Line data Source code
1 : //# Implementation of FluxStdSrcs.h
2 : //# Copyright (C) 2013
3 : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 : //#
5 : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 : //# option) any later version.
9 : //#
10 : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 : //# License for more details.
14 : //#
15 : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 : //#
19 : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 : //# Internet email:
21 : //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 : //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 : //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 : //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 : //#
26 : #include <components/ComponentModels/FluxStdSrcs.h>
27 : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
28 : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
29 : #include <casacore/casa/System/Aipsrc.h>
30 : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
31 : #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
32 : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
33 : #include <casatools/Config/State.h>
34 :
35 : // Handy for passing anonymous arrays to functions.
36 : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/RigidVector.h>
37 : #include <map>
38 :
39 :
40 : using namespace casacore;
41 : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
42 :
43 37 : FluxStdSrcs::FluxStdSrcs()
44 : {
45 37 : names_p[FSS::THREEC286] = RVS6("3C286", "3C 286", "3C_286", "1328+307", "1331+305", "J1331+3030").vector();
46 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC286] = MDirection(MVDirection(3.539257626070549, 0.5324850225220917),
47 37 : MDirection::J2000);
48 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC48] = RVS6("3C48", "3C 48", "3C_48", "0134+329",
49 : "0137+331", // Together these match 33d09m35s
50 74 : "J0137+3309").vector(); // for dd.d or ddmm with a margin.
51 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC48] = MDirection(MVDirection(0.4262457643630985, 0.5787463318245085),
52 37 : MDirection::J2000);
53 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC147] = RVS6("3C147", "3C 147", "3C_147", "0538+498", "0542+498",
54 74 : "J0542+4951").vector(); // Jhhmm+ddmm, CAS-2020
55 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC147] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.4948817765383597, 0.8700805690768509),
56 37 : MDirection::J2000);
57 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC138] = RVS6("3C138", "3C 138", "3C_138", "0518+165", "0521+166",
58 74 : "J0521+1638").vector(); // Jhhmm+ddmm, CAS-2020
59 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC138] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.401346673041897, 0.2904130912582342),
60 37 : MDirection::J2000);
61 37 : names_p[FSS::NINETEEN34M638] = RigidVector<String, 2>("1934-638","J1939-6342").vector();
62 74 : directions_p[FSS::NINETEEN34M638] = MDirection(MVDirection(5.146176021557448, -1.1119977478136984),
63 37 : MDirection::J2000);
64 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC295] = RVS6("3C295", "3C 295", "3C_295", "1409+524", "1411+522",
65 74 : "J1411+5212").vector(); // Jhhmm+ddmm, CAS-2020
66 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC295] = MDirection(MVDirection(3.7146787856873478, 0.9111103509091509),
67 37 : MDirection::J2000);
68 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC196] = RVS6("3C196", "3C 196", "3C_196", "0809+483", "0813+482",
69 74 : "J0813+4813").vector(); // Jhhmm+ddmm, CAS-2020
70 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC196] = MDirection(MVDirection(2.1537362969610023, 0.8415541320803659),
71 37 : MDirection::J2000);
72 : // added for Perley-Butler 2013 4h 37m 4.375301s 29d 40' 13.819008" CAS-4489 (other alias:B0433+2934)
73 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC123] = RVS6("3C123", "3C 123", "3C_123", "0433+295", "0437+296",
74 74 : "J0437+2940").vector();
75 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC123] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.2089586878736391, 0.51784800786636209),
76 37 : MDirection::J2000);
77 111 : names_p[FSS::THREEC380] = RVS6("3C380", "3C 380", "3C_380", "1828+487", "1829+487",
78 74 : "J1829+4845").vector(); // Jhhmm+ddm, CAS-2020
79 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC380] = MDirection(MVDirection(4.84123669, 0.85078092),
80 37 : MDirection::J2000);
81 : // added for Perley-Butler 2017
82 : // use C++11 vector initialization
83 : // Note: source name match (srcNameToEnum)is case-insensitve (e.g. "ForA" and "FORA" is allowed)
84 37 : std::vector<String> templist;
85 74 : templist = {"J0133-3629"};
86 37 : names_p[FSS::J0133] = Vector<String> (templist);
87 74 : directions_p[FSS::J0133] = MDirection(MVDirection(0.40998511349868466,-0.636928821694464),
88 37 : MDirection::J2000);
89 259 : templist = {"FORNAX_A", "FORNAX A", "FOR-A", "FOR A", "ForA", "J0322-3712"};
90 37 : names_p[FSS::FORNAXA] = Vector<String> (templist);
91 74 : directions_p[FSS::FORNAXA] = MDirection(MVDirection(0.8844302540951193,-0.649405598740554),
92 37 : MDirection::J2000);
93 74 : templist = {"J0444-2809"};
94 37 : names_p[FSS::J0444] = Vector<String> (templist);
95 74 : directions_p[FSS::J0444] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.2419253902826484,-0.49157683196101404),
96 37 : MDirection::J2000);
97 259 : templist = {"PICTOR_A","PICTOR A", "PIC-A", "PIC A", "PicA", "J0519-4546"};
98 37 : names_p[FSS::PICTORA] = Vector<String> (templist);
99 74 : directions_p[FSS::PICTORA] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.3955160370653494,-0.7989916117952379),
100 37 : MDirection::J2000);
101 407 : templist= {"TAURUS_A", "TAURUS A", "TAU-A", "TAU A", "TauA", "J0534+2200", "3C144", "3C 144", "3C_144", "CRAB"};
102 37 : names_p[FSS::TAURUSA] = Vector<String> (templist);
103 74 : directions_p[FSS::TAURUSA] = MDirection(MVDirection(1.4596748494230258,0.3842250233666105),
104 37 : MDirection::J2000);
105 370 : templist = {"HYDRA_A", "HYDRA A", "HYA-A", "HYA A", "HyaA", "J0918-1205", "3C218", "3C 218", "3C_218"};
106 37 : names_p[FSS::HYDRAA] = Vector<String> (templist);
107 74 : directions_p[FSS::HYDRAA] = MDirection(MVDirection(2.4351465533014114,-0.21110704143990625),
108 37 : MDirection::J2000);
109 407 : templist = {"VIRGO_A", "VIRGO A", "VIR-A", "VIR A", "VirA", "J1230+1223", "3C274", "3C 274", "3C_274", "M87"};
110 37 : names_p[FSS::VIRGOA] = Vector<String> (templist);
111 74 : directions_p[FSS::VIRGOA] = MDirection(MVDirection(-3.0070987886171765,0.2162659001873615),
112 37 : MDirection::J2000);
113 370 : templist = {"HERCULES_A", "HERCULES A", "HER-A", "HER A", "HerA", "J1651+0459", "3C348", "3C 348", "3C_348"};
114 37 : names_p[FSS::HERCULESA] = Vector<String> (templist);
115 74 : directions_p[FSS::HERCULESA] = MDirection(MVDirection(-1.871273156204919,0.08713711430959646),
116 37 : MDirection::J2000);
117 185 : templist = {"3C353", "3C 353", "3C_353", "J1720-0059"};
118 37 : names_p[FSS::THREEC353] = Vector<String> (templist);
119 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC353] = MDirection(MVDirection(-1.7432823443920011,-0.017099960309150668),
120 37 : MDirection::J2000);
121 370 : templist = {"CYGNUS_A", "CYGNUS A", "CYG-A", "CYG A", "CygA", "J1959+4044", "3C405", "3C 405", "3C_405"};
122 37 : names_p[FSS::CYGNUSA] = Vector<String> (templist);
123 74 : directions_p[FSS::CYGNUSA] = MDirection(MVDirection(-1.0494987241821205,0.7109409485219165),
124 37 : MDirection::J2000);
125 185 : templist = {"3C444", "3C 444", "3C_444", "J2214-1701"};
126 37 : names_p[FSS::THREEC444] = Vector<String> (templist);
127 74 : directions_p[FSS::THREEC444] = MDirection(MVDirection(-0.46063951349110815,-0.2971727999325764),
128 37 : MDirection::J2000);
129 370 : templist = {"CASSIOPEIA_A", "CASSIOPEIA A", "CAS-A", "CAS A", "CasA", "J2323+5848", "3C461", "3C 461", "3C_461"};
130 37 : names_p[FSS::CASSIOPEIAA] = Vector<String> (templist);
131 74 : directions_p[FSS::CASSIOPEIAA] = MDirection(MVDirection(-0.15969762655748126,1.0265153995604648),
132 37 : MDirection::J2000);
133 :
134 37 : directions_p[FSS::UNKNOWN_SOURCE] = MDirection(); // Default.
135 37 : }
136 :
137 37 : FluxStdSrcs::~FluxStdSrcs(){ }
138 :
139 37 : FluxStdSrcs::Source FluxStdSrcs::srcNameToEnum(const String& srcName, const MDirection& dir) const
140 : {
141 37 : FSS::Source srcEnum = FSS::UNKNOWN_SOURCE;
142 37 : String tmpSrcName(srcName);
143 37 : tmpSrcName.upcase();
144 37 : for(std::map<FSS::Source, Vector<String> >::const_iterator it = names_p.begin();
145 37 : it != names_p.end(); ++it){
146 202 : for(Int i = it->second.nelements(); i--;){
147 202 : if(tmpSrcName.contains(it->second[i])){
148 37 : srcEnum = it->first;
149 37 : break;
150 : }
151 : }
152 37 : if(srcEnum != FSS::UNKNOWN_SOURCE)
153 37 : break;
154 : }
155 : // now try cone search usng the flux calibrator table
156 37 : if(srcEnum == FSS::UNKNOWN_SOURCE) {
157 0 : LogIO os(LogOrigin("FluxStdSrcs", "srcNameToEnum"));
158 0 : String fcaldatapath;
159 0 : String tabName("");
160 0 : String resolvepath = casatools::get_state( ).resolve("nrao/VLA/standards/"+tabName);
161 0 : if (resolvepath != "nrao/VLA/standards/"+tabName) {
162 0 : fcaldatapath = resolvepath;
163 : }
164 : else {
165 0 : fcaldatapath = "./"+tabName;
166 : }
167 0 : if (!Table::isReadable(fcaldatapath)) {
168 : os << LogIO::NORMAL
169 : << "No flux calibrator table: " << tabName
170 : << " in the current directory or in datapath/measurespath. Skip a cone search "
171 0 : << LogIO::POST;
172 0 : return srcEnum;
173 : }
174 : // input source coordinates (input dir must be in J2000)
175 0 : Quantum<Vector<Double> > radec = dir.getAngle();
176 0 : String srcRA = String::toString(radec.getValue("rad")[0])+"rad";
177 0 : String srcDec = String::toString(radec.getValue("rad")[1])+"rad";
178 : //String radius("0.0001454441rad"); //search radius is set to 30arcsec
179 0 : String radius("4.8481367e-06rad"); //search radius is set to 1arcsec
180 0 : String taql="select Name, RA_J2000, Dec_J2000 from "+fcaldatapath+
181 0 : " where anycone([RA_J2000,Dec_J2000]"+",["+srcRA+","+srcDec+"],"+radius+")";
182 : //cerr<<"taql command="<<taql<<endl;
183 : os << LogIO::NORMAL
184 : << "Trying to determine source match by position..."
185 0 : << LogIO::POST;
186 0 : Table tmpsubtab = tableCommand(taql).table();
187 0 : if(tmpsubtab.nrow()) {
188 0 : ScalarColumn<String> srcNameCol(tmpsubtab,"Name");
189 0 : String srcNameInTable = srcNameCol.getColumnCells(RefRows(0,0))[0];
190 : //cerr<<"srcNameInTable="<<srcNameInTable<<endl;
191 0 : for (std::map<FSS::Source, Vector<String> >::const_iterator it2 = names_p.begin();
192 0 : it2 != names_p.end(); ++it2) {
193 0 : if (srcNameInTable.contains(it2->second[0])) {
194 0 : srcEnum = it2->first;
195 : os << LogIO::NORMAL
196 : << "Found "<<srcNameInTable
197 : <<" as a match for the input field, "
198 : <<srcName<<" in the cone search within radius of "<<radius
199 0 : << LogIO::POST;
200 0 : break;
201 : }
202 : }
203 0 : }
204 : else {
205 : os << LogIO::NORMAL
206 : << " no match was found"
207 0 : << LogIO::POST;
208 : }
209 0 : }
210 37 : return srcEnum;
211 37 : }
212 :
213 32 : String FluxStdSrcs::EnumToSrcName(const FSS::Source srcEnum) const
214 : {
215 64 : return names_p.find(srcEnum)->second[0];
216 : }
217 :
218 37 : MDirection FluxStdSrcs::getDirection(const FSS::Source srcEnum) const
219 : {
220 74 : return directions_p.find(srcEnum)->second;
221 : }
222 :
223 : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END