //   wt *= cached_phaseGrad_p(iloc[0]+phaseGradOrigin_l[0],
     265             :             //                         iloc[1]+phaseGradOrigin_l[1]);
     266             : 
     267             :             // The following uses raw index on the 4D grid
     268           0 :             addTo4DArray(gridStore,iGrdPosPtr,gridInc_p, nvalue,wt);
     269             :         }
     270             :       }
     271           0 :   }
     272             : 
     273             :   template <class T>
     274           0 :   Complex AWVisResampler::accumulateOnGrid(Array<T>& grid,Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
     275             :                                            Complex& nvalue,Double& wVal, 
     276             :                                            Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, Vector<Float>& scaledSampling, 
     277             :                                            Vector<Double>& off, Vector<Int>& convOrigin, 
     278             :                                            Vector<Int>& /*cfShape*/, Vector<Int>& loc, Vector<Int>& igrdpos,
     279             :                                            Double& /*sinDPA*/, Double& /*cosDPA*/,
     280             :                                            Bool& finitePointingOffset,
     281             :                                            Bool doPSFOnly)
     282             :   {
     283           0 :     Vector<Int> iloc(4,0), tiloc(4);
     284             :     Bool Dummy;
     285             :     // wt no longer appears to be used
     286             :     // Complex wt
     287           0 :     Complex cfArea=1.0; 
     288           0 :     Complex norm=0.0;
     289           0 :     const Int * __restrict__ iGrdPosPtr = igrdpos.getStorage(Dummy);
     290           0 :     T* __restrict__ gridStore = grid.getStorage(Dummy);
     291             :     // Nth no longer appears to be used
     292             :     // Int Nth = 1;
     293             : //#ifdef _OPENMP
     294             : //    Nth=max(omp_get_max_threads()-2,1);
     295             : //#endif
     296             : 
     297           0 :     const Int* scaledSupport_ptr=scaledSupport.getStorage(Dummy);
     298           0 :     const Float *scaledSampling_ptr=scaledSampling.getStorage(Dummy);
     299           0 :     const Double *off_ptr=off.getStorage(Dummy);
     300           0 :     const Int *loc_ptr = loc.getStorage(Dummy);
     301           0 :     const Int* convOrigin_ptr=convOrigin.getStorage(Dummy);
     302           0 :     Int *iloc_ptr=iloc.getStorage(Dummy);
     303           0 :     Int *igrdpos_ptr=igrdpos.getStorage(Dummy);
     304             : 
     305           0 :     Bool finitePointingOffset_l=finitePointingOffset;
     306           0 :     Bool doPSFOnly_l=doPSFOnly;
     307           0 :     Double wVal_l=wVal;
     308           0 :     Complex nvalue_l=nvalue;
     309           0 :     Complex *convFuncV_l=convFuncV;
     310             :     //
     311             :     // !!!!! Compute cfArea for high precision work
     312             :     //
     313             : 
     314             :      // cfArea = getCFArea(convFuncV, wVal, scaledSupport, scaledSampling,
     315             :      //                        off, convOrigin, cfShape, sinDPA,cosDPA);
     316             : 
     317             : 
     318             :     // cerr << "Cfarea = " << cfArea << endl;
     319           0 :      IPosition phaseGradOrigin_l; 
     320           0 :      phaseGradOrigin_l = cached_phaseGrad_p.shape()/2;
     321             : 
     322             : // #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
     323             : //   shared(gridStore) \
     324             : //   firstprivate(scaledSupport_ptr,scaledSampling_ptr,off_ptr,loc_ptr,cfArea,iGrdPosPtr, \
     325             : //             convFuncV_l, convOrigin_ptr, nvalue_l, wVal_l, finitePointingOffset_l, doPSFOnly_l, \
     326             : //             iloc_ptr, norm,igrdpos_ptr) num_threads(Nth)
     327             :      {
     328             : // #pragma omp for
     329           0 :     for(Int iy=-scaledSupport[1]; iy <= scaledSupport[1]; iy++) 
     330             :       {
     331           0 :         iloc_ptr[1]=(Int)((scaledSampling[1]*iy+off[1])-1)+convOrigin[1];
     332           0 :         igrdpos[1]=loc[1]+iy;
     333           0 :         XInnerLoop(scaledSupport_ptr, scaledSampling_ptr,
     334             :                    off_ptr,
     335             :                    loc_ptr, cfArea,  
     336             :                    iGrdPosPtr,
     337             :                    convFuncV_l,
     338             :                    convOrigin_ptr,
     339             :                    nvalue_l,
     340             :                    wVal_l,
     341             :                    finitePointingOffset_l,
     342             :                    doPSFOnly_l,
     343             :                    gridStore,
     344             :                    iloc_ptr,
     345             :                    norm,
     346             :                    igrdpos_ptr);
     347             : 
     348             :         // for(Int ix=-scaledSupport[0]; ix <= scaledSupport[0]; ix++) 
     349             :         //   {
     350             :         //     iloc[0]=(Int)((scaledSampling[0]*ix+off[0])-1)+convOrigin[0];
     351             :         //     igrdpos[0]=loc[0]+ix;
     352             :         //     //
     353             :         //     // reindex() is for historical reasons and does three
     354             :         //     // operations: (1) rotate the co-ord. sys. using
     355             :         //     // sin/cosDPA, (2) add convOrigin to iloc and return the
     356             :         //     // result in tiloc and add convOrigin to tiloc, and (3)
     357             :         //     // return true if tiloc lines with in the cfShape.
     358             :         //     //
     359             :         //     //           if (reindex(iloc,tiloc,sinDPA, cosDPA, convOrigin, cfShape))
     360             :         //       {
     361             :         //      wt = getFrom4DArray((const Complex * __restrict__ &)convFuncV, 
     362             :         //                          iloc,cfInc_p)/cfArea;
     363             :         //      if (wVal > 0.0) {wt = conj(wt);}
     364             :         //      norm += (wt);
     365             :         //      if (finitePointingOffset && !doPSFOnly) 
     366             :         //        wt *= cached_phaseGrad_p(iloc[0]+phaseGradOrigin_l[0],
     367             :         //                                 iloc[1]+phaseGradOrigin_l[1]);
     368             :         //      // The following uses raw index on the 4D grid
     369             :         //      addTo4DArray(gridStore,iGrdPosPtr,gridInc_p, nvalue,wt);
     370             :         //       }
     371             :         //   }
     372             :       }
     373             :      }
     374           0 :     return norm;
     375           0 :   }
     376             :   // Moved the accumulateFromGrid() method to file to play with
     377             :   // multi-threading it to not clutter this file.  Both versions
     378             :   // (threaded and non-threaded) are in this file.
     379             : #include ""
     380             :   //
     381             :   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     382             :   //
     383           0 :   void AWVisResampler::cachePhaseGrad_p(const Vector<Double>& pointingOffset,
     384             :                                         const Vector<Int>&cfShape,
     385             :                                         const Vector<Int>& convOrigin,
     386             :                                         const Double& /*cfRefFreq*/,
     387             :                                         const Double& /*imRefFreq*/,
     388             :                                         const Int& spwID, const Int& fieldId)
     389             :   {
     390           0 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWVisResampler","cachePhaseGrad[R&D]"));
     391             :     //cout << "# " << cfRefFreq << " " << imRefFreq << endl;
     392           0 :     if (
     393           0 :         (sum(fabs(pointingOffset-cached_PointingOffset_p)) > 1e-6) ||
     394           0 :         (cached_phaseGrad_p.shape()[0] < cfShape[0])              ||
     395           0 :         (cached_phaseGrad_p.shape()[1] < cfShape[1])
     396             :         )
     397             :       {
     398             :         log_l << "Computing phase gradiant for pointing offset " 
     399             :               << pointingOffset << cfShape << " " << cached_phaseGrad_p.shape() 
     400             :               << "(SPW: " << spwID << " Field: " << fieldId << ")"
     401           0 :               << LogIO::DEBUGGING << LogIO::POST;
     402           0 :         Int nx=cfShape(0), ny=cfShape(1);
     403             :         Double grad;
     404           0 :         Complex phx,phy;
     405             : 
     406           0 :         cached_phaseGrad_p.resize(nx,ny);
     407           0 :         cached_PointingOffset_p = pointingOffset;
     408             :         
     409           0 :         for(Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++)
     410             :           {
     411           0 :             grad = (ix-convOrigin[0])*pointingOffset[0];
     412             :             Double sx,cx;
     413           0 :             SINCOS(grad,sx,cx);
     414             :             //      phx = Complex(cos(grad),sin(grad));
     415           0 :             phx = Complex(cx,sx);
     416           0 :             for(Int iy=0;iy<ny;iy++)
     417             :               {
     418           0 :                 grad = (iy-convOrigin[1])*pointingOffset[1];
     419             :                 Double sy,cy;
     420           0 :                 SINCOS(grad,sy,cy);
     421             :                 //              phy = Complex(cos(grad),sin(grad));
     422           0 :                 phy = Complex(cy,sy);
     423           0 :                 cached_phaseGrad_p(ix,iy)=phx*phy;
     424             :               }
     425             :           }
     426             :       }
     427           0 :   }
     428             :   //
     429             :   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     430             :   //
     431             :   // AWVisResampler& AWVisResampler::operator=(const AWVisResampler& other)
     432             :   // {
     433             :   //   SETVEC(uvwScale_p, other.uvwScale_p);
     434             :   //   SETVEC(offset_p, other.offset_p);
     435             :   //   SETVEC(dphase_p, other.dphase_p);
     436             :   //   SETVEC(chanMap_p, other.chanMap_p);
     437             :   //   SETVEC(polMap_p, other.polMap_p);
     438             : 
     439             :   //   convFuncStore_p = other.convFuncStore_p;
     440             : 
     441             :   //   return *this;
     442             :   // }
     443             : 
     444             :   // CFB::initPolMaps(polMap,conjPolMap) sets the internal maps of CFB
     445             :   //
     446             :   // AWP::findCF() --> cfCache->initPolMap(...,...) --> cfb->initPolMaps(...,...)
     447             :   //
     448             :   // AWVR extracts polMap from CFB.
     449             :   // Same CF is extracted for gridding and de-gridding.  CF* used in the gridding loops.
     450             :   // getConvFunc_p() ensures the jugglery needed for AW CFs
     451             : 
     452             :   //
     453             :   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     454             :   // Template implementation for DataToGrid
     455             :   //
     456             :   template <class T>
     457           0 :   void AWVisResampler::DataToGridImpl_p(Array<T>& grid,  VBStore& vbs, 
     458             :                                         Matrix<Double>& sumwt,const Bool& dopsf,
     459             :                                         Bool /*useConjFreqCF*/)
     460             :   {
     461           0 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWVisResampler[R&D]","DataToGridImpl_p"));
     462             :     Int nDataChan, nDataPol, nGridPol, nGridChan, nx, ny, nw;//, nCFFreq;
     463             :     Int targetIMChan, targetIMPol, rbeg, rend;//, PolnPlane, ConjPlane;
     464             :     Int startChan, endChan;
     465             :     
     466           0 :     Vector<Float> sampling(2),scaledSampling(2);
     467           0 :     Vector<Int> support(2),loc(3), iloc(4),tiloc(4),scaledSupport(2);
     468           0 :     Vector<Double> pos(3), off(3);
     469           0 :     Vector<Int> igrdpos(4);
     470             : 
     471           0 :     Complex phasor, nvalue, wt;
     472           0 :     Complex norm;
     473           0 :     Vector<Int> cfShape;
     474           0 :     cfShape=vbRow2CFBMap_p(0)->getStorage()(0,0,0)->getStorage()->shape().asVector();
     475             : 
     476           0 :     Vector<Int> convOrigin = (cfShape)/2;
     477           0 :     Double sinDPA=0.0, cosDPA=1.0, cfRefFreq;
     478             :     //    Double cfScale=1.0;
     479             : 
     480           0 :     timer_p.mark();
     481           0 :     rbeg = 0;       rend = vbs.nRow_p;
     482           0 :     rbeg = vbs.beginRow_p;
     483           0 :     rend = vbs.endRow_p;
     484             :     
     485           0 :     nx = grid.shape()[0]; ny = grid.shape()[1]; 
     486           0 :     nGridPol = grid.shape()[2]; nGridChan = grid.shape()[3];
     487             : 
     488           0 :     nDataPol  = vbs.flagCube_p.shape()[0];
     489           0 :     nDataChan = vbs.flagCube_p.shape()[1];
     490             : 
     491             :     Bool Dummy, gDummy, 
     492           0 :       accumCFs=((vbs.uvw_p.nelements() == 0) && dopsf);
     493             : 
     494           0 :     T* __restrict__ gridStore = grid.getStorage(gDummy);
     495             :       
     496           0 :     Double *freq=vbs.freq_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     497             : 
     498           0 :     cacheAxisIncrements(grid.shape().asVector(), gridInc_p);
     499             : 
     500           0 :     Bool * __restrict__ flagCube_ptr=vbs.flagCube_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     501           0 :     Bool * __restrict__ rowFlag_ptr = vbs.rowFlag_p.getStorage(Dummy);;
     502           0 :     Float * __restrict__ imgWts_ptr = vbs.imagingWeight_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     503           0 :     Complex * __restrict__ visCube_ptr = vbs.visCube_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     504             : 
     505           0 :     Vector<Double> wVals, fVals; PolMapType mVals, mNdx, conjMVals, conjMNdx;
     506             :     Double fIncr, wIncr;
     507           0 :     CFBuffer& cfb = *vbRow2CFBMap_p(0);
     508             :     // CFBStruct cfbst;
     509             :     // cfb.getAsStruct(cfbst);
     510             :     // for(int ii=0;ii<vbs.cfBSt_p.shape[0];ii++)
     511             :     //   for(int jj=0;jj<vbs.cfBSt_p.shape[1];jj++)
     512             :     //  for(int kk=0;kk<vbs.cfBSt_p.shape[2];kk++)
     513             :     //    {
     514             :     //      CFCStruct cfcst=vbs.cfBSt_p.getCFB(ii,jj,kk);
     515             :     //      cerr << "[" << ii << "," << jj << "," << kk << "]:" 
     516             :     //           << cfcst.sampling << " "
     517             :     //           << cfcst.xSupport << " "
     518             :     //           << cfcst.ySupport 
     519             :     //           << endl;
     520             :     //    }
     521             : 
     522             : 
     523             : 
     524           0 :     cfb.getCoordList(fVals,wVals,mNdx, mVals, conjMNdx, conjMVals, fIncr, wIncr);
     525           0 :     Vector<Double> pointingOffset(cfb.getPointingOffset());
     526           0 :     runTimeG1_p += timer_p.real();
     527             : 
     528           0 :     nw = wVals.nelements();
     529             :     //nCFFreq = fVals.nelements()-1;
     530           0 :     iloc = 0;
     531             : 
     532             :     // timer.mark();
     533           0 :     IPosition shp=vbs.flagCube_p.shape();
     534           0 :     Cube<Bool> allPolNChanDone_l(shp(0),shp(1),1);
     535           0 :    if (accumCFs)
     536             :      {
     537           0 :        for (Int ipol=0;ipol<nDataPol;ipol++)
     538             :          {
     539           0 :            if (polMap_p(ipol) < 0)
     540             :              {
     541           0 :                for (Int ichan=0;ichan<nDataChan;ichan++)
     542             :                  //for (Int irow=rbeg;irow<rend;irow++)
     543           0 :                    allPolNChanDone_l(ipol,ichan,0)=true;
     544             :              }
     545             :          }
     546             : 
     547           0 :         startChan = vbs.startChan_p;
     548           0 :         endChan = vbs.endChan_p;
     549             :      }
     550             :     else 
     551             :       {
     552           0 :         startChan = 0;
     553           0 :         endChan = nDataChan;
     554             :       }
     555             : 
     556           0 :    Bool finitePointingOffsets=(
     557           0 :                               (fabs(pointingOffset(0))>0) ||  
     558           0 :                               (fabs(pointingOffset(1))>0)
     559             :                               );
     560           0 :    Bool isGridSinglePrecision=(typeid(gridStore[0]) == typeid(wt));
     561           0 :    Int vbSpw = (vbs.vb_p)->spectralWindow();
     562             : 
     563             :    //   cerr << "-------------------BEGIN VB-------------------------" << endl;
     564             : 
     565           0 :    for(Int irow=rbeg; irow< rend; irow++){   
     566             :       //      if ((vbs.uvw_p.nelements() == 0)) 
     567             :       //if (accumCFs) if (allTrue(allPolNChanDone_l)) break;
     568             :       
     569           0 :       if(!(*(rowFlag_ptr+irow)))
     570             :         {   
     571           0 :           for(Int ichan=startChan; ichan< endChan; ichan++)
     572             :             {
     573           0 :               if (*(imgWts_ptr + ichan+irow*nDataChan)!=0.0) 
     574             :                 {  
     575           0 :                   targetIMChan=chanMap_p[ichan];
     576             :                   
     577           0 :                   if((targetIMChan>=0) && (targetIMChan<nGridChan)) 
     578             :                     {
     579           0 :                       timer_p.mark();
     580           0 :                       Double dataWVal = vbs.vb_p->uvw()(irow)(2);
     581           0 :                       Int wndx = cfb.nearestWNdx(abs(dataWVal)*freq[ichan]/C::c);
     582           0 :                       Int cfFreqNdx = cfb.nearestFreqNdx(vbSpw,ichan,vbs.conjBeams_p);
     583           0 :                       runTimeG3_p += timer_p.real();
     584             :                       
     585             :                       Float s;
     586             :                       //
     587             :                       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     588             :                       //
     589             :                       // Using the int-index version for Freq, W and Muellerelements
     590             :                       //              cfb.getParams(cfRefFreq, s, support(0), support(1),0,wndx,0);
     591             :                       //
     592             :                       //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     593             : 
     594           0 :                       timer_p.mark();
     595             :                       //s=cfb(cfFreqNdx,wndx,0).sampling_p; //Sampling is the same for all pol. planes
     596           0 :                       cfb.getParams(cfRefFreq, s, support(0), support(1),cfFreqNdx,wndx,0);
     597           0 :                       sampling(0) = sampling(1) = SynthesisUtils::nint(s);
     598           0 :                       runTimeG4_p += timer_p.real();
     599             : 
     600           0 :                       timer_p.mark();
     601           0 :                       sgrid(pos,loc,off, phasor, irow, vbs.uvw_p, dphase_p[irow], freq[ichan], 
     602           0 :                             uvwScale_p, offset_p, sampling);
     603           0 :                       runTimeG5_p += timer_p.real();
     604             :                       
     605             :                       //if (onGrid(nx, ny, nw, loc, support)) 
     606             :                         {
     607             :                           // Loop over all image-plane polarization planes.
     608           0 :                           for(Int ipol=0; ipol< nDataPol; ipol++) 
     609             :                             { 
     610           0 :                               if((!(*(flagCube_ptr + ipol + ichan*nDataPol + irow*nDataPol*nDataChan))))
     611             :                                 {  
     612           0 :                                   targetIMPol=polMap_p(ipol);
     613           0 :                                   if ((targetIMPol>=0) && (targetIMPol<nGridPol)) 
     614             :                                     {
     615           0 :                                       igrdpos[2]=targetIMPol; igrdpos[3]=targetIMChan;
     616             :                                       
     617           0 :                                       if(accumCFs)     allPolNChanDone_l(ipol,ichan,0)=true;
     618             :                                       
     619             :                                       // if(dopsf) nvalue=Complex(*(imgWts_ptr + ichan + irow*nDataChan));
     620             :                                       // else      nvalue=Complex(*(imgWts_ptr+ichan+irow*nDataChan))*
     621             :                                       //                  (*(visCube_ptr+ipol+ichan*nDataPol+irow*nDataChan*nDataPol)*phasor);
     622             :                                       
     623           0 :                                       norm = 0.0;
     624             :                                       // Loop over all relevant elements of the Mueller matrix for the polarization
     625             :                                       // ipol.
     626           0 :                                       Vector<int> conjMRow = conjMNdx[ipol];
     627             :                                       //for (uInt mCols=0;mCols<conjMNdx[ipol].nelements(); mCols++)
     628             : 
     629             :                                       // ipol determines the targetIMPol.  Each targetIMPol gets a row of CFs (mRow).
     630             :                                       // visVecElements is gridded using the convFuncV and added to the target grid.
     631             : 
     632           0 :                                       for (uInt mCols=0;mCols<conjMRow.nelements(); mCols++) 
     633             :                                         {
     634           0 :                                           int visVecElement=mCols, muellerElement;
     635             : 
     636           0 :                                           Complex* convFuncV=NULL;
     637           0 :                                           timer_p.mark();
     638             :                                           try
     639             :                                             {
     640           0 :                                               convFuncV=getConvFunc_p(vbs.paQuant_p.getValue("rad"),
     641             :                                                                       cfShape, support,muellerElement,
     642             :                                                                       cfb, dataWVal, cfFreqNdx,
     643             :                                                                       wndx, mNdx, conjMNdx,
     644             :                                                                       ipol,  mCols);
     645             :                                             }
     646           0 :                                           catch (SynthesisFTMachineError& x)
     647             :                                             {
     648           0 :                                               log_l << x.getMesg() << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     649             :                                             }
     650             :                                           // Extract the vis. vector element corresponding to the mCols column of the conjMRow row of the Mueller matrix.
     651             : 
     652           0 :                                           visVecElement=(int)(muellerElement%nDataPol);
     653             :                                           // If the vis. vector element is flagged, don't grid it.
     654           0 :                                           if(((*(flagCube_ptr + visVecElement + ichan*nDataPol + irow*nDataPol*nDataChan)))) break;
     655             : 
     656             :                                           //cerr << "G: " << mCols << "-->" << visVecElement << "-->" << ipol << " " << polMap_p[ipol] << endl;
     657             : 
     658           0 :                                           if(dopsf) nvalue=Complex(*(imgWts_ptr + ichan + irow*nDataChan));
     659           0 :                                           else      nvalue=Complex(*(imgWts_ptr+ichan+irow*nDataChan))*
     660           0 :                                                       (*(visCube_ptr+visVecElement+ichan*nDataPol+irow*nDataChan*nDataPol)*phasor);
     661             : 
     662           0 :                                           if (!onGrid(nx, ny, nw, loc, support)) break;
     663           0 :                                           runTimeG6_p += timer_p.real();
     664             : 
     665           0 :                                           convOrigin=cfShape/2;
     666           0 :                                           Bool psfOnly=((dopsf==true) && (accumCFs==false));
     667           0 :                                           if (finitePointingOffsets )
     668           0 :                                             cachePhaseGrad_p(pointingOffset, cfShape, convOrigin, cfRefFreq, vbs.imRefFreq(),
     669           0 :                                                              ((const Int)(vbs.vb_p)->spectralWindow()),((const Int)((vbs.vb_p)->fieldId())));
     670             :                                           
     671           0 :                                           cacheAxisIncrements(cfShape, cfInc_p);
     672             :                                           
     673             :                                           // accumulateOnGrid() is a local C++ method with the inner loops.  The include
     674             :                                           // file ( has the interface code to call the inner 
     675             :                                           // loops re-written in FORTRAN (in synthesis/fortran/faccumulateOnGrid.f)
     676             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/>
     677             :                                         }
     678           0 :                                       sumwt(targetIMPol,targetIMChan) += vbs.imagingWeight_p(ichan, irow)*abs(norm);
     679             :                                       //                      *(sumWt_ptr+apol+achan*nGridChan)+= *(imgWts_ptr+ichan+irow*nDataChan);
     680           0 :                                     }
     681             :                                 }
     682             :                             } // End poln-loop
     683             :                         } //End of on-grid loop
     684             :                     }
     685             :                 }
     686             :             } // End chan-loop
     687             :         }
     688             :     } // End row-loop
     689             :    //if (!dopsf) exit(0);
     690             :    //   cerr << "-------------------END VB-------------------------" << endl;
     691             : 
     692           0 :     runTimeG_p = timer_p.real() + runTimeG1_p + runTimeG2_p + runTimeG3_p + runTimeG4_p + runTimeG5_p + runTimeG6_p + runTimeG7_p;
     693           0 :     T *tt=(T *)gridStore;
     694           0 :     grid.putStorage(tt,gDummy);
     695           0 :   }
     696             :   //
     697             :   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     698             :   // Re-sample VisBuffer to a regular grid (griddedData) (a.k.a. de-gridding)
     699             :   //
     700           0 :   void AWVisResampler::GridToData(VBStore& vbs, const Array<Complex>& grid)
     701             :   {
     702             :     Int nDataChan, nDataPol, nGridPol, nGridChan, nx, ny,nw;//, nCFFreq;
     703             :     Int achan, apol, rbeg, rend;//, PolnPlane, ConjPlane;
     704           0 :     Vector<Float> sampling(2);//scaledSampling(2);
     705           0 :     Vector<Int> support(2),loc(3), iloc(4),tiloc(4);// scaledSupport(2);
     706           0 :     Vector<Double> pos(3), off(3);
     707             :     
     708           0 :     IPosition grdpos(4);
     709             :     
     710           0 :     Vector<Complex> norm(4,0.0);
     711           0 :     Complex phasor, nvalue;
     712           0 :     Vector<Int> cfShape=vbRow2CFBMap_p(0)->getStorage()(0,0,0)->getStorage()->shape().asVector();
     713           0 :     Vector<Double> pointingOffset((*vbRow2CFBMap_p(0)).getPointingOffset());
     714             :     
     715             :     //    Vector<Int> convOrigin = (cfShape-1)/2;
     716           0 :     Vector<Int> convOrigin = (cfShape)/2;
     717           0 :     Double sinDPA=0.0, cosDPA=1.0, cfRefFreq;//cfScale=1.0
     718             :     //    Int wndx = 0, fndx=0;
     719             :     
     720           0 :     rbeg=0;
     721           0 :     rend=vbs.nRow_p;
     722           0 :     rbeg = vbs.beginRow_p;
     723           0 :     rend = vbs.endRow_p;
     724           0 :     nx       = grid.shape()[0]; ny        = grid.shape()[1];
     725             :     //nw       = cfShape[2];
     726           0 :     nGridPol = grid.shape()[2]; nGridChan = grid.shape()[3];
     727             :     
     728           0 :     nDataPol  = vbs.flagCube_p.shape()[0];
     729           0 :     nDataChan = vbs.flagCube_p.shape()[1];
     730             :     
     731             :     //
     732             :     // The following code reduces most array accesses to the simplest
     733             :     // possible to improve performance.  However this made no
     734             :     // difference in the run-time performance compared to Vector,
     735             :     // Matrix and Cube indexing.
     736             :     //
     737             :     Bool Dummy;
     738           0 :     const Complex* __restrict__ gridStore = grid.getStorage(Dummy);
     739             :     (void)gridStore;
     740           0 :     Vector<Int> igrdpos(4);
     741           0 :     Double *freq=vbs.freq_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     742           0 :     Bool *rowFlag=vbs.rowFlag_p.getStorage(Dummy);
     743             :     
     744           0 :     Matrix<Double>& uvw=vbs.uvw_p;
     745           0 :     Cube<Complex>&  visCube=vbs.visCube_p;
     746           0 :     Cube<Bool>&     flagCube=vbs.flagCube_p;
     747             :     
     748           0 :     Vector<Int> gridInc, cfInc;
     749             :     
     750           0 :     cacheAxisIncrements(grid.shape().asVector(), gridInc_p);
     751             :     //    cacheAxisIncrements(cfShape, cfInc_p);
     752             :     // Initialize the co-ordinates used for reading the CF values The
     753             :     // CFs are 4D arrays, with the last two axis degenerate (of length
     754             :     // 1).  The last two axis were formerly the W-, and
     755             :     // Polarization-axis.
     756           0 :     iloc = 0;
     757             :     Bool finitePointingOffset=(
     758           0 :                                (fabs(pointingOffset(0))>0) ||  
     759           0 :                                (fabs(pointingOffset(1))>0)
     760           0 :                                );
     761           0 :     Int vbSpw = (vbs.vb_p)->spectralWindow();
     762             : 
     763           0 :     for(Int irow=rbeg; irow<rend; irow++) {
     764           0 :       if(!rowFlag[irow]) {
     765           0 :         CFBuffer& cfb = *vbRow2CFBMap_p(irow);
     766           0 :         Vector<Double> wVals, fVals; PolMapType mVals, mNdx, conjMVals, conjMNdx;
     767             :         Double fIncr, wIncr;
     768           0 :         cfb.getCoordList(fVals,wVals,mNdx, mVals, conjMNdx, conjMVals, fIncr, wIncr);
     769           0 :         nw = wVals.nelements();
     770             :         //      nCFFreq = fVals.nelements()-1;
     771             :         
     772           0 :         for (Int ichan=0; ichan < nDataChan; ichan++) {
     773           0 :           achan=chanMap_p[ichan];
     774             :           
     775           0 :           if((achan>=0) && (achan<nGridChan)) {
     776             :             //      lambda = C::c/freq[ichan];
     777           0 :             Double dataWVal = (vbs.vb_p->uvw()(irow)(2));
     778           0 :             Int wndx = cfb.nearestWNdx(abs(dataWVal)*freq[ichan]/C::c);
     779             :             //Int fndx = cfb.nearestFreqNdx(freq[ichan]);
     780           0 :             Int fndx = cfb.nearestFreqNdx(vbSpw,ichan);
     781             : 
     782             :             //      cerr << "DG: " << fndx << " " << wndx << " " << ichan << " " << vbSpw << " " << freq[ichan] << endl;
     783             :             
     784             :             //      cerr << "Grid: " << ichan << " " << freq[ichan] << " " << fndx << endl;
     785             :             
     786             :             // if (nw > 1) wndx=SynthesisUtils::nint((dataWVal*freq[ichan]/C::c)/wIncr-1);
     787             :             // if (nCFFreq > 0) fndx = SynthesisUtils::nint((freq[ichan])/fIncr-1);
     788             :             Float s;
     789             :             // CoordinateSystem cs; 
     790             :             // cfb.getParams(cs,s,support(0),support(1),0,wndx,0);
     791           0 :             cfb.getParams(cfRefFreq,s,support(0),support(1),fndx,wndx,0);
     792           0 :             sampling(0) = sampling(1) = SynthesisUtils::nint(s);
     793             :             
     794             :             //cfScale = cfRefFreq/freq[ichan];
     795             :             
     796             :             // sampling[0] = SynthesisUtils::nint(sampling[0]*cfScale);
     797             :             // sampling[1] = SynthesisUtils::nint(sampling[1]*cfScale);
     798             :             // support[0]  = SynthesisUtils::nint(support[0]/cfScale);
     799             :             // support[1]  = SynthesisUtils::nint(support[1]/cfScale);
     800             :             
     801           0 :             sgrid(pos,loc,off,phasor,irow,uvw,dphase_p[irow],freq[ichan],
     802           0 :                   uvwScale_p,offset_p,sampling);
     803             :             
     804             :             //      iloc[2]=max(0, min(nw, loc[2]));
     805             :              
     806             :             Bool isOnGrid;
     807             :             //if ((isOnGrid=onGrid(nx, ny, nw, loc, support)))
     808             :               {
     809           0 :               for(Int ipol=0; ipol < nDataPol; ipol++) {
     810             :                 
     811           0 :                 if(!flagCube(ipol,ichan,irow)) { 
     812           0 :                   apol=polMap_p[ipol];
     813             :                   
     814           0 :                   if((apol>=0) && (apol<nGridPol)) {
     815           0 :                     igrdpos[2]=apol; igrdpos[3]=achan;
     816           0 :                     nvalue=0.0;      norm(ipol)=0.0;
     817             : 
     818             :                     // With VBRow2CFMap in use, CF for each pol. plane is a separate 2D Array.  
     819           0 :                     for (uInt mCol=0; mCol<conjMNdx[ipol].nelements(); mCol++)
     820             :                       {
     821             :                         int visGridElement, muellerElement;
     822             :                         //
     823             :                         // Get the pointer to the storage for the CF indexed by the Freq, W-term and Mueller
     824             :                         // Element.
     825             :                         //
     826           0 :                         Complex*  convFuncV=NULL;
     827             :                         try
     828             :                           {
     829           0 :                             convFuncV = getConvFunc_p(vbs.paQuant_p.getValue("rad"),
     830             :                                                       cfShape, support, muellerElement,
     831             :                                                       cfb, dataWVal, fndx, wndx,
     832             :                                                       //mNdx,conjMNdx,
     833             :                                                       conjMNdx, mNdx,
     834             :                                                       ipol, mCol);
     835             :                           }
     836           0 :                         catch (SynthesisFTMachineError& x)
     837             :                           {
     838           0 :                             LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWVisResampler[R&D]","GridToData"));
     839           0 :                             log_l << x.getMesg() << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     840           0 :                           }
     841             :                         // Set the polarization plane of the gridded data to use for predicting with the CF from mCols column
     842           0 :                         visGridElement=(int)(muellerElement%nDataPol);
     843           0 :                         igrdpos[2]=polMap_p[visGridElement];
     844             :                         //cerr << "DG: " << mCol << "-->" << visGridElement << "-->" << ipol << " " << polMap_p[ipol] << " " << polMap_p[visGridElement] << endl;
     845             :                         //
     846             :                         // Compute the incrmenets and center pixel for the current CF
     847             :                         //
     848             : 
     849           0 :                         if ((isOnGrid=onGrid(nx, ny, nw, loc, support))==false) break;
     850             : 
     851           0 :                         cacheAxisIncrements(cfShape, cfInc_p);
     852           0 :                         convOrigin = (cfShape)/2;
     853           0 :                         if (finitePointingOffset)
     854           0 :                           cachePhaseGrad_p(pointingOffset, cfShape, convOrigin, cfRefFreq, vbs.imRefFreq(),
     855           0 :                                            ((const Int)(vbs.vb_p)->spectralWindow()),((const Int)((vbs.vb_p)->fieldId())));
     856             :                         
     857             :                         // accumulateFromGrid() is a local C++ method with the inner loops.  The include
     858             :                         // file ( has the interface code to call the inner 
     859             :                         // loops re-written in FORTRAN (in synthesis/fortran/faccumulateOnGrid.f)
     860             : 
     861             :                         // accumulateFromGrid(nvalue, gridStore, igrdpos, convFuncV, dataWVal,
     862             :                         //                 scaledSupport, scaledSampling, off, convOrigin, 
     863             :                         //                 cfShape, loc, phasor, sinDPA, cosDPA, 
     864             :                         //                 finitePointingOffset, cached_phaseGrad_p);
     865             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/>
     866             : 
     867             :                       }
     868             :                     // Zero divided by zero is NaN (IEEE standard)
     869           0 :                     if (norm[ipol] != Complex(0.0)) visCube(ipol,ichan,irow)=nvalue/norm[ipol]; // Goes with
     870             :                     //              visCube(ipol,ichan,irow)=nvalue; // Goes with
     871             :                     //if (casa::isNaN(nvalue))
     872             :                       // {
     873             :                       //        cout << ipol << "," << ichan << "," << irow << "," << nvalue << "," << nDataChan << "," << nGridChan << "," << achan << endl;
     874             :                       //        //exit(0);
     875             :                       // }
     876             :                     
     877             :                     //visCube(ipol,ichan,irow)=nvalue*conj(phasor)/norm(apol); // Goes with C++ loops
     878             :                     // cerr << ipol << " " << ichan << " " << irow << " " << nvalue << " " << norm(apol) << " " << pointingOffset 
     879             :                     //   << " " << qualifier_p << " " << ttt << " " << scaledSupport << endl;
     880             :                 }
     881             :               }
     882             :             }
     883             :           }
     884             :         }
     885             :       }
     886             :       //        junk++;
     887           0 :     }
     888             :   } // End row-loop
     889             :     // cerr << endl;
     890             :     // if (junk==20) exit(0);
     891           0 : }
     892             : //
     893             : //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     894             : //
     895           0 : void AWVisResampler::sgrid(Vector<Double>& pos, Vector<Int>& loc, 
     896             :                            Vector<Double>& off, Complex& phasor, 
     897             :                            const Int& irow, const Matrix<Double>& uvw, 
     898             :                            const Double& dphase, const Double& freq, 
     899             :                            const Vector<Double>& scale, 
     900             :                            const Vector<Double>& offset,
     901             :                            const Vector<Float>& sampling)
     902             : {
     903             :   Double phase;
     904           0 :   Vector<Double> uvw_l(3,0); // This allows gridding of weights
     905             :   // centered on the uv-origin
     906           0 :   if (uvw.nelements() > 0) for(Int i=0;i<3;i++) uvw_l[i]=uvw(i,irow);
     907             :   
     908           0 :   pos(2)=sqrt(abs(scale[2]*uvw_l(2)*freq/C::c))+offset[2];
     909           0 :   loc(2)=SynthesisUtils::nint(pos[2]);
     910           0 :   off(2)=0;
     911             :   
     912           0 :   for(Int idim=0;idim<2;idim++)
     913             :     {
     914           0 :       pos[idim]=scale[idim]*uvw_l(idim)*freq/C::c+(offset[idim]);
     915           0 :       loc[idim]=SynthesisUtils::nint(pos[idim]);
     916             :       //        off[idim]=SynthesisUtils::nint((loc[idim]-pos[idim])*sampling[idim]+1);
     917           0 :       off[idim]=SynthesisUtils::nint((loc[idim]-pos[idim])*sampling[idim]);
     918             :     }
     919             :   
     920           0 :   if (dphase != 0.0)
     921             :     {
     922           0 :       phase=-2.0*C::pi*dphase*freq/C::c;
     923             :       Double sp,cp;
     924           0 :       SINCOS(phase,sp,cp);
     925             :       //      phasor=Complex(cos(phase), sin(phase));
     926           0 :       phasor=Complex(cp,sp);
     927             :     }
     928             :   else
     929           0 :     phasor=Complex(1.0);
     930             :   // cerr << "### " << pos[0] << " " << offset[0] << " " << loc[0] << " " << off[0] << " " << uvw_l(0) << endl;
     931             :   // exit(0);
     932           0 : }
     933             : //
     934             : //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     935             : //
     936           0 : Bool AWVisResampler::reindex(const Vector<Int>& in, Vector<Int>& out,
     937             :                              const Double& sinDPA, const Double& cosDPA,
     938             :                              const Vector<Int>& Origin, const Vector<Int>& size)
     939             : {
     940             :   
     941           0 :   Bool onGrid=false;
     942           0 :   Int ix=in[0], iy=in[1];
     943           0 :   if (sinDPA != 0.0)
     944             :     {
     945           0 :       ix = SynthesisUtils::nint(cosDPA*in[0] + sinDPA*in[1]);
     946           0 :       iy = SynthesisUtils::nint(-sinDPA*in[0] + cosDPA*in[1]);
     947             :     }
     948           0 :   out[0]=ix+Origin[0];
     949           0 :   out[1]=iy+Origin[1];
     950             :   
     951           0 :   onGrid = ((out[0] >= 0) && (out[0] < size[0]) &&
     952           0 :             (out[1] >= 0) && (out[1] < size[1]));
     953           0 :   if (!onGrid)
     954           0 :     cerr << "CF index out of range: " << out << " " << size << endl;
     955           0 :   return onGrid;
     956             : }
     957             : 
     958             : 
     959             : // void lineCFArea(const Int& th,
     960             : //                const Double& sinDPA,
     961             : //                const Double& cosDPA,
     962             : //                const Complex*__restrict__& convFuncV,
     963             : //                const Vector<Int>& cfShape,
     964             : //                const Vector<Int>& convOrigin,
     965             : //                const Int& cfInc,
     966             : //                Vector<Int>& iloc,
     967             : //                Vector<Int>& tiloc,
     968             : //                const Int* supportPtr,
     969             : //                const Float* samplingPtr,
     970             : //                const Double* offPtr,
     971             : //                Complex *cfAreaArrPtr)
     972             : // {
     973             : //   cfAreaArrPtr[th]=0.0;
     974             : //   for(Int ix=-supportPtr[0]; ix <= supportPtr[0]; ix++) 
     975             : //     {
     976             : //      iloc[0]=(Int)((samplingPtr[0]*ix+offPtr[0])-1);//+convOrigin[0];
     977             : //      tiloc=iloc;
     978             : //      if (reindex(iloc,tiloc,sinDPA, cosDPA, 
     979             : //                  convOrigin, cfShape))
     980             : //        {
     981             : //          wt = getFrom4DArray((const Complex * __restrict__ &)convFuncV, 
     982             : //                              tiloc,cfInc);
     983             : //          if (dataWVal > 0.0) wt = conj(wt);
     984             : //          cfAreaArrPtr[th] += wt;
     985             : //        }
     986             : //     }
     987             : // }
     988             : 
     989           0 : Complex AWVisResampler::getCFArea(Complex* __restrict__& convFuncV, 
     990             :                                   Double& wVal, 
     991             :                                   Vector<Int>& scaledSupport, 
     992             :                                   Vector<Float>& scaledSampling,
     993             :                                   Vector<Double>& off,
     994             :                                   Vector<Int>& convOrigin, 
     995             :                                   Vector<Int>& cfShape,
     996             :                                   Double& sinDPA, 
     997             :                                   Double& cosDPA)
     998             : {
     999           0 :   Vector<Int> iloc(4,0),tiloc(4);
    1000           0 :   Complex cfArea=0, wt;
    1001             :   Bool dummy;
    1002           0 :   Int *supportPtr=scaledSupport.getStorage(dummy);
    1003           0 :   Double *offPtr=off.getStorage(dummy);
    1004           0 :   Float *samplingPtr=scaledSampling.getStorage(dummy);
    1005           0 :   Int Nth=1;
    1006           0 :   Vector<Complex> cfAreaArr(Nth);
    1007           0 :   Complex *cfAreaArrPtr=cfAreaArr.getStorage(dummy);
    1008             :   
    1009           0 :   for(Int iy=-supportPtr[1]; iy <= supportPtr[1]; iy++) 
    1010             :     {
    1011           0 :       iloc(1)=(Int)((samplingPtr[1]*iy+offPtr[1])-1);//+convOrigin[1];
    1012           0 :       for (Int th=0;th<Nth;th++)
    1013             :         {
    1014           0 :           cfAreaArr[th]=0.0;
    1015           0 :           for(Int ix=-supportPtr[0]; ix <= supportPtr[0]; ix++) 
    1016             :             {
    1017           0 :               iloc[0]=(Int)((samplingPtr[0]*ix+offPtr[0])-1);//+convOrigin[0];
    1018           0 :               tiloc=iloc;
    1019           0 :               if (reindex(iloc,tiloc,sinDPA, cosDPA, 
    1020             :                           convOrigin, cfShape))
    1021             :                 {
    1022           0 :                   wt = getFrom4DArray((const Complex * __restrict__ &)convFuncV, 
    1023           0 :                                       tiloc,cfInc_p);
    1024           0 :                   if (wVal > 0.0) wt = conj(wt);
    1025           0 :                   cfAreaArrPtr[th] += wt;
    1026             :                 }
    1027             :             }
    1028             :         }
    1029           0 :       cfArea += sum(cfAreaArr);
    1030             :     }
    1031             :   //    cerr << "cfArea: " << scaledSupport << " " << scaledSampling << " " << cfShape << " " << convOrigin << " " << cfArea << endl;
    1032           0 :   return cfArea;
    1033           0 : }
    1034             : using namespace casacore;
    1035             : };// end namespace casa

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