LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - atmosphere/ATM/test - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 166 174 95.4 %
Date: 2024-10-12 00:35:29 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*******************************************************************************
       2             :  * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array
       3             :  * (c) Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, 2011
       4             :  * (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration).
       5             :  * All rights reserved.
       6             :  * 
       7             :  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       8             :  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
       9             :  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      10             :  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      11             :  * 
      12             :  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      13             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      15             :  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
      16             :  * 
      17             :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      18             :  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      19             :  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
      20             :  *******************************************************************************/
      21             : 
      22             : #include <iostream>
      23             : #include <vector>
      24             : #include <string>
      25             : using namespace std;
      26             : 
      27             : #include <limits>
      28             : #include <math.h>
      29             : 
      30             : 
      31             : #include <atmosphere/ATM/ATMSpectralGrid.h>
      32             : 
      33             : 
      34             : 
      35             : #include <iostream>
      36             : using namespace atm;
      37             :   /** \brief A C++ main code to test the <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html">SpectralGrid</a> Class 
      38             :    *
      39             :    *   Test 1 is structured as follows:
      40             :    *         - Creates a pointer called "sgPtr1" of objects belonging to the class <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html">SpectralGrid</a>
      41             :    *         - Initializes that pointer with a first object created with the <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#a1">this</a> constructor.
      42             :    *         - The pointer has then one element . On this element, several things are checked using the following operators of the class: 
      43             :    *           <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_6">getRefFreq(unsigned int spwId)</a>, 
      44             :    *           <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_8">getChanSep(unsigned int spwId)</a>, 
      45             :    *           <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_0">getNumSpectralWindow()</a>, and 
      46             :    *           <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_2">getNumChan(unsigned int spwId)</a>.
      47             :    *         - An rrror message is expected when trying getNumChan(1) because there is no spectral window number 1.
      48             :    *         - Finally, the operators <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_22">isRegular(unsigned int spwId)</a>, 
      49             :    *           and <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#z14_25">getAssocSpwId(unsigned int spwId)</a> are tested.
      50             :    *  
      51             :    * The ouput of this test should be as follows:
      52             :    *
      53             :    * <b>
      54             :    * SpectralGridTest: Test 1: <br>
      55             :    * SpectralGridTest: Create a pointer with first element construted with SpectralGrid(usigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, Frequency refFreq, Frequency chanSep):<br>
      56             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved:  64 (Value entered to constructor:64)<br>
      57             :    * SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: 9e+10 Hz;  SpectralGridTest:  Input:90 GHz<br>
      58             :    * SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: 90GHz  SpectralGridTest: Input:90 GHz<br>
      59             :    * SpectralGridTest: Reference channel retrieved:   32 (Value entered to constructor:32)<br>
      60             :    * SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  1e+07 Hz;  SpectralGridTest: Input:0.01 GHz<br>
      61             :    * SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  10000 kHz  SpectralGridTest: Input:0.01 GHz<br>
      62             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: 1<br>
      63             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of channels for spectral window identifier 0: 64<br>
      64             :    * SpectralGrid: ERROR: 1 is a wrong spectral window identifier<br>
      65             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of channels for spectral window identifier 1: 0<br>
      66             :    * SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window is regularily sampled<br>
      67             :    * SpectralGridTest: First spectral window has no associated spectral windows<br>
      68             :    * SpectralGridTest: End of Test 1<br>
      69             :    * </b>
      70             :    *
      71             :    * Test 2 starts from the pointer created in Test 1:
      72             :    *       - A new spectral window is added with 128 channels, channel number 32 as the reference channel, reference frequency at 215 GHz, and regular channel separation of 0.02 GHz. 
      73             :    *       This new spectral window is added using <a href="classatm_1_1SpectralGrid.html#a11">add(unsigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, Frequency refFreq, Frequency chanSep)</a>
      74             :    *       - The next step is to verify that nothing has change for spectral window number 0 from Test 1.
      75             :    *       - Finally, spectral window number 1 is tested similarly to spectral window #0.
      76             :    *       - It is also checked that spectral windows with numbers > 1 do not exist.
      77             :    *  
      78             :    * The ouput of Test 2 should be as follows:
      79             :    *
      80             :    * <b>
      81             :    * SpectralGridTest: Test 2<br>
      82             :    * SpectralGridTest: New spectral window using add(unsigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, Frequency refFreq, Frequency chanSep):<br>
      83             :    * SpectralGridTest: A new spectral window has been appended and got the identifier number:1<br>
      84             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: 2<br>
      85             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved for spwId 0: 64<br>
      86             :    * SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: 90 GHz<br>
      87             :    * SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  0.01 GHz GHz<br>
      88             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved for spwId 1: 128<br>
      89             :    * SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: 215 GHz<br>
      90             :    * SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  0.02 GHz GHz<br>
      91             :    * SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id 1 is regularily sampled<br>
      92             :    * SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: 2<br>
      93             :    * SpectralGridTest: As expected this spectral window with spwid=1 has no sideband specification<br>
      94             :    * SpectralGrid: ERROR: 10 is a wrong spectral window identifier<br>
      95             :    * SpectralGridTest: Spectral window with id=10 does not exist!<br>
      96             :    * SpectralGridTest: End of Test 2<br>
      97             :    * </b>
      98             :    */
      99             : 
     100           1 : int main()
     101             : {
     102             : 
     103             : 
     104           1 :   unsigned int     numChan         = 64;
     105           1 :   unsigned int     refChan         = 32;
     106             : 
     107           2 :   Frequency myRefFreq(90.0,"GHz");
     108           2 :   Frequency myChanSep(0.01,"GHz");
     109             : 
     110             :   SpectralGrid* sgPtr1;
     111             : 
     112           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Test 1:" <<endl;
     113           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Create a pointer with first element construted with SpectralGrid(usigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, Frequency refFreq, Frequency chanSep):" << endl;
     114           1 :   sgPtr1 = new SpectralGrid(numChan, refChan, myRefFreq, myChanSep);
     115           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved:  " << sgPtr1->getNumChan() << " (Value entered to constructor:" << numChan << ")" << endl;
     116           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: "
     117           1 :        << sgPtr1->getRefFreq().get() << " Hz; " 
     118           1 :        << " SpectralGridTest:  Input:" << myRefFreq.get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     119           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: "
     120           2 :        << sgPtr1->getRefFreq().get("GHz")<< "GHz "  
     121           1 :        <<" SpectralGridTest: Input:" << myRefFreq.get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     122           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference channel retrieved:   " << sgPtr1->getRefChan() << " (Value entered to constructor:" << refChan << ")" << endl;
     123           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  "
     124           1 :        << sgPtr1->getChanSep().get() << " Hz; "
     125           1 :        << " SpectralGridTest: Input:" << myChanSep.get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     126           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  "
     127           2 :        << sgPtr1->getChanSep().get("kHz") << " kHz "
     128           1 :        << " SpectralGridTest: Input:" << myChanSep.get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     129           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: "
     130           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumSpectralWindow() << endl;
     131           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels for spectral window identifier 0: "
     132           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumChan(0) << endl;
     133             :   // With RHEL 8 the error is flushed in between the cout which is calling the method
     134           1 :   int res = sgPtr1->getNumChan(1);
     135           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels for spectral window identifier 1: "
     136           1 :        << res << endl;
     137           1 :   if(sgPtr1->isRegular(0)){
     138           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window is regularily sampled" << endl;
     139             :   }else{
     140           0 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window is not regularily sampled" << endl;
     141             :   }
     142           1 :   if(sgPtr1->getAssocSpwId(0).size()==0){
     143           1 :     cout<<" SpectralGridTest: First spectral window has no associated spectral windows" << endl;
     144             :   }else{
     145           0 :     cout<<" SpectralGridTest: First spectral window has associated spectral windows "<<endl;
     146             :   }
     147           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: End of Test 1" <<endl;
     148           1 :   cout << "    " << endl;
     149             : 
     150             : 
     151             : 
     152             : 
     153           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Test 2" << endl; 
     154           1 :    cout << " SpectralGridTest: New spectral window using add(unsigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, Frequency refFreq, Frequency chanSep):" << endl;
     155           1 :   unsigned int numChan1         = 128;
     156           1 :   unsigned int refChan1         = 32;
     157           2 :   Frequency myNewRefFreq(215.0,"GHz");
     158           2 :   Frequency myNewChanSep(0.02,"GHz");
     159           1 :   unsigned int spwId = sgPtr1->add( numChan1, refChan1, myNewRefFreq, myNewChanSep);
     160           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: A new spectral window has been appended and got the identifier number:" << spwId << endl;
     161           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: "
     162           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumSpectralWindow() << endl;
     163             : 
     164           1 :   spwId=0;
     165           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved for spwId "<<spwId<<": "
     166           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumChan(spwId) << endl;
     167           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: "
     168           1 :        << sgPtr1->getRefFreq(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     169           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  "
     170           1 :        << sgPtr1->getChanSep(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz " << "GHz" << endl;
     171             : 
     172           1 :   spwId=1;
     173           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved for spwId "<<spwId<<": "
     174           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumChan(spwId) << endl;
     175           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved: "
     176           1 :        << sgPtr1->getRefFreq(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     177           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:  "
     178           1 :        << sgPtr1->getChanSep(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz " << "GHz" << endl;
     179             : 
     180           1 :   if(sgPtr1->isRegular(spwId)){
     181           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is regularily sampled" << endl;
     182             :   }else{
     183           0 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is not regularily sampled" << endl;
     184             :   }
     185             : 
     186           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows: "
     187           1 :        << sgPtr1->getNumSpectralWindow() << endl;
     188             : 
     189           1 :   if(sgPtr1->getSideband(spwId).size()==0)
     190           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: As expected this spectral window with spwid="<<spwId
     191           1 :          << " has no sideband specification" << endl;
     192           1 :   unsigned int id=10;
     193           1 :   if(sgPtr1->getSideband(id).size()==0)
     194           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Spectral window with id="<<id
     195           1 :          << " does not exist!" << endl;
     196           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: End of Test 2" <<endl;
     197             : 
     198             : 
     199             : 
     200             : 
     201             : 
     202             : 
     203             : 
     204           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel frequency and number for the first spectral window: " << endl;
     205           1 :   double chFreq[sgPtr1->getNumChan()];           // one dynamic alloc
     206           1 :   vector<double> chanFreq;
     207           1 :   chanFreq.reserve(sgPtr1->getNumChan());        // a more versatil dynamic alloc (allowing eg resizing)
     208             : 
     209          65 :   for(int i=0; i<(int)sgPtr1->getNumChan(); i++){
     210          64 :     chanFreq[i] = sgPtr1->getChanFreq(i).get();
     211          64 :     chFreq[i] = chanFreq[i];
     212          64 :     cout << "SpectralGridTest: " << i << " channel: " << i-(int)refChan+1 << " freq: " << chanFreq[i] << endl;
     213             :   }
     214           1 :   cout << endl;
     215             : 
     216           1 :   delete sgPtr1; sgPtr1=0;
     217             : 
     218             : 
     219             : 
     220           1 :   double  refFreq         = 90.0E9;
     221             : 
     222             :   SpectralGrid* sgPtr2;
     223           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Test 2:" <<endl;
     224           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Build using SpectralGrid( unsigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, double* chFreq, string units):" << endl;
     225           1 :   sgPtr2 = new SpectralGrid( numChan, refChan, chFreq, Frequency::UnitHertz);
     226           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved: " << sgPtr2->getNumChan()      << "    Input:  " << numChan << endl;
     227           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:" << sgPtr2->getRefFreq().get()      << "Hz  Initial: none" << endl;
     228           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:" << sgPtr2->getRefFreq().get("MHz") << "MHz Initial: none" << endl;
     229           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference channel retrieved:  " << sgPtr2->getRefChan()      << "    Input:  " << refChan << endl;
     230           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved: " << sgPtr2->getChanSep().get()      << "Hz  Initial: none" << endl;
     231           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved: " << sgPtr2->getChanSep().get("MHz") << "MHz Initial: none" << endl;
     232           1 :   if(sgPtr2->isRegular()){
     233           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window with id 0 is regularily sampled" << endl;
     234             :   }else{
     235           0 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window with id 0 is not regularily sampled" << endl;
     236             :   }
     237           1 :   chFreq[sgPtr2->getNumChan()/4]=chFreq[sgPtr2->getNumChan()/4]+1.;
     238           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Add a second irregular spectral window using add( unsigned int numChan, unsigned int refChan, double* chFreq, string units):" << endl;
     239           1 :   sgPtr2->add( numChan, refChan, chFreq, Frequency::UnitHertz);
     240           1 :   if(sgPtr2->isRegular()){
     241           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window with id 0 is regularily sampled as expected" << endl;
     242             :   }else{
     243           0 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the first spectral window with id 0 is not regularily sampled ==> ERROR in the code" << endl;
     244             :   }
     245           1 :   if(sgPtr2->isRegular(spwId)){
     246           0 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is regularily sampled ==> ERROR in the code" << endl;
     247             :   }else{
     248           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is not regularily sampled as expected" << endl;
     249             :   }
     250           1 :   delete sgPtr2; sgPtr2=0;
     251             : 
     252           1 :   cout << endl;
     253           1 :   cout << endl;
     254             : 
     255             :   SpectralGrid* sgPtr3;
     256             : 
     257           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Test 3:" << endl;
     258           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Build using SpectralGrid( unsigned int numChan, double refFreq, double* chFreq, string freqUnits):" << endl;
     259           1 :   sgPtr3 = new SpectralGrid( numChan, refFreq, chFreq, Frequency::UnitHertz);
     260           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved: " << sgPtr3->getNumChan() << " Input: " << numChan << endl;
     261           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:" << sgPtr3->getRefFreq().get()      << "Hz  Initial:" << refFreq << "Hz" << endl;
     262           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:" << sgPtr3->getRefFreq().get("MHz") << "MHz Initial:" << refFreq << "Hz" << endl;
     263           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference channel retrieved:  " << sgPtr3->getRefChan() << " Initial: " << refChan << endl;
     264           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved: " << sgPtr3->getChanSep().get() << " Initial: none"<< endl;
     265             : 
     266           1 :   { double chan=16.123456;
     267           1 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Position (GU) retrieved: "
     268           2 :          << sgPtr3->getChanNum(refFreq+(sgPtr3->getChanSep().get())*chan)
     269           1 :          << " SpectralGridTest:  Exact: " << chan << endl;
     270             :   }
     271           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Total bandwidth retrieved: " << sgPtr3->getBandwidth().get()
     272           1 :        << " SpectralGridTest: Initial: "<< (sgPtr3->getChanSep().get())*(numChan-1) << endl;
     273             : 
     274           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Frequency range: from "<< sgPtr3->getMinFreq().get() <<" to "<< sgPtr3->getMaxFreq().get() <<"Hz"<< endl;
     275           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: Frequency range: from "<< sgPtr3->getMinFreq().get("GHz") <<" to "<< sgPtr3->getMaxFreq().get("GHz") <<"GHz"<< endl;
     276             : 
     277           1 :   delete sgPtr3;
     278             : 
     279           1 :   cout << endl;
     280           1 :   cout << endl;
     281             : 
     282           1 :   numChan         = 128;
     283           1 :   refChan         = 64;
     284           2 :   Frequency refFreq2(215.0,"GHz");
     285           2 :   Frequency chanSep2(0.02,"GHz");
     286           2 :   Frequency intermediateFreq(2.0,"GHz");
     287           2 :   Frequency bandWidth(1.0,"GHz");
     288             :   //  SidebandSide sbSide=LSB;        
     289             :   //  SidebandType sbType=SSB;
     290             :   
     291           1 :   sgPtr1 = new SpectralGrid(numChan, refChan, refFreq2, chanSep2,
     292           1 :                             intermediateFreq, LSB, SSB);
     293             :     
     294           1 :   cout   << " SpectralGridTest: Number of spectral windows:            " << sgPtr1->getNumSpectralWindow() << " Expected: 2" << endl;
     295             : 
     296           3 :   for(unsigned int spwId=0; spwId<sgPtr1->getNumSpectralWindow(); spwId++){
     297           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Sideband:                              " << sgPtr1->getSideband(spwId) << endl;
     298           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: LO frequency:                          " << sgPtr1->getLoFrequency(spwId) << "Hz " <<  endl;
     299           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Number of channels retrieved:          " << sgPtr1->getNumChan(spwId) << " for spwId " <<  spwId<<": "
     300           2 :          << " Input:" << numChan << endl;
     301           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:         " << sgPtr1->getRefFreq(spwId).get()
     302           2 :          << "  Input:" << refFreq2.get("GHz") << "GHz" << endl;
     303           4 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference frequency retrieved:         " << sgPtr1->getRefFreq(spwId).get("GHz")<< "GHz "  
     304           2 :          << " Input:" << refFreq2.get("GHz") << "GHz" << endl;
     305           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Reference channel retrieved:           " << sgPtr1->getRefChan()
     306           2 :          << " Input:" << refChan << endl;
     307           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:          " << sgPtr1->getChanSep(spwId).get() << "Hz "
     308           2 :          << " Input: |" << chanSep2.get("GHz") << "| GHz" << endl;
     309           4 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel separation retrieved:          " << sgPtr1->getChanSep(spwId).get("kHz") << "kHz "
     310           2 :          << " Input: |" << chanSep2.get("GHz") << "| GHz" << endl;
     311           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: minFreq:                               " << sgPtr1->getMinFreq(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     312           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: maxFreq:                               " << sgPtr1->getMaxFreq(spwId).get("GHz") << " GHz" << endl;
     313           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel (grid units) for the min:      " << sgPtr1->getChanNum(spwId,sgPtr1->getMinFreq(spwId).get()) << endl;
     314           2 :     cout << " SpectralGridTest: Channel (grid units) for the max:      " << sgPtr1->getChanNum(spwId,sgPtr1->getMaxFreq(spwId).get()) << endl;
     315             : 
     316           2 :     if(sgPtr1->isRegular(spwId)){
     317           2 :       cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is regularily sampled" << endl;
     318             :     }else{
     319           0 :       cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<<spwId<<" is not regularily sampled" << endl;
     320             :     }
     321             : 
     322           2 :     if(sgPtr1->getAssocSpwId(spwId).size()==0){
     323           0 :       cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<< spwId <<" has no associated spectral window" << endl;
     324             :     }else{
     325           4 :       for(unsigned int n=0; n<sgPtr1->getAssocSpwId(spwId).size(); n++){
     326           2 :         unsigned int assocSpwId = sgPtr1->getAssocSpwId(spwId)[n];
     327           2 :         cout << " SpectralGridTest: the spectral window with id "<< spwId 
     328           2 :              << " has the associated spec. win. with id " <<  assocSpwId 
     329           2 :              << " (" <<  sgPtr1->getAssocNature(spwId)[n] << ")" << endl;
     330             : 
     331         258 :         for(unsigned int i=0; i<sgPtr1->getNumChan(spwId); i++){
     332         256 :           cout << " SpectralGridTest: chan index:" << i << " "
     333         512 :                <<  sgPtr1->getSideband(spwId) <<" "<<sgPtr1->getChanFreq(spwId,i).get("GHz")<<"GHz  "
     334         256 :                <<  sgPtr1->getAssocNature(spwId)[n] <<" "<<sgPtr1->getChanFreq(assocSpwId,i).get("GHz")<<"GHz"<<endl;
     335             :         }
     336             :       }
     337             :     }
     338           2 :     cout << endl;
     339             :     
     340             : 
     341             : 
     342             :   }
     343             : 
     344           1 :   cout << " SpectralGridTest: TESTBED done" << endl;
     345           1 :   return 0;
     346           2 : }
     347             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16