LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - msvis/MSVis - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1140 2041 55.9 %
Date: 2024-10-12 00:35:29 Functions: 157 272 57.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Step through MeasurementEquation by visibility
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1996-2012
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the !GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id:,v 19.15 2006/02/01 01:25:14 kgolap Exp $
      27             : 
      28             : #include <tuple>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/System/AipsrcValue.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelection.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSpwIndex.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/InterpolateArray1D.h>
      41             : //#include <msvis/MSVis/StokesVector.h>
      42             : #include <stdcasa/UtilJ.h>
      43             : #include <msvis/MSVis/MeasurementSet2.h>
      44             : #include <msvis/MSVis/MSUtil.h>
      45             : #include <msvis/MSVis/MSIter2.h>
      46             : #include <msvis/MSVis/SpectralWindow.h>
      47             : #include <msvis/MSVis/ViFrequencySelection.h>
      48             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      49             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBufferComponents2.h>
      50             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
      51             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIteratorImpl2.h>
      52             : #include <msvis/MSVis/PointingDirectionCache.h>
      53             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisModelDataI.h>
      54             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ColDescSet.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
      56             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/IncrStManAccessor.h>
      57             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/StandardStManAccessor.h>
      58             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
      59             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/TiledStManAccessor.h>
      61             : 
      62             : #include <cassert>
      63             : #include <algorithm>
      64             : #include <limits>
      65             : #include <memory>
      66             : #include <map>
      67             : #include <vector>
      68             : 
      69             : using std::make_pair;
      70             : using namespace casacore;
      71             : using namespace casa::vi;
      72             : using namespace std;
      73             : 
      74             : using namespace casacore;
      75             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      76             : 
      77             : namespace vi {
      78             : 
      79             : Bool
      80           0 : operator!=(const Slice & a, const Slice & b)
      81             : {
      82           0 :         Bool result = a.start() != b.start()||
      83           0 :                 a.length() != b.length() ||
      84           0 :        !=;
      85             : 
      86           0 :         return result;
      87             : }
      88             : 
      89             : // ChannelSubslicer - represents a single selection from a DATA matrix
      90             : //
      91             : // Typically the ChannelSubslicer uses selects elements from the DATA matrix in
      92             : // two dimensions: correlation and channel.  Two slice objects are used, the
      93             : // first one for correlation and the other for channel.  The slice object is a
      94             : // triple of starting channel, increment and the number of channels.
      95             : 
      96             : class ChannelSubslicer
      97             : {
      98             : 
      99             : public:
     100             : 
     101             :         enum {Correlation, Channel};
     102             : 
     103        8529 :         ChannelSubslicer()
     104        8529 :                 : subslicer_p()
     105        8529 :                 {}
     106             : 
     107        2843 :         ChannelSubslicer(Int n)
     108        2843 :                 : subslicer_p(n)
     109        2843 :                 {}
     110             : 
     111        2843 :         ChannelSubslicer(const Vector<Slice> & axis)
     112        2843 :                 : subslicer_p(axis.nelements())
     113             :                 {
     114        5686 :                         for (uInt i = 0; i < axis.nelements(); i++) {
     115        2843 :                                 subslicer_p[i] = axis(i);
     116             :                         }
     117        2843 :                 }
     118             : 
     119             :         Bool
     120             :         operator==(const ChannelSubslicer & other) const
     121             :                 {
     122             :                         if (other.nelements() != nelements()) {
     123             :                                 return false;
     124             :                         }
     125             : 
     126             :                         for (uInt i = 0; i < nelements(); i++) {
     127             : 
     128             :                                 if (!slicesEqual(subslicer_p[i], other.subslicer_p[i])) {
     129             :                                         return false;
     130             :                                 }
     131             :                         }
     132             : 
     133             :                         return true;
     134             :                 }
     135             : 
     136             :         Bool
     137             :         operator!=(const ChannelSubslicer & other) const
     138             :                 {
     139             :                         return !(* this == other);
     140             :                 }
     141             : 
     142             :         const Slice &
     143     1084944 :         getSlice(Int i) const
     144             :                 {
     145     1084944 :                         return subslicer_p[i];
     146             :                 }
     147             : 
     148             :         Vector<Slice>
     149     1243342 :         getSlices() const
     150             :                 {
     151     1243342 :                         return Vector<Slice>(subslicer_p);
     152             :                 }
     153             : 
     154     2169888 :         size_t nelements() const
     155             :                 {
     156     2169888 :                         return subslicer_p.size();
     157             :                 }
     158             : 
     159             :         void
     160        2843 :         setSlice(Int i, const Slice & slice)
     161             :                 {
     162        2843 :                         subslicer_p[i] = slice;
     163        2843 :                 }
     164             : 
     165             : protected:
     166             : 
     167             :         static Bool
     168             :         slicesEqual(const Slice & a, const Slice & b) {
     169             : 
     170             :                 return a.start() == b.start() &&
     171             :                         a.length() == b.length() &&
     172             :                ==;
     173             : 
     174             :         }
     175             : 
     176             : private:
     177             : 
     178             :         vector<Slice> subslicer_p;
     179             : };
     180             : 
     181             : // ChannelSlicer - represents the channels selected in a window.
     182             : //
     183             : // The ChannelSlicer is a collection of channel and correlation selections.
     184             : // Each selection, a ChannelSubslicer, specifies a slice for each dimension of
     185             : // the data cube: correlation, channel (row selection is not managed by this
     186             : // data structure).
     187             : 
     188             : class ChannelSlicer
     189             : {
     190             : 
     191             : public:
     192             : 
     193             :         typedef vector<ChannelSubslicer> Rep;
     194             :         typedef Vector<Vector <Slice> > CoreRep;
     195             : 
     196        2843 :         ChannelSlicer()
     197        2843 :                 : slicer_p()
     198        2843 :                 {}
     199             : 
     200        2843 :         ChannelSlicer(Int nAxes)
     201        2843 :                 : slicer_p(nAxes)
     202        2843 :                 {}
     203             : 
     204             :         bool
     205             :         operator==(const ChannelSlicer & other) const
     206             :                 {
     207             : 
     208             :                         if (nelements() != other.nelements()) {
     209             :                                 return false;
     210             :                         }
     211             : 
     212             : 
     213             :                         for (uInt i = 0; i < nelements(); i++) {
     214             : 
     215             :                                 if (slicer_p[i] != other.slicer_p[i]) {
     216             :                                         return false;
     217             :                                 }
     218             : 
     219             :                         }
     220             : 
     221             :                         return true;
     222             :                 }
     223             : 
     224             :         void
     225        2843 :         appendDimension()
     226             :                 {
     227        2843 :                         slicer_p.push_back(ChannelSubslicer());
     228        2843 :                 }
     229             : 
     230             :         CoreRep
     231      619563 :         getSlicerInCoreRep() const
     232             :                 {
     233             :                         // Convert to Vector<Vector <Slice> > for use by
     234             :                         // casacore methods
     235             : 
     236      619563 :                         CoreRep rep(nelements());
     237             : 
     238     1858689 :                         for (uInt i = 0; i < nelements(); i++) {
     239             : 
     240     1239126 :                                 const ChannelSubslicer & subslicer = slicer_p[i];
     241             : 
     242     1239126 :                                 rep[i] = subslicer.getSlices();
     243             : 
     244             :                         }
     245             : 
     246      619563 :                         return rep;
     247           0 :                 }
     248             : 
     249             :         ColumnSlicer
     250      619563 :         getColumnSlicer() const
     251             :                 {
     252             : 
     253             :                         // The goal is to create a 2D array of Slicers.  Two types of
     254             :                         // Slicers are required: one to slice into the data as read and
     255             :                         // another to put it into the target array.  Both are computed and
     256             :                         // returned here.  We are effectively computing a cross-product
     257             :                         // between the correlation and channel slices.
     258             : 
     259             :                         // might be able to replace this?
     260      619563 :                         CoreRep slicing = getSlicerInCoreRep();
     261             : 
     262      619563 :                         Vector<Slice> correlationSlices = slicing(0);
     263      619563 :                         Vector<Slice> channelSlices = slicing(1);
     264             : 
     265      619563 :                         IPosition start(2), length(2), increment(2);
     266             : 
     267      619563 :                         uInt nCorrelationSlices = slicing(0).size();
     268      619563 :                         uInt nChannelSlices = channelSlices.size();
     269      619563 :                         uInt nSlices = nCorrelationSlices * nChannelSlices;
     270             : 
     271      619563 :                         Vector<Slicer *> dataSlices(nSlices, 0);
     272      619563 :                         Vector<Slicer *> destinationSlices(nSlices, 0);
     273      619563 :                         IPosition shape(2, 0);
     274             : 
     275      619563 :                         uInt outputSlice = 0;
     276      619563 :                         const uInt Channel = 1;
     277      619563 :                         const uInt Correlation = 0;
     278             : 
     279      619563 :                         uInt correlationDestination = 0;
     280             : 
     281      619563 :                         for (uInt correlationSlice = 0;
     282     1239126 :                              correlationSlice < nCorrelationSlices;
     283             :                              correlationSlice++) {
     284             : 
     285      619563 :                                 const Slice & aSlice = correlationSlices(correlationSlice);
     286             : 
     287             : 
     288      619563 :                                 uInt channelDestination = 0;
     289             : 
     290      619563 :                                 for (uInt channelSlice = 0;
     291     1239126 :                                      channelSlice < nChannelSlices; channelSlice++) {
     292             : 
     293      619563 :                                         const Slice & bSlice = channelSlices(channelSlice);
     294             : 
     295      619563 :                                         start(Channel) = bSlice.start();
     296      619563 :                                         length(Channel) = bSlice.length();
     297      619563 :                                         increment(Channel) =;
     298             : 
     299             :                                         // Can't move outside loop because of of mutation during
     300             :                                         // destination logic below
     301      619563 :                                         start(Correlation) = aSlice.start();
     302      619563 :                                         length(Correlation) = aSlice.length();
     303      619563 :                                         increment(Correlation) =;
     304             : 
     305      619563 :                                         dataSlices[outputSlice] =
     306      619563 :                                                 new Slicer(start, length, increment);
     307             : 
     308             :                                         // The destination slicer will always have increment one and
     309             :                                         // the same length as the data slicer.  However, it's
     310             :                                         // starting location depends on how many slices (both axes)
     311             :                                         // it is away from the origin.
     312             : 
     313      619563 :                                         start(Channel) = channelDestination;
     314      619563 :                                         increment(Channel) = 1;
     315      619563 :                                         channelDestination += length(Channel);
     316             : 
     317      619563 :                                         start(Correlation) = correlationDestination;
     318      619563 :                                         increment(Correlation) = 1;
     319             : 
     320      619563 :                                         destinationSlices[outputSlice] =
     321      619563 :                                                 new Slicer(start, length, increment);
     322             : 
     323      619563 :                                         outputSlice++;
     324      619563 :                                         shape(Channel) = max(shape(Channel), channelDestination);
     325             : 
     326             :                                 }
     327             : 
     328      619563 :                                 correlationDestination += length(Correlation);
     329      619563 :                                 shape(Correlation) = correlationDestination;
     330             :                         }
     331             : 
     332     1239126 :                         return ColumnSlicer(shape, dataSlices, destinationSlices);
     333      619563 :                 }
     334             : 
     335             :         const ChannelSubslicer &
     336     1089160 :         getSubslicer(Int i) const
     337             :                 {
     338     1089160 :                         return slicer_p[i];
     339             :                 }
     340             : 
     341     2478252 :         size_t nelements() const
     342             :                 {
     343     2478252 :                         return slicer_p.size();
     344             :                 }
     345             : 
     346             :         void
     347        5686 :         setSubslicer(Int i, const ChannelSubslicer & subslice)
     348             :                 {
     349        5686 :                         slicer_p[i] = subslice;
     350        5686 :                 }
     351             : 
     352             : 
     353             :         String
     354             :         toString() const
     355             :                 {
     356             :                         String result = "{";
     357             : 
     358             :                         for (Rep::const_iterator i = slicer_p.begin();
     359             :                              i != slicer_p.end();
     360             :                              i++) {
     361             : 
     362             :                                 result += String((i == slicer_p.begin()) ? "" : ", ") + "{ ";
     363             : 
     364             :                                 const ChannelSubslicer & subslicer = * i;
     365             : 
     366             :                                 for (uInt j = 0; j < subslicer.nelements(); j++) {
     367             : 
     368             :                                         const Slice & slice = subslicer.getSlice(j);
     369             :                                         result += String::format(
     370             :                                                 "(st=%d, len=%d, inc=%d)",
     371             :                                                 slice.start(), slice.length(),;
     372             :                                 }
     373             : 
     374             :                                 result += " }";
     375             :                         }
     376             : 
     377             :                         result += " }";
     378             : 
     379             :                         return result;
     380             :                 }
     381             : 
     382             : private:
     383             : 
     384             :         Rep slicer_p;
     385             : };
     386             : 
     387             : // ChannelSelector - class that provides the channels that need to be extracted
     388             : //                   from a spectral window at a given time for a given MS.
     389             : //
     390             : 
     391             : class ChannelSelector
     392             : {
     393             : 
     394             : public:
     395             : 
     396        2843 :         ChannelSelector(
     397             :                 Double time,
     398             :                 Int _msId,
     399             :                 Int _spectralWindowId,
     400             :                 Int _polarizationId,
     401             :                 const ChannelSlicer & slicer)
     402        2843 :                 : msId(_msId)
     403        2843 :                 , polarizationId(_polarizationId)
     404        2843 :                 , spectralWindowId(_spectralWindowId)
     405        2843 :                 , timeStamp(time)
     406        2843 :                 , slicer_p(slicer)
     407             :                 {
     408             :                         // Count up the number of frequencies selected
     409             : 
     410        2843 :                         const ChannelSubslicer & frequencySlicer = slicer_p.getSubslicer(1);
     411             : 
     412        2843 :                         nFrequencies_p = 0;
     413             : 
     414        5686 :                         for (Int i = 0; i < (int) frequencySlicer.nelements(); i++) {
     415             : 
     416        2843 :                                 nFrequencies_p += frequencySlicer.getSlice(i).length();
     417             :                         }
     418             : 
     419             :                         // Create the slicer for FlagCategory data which can't use the
     420             :                         // normal slicer.
     421             : 
     422        2843 :                         createFlagCategorySlicer();
     423        2843 :                 }
     424             : 
     425             :         Bool
     426             :         equals(const ChannelSelector & other) const
     427             :                 {
     428             :                         // To be equal the other ChannelSelector must be for the same
     429             :                         // MS and spectral window
     430             : 
     431             :                         Bool equal = msId == other.msId &&
     432             :                                 spectralWindowId == other.spectralWindowId;
     433             : 
     434             :                         // If the timestamps match, then they're equal
     435             : 
     436             :                         if (timeStamp == other.timeStamp) {
     437             :                                 return true;
     438             :                         }
     439             : 
     440             :                         // They differed on timestamps, but if they select the same channels
     441             :                         // then they're equivalent.
     442             : 
     443             :                         equal = equal && slicer_p == other.slicer_p;
     444             : 
     445             :                         return equal;
     446             :                 }
     447             : 
     448             :         void
     449        2843 :         createFlagCategorySlicer()
     450             :                 {
     451             :                         // The shape of the flag categories column cell is [nC, nF,
     452             :                         //nCategories] whereas every other sliced column cell is[nC, nF].
     453             :                         //Use the normal slicer to create the flag category slicer.
     454             : 
     455        2843 :                         slicerFlagCategories_p = slicer_p;
     456        2843 :                         slicerFlagCategories_p.appendDimension();
     457             : 
     458        2843 :                 }
     459             : 
     460             :         // Returns a list of channels to be extracted.
     461             : 
     462             :         Vector<Int>
     463        4343 :         getChannels() const
     464             :                 {
     465             : 
     466             :                         // create result of appropriate size
     467        4343 :                         Vector<Int> frequencies(nFrequencies_p);
     468             : 
     469             :                         // get channel axis of slicer
     470        4343 :                         const ChannelSubslicer & channelSlices = slicer_p.getSubslicer(1);
     471             : 
     472             :                         // Iterator over all of the slices contained in the channel portion
     473             :                         // of the slicer.  For each slice, use each channel number to fill
     474             :                         // in the appropriate index of the result.  The result will be that
     475             :                         // frequencies[x] will contain the actual channel number that
     476             :                         // resulted from the frequency selection process.
     477             : 
     478        4343 :                         int k = 0;
     479             : 
     480        8686 :                         for (int i = 0; i < (int) channelSlices.nelements(); i++) {
     481             : 
     482        4343 :                                 const Slice & slice = channelSlices.getSlice(i);
     483        4343 :                                 Int channel = slice.start();
     484        4343 :                                 Int increment =;
     485        4343 :                                 Int nChannels = slice.length();
     486             : 
     487        4343 :                                 assert(k + nChannels - 1 <= nFrequencies_p);
     488             : 
     489      330836 :                                 for (int j = 0; j < (int) nChannels; j++) {
     490             : 
     491      326493 :                                         frequencies[k++] = channel;
     492      326493 :                                         channel += increment;
     493             :                                 }
     494             : 
     495             :                         }
     496             : 
     497        4343 :                         return frequencies;
     498           0 :                 }
     499             : 
     500             :         Vector<Int>
     501     1077758 :         getCorrelations() const {
     502             : 
     503     1077758 :                 const ChannelSubslicer & correlationAxis = slicer_p.getSubslicer(0);
     504             : 
     505     1077758 :                 vector<Int> correlations;
     506             : 
     507     2155516 :                 for (uInt i = 0; i < correlationAxis.nelements(); i++) {
     508             : 
     509     1077758 :                         const Slice & slice = correlationAxis.getSlice(i);
     510             : 
     511     1077758 :                         for (uInt j = slice.start(), n = 0;
     512     5236430 :                              n < slice.length();
     513     4158672 :                              j += {
     514             : 
     515     4158672 :                                 correlations.push_back(j);
     516     4158672 :                                 n++;
     517             : 
     518             :                         }
     519             :                 }
     520             : 
     521     1077758 :                 Vector<Int> result(correlations.size());
     522             : 
     523     5236430 :                 for (uInt i = 0; i < correlations.size(); i++) {
     524     4158672 :                         result[i] = correlations[i];
     525             :                 }
     526             : 
     527     2155516 :                 return result;
     528     1077758 :         }
     529             : 
     530             :         Int
     531      359468 :         getNFrequencies() const
     532             :                 {
     533      359468 :                         return nFrequencies_p;
     534             :                 }
     535             : 
     536             :         // Returns the ChannelSlicer object which contains the actual
     537             :         // channelselection for the current time, window and MS.
     538             : 
     539             :         const ChannelSlicer &
     540      623779 :         getSlicer() const
     541             :                 {
     542      623779 :                         return slicer_p;
     543             :                 }
     544             : 
     545             :         const ChannelSlicer &
     546           0 :         getSlicerForFlagCategories() const
     547             :                 {
     548           0 :                         return slicerFlagCategories_p;
     549             :                 }
     550             : 
     551             :         const Int msId;
     552             :         const Int polarizationId;
     553             :         const Int spectralWindowId;
     554             :         const Double timeStamp;
     555             : 
     556             : private:
     557             : 
     558             :         Int nFrequencies_p;
     559             :         ChannelSlicer slicer_p;
     560             :         ChannelSlicer slicerFlagCategories_p;
     561             : };
     562             : 
     563             : class ChannelSelectorCache
     564             : {
     565             : public:
     566             : 
     567         801 :     ChannelSelectorCache(Int maxEntries = 200)
     568        1602 :         : frameOfReference_p(FrequencySelection::Unknown)
     569         801 :         , maxEntries_p(maxEntries)
     570         801 :         , msId_p(-1)
     571         801 :     {}
     572             : 
     573         801 :     ~ChannelSelectorCache() {};
     574             : 
     575        2843 :     void add(std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> entry, Int frameOfReference)
     576             :     {
     577        2843 :         if (entry->msId != msId_p
     578        2843 :             || frameOfReference != frameOfReference_p) {
     579             : 
     580             :             // Cache only holds values for a single MS and a single frame of
     581             :             // reference at a time.
     582             : 
     583         801 :             flush();
     584             : 
     585         801 :             msId_p = entry->msId;
     586         801 :             frameOfReference_p = frameOfReference;
     587             :         }
     588             : 
     589        2843 :         if (cache_p.size() >= maxEntries_p) {
     590             : 
     591             :             // Boot the first entry out of the cache.
     592             :             // In most situations would have the
     593             :             // lowest timestamp and lowest spectral window id.
     594             : 
     595           0 :             cache_p.erase(cache_p.begin());
     596             :         }
     597             : 
     598             :         Double time =
     599        2843 :             ((frameOfReference_p == FrequencySelection::ByChannel)
     600        2843 :              ? -1 // channel selection not function of time
     601           0 :              : entry->timeStamp);
     602             : 
     603             :         // take ownership of entry
     604        2843 :         cache_p[Key(time, entry->spectralWindowId)] = entry;
     605        2843 :     }
     606             : 
     607             :     std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector>
     608      527028 :     find(Double time, Int msId, Int frameOfReference,
     609             :          Int spectralWindowId) const {
     610             : 
     611      527028 :         std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> result = nullptr;
     612             : 
     613      527028 :         if (msId == msId_p && frameOfReference == frameOfReference_p) {
     614             : 
     615      526227 :             if (frameOfReference_p == FrequencySelection::ByChannel) {
     616      526227 :                 time = -1; // channel selection is not function of time
     617             :             }
     618             : 
     619      526227 :             Cache::const_iterator i = cache_p.find(Key(time, spectralWindowId));
     620             : 
     621      526227 :             if (i != cache_p.end()) {
     622      524185 :                 result = i->second;
     623             :             }
     624             :         }
     625             : 
     626      527028 :         return result;
     627           0 :     }
     628             : 
     629         825 :     void flush() {
     630         825 :         cache_p.clear();
     631         825 :     }
     632             : 
     633             : private:
     634             : 
     635             :     typedef pair<Double, Int> Key; // (time, spectralWindowId)
     636             :     typedef map <Key, std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector>> Cache;
     637             : 
     638             :     Cache cache_p;          // the cache itself
     639             :     Int frameOfReference_p; // cache's frame of reference
     640             :     const uInt maxEntries_p;   // max # of entries to keep in the cache
     641             :     Int msId_p;             // cache's MS ID
     642             : 
     643             : };
     644             : 
     645             : class SpectralWindowChannel
     646             : {
     647             : 
     648             : public:
     649             : 
     650             :         SpectralWindowChannel() // for use of vector only
     651             :                 : channel_p(-1)
     652             :                 , frequency_p(-1)
     653             :                 , width_p(-1)
     654             :                 {}
     655             : 
     656       14476 :         SpectralWindowChannel(Int channel, Double frequency, Double width)
     657       14476 :                 : channel_p(channel)
     658       14476 :                 , frequency_p(frequency)
     659       14476 :                 , width_p(width)
     660       14476 :                 {}
     661             : 
     662             :         Bool
     663             :         operator<(const SpectralWindowChannel other) const
     664             :                 {
     665             :                         return frequency_p < other.frequency_p;
     666             :                 }
     667             : 
     668             :         Bool
     669             :         operator<(Double other) const
     670             :                 {
     671             :                         return frequency_p < other;
     672             :                 }
     673             : 
     674             :         Int
     675       14224 :         getChannel() const
     676             :                 {
     677       14224 :                         return channel_p;
     678             :                 }
     679             : 
     680             :         Double
     681      315492 :         getFrequency() const
     682             :                 {
     683      315492 :                         return frequency_p;
     684             :                 }
     685             : 
     686             :         Double
     687           0 :         getWidth() const
     688             :                 {
     689           0 :                         return width_p;
     690             :                 }
     691             : 
     692             : private:
     693             : 
     694             :         Int channel_p;
     695             :         Double frequency_p;
     696             :         Double width_p;
     697             : };
     698             : 
     699             : Bool
     700           0 : operator<(Double frequency, const SpectralWindowChannel & swc)
     701             : {
     702           0 :         return frequency < swc.getFrequency();
     703             : }
     704             : 
     705             : Bool
     706           0 : operator>(Double frequency, const SpectralWindowChannel & swc)
     707             : {
     708           0 :         return frequency > swc.getFrequency();
     709             : }
     710             : 
     711             : class SpectralWindowChannels : public std::vector <SpectralWindowChannel>
     712             : {
     713             : public:
     714             : 
     715         126 :         SpectralWindowChannels(const Vector<Double> & frequencies,
     716             :                                const Vector<Double> widths)
     717         126 :                 : std::vector <SpectralWindowChannel>()
     718             :                 {
     719         126 :                         reserve(frequencies.nelements());
     720             : 
     721             :                         // Use the passed frequencies and widths to fill out the values.
     722             :                         // The first indices of frequency are the channel numbers.
     723             : 
     724         126 :                         int channel = 0;
     725         126 :                         Array<Double>::const_iterator frequency = frequencies.begin();
     726         126 :                         Array<Double>::const_iterator width = widths.begin();
     727         126 :                         int nChannels = frequencies.size();
     728             : 
     729        7364 :                         for (; channel < nChannels; ++channel, ++frequency, ++width) {
     730        7238 :                                 push_back(SpectralWindowChannel(channel, * frequency, * width));
     731             :                         }
     732             : 
     733             :                         // Remember the positions of the highest and lowest entries and
     734             :                         // whether the channels are in order of increasing frequency.
     735             : 
     736         126 :                         increasingOrder_p =
     737         126 :                                 begin()->getFrequency() < rbegin()->getFrequency();
     738             : 
     739         126 :                         if (increasingOrder_p) {
     740         126 :                                 lowest_p =  0;
     741         126 :                                 highest_p = ((int) size()) - 1;
     742             :                         } else {
     743           0 :                                 lowest_p =  ((int) size()) - 1;
     744           0 :                                 highest_p = 0;
     745             :                         }
     746         126 :                 }
     747             : 
     748             :         double
     749      315240 :         getFrequency(int channel) const
     750             :                 {
     751             : 
     752      315240 :                         ThrowIf(channel < 0 || channel >= (int) size(),
     753             :                                 String::format("Channel %d not in range [0,%d])", channel,
     754             :                                                size()-1));
     755             : 
     756      315240 :                         double result = at(channel).getFrequency();
     757             : 
     758      315240 :                         return result;
     759             :                 }
     760             : 
     761             :         double
     762           0 :         getWidth(int channel) const
     763             :                 {
     764             : 
     765           0 :                         ThrowIf(channel < 0 || channel >= (int) size(),
     766             :                                 String::format("Channel %d not in range [0,%d])", channel,
     767             :                                                size()-1));
     768             : 
     769           0 :                         double result = at(channel).getWidth();
     770             : 
     771           0 :                         return result;
     772             :                 }
     773             : 
     774             :         Slice
     775           0 :         getIntersection(double lowerFrequency, double upperFrequency) const
     776             :                 {
     777             :                         bool noIntersection =
     778           0 :                                 (at(lowest_p).getFrequency() - 0.5 * at(lowest_p).getWidth()
     779           0 :                                  > upperFrequency) ||
     780           0 :                                 (at(highest_p).getFrequency() + 0.5 * at(highest_p).getWidth()
     781           0 :                                  < lowerFrequency);
     782             : 
     783           0 :                         if (noIntersection) {
     784           0 :                                 return Slice(0,0); // sentinel value
     785             :                         }
     786             : 
     787             :                         // Search for the left and right ends of the intersection which need
     788             :                         // to run.  The above check for intersection should guarantee that
     789             :                         // one will be found so there's no need to check the iterator
     790             :                         // limits.
     791             : 
     792           0 :                         int increment = increasingOrder_p ? 1 : -1;
     793             : 
     794             :                         int left, right;
     795             : 
     796           0 :                         for (left = lowest_p;
     797           0 :                              at(left).getFrequency() + 0.5 * at(left).getWidth()
     798           0 :                                      < lowerFrequency;
     799           0 :                              left += increment) {
     800             :                         }
     801             : 
     802           0 :                         for (right = highest_p;
     803           0 :                              at(right).getFrequency() - 0.5 * at(right).getWidth()
     804           0 :                                      > upperFrequency;
     805           0 :                              right -= increment) {
     806             :                         }
     807             : 
     808             :                         // Slices can only go from upward so if the channel frequencies are
     809             :                         // in reverse order, swap them (i.e., (128, 1) --> (1, 128))
     810             : 
     811             :                         int a, b;
     812           0 :                         if (increasingOrder_p) {
     813           0 :                                 a = at(left).getChannel();
     814           0 :                                 b = at(right).getChannel();
     815             :                         } else {
     816           0 :                                 a = at(right).getChannel();
     817           0 :                                 b = at(left).getChannel();
     818             :                         }
     819             : 
     820           0 :                         Slice s(a, b - a + 1); // (start, length)
     821             : 
     822           0 :                         return s;
     823             :                 }
     824             : 
     825             : private:
     826             : 
     827             :         int highest_p;
     828             :         bool increasingOrder_p;
     829             :         int lowest_p;
     830             : 
     831             : };
     832             : 
     833             : 
     834             : class SpectralWindowChannelsCache
     835             : {
     836             : 
     837             : public:
     838             : 
     839         801 :         SpectralWindowChannelsCache()
     840        1602 :                 : msId_p(-1)
     841         801 :                 , nBytes_p(0)
     842         801 :                 {}
     843             : 
     844         801 :         ~SpectralWindowChannelsCache()
     845             :                 {
     846         801 :                         flush();
     847         801 :                 }
     848             : 
     849             :         void
     850         126 :         add(const SpectralWindowChannels * entry, Int msId, Int spectralWindowId)
     851             :                 {
     852         126 :                         if (msId != msId_p) {
     853          75 :                                 flush();
     854          75 :                                 nBytes_p = 0;
     855             :                         }
     856             : 
     857             :                         // If necessary, insert code here to put an upper limit on the size
     858             :                         // of the cache.
     859             : 
     860             :                         // Add the entry to the cache
     861             : 
     862         126 :                         map_p[spectralWindowId] = entry;
     863         126 :                         msId_p = msId;
     864         126 :                         nBytes_p += entry->size() * sizeof(SpectralWindowChannel);
     865         126 :                 }
     866             : 
     867             :         const SpectralWindowChannels *
     868        4275 :         find(Int msId, Int spectralWindowId)
     869             :                 {
     870        4275 :                         const SpectralWindowChannels * result = 0;
     871             : 
     872        4275 :                         if (msId == msId_p) {
     873             : 
     874        4200 :                                 Map::const_iterator i = map_p.find(spectralWindowId);
     875             : 
     876        4200 :                                 if (i != map_p.end()) {
     877        4149 :                                         result = i->second;
     878             :                                 }
     879             :                         }
     880             : 
     881        4275 :                         return result;
     882             :                 }
     883             : 
     884         900 :         void flush()
     885             :                 {
     886             :                         // Delete all of the contained SpectralWindowChannels objects
     887             : 
     888        1026 :                         for (Map::iterator i = map_p.begin(); i != map_p.end(); i++) {
     889         126 :                                 delete (i->second);
     890             :                         }
     891             : 
     892         900 :                         map_p.clear();
     893         900 :                 }
     894             : 
     895             : 
     896             : private:
     897             : 
     898             :         typedef map<Int, const SpectralWindowChannels *> Map;
     899             :         // spectralWindowId->SpectralWindowChannels *
     900             : 
     901             :         Map map_p;
     902             :         Int msId_p;
     903             :         Int nBytes_p;
     904             : 
     905             : };
     906             : 
     907             : Subchunk
     908           0 : Subchunk::noMoreData()
     909             : {
     910           0 :         Int maxInt = std::numeric_limits<Int>::max();
     911           0 :         return Subchunk(maxInt, maxInt);
     912             : }
     913             : 
     914             : String
     915           0 : Subchunk::toString() const
     916             : {
     917           0 :         return String::format("(%d,%d)", first, second);
     918             : }
     919             : 
     920             : template <typename T>
     921             : void
     922      389791 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getColumnRows(const ArrayColumn<T> & column,
     923             :                                        Array<T> & array) const
     924             : {
     925      389791 :     ColumnSlicer columnSlicer =
     926      389791 :         channelSelectors_p[0]->getSlicer().getColumnSlicer();
     927             : 
     928      389791 :     column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p,
     929             :                           columnSlicer,
     930             :                           array,
     931             :                           true);
     932      389791 : }
     933             : 
     934             : template <typename T>
     935             : void
     936           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getColumnRows(const ArrayColumn<T> & column,
     937             :                                        Vector<Cube<T>> & cubeVector) const
     938             : {
     939           0 :     cubeVector.resize(channelSelectors_p.size());
     940           0 :     for (size_t iVector=0; iVector < channelSelectors_p.size(); iVector++)
     941             :     {
     942           0 :         ColumnSlicer columnSlicer =
     943           0 :                 channelSelectors_p[iVector]->getSlicer().getColumnSlicer();
     944             : 
     945           0 :         column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p[iVector],
     946             :                 columnSlicer,
     947           0 :                 cubeVector[iVector],
     948             :                 true);
     949             :     }
     950           0 : }
     951             : 
     952             : template <typename T>
     953             : void
     954       10521 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getColumnRowsMatrix(const ArrayColumn<T> & column,
     955             :                                              Matrix<T> & array,
     956             :                                              Bool correlationSlicing) const
     957             : {
     958       10521 :     if (correlationSlicing) {
     959             : 
     960             :         // Extract the correlations slices and repackage them for use by
     961             :         // getColumnCells
     962             : 
     963        4216 :         const ChannelSlicer & slicer = channelSelectors_p[0]->getSlicer();
     964             :         // has to be at least one
     965        4216 :         const ChannelSubslicer subslicer = slicer.getSubslicer(0);
     966             : 
     967        4216 :         Vector<Slice> correlationSlices = subslicer.getSlices();
     968             : 
     969        4216 :         Vector<Slicer *> dataSlicers(correlationSlices.size(), 0);
     970        4216 :         Vector<Slicer *> destinationSlicers(correlationSlices.size(), 0);
     971             : 
     972        4216 :         IPosition start(1, 0), length(1, 0), increment(1, 0);
     973        4216 :         uInt sliceStart = 0;
     974             : 
     975        8432 :         for (uInt i = 0; i < correlationSlices.size(); i++) {
     976             : 
     977        4216 :             start(0) = correlationSlices(i).start();
     978        4216 :             length(0) = correlationSlices(i).length();
     979        4216 :             increment(0) = correlationSlices(i).inc();
     980        4216 :             dataSlicers(i) = new Slicer(start, length, increment);
     981             : 
     982        4216 :             start(0) = sliceStart;
     983        4216 :             increment(0) = 1;
     984        4216 :             destinationSlicers(i) = new Slicer(start, length, increment);
     985             : 
     986        4216 :             sliceStart += length(0);
     987             :         }
     988             : 
     989        4216 :         IPosition shape(1, sliceStart);
     990             : 
     991        4216 :         ColumnSlicer columnSlicer(shape, dataSlicers, destinationSlicers);
     992             : 
     993        4216 :         column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p, columnSlicer, array,
     994             :                               true);
     995        4216 :     }
     996             :     else{
     997             : 
     998        6305 :         column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p, array, true);
     999             :     }
    1000       10521 : }
    1001             : 
    1002             : template <typename T>
    1003             : void
    1004           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getColumnRowsMatrix(const ArrayColumn<T> & column,
    1005             :                                              Vector<Matrix<T>> & matrixVector) const
    1006             : {
    1007           0 :     matrixVector.resize(channelSelectors_p.size());
    1008           0 :     for (size_t iVector=0; iVector < channelSelectors_p.size(); iVector++)
    1009             :     {
    1010             : 
    1011             :         // Extract the correlations slices and repackage them for use by
    1012             :         // getColumnCells
    1013             : 
    1014           0 :         const ChannelSlicer & slicer = channelSelectors_p[iVector]->getSlicer();
    1015             :         // has to be at least one
    1016           0 :         const ChannelSubslicer subslicer = slicer.getSubslicer(0);
    1017             : 
    1018           0 :         Vector<Slice> correlationSlices = subslicer.getSlices();
    1019             : 
    1020           0 :         Vector<Slicer *> dataSlicers(correlationSlices.size(), 0);
    1021           0 :         Vector<Slicer *> destinationSlicers(correlationSlices.size(), 0);
    1022             : 
    1023           0 :         IPosition start(1, 0), length(1, 0), increment(1, 0);
    1024           0 :         uInt sliceStart = 0;
    1025             : 
    1026           0 :         for (uInt i = 0; i < correlationSlices.size(); i++) {
    1027             : 
    1028           0 :             start(0) = correlationSlices(i).start();
    1029           0 :             length(0) = correlationSlices(i).length();
    1030           0 :             increment(0) = correlationSlices(i).inc();
    1031           0 :             dataSlicers(i) = new Slicer(start, length, increment);
    1032             : 
    1033           0 :             start(0) = sliceStart;
    1034           0 :             increment(0) = 1;
    1035           0 :             destinationSlicers(i) = new Slicer(start, length, increment);
    1036             : 
    1037           0 :             sliceStart += length(0);
    1038             :         }
    1039             : 
    1040           0 :         IPosition shape(1, sliceStart);
    1041             : 
    1042           0 :         ColumnSlicer columnSlicer(shape, dataSlicers, destinationSlicers);
    1043             : 
    1044           0 :         column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p[iVector],
    1045             :                               columnSlicer,
    1046           0 :                               matrixVector[iVector],
    1047             :                               true);
    1048             :     }
    1049           0 : }
    1050             : 
    1051             : template <typename T>
    1052             : void
    1053     2284469 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getColumnRows(const ScalarColumn<T> & column,
    1054             :                                        Vector<T> & array) const
    1055             : {
    1056     2284469 :         column.getColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p, array, true);
    1057     2284469 : }
    1058             : 
    1059             : template <typename T>
    1060             : void
    1061      229772 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::putColumnRows(
    1062             :         ArrayColumn<T> & column,
    1063             :         const Array<T> & array)
    1064             : {
    1065      229772 :         ColumnSlicer columnSlicer =
    1066      229772 :                 channelSelectors_p[0]->getSlicer().getColumnSlicer();
    1067             : 
    1068      229772 :         column.putColumnCells(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p,
    1069             :                               columnSlicer,
    1070             :                               array);
    1071      229772 : }
    1072             : 
    1073             : template <typename T>
    1074             : void
    1075           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::putColumnRows(
    1076             :         ArrayColumn<T> & column,
    1077             :         const Matrix<T> & array)
    1078             : {
    1079           0 :         RefRows & rows = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p;
    1080             : 
    1081           0 :         column.putColumnCells(rows, array);
    1082           0 : }
    1083             : 
    1084             : template <typename T>
    1085             : void
    1086      222823 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::putColumnRows(
    1087             :         ScalarColumn<T> & column,
    1088             :         const Vector <T> & array)
    1089             : {
    1090      222823 :         RefRows & rows = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p;
    1091             : 
    1092      222823 :         column.putColumnCells(rows, array);
    1093      222823 : }
    1094             : 
    1095         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::VisibilityIteratorImpl2(
    1096             :         const Block<const MeasurementSet *> &mss,
    1097             :         const SortColumns & sortColumns,
    1098             :         Double timeInterval,
    1099             :         Bool writable,
    1100         801 :         Bool useMSIter2)
    1101             : : ViImplementation2(),
    1102         801 :   channelSelectors_p(),
    1103         801 :   channelSelectorCache_p(new ChannelSelectorCache()),
    1104         801 :   columns_p(),
    1105         801 :   floatDataFound_p(false),
    1106         801 :   frequencySelections_p(nullptr),
    1107         801 :   measurementFrame_p(VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified),
    1108         801 :   modelDataGenerator_p(VisModelDataI::create2()),
    1109         801 :   more_p(false),
    1110         801 :   msIndex_p(0),
    1111         801 :   msIterAtOrigin_p(false),
    1112         801 :   msIter_p(),
    1113         801 :   nCorrelations_p(-1),
    1114         801 :   nRowBlocking_p(0),
    1115         801 :   pendingChanges_p(new PendingChanges()),
    1116         801 :   reportingFrame_p(VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified),
    1117         801 :   spectralWindowChannelsCache_p(new SpectralWindowChannelsCache()),
    1118         801 :   subtableColumns_p(nullptr),
    1119         801 :   tileCacheModMtx_p(new std::mutex()),
    1120         801 :   tileCacheIsSet_p(new std::vector<bool>()),
    1121         801 :   timeInterval_p(timeInterval),
    1122         801 :   vb_p(nullptr),
    1123         801 :   weightScaling_p(),
    1124         801 :   writable_p(writable),
    1125         801 :   ddIdScope_p(UnknownScope),
    1126         801 :   timeScope_p(UnknownScope),
    1127         801 :   sortColumns_p(sortColumns),
    1128        6408 :   subchunkSortColumns_p(false)
    1129             : {
    1130             :     // Set the default subchunk iteration sorting scheme, i.e.
    1131             :     // unique timestamps in each subchunk.
    1132         801 :     auto singleTimeCompare = std::make_shared<ObjCompare<Double> >();
    1133         801 :     subchunkSortColumns_p.addSortingColumn(MS::TIME, singleTimeCompare);
    1134         801 :     timeScope_p = SubchunkScope;
    1135             : 
    1136         801 :     initialize(mss, useMSIter2);
    1137             : 
    1138         801 :     VisBufferOptions options = writable_p ? VbWritable : VbNoOptions;
    1139             : 
    1140         801 :     vb_p = createAttachedVisBuffer(options);
    1141         801 : }
    1142             : 
    1143           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::VisibilityIteratorImpl2(
    1144             :     const casacore::Block<const casacore::MeasurementSet *> & mss,
    1145             :     const SortColumns & chunkSortColumns,
    1146             :     const SortColumns & subchunkSortColumns,
    1147           0 :     bool isWritable)
    1148             : : ViImplementation2(),
    1149           0 :   channelSelectors_p(),
    1150           0 :   channelSelectorCache_p(new ChannelSelectorCache()),
    1151           0 :   columns_p(),
    1152           0 :   floatDataFound_p(false),
    1153           0 :   frequencySelections_p(nullptr),
    1154           0 :   measurementFrame_p(VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified),
    1155           0 :   modelDataGenerator_p(VisModelDataI::create2()),
    1156           0 :   more_p(false),
    1157           0 :   msIndex_p(0),
    1158           0 :   msIterAtOrigin_p(false),
    1159           0 :   msIter_p(),
    1160           0 :   nCorrelations_p(-1),
    1161           0 :   nRowBlocking_p(0),
    1162           0 :   pendingChanges_p(new PendingChanges()),
    1163           0 :   reportingFrame_p(VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified),
    1164           0 :   spectralWindowChannelsCache_p(new SpectralWindowChannelsCache()),
    1165           0 :   subtableColumns_p(nullptr),
    1166           0 :   tileCacheModMtx_p(new std::mutex()),
    1167           0 :   tileCacheIsSet_p(new std::vector<bool>()),
    1168           0 :   timeInterval_p(0),
    1169           0 :   vb_p(nullptr),
    1170           0 :   weightScaling_p(),
    1171           0 :   writable_p(isWritable),
    1172           0 :   ddIdScope_p(UnknownScope),
    1173           0 :   timeScope_p(UnknownScope),
    1174           0 :   sortColumns_p(chunkSortColumns),
    1175           0 :   subchunkSortColumns_p(subchunkSortColumns)
    1176             : {
    1177           0 :     initialize(mss);
    1178             : 
    1179           0 :     VisBufferOptions options = writable_p ? VbWritable : VbNoOptions;
    1180             : 
    1181           0 :     vb_p = createAttachedVisBuffer(options);
    1182           0 : }
    1183             : 
    1184           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::VisibilityIteratorImpl2(
    1185           0 :         const VisibilityIteratorImpl2& vii)
    1186             :         : ViImplementation2()
    1187           0 :         , channelSelectors_p()
    1188           0 :         , channelSelectorCache_p(nullptr)
    1189           0 :         , frequencySelections_p(nullptr)
    1190           0 :         , modelDataGenerator_p(nullptr)
    1191           0 :         , pendingChanges_p(nullptr)
    1192           0 :         , spectralWindowChannelsCache_p(nullptr)
    1193           0 :         , vb_p(nullptr)
    1194             : {
    1195           0 :         *this = vii;
    1196           0 : }
    1197             : 
    1198             : VisibilityIteratorImpl2 &
    1199           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::operator=(const VisibilityIteratorImpl2& vii)
    1200             : {
    1201             :     // clone msIter_p
    1202           0 :     msIter_p = vii.msIter_p->clone();
    1203             : 
    1204             :     // copy cache
    1205           0 :     cache_p = vii.cache_p;
    1206             : 
    1207           0 :     tileCacheModMtx_p = vii.tileCacheModMtx_p;
    1208           0 :     tileCacheIsSet_p = vii.tileCacheIsSet_p;
    1209             : 
    1210             :     // clone frequencySelections_p
    1211           0 :     if (frequencySelections_p)
    1212           0 :         delete frequencySelections_p;
    1213           0 :     frequencySelections_p = vii.frequencySelections_p->clone();
    1214             : 
    1215             :     // copy channelSelectors_p.
    1216           0 :     channelSelectors_p.clear();
    1217           0 :     for (auto chSel : vii.channelSelectors_p)
    1218             :     {
    1219           0 :         channelSelectors_p.push_back(std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector>
    1220           0 :             (new ChannelSelector(chSel->timeStamp, chSel->msId,
    1221           0 :                                  chSel->spectralWindowId, chSel->polarizationId,
    1222           0 :                                  chSel->getSlicer())));
    1223           0 :     }
    1224             : 
    1225             :     // get frame of reference for current MS
    1226             :     const FrequencySelection &selection =
    1227           0 :     vii.frequencySelections_p->get(vii.msId());
    1228           0 :     Int frameOfReference = selection.getFrameOfReference();
    1229             : 
    1230             :     // initialize channelSelectorCache_p with current channelSelectors_p
    1231           0 :     channelSelectorCache_p->flush();
    1232           0 :     for (auto chSel : channelSelectors_p)
    1233           0 :         channelSelectorCache_p->add(chSel, frameOfReference);
    1234             : 
    1235             :     // copy assign some values
    1236           0 :     columns_p = vii.columns_p;
    1237           0 :     floatDataFound_p = vii.floatDataFound_p;
    1238           0 :     imwgt_p = vii.imwgt_p;
    1239           0 :     measurementFrame_p = vii.measurementFrame_p;
    1240           0 :     more_p = vii.more_p;
    1241           0 :     msIndex_p = vii.msIndex_p;
    1242           0 :     msIterAtOrigin_p = vii.msIterAtOrigin_p;
    1243           0 :     nCorrelations_p = vii.nCorrelations_p;
    1244           0 :     nRowBlocking_p = vii.nRowBlocking_p;
    1245           0 :     reportingFrame_p = vii.reportingFrame_p;
    1246           0 :     rowBounds_p = vii.rowBounds_p;
    1247           0 :     subchunk_p = vii.subchunk_p;
    1248           0 :     timeFrameOfReference_p = vii.timeFrameOfReference_p;
    1249           0 :     timeInterval_p = vii.timeInterval_p;
    1250           0 :     weightScaling_p = vii.weightScaling_p;
    1251           0 :     writable_p = vii.writable_p;
    1252           0 :     ddIdScope_p = vii.ddIdScope_p;
    1253           0 :     timeScope_p = vii.timeScope_p;
    1254             : 
    1255             :     // clone modelDataGenerator_p
    1256           0 :     if (modelDataGenerator_p) delete modelDataGenerator_p;
    1257           0 :     modelDataGenerator_p = vii.modelDataGenerator_p->clone();
    1258             : 
    1259             :     // initialize MSDerivedValues as done in configureNewChunk()
    1260           0 :     msd_p.setAntennas(msIter_p->msColumns().antenna());
    1261           0 :     msd_p.setFieldCenter(msIter_p->phaseCenter());
    1262             : 
    1263             :     // clone pendingChanges_p
    1264           0 :     pendingChanges_p.reset(vii.pendingChanges_p->clone());
    1265             : 
    1266             :     // initialize subtableColumns_p
    1267           0 :     if (subtableColumns_p) delete subtableColumns_p;
    1268           0 :     subtableColumns_p = new SubtableColumns(msIter_p);
    1269             : 
    1270             :     // initialize attached VisBuffer...vii.vb_p does *not* get copied
    1271             :     // TODO: it would be better to use a shared_ptr to the attached VisBuffer,
    1272             :     // since we don't know if there are any outstanding references, as they can
    1273             :     // escape from VisibilityIteratorImpl2...for now, just delete it
    1274           0 :     if (vb_p) delete vb_p;
    1275           0 :     vb_p = createAttachedVisBuffer(writable_p ? VbWritable : VbNoOptions);
    1276             : 
    1277           0 :     return *this;
    1278             : }
    1279             : 
    1280           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::VisibilityIteratorImpl2(VisibilityIteratorImpl2&& vii)
    1281             :         : ViImplementation2()
    1282           0 :         , channelSelectors_p()
    1283           0 :         , channelSelectorCache_p(nullptr)
    1284           0 :         , frequencySelections_p(nullptr)
    1285           0 :         , modelDataGenerator_p(nullptr)
    1286           0 :         , pendingChanges_p(nullptr)
    1287           0 :         , spectralWindowChannelsCache_p(nullptr)
    1288           0 :         , vb_p(nullptr)
    1289           0 :         , writable_p(false)
    1290             : {
    1291           0 :         *this = std::move(vii);
    1292           0 : }
    1293             : 
    1294             : VisibilityIteratorImpl2 &
    1295           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::operator=(VisibilityIteratorImpl2&& vii)
    1296             : {
    1297             :     // copy msIter_p
    1298           0 :     msIter_p = vii.msIter_p;
    1299             : 
    1300             :     // copy cache
    1301           0 :     cache_p = vii.cache_p;
    1302             : 
    1303           0 :     tileCacheModMtx_p = std::move(vii.tileCacheModMtx_p);
    1304           0 :     tileCacheIsSet_p = std::move(vii.tileCacheIsSet_p);
    1305             : 
    1306             :     // move frequencySelections_p
    1307           0 :     if (frequencySelections_p)
    1308           0 :         delete frequencySelections_p;
    1309           0 :     frequencySelections_p = vii.frequencySelections_p;
    1310           0 :     vii.frequencySelections_p = nullptr;
    1311             : 
    1312             :     // move channelSelectors_p. Owned by channelSelectorCache_p
    1313             :     // so don't delete initial destination value or source value
    1314           0 :     channelSelectors_p = std::move(vii.channelSelectors_p);
    1315             : 
    1316             :     // move channelSelectorCache_p
    1317           0 :     if (channelSelectorCache_p)
    1318           0 :         delete channelSelectorCache_p;
    1319           0 :     channelSelectorCache_p = vii.channelSelectorCache_p;
    1320           0 :     vii.channelSelectorCache_p = nullptr;
    1321             : 
    1322             :     // move backWriters_p
    1323           0 :     backWriters_p = std::move(vii.backWriters_p);
    1324             : 
    1325             :     // copy assign some values
    1326           0 :     autoTileCacheSizing_p = vii.autoTileCacheSizing_p;
    1327           0 :     columns_p = vii.columns_p;
    1328           0 :     floatDataFound_p = vii.floatDataFound_p;
    1329           0 :     imwgt_p = vii.imwgt_p;
    1330           0 :     measurementFrame_p = vii.measurementFrame_p;
    1331           0 :     measurementSets_p = vii.measurementSets_p;
    1332           0 :     more_p = vii.more_p;
    1333           0 :     msIndex_p = vii.msIndex_p;
    1334           0 :     msIterAtOrigin_p = vii.msIterAtOrigin_p;
    1335           0 :     nCorrelations_p = vii.nCorrelations_p;
    1336           0 :     nRowBlocking_p = vii.nRowBlocking_p;
    1337           0 :     reportingFrame_p = vii.reportingFrame_p;
    1338           0 :     rowBounds_p = vii.rowBounds_p;
    1339           0 :     subchunk_p = vii.subchunk_p;
    1340           0 :     timeFrameOfReference_p = vii.timeFrameOfReference_p;
    1341           0 :     timeInterval_p = vii.timeInterval_p;
    1342           0 :     weightScaling_p = vii.weightScaling_p;
    1343           0 :     writable_p = vii.writable_p;
    1344           0 :     ddIdScope_p = vii.ddIdScope_p;
    1345           0 :     timeScope_p = vii.timeScope_p;
    1346           0 :     sortColumns_p = vii.sortColumns_p;
    1347           0 :     subchunkSortColumns_p = vii.subchunkSortColumns_p;
    1348             : 
    1349             :     // move modelDataGenerator_p
    1350           0 :     if (modelDataGenerator_p)
    1351           0 :         delete modelDataGenerator_p;
    1352           0 :     modelDataGenerator_p = vii.modelDataGenerator_p;
    1353           0 :     vii.modelDataGenerator_p = nullptr;
    1354             : 
    1355             :     // initialize MSDerivedValues as done in configureNewChunk()...moving or
    1356             :     // copying the value is not well supported
    1357           0 :     msd_p.setAntennas(msIter_p->msColumns().antenna());
    1358           0 :     msd_p.setFieldCenter(msIter_p->phaseCenter());
    1359             : 
    1360             :     // move pendingChanges_p
    1361           0 :     pendingChanges_p = std::move(vii.pendingChanges_p);
    1362             : 
    1363             :     // initialize subtableColumns_p
    1364           0 :     if (subtableColumns_p)
    1365           0 :         delete subtableColumns_p;
    1366           0 :     subtableColumns_p = vii.subtableColumns_p;
    1367           0 :     vii.subtableColumns_p = nullptr;
    1368             : 
    1369             :     // initialize vb_p...can't steal VisBuffer2 instance since it is attached to
    1370             :     // vii
    1371           0 :     if (vb_p)
    1372           0 :         delete vb_p;
    1373           0 :     vb_p = createAttachedVisBuffer(writable_p ? VbWritable : VbNoOptions);
    1374             :     // TODO: again, it would be better were vb_p a shared_ptr
    1375           0 :     delete vii.vb_p;
    1376           0 :     vii.vb_p = nullptr;
    1377             : 
    1378           0 :     return *this;
    1379             : }
    1380             : 
    1381             : void
    1382         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::addDataSelection(const MeasurementSet & ms)
    1383             : {
    1384         801 :         const MeasurementSet2 * ms2 = dynamic_cast <const MeasurementSet2 *>(&ms);
    1385             : 
    1386         801 :         if (ms2 == 0) {
    1387             : 
    1388             :                 // A normal MS was used so there is no frequency selection attached to
    1389             :                 // it.  Simply add in an empty selection which will select everything.
    1390             : 
    1391         801 :                 frequencySelections_p->add(FrequencySelectionUsingChannels());
    1392             : 
    1393         801 :                 return;
    1394             : 
    1395             :         }
    1396             : 
    1397             :         // Get the channel and correlation selectin.
    1398             :         //
    1399             :         // Channel slices are indexed by spectral window ID and correlation slices
    1400             :         // by polarization ID
    1401             : 
    1402             :         MSSelection * msSelection =
    1403           0 :                 const_cast<MSSelection *>(ms2->getMSSelection());
    1404             :         // *KLUGE* -- MSSelection is somewhat sloppy about making methods const
    1405             :         // so simply getting the slices requires a non-const object ;-(
    1406             : 
    1407           0 :         Vector <Vector <Slice> > channelSlices;
    1408           0 :         msSelection->getChanSlices(channelSlices, ms2);
    1409           0 :         Vector <Vector <Slice> > correlationSlices;
    1410           0 :         msSelection->getCorrSlices(correlationSlices, ms2);
    1411             : 
    1412           0 :         FrequencySelectionUsingChannels selection;
    1413             : 
    1414           0 :         for (uInt spectralWindow = 0;
    1415           0 :              spectralWindow < channelSlices.nelements();
    1416             :              spectralWindow++) {
    1417             : 
    1418             :                 // Get the frequency slices for this spectral window
    1419             : 
    1420           0 :                 Vector<Slice> & slices = channelSlices[spectralWindow];
    1421             : 
    1422           0 :                 for (uInt s = 0; s < slices.nelements(); s++) {
    1423             : 
    1424             :                         // Add each frequency slice to the selection for this spectral
    1425             :                         // window
    1426             : 
    1427           0 :                         Slice & slice = slices[s];
    1428             : 
    1429           0 :                         selection.add(spectralWindow, slice.start(), slice.length(),
    1430           0 :                             ;
    1431             :                 }
    1432             :         }
    1433             : 
    1434           0 :         selection.addCorrelationSlices(correlationSlices);
    1435             : 
    1436           0 :         frequencySelections_p->add(selection);
    1437           0 : }
    1438             : 
    1439             : 
    1440             : void
    1441         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::initialize(const Block<const MeasurementSet *> &mss,
    1442             :                                     Bool useMSIter2)
    1443             : {
    1444             : 
    1445         801 :     ThrowIf(!sortColumns_p.usingDefaultSortingFunctions(),
    1446             :             "Sorting definition for chunks doesn't support generic functions yet");
    1447             : 
    1448         801 :     cache_p.flush();
    1449             : 
    1450         801 :     msIndex_p = 0;
    1451             : 
    1452         801 :     frequencySelections_p = new FrequencySelections();
    1453             : 
    1454         801 :     Int nMs = mss.nelements();
    1455         801 :     measurementSets_p.resize(nMs);
    1456         801 :     tileCacheIsSet_p->resize(nMs);
    1457             : 
    1458        1602 :     for (Int k = 0; k < nMs; ++k) {
    1459         801 :         measurementSets_p[k] = * mss[k];
    1460         801 :         addDataSelection(measurementSets_p[k]);
    1461         801 :         (*tileCacheIsSet_p)[k] = false;
    1462             :     }
    1463             : 
    1464         801 :     if (useMSIter2)
    1465             : 
    1466             :         // This version uses the MSSmartInterval for time comparisons in the
    1467             :         // Table sort/iteration
    1468           0 :         msIter_p = new MSIter2(measurementSets_p,
    1469           0 :                 sortColumns_p.getColumnIds(),
    1470             :                 timeInterval_p,
    1471           0 :                 sortColumns_p.shouldAddDefaultColumns(),
    1472           0 :                 false);
    1473             :     else
    1474             :         // The old-fashioned version
    1475         801 :         msIter_p = new MSIter(measurementSets_p,
    1476         801 :                 sortColumns_p.getColumnIds(),
    1477             :                 timeInterval_p,
    1478         801 :                 sortColumns_p.shouldAddDefaultColumns(),
    1479         801 :                 false);
    1480             : 
    1481         801 :     subtableColumns_p = new SubtableColumns(msIter_p);
    1482             : 
    1483             :     // Check whether DDID is unique within each chunk. Otherwise assume
    1484             :     // that it can change for every row.
    1485         801 :     ddIdScope_p = RowScope;
    1486         801 :     freqSelScope_p = RowScope;
    1487         801 :     if (sortColumns_p.shouldAddDefaultColumns())
    1488         769 :         ddIdScope_p = ChunkScope;
    1489             :     else
    1490             :     {
    1491         256 :         for (auto sortCol : sortColumns_p.getColumnIds())
    1492             :         {
    1493         224 :             if(sortCol == MS::DATA_DESC_ID)
    1494          32 :                 ddIdScope_p = ChunkScope;
    1495             :         }
    1496             :     }
    1497             : 
    1498         801 :     freqSelScope_p = ddIdScope_p;
    1499             :     // If frequency/channel selection also depends on time (selection based on
    1500             :     // frequencies), then the scope can be further limited by timestamp scope
    1501         801 :     if (!(frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference() == FrequencySelection::ByChannel))
    1502             :     {
    1503           0 :         if(freqSelScope_p == ChunkScope)
    1504           0 :             freqSelScope_p = timeScope_p;
    1505             :     }
    1506             : 
    1507             : 
    1508         801 :     casacore::AipsrcValue<Bool>::find(
    1509         801 :             autoTileCacheSizing_p,
    1510        1602 :             VisibilityIterator2::getAipsRcBase() + ".AutoTileCacheSizing", false);
    1511         801 : }
    1512             : 
    1513             : void
    1514           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::initialize(const Block<const MeasurementSet *> &mss)
    1515             : {
    1516           0 :     cache_p.flush();
    1517             : 
    1518           0 :     msIndex_p = 0;
    1519             : 
    1520           0 :     frequencySelections_p = new FrequencySelections();
    1521             : 
    1522           0 :     Int nMs = mss.nelements();
    1523           0 :     measurementSets_p.resize(nMs);
    1524           0 :     tileCacheIsSet_p->resize(nMs);
    1525             : 
    1526           0 :     for (Int k = 0; k < nMs; ++k) {
    1527           0 :         measurementSets_p[k] = * mss[k];
    1528           0 :         addDataSelection(measurementSets_p[k]);
    1529           0 :         (*tileCacheIsSet_p)[k] = false;
    1530             :     }
    1531             : 
    1532           0 :     msIter_p = new MSIter(measurementSets_p,
    1533           0 :                 sortColumns_p.sortingDefinition());
    1534             : 
    1535           0 :     subtableColumns_p = new SubtableColumns(msIter_p);
    1536             : 
    1537             :     // Set the scope of each of the metadata to track
    1538           0 :     setMetadataScope();
    1539             : 
    1540           0 :     casacore::AipsrcValue<Bool>::find(
    1541           0 :             autoTileCacheSizing_p,
    1542           0 :             VisibilityIterator2::getAipsRcBase() + ".AutoTileCacheSizing", false);
    1543           0 : }
    1544             : 
    1545        1602 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::~VisibilityIteratorImpl2()
    1546             : {
    1547         801 :         if (channelSelectorCache_p) delete channelSelectorCache_p;
    1548         801 :         if (frequencySelections_p) delete frequencySelections_p;
    1549         801 :         if (modelDataGenerator_p) delete modelDataGenerator_p;
    1550         801 :         if (spectralWindowChannelsCache_p) delete spectralWindowChannelsCache_p;
    1551         801 :         if (subtableColumns_p) delete subtableColumns_p;
    1552         801 :         if (vb_p) delete vb_p;
    1553        1602 : }
    1554             : 
    1555             : std::unique_ptr<VisibilityIteratorImpl2>
    1556           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::clone() const
    1557             : {
    1558           0 :         unsigned nms = measurementSets_p.nelements();
    1559           0 :         Block<const MeasurementSet *> msps(nms);
    1560           0 :         for (unsigned i = 0; i < nms; ++i)
    1561           0 :                 msps[i] = &measurementSets_p[i];
    1562             : 
    1563             :         std::unique_ptr<VisibilityIteratorImpl2> result(
    1564             :                 new VisibilityIteratorImpl2(
    1565             :                         msps,
    1566           0 :                         sortColumns_p,
    1567           0 :                         timeInterval_p,
    1568           0 :                         writable_p,
    1569           0 :                         false));
    1570           0 :         *result = *this;
    1571           0 :         return result;
    1572           0 : }
    1573             : 
    1574          48 : void VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setMetadataScope()
    1575             : {
    1576             :     // Check if each chunk will receive a unique DDId.
    1577             :     // For that it must be a sorting column and comparison function should
    1578             :     // be of the type ObjCompare<Int>
    1579          48 :     bool uniqueDDIdInChunk = false;
    1580          48 :     bool uniqueDDIdInSubchunk = false;
    1581         342 :     for(auto& sortDef : sortColumns_p.sortingDefinition())
    1582         342 :         if(sortDef.first == MS::columnName(MS::DATA_DESC_ID) &&
    1583          48 :            dynamic_cast<ObjCompare<Int>*>(sortDef.second.get()))
    1584           0 :             uniqueDDIdInChunk = true;
    1585             : 
    1586          96 :     for(auto& sortDef : subchunkSortColumns_p.sortingDefinition())
    1587          48 :         if(sortDef.first == MS::columnName(MS::DATA_DESC_ID) &&
    1588           0 :            dynamic_cast<ObjCompare<Int>*>(sortDef.second.get()))
    1589           0 :             uniqueDDIdInSubchunk = true;
    1590             : 
    1591          48 :     if(uniqueDDIdInChunk)
    1592           0 :         ddIdScope_p = ChunkScope;
    1593          48 :     else if(uniqueDDIdInSubchunk)
    1594           0 :         ddIdScope_p = SubchunkScope;
    1595             :     else
    1596          48 :         ddIdScope_p = RowScope;
    1597             : 
    1598             :     // Similar for time
    1599          48 :     bool uniqueTimeInChunk = false, uniqueTimeInSubchunk = false;
    1600         342 :     for(auto& sortDef : sortColumns_p.sortingDefinition())
    1601         342 :         if(sortDef.first == MS::columnName(MS::TIME) &&
    1602          48 :            dynamic_cast<ObjCompare<Int>*>(sortDef.second.get()))
    1603           0 :             uniqueTimeInChunk = true;
    1604             : 
    1605          96 :     for(auto& sortDef : subchunkSortColumns_p.sortingDefinition())
    1606          96 :         if(sortDef.first == MS::columnName(MS::TIME) &&
    1607          48 :            dynamic_cast<ObjCompare<Int>*>(sortDef.second.get()))
    1608           0 :             uniqueTimeInSubchunk = true;
    1609             : 
    1610          48 :     if(uniqueTimeInChunk)
    1611           0 :         timeScope_p = ChunkScope;
    1612          48 :     else if(uniqueTimeInSubchunk)
    1613           0 :         timeScope_p = SubchunkScope;
    1614             :     else
    1615          48 :         timeScope_p = RowScope;
    1616             : 
    1617             :     // Determine the scope of the frequency/channel selections
    1618             :     // The scope of the frequency selections is at most the same as the DDID
    1619          48 :     freqSelScope_p = ddIdScope_p;
    1620             :     // If frequency/channel selection also depends on time (selection based on
    1621             :     // frequencies), then the scope can be further limited by row (timestamp) scope
    1622          48 :     if (!(frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference() == FrequencySelection::ByChannel))
    1623             :     {
    1624           0 :         if(!(freqSelScope_p == RowScope)) // Only if scope is broader than Row can be further restricted
    1625             :         {
    1626           0 :             if(freqSelScope_p == SubchunkScope && timeScope_p == RowScope)
    1627           0 :                 freqSelScope_p = RowScope;
    1628           0 :             if(freqSelScope_p == ChunkScope)
    1629           0 :                 freqSelScope_p = timeScope_p;
    1630             :         }
    1631             :     }
    1632             : 
    1633          48 : }
    1634             : 
    1635         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::Cache::Cache()
    1636             :         :
    1637         801 :         azel0Time_p(-1),
    1638         801 :         azelTime_p(-1),
    1639         801 :         feedpaTime_p(-1),
    1640         801 :         hourang_p(0),
    1641         801 :         hourangTime_p(-1),
    1642         801 :         msHasFlagCategory_p(false),
    1643         801 :         msHasWeightSpectrum_p(false),
    1644         801 :         msHasSigmaSpectrum_p(false),
    1645         801 :         parang0_p(0),
    1646         801 :         parang0Time_p(-1),
    1647         801 :         parangTime_p(-1)
    1648         801 : {}
    1649             : 
    1650             : void
    1651        1684 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::Cache::flush()
    1652             : {
    1653        1684 :         azel0Time_p = -1;
    1654        1684 :         azelTime_p = -1;
    1655        1684 :         feedpaTime_p = -1;
    1656        1684 :         hourangTime_p = -1;
    1657        1684 :         parangTime_p = -1;
    1658        1684 :         parang0Time_p = -1;
    1659        1684 : }
    1660             : 
    1661             : const Cube<RigidVector<Double, 2> > &
    1662           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getBeamOffsets() const
    1663             : {
    1664           0 :         return msIter_p->getBeamOffsets();
    1665             : }
    1666             : 
    1667             : std::pair <bool, casacore::MDirection>
    1668           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getPointingAngle(int antenna, double time) const
    1669             : {
    1670           0 :         if (!pointingDirectionCache_p) {
    1671           0 :                 pointingSource_p.reset(
    1672           0 :                         new PointingColumns(subtableColumns_p->pointing()));
    1673           0 :                 pointingDirectionCache_p.reset(
    1674           0 :                         new PointingDirectionCache(nAntennas(), *pointingSource_p.get()));
    1675             :         }
    1676             : 
    1677             :         return pointingDirectionCache_p->getPointingDirection(
    1678           0 :                 antenna, time, phaseCenter());
    1679             : }
    1680             : 
    1681             : 
    1682             : Vector<Double>
    1683        4275 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getFrequencies(Double time, Int frameOfReference,
    1684             :                                         Int spectralWindowId, Int msId) const
    1685             : {
    1686             :         const SpectralWindowChannels & spectralWindowChannels =
    1687        4275 :                 getSpectralWindowChannels(msId, spectralWindowId);
    1688             : 
    1689             :         // Get the channel numbers selected for this time (the spectral window and
    1690             :         // MS index are assumed to be the same as those currently pointed to by the
    1691             :         // MSIter).
    1692             : 
    1693             :         Vector<Int> channels =
    1694        4275 :                 getChannels(time, frameOfReference, spectralWindowId, msId);
    1695             : 
    1696        4275 :         Vector<Double> frequencies(channels.nelements());
    1697             : //    MFrequency::Types observatoryFrequencyType =
    1698             : //         getObservatoryFrequencyType();
    1699             : 
    1700             : 
    1701             :         MFrequency::Types measurementFrequencyType =
    1702        4275 :                 static_cast<MFrequency::Types>(getMeasurementFrame(spectralWindowId));
    1703             : 
    1704        4275 :         if (frameOfReference == measurementFrequencyType) {
    1705             : 
    1706             :                 // Since the observed frequency is being asked for, no conversion is
    1707             :                 // necessary.  Just copy each selected channel's observed frequency over
    1708             :                 // to the result.
    1709             : 
    1710      307995 :                 for (Int i = 0; i < (int) channels.nelements(); i++) {
    1711             : 
    1712      303900 :                         Int channelNumber = channels[i];
    1713             : 
    1714      303900 :                         frequencies[i] = spectralWindowChannels.getFrequency(channelNumber);
    1715             :                 }
    1716             : 
    1717        4095 :                 return frequencies;
    1718             :         }
    1719             : 
    1720             :         // Get the converter from the observed to the requested frame.
    1721             : 
    1722             :         MFrequency::Convert fromObserved =
    1723             :                 makeFrequencyConverter(time, spectralWindowId, frameOfReference,
    1724         360 :                                        false, Unit(String("Hz")));
    1725             : 
    1726             :         // For each selected channel, get its observed frequency and convert it into
    1727             :         // the frequency in the requested frame.  Put the result into the
    1728             :         // corresponding slot of "frequencies".
    1729             : 
    1730       11520 :         for (Int i = 0; i < (int) channels.nelements(); i++) {
    1731             : 
    1732       11340 :                 Int channelNumber = channels[i];
    1733             : 
    1734       11340 :                 Double fO = spectralWindowChannels.getFrequency(channelNumber);
    1735             :                 // Observed frequency
    1736             : 
    1737       11340 :                 Double fF = fromObserved(fO).getValue();
    1738             :                 // Frame frequency
    1739             : 
    1740       11340 :                 frequencies[i] = fF;
    1741             :         }
    1742             : 
    1743         180 :         return frequencies;
    1744        4275 : }
    1745             : 
    1746             : Vector<Double>
    1747           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getChanWidths(Double time, Int frameOfReference,
    1748             :                                        Int spectralWindowId, Int msId) const
    1749             : {
    1750             :   // This gets the native frame channel widths (no frame conversions performed, for now)
    1751             : 
    1752             :         const SpectralWindowChannels & spectralWindowChannels =
    1753           0 :                 getSpectralWindowChannels(msId, spectralWindowId);
    1754             : 
    1755             :         // Get the channel numbers selected for this time (the spectral window and
    1756             :         // MS index are assumed to be the same as those currently pointed to by the
    1757             :         // MSIter).
    1758             : 
    1759             :         Vector<Int> channels =
    1760           0 :                 getChannels(time, frameOfReference, spectralWindowId, msId);
    1761             : 
    1762           0 :         Vector<Double> widths(channels.nelements());
    1763             : 
    1764           0 :         for (Int i = 0; i < (int) channels.nelements(); i++) {
    1765             : 
    1766           0 :           Int channelNumber = channels[i];
    1767             : 
    1768           0 :           widths[i] = spectralWindowChannels.getWidth(channelNumber);
    1769             : 
    1770             :         }
    1771             : 
    1772           0 :         return widths;
    1773           0 : }
    1774             : 
    1775             : Vector<Int>
    1776        4343 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getChannels(Double time, Int /*frameOfReference*/,
    1777             :                                      Int spectralWindowId, Int msId) const
    1778             : {
    1779             :         std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> channelSelector =
    1780        4343 :                 determineChannelSelection(time, spectralWindowId, -1, msId);
    1781             : 
    1782        8686 :         return channelSelector->getChannels();
    1783        4343 : }
    1784             : 
    1785             : Vector<Int>
    1786      359602 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getCorrelations() const
    1787             : {
    1788      359602 :     assert(!channelSelectors_p.empty());
    1789             : 
    1790      359602 :     return channelSelectors_p[0]->getCorrelations();
    1791             : }
    1792             : 
    1793             : Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes>
    1794      718680 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getCorrelationTypesDefined() const
    1795             : {
    1796      718680 :     assert(!channelSelectors_p.empty());
    1797             : 
    1798      718680 :     Vector<Int> typesAsInt;
    1799      718680 :     Int polarizationId = channelSelectors_p[0]->polarizationId;
    1800      718680 :     subtableColumns_p->polarization().corrType().get(
    1801             :     polarizationId, typesAsInt, true);
    1802      718680 :     Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes> correlationTypesDefined(typesAsInt.size());
    1803             : 
    1804     3491628 :     for (uInt i = 0; i < typesAsInt.size(); i++) {
    1805     5545896 :         correlationTypesDefined(i) =
    1806     2772948 :             static_cast<Stokes::StokesTypes>(typesAsInt(i));
    1807             :     }
    1808             : 
    1809     1437360 :     return correlationTypesDefined;
    1810      718680 : }
    1811             : 
    1812             : Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes>
    1813      359340 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getCorrelationTypesSelected() const
    1814             : {
    1815      359340 :     assert(!channelSelectors_p.empty());
    1816             : 
    1817      359340 :     Vector<Int> correlationIndices = getCorrelations();
    1818             :     Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes> correlationTypesDefined =
    1819      359340 :     getCorrelationTypesDefined();
    1820             :     Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes> correlationTypesSelected(
    1821      359340 :     correlationIndices.size());
    1822             : 
    1823     1745814 :     for (uInt i = 0; i < correlationIndices.size(); i++) {
    1824     2772948 :         correlationTypesSelected(i) =
    1825     1386474 :             correlationTypesDefined(correlationIndices(i));
    1826             :     }
    1827             : 
    1828      718680 :     return correlationTypesSelected;
    1829      359340 : }
    1830             : 
    1831             : Double
    1832           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getInterval() const
    1833             : {
    1834           0 :         return timeInterval_p;
    1835             : }
    1836             : 
    1837             : int
    1838       10694 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getMeasurementFrame(int spectralWindowId) const
    1839             : {
    1840       10694 :         int frame = subtableColumns_p->spectralWindow().measFreqRef()(
    1841             :                 spectralWindowId);
    1842             : 
    1843       10694 :         return frame;
    1844             : }
    1845             : 
    1846             : 
    1847             : Bool
    1848      359340 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isNewArrayId() const
    1849             : {
    1850      359340 :         return msIter_p->newArray();
    1851             : }
    1852             : 
    1853             : Bool
    1854      359340 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isNewFieldId() const
    1855             : {
    1856      359340 :         return msIter_p->newField();
    1857             : }
    1858             : 
    1859             : Bool
    1860      366019 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isNewMs() const
    1861             : {
    1862      366019 :         return msIter_p->newMS();
    1863             : }
    1864             : 
    1865             : Bool
    1866      359340 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isNewSpectralWindow() const
    1867             : {
    1868      359340 :         return msIter_p->newSpectralWindow();
    1869             : }
    1870             : 
    1871             : Bool
    1872           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::allBeamOffsetsZero() const
    1873             : {
    1874           0 :         return msIter_p->allBeamOffsetsZero();
    1875             : }
    1876             : 
    1877             : rownr_t
    1878           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nRows() const
    1879             : {
    1880           0 :     return rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p;
    1881             : }
    1882             : 
    1883             : rownr_t
    1884           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nShapes() const
    1885             : {
    1886           0 :     return 1;
    1887             : }
    1888             : 
    1889             : const casacore::Vector<casacore::rownr_t>&
    1890         262 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nRowsPerShape () const
    1891             : {
    1892         262 :     return nRowsPerShape_p;
    1893             : }
    1894             : 
    1895             : const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>&
    1896           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nChannelsPerShape () const
    1897             : {
    1898           0 :     return nChannPerShape_p;
    1899             : }
    1900             : 
    1901             : const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>&
    1902         262 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nCorrelationsPerShape () const
    1903             : {
    1904         262 :     return nCorrsPerShape_p;
    1905             : }
    1906             : 
    1907       12850 : rownr_t VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nRowsInChunk() const
    1908             : {
    1909       12850 :     return msIter_p->table().nrow();
    1910             : }
    1911             : 
    1912           0 : Int VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nTimes() const {
    1913           0 :     static const auto timeName = MeasurementSet::columnName(MSMainEnums::TIME);
    1914           0 :     auto times = ScalarColumn<Double>(msIter_p->table(), timeName).getColumn();
    1915           0 :     std::set<Double> uniqueTimes(times.cbegin(), times.cend());
    1916           0 :     return uniqueTimes.size();
    1917           0 : }
    1918             : 
    1919             : Bool
    1920      360351 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::more() const
    1921             : {
    1922      360351 :         return more_p;
    1923             : }
    1924             : 
    1925             : Bool
    1926        6700 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::moreChunks() const
    1927             : {
    1928        6700 :         return msIter_p->more();
    1929             : }
    1930             : 
    1931             : void
    1932          32 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::result(casacore::Record& res) const
    1933             : {
    1934          32 :     if (moreChunks()) {
    1935           0 :         throw AipsError("TransformingVi2::result(Record&) can only be called at the end of "
    1936             :                         "the iteration. It has been called while there are still "
    1937           0 :                         "moreChunks(). Please check and/or revisit this condition.");
    1938             :     }
    1939             :     // For now nothing to add to result record from here
    1940          32 : }
    1941             : 
    1942             : const MSColumns *
    1943           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::msColumnsKluge() const
    1944             : {
    1945           0 :         return & msIter_p->msColumns();
    1946             : }
    1947             : 
    1948             : Int
    1949      890669 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::msId() const
    1950             : {
    1951      890669 :         return msIter_p->msId();
    1952             : }
    1953             : 
    1954             : const MeasurementSet &
    1955      370938 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::ms() const
    1956             : {
    1957      370938 :         return msIter_p->ms();
    1958             : }
    1959             : 
    1960             : String
    1961         262 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::msName() const
    1962             : {
    1963             :         // Name of current MS
    1964         262 :         return ms().tableName();
    1965             : }
    1966             : 
    1967             : void
    1968      344775 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::fieldIds(Vector<Int> & fieldIds) const
    1969             : {
    1970      344775 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.field_p, fieldIds);
    1971      344775 : }
    1972             : 
    1973             : // Return the current ArrayId
    1974             : 
    1975             : void
    1976      343098 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::arrayIds(Vector<Int> & arrayIds) const
    1977             : {
    1978      343098 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.array_p, arrayIds);
    1979      343098 : }
    1980             : 
    1981             : // Return the current Field Name
    1982             : String
    1983           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::fieldName() const
    1984             : {
    1985           0 :         return msIter_p->fieldName();
    1986             : }
    1987             : 
    1988             : // Return the current Source Name
    1989             : String
    1990           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sourceName() const
    1991             : {
    1992           0 :         return msIter_p->sourceName();
    1993             : }
    1994             : 
    1995             : const Vector<String> &
    1996           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::antennaMounts() const
    1997             : {
    1998           0 :         return msIter_p->antennaMounts();
    1999             : }
    2000             : 
    2001             : void
    2002           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setInterval(Double timeInterval)
    2003             : {
    2004           0 :         pendingChanges_p->setInterval(timeInterval);
    2005           0 : }
    2006             : 
    2007             : void
    2008          70 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setRowBlocking(rownr_t nRow)
    2009             : {
    2010          70 :         pendingChanges_p->setNRowBlocking(nRow);
    2011          70 : }
    2012             : 
    2013             : rownr_t
    2014         409 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getRowBlocking() const
    2015             : {
    2016         409 :         return nRowBlocking_p;
    2017             : }
    2018             : 
    2019             : const MDirection &
    2020        1149 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::phaseCenter() const
    2021             : {
    2022        1149 :         return msIter_p->phaseCenter();
    2023             : }
    2024             : 
    2025             : Int
    2026         682 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::polFrame() const
    2027             : {
    2028         682 :         return msIter_p->polFrame();
    2029             : }
    2030             : 
    2031             : void
    2032      353451 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::spectralWindows(Vector<Int> & spws) const
    2033             : {
    2034             :     // Get's the list of spectral windows for each row in the VB window
    2035             : 
    2036      353451 :     Vector<Int> ddis;
    2037      353451 :     dataDescriptionIds(ddis);
    2038      353451 :     spws.resize(ddis.size());
    2039             : 
    2040    13684702 :     for (uInt idx = 0; idx < ddis.size(); idx++) {
    2041    26662502 :         spws(idx) = subtableColumns_p->dataDescription().spectralWindowId()(
    2042    13331251 :             ddis(idx));
    2043             :     }
    2044             : 
    2045      706902 :     return;
    2046      353451 : }
    2047             : 
    2048             : void
    2049        1237 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::polarizationIds(Vector<Int> & polIds) const
    2050             : {
    2051             :     // Get's the list of polarization Ids for each row in the VB window
    2052             : 
    2053        1237 :     Vector<Int> ddis;
    2054        1237 :     dataDescriptionIds(ddis);
    2055        1237 :     polIds.resize(ddis.size());
    2056             : 
    2057       53035 :     for (uInt idx = 0; idx < ddis.size(); idx++) {
    2058      103596 :         polIds(idx) = subtableColumns_p->dataDescription().polarizationId()(
    2059       51798 :             ddis(idx));
    2060             :     }
    2061             : 
    2062        2474 :     return;
    2063        1237 : }
    2064             : 
    2065             : // Return current Polarization Id
    2066             : Int
    2067        5161 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::polarizationId() const
    2068             : {
    2069        5161 :         return msIter_p->polarizationId();
    2070             : }
    2071             : 
    2072             : // Return current DataDescription Id
    2073             : Int
    2074           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::dataDescriptionId() const
    2075             : {
    2076           0 :         return msIter_p->dataDescriptionId();
    2077             : }
    2078             : 
    2079             : void
    2080      355597 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::dataDescriptionIds(Vector<Int> & ddis) const
    2081             : {
    2082      355597 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.dataDescription_p, ddis);
    2083      355597 : }
    2084             : 
    2085             : Bool
    2086           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::newFieldId() const
    2087             : {
    2088           0 :         return (rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p == 0 && msIter_p->newField());
    2089             : }
    2090             : 
    2091             : Bool
    2092           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::newArrayId() const
    2093             : {
    2094           0 :         return (rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p == 0 && msIter_p->newArray());
    2095             : }
    2096             : 
    2097             : Bool
    2098           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::newSpectralWindow() const
    2099             : {
    2100           0 :         return (rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p == 0 && msIter_p->newSpectralWindow());
    2101             : }
    2102             : 
    2103             : Bool
    2104         369 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::existsColumn(VisBufferComponent2 id) const
    2105             : {
    2106             :   Bool result;
    2107         369 :   switch (id) {
    2108             : 
    2109         123 :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCorrected:
    2110             :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeCorrected:
    2111             : 
    2112         123 :     result =
    2113         123 :         !columns_p.corrVis_p.isNull() && columns_p.corrVis_p.isDefined(0);
    2114         123 :     break;
    2115             : 
    2116         123 :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityModel:
    2117             :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeModel:
    2118             : 
    2119         123 :     result =
    2120         195 :         (!columns_p.modelVis_p.isNull() && columns_p.modelVis_p.isDefined(0)) ||
    2121          72 :         modelDataGenerator_p != nullptr;
    2122         123 :     break;
    2123             : 
    2124           0 :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityObserved:
    2125             :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeObserved:
    2126             : 
    2127           0 :     result = (!columns_p.vis_p.isNull() && columns_p.vis_p.isDefined(0)) ||
    2128           0 :     (columns_p.floatVis_p.isNull() && columns_p.floatVis_p.isNull());
    2129             : 
    2130           0 :     break;
    2131             : 
    2132         123 :   case VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeFloat:
    2133             : 
    2134         123 :     result =
    2135         123 :         !columns_p.floatVis_p.isNull() && columns_p.floatVis_p.isDefined(0);
    2136             : 
    2137         123 :     break;
    2138             : 
    2139           0 :   case VisBufferComponent2::WeightSpectrum:
    2140             : 
    2141           0 :     result =
    2142           0 :         !columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.isNull()
    2143           0 :         && columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.isDefined(0);
    2144           0 :     break;
    2145             : 
    2146           0 :   case VisBufferComponent2::SigmaSpectrum:
    2147             : 
    2148           0 :     result =
    2149           0 :         !columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.isNull()
    2150           0 :         && columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.isDefined(0);
    2151           0 :     break;
    2152             : 
    2153           0 :   default:
    2154           0 :     result = true; // required columns
    2155           0 :     break;
    2156             :   }
    2157             : 
    2158         369 :   return result;
    2159             : }
    2160             : 
    2161             : const SubtableColumns &
    2162        3600 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::subtableColumns() const
    2163             : {
    2164        3600 :         return *subtableColumns_p;
    2165             : }
    2166             : 
    2167             : void
    2168           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::allSpectralWindowsSelected(
    2169             :         Vector<Int> & selectedWindows,
    2170             :         Vector<Int> & nChannels) const
    2171             : {
    2172             : 
    2173           0 :         Vector<Int> firstChannels; // ignored
    2174           0 :         Vector<Int> channelIncrement; // ignored
    2175             : 
    2176             :         // info generation should not use time as input
    2177           0 :         std::tie(selectedWindows, nChannels, firstChannels, channelIncrement) =
    2178           0 :                 getChannelInformation();
    2179           0 : }
    2180             : 
    2181             : void
    2182           1 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::useImagingWeight(const VisImagingWeight & imWgt)
    2183             : {
    2184           1 :         imwgt_p = imWgt;
    2185           1 : }
    2186             : 
    2187             : void
    2188        6877 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::origin()
    2189             : {
    2190        6877 :     ThrowIf(rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p < 0,
    2191             :         "Call to origin without first initializing chunk");
    2192             : 
    2193        6877 :     throwIfPendingChanges();
    2194             : 
    2195        6877 :     rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p = 0; // begin at the beginning
    2196        6877 :     more_p = true;
    2197        6877 :     subchunk_p.resetSubChunk();
    2198             : 
    2199             : 
    2200        6877 :     if( ! (nRowBlocking_p > 0) )
    2201             :     {
    2202             :         // Create a MeasurementSet which points
    2203             :         // to the current iteration with msIter
    2204       12730 :         msSubchunk_p.reset(new casacore::MeasurementSet(msIter_p->table(),
    2205        6365 :                                                      &(msIter_p->ms())));
    2206             : 
    2207             :         // Create a MSIter for the subchunk loop which iterates the
    2208             :         // the MS created before.
    2209       12730 :         msIterSubchunk_p.reset(new casacore::MSIter(*msSubchunk_p,
    2210        6365 :                             subchunkSortColumns_p.sortingDefinition()));
    2211        6365 :         msIterSubchunk_p->origin();
    2212             :     }
    2213             : 
    2214        6877 :     configureNewSubchunk();
    2215        6877 : }
    2216             : 
    2217             : void
    2218           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::originChunks()
    2219             : {
    2220           0 :         originChunks(false);
    2221           0 : }
    2222             : 
    2223             : void
    2224         883 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::applyPendingChanges()
    2225             : {
    2226         883 :     if (!pendingChanges_p->empty()) {
    2227             : 
    2228             :         Bool exists;
    2229             : 
    2230             :         // Handle a pending frequency selection if it exists.
    2231             : 
    2232             :         FrequencySelections * newSelection;
    2233          94 :         std::tie(exists, newSelection) =
    2234         188 :         pendingChanges_p->popFrequencySelections();
    2235             : 
    2236          94 :         if (exists) {
    2237             : 
    2238          24 :             delete frequencySelections_p; // out with the old
    2239             : 
    2240          24 :             frequencySelections_p = newSelection; // in with the new
    2241          24 :             setMetadataScope();
    2242             :         }
    2243             : 
    2244             :         // Handle any pending interval change
    2245             : 
    2246             :         Double newInterval;
    2247          94 :         std::tie(exists, newInterval) = pendingChanges_p->popInterval();
    2248             : 
    2249          94 :         if (exists) {
    2250             : 
    2251           0 :             msIter_p->setInterval(newInterval);
    2252           0 :             timeInterval_p = newInterval;
    2253             :         }
    2254             : 
    2255             :         // Handle any row-blocking change
    2256             : 
    2257             :         Int newBlocking;
    2258          94 :         std::tie(exists, newBlocking) = pendingChanges_p->popNRowBlocking();
    2259             : 
    2260          94 :         if (exists) {
    2261             : 
    2262          70 :             nRowBlocking_p = newBlocking;
    2263             : 
    2264             :         }
    2265             : 
    2266             :         // force rewind since window selections may have changed
    2267          94 :         msIterAtOrigin_p = false;
    2268             :     }
    2269         883 : }
    2270             : 
    2271             : void
    2272         883 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::originChunks(Bool forceRewind)
    2273             : {
    2274         883 :         subchunk_p.resetToOrigin();
    2275             : 
    2276         883 :         applyPendingChanges();
    2277             : 
    2278         883 :         if (!msIterAtOrigin_p || forceRewind) {
    2279             : 
    2280         838 :                 msIter_p->origin();
    2281         838 :                 msIterAtOrigin_p = true;
    2282             : 
    2283         838 :                 positionMsIterToASelectedSpectralWindow();
    2284             : 
    2285         838 :                 msIndex_p = msId();
    2286             :         }
    2287             : 
    2288         883 :         configureNewChunk();
    2289         883 : }
    2290             : 
    2291             : void
    2292        7454 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::positionMsIterToASelectedSpectralWindow()
    2293             : {
    2294       14088 :         while (msIter_p->more() &&
    2295       13268 :                !frequencySelections_p->isSpectralWindowSelected(
    2296        6634 :                        msIter_p->msId(), msIter_p->spectralWindowId())) {
    2297             : 
    2298           0 :                 (* msIter_p)++;
    2299             :         }
    2300        7454 : }
    2301             : 
    2302             : void
    2303      358874 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::next()
    2304             : {
    2305      358874 :     ThrowIf(!more_p, "Attempt to advance subchunk past end of chunk");
    2306             : 
    2307      358874 :     throwIfPendingChanges(); // throw if unapplied changes exist
    2308             : 
    2309      358874 :     measurementFrame_p = VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified; // flush cached value
    2310             : 
    2311      358874 :     if(nRowBlocking_p > 0)
    2312             :     {
    2313             :         // Attempt to advance to the next subchunk
    2314         512 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p = rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p + 1;
    2315         512 :         more_p = rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p < rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p;
    2316             :     }
    2317             :     else
    2318             :     {
    2319             :         // Increment the subchunk MSIter
    2320      358362 :         (*msIterSubchunk_p)++;
    2321      358362 :         more_p = msIterSubchunk_p->more();
    2322             :     }
    2323             : 
    2324      358874 :     if (more_p) {
    2325             : 
    2326      352201 :         subchunk_p.incrementSubChunk();
    2327             : 
    2328      352201 :         configureNewSubchunk();
    2329             :     }
    2330             :     else
    2331             :     {
    2332             :         // Leave the columns referencing a valid table. This ensures that some
    2333             :         // TVIs can still get some valid metadata when they are not at the end
    2334             :         // of iteration (even if the underlying VI2 is already at the end).
    2335        6673 :         attachColumns(msIter_p->table());
    2336             :     }
    2337      358874 : }
    2338             : 
    2339             : Subchunk
    2340         262 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getSubchunkId() const
    2341             : {
    2342         262 :         return subchunk_p;
    2343             : }
    2344             : 
    2345             : const SortColumns &
    2346           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getSortColumns() const
    2347             : {
    2348           0 :         return sortColumns_p;
    2349             : }
    2350             : 
    2351             : void
    2352      372367 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::throwIfPendingChanges()
    2353             : {
    2354             :         // Throw an exception if there are any pending changes to the operation of
    2355             :         // the visibility iterator.  The user must call originChunks to cause the
    2356             :         // changes to take effect; it is an error to try to advance the VI if there
    2357             :         // are unapplied changes pending.
    2358             : 
    2359      372367 :         ThrowIf(!pendingChanges_p->empty(),
    2360             :                 "Call to originChunks required after applying frequencySelection");
    2361             : 
    2362      372367 : }
    2363             : 
    2364             : Bool
    2365           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isInASelectedSpectralWindow() const
    2366             : {
    2367           0 :         return frequencySelections_p->isSpectralWindowSelected(
    2368           0 :                 msIter_p->msId(), msIter_p->spectralWindowId());
    2369             : }
    2370             : 
    2371             : Bool
    2372      452595 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::isWritable() const
    2373             : {
    2374      452595 :         return writable_p;
    2375             : }
    2376             : 
    2377             : void
    2378        6616 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nextChunk()
    2379             : {
    2380        6616 :         ThrowIf(!msIter_p->more(),
    2381             :                 "Attempt to advance past end of data using nextChunk");
    2382             : 
    2383        6616 :         throwIfPendingChanges(); // error if unapplied changes exist
    2384             : 
    2385             :         // Advance the MS Iterator until either there's no more data or it points to
    2386             :         // a selected spectral window.
    2387             : 
    2388        6616 :         (* msIter_p)++;
    2389             : 
    2390        6616 :         positionMsIterToASelectedSpectralWindow();
    2391             : 
    2392        6616 :         msIterAtOrigin_p = false;
    2393             : 
    2394             :         // If the MS Iterator was successfully advanced then
    2395             :         // set up for a new chunk
    2396             : 
    2397        6616 :         if (msIter_p->more()) {
    2398             : 
    2399        5796 :                 subchunk_p.incrementChunk();
    2400             : 
    2401        5796 :                 configureNewChunk();
    2402             : 
    2403        5796 :                 vb_p->invalidate(); // flush the cache ??????????
    2404             :         }
    2405             : 
    2406        6616 :         more_p = msIter_p->more();
    2407        6616 : }
    2408             : 
    2409             : void
    2410      359078 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::configureNewSubchunk()
    2411             : {
    2412             : 
    2413             :     // Only for rowBlocking: work out how many rows to return for the moment
    2414             :     // we return all rows with
    2415             :     // the same value for time unless row blocking is set, in which case we
    2416             :     // return more rows at once.
    2417             : 
    2418      359078 :     rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p.clear();
    2419      359078 :     if (nRowBlocking_p > 0) {
    2420         512 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p =
    2421         512 :                 rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + nRowBlocking_p;
    2422             : 
    2423         512 :         if (rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p >= rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p) {
    2424         512 :             rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p = rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p - 1;
    2425             :         }
    2426             :         // This is needed because the call to spectralWindows() needs to
    2427             :         // have rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p properly initialized
    2428             :         rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p =
    2429         512 :                 RefRows(rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p, rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p);
    2430             : 
    2431             : 
    2432             :         // Scan the subchunk to see if the same channels are selected in each
    2433             :         // row.  End the subchunk when a row using different channels is
    2434             :         // encountered.
    2435             :         Double previousRowTime =
    2436         512 :                 rowBounds_p.times_p(rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p);
    2437         512 :         channelSelectors_p.clear();
    2438         512 :         channelSelectorsNrows_p.clear();
    2439             : 
    2440         512 :         channelSelectors_p.push_back(determineChannelSelection(previousRowTime,
    2441         512 :             -1, polarizationId(), msId()));
    2442             : 
    2443      467857 :         for (Int i = rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1;
    2444      467857 :                 i <= rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p;
    2445             :                 i++) {
    2446             : 
    2447      467345 :             Double rowTime = rowBounds_p.times_p(i);
    2448             : 
    2449      467345 :             if (rowTime == previousRowTime) {
    2450        3541 :                 continue; // Same time means same rows.
    2451             :             }
    2452             : 
    2453             :             // Compute the channel selector for this row so it can be compared
    2454             :             // with the previous row's channel selector.
    2455             : 
    2456             :             std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> newSelector =
    2457      463804 :                     determineChannelSelection(rowTime, msIter_p->spectralWindowId(),
    2458      463804 :                                               msIter_p->polarizationId(), msId());
    2459             : 
    2460      463804 :             if (newSelector.get() != channelSelectors_p[0].get()) {
    2461             : 
    2462             :                 // This row uses different channels than the previous row and so
    2463             :                 // it cannot be included in this subchunk.  Make the previous
    2464             :                 // row the end of the subchunk.
    2465             : 
    2466           0 :                 rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p = i - 1;
    2467             :             }
    2468      463804 :         }
    2469             :         // Set the number of rows that use this channelSelector
    2470         512 :         channelSelectorsNrows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p - rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1);
    2471             : 
    2472         512 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p =
    2473         512 :                 rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p - rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1;
    2474             :         // Reset this in case rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p has changed
    2475             :         rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p =
    2476         512 :                 RefRows(rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p, rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p);
    2477         512 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p);
    2478             :     }
    2479             :     else {
    2480             :         // All the information is in the subchunk MSIter
    2481      358566 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p = msIterSubchunk_p->table().nrow();
    2482             : 
    2483      358566 :         attachColumns(attachTable());
    2484             : 
    2485             :         // Fetch all of the times in this chunk and get the min/max
    2486             :         // of those times
    2487             : 
    2488      358566 :         rowBounds_p.times_p.resize(rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p);
    2489      358566 :         columns_p.time_p.getColumn(rowBounds_p.times_p);
    2490             : 
    2491             :         // The subchunk rows refer to the subchunk iterator
    2492             :         // and therefore are consecutive.
    2493      358566 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p = 0;
    2494      358566 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p = msIterSubchunk_p->table().nrow() - 1;
    2495      358566 :         rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p =
    2496      358566 :                 rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p - rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1;
    2497             :         rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p =
    2498      358566 :                 RefRows(rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p, rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p);
    2499             : 
    2500             : 
    2501             :         // Under some circumstances, there is only one channel selector per chunk:
    2502             :         // 1. The selection doesn't depend on time (it is based only on channel number)
    2503             :         //    and DDId (and consequently SPW, polID) is the same for the whole subchunk.
    2504             :         // 2. The selection might depend on time but DDid *and* time are the same for
    2505             :         //    the whole subchunk.
    2506      358566 :         if(freqSelScope_p == SubchunkScope)
    2507             :         {
    2508           0 :             channelSelectors_p.clear();
    2509           0 :             channelSelectorsNrows_p.clear();
    2510           0 :             double timeStamp = -1;
    2511           0 :             if(frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference() != FrequencySelection::ByChannel)
    2512           0 :                 timeStamp = columns_p.time_p.asdouble(0);
    2513           0 :             channelSelectors_p.push_back(
    2514           0 :                     determineChannelSelection(timeStamp,
    2515           0 :                                               msIterSubchunk_p->spectralWindowId(),
    2516           0 :                                               msIterSubchunk_p->polarizationId(), msId()));
    2517           0 :             channelSelectorsNrows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p - rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1);
    2518           0 :             rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p);
    2519             :         }
    2520             :         // In all other cases the channel selector needs to be computed
    2521             :         // for each row. Each channel selector will then apply to a set
    2522             :         // of n consecutive rows (as defined in channelSelectorsNrows_p).
    2523      358566 :         else if(freqSelScope_p == RowScope)
    2524             :         {
    2525        1237 :             channelSelectors_p.clear();
    2526        1237 :             channelSelectorsNrows_p.clear();
    2527        1237 :             Vector<Int> spws, polIds;
    2528        1237 :             spectralWindows(spws);
    2529        1237 :             polarizationIds(polIds);
    2530        1237 :             double timeStamp = -1;
    2531       53035 :             for(Int irow = 0 ; irow < rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p; ++irow)
    2532             :             {
    2533       51798 :                 if(frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference() != FrequencySelection::ByChannel)
    2534           0 :                     timeStamp = columns_p.time_p.asdouble(0);
    2535       51798 :                 auto newChannelSelector = determineChannelSelection(
    2536             :                         timeStamp,
    2537       51798 :                         spws[irow], polIds[irow], msId());
    2538       51798 :                 if(irow == 0 || newChannelSelector != channelSelectors_p.back())
    2539             :                 {
    2540        1237 :                     channelSelectors_p.push_back(newChannelSelector);
    2541        1237 :                     channelSelectorsNrows_p.push_back(1);
    2542             :                 }
    2543             :                 else
    2544       50561 :                     channelSelectorsNrows_p.back()++;
    2545       51798 :             }
    2546        1237 :             size_t beginRefRowIdx = rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p;
    2547        2474 :             for (auto nrows : channelSelectorsNrows_p)
    2548             :             {
    2549        1237 :                 rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p.push_back(RefRows(beginRefRowIdx, beginRefRowIdx + nrows - 1));
    2550        1237 :                 beginRefRowIdx += nrows;
    2551             :             }
    2552        1237 :         }
    2553             :         // The remaining case is that scope of frequency selections is chunk.
    2554             :         // In this case the channelSelector is constant for a chunk
    2555             :         // and has already been computed in configureNewChunk.
    2556             :         // The number of rows still needs to be updated
    2557             :         // to account for the the number of rows in this subchunk
    2558             :         else
    2559             :         {
    2560      357329 :             channelSelectorsNrows_p.clear();
    2561      357329 :             channelSelectorsNrows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p - rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p + 1);
    2562      357329 :             rowBounds_p.subchunkEqChanSelRows_p.push_back(rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p);
    2563             :         }
    2564             :     }
    2565             : 
    2566             :     // Set flags for current subchunk
    2567             : 
    2568      359078 :     Vector<Int> correlations = channelSelectors_p[0]->getCorrelations();
    2569      359078 :     nCorrelations_p = correlations.nelements();
    2570             : 
    2571             :     Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes> correlationsDefined =
    2572      359078 :             getCorrelationTypesDefined();
    2573             :     Vector<Stokes::StokesTypes> correlationsSelected =
    2574      359078 :             getCorrelationTypesSelected();
    2575             : 
    2576      359078 :     String msName = ms().tableName();
    2577             : 
    2578      359078 :     auto nShapes = channelSelectors_p.size();
    2579      359078 :     nRowsPerShape_p = Vector<uInt64>(channelSelectorsNrows_p);
    2580      359078 :     nChannPerShape_p.resize(nShapes);
    2581      359078 :     nCorrsPerShape_p.resize(nShapes);
    2582             : 
    2583      359078 :     rownr_t ishape = 0;
    2584      718156 :     for (auto channelSelector : channelSelectors_p)
    2585             :     {
    2586      359078 :         nChannPerShape_p[ishape] = channelSelector->getNFrequencies();
    2587      359078 :         nCorrsPerShape_p[ishape] = channelSelector->getCorrelations().nelements();
    2588      359078 :         ++ishape;
    2589      359078 :     }
    2590             : 
    2591      359078 :     vb_p->configureNewSubchunk(
    2592      359078 :             msId(), msName, isNewMs(), isNewArrayId(), isNewFieldId(),
    2593      359078 :             isNewSpectralWindow(), subchunk_p,
    2594      359078 :             nRowsPerShape_p,
    2595      359078 :             nChannPerShape_p,
    2596      359078 :             nCorrsPerShape_p,
    2597             :             correlations, correlationsDefined, correlationsSelected,
    2598      359078 :             weightScaling_p);
    2599      359078 : }
    2600             : 
    2601             : std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector>
    2602      527028 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::determineChannelSelection(
    2603             :         Double time,
    2604             :         Int spectralWindowId,
    2605             :         Int polarizationId,
    2606             :         Int msId) const
    2607             : {
    2608             : // --> The channels selected will need to be identical for all members of the
    2609             : //     subchunk; otherwise the underlying fetch method won't work since it takes
    2610             : //     a single Vector<Vector <Slice> > to specify the channels.
    2611             : 
    2612      527028 :         assert(frequencySelections_p != 0);
    2613             : 
    2614      527028 :         if (spectralWindowId == -1) {
    2615         512 :         Vector<Int> spws;
    2616         512 :         this->spectralWindows(spws);
    2617         512 :                 spectralWindowId = spws[0];
    2618         512 :         }
    2619             : 
    2620      527028 :         if (msId < 0) {
    2621           0 :                 msId = this->msId();
    2622             :         }
    2623             : 
    2624      527028 :         const FrequencySelection & selection = frequencySelections_p->get(msId);
    2625      527028 :         Int frameOfReference = selection.getFrameOfReference();
    2626             : 
    2627             :         // See if the appropriate channel selector is in the cache.
    2628             : 
    2629             :         std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> cachedSelector =
    2630      527028 :                 channelSelectorCache_p->find(time, msId, frameOfReference,
    2631      527028 :                                              spectralWindowId);
    2632             : 
    2633      527028 :         if (cachedSelector != nullptr) {
    2634      524185 :                 return cachedSelector;
    2635             :         }
    2636             : 
    2637             :         // Create the appropriate frequency selection for the current
    2638             :         // MS and Spectral Window
    2639             : 
    2640        2843 :         selection.filterByWindow(spectralWindowId);
    2641             : 
    2642             :         // Find(or create) the appropriate channel selection.
    2643             : 
    2644        2843 :         std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> newSelector;
    2645             : 
    2646        2843 :         if (polarizationId < 0) {
    2647          64 :                 polarizationId = getPolarizationId(spectralWindowId, msId);
    2648             :         }
    2649             : 
    2650        2843 :         if (selection.getFrameOfReference() == FrequencySelection::ByChannel) {
    2651        5686 :                 newSelector = makeChannelSelectorC(selection, time, msId,
    2652        2843 :                                                    spectralWindowId, polarizationId);
    2653             :         }
    2654             :         else{
    2655           0 :                 newSelector = makeChannelSelectorF(selection, time, msId,
    2656           0 :                                                    spectralWindowId, polarizationId);
    2657             :         }
    2658             : 
    2659             :         // Cache it for possible future use.  The cache may hold multiple equivalent
    2660             :         // selectors, each having a different timestamp.  Since selectors are small
    2661             :         // and there are not expected to be many equivalent selectors in the cache
    2662             :         // at a time, this shouldn't be a problem (the special case of selection by
    2663             :         // channel number is already handled).
    2664             : 
    2665        2843 :         channelSelectorCache_p->add(newSelector, frameOfReference);
    2666             : 
    2667        2843 :         return newSelector;
    2668      527028 : }
    2669             : 
    2670             : Int
    2671          64 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getPolarizationId(Int spectralWindowId, Int msId) const
    2672             : {
    2673          64 :     ThrowIf(msId != this->msId(),
    2674             :         String::format("Requested MS number is %d but current is %d", msId,
    2675             :                        this->msId()));
    2676             : 
    2677          64 :     auto & ddCols = subtableColumns_p->dataDescription();
    2678          64 :     auto nSpw = subtableColumns_p->spectralWindow().nrow();
    2679             : 
    2680             :     // This will break if the same spectral window is referenced by two
    2681             :     // different data_descrption IDs.  Ideally, this whole thing should be
    2682             :     // reworked to used DDIDs with spectral window ID only used internally.
    2683          64 :     Int polID = -1;
    2684         739 :     for (uInt idd = 0; idd < ddCols.spectralWindowId().nrow(); idd++) {
    2685         675 :         if(ddCols.spectralWindowId()(idd) == spectralWindowId)
    2686          64 :             polID = ddCols.polarizationId()(idd);
    2687             :     }
    2688             : 
    2689             :     // If the SPW is not found in the DD it will return -1, rather than failing.
    2690             :     // This can happen for the so-called phantom SPWs. See CAS-11734
    2691          64 :     if(spectralWindowId < (Int)nSpw)
    2692          64 :         return polID;
    2693             : 
    2694             :     // spectralWindowId is not present in subtables
    2695           0 :     ThrowIf(true, String::format(
    2696             :             "Could not find entry for spectral window id"
    2697             :             "%d in spectral_window in MS #%d", spectralWindowId, msId));
    2698             : 
    2699           0 :     return -1; // Can't get here so make the compiler happy
    2700             : }
    2701             : 
    2702             : 
    2703             : std::shared_ptr<vi::ChannelSelector>
    2704        2843 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::makeChannelSelectorC(
    2705             :     const FrequencySelection & selectionIn,
    2706             :     Double time,
    2707             :     Int msId,
    2708             :     Int spectralWindowId,
    2709             :     Int polarizationId) const
    2710             : {
    2711             :     const FrequencySelectionUsingChannels & selection =
    2712        2843 :     dynamic_cast<const FrequencySelectionUsingChannels &>(selectionIn);
    2713             : 
    2714        2843 :     if (selection.refinementNeeded())
    2715             :     {
    2716             :         auto spwcFetcher =
    2717           0 :             [this, msId]
    2718           0 :             (int spwId, double lowerFrequency, double upperFrequency)
    2719             :             {
    2720             :                 const SpectralWindowChannels & spwChannels =
    2721           0 :                 getSpectralWindowChannels(msId, spwId);
    2722           0 :                 return spwChannels.getIntersection(
    2723           0 :                     lowerFrequency, upperFrequency);
    2724           0 :             };
    2725           0 :             selection.applyRefinement(spwcFetcher);
    2726             :     }
    2727             : 
    2728        2843 :     vector<Slice> frequencySlices;
    2729             : 
    2730             :     // Iterate over all of the frequency selections for the specified spectral
    2731             :     // window and collect them into a vector of Slice objects.
    2732        2843 :     for (FrequencySelectionUsingChannels::const_iterator i = selection.begin();
    2733        2857 :          i != selection.end(); i++)
    2734             :     {
    2735             : 
    2736          14 :         frequencySlices.push_back(i->getSlice());
    2737             :     }
    2738             : 
    2739        2843 :     if (frequencySlices.empty())
    2740             :     {
    2741             :         // And empty selection implies all channels
    2742             :         Int nChannels =
    2743        2829 :             subtableColumns_p->spectralWindow().numChan()(spectralWindowId);
    2744        2829 :         frequencySlices.push_back(Slice(0, nChannels, 1));
    2745             :     }
    2746             : 
    2747        2843 :     ChannelSlicer slices(2);
    2748             : 
    2749             :     // Install the polarization selections
    2750        2843 :     if(polarizationId != -1)
    2751             :     {
    2752             :         Vector<Slice> correlationSlices =
    2753        2843 :             selection.getCorrelationSlices(polarizationId);
    2754             : 
    2755        2843 :         if (correlationSlices.empty())
    2756             :         {
    2757             :             Int nCorrelations =
    2758        2843 :                 subtableColumns_p->polarization().numCorr().get(polarizationId);
    2759        2843 :             correlationSlices = Vector<Slice>(1, Slice(0, nCorrelations));
    2760             :         }
    2761             : 
    2762        2843 :         slices.setSubslicer(0, ChannelSubslicer(correlationSlices));
    2763             : 
    2764        2843 :     }
    2765             : 
    2766             :     // Create and install the frequency selections
    2767        2843 :     ChannelSubslicer frequencyAxis(frequencySlices.size());
    2768        5686 :     for (Int i = 0; i <(int) frequencySlices.size(); i++)
    2769             :     {
    2770        2843 :         frequencyAxis.setSlice(i, frequencySlices[i]);
    2771             :     }
    2772             : 
    2773        2843 :     slices.setSubslicer(1, frequencyAxis);
    2774             : 
    2775             :     // Package up the result and return it.
    2776             :     std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> result(new ChannelSelector
    2777        2843 :         (time, msId, spectralWindowId, polarizationId, slices));
    2778             : 
    2779        5686 :     return result;
    2780        2843 : }
    2781             : 
    2782             : std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector>
    2783           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::makeChannelSelectorF(
    2784             :         const FrequencySelection & selectionIn,
    2785             :         Double time, Int msId, Int spectralWindowId,
    2786             :         Int polarizationId) const
    2787             : {
    2788             :         // Make a ChannelSelector from a frame-based frequency selection.
    2789             : 
    2790             :         const FrequencySelectionUsingFrame & selection =
    2791           0 :                 dynamic_cast<const FrequencySelectionUsingFrame &>(selectionIn);
    2792             : 
    2793           0 :         vector<Slice> frequencySlices;
    2794             : 
    2795           0 :         selection.filterByWindow(spectralWindowId);
    2796             : 
    2797             :         // Set up frequency converter so that we can convert to the measured
    2798             :         // frequency
    2799             : 
    2800             :         MFrequency::Convert convertToObservedFrame =
    2801             :                 makeFrequencyConverter(
    2802             :                         time, spectralWindowId, selection.getFrameOfReference(),
    2803           0 :                         true, Unit("Hz"));
    2804             : 
    2805             :         // Convert each frequency selection into a Slice(interval) of channels.
    2806             : 
    2807             :         const SpectralWindowChannels & spectralWindowChannels =
    2808           0 :                 getSpectralWindowChannels(msId, spectralWindowId);
    2809             : 
    2810           0 :         for (FrequencySelectionUsingFrame::const_iterator i = selection.begin();
    2811           0 :              i != selection.end();
    2812           0 :              i++) {
    2813             : 
    2814           0 :                 Double f = i->getBeginFrequency();
    2815           0 :                 Double lowerFrequency = convertToObservedFrame(f).getValue();
    2816             : 
    2817           0 :                 f = i->getEndFrequency();
    2818           0 :                 Double upperFrequency = convertToObservedFrame(f).getValue();
    2819             : 
    2820             :                 Slice s =
    2821           0 :                         findChannelsInRange(lowerFrequency, upperFrequency,
    2822             :                                             spectralWindowChannels);
    2823             : 
    2824           0 :                 if (s.length() > 0) {
    2825           0 :                         frequencySlices.push_back(s);
    2826             :                 }
    2827             :         }
    2828             : 
    2829             :         // Convert the STL vector of slices into the expected Casa Vector<Vector
    2830             :         // <Slice>> form. Element one of the Vector is empty indicating that the
    2831             :         // entire correlations axis is desired.  The second element of the outer
    2832             :         // array specifies different channel intervals along the channel axis.
    2833             : 
    2834           0 :         ChannelSlicer slices(2);
    2835             : 
    2836             :         // Install the polarization selections
    2837             : 
    2838             :         Vector<Slice> correlationSlices =
    2839           0 :                 selection.getCorrelationSlices(polarizationId);
    2840           0 :         if (correlationSlices.empty()) {
    2841             : 
    2842             :                 Int nCorrelations;
    2843           0 :                 subtableColumns_p->polarization().numCorr().get(
    2844             :                         polarizationId, nCorrelations);
    2845             : 
    2846           0 :                 correlationSlices = Vector<Slice>(1, Slice(0, nCorrelations));
    2847             :         }
    2848             : 
    2849           0 :         slices.setSubslicer(0, ChannelSubslicer(correlationSlices));
    2850             : 
    2851           0 :         ChannelSubslicer frequencyAxis(frequencySlices.size());
    2852             : 
    2853           0 :         for (Int i = 0; i <(int) frequencySlices.size(); i++) {
    2854           0 :                 frequencyAxis.setSlice(i, frequencySlices[i]);
    2855             :         }
    2856             : 
    2857           0 :         slices.setSubslicer(1, frequencyAxis);
    2858             : 
    2859             :         // Package up result and return it.
    2860             : 
    2861             :     std::shared_ptr<ChannelSelector> result(new ChannelSelector
    2862           0 :         (time, msId, spectralWindowId, polarizationId, slices));
    2863             : 
    2864           0 :         return result;
    2865           0 : }
    2866             : 
    2867             : MFrequency::Convert
    2868         180 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::makeFrequencyConverter(
    2869             :         Double time,
    2870             :         int spectralWindowId,
    2871             :         Int otherFrameOfReference,
    2872             :         Bool toObservedFrame,
    2873             :         Unit unit) const
    2874             : {
    2875             : 
    2876             :         // Time is from the "time" field of the data row and is potentially in
    2877             :         // MFrequency::Types observatoryFrequencyType =
    2878         180 :         getObservatoryFrequencyType();
    2879             : 
    2880             :         MFrequency::Types measurementFrequencyType =
    2881         180 :                 static_cast<MFrequency::Types>(getMeasurementFrame(spectralWindowId));
    2882             : 
    2883             :         // Set up frequency converter so that we can convert to the
    2884             :         // measured frequency
    2885             :         // =========================================================
    2886             : 
    2887             :         // Take the provided time in units native to the MS and attach the frame of
    2888             :         // reference so that the time users won't be confused(most MSs have time in
    2889             :         // UTC, but there are some that use different time standards).
    2890             : 
    2891         360 :         MEpoch epoch(MVEpoch(Quantity(time, "s")), timeFrameOfReference_p);
    2892             : 
    2893         180 :         const auto &telescopePosition = msIter_p->telescopePosition();
    2894         180 :         const auto &currentDirection = msIter_p->phaseCenter();
    2895             : 
    2896         180 :         MeasFrame measFrame(epoch, telescopePosition, currentDirection);
    2897             : 
    2898         180 :         MFrequency::Ref observedFrame(measurementFrequencyType, measFrame);
    2899             : 
    2900         180 :         MFrequency::Types selectionFrame =
    2901             :                 static_cast<MFrequency::Types>(otherFrameOfReference);
    2902             : 
    2903         180 :         MFrequency::Convert result;
    2904             : 
    2905         180 :         if (toObservedFrame) {
    2906             : 
    2907           0 :                 result = MFrequency::Convert(unit, selectionFrame, observedFrame);
    2908             :         }
    2909             :         else{
    2910             : 
    2911         180 :                 result = MFrequency::Convert(unit, observedFrame, selectionFrame);
    2912             :         }
    2913             : 
    2914         360 :         return result;
    2915         180 : }
    2916             : 
    2917             : Slice
    2918           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::findChannelsInRange(
    2919             :     Double lowerFrequency, Double upperFrequency,
    2920             :     const vi::SpectralWindowChannels & spectralWindowChannels) const
    2921             : {
    2922           0 :     ThrowIf(spectralWindowChannels.empty(),
    2923             :             String::format(
    2924             :             "No spectral window channel info for  ms=%d", msId()));
    2925             : 
    2926           0 :     return spectralWindowChannels.getIntersection(lowerFrequency, upperFrequency);
    2927             : }
    2928             : 
    2929             : Int
    2930           3 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getNMs() const
    2931             : {
    2932           3 :         return measurementSets_p.nelements();
    2933             : }
    2934             : 
    2935             : 
    2936             : MFrequency::Types
    2937         180 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getObservatoryFrequencyType() const
    2938             : {
    2939         180 :     Int const spwId = msIter_p->spectralWindowId();
    2940         180 :     Int const measFreqRef = getMeasurementFrame(spwId);
    2941         180 :     return (measFreqRef >= 0) ? MFrequency::castType((uInt)measFreqRef)
    2942         180 :                               : MFrequency::DEFAULT;
    2943             : }
    2944             : 
    2945             : MPosition
    2946           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getObservatoryPosition() const
    2947             : {
    2948           0 :         return msIter_p->telescopePosition();
    2949             : }
    2950             : 
    2951             : const SpectralWindowChannels &
    2952        4275 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getSpectralWindowChannels(
    2953             :         Int msId,
    2954             :         Int spectralWindowId) const
    2955             : {
    2956             :         const SpectralWindowChannels * cached =
    2957        4275 :                 spectralWindowChannelsCache_p->find(msId, spectralWindowId);
    2958             : 
    2959        4275 :         if (cached != 0) {
    2960        4149 :                 return * cached;
    2961             :         }
    2962             : 
    2963             :         // Get the columns for the spectral window subtable and then select out the
    2964             :         // frequency and width columns.  Use those columns to extract the frequency
    2965             :         // and width lists for the specified spectral window.
    2966             : 
    2967             :         const MSSpWindowColumns& spectralWindow =
    2968         126 :                 subtableColumns_p->spectralWindow();
    2969             : 
    2970         126 :         const ArrayColumn<Double>& frequenciesColumn = spectralWindow.chanFreq();
    2971         126 :         Vector<Double> frequencies;
    2972         126 :         frequenciesColumn.get(spectralWindowId, frequencies, true);
    2973             : 
    2974         126 :         const ArrayColumn<Double>& widthsColumn = spectralWindow.chanWidth();
    2975         126 :         Vector<Double> widths;
    2976         126 :         widthsColumn.get(spectralWindowId, widths, true);
    2977             : 
    2978         126 :         Assert(!frequencies.empty());
    2979         126 :         Assert(frequencies.size() == widths.size());
    2980             : 
    2981             :         // Use the frequencies and widths to fill out a vector of
    2982             :         // SpectralWindowChannel objects.(No: This array needs to be in order of
    2983             :         // increasing frequency.)  N.B.: If frequencies are in random order(i.e.,
    2984             :         // rather than reverse order) then all sorts of things will break elsewhere.
    2985             :         // Width also needs to be positive.
    2986             : 
    2987             :         SpectralWindowChannels *result =
    2988         126 :                 new SpectralWindowChannels(frequencies, widths);
    2989         126 :         bool inOrder = true;
    2990             : 
    2991        7364 :         for (Int i = 0; i <(int) frequencies.nelements(); i++) {
    2992        7238 :                 (*result)[i] = SpectralWindowChannel(i, frequencies[i], abs(widths[i]));
    2993        7238 :                 inOrder = inOrder &&(i == 0 || frequencies[i] > frequencies[i - 1]);
    2994             :         }
    2995             : 
    2996             :         // Sanity check for frequencies that aren't monotonically
    2997             :         // increasing/decreasing.
    2998             : 
    2999        7238 :         for (Int i = 1; i <(int) frequencies.nelements(); i++) {
    3000        7112 :                 ThrowIf(
    3001             :                         abs((*result)[i].getChannel() -(*result)[i-1].getChannel()) != 1,
    3002             :                         String::format(
    3003             :                                 "Spectral window %d in MS #%d has random ordered frequencies",
    3004             :                                 spectralWindowId, msId));
    3005             :         }
    3006             : 
    3007         126 :         spectralWindowChannelsCache_p->add(result, msId, spectralWindowId);
    3008             : 
    3009         126 :         return * result;
    3010         126 : }
    3011             : 
    3012             : void
    3013        6679 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::configureNewChunk()
    3014             : {
    3015        6679 :     rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p = msIter_p->table().nrow();
    3016        6679 :     rowBounds_p.subchunkBegin_p = -1; // undefined value
    3017        6679 :     rowBounds_p.subchunkEnd_p = -1;   // will increment to 1st row
    3018             : 
    3019        6679 :     cache_p.chunkRowIds_p.resize(0); // flush cached row number map.
    3020             : 
    3021             :     // If this is a new MeasurementSet then set up the antenna locations, etc.
    3022             : 
    3023        6679 :     if (msIter_p->newMS()) {
    3024             : 
    3025             :         // Flush some cache flag values
    3026             : 
    3027         883 :         cache_p.flush();
    3028             : 
    3029         883 :         msd_p.setAntennas(msIter_p->msColumns().antenna());
    3030             : 
    3031             :         // Grab the time frame of reference so that it can be converted to UTC
    3032             :         // for use in other frame of reference conversions.
    3033             : 
    3034         883 :         timeFrameOfReference_p = msIter_p->msColumns().timeMeas()(0).getRef();
    3035             : 
    3036             :     }
    3037             : 
    3038        6679 :     if (isNewMs()) { // New ms so flush pointing caches(if they exist).
    3039         883 :         pointingDirectionCache_p.reset();
    3040         883 :         pointingSource_p.reset();
    3041             :     }
    3042             : 
    3043        6679 :     if (msIter_p->newField() || msIterAtOrigin_p) {
    3044        2213 :         msd_p.setFieldCenter(msIter_p->phaseCenter());
    3045             :     }
    3046             : 
    3047        6679 :     if(nRowBlocking_p >0)
    3048             :     {
    3049         467 :         attachColumns(msIter_p->table());
    3050             : 
    3051             :         // Fetch all of the times in this chunk
    3052             : 
    3053         467 :         rowBounds_p.times_p.resize(rowBounds_p.chunkNRows_p);
    3054         467 :         columns_p.time_p.getColumn(rowBounds_p.times_p);
    3055             :     }
    3056             :     else
    3057             :     {
    3058             :         // Columns are attached to the msIter chunk iteration.
    3059             :         // This is needed for the call of setTileCache() below, which
    3060             :         // performs some tests on the attached columns
    3061             :         // Later, in configureNewSubchunk the columns are reset to
    3062             :         // the subchunk msIterSubchunk_p columns.
    3063        6212 :         attachColumns(msIter_p->table());
    3064             :     }
    3065             : 
    3066             :     // Reset channel selectors vector in each chunk
    3067        6679 :     channelSelectors_p.clear();
    3068             : 
    3069             :     // If frequency selections are constant for the whole chunk
    3070        6679 :     if (freqSelScope_p == ChunkScope)
    3071             :     {
    3072             :         // If selection does not depend on time, assign a time value of -1.
    3073             :         // Since there is only one DDId we can ask for a single SPWId, PolID
    3074             :         // in msIter.
    3075        6571 :         double timeStamp = -1;
    3076        6571 :         if(frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference() == FrequencySelection::ByChannel)
    3077        6571 :             timeStamp = msIter_p->msColumns().time().asdouble(0);
    3078             :         // Note that channelSelectorNRow is not initialized since it should
    3079             :         // refer to nunber of subchunk rows. It is properly set in configureNewSubchunk
    3080        6571 :         channelSelectors_p.push_back(
    3081       13142 :                 determineChannelSelection(timeStamp,
    3082             :                                           msIter_p->spectralWindowId(),
    3083        6571 :                                           msIter_p->polarizationId(), msId()));
    3084             :     }
    3085             : 
    3086        6679 :     setTileCache();
    3087        6679 : }
    3088             : 
    3089             : const MSDerivedValues &
    3090           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getMsd() const
    3091             : {
    3092           0 :         return msd_p;
    3093             : }
    3094             : 
    3095             : void
    3096        6679 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setTileCache()
    3097             : {
    3098        6679 :         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(*tileCacheModMtx_p);
    3099             : 
    3100        6679 :         if ((*tileCacheIsSet_p)[msId()]
    3101        7480 :             || !msIter_p->newMS()
    3102        7480 :             || autoTileCacheSizing_p) {
    3103        5878 :                 return; // Only useful when at start of an MS
    3104             :         }
    3105             : 
    3106             :         // This function sets the tile cache because of a feature in sliced data
    3107             :         // access that grows memory dramatically in some cases if (useSlicer_p) {
    3108             : 
    3109             : //    if (!(msIter_p->newDataDescriptionId() || msIter_p->newMS()) ) {
    3110             : //        return;
    3111             : //    }
    3112             : 
    3113         801 :         const MeasurementSet & theMs = msIter_p->ms();
    3114         801 :         if (theMs.tableType() == Table::Memory) {
    3115           0 :                 return;
    3116             :         }
    3117             : 
    3118             : //    if (autoTileCacheSizing_p) {
    3119             : //        return; // take the default behavior
    3120             : //    }
    3121             : 
    3122             :         vector<MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns> columnIds =
    3123             :                 { MS::CORRECTED_DATA, MS::DATA, MS::FLAG, MS::MODEL_DATA, MS::SIGMA,
    3124         801 :                   MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM, MS::UVW, MS::WEIGHT, MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM };
    3125             : 
    3126         801 :         vector<String> msNames;
    3127             : 
    3128         801 :         if (theMs.tableInfo().subType() == "CONCATENATED") {
    3129             : 
    3130           0 :                 Block<String> names = theMs.getPartNames(false);
    3131           0 :                 msNames.assign(names.begin(), names.end());
    3132             : 
    3133           0 :                 for (String msName : msNames) {
    3134           0 :                         MeasurementSet anMs(msName);
    3135             : 
    3136           0 :                         setMsCacheSizes(anMs, columnIds);
    3137           0 :                 }
    3138             : 
    3139           0 :         } else {
    3140         801 :                 setMsCacheSizes(theMs, columnIds);
    3141             :         }
    3142         801 :         (*tileCacheIsSet_p)[msId()] = true;
    3143        6679 : }
    3144             : 
    3145         801 : void VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setMsCacheSizes(
    3146             :         const MeasurementSet & ms,
    3147             :         vector<MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns> columnIds)
    3148             : {
    3149         801 :         const ColumnDescSet & cds = ms.tableDesc().columnDescSet();
    3150             : 
    3151        8010 :         for (MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns  columnId : columnIds) {
    3152             : 
    3153        7209 :                 String column = MS::columnName(columnId);
    3154             : 
    3155             :                 try {
    3156             : 
    3157        7209 :                         if (!cds.isDefined(column) || !usesTiledDataManager(column, ms)) {
    3158        2552 :                                 continue; // skip if column not in MS or not using tiles
    3159             :                         }
    3160             : 
    3161        4657 :                         if (columnId == MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM
    3162        4319 :                             || columnId == MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM) {
    3163             : 
    3164             :                                 // These two columns are frequently present in an MS but
    3165             :                                 // uninitialized.
    3166             : 
    3167         340 :                                 TableColumn tableColumn(ms, column);
    3168         340 :                                 if (!tableColumn.hasContent()) {
    3169           0 :                                         continue; // Skip
    3170             :                                 }
    3171         340 :                         }
    3172             : 
    3173        4657 :                         setMsColumnCacheSizes(ms, column);
    3174             : 
    3175           0 :                 } catch(AipsError & e) {
    3176           0 :                         continue; // It failed so leave the caching as is
    3177           0 :                 }
    3178        7209 :         }
    3179         801 : }
    3180             : 
    3181             : void
    3182        4657 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setMsColumnCacheSizes(const MeasurementSet & partMs,
    3183             :                                                const string & column)
    3184             : {
    3185             :         // For the column in the provided MS, loop over the hypercubes and
    3186             :         // set the cache size appropriately.
    3187             : 
    3188        4657 :         ROTiledStManAccessor accessor(partMs, column, true);
    3189        4657 :         uInt nHypercubes = accessor.nhypercubes();
    3190             : 
    3191       13500 :         for (uInt cube = 0; cube != nHypercubes; cube++) {
    3192             : 
    3193             :                 // Get hypercube shape(includes row axis) and tile shape(does not
    3194             :                 // include the row axis).
    3195             : 
    3196        8843 :                 const IPosition tileShape(accessor.getTileShape(cube));
    3197        8843 :                 const IPosition hypercubeShape(accessor.getHypercubeShape(cube));
    3198             : 
    3199        8843 :                 uInt nAxes = hypercubeShape.size();  // how many axes
    3200        8843 :                 if (nAxes < 1) {
    3201             : 
    3202             :                         // Empty hypercube so skip it. Can't rely on loop below to handle
    3203             :                         // this case because nAxes is unsigned so nAxes-1 is going to wrap
    3204             :                         // around and become yuuge!
    3205             : 
    3206        3882 :                         continue;
    3207             :                 }
    3208             : 
    3209             :                 // Compute the appropriate cache size which will hold at least a single
    3210             :                 // row's worth of tiles in the cache.  Use the factor of 2 as the
    3211             :                 // initial value since some large Alma data sets cause the row to span
    3212             :                 // tiles along the baseline axis due to the autocorrelations not
    3213             :                 // occurring near the corresponding cross correlation baselines.
    3214             : 
    3215             :                 // Doubling to handle case where baselines span tiles in the row
    3216             :                 // direction
    3217        4961 :                 uInt cacheSize = 2;
    3218             : 
    3219             :                 // Compute the number of tiles required to span the non-row axes of the
    3220             :                 // hypercube.
    3221             : 
    3222       12458 :                 for (uInt axis = 0; axis < nAxes - 1; ++axis) {
    3223        7497 :                         cacheSize *=
    3224        7497 :                                 (uInt)ceil(hypercubeShape[axis] /(Float)(tileShape[axis]));
    3225             :                 }
    3226             : 
    3227             :                 // Apply the cache size(in tiles).
    3228             : 
    3229        4961 :                 accessor.setHypercubeCacheSize(cube, cacheSize);
    3230       12725 :         }
    3231        4657 : }
    3232             : 
    3233             : 
    3234             : Bool
    3235        5011 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::usesTiledDataManager(
    3236             :         const String & columnName,
    3237             :         const MeasurementSet & theMs) const
    3238             : {
    3239        5011 :         Bool noData = false;
    3240             : 
    3241             :         // Have to do something special about weight_spectrum as it tend to exist
    3242             :         // but has no valid data.
    3243             : 
    3244       10022 :         noData = noData ||
    3245        5011 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM)
    3246         594 :                  && !weightSpectrumExists());
    3247             : 
    3248        9766 :         noData = noData ||
    3249        4755 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM)
    3250           8 :                  && !sigmaSpectrumExists());
    3251             : 
    3252             :         // Check to see if the column exist and have valid data
    3253             : 
    3254        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3255        5528 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::DATA) &&
    3256        1558 :                  (columns_p.vis_p.isNull() || !columns_p.vis_p.isDefined(0)));
    3257             : 
    3258        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3259        4963 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::MODEL_DATA) &&
    3260         428 :                  (columns_p.modelVis_p.isNull() || !columns_p.modelVis_p.isDefined(0)));
    3261             : 
    3262        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3263        4961 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::CORRECTED_DATA) &&
    3264         424 :                  (columns_p.corrVis_p.isNull() || !columns_p.corrVis_p.isDefined(0)));
    3265             : 
    3266        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3267        5550 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::FLAG) &&
    3268        1602 :                  (columns_p.flag_p.isNull() || !columns_p.flag_p.isDefined(0)));
    3269             : 
    3270        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3271        5550 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT) &&
    3272        1602 :                  (columns_p.weight_p.isNull() || !columns_p.weight_p.isDefined(0)));
    3273             : 
    3274        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3275        5550 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA) &&
    3276        1602 :                  (columns_p.sigma_p.isNull() || !columns_p.sigma_p.isDefined(0)));
    3277             : 
    3278        9760 :         noData = noData ||
    3279        5550 :                 (columnName == MS::columnName(MS::UVW) &&
    3280        1602 :                  (columns_p.uvw_p.isNull() || !columns_p.uvw_p.isDefined(0)));
    3281             : 
    3282        5011 :         Bool usesTiles = false;
    3283             : 
    3284        5011 :         if (!noData) {
    3285             :                 String dataManType =
    3286        4749 :                         RODataManAccessor(theMs, columnName, true).dataManagerType();
    3287             : 
    3288        4749 :                 usesTiles = dataManType.contains("Tiled");
    3289        4749 :         }
    3290             : 
    3291        5011 :         return usesTiles;
    3292             : }
    3293             : 
    3294             : void
    3295      371918 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::attachColumns(const Table & t)
    3296             : {
    3297      371918 :         columns_p.attachColumns(t);
    3298             : 
    3299      371918 :         floatDataFound_p = columns_p.isFloatDataPresent();
    3300      371918 : }
    3301             : 
    3302             : MEpoch
    3303         420 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getEpoch() const
    3304             : {
    3305         420 :         MEpoch mEpoch = msIter_p->msColumns().timeMeas()(0);
    3306             : 
    3307         420 :         return mEpoch;
    3308             : }
    3309             : 
    3310             : Vector<Float>
    3311           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getReceptor0Angle()
    3312             : {
    3313           0 :         Int nAntennas = this->nAntennas();
    3314             : 
    3315           0 :         Vector<Float> receptor0Angle(nAntennas);
    3316             : 
    3317           0 :         for (int i = 0; i < nAntennas; i++) {
    3318           0 :                 receptor0Angle[i] = msIter_p->receptorAngle()(0, i);
    3319             :         }
    3320             : 
    3321           0 :         return receptor0Angle;
    3322           0 : }
    3323             : 
    3324             : void
    3325           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getRowIds(Vector<rownr_t> & rowIds) const
    3326             : {
    3327           0 :     if(nRowBlocking_p >0)
    3328             :     {
    3329             :         // Resize the rowIds vector and fill it with the row numbers contained in
    3330             :         // the current subchunk. These row numbers are relative to the reference
    3331             :         // table used by MSIter to define a chunk; thus rowId 0 is the first row in
    3332             :         // the chunk.
    3333           0 :         rowIds.resize(rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p);
    3334           0 :         rowIds = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p.convert();
    3335             : 
    3336           0 :         if (cache_p.chunkRowIds_p.nelements() == 0) {
    3337             :             // Create chunkRowIds_p as a "map" from chunk rows to MS rows. This
    3338             :             // needs to be created once per chunk since a new reference table is
    3339             :             // created each time the MSIter moves to the next chunk.
    3340           0 :             cache_p.chunkRowIds_p = msIter_p->table().rowNumbers(msIter_p->ms());
    3341             :         }
    3342             : 
    3343             :         // Using chunkRowIds_p as a map from chunk rows to MS rows replace the
    3344             :         // chunk-relative row numbers with the actual row number from the MS.
    3345           0 :         for (uInt i = 0; i < rowIds.nelements(); i++) {
    3346           0 :             rowIds(i) = cache_p.chunkRowIds_p(rowIds(i));
    3347             :         }
    3348             :     }
    3349             :     else
    3350             :     {
    3351             :         // Resize the rowIds vector and fill it with the row numbers contained in
    3352             :         // the current subchunk.
    3353           0 :         rowIds.resize(rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p);
    3354             : 
    3355             :         // Initialize the cache it if not yet done
    3356             :         // (it is reset each time nextChunk() is called).
    3357             :         // The cache contains the mapping between chunk rows and MS rows.
    3358             :         // This needs to be created once per chunk since a new reference table is
    3359             :         // created each time the MSIter moves to the next chunk.
    3360           0 :         if (cache_p.chunkRowIds_p.size() == 0)
    3361           0 :             cache_p.chunkRowIds_p = msIter_p->table().rowNumbers(msIter_p->ms());
    3362             : 
    3363             :         // Now create the map from subchunk rows to chunk rows. This
    3364             :         // needs to be created for each subchunk since a new reference table
    3365             :         // in the msIterInner_p iterator is created each time the MSIter moves.
    3366             :         // Note that what we get are row Ids for msIter_p->table(), which is itself
    3367             :         // a reference table.
    3368           0 :         auto subchunkRowIds  = msIterSubchunk_p->table().rowNumbers(msIter_p->table(), true);
    3369             : 
    3370             :         // Now, for each row in the subchunk (i), get the row in the outer loop
    3371             :         // table (subchunkRowId(i)) and use cache_p.chunkRowIds_p to get the row
    3372             :         // in the original MS.
    3373           0 :         for (uInt i = 0; i < rowIds.size(); i++)
    3374           0 :             rowIds(i) = cache_p.chunkRowIds_p(subchunkRowIds(i));
    3375           0 :     }
    3376           0 : }
    3377             : 
    3378             : void
    3379       86459 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::antenna1(Vector<Int> & ant1) const
    3380             : {
    3381       86459 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.antenna1_p, ant1);
    3382       86459 : }
    3383             : 
    3384             : void
    3385       86459 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::antenna2(Vector<Int> & ant2) const
    3386             : {
    3387       86459 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.antenna2_p, ant2);
    3388       86459 : }
    3389             : 
    3390             : void
    3391         909 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::feed1(Vector<Int> & fd1) const
    3392             : {
    3393         909 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.feed1_p, fd1);
    3394         909 : }
    3395             : 
    3396             : void
    3397         909 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::feed2(Vector<Int> & fd2) const
    3398             : {
    3399         909 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.feed2_p, fd2);
    3400         909 : }
    3401             : 
    3402             : void
    3403      342231 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::corrType(Vector<Int> & corrTypes) const
    3404             : {
    3405      342231 :         Int polId = msIter_p->polarizationId();
    3406             : 
    3407      342231 :         subtableColumns_p->polarization().corrType().get(polId, corrTypes, true);
    3408      342231 : }
    3409             : 
    3410             : void
    3411      345915 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flag(Cube<Bool> & flags) const
    3412             : {
    3413      345915 :     getColumnRows(columns_p.flag_p, flags);
    3414      345915 : }
    3415             : 
    3416             : void
    3417           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flag(Vector<Cube<Bool>> & flags) const
    3418             : {
    3419           0 :     getColumnRows(columns_p.flag_p, flags);
    3420           0 : }
    3421             : 
    3422             : void
    3423           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flag(Matrix<Bool> & flags) const
    3424             : {
    3425           0 :         Cube<Bool> flagCube;
    3426             : 
    3427           0 :         flag(flagCube);
    3428             : 
    3429           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.flag_p, flagCube);
    3430             : 
    3431           0 :         uInt nChannels = flagCube.shape()(1);
    3432             : 
    3433           0 :         flags.resize(nChannels, rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p);
    3434             : 
    3435           0 :         for (Int row = 0; row < rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p; row++) {
    3436             : 
    3437           0 :                 for (uInt channel = 0; channel < nChannels; channel++) {
    3438             : 
    3439           0 :                         Bool flagIt = flagCube(0, channel, row);
    3440             : 
    3441           0 :                         for (Int correlation = 1;
    3442           0 :                              correlation < nCorrelations_p && not flagIt;
    3443             :                              correlation++) {
    3444             : 
    3445           0 :                                 flagIt = flagCube(correlation, channel, row);
    3446             :                         }
    3447             : 
    3448           0 :                         flags(channel, row) = flagIt;
    3449             :                 }
    3450             :         }
    3451           0 : }
    3452             : 
    3453             : Bool
    3454           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flagCategoryExists() const
    3455             : {
    3456           0 :         if (msIter_p->newMS()) { // Cache to avoid testing unnecessarily.
    3457           0 :                 cache_p.msHasFlagCategory_p = columns_p.flagCategory_p.hasContent();
    3458             :         }
    3459           0 :         return cache_p.msHasFlagCategory_p;
    3460             : }
    3461             : 
    3462             : void
    3463           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flagCategory(Array<Bool> & /*flagCategories*/) const
    3464             : {
    3465           0 :         ThrowIf(true, "The flag_category column is not supported.");
    3466             : //    if (columns_p.flagCategory_p.isNull() ||
    3467             : //        !columns_p.flagCategory_p.isDefined(0)) { // It often is.
    3468             : //
    3469             : //        flagCategories.resize();    // Zap it.
    3470             : //    }
    3471             : //    else {
    3472             : //
    3473             : //        // Since flag category is shaped [nC, nF, nCategories] it requires a
    3474             : //        // slightly different slicer and cannot use the usual getColumns
    3475             : //        method.
    3476             : //
    3477             : //        const ChannelSlicer & channelSlicer =
    3478             : //            channelSelectors_p[0]->getSlicerForFlagCategories();
    3479             : //
    3480             : //        columns_p.flagCategory_p.getSliceForRows(
    3481             : //             rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p,
    3482             : //             channelSlicer.getSlicerInCoreRep(),
    3483             : //             flagCategories);
    3484             : //    }
    3485           0 : }
    3486             : 
    3487             : void
    3488      343780 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flagRow(Vector<Bool> & rowflags) const
    3489             : {
    3490      343780 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.flagRow_p, rowflags);
    3491      343780 : }
    3492             : 
    3493             : void
    3494      343098 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::observationId(Vector<Int> & obsIDs) const
    3495             : {
    3496      343098 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.observation_p, obsIDs);
    3497      343098 : }
    3498             : 
    3499             : void
    3500        1186 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::processorId(Vector<Int> & procIDs) const
    3501             : {
    3502        1186 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.processor_p, procIDs);
    3503        1186 : }
    3504             : 
    3505             : void
    3506      349498 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::scan(Vector<Int> & scans) const
    3507             : {
    3508      349498 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.scan_p, scans);
    3509      349498 : }
    3510             : 
    3511             : void
    3512        1164 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::stateId(Vector<Int> & stateIds) const
    3513             : {
    3514        1164 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.state_p, stateIds);
    3515        1164 : }
    3516             : 
    3517             : void
    3518       21874 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::time(Vector<Double> & t) const
    3519             : {
    3520       21874 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.time_p, t);
    3521       21874 : }
    3522             : 
    3523             : void
    3524        2201 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::timeCentroid(Vector<Double> & t) const
    3525             : {
    3526        2201 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.timeCentroid_p, t);
    3527        2201 : }
    3528             : 
    3529             : void
    3530        1731 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::timeInterval(Vector<Double> & t) const
    3531             : {
    3532        1731 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.timeInterval_p, t);
    3533        1731 : }
    3534             : 
    3535             : void
    3536        1731 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::exposure(Vector<Double> & expo) const
    3537             : {
    3538        1731 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.exposure_p, expo);
    3539        1731 : }
    3540             : 
    3541             : void
    3542        6838 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityCorrected(Cube<Complex> & vis) const
    3543             : {
    3544        6838 :   if(columns_p.corrVis_p.isNull())
    3545           0 :     throw AipsError("Requesting visibilityCorrected but column is null");
    3546        6838 :     getColumnRows(columns_p.corrVis_p, vis);
    3547        6838 : }
    3548             : 
    3549             : void
    3550           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityCorrected(Vector<Cube<Complex>> & vis) const
    3551             : {
    3552           0 :   if(columns_p.corrVis_p.isNull())
    3553           0 :     throw AipsError("Requesting visibilityCorrected but column is null");
    3554           0 :     getColumnRows(columns_p.corrVis_p, vis);
    3555           0 : }
    3556             : 
    3557             : void
    3558        5482 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityModel(Cube<Complex> & vis) const
    3559             : {
    3560             :     // See if the data can be filled from a virtual model column; if not then
    3561             :     // get it from the model column.
    3562             : 
    3563        5482 :     if (!fillFromVirtualModel(vis)) {
    3564        5298 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.modelVis_p, vis);
    3565             :     }
    3566        5482 : }
    3567             : 
    3568             : void
    3569           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityModel(Vector<Cube<Complex>> & vis) const
    3570             : {
    3571           0 :     if (!fillFromVirtualModel(vis[0])) {
    3572           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.modelVis_p, vis);
    3573             :     }
    3574             :     else
    3575           0 :         throw AipsError("VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityModel(Vector<Cube<Complex>> & vis) from model not yet implemented");
    3576           0 : }
    3577             : 
    3578             : void
    3579       31721 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityObserved(Cube<Complex> & vis) const
    3580             : {
    3581       31721 :     if (floatDataFound_p) {
    3582             : 
    3583             :         // Since there is a floating data column, read that and convert it into
    3584             :         // the expected Complex form.
    3585             : 
    3586          20 :         Cube<Float> dataFloat;
    3587             : 
    3588          20 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.floatVis_p, dataFloat);
    3589             : 
    3590          20 :         vis.resize(dataFloat.shape());
    3591             : 
    3592          20 :         convertArray(vis, dataFloat);
    3593          20 :     }
    3594             :     else {
    3595       31701 :       if(columns_p.vis_p.isNull())
    3596           0 :         throw AipsError("Requesting visibilityObserved but column is null");
    3597       31701 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.vis_p, vis);
    3598             :     }
    3599       31721 : }
    3600             : 
    3601             : void
    3602           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityObserved(Vector<Cube<Complex>> & vis) const
    3603             : {
    3604           0 :     if (floatDataFound_p) {
    3605             : 
    3606             :         // Since there is a floating data column, read that and convert it into
    3607             :         // the expected Complex form.
    3608             : 
    3609           0 :         Vector<Cube<Float>> dataFloat;
    3610             : 
    3611           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.floatVis_p, dataFloat);
    3612             : 
    3613           0 :         vis.resize(dataFloat.size());
    3614             : 
    3615           0 :         size_t iVec = 0;
    3616           0 :         for (iVec= 0; iVec < vis.size(); iVec++)
    3617             :         {
    3618           0 :             vis[iVec].resize(dataFloat[iVec].shape());
    3619             : 
    3620           0 :             convertArray(vis[iVec], dataFloat[iVec]);
    3621             :         }
    3622           0 :     }
    3623             :     else {
    3624           0 :       if(columns_p.vis_p.isNull())
    3625           0 :         throw AipsError("Requesting visibilityObserved but column is null");
    3626           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.vis_p, vis);
    3627             :     }
    3628           0 : }
    3629             : 
    3630             : void
    3631           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::floatData(Cube<Float> & fcube) const
    3632             : {
    3633           0 :     if (floatDataFound_p) {
    3634           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.floatVis_p, fcube);
    3635             :     }
    3636             :     else{
    3637           0 :         fcube.resize();
    3638             :     }
    3639           0 : }
    3640             : 
    3641             : void
    3642           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::floatData(Vector<Cube<Float>> & fcubes) const
    3643             : {
    3644           0 :     if (floatDataFound_p) {
    3645           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.floatVis_p, fcubes);
    3646             :     }
    3647             :     else{
    3648           0 :         fcubes.resize(1);
    3649           0 :         fcubes[0].resize();
    3650             :     }
    3651           0 : }
    3652             : 
    3653             : void
    3654        6305 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::uvw(Matrix<Double> & uvwmat) const
    3655             : {
    3656        6305 :         getColumnRowsMatrix(columns_p.uvw_p, uvwmat, false);
    3657        6305 : }
    3658             : 
    3659             : // Fill in parallactic angle.
    3660             : const Vector<Float> &
    3661           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::feed_pa(Double time) const
    3662             : {
    3663             :         // Absolute UT
    3664             : 
    3665           0 :         Double ut = time;
    3666             : 
    3667           0 :         if (ut != cache_p.feedpaTime_p) {
    3668             : 
    3669             :                 // Set up the Epoch using the absolute MJD in seconds get the Epoch
    3670             :                 // reference from the column
    3671             : 
    3672           0 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3673             : 
    3674           0 :                 const Matrix<Double> & angles = receptorAngles().xyPlane(0);
    3675           0 :                 Int nAnt = angles.shape()(1);
    3676             : 
    3677           0 :                 Vector<Float> receptor0Angle(nAnt, 0);
    3678             : 
    3679           0 :                 for (int i = 0; i < nAnt; i++) {
    3680           0 :                         receptor0Angle[i] = angles(0, i);
    3681             :                 }
    3682             : 
    3683           0 :                 cache_p.feedpa_p.assign(
    3684           0 :                         feed_paCalculate(time, msd_p, nAnt, mEpoch, receptor0Angle));
    3685             : 
    3686           0 :                 cache_p.feedpaTime_p = ut;
    3687           0 :         }
    3688           0 :         return cache_p.feedpa_p;
    3689             : }
    3690             : 
    3691             : // Fill in parallactic angle.
    3692             : const Float &
    3693           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::parang0(Double time) const
    3694             : {
    3695           0 :         if (time != cache_p.parang0Time_p) {
    3696             : 
    3697           0 :                 cache_p.parang0Time_p = time;
    3698             : 
    3699             :                 // Set up the Epoch using the absolute MJD in seconds get the Epoch
    3700             :                 // reference from the column
    3701           0 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3702           0 :                 cache_p.parang0_p = parang0Calculate(time, msd_p, mEpoch);
    3703           0 :         }
    3704           0 :         return cache_p.parang0_p;
    3705             : }
    3706             : 
    3707             : // Fill in parallactic angle(NO FEED PA offset!).
    3708             : const Vector<Float> &
    3709           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::parang(Double time) const
    3710             : {
    3711           0 :         if (time != cache_p.parangTime_p) {
    3712             : 
    3713           0 :                 cache_p.parangTime_p = time;
    3714             : 
    3715             :                 // Set up the Epoch using the absolute MJD in seconds get the Epoch
    3716             :                 // reference from the column
    3717             : 
    3718           0 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3719           0 :                 Int nAnt = msIter_p->receptorAngle().shape()(1);
    3720             : 
    3721           0 :                 cache_p.parang_p = parangCalculate(time, msd_p, nAnt, mEpoch);
    3722             : 
    3723           0 :         }
    3724           0 :         return cache_p.parang_p;
    3725             : }
    3726             : 
    3727             : // Fill in azimuth/elevation of the antennas.  Cloned from feed_pa, we need to
    3728             : // check that this is all correct!
    3729             : const Vector<MDirection> &
    3730      158571 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::azel(Double ut) const
    3731             : {
    3732      158571 :         if (ut != cache_p.azelTime_p) {
    3733             : 
    3734         420 :                 cache_p.azelTime_p = ut;
    3735             : 
    3736         420 :                 Int nAnt = msIter_p->receptorAngle().shape()(1);
    3737             : 
    3738         420 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3739             : 
    3740         420 :                 azelCalculate(ut, msd_p, cache_p.azel_p, nAnt, mEpoch);
    3741             : 
    3742         420 :         }
    3743      158571 :         return cache_p.azel_p;
    3744             : }
    3745             : 
    3746             : 
    3747             : // Fill in azimuth/elevation of the antennas.  Cloned from feed_pa, we need to
    3748             : // check that this is all correct!
    3749             : MDirection
    3750           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::azel0(Double time) const
    3751             : {
    3752             :         // Absolute UT
    3753             : 
    3754           0 :         Double ut = time;
    3755             : 
    3756           0 :         if (ut != cache_p.azel0Time_p) {
    3757             : 
    3758           0 :                 cache_p.azel0Time_p = ut;
    3759             : 
    3760           0 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3761             : 
    3762           0 :                 azel0Calculate(time, msd_p, cache_p.azel0_p, mEpoch);
    3763             : 
    3764           0 :         }
    3765           0 :         return cache_p.azel0_p;
    3766             : }
    3767             : 
    3768             : 
    3769             : // Hour angle at specified time.
    3770             : Double
    3771           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::hourang(Double time) const
    3772             : {
    3773             :         // Absolute UT
    3774             : 
    3775           0 :         Double ut = time;
    3776             : 
    3777           0 :         if (ut != cache_p.hourangTime_p) {
    3778             : 
    3779           0 :                 cache_p.hourangTime_p = ut;
    3780             : 
    3781             :                 // Set up the Epoch using the absolute MJD in seconds get the Epoch
    3782             :                 // reference from the column keyword
    3783             : 
    3784           0 :                 MEpoch mEpoch = getEpoch();
    3785             : 
    3786           0 :                 cache_p.hourang_p = hourangCalculate(time, msd_p, mEpoch);
    3787             : 
    3788           0 :         }
    3789           0 :         return cache_p.hourang_p;
    3790             : }
    3791             : 
    3792             : 
    3793             : void
    3794        1873 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sigma(Matrix<Float> & sigma) const
    3795             : {
    3796        1873 :     getColumnRowsMatrix(columns_p.sigma_p, sigma, true);
    3797        1873 : }
    3798             : 
    3799             : void
    3800           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sigma(Vector<Matrix<Float>> & sigma) const
    3801             : {
    3802           0 :     getColumnRowsMatrix(columns_p.sigma_p, sigma);
    3803           0 : }
    3804             : 
    3805             : void
    3806        2343 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weight(Matrix<Float> & wt) const
    3807             : {
    3808        2343 :     getColumnRowsMatrix(columns_p.weight_p, wt, true);
    3809        2343 : }
    3810             : 
    3811             : void
    3812           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weight(Vector<Matrix<Float>> & wt) const
    3813             : {
    3814           0 :     getColumnRowsMatrix(columns_p.weight_p, wt);
    3815           0 : }
    3816             : 
    3817             : Bool
    3818        2370 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weightSpectrumExists() const
    3819             : {
    3820        2370 :         if (msIter_p->newSpectralWindow()) {
    3821             :                 // Cache to avoid testing unnecessarily.
    3822        2370 :                 cache_p.msHasWeightSpectrum_p = columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.hasContent();
    3823             :         }
    3824             : 
    3825        2370 :         return cache_p.msHasWeightSpectrum_p;
    3826             : }
    3827             : 
    3828             : Bool
    3829        1871 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sigmaSpectrumExists() const
    3830             : {
    3831        1871 :         if (msIter_p->newMS()) { // Cache to avoid testing unnecessarily.
    3832             : 
    3833         722 :                 cache_p.msHasSigmaSpectrum_p = columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.hasContent();
    3834             : 
    3835             :         }
    3836             : 
    3837        1871 :         return cache_p.msHasSigmaSpectrum_p;
    3838             : }
    3839             : 
    3840             : void
    3841          19 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weightSpectrum(Cube<Float> & spectrum) const
    3842             : {
    3843          19 :     if (weightSpectrumExists())
    3844          19 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.weightSpectrum_p, spectrum);
    3845             :     else
    3846           0 :         spectrum.resize(0, 0, 0);
    3847          19 : }
    3848             : 
    3849             : void
    3850           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weightSpectrum(Vector<Cube<Float>> & spectrum) const
    3851             : {
    3852           0 :     if (weightSpectrumExists())
    3853           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.weightSpectrum_p, spectrum);
    3854             :     else
    3855             :     {
    3856           0 :         spectrum.resize(1);
    3857           0 :         spectrum[0].resize(0, 0, 0);
    3858             :     }
    3859           0 : }
    3860             : 
    3861             : void
    3862           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sigmaSpectrum(Cube<Float> & spectrum) const
    3863             : {
    3864           0 :     if (sigmaSpectrumExists())
    3865           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p, spectrum);
    3866             :     else
    3867           0 :         spectrum.resize(0, 0, 0);
    3868           0 : }
    3869             : 
    3870             : void
    3871           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sigmaSpectrum(Vector<Cube<Float>> & spectrum) const
    3872             : {
    3873           0 :     if (sigmaSpectrumExists())
    3874           0 :         getColumnRows(columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p, spectrum);
    3875             :     else
    3876             :     {
    3877           0 :         spectrum.resize(1);
    3878           0 :         spectrum[0].resize(0, 0, 0);
    3879             :     }
    3880           0 : }
    3881             : 
    3882             : void
    3883          38 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setWeightScaling(
    3884             :         CountedPtr<WeightScaling> weightScaling)
    3885             : {
    3886          38 :         weightScaling_p = weightScaling;
    3887          38 : }
    3888             : 
    3889             : Bool
    3890           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::hasWeightScaling() const
    3891             : {
    3892           0 :         return !weightScaling_p.null();
    3893             : }
    3894             : 
    3895             : CountedPtr<WeightScaling>
    3896         262 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getWeightScaling() const
    3897             : {
    3898         262 :         return weightScaling_p;
    3899             : }
    3900             : 
    3901             : 
    3902             : const VisImagingWeight &
    3903         600 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getImagingWeightGenerator() const
    3904             : {
    3905         600 :         return imwgt_p;
    3906             : }
    3907             : 
    3908             : Block<MeasurementSet>
    3909           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getMeasurementSets() const
    3910             : {
    3911           0 :         return measurementSets_p;
    3912             : }
    3913             : 
    3914             : Int
    3915        6059 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getReportingFrameOfReference() const
    3916             : {
    3917             :     Int frame;
    3918        6059 :     if (reportingFrame_p == VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified) {
    3919             : 
    3920        6059 :         if (frequencySelections_p != 0) {
    3921             : 
    3922        6059 :             frame = frequencySelections_p->getFrameOfReference();
    3923             : 
    3924        6059 :             if (frame == FrequencySelection::ByChannel) {
    3925             : 
    3926             :                 // Since selection was done by channels, the frequencies are
    3927             :                 // native.
    3928             : 
    3929        6059 :                 Vector<Int> spws;
    3930        6059 :                 spectralWindows(spws);
    3931        6059 :                 measurementFrame_p = getMeasurementFrame(spws[0]);
    3932        6059 :                 frame = measurementFrame_p;
    3933        6059 :             }
    3934             :         }
    3935             :         else{
    3936           0 :             frame = VisBuffer2::FrameNotSpecified;
    3937             :         }
    3938             :     }
    3939             :     else{
    3940           0 :         frame = reportingFrame_p;
    3941             :     }
    3942             : 
    3943        6059 :     return frame;
    3944             : }
    3945             : 
    3946             : void
    3947           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setReportingFrameOfReference(Int frame)
    3948             : {
    3949           0 :         ThrowIf(frame < 0 || frame >= MFrequency::N_Types,
    3950             :                 String::format("Unknown frame: id=%d", frame));
    3951             : 
    3952           0 :         reportingFrame_p = frame;
    3953           0 : }
    3954             : 
    3955             : VisBuffer2 *
    3956       20482 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getVisBuffer() const
    3957             : {
    3958       20482 :         return vb_p;
    3959             : }
    3960             : 
    3961             : VisBuffer2 *
    3962           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getVisBuffer(const VisibilityIterator2 * vi) const
    3963             : {
    3964           0 :         ThrowIf(vb_p == nullptr, "VI Implementation has no VisBuffer.");
    3965           0 :         vb_p->associateWithVi2(vi);
    3966           0 :         return vb_p;
    3967             : }
    3968             : 
    3969             : 
    3970             : Int
    3971        2222 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nAntennas() const
    3972             : {
    3973        2222 :         return subtableColumns_p->antenna().nrow(); // for single(sub)array only..
    3974             : }
    3975             : 
    3976             : Int
    3977         172 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nSpectralWindows() const
    3978             : {
    3979         172 :         return subtableColumns_p->spectralWindow().nrow();
    3980             : }
    3981             : 
    3982             : Int
    3983           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nDataDescriptionIds() const
    3984             : {
    3985           0 :         return subtableColumns_p->dataDescription().nrow();
    3986             : }
    3987             : 
    3988             : Int
    3989           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nPolarizationIds() const
    3990             : {
    3991           0 :         return subtableColumns_p->polarization().nrow();
    3992             : }
    3993             : 
    3994             : rownr_t
    3995           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::nRowsViWillSweep() const
    3996             : {
    3997           0 :         Int numcoh = 0;
    3998           0 :         for (uInt k = 0; k < uInt(msIter_p->numMS()) ; ++k) {
    3999           0 :                 numcoh += msIter_p->ms(k).nrow();
    4000             :         }
    4001           0 :         return numcoh;
    4002             : 
    4003             : }
    4004             : 
    4005             : const Table
    4006      358566 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::attachTable() const
    4007             : {
    4008      358566 :         return msIterSubchunk_p->table();
    4009             : }
    4010             : 
    4011             : void
    4012         768 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::slurp() const
    4013             : {
    4014             :         // Set the table data manager(ISM and SSM) cache size to the full column
    4015             :         // size, for the columns ANTENNA1, ANTENNA2, FEED1, FEED2, TIME, INTERVAL,
    4016             :         // FLAG_ROW, SCAN_NUMBER and UVW
    4017             : 
    4018         768 :         Record dmInfo(msIter_p->ms().dataManagerInfo());
    4019             : 
    4020         768 :         RecordDesc desc = dmInfo.description();
    4021             : 
    4022       14198 :         for (unsigned i = 0; i < dmInfo.nfields(); i++) {
    4023             : 
    4024       13430 :                 if (desc.isSubRecord(i)) {
    4025             : 
    4026       13430 :                         Record sub = dmInfo.subRecord(i);
    4027             : 
    4028       13430 :                         if (sub.fieldNumber("NAME") >= 0 &&
    4029       26860 :                             sub.fieldNumber("TYPE") >= 0 &&
    4030       26860 :                             sub.fieldNumber("COLUMNS") >= 0 &&
    4031       26860 :                             sub.type(sub.fieldNumber("NAME")) == TpString &&
    4032       53720 :                             sub.type(sub.fieldNumber("TYPE")) == TpString &&
    4033       26860 :                             sub.type(sub.fieldNumber("COLUMNS")) == TpArrayString) {
    4034             : 
    4035       13430 :                                 Array<String> columns;
    4036       13430 :                                 dmInfo.subRecord(i).get("COLUMNS", columns);
    4037             : 
    4038       13430 :                                 bool match = false;
    4039             : 
    4040       31343 :                                 for (unsigned j = 0; j < columns.nelements(); j++) {
    4041             : 
    4042       17913 :                                         String column = columns(IPosition(1, j));
    4043             : 
    4044       17913 :                                         match |=(column == MS::columnName(MS::ANTENNA1) ||
    4045       17145 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::ANTENNA2) ||
    4046       16377 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::FEED1) ||
    4047       15609 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::FEED2) ||
    4048       14841 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::TIME) ||
    4049       14073 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::INTERVAL) ||
    4050       13305 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::FLAG_ROW) ||
    4051       46827 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::SCAN_NUMBER) ||
    4052       11769 :                                                  column == MS::columnName(MS::UVW));
    4053       17913 :                                 }
    4054             : 
    4055       13430 :                                 if (match) {
    4056             : 
    4057        5011 :                                         String dm_name;
    4058        5011 :                                         dmInfo.subRecord(i).get("NAME", dm_name);
    4059             : 
    4060        5011 :                                         String dm_type;
    4061        5011 :                                         dmInfo.subRecord(i).get("TYPE", dm_type);
    4062             : 
    4063        5011 :                                         Bool can_exceed_nr_buckets = false;
    4064        5011 :                                         uInt num_buckets = msIter_p->ms().nrow();
    4065             :                                         // One bucket is at least one row, so this is enough
    4066             : 
    4067        5011 :                                         if (dm_type == "IncrementalStMan") {
    4068             : 
    4069        2897 :                                                 ROIncrementalStManAccessor acc(msIter_p->ms(), dm_name);
    4070        2897 :                                                 acc.setCacheSize(num_buckets, can_exceed_nr_buckets);
    4071             : 
    4072        5011 :                                         } else if (dm_type == "StandardStMan") {
    4073             : 
    4074        1371 :                                                 ROStandardStManAccessor acc(msIter_p->ms(), dm_name);
    4075        1371 :                                                 acc.setCacheSize(num_buckets, can_exceed_nr_buckets);
    4076        1371 :                                         }
    4077             :                                         /* These are the only storage managers which use the
    4078             :                                            BucketCache (and therefore are slow for random access and
    4079             :                                            small cache sizes)
    4080             :                                         */
    4081        5011 :                                 }
    4082             :                                 else {
    4083             : 
    4084        8419 :                                         String dm_name;
    4085        8419 :                                         dmInfo.subRecord(i).get("NAME", dm_name);
    4086             : 
    4087        8419 :                                 }
    4088       13430 :                         } else {
    4089           0 :                                 cerr << "Data manager info has unexpected shape! "
    4090           0 :                                      << sub << endl;
    4091             :                         }
    4092       13430 :                 }
    4093             :         }
    4094        1536 :         return;
    4095         768 : }
    4096             : 
    4097             : const Cube<Double> &
    4098           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::receptorAngles() const
    4099             : {
    4100           0 :         return msIter_p->receptorAngles();
    4101             : }
    4102             : 
    4103             : IPosition
    4104         390 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::visibilityShape() const
    4105             : {
    4106             : 
    4107             :         IPosition result(3,
    4108         390 :                          nCorrelations_p,
    4109         390 :                          channelSelectors_p[0]->getNFrequencies(),
    4110         780 :                          rowBounds_p.subchunkNRows_p);
    4111             : 
    4112         390 :         return result;
    4113             : }
    4114             : 
    4115             : void
    4116          24 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::setFrequencySelections(
    4117             :     FrequencySelections const& frequencySelections)
    4118             : {
    4119          24 :     pendingChanges_p->setFrequencySelections(frequencySelections.clone());
    4120             : 
    4121          24 :     channelSelectorCache_p->flush();
    4122          24 :     spectralWindowChannelsCache_p->flush();
    4123          24 :     channelSelectors_p.clear();
    4124          24 :     channelSelectorsNrows_p.clear();
    4125          24 :     setMetadataScope();
    4126          24 : }
    4127             : 
    4128             : void
    4129           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::jonesC(
    4130             :         Vector<SquareMatrix<complex<float>, 2> >& cjones) const
    4131             : {
    4132           0 :         cjones.resize(msIter_p->CJones().nelements());
    4133           0 :         cjones = msIter_p->CJones();
    4134           0 : }
    4135             : 
    4136             : void
    4137      229772 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlag(const Cube<Bool> & flags)
    4138             : {
    4139      229772 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4140             : 
    4141      229772 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.flag_p, flags);
    4142      229772 : }
    4143             : 
    4144             : void
    4145           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlagCategory(const Array<Bool>& flagCategory)
    4146             : {
    4147           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4148             : 
    4149             :         // Flag categories are [nC, nF, nCategories] and therefore must use a
    4150             :         // different slicer which also prevents use of more usual putColumn method.
    4151             : 
    4152           0 :         RefRows & rows = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p;
    4153             :         const ChannelSlicer & channelSlicer =
    4154           0 :                 channelSelectors_p[0]->getSlicerForFlagCategories();
    4155             : 
    4156           0 :         columns_p.flagCategory_p.putSliceFromRows(
    4157           0 :                 rows, channelSlicer.getSlicerInCoreRep(), flagCategory);
    4158           0 : }
    4159             : 
    4160             : void
    4161      222823 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlagRow(const Vector<Bool> & rowflags)
    4162             : {
    4163      222823 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4164             : 
    4165      222823 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.flagRow_p, rowflags);
    4166      222823 : }
    4167             : 
    4168             : void
    4169           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisCorrected(const Cube<Complex> & vis)
    4170             : {
    4171           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4172             : 
    4173           0 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.corrVis_p, vis);
    4174           0 : }
    4175             : 
    4176             : void
    4177           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisModel(const Cube<Complex> & vis)
    4178             : {
    4179           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4180             : 
    4181           0 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.modelVis_p, vis);
    4182           0 : }
    4183             : 
    4184             : void
    4185           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisObserved(const Cube<Complex> & vis)
    4186             : {
    4187           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4188             : 
    4189           0 :         if (floatDataFound_p) {
    4190             : 
    4191             :                 // This MS has float data; convert the cube to float
    4192             :                 // and right it out
    4193             : 
    4194           0 :                 Cube<Float> dataFloat = real(vis);
    4195           0 :                 putColumnRows(columns_p.floatVis_p, dataFloat);
    4196             : 
    4197           0 :         }
    4198             :         else {
    4199           0 :                 putColumnRows(columns_p.vis_p, vis);
    4200             :         }
    4201             : 
    4202           0 : }
    4203             : 
    4204             : void
    4205           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeWeight(const Matrix<Float> & weight)
    4206             : {
    4207           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4208             : 
    4209           0 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.weight_p, weight);
    4210           0 : }
    4211             : 
    4212             : void
    4213           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeWeightSpectrum(const Cube<Float> & weightSpectrum)
    4214             : {
    4215           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4216             : 
    4217           0 :         if (!columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.isNull()) {
    4218           0 :                 putColumnRows(columns_p.weightSpectrum_p, weightSpectrum);
    4219             :         }
    4220           0 : }
    4221             : 
    4222             : void
    4223           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::initWeightSpectrum(const Cube<Float> & weightSpectrum)
    4224             : {
    4225           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4226             : 
    4227           0 :         if (!columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.isNull()) {
    4228           0 :                 RefRows & rows = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p;
    4229           0 :                 columns_p.weightSpectrum_p.putColumnCells(rows, weightSpectrum);
    4230             :         }
    4231           0 : }
    4232             : 
    4233             : void
    4234           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeSigmaSpectrum(const Cube<Float> & sigmaSpectrum)
    4235             : {
    4236           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4237             : 
    4238           0 :         if (!columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.isNull()) {
    4239           0 :                 putColumnRows(columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p, sigmaSpectrum);
    4240             :         }
    4241           0 : }
    4242             : 
    4243             : void
    4244           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::initSigmaSpectrum(const Cube<Float> & sigmaSpectrum)
    4245             : {
    4246           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4247             : 
    4248           0 :         if (!columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.isNull() ) {
    4249           0 :                 RefRows & rows = rowBounds_p.subchunkRows_p;
    4250           0 :                 columns_p.sigmaSpectrum_p.putColumnCells(rows, sigmaSpectrum);
    4251             :         }
    4252           0 : }
    4253             : 
    4254             : void
    4255           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeSigma(const Matrix<Float> & sigma)
    4256             : {
    4257           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4258             : 
    4259           0 :         putColumnRows(columns_p.sigma_p, sigma);
    4260           0 : }
    4261             : 
    4262             : void
    4263           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeModel(
    4264             :         const RecordInterface& rec, Bool iscomponentlist, Bool incremental)
    4265             : {
    4266             : 
    4267           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4268             :         /* Version 1 stuff
    4269             :         Vector<Int> fields = columns_p.field_p.getColumn();
    4270             : 
    4271             :         const Int option = Sort::HeapSort | Sort::NoDuplicates;
    4272             :         const Sort::Order order = Sort::Ascending;
    4273             : 
    4274             :         Int nFields = GenSort<Int>::sort(fields, order, option);
    4275             : 
    4276             :         // Make sure  we have the right size
    4277             : 
    4278             :         fields.resize(nFields, true);
    4279             :         */
    4280             : 
    4281           0 :         Matrix<Int>  combiIndex;
    4282           0 :         MSUtil::getIndexCombination(MSColumns(ms()), combiIndex);
    4283           0 :         Vector<Int> selectedWindows;
    4284           0 :         Vector<Int> nChannels;
    4285           0 :         Vector<Int> firstChannels;
    4286           0 :         Vector<Int> channelIncrement;
    4287             : 
    4288           0 :         std::tie(selectedWindows, nChannels, firstChannels, channelIncrement) =
    4289           0 :                 getChannelInformation();
    4290           0 :          Matrix<Int> chansel(selectedWindows.nelements(),4);
    4291           0 :          chansel.column(0)=selectedWindows;
    4292           0 :          chansel.column(1)=firstChannels;
    4293           0 :          chansel.column(2)=nChannels;
    4294           0 :          chansel.column(3)=channelIncrement;
    4295           0 :         CountedPtr<VisModelDataI> visModelData = VisModelDataI::create();
    4296             : 
    4297             :         /*visModelData->putModelI(
    4298             :                 ms(), rec, fields, selectedWindows, firstChannels, nChannels,
    4299             :                 channelIncrement, iscomponentlist, incremental);*/
    4300             :         //Version 2 interface to keep state and scan number in track
    4301           0 :          visModelData->putModelI (ms(), rec, combiIndex, chansel, iscomponentlist, incremental);
    4302             : 
    4303           0 : }
    4304             : 
    4305             : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::ChannelInfo
    4306           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getChannelInformationUsingFrequency() const
    4307             : {
    4308             :     const FrequencySelectionUsingFrame  *frequencySelection =
    4309           0 :     dynamic_cast<const FrequencySelectionUsingFrame*>(
    4310           0 :         &frequencySelections_p->get(msId()));
    4311           0 :     if (!frequencySelection)
    4312           0 :         throw(AipsError(
    4313           0 :             "Programmer Error channel info with wrong object called"));
    4314           0 :     set<Int> windows = frequencySelection->getSelectedWindows();
    4315             : 
    4316           0 :     Vector<Int> spectralWindow(windows.size());
    4317           0 :     Vector<Int> nChannels(windows.size(), -1);
    4318           0 :     Vector<Int> firstChannel(windows.size(), -1);
    4319           0 :     Vector<Int> channelIncrement(windows.size(), -1);
    4320             : 
    4321             : 
    4322           0 :     Int i = 0;
    4323           0 :     map<int, pair<int, int> > spwRanges=frequencySelection->getChannelRange ( measurementSets_p [msId()]) ;
    4324             : 
    4325           0 :     for (set<Int>::iterator j = windows.begin(); j != windows.end(); j++){
    4326             : 
    4327             :         //spectralWindow [i] = * j;
    4328           0 :         auto sel = spwRanges.find(*j);
    4329             : 
    4330           0 :         if(sel != spwRanges.end()){
    4331           0 :             spectralWindow.resize(i+1, True);
    4332           0 :             nChannels.resize(i+1,True);
    4333           0 :             firstChannel.resize(i+1, True);
    4334           0 :             channelIncrement.resize(i+1,True);
    4335           0 :             spectralWindow [i] = * j;
    4336           0 :             nChannels [i] = (sel->second).first;
    4337           0 :             firstChannel [i] =(sel->second).second;
    4338           0 :             channelIncrement[i] = 1;
    4339             : 
    4340           0 :             ++i;
    4341             :         }
    4342             : 
    4343             :     }
    4344             : 
    4345             :     return std::make_tuple(spectralWindow, nChannels, firstChannel,
    4346           0 :                            channelIncrement);
    4347           0 : }
    4348             : 
    4349             : 
    4350             : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::ChannelInfo
    4351           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getChannelInformation() const
    4352             : {
    4353             :     const FrequencySelectionUsingChannels * frequencySelection =
    4354           0 :     dynamic_cast<const FrequencySelectionUsingChannels *>(
    4355           0 :         &frequencySelections_p->get(msId()));
    4356             : 
    4357           0 :     if (frequencySelection == 0) {
    4358           0 :         return getChannelInformationUsingFrequency();
    4359             :     }
    4360             : 
    4361           0 :     Vector<Int> spectralWindow;
    4362           0 :     Vector<Int> nChannels;
    4363           0 :     Vector<Int> firstChannel;
    4364           0 :     Vector<Int> channelIncrement;
    4365             : 
    4366           0 :     if (frequencySelection->empty()) {
    4367             : 
    4368             :         // No explicit selection, so everything is selected.
    4369             : 
    4370           0 :         casa::ms::SpectralWindows spectralWindows(& measurementSets_p[msId()]);
    4371             : 
    4372           0 :         spectralWindow.resize(spectralWindows.size());
    4373           0 :         nChannels.resize(spectralWindows.size());
    4374           0 :         firstChannel.resize(spectralWindows.size());
    4375           0 :         channelIncrement.resize(spectralWindows.size());
    4376             : 
    4377           0 :         Int i = 0;
    4378             : 
    4379           0 :         for(casa::ms::SpectralWindows::const_iterator s =
    4380           0 :             spectralWindows.begin();
    4381           0 :             s != spectralWindows.end();
    4382           0 :             s++) {
    4383             : 
    4384           0 :             spectralWindow(i) = s->id();
    4385           0 :             nChannels(i) = s->nChannels();
    4386           0 :             firstChannel(i) = 0;
    4387           0 :             channelIncrement(i) = 1;
    4388             : 
    4389           0 :             i++;
    4390             :         }
    4391           0 :     }
    4392             :     else {
    4393             : 
    4394             :         // Use the explicit channel-based selection to compute the result.
    4395             : 
    4396           0 :         spectralWindow.resize(frequencySelection->size());
    4397           0 :         nChannels.resize(frequencySelection->size());
    4398           0 :         firstChannel.resize(frequencySelection->size());
    4399           0 :         channelIncrement.resize(frequencySelection->size());
    4400             : 
    4401           0 :         Int i = 0;
    4402           0 :         for (FrequencySelectionUsingChannels::const_iterator j =
    4403           0 :              frequencySelection->begin();
    4404           0 :              j != frequencySelection->end();
    4405           0 :              ++j) {
    4406             : 
    4407           0 :             spectralWindow(i) = j->spectralWindow_p;
    4408           0 :             nChannels(i) = j->nChannels_p;
    4409           0 :             firstChannel(i) = j->firstChannel_p;
    4410           0 :             channelIncrement(i) = j->increment_p;
    4411             : 
    4412           0 :             i++;
    4413             :         }
    4414             :     }
    4415             : 
    4416             :     return std::make_tuple(spectralWindow, nChannels, firstChannel,
    4417           0 :                            channelIncrement);
    4418           0 : }
    4419             : 
    4420           0 : Vector<casacore::Vector<Int> > VisibilityIteratorImpl2::getAllSelectedSpws() const{
    4421             : 
    4422           0 :         Vector<Vector<Int> > retval(         frequencySelections_p->size());
    4423           0 :         for (uInt k=0; k < retval.nelements(); ++k){
    4424           0 :                 std::set<Int> spw=(frequencySelections_p->get(k)).getSelectedWindows();
    4425           0 :                 retval[k]=Vector<Int>(std::vector<Int>(spw.begin(), spw.end()));
    4426           0 :         }
    4427           0 :         return retval;
    4428           0 : }
    4429             : 
    4430             : void
    4431           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeBackChanges(VisBuffer2 * vb)
    4432             : {
    4433           0 :         ThrowIf(!isWritable(), "This visibility iterator is not writable");
    4434             : 
    4435           0 :         if (backWriters_p.empty()) {
    4436           0 :                 initializeBackWriters();
    4437             :         }
    4438             : 
    4439           0 :         VisBufferComponents2 dirtyComponents = vb->dirtyComponentsGet();
    4440             : 
    4441           0 :         for (VisBufferComponents2::const_iterator dirtyComponent =
    4442           0 :                      dirtyComponents.begin();
    4443           0 :              dirtyComponent != dirtyComponents.end();
    4444           0 :              dirtyComponent++) {
    4445             : 
    4446           0 :                 ThrowIf(backWriters_p.find(* dirtyComponent) == backWriters_p.end(),
    4447             :                         String::format(
    4448             :                                 "No writer defined for VisBuffer component %d",
    4449             :                                 *dirtyComponent));
    4450           0 :                 BackWriter * backWriter = backWriters_p[ * dirtyComponent];
    4451             : 
    4452             :                 try {
    4453           0 :                         (* backWriter)(this, vb);
    4454           0 :                 } catch(AipsError & e) {
    4455           0 :                         Rethrow(
    4456             :                                 e,
    4457             :                                 String::format(
    4458             :                                         "Error while writing back VisBuffer component %d",
    4459             :                                         *dirtyComponent));
    4460           0 :                 }
    4461             :         }
    4462           0 : }
    4463             : 
    4464             : void
    4465           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::initializeBackWriters()
    4466             : {
    4467           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::FlagCube] =
    4468           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlag, & VisBuffer2::flagCube);
    4469           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::FlagRow] =
    4470           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlagRow, & VisBuffer2::flagRow);
    4471           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::FlagCategory] =
    4472           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeFlagCategory, & VisBuffer2::flagCategory);
    4473           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::Sigma] =
    4474           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeSigma, & VisBuffer2::sigma);
    4475           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::Weight] =
    4476           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeWeight, & VisBuffer2::weight);
    4477           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::WeightSpectrum] =
    4478           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeWeightSpectrum, & VisBuffer2::weightSpectrum);
    4479           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::SigmaSpectrum] =
    4480           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeSigmaSpectrum, & VisBuffer2::sigmaSpectrum);
    4481             : 
    4482             :         // Now do the visibilities.
    4483             : 
    4484           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeObserved] =
    4485           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisObserved, & VisBuffer2::visCube);
    4486           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeCorrected] =
    4487           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisCorrected, & VisBuffer2::visCubeCorrected);
    4488           0 :         backWriters_p[VisBufferComponent2::VisibilityCubeModel] =
    4489           0 :                 makeBackWriter(& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::writeVisModel, & VisBuffer2::visCubeModel);
    4490             : 
    4491           0 : }
    4492             : 
    4493         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::PendingChanges()
    4494         801 :         : frequencySelections_p(0)
    4495         801 :         , frequencySelectionsPending_p(false)
    4496         801 :         , interval_p(Empty)
    4497         801 :         , nRowBlocking_p(Empty)
    4498         801 : {}
    4499             : 
    4500         801 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::~PendingChanges()
    4501             : {
    4502         801 :         delete frequencySelections_p;
    4503         801 : }
    4504             : 
    4505             : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges *
    4506           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::clone() const
    4507             : {
    4508           0 :         PendingChanges * theClone = new PendingChanges();
    4509             : 
    4510           0 :         theClone->frequencySelections_p =
    4511           0 :                 new FrequencySelections(* frequencySelections_p);
    4512           0 :         theClone->frequencySelectionsPending_p = frequencySelectionsPending_p;
    4513           0 :         theClone->interval_p = interval_p;
    4514           0 :         theClone->nRowBlocking_p = nRowBlocking_p;
    4515             : 
    4516           0 :         return theClone;
    4517             : }
    4518             : 
    4519             : 
    4520             : 
    4521             : Bool
    4522      373250 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::empty() const
    4523             : {
    4524     1119726 :         Bool result = frequencySelections_p == 0 &&
    4525      746476 :                 interval_p == Empty &&
    4526      373226 :                 nRowBlocking_p == Empty;
    4527             : 
    4528      373250 :         return result;
    4529             : }
    4530             : 
    4531             : pair<Bool, FrequencySelections *>
    4532          94 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::popFrequencySelections()
    4533             : {
    4534             :         // yields ownership
    4535          94 :         FrequencySelections * result = frequencySelections_p;
    4536          94 :         Bool wasPending = frequencySelectionsPending_p;
    4537             : 
    4538          94 :         frequencySelections_p = 0;
    4539          94 :         frequencySelectionsPending_p = false;
    4540             : 
    4541         188 :         return make_pair(wasPending, result);
    4542             : }
    4543             : 
    4544             : pair<Bool, Double>
    4545          94 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::popInterval()
    4546             : {
    4547          94 :         pair<Bool,Double> result = make_pair(interval_p != Empty, interval_p);
    4548             : 
    4549          94 :         interval_p = Empty;
    4550             : 
    4551          94 :         return result;
    4552             : }
    4553             : 
    4554             : pair<Bool, Int>
    4555          94 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::popNRowBlocking()
    4556             : {
    4557          94 :         pair<Bool,Int> result = make_pair(nRowBlocking_p != Empty, nRowBlocking_p);
    4558             : 
    4559          94 :         nRowBlocking_p = Empty;
    4560             : 
    4561          94 :         return result;
    4562             : }
    4563             : 
    4564             : void
    4565          24 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::setFrequencySelections(
    4566             :         FrequencySelections * fs)
    4567             : {
    4568             :         // takes ownership
    4569          24 :         Assert(!frequencySelectionsPending_p);
    4570             : 
    4571          24 :         frequencySelections_p = fs;
    4572          24 :         frequencySelectionsPending_p = true;
    4573          24 : }
    4574             : 
    4575             : void
    4576           0 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::setInterval(Double interval)
    4577             : {
    4578           0 :         Assert(interval_p == Empty);
    4579             : 
    4580           0 :         interval_p = interval;
    4581           0 : }
    4582             : 
    4583             : void
    4584          70 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::PendingChanges::setNRowBlocking(Int nRowBlocking)
    4585             : {
    4586          70 :         Assert(nRowBlocking_p == Empty);
    4587             : 
    4588          70 :         nRowBlocking_p = nRowBlocking;
    4589          70 : }
    4590             : 
    4591             : bool
    4592        5482 : VisibilityIteratorImpl2::fillFromVirtualModel(Cube <Complex> & value) const
    4593             : {
    4594             :         // The model is virtual if there is no model column or there is a virtual
    4595             :         // model defined in the MS.
    4596             : 
    4597        5482 :         String modelKey = "definedmodel_field_" + String::toString(vb_p->fieldId());
    4598             :         Int sourceRow;
    4599       10964 :         Bool hasModelKey= !(modelDataGenerator_p == 0) &&
    4600        5482 :                 modelDataGenerator_p->isModelDefinedI(vb_p->fieldId()(0), ms(),
    4601        5482 :                                                       modelKey, sourceRow);
    4602             : 
    4603        5482 :         Bool isVirtual = hasModelKey || !(ms().tableDesc().isColumn("MODEL_DATA"));
    4604             : 
    4605        5482 :         if (isVirtual) {
    4606         184 :           modelDataGenerator_p->init(*vb_p);
    4607             : 
    4608             : 
    4609             :           //////////This bit can be removed once version 1 is no longer read
    4610         184 :           if(!(modelDataGenerator_p->isVersion2())){
    4611             : 
    4612           0 :             auto field = vb_p->fieldId()(0);
    4613           0 :             auto spw = vb_p->spectralWindows()(0);
    4614           0 :                 if (modelDataGenerator_p->hasModel(msId(),field , spw) == -1) {
    4615             : 
    4616             :                         // If the model generator does not have a model for this(ms,field,
    4617             :                         // spectralWindow) then try to add it.
    4618             : 
    4619           0 :                         if (hasModelKey) {
    4620             : 
    4621             :                                 // Read the record of model information and if found add it to
    4622             :                                 // the model generator.
    4623             : 
    4624           0 :                                 TableRecord modelRecord;
    4625           0 :                                 if (modelDataGenerator_p->getModelRecordI(
    4626           0 :                                             modelKey, modelRecord, ms())) {
    4627             : 
    4628           0 :                                         modelDataGenerator_p->addModel(
    4629           0 :                                                 modelRecord, Vector<Int>(1, msId()), * vb_p);
    4630             :                                 }
    4631           0 :                         }
    4632             :                 }
    4633             :           }
    4634             :           /////////////////////////
    4635             :                 // Now use the model data generator to fill in the model data.
    4636             :                 // Temporarily make the VisBuffer writable, if it wasn't already.
    4637             : 
    4638         184 :                 Bool wasWritable = vb_p->setWritability(true);
    4639         184 :                 modelDataGenerator_p->getModelVis(const_cast <VisBuffer2 &>(* vb_p));
    4640         184 :                 vb_p->setWritability(wasWritable);
    4641             : 
    4642             :                 // Put the model cube into the provided container.  If that turns out to
    4643             :                 // be the model component of the VIIs VB2 then this will be a no-op.
    4644             : 
    4645         184 :                 value = vb_p->visCubeModel();
    4646         184 :                 return true; // filled it
    4647             :         }
    4648             : 
    4649        5298 :         return false; // Did not fill
    4650        5482 : }
    4651             : 
    4652             : //**********************************************************************
    4653             : // Methods to access the subtables.
    4654             : //**********************************************************************
    4655             : 
    4656             : // Access to antenna subtable
    4657           0 : const casacore::MSAntennaColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::antennaSubtablecols() const
    4658             : {
    4659           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().antenna();
    4660             : }
    4661             : 
    4662             : // Access to dataDescription subtable
    4663           0 : const casacore::MSDataDescColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::dataDescriptionSubtablecols() const
    4664             : {
    4665           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().dataDescription();
    4666             : }
    4667             : 
    4668             : // Access to feed subtable
    4669           0 : const casacore::MSFeedColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::feedSubtablecols() const
    4670             : {
    4671           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().feed();
    4672             : }
    4673             : 
    4674             : // Access to field subtable
    4675           0 : const casacore::MSFieldColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::fieldSubtablecols() const
    4676             : {
    4677           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().field();
    4678             : }
    4679             : 
    4680             : // Access to flagCmd subtable
    4681           0 : const casacore::MSFlagCmdColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::flagCmdSubtablecols() const
    4682             : {
    4683           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().flagCmd();
    4684             : }
    4685             : 
    4686             : // Access to history subtable
    4687           0 : const casacore::MSHistoryColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::historySubtablecols() const
    4688             : {
    4689           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().history();
    4690             : }
    4691             : 
    4692             : // Access to observation subtable
    4693           0 : const casacore::MSObservationColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::observationSubtablecols() const
    4694             : {
    4695           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().observation();
    4696             : }
    4697             : 
    4698             : // Access to pointing subtable
    4699           0 : const casacore::MSPointingColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::pointingSubtablecols() const
    4700             : {
    4701           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().pointing();
    4702             : }
    4703             : 
    4704             : // Access to polarization subtable
    4705           0 : const casacore::MSPolarizationColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::polarizationSubtablecols() const
    4706             : {
    4707           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().polarization();
    4708             : }
    4709             : 
    4710             : // Access to processor subtable
    4711           0 : const casacore::MSProcessorColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::processorSubtablecols() const
    4712             : {
    4713           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().processor();
    4714             : }
    4715             : 
    4716             : // Access to spectralWindow subtable
    4717           0 : const casacore::MSSpWindowColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::spectralWindowSubtablecols() const
    4718             : {
    4719           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().spectralWindow();
    4720             : }
    4721             : 
    4722             : // Access to state subtable
    4723           0 : const casacore::MSStateColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::stateSubtablecols() const
    4724             : {
    4725           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().state();
    4726             : }
    4727             : 
    4728             : // Access to doppler subtable
    4729           0 : const casacore::MSDopplerColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::dopplerSubtablecols() const
    4730             : {
    4731           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().doppler();
    4732             : }
    4733             : 
    4734             : // Access to freqOffset subtable
    4735           0 : const casacore::MSFreqOffsetColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::freqOffsetSubtablecols() const
    4736             : {
    4737           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().freqOffset();
    4738             : }
    4739             : 
    4740             : // Access to source subtable
    4741           0 : const casacore::MSSourceColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sourceSubtablecols() const
    4742             : {
    4743           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().source();
    4744             : }
    4745             : 
    4746             : // Access to sysCal subtable
    4747           0 : const casacore::MSSysCalColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::sysCalSubtablecols() const
    4748             : {
    4749           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().sysCal();
    4750             : }
    4751             : 
    4752             : // Access to weather subtable
    4753           0 : const casacore::MSWeatherColumns& VisibilityIteratorImpl2::weatherSubtablecols() const
    4754             : {
    4755           0 :     return msIter_p->msColumns().weather();
    4756             : }
    4757             : 
    4758             : } // end namespace vi
    4759             : 
    4760             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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