Line data Source code
1 : //# FlagDataHandler.h: This file contains the interface definition of the FlagDataHandler class.
2 : //#
3 : //# CASA - Common Astronomy Software Applications (
4 : //# Copyright (C) Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA 2011, All rights reserved.
5 : //# Copyright (C) European Southern Observatory, 2011, All rights reserved.
6 : //#
7 : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 : //# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9 : //# License as published by the Free software Foundation; either
10 : //# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 : //#
12 : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 : //# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
15 : //# Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 : //#
17 : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 : //# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19 : //# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
20 : //# MA 02111-1307 USA
21 : //# $Id: $
22 :
25 :
26 : // VI/VB infrastructure
27 : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
28 :
29 : // TVI framework
30 : #include <msvis/MSVis/AveragingVi2Factory.h>
31 :
32 : // Records interface
33 : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
34 :
35 : // casacore::Data mapping
36 : #include <map>
37 :
38 : namespace casa {
39 : namespace vi {
40 : enum class VisBufferComponent2;
41 : }
42 : }
43 :
44 : namespace casacore {
45 :
46 : class MSSelection;
47 : template <class M> class ScalarMeasColumn;
48 : }
49 :
50 : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
51 :
52 : // Type definitions
53 : typedef std::map< std::pair<casacore::Int,casacore::Int>,std::vector<casacore::uInt> >::iterator antennaPairMapIterator;
54 : typedef std::map< casacore::Double,std::vector<casacore::uInt> >::iterator subIntegrationMapIterator;
55 : typedef std::map< casacore::uShort,casacore::uShort >::iterator polartizationMapIterator;
56 : typedef std::map< std::pair<casacore::Int,casacore::Int>,std::vector<casacore::uInt> > antennaPairMap;
57 : typedef std::map< casacore::Double,std::vector<casacore::uInt> > subIntegrationMap;
58 : typedef std::map< casacore::uShort,casacore::uShort > polarizationMap;
59 : typedef std::map< casacore::uInt,casacore::String > polarizationIndexMap;
60 : typedef std::vector< std::vector<casacore::Double> > antennaPointingMap;
61 : typedef std::map< casacore::Int,std::vector<casacore::Double> > scanStartStopMap;
62 : typedef std::map< casacore::Int,casacore::Double > lambdaMap;
63 :
64 : const casacore::Complex ImaginaryUnit = casacore::Complex(0,1);
65 :
66 : // We need to have the CubeView definition here because its type is used by FlagDataHandler class
67 : template<class T> class CubeView
68 : {
69 :
70 : public:
71 :
72 769203 : CubeView(casacore::Cube<T> *parentCube, std::vector<casacore::uInt> *rows = NULL, std::vector<casacore::uInt> *channels = NULL, std::vector<casacore::uInt> *polarizations = NULL)
73 769203 : {
74 769203 : parentCube_p = parentCube;
75 769203 : casacore::IPosition baseCubeShape = parentCube_p->shape();
76 769203 : reducedLength_p = casacore::IPosition(3);
77 :
78 0 : if (((polarizations != NULL) and (polarizations->size() > 0)) and
79 769203 : ((channels != NULL) and (channels->size() > 0)) and
80 0 : ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0)))
81 : {
82 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessMapped;
83 : }
84 769203 : else if (((polarizations != NULL) and (polarizations->size() > 0)) and
85 0 : ((channels != NULL) and (channels->size() > 0)))
86 : {
87 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex12Mapped;
88 : }
89 769203 : else if (((polarizations != NULL) and (polarizations->size() > 0)) and
90 0 : ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0)))
91 : {
92 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex13Mapped;
93 : }
94 820884 : else if (((channels != NULL) and (channels->size() > 0)) and
95 51681 : ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0)))
96 : {
97 51681 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex23Mapped;
98 : }
99 717522 : else if ((polarizations != NULL) and (polarizations->size() > 0))
100 : {
101 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex1Mapped;
102 : }
103 717522 : else if ((channels != NULL) and (channels->size() > 0))
104 : {
105 717522 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex2Mapped;
106 : }
107 0 : else if ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0))
108 : {
109 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessIndex3Mapped;
110 : }
111 : else
112 : {
113 0 : access_p = &CubeView::accessUnmapped;
114 : }
115 :
116 769203 : if ((polarizations != NULL) and (polarizations->size() > 0))
117 : {
118 0 : polarizations_p = polarizations;
119 0 : reducedLength_p(0) = polarizations_p->size();
120 : }
121 : else
122 : {
123 769203 : polarizations_p = NULL;
124 769203 : reducedLength_p(0) = baseCubeShape(0);
125 : }
126 :
127 769203 : if ((channels != NULL) and (channels->size() > 0))
128 : {
129 769203 : channels_p = channels;
130 769203 : reducedLength_p(1) = channels_p->size();
131 : }
132 : else
133 : {
134 0 : channels_p = NULL;
135 0 : reducedLength_p(1) = baseCubeShape(1);
136 : }
137 :
138 769203 : if ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0))
139 : {
140 51681 : rows_p = rows;
141 51681 : reducedLength_p(2) = rows_p->size();
142 : }
143 : else
144 : {
145 717522 : rows_p = NULL;
146 717522 : reducedLength_p(2) = baseCubeShape(2);
147 : }
148 769203 : }
149 :
150 2745587548 : T &operator()(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
151 : {
152 2745587548 : return (*this.*access_p)(i1,i2,i3);
153 : }
154 :
155 404524 : const casacore::IPosition &shape() const
156 : {
157 404524 : return reducedLength_p;
158 : }
159 :
160 : void shape(casacore::Int &s1, casacore::Int &s2, casacore::Int &s3) const
161 : {
162 : s1 = reducedLength_p(0);
163 : s2 = reducedLength_p(1);
164 : s3 = reducedLength_p(2);
165 : return;
166 : }
167 :
168 : protected:
169 :
170 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *createIndex(casacore::uInt size)
171 : {
172 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *index = new std::vector<casacore::uInt>(size);
173 : index->clear();
174 : for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<size; i++ )
175 : {
176 : index->push_back(i);
177 : }
178 : return index;
179 : }
180 :
181 0 : T &accessUnmapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
182 : {
183 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1,i2,i3);
184 : }
185 :
186 0 : T &accessMapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
187 : {
188 0 : casacore::uInt i1_index = polarizations_p->at(i1);
189 0 : casacore::uInt i2_index = channels_p->at(i2);
190 0 : casacore::uInt i3_index = rows_p->at(i3);
191 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1_index,i2_index,i3_index);
192 : }
193 :
194 0 : T &accessIndex1Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
195 : {
196 0 : casacore::uInt i1_index = polarizations_p->at(i1);
197 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1_index,i2,i3);
198 : }
199 :
200 1273794701 : T &accessIndex2Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
201 : {
202 1273794701 : casacore::uInt i2_index = channels_p->at(i2);
203 1273794701 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1,i2_index,i3);
204 : }
205 :
206 0 : T &accessIndex3Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
207 : {
208 0 : casacore::uInt i3_index = rows_p->at(i3);
209 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1,i2,i3_index);
210 : }
211 :
212 0 : T &accessIndex12Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
213 : {
214 0 : casacore::uInt i1_index = polarizations_p->at(i1);
215 0 : casacore::uInt i2_index = channels_p->at(i2);
216 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1_index,i2_index,i3);
217 : }
218 :
219 0 : T &accessIndex13Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
220 : {
221 0 : casacore::uInt i1_index = polarizations_p->at(i1);
222 0 : casacore::uInt i3_index = rows_p->at(i3);
223 0 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1_index,i2,i3_index);
224 : }
225 :
226 1471792847 : T &accessIndex23Mapped(casacore::uInt i1, casacore::uInt i2, casacore::uInt i3)
227 : {
228 1471792847 : casacore::uInt i2_index = channels_p->at(i2);
229 1471792847 : casacore::uInt i3_index = rows_p->at(i3);
230 1471792847 : return (*parentCube_p)(i1,i2_index,i3_index);
231 : }
232 :
233 : private:
234 : casacore::Cube<T> *parentCube_p;
235 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *rows_p;
236 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *channels_p;
237 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *polarizations_p;
238 : casacore::IPosition reducedLength_p;
239 : T &(casa::CubeView<T>::*access_p)(casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt);
240 : };
241 :
242 : template<class T> class VectorView
243 : {
244 :
245 : public:
246 722406 : VectorView(casacore::Vector<T> *parentVector, std::vector<casacore::uInt> *rows = NULL)
247 722406 : {
248 722406 : casacore::IPosition parentVectorShape = parentVector->shape();
249 722406 : parentVector_p = parentVector;
250 722406 : reducedLength_p = casacore::IPosition(1);
251 :
252 722406 : if ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0))
253 : {
254 36950 : access_p = &VectorView::accessMapped;
255 : }
256 : else
257 : {
258 685456 : access_p = &VectorView::accessUnmapped;
259 : }
260 :
261 722406 : if ((rows != NULL) and (rows->size() > 0))
262 : {
263 36950 : rows_p = rows;
264 36950 : reducedLength_p(0) = rows_p->size();
265 : }
266 : else
267 : {
268 685456 : rows_p = NULL;
269 685456 : reducedLength_p(0) = parentVectorShape(0);
270 : }
271 722406 : }
272 :
273 5017825 : T &operator()(casacore::uInt i1)
274 : {
275 5017825 : return (*this.*access_p)(i1);
276 : }
277 :
278 : const casacore::IPosition &shape() const
279 : {
280 : return reducedLength_p;
281 : }
282 :
283 : void shape(casacore::Int &s1) const
284 : {
285 : s1 = reducedLength_p(0);
286 : return;
287 : }
288 :
289 : protected:
290 :
291 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *createIndex(casacore::uInt size)
292 : {
293 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *index = new std::vector<casacore::uInt>(size);
294 : index->clear();
295 : for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<size; i++ )
296 : {
297 : index->push_back(i);
298 : }
299 : return index;
300 : }
301 :
302 5017825 : T &accessUnmapped(casacore::uInt i1)
303 : {
304 5017825 : return parentVector_p->operator()(i1);
305 : }
306 :
307 0 : T &accessMapped(casacore::uInt i1)
308 : {
309 0 : casacore::uInt i1_index = rows_p->at(i1);
310 0 : return parentVector_p->operator()(i1_index);
311 : }
312 :
313 : private:
314 : casacore::Vector<T> *parentVector_p;
315 : std::vector<casacore::uInt> *rows_p;
316 : casacore::IPosition reducedLength_p;
317 : T &(casa::VectorView<T>::*access_p)(casacore::uInt);
318 : };
319 :
320 : class VisMapper
321 : {
322 : typedef casacore::Complex (casa::VisMapper::*corrProduct)(casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt);
323 :
324 : public:
325 :
326 : enum calsolutions {
327 :
328 : CALSOL1=casacore::Stokes::NumberOfTypes,
329 : CALSOL2,
330 : CALSOL3,
331 : CALSOL4
332 : };
333 :
334 : VisMapper(casacore::String expression,polarizationMap *polMap,CubeView<casacore::Complex> *leftVis,CubeView<casacore::Complex> *rightVis=NULL);
335 : VisMapper(casacore::String expression,polarizationMap *polMap);
336 : ~VisMapper();
337 :
338 : void setParentCubes(CubeView<casacore::Complex> *leftVis,CubeView<casacore::Complex> *rightVis=NULL);
339 :
340 29969 : std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > getSelectedCorrelations() { return selectedCorrelations_p;}
341 0 : std::vector< string > getSelectedCorrelationStrings() { return selectedCorrelationStrings_p;}
342 :
343 : casacore::Float operator()(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
344 : casacore::Float operator()(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
345 :
346 : // Direct access to the complex correlation product
347 : casacore::Complex correlationProduct(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
348 :
349 : // NOTE: reducedLength_p is defined as [chan,row,pol]
350 14658 : const casacore::IPosition &shape() const
351 : {
352 14658 : return reducedLength_p;
353 : }
354 :
355 : void shape(casacore::Int &chan, casacore::Int &row) const
356 : {
357 : chan = reducedLength_p(0);
358 : row = reducedLength_p(1);
359 : return;
360 : }
361 :
362 1136378 : void shape(casacore::Int &pol, casacore::Int &chan, casacore::Int &row) const
363 : {
364 1136378 : chan = reducedLength_p(0);
365 1136378 : row = reducedLength_p(1);
366 1136378 : pol = reducedLength_p(2);
367 1136378 : return;
368 : }
369 :
370 :
371 : protected:
372 : void setExpressionMapping(casacore::String expression,polarizationMap *polMap);
373 3334790 : casacore::Float real(casacore::Complex val) {return val.real();}
374 0 : casacore::Float imag(casacore::Complex val) {return val.imag();}
375 114459097 : casacore::Float abs(casacore::Complex val) {return std::abs(val);}
376 0 : casacore::Float arg(casacore::Complex val) {return std::arg(val);}
377 2854278 : casacore::Float norm(casacore::Complex val) {return std::norm(val);}
378 : casacore::Complex leftVis(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
379 : casacore::Complex diffVis(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
380 : casacore::Complex stokes_i(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
381 : casacore::Complex stokes_q(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
382 : casacore::Complex stokes_u(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
383 : casacore::Complex stokes_v(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
384 : casacore::Complex linear_xx(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
385 : casacore::Complex linear_yy(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
386 : casacore::Complex linear_xy(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
387 : casacore::Complex linear_yx(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
388 : casacore::Complex circular_rr(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
389 : casacore::Complex circular_ll(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
390 : casacore::Complex circular_rl(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
391 : casacore::Complex circular_lr(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt chan);
392 : casacore::Complex stokes_i_from_linear(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
393 : casacore::Complex stokes_q_from_linear(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
394 : casacore::Complex stokes_u_from_linear(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
395 : casacore::Complex stokes_v_from_linear(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
396 : casacore::Complex stokes_i_from_circular(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
397 : casacore::Complex stokes_q_from_circular(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
398 : casacore::Complex stokes_u_from_circular(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
399 : casacore::Complex stokes_v_from_circular(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
400 : casacore::Complex calsol1(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
401 : casacore::Complex calsol2(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
402 : casacore::Complex calsol3(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
403 : casacore::Complex calsol4(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
404 :
405 :
406 : private:
407 : casacore::Float (casa::VisMapper::*applyVisExpr_p)(casacore::Complex);
408 : casacore::Complex (casa::VisMapper::*getVis_p)(casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt);
409 : // casacore::Complex (casa::VisMapper::*getCorr_p)(casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt);
410 : std::vector<corrProduct> selectedCorrelationProducts_p;
411 : std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > selectedCorrelations_p;
412 : std::vector<string> selectedCorrelationStrings_p;
413 : CubeView<casacore::Complex> *leftVis_p;
414 : CubeView<casacore::Complex> *rightVis_p;
415 : casacore::IPosition reducedLength_p;
416 : polarizationMap *polMap_p;
417 : casacore::String expression_p;
418 : };
419 :
420 : class FlagMapper
421 : {
422 :
423 : public:
424 :
425 : FlagMapper(casacore::Bool flag, std::vector < std::vector<casacore::uInt> > selectedCorrelations,
426 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagsView,
427 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagsView,
428 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagsView=NULL,
429 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagRowView=NULL,
430 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagRowView=NULL,
431 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagRowView=NULL);
432 : FlagMapper(casacore::Bool flag,std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > selectedCorrelations);
433 : ~FlagMapper();
434 :
435 : void setParentCubes(CubeView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagsView,CubeView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagsView,CubeView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagsView=NULL);
436 : void setParentFlagRow(VectorView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagRowView,VectorView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagRowView,VectorView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagRowView=NULL);
437 :
438 : void applyFlag(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
439 : void applyFlag(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
440 : void applyFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
441 : void applyFlagInRow(casacore::uInt row);
442 :
443 : casacore::Bool getOriginalFlags(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
444 : casacore::Bool getModifiedFlags(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
445 : casacore::Bool getPrivateFlags(casacore::uInt chan, casacore::uInt row);
446 :
447 : casacore::Bool getOriginalFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
448 : casacore::Bool getModifiedFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
449 : casacore::Bool getPrivateFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
450 :
451 : // These methods are needed for flag extension
452 : void setModifiedFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
453 : void setPrivateFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
454 :
455 : casacore::Bool getOriginalFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
456 : casacore::Bool getModifiedFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
457 : casacore::Bool getPrivateFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
458 :
459 4056 : const casacore::IPosition &shape() const
460 : {
461 4056 : return reducedLength_p;
462 : }
463 :
464 3338555 : void shape(casacore::Int &chan, casacore::Int &row) const
465 : {
466 3338555 : chan = reducedLength_p(0);
467 3338555 : row = reducedLength_p(1);
468 3338555 : return;
469 : }
470 :
471 4056 : void shape(casacore::Int &pol, casacore::Int &chan, casacore::Int &row) const
472 : {
473 4056 : chan = reducedLength_p(0);
474 4056 : row = reducedLength_p(1);
475 4056 : pol = reducedLength_p(2);
476 4056 : return;
477 : }
478 :
479 3338555 : std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > getSelectedCorrelations() {return selectedCorrelations_p;}
480 :
481 0 : void activateCheckMode() {applyFlag_p = &FlagMapper::checkCommonFlags;}
482 :
483 : casacore::uInt nSelectedCorrelations() {return nSelectedCorrelations_p;}
484 5458878 : casacore::uInt flagsPerRow() {return flagsPerRow_p;}
485 :
486 : protected:
487 :
488 : void setExpressionMapping(std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > selectedCorrelations);
489 :
490 : // Apply flags to common flag cube
491 : void applyCommonFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
492 : // Apply flags to common and private flag cubes
493 : void applyPrivateFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
494 : // Apply flags to common and private flag cubes
495 : void checkCommonFlags(casacore::uInt pol, casacore::uInt channel, casacore::uInt row);
496 :
497 : // Apply flags to common flag rows
498 : void applyCommonFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
499 : // Apply flags to common and private flag rows
500 : void applyPrivateFlagRow(casacore::uInt row);
501 :
502 : private:
503 :
504 : casacore::Bool flag_p;
505 : casacore::IPosition reducedLength_p;
506 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagsView_p;
507 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagsView_p;
508 : CubeView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagsView_p;
509 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *commonFlagRowView_p;
510 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *originalFlagRowView_p;
511 : VectorView<casacore::Bool> *privateFlagRowView_p;
512 : std::vector< std::vector<casacore::uInt> > selectedCorrelations_p;
513 : casacore::uInt nSelectedCorrelations_p;
514 : casacore::uInt flagsPerRow_p;
515 : void (casa::FlagMapper::*applyFlag_p)(casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt,casacore::uInt);
516 : void (casa::FlagMapper::*applyFlagRow_p)(casacore::uInt);
517 : };
518 :
519 : // <summary>
520 : // A top level class defining the data handling interface for the flagging module
521 : // </summary>
522 : //
523 : // <use visibility=export>
524 : //
525 : // <prerequisite>
526 : // <li> <linkto class="VisBuffer:description">VisBuffer</linkto>
527 : // <li> <linkto class="FlagMapper:description">FlagMapper</linkto>
528 : // <li> <linkto class="VisMapper:description">VisMapper</linkto>
529 : // </prerequisite>
530 : //
531 : // <etymology>
532 : // FlagDataHandler stands for generic data handling (i.e. MSs, CalTables, ...) specific to the flagging module
533 : // </etymology>
534 : //
535 : // <synopsis>
536 : //
537 : // This is a top-level class defining the data handling interface for the flagging module.
538 : // There are various methods (virtual) that must be re-implemented by the specific derived
539 : // classes (e.g. FlagMSHandler, FlagCalTableHandler). These methods essentially cover:
540 : //
541 : // - casacore::Table access (i.e. open/close/iteration/rw)
542 : //
543 : // - casacore::Table selection (i.e. expression parsing, sub-table selection)
544 : //
545 : // Additionally there are public non-virtual methods to:
546 : //
547 : // - Set configuration parameters (pre-sort columns, data selection, time interval, async I/O)
548 : //
549 : // - Enable and access different kinds of mapping (baselines, correlation products, antenna pointing)
550 : //
551 : // Also at this top level there are public members which are used by the FlagAgent classes,
552 : // so that there is no dependency with the specific implementation classes (e.g. FlagMsHandler,
553 : // FlagCalTableHandler), and thus no re-implementation is required at the FlagAgent level.
554 : //
555 : // - VisBuffer (for accessing the data and meta data columns)
556 : //
557 : // - Chunk and casacore::Table flag counters (for statistics)
558 : //
559 : // </synopsis>
560 : //
561 : // <motivation>
562 : // The motivation for the FlagDataHandler class is having all the data operations encapsulated
563 : // in one single class, with a common interface for all types of tables (MSs, CalTables, SingleDish),
564 : // so that no specific specific table type implementation has to be done at the FlagAgent level.
565 : // </motivation>
566 : //
567 : // <example>
568 : // <srcblock>
569 : //
570 : // // The following code sets up a FlagDataHandler with either CalTable or casacore::MS implementation and
571 : // // iterates through the table applying a clip agent, flushing the flags, and extracting summaries.
572 : //
573 : // // IMPORTANT NOTE:
574 : // // The order of FlagDataHandler and FlagAgent initialization is critical to have everything right,
575 : // // in particular data selection must happen before initializing FlagAgents, and iterator generation
576 : // // must be done after initializing FlagAgents, so that each agent can communicate to the FlagDataHandler
577 : // // which columns have to be pre-fetched (async i/o or parallel mode), and what mapping options are necessary.
578 : //
579 : // // NOTE ON ASYNC I/O:
580 : // // Asyncnronous I/O is only enabled for casacore::MS-type tables, but not for CalTables, and it is necessary to switch
581 : // // it on before generating the iterators. Something else to take into account, is that there are 2 global
582 : // // switches at .casarc level which invalidate the application code selection:
583 : // //
584 : // // VisibilityIterator.async.enabled rules over
585 : // // |-> FlagDataHandler.asyncio, and in turns rules over
586 : // // |-> FlagDataHandler.enableAsyncIO(true)
587 : //
588 : // // Identify table type
589 : // casacore::Table table(msname_p,casacore::TableLock(TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking));
590 : // casacore::TableInfo& info = table.tableInfo();
591 : // casacore::String type=info.type();
592 : //
593 : // // Create derived FlagDataHandler object with corresponding implementation
594 : // FlagDataHandler *fdh_p = NULL;
595 : // if (type == "Measurement Set")
596 : // {
597 : // fdh_p = new FlagMSHandler(msname_p, FlagDataHandler::COMPLETE_SCAN_UNMAPPED, timeInterval_p);
598 : // }
599 : // else
600 : // {
601 : // fdh_p = new FlagCalTableHandler(msname_p, FlagDataHandler::COMPLETE_SCAN_UNMAPPED, timeInterval_p);
602 : // }
603 : //
604 : // // NOTE: It is also possible to independently set the iteration approach via the setIterationApproach
605 : // // method which accepts the following modes, defined in the FlagDataHandler iteration enumeration
606 : // //
609 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
610 : // // - Generate baseline maps (to iterate trough rows with the same antenna1, antenna2)
611 : // // - Generate sub-integration maps (to iterate trough rows with the same timestamp)
614 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
615 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps
616 : // // - Generate sub-integration maps (to iterate trough rows with the same timestamp)
619 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
620 : // // - Generate baseline maps (to iterate trough rows with the same antenna1, antenna2)
621 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps
624 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
625 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps
626 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps
628 : // // - casacore::Sort by OBSERVATION_ID, ARRAY_ID, FIELD_ID, DATA_DESC_ID and TIME
629 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
630 : // // - Generate baseline maps (to iterate trough rows with the same antenna1, antenna2)
631 : // // - Generate sub-integration maps (to iterate trough rows with the same timestamp)
633 : // // - casacore::Sort by OBSERVATION_ID, ARRAY_ID, FIELD_ID, DATA_DESC_ID and TIME
634 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
635 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps
636 : // // - Generate sub-integration maps (to iterate trough rows with the same timestamp)
638 : // // - casacore::Sort by OBSERVATION_ID, ARRAY_ID, FIELD_ID, DATA_DESC_ID and TIME
639 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
640 : // // - Generate baseline maps (to iterate trough rows with the same antenna1, antenna2)
641 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps
643 : // // - casacore::Sort by OBSERVATION_ID, ARRAY_ID, FIELD_ID, DATA_DESC_ID and TIME
644 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
645 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps
646 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps
647 : // // ANTENNA_PAIR:
649 : // // - Group all time steps together, so that there is no sub-chunk iteration
650 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps (they are not necessary because the chunks have constant ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2)
651 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps
652 : // // SUB_INTEGRATION:
654 : // // - Don't group all time steps together, so it is necessary to add an inner sub-chunk iteration loop
655 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps (it is not possible because not all the rows corresponding to a given baseline are available)
656 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps (they are not necessary because the sub-chunks have constant TIME)
657 : // // ARRAY_FIELD:
658 : // // - casacore::Sort by OBSERVATION_ID, ARRAY_ID, FIELD_ID, DATA_DESC_ID and TIME
659 : // // - Don't group all time steps together, so it is necessary to add an inner sub-chunk iteration loop
660 : // // * Don't generate baseline maps (it is not possible because not all the rows corresponding to a given baseline are available)
661 : // // * Don't generate sub-integration maps (they are not necessary because the sub-chunks have constant TIME)
662 : // // * NOTE: This is the iteration approach used by the old flagger framework
663 : //
664 : // // Open table
665 : // fdh_p->open();
666 : //
667 : // // Parse data selection to Flag casacore::Data Handler
668 : // fdh_p->setDataSelection(dataSelection);
669 : //
670 : // // Select data (thus creating selected table)
671 : // fdh_p->selectData();
672 : //
673 : // // Create flagging agent and list
674 : // casacore::Record agentConfig;
675 : // agentConfig.define("mode","clip")
676 : // FlagAgentBase *agent = FlagAgentBase::create(fdh_p,agentConfig);
677 : // FlagAgentList agentList;
678 : // agentList.push_back(agent);
679 : //
680 : // // Switch on/off async i/p
681 : // fdh_p->enableAsyncIO(true);
682 : //
683 : // // Generate table iterator
684 : // fdh_p->generateIterator();
685 : //
686 : // // Start Flag Agent
687 : // agentList.start();
688 : //
689 : // // Iterates over chunks (constant column values)
690 : // while (fdh_p->nextChunk())
691 : // {
692 : // // Iterates over buffers (time steps)
693 : // while (fdh_p->nextBuffer())
694 : // {
695 : // // Apply flags
696 : // agentList.apply();
697 : // // Flush flag cube
698 : // fdh_p->flushFlags();
699 : // }
700 : //
701 : // // Print end-of-chunk statistics
702 : // agentList.chunkSummary();
703 : // }
704 : //
705 : // // Print total stats from each agent
706 : // agentList.msSummary();
707 : //
708 : // // Stop Flag Agent
709 : // agentList.terminate();
710 : // agentList.join();
711 : //
712 : // // Close MS
713 : // fdh_p->close();
714 : //
715 : // // Clear Flag Agent List
716 : // agentList.clear();
717 : //
718 : // </srcblock>
719 : // </example>
720 : //
721 : // <example>
722 : // <srcblock>
723 : //
724 : // // The following code shows the FlagAgent-FlagDataHandler interaction works internally:
725 : //
726 : // // First of all, at construction time, each agent has to communicate to the FlagDataHandler
727 : // // which columns have to be pre-fetched (for async i/o or parallel mode) and what mapping
728 : // // options are necessary
729 :
730 : // // ...for instance in the case of FlagAgentShadow we need Ant1,Ant2,UVW,TimeCentroid and PhaseCenter:
731 : // flagDataHandler_p->preLoadColumn(vi::Antenna1);
732 : // flagDataHandler_p->preLoadColumn(vi::Antenna2);
733 : // flagDataHandler_p->preLoadColumn(vi::uvw);
734 : // flagDataHandler_p->preLoadColumn(vi::TimeCentroid);
735 : // flagDataHandler_p->preLoadColumn(vi::PhaseCenter);
736 : //
737 : // // ...and FlagAgentElevation needs to have the antenna pointing information globally available for each chunk:
738 : // flagDataHandler_p->setMapAntennaPointing(true);
739 : //
740 : // // Then, at iteration time, the FlagAgentBase class has access to the VisBuffer held
741 : // // in the FlagDataHandler, in order to retrieve the meta-data columns needed for the
742 : // // data selection engine (agent-level row filtering).
743 : // // NOTE: The VisBuffer is actually held within an auto-pointer wrapper,
744 : // // thus there is an additional get() involved when accessing it.
745 : //
746 : // if (spwList_p.size())
747 : // {
748 : // if (!find(spwList_p,visibilityBuffer_p->get()->spectralWindow())) return false;
749 : // }
750 : //
751 : // // The sorting columns used for the iteration are also accessible to optimize the selection engine:
752 : // // (e.g.: If scan is constant check only 1st row)
753 : // if ( (scanList_p.size()>0) and (find(flagDataHandler_p->sortOrder_p,casacore::MS::SCAN_NUMBER)==true) )
754 : // {
755 : // if (!find(scanList_p,visibilityBuffer_p->get()->scan()[0])) return false;
756 : // }
757 : //
758 : // // Once that chunk/rows are evaluated as eligible for the flagging process
759 : // // by the data selection engine, the previously booked maps at construction
760 : // // time can be access in order to iterate trough the data as desired:
761 : // // e.g.: Baseline (antenna pairs) iteration
762 : // for (myAntennaPairMapIterator=flagDataHandler_p->getAntennaPairMap()->begin();
763 : // myAntennaPairMapIterator != flagDataHandler_p->getAntennaPairMap()->end();
764 : // ++myAntennaPairMapIterator)
765 : // {
766 : // // NOTE: The following code is also encapsulated in the FlagAgentBase::processAntennaPair(casacore::Int antenna1,casacore::Int antenna2) code
767 : //
768 : // // From the antenna map we can retrieve the rows corresponding to the baseline defined by the antenna pair
769 : // std::vector<casacore::uInt> baselineRows = (*flagDataHandler_p->getAntennaPairMap())[std::make_pair(antennaPair.first,antennaPair.second)];
770 : //
771 : // // This rows can be now inserted in the mapper classes (VisMapper and FlagMapper using the CubeView<T> template class)
772 : // VisMapper visibilitiesMap = VisMapper(expression_p,flagDataHandler_p->getPolarizationMap());
773 : // FlagMapper flagsMap = FlagMapper(flag_p,visibilitiesMap.getSelectedCorrelations());
774 : // setVisibilitiesMap(antennaRows,&visibilitiesMap);
775 : // setFlagsMap(antennaRows,&flagsMap);
776 : // }
777 : //
778 : // // Finally, after flagging time, the FlagAgent can communicate to the FlagDataHandler
779 : // // that the modified FlagCube has to be flushed to disk, this is a small but very important
780 : // // step in order to avoid unnecessary I/O activity when a chunk is not eligible for flagging
781 : // // or the auto-flagging algorithms don't produce any flags.
782 : //
783 : // // If any row was flagged, then we have to flush the flagRow
784 : // if (flagRow_p) flagDataHandler_p->flushFlagRow_p = true;
785 : // // If any flag was raised, then we have to flush the flagCube
786 : // if (visBufferFlags_p>0) flagDataHandler_p->flushFlags_p = true;
787 : //
788 : // </srcblock>
789 : // </example>
790 :
791 : class FlagDataHandler
792 : {
793 :
794 : public:
795 :
796 : enum iteration {
797 :
809 : };
810 :
811 : enum tableType {
812 :
815 : };
816 :
817 : // Default constructor
818 : // NOTE: casacore::Time interval 0 groups all time steps together in one chunk.
819 : FlagDataHandler(string msname, casacore::uShort iterationApproach = SUB_INTEGRATION, casacore::Double timeInterval = 0);
820 :
821 : // Default destructor
822 : virtual ~FlagDataHandler();
823 :
824 : // Common casacore::MS/CalTables public interface
825 : virtual bool open() = 0;
826 : virtual bool close() = 0;
827 : virtual bool selectData() = 0;
828 : virtual bool generateIterator() = 0;
829 : virtual bool nextChunk() = 0;
830 : virtual bool nextBuffer() = 0;
831 : virtual bool flushFlags() = 0;
832 : virtual casacore::String getTableName() = 0;
833 : virtual bool parseExpression(casacore::MSSelection &/*parser*/) = 0;
834 : virtual bool checkIfColumnExists(casacore::String /*column*/) = 0;
835 0 : virtual bool checkIfSourceModelColumnExists() {return false;}
836 : virtual bool summarySignal() = 0;
837 :
838 : // Set the iteration approach
839 : void setIterationApproach(casacore::uShort iterationApproach);
840 :
841 : // Set casacore::Data Selection parameters
842 : bool setDataSelection(casacore::Record record);
843 :
844 : // Set time interval (also known as ntime)
845 : void setTimeInterval(casacore::Double timeInterval);
846 :
847 : // Methods to switch on/off async i/o
848 : void enableAsyncIO(casacore::Bool enable);
849 :
850 : // Pre-Load columns (in order to avoid parallelism problems when not using
851 : // async i/o, and also to know what columns to pre-fetch in async i/o mode)
852 : void preLoadColumn(VisBufferComponent2 column);
853 : void preFetchColumns();
854 :
855 : // Stop iterating
856 0 : void stopIteration() {stopIteration_p = true;};
857 :
858 : // As requested by Urvashi R.V. provide access to the original and modified flag cubes
859 380555 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> * getModifiedFlagCube() {return &modifiedFlagCube_p;}
860 380555 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> * getOriginalFlagCube() {return &originalFlagCube_p;}
861 380555 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> * getModifiedFlagRow() {return &modifiedFlagRow_p;}
862 380555 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> * getOriginalFlagRow() {return &originalFlagRow_p;}
863 :
864 : // Functions to switch on/off mapping functions
865 : void setMapAntennaPairs(bool activated);
866 : void setMapSubIntegrations(bool activated);
867 : void setMapPolarizations(bool activated);
868 : void setMapAntennaPointing(bool activated);
869 : void setScanStartStopMap(bool activated);
870 : void setScanStartStopFlaggedMap(bool activated);
871 : void setTimeAverageIter(bool activated);
872 : void setChanAverageIter(casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> chanbin);
873 :
874 : // Accessors for the mapping functions
875 58722 : antennaPairMap * getAntennaPairMap() {return antennaPairMap_p;}
876 : subIntegrationMap * getSubIntegrationMap() {return subIntegrationMap_p;}
877 60208 : polarizationMap * getPolarizationMap() {return polarizationMap_p;}
878 3338555 : polarizationIndexMap * getPolarizationIndexMap() {return polarizationIndexMap_p;}
879 : antennaPointingMap * getMapAntennaPointing() {return antennaPointingMap_p;}
880 991212 : scanStartStopMap * getMapScanStartStop() {return scanStartStopMap_p;}
881 17184 : lambdaMap * getLambdaMap() {return lambdaMap_p;}
882 :
883 : void setProfiling(casacore::Bool value) {profiling_p=value;}
884 :
885 : // Get a casacore::Float visCube and return a casacore::Complex one
886 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& weightVisCube();
887 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> weight_spectrum_p;
888 :
889 : // Make the logger public to that we can use it from FlagAgentBase::create
890 : casacore::LogIO *logger_p;
891 :
892 : // Measurement set section
893 : casacore::String tablename_p;
894 : casacore::MSSelection *measurementSetSelection_p;
895 : casacore::Vector<casacore::String> *antennaNames_p;
896 : std::map< string, std::pair<casacore::Int,casacore::Int> > baselineToAnt1Ant2_p;
897 : std::map< std::pair<casacore::Int,casacore::Int>, string > Ant1Ant2ToBaseline_p;
898 : casacore::ScalarMeasColumn<casacore::MPosition> *antennaPositions_p;
899 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> *antennaDiameters_p;
900 : casacore::Vector<casacore::String> *fieldNames_p;
901 : std::vector<casacore::String> *corrProducts_p;
902 :
903 : // RO Visibility Iterator
904 : VisBufferComponents2 *prefetchColumns_p;
905 : // Iteration counters
906 : size_t processedRows_p;
907 : size_t chunkNo_p;
908 : size_t bufferNo_p;
909 :
910 : // FlagDataHanler-FlagAgents interaction
911 : bool flushFlags_p;
912 : bool flushFlagRow_p;
913 : // per-chunk flag count
914 : casacore::uInt64 chunkCounts_p;
915 : // cummulative counter throughout chunks (flagged so far)
916 : casacore::uInt64 progressCounts_p;
917 : casacore::uInt64 msCounts_p;
918 : bool printChunkSummary_p;
919 :
920 : // control report/logging frequency for the per-agent partial (ongoing) summaries
921 : casacore::uInt summaryThreshold_p;
922 : const casacore::uInt summaryThresholdInc_p = 10;
923 : // control report/logging frequency for the per-chunk progress report lines
924 : casacore::uInt chunkLineThreshold_p;
925 : const casacore::uInt chunkLineThresholdInc_p = 10;
926 :
927 : casacore::uShort tableTye_p;
928 : casacore::Bool loadProcessorTable_p;
929 :
930 : // PROCESSOR sub-table section
931 : casacore::Vector<bool> isCorrelatorType_p;
932 : bool processorTableExist_p;
933 :
934 :
935 : // Visibility Buffer
936 : // WARNING: The attach mechanism only works with pointers or
937 : // referenced variables. Otherwise the VisBuffer is created
938 : // and attached, but when it is assigned to the member it is
939 : // detached because of the dynamically called destructor
940 : vi::VisBuffer2 *visibilityBuffer_p;
941 :
942 : // Vis buffer characteristics (constant values)
943 : bool groupTimeSteps_p;
944 : casacore::Block<int> sortOrder_p;
945 :
946 : // casacore::Time average iterator parameters
947 : casacore::Bool enableTimeAvg_p;
948 : casacore::Bool enableChanAvg_p;
949 : casacore::Double timeAverageBin_p;
950 : casacore::Vector <casacore::Int> chanAverageBin_p;
951 : casacore::String dataColumnType_p;
952 : vi::AveragingOptions timeAvgOptions_p;
953 : casacore::Record chanAvgOptions_p;
954 :
955 : protected:
956 :
957 : // Common casacore::MS/CalTables private interface
958 : virtual void generateAntennaPairMap();
959 : virtual void generateSubIntegrationMap();
960 : virtual void generatePolarizationsMap();
961 : virtual void generateAntennaPointingMap();
962 : virtual void generateScanStartStopMap();
963 :
964 : // casacore::Data Selection ranges
965 : bool anySelection_p;
966 : bool inrowSelection_p;
967 : casacore::String arraySelection_p;
968 : casacore::String fieldSelection_p;
969 : casacore::String scanSelection_p;
970 : casacore::String timeSelection_p;
971 : casacore::String spwSelection_p;
972 : casacore::String baselineSelection_p;
973 : casacore::String uvwSelection_p;
974 : casacore::String polarizationSelection_p;
975 : casacore::String scanIntentSelection_p;
976 : casacore::String observationSelection_p;
977 :
978 : // Async I/O stuff
979 : bool asyncio_enabled_p;
980 : // Pre-Load columns (in order to avoid parallelism problems when not using
981 : // async i/o, and also to know what columns to pre-fetch in async i/o mode)
982 : std::vector<VisBufferComponent2> preLoadColumns_p;
983 :
984 : // Iteration parameters
985 : casacore::uShort iterationApproach_p;
986 : casacore::Double timeInterval_p;
987 : // Slurp flag
988 : bool slurp_p;
989 : // Iteration initialization parameters
990 : bool chunksInitialized_p;
991 : bool buffersInitialized_p;
992 : bool iteratorGenerated_p;
993 : bool stopIteration_p;
994 :
995 : // Flag Cubes
996 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> originalFlagCube_p;
997 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool> modifiedFlagCube_p;
998 :
999 : // FlagRows
1000 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> originalFlagRow_p;
1001 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> modifiedFlagRow_p;
1002 :
1003 : // Mapping members
1004 : antennaPairMap *antennaPairMap_p;
1005 : subIntegrationMap *subIntegrationMap_p;
1006 : polarizationMap *polarizationMap_p;
1007 : polarizationIndexMap *polarizationIndexMap_p;
1008 : antennaPointingMap *antennaPointingMap_p;
1009 : scanStartStopMap *scanStartStopMap_p;
1010 : lambdaMap *lambdaMap_p;
1011 : bool mapAntennaPairs_p;
1012 : bool mapSubIntegrations_p;
1013 : bool mapPolarizations_p;
1014 : bool mapAntennaPointing_p;
1015 : bool mapScanStartStop_p;
1016 : bool mapScanStartStopFlagged_p;
1017 :
1018 : // Stats members
1019 : bool stats_p;
1020 : casacore::uLong cubeAccessCounter_p;
1021 : double cubeAccessTime_p;
1022 : casacore::uLong cubeAccessCounterTotal_p;
1023 : double cubeAccessTimeTotal_p;
1024 :
1025 : // Profiling
1026 : bool profiling_p;
1027 : };
1028 :
1029 : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
1030 :
1031 : #endif /* FLAGDATAHANDLER_H_ */