LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alma/ASDMBinaries - DataDescriptionsSet.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 2 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-12 00:35:29 Functions: 0 1 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #if     !defined(_DATADESCRIPTIONSSET_H) 
       2             : 
       3             : #include <vector>
       4             : #include <set>
       5             : #include <map>
       6             : 
       7             : #include <alma/Enumtcl/AtmPhaseCorrection.h>
       8             : #include <alma/Enumtcl/CorrelationMode.h>
       9             : #include <alma/Enumtcl/SidebandProcessingMode.h>
      10             : 
      11             : #include <alma/ASDM/ASDMEntities.h>
      12             : #include <alma/ASDMBinaries/SwitchCyclesList.h>
      13             : //#include "DataBlock.h"
      14             : 
      15             : namespace sdmbin {
      16             : 
      17             :   struct DataDescParams {
      18             :     unsigned int ddIdx;
      19             :     asdm::Tag    scId;
      20             :     asdm::Tag    spwId;
      21             :     asdm::Tag    polId;
      22             :     unsigned int numChan;
      23             :     unsigned int numCorr;
      24             :     unsigned int numBin;
      25             :   };
      26             : 
      27             : 
      28             :   /** Definition of the first level in the tree hierarchy: set of spectro-polarization descriptions, 
      29             :    *  basebands. 
      30             :    */
      31             :   class DataDescriptionsSet : public SwitchCyclesList
      32             :   {
      33             :   public:
      34             : 
      35             :     DataDescriptionsSet();
      36             : 
      37             :     /** Define the first level in the tree hierarchy.
      38             :      * @pre the pointer to the SDM dataset is already known
      39             :      * @param  v_switchCycleId a sequence of switchCycle identifiers, one per data description. It is not a set
      40             :      * @param  v_dataDescriptionId the sequence of DataDescription identifiers. it is an ordered set
      41             :      * @param  corrMode the correlation mode used:
      42             :      * - CROSS_ONLY if, in the data products, there are only visibilities (i.e. no auto-correlation data)
      43             :      * - AUTO-ONLY  if, in the data products, there are only auto-correlations (i.e. no visibilities data)
      44             :      * - CROSS_AND_AUTO if , in the data products, there are both visibilities and auto-correlations
      45             :      * @param atmPhaseCodes the vector of atmospheric phase correction enumerators used:
      46             :      * - AP_UNCORRECTED 
      47             :      * - AP_CORRECTED
      48             :      * - AP_MIXED
      49             :      * @post the first level of the tree hierarchy being defined 
      50             :      * this class can be derived to set the second level (class BaselinesSet).
      51             :      * @note Use the alternate constructor 
      52             :      * DataDescriptionsSet( SwitchCyclesList& , vector<int> , int ,  int , int);
      53             :      * if the data description identifiers are typed int. 
      54             :      * @note Use the alternate constructor if the data description identifiers are 
      55             :      *       typed int.
      56             :      */
      57             :     DataDescriptionsSet( asdm::ASDM* const datasetPtr, std::vector<asdm::Tag> v_switchCycleId,
      58             :                          std::vector<asdm::Tag> v_dataDescriptionId, 
      59             :                          CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode corrMode,  std::vector<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> atmPhaseCodes);
      60             : 
      61             :     /** Define the first level in the tree hierarchy.
      62             :      * @pre the pointer to the SDM dataset is already known
      63             :      * @param  datasetPtr the SDM dataset
      64             :      * @param  switchCyclesList a switchCycle object
      65             :      * @param  v_dataDescriptionIdArray the set of DataDescription identifiers
      66             :      * @param  corrMode the correlation mode used:
      67             :      * - CROSS_ONLY
      68             :      * - AUTO-ONLY
      69             :      * - CROSS_AND_AUTO
      70             :      * @param atmPhaseCodes the vector of atmospheric phase correction enumerators used:
      71             :      * - AP_UNCORRECTED 
      72             :      * - AP_CORRECTED
      73             :      * - AP_MIXED
      74             :      * @param  bitSize (MAY BECOME OBSOLETE in the future since bitSize is now imposed to be the same for all spectral windows)
      75             :      * @post the first level of the tree hierarchy is now defined
      76             :      * @note Use the alternate constructor 
      77             :      * DataDescriptionsSet( SwitchCyclesList& , vector<Tag> , int ,  int , int);
      78             :      * if the data description identifiers are with the asdm type Tag.
      79             :      */
      80             :     DataDescriptionsSet( std::vector<int> v_switchCycleId,
      81             :                          std::vector<int> v_dataDescriptionId,
      82             :                          CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode corrMode,  std::vector<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> atmPhaseCodes);
      83             : 
      84             :     /** Copy constructor */
      85             :     DataDescriptionsSet(const DataDescriptionsSet &);
      86             : 
      87             :     /** Destructor 
      88             :      * @note use the default implementation 
      89             :      */
      90             :     virtual ~DataDescriptionsSet();
      91             : 
      92             :     /** Get the baseband name of a given dataDescription
      93             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier
      94             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
      95             :      * @return The baseband number (one-based)
      96             :      */ 
      97             :     BasebandNameMod::BasebandName      getBasebandName(unsigned int ndd) ;
      98             : 
      99             :     /** Get the baseband number of a given dataDescription
     100             :      * @param ndd The index of the dataDescription identifier
     101             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     102             :      * @return The baseband number (one-based)
     103             :      */ 
     104             :     unsigned int      getBasebandIndex(unsigned int ndd) ;
     105             :                                       
     106             :     /** Accessor to the number of basebands
     107             :      * @return the number of basebands \f$ N_{bb} \f$
     108             :      */
     109             :     unsigned int      numBaseband();
     110             : 
     111             :     /** Accessor to the number of steps for the baseband of a given dataDescription
     112             :      * @param ndd The index of the dataDescrition identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     113             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     114             :      * @exception ndd is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     115             :      * @return Number of steps for the baseband of a given dataDescription
     116             :      */
     117             :     unsigned int      numBin(unsigned int ndd) ;
     118             : 
     119             :     /** Accessor to the number of polarization products of a given dataDescription
     120             :      * @param ndd The index of the dataDescrition identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     121             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     122             :      * @exception ndd is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     123             :      * @return Number of polarization products depending on the correlation mode:
     124             :      * - if CROSS_ONLY     this is \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$, the number of polarization cross products 
     125             :      *                    for the non-zero baselines.      
     126             :      * - if AUTO_ONLY      this number is \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$ for the case of "single-dish" data.
     127             :      * - if CROSS_AND_AUTO this is \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$, the number of polarization cross products 
     128             :      *                    for the non-zero baselines;\n use the method numSdPol(int) to get the 
     129             :      *                    corresponding number \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$ for the zero baselines.
     130             :      * @note If it desired to get this number for a given baseband, use the method getNumPol(int bbNum).
     131             :      */
     132             :     unsigned int      numPol(unsigned int ndd) ;
     133             : 
     134             :     /** Accessor to the number of polarization cross-products of a given dataDescription
     135             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     136             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     137             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     138             :      * @return Number of products for the zero-baselines.\n
     139             :      *         If correlationMode=CROSS_AND_AUTO, use the accessor numPol(unsigned int) to get the corresponding number
     140             :      *          \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ of cross products for the non-zero baselines.
     141             :      * @note If it desired to get this number \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ for a given baseband, use the method 
     142             :      *       getNumSdPol(int bbNum).
     143             :      */
     144             :     unsigned int      numSdPol(unsigned int ndd) ;
     145             : 
     146             :     /** Accessor to the number of frequency channels of a given dataDescription
     147             :      * @param ndd The index of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     148             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     149             :      * @exception ndd is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     150             :      * @return Number of frequency channels (spectral points) for that dataDescription
     151             :      */
     152             :     unsigned int      numChan(unsigned int ndd) ;
     153             : 
     154             :     /** Accessor to get the spwtral window identifier of a given dataDescription
     155             :      * @param ndd The index of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     156             :      * @exception ndd is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     157             :      * @return The spectral window identifier
     158             :      */
     159             :     asdm::Tag               getSpwId(unsigned int ndd) ;
     160             : 
     161             :     /** Accessor to the total frequency bandwidth of a given dataDescription
     162             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier  dataDescriptionIdArray
     163             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     164             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     165             :      * @return Total spectral bandwidth (Hz)
     166             :      */
     167             :     asdm::Frequency         totBandwidth(unsigned int ndd) ;
     168             : 
     169             :     /** Size of the apc axis (can be only 1 or 2)
     170             :      * @return size of this axis (the 3rd inner most in the axis hierarchy)
     171             :      * @note 
     172             :      * - atmospherePhaseCode=0 or 1 this size will be 1
     173             :      * - if atmospherePhaseCode=2 this size is 2
     174             :      * TODO tell in the SDM document that along this axis the first grid coordinate is for the uncorreceted data and the second
     175             :      *       for the corrected data. 
     176             :      */
     177             :     unsigned int      numApc();
     178             : 
     179             :     /** Accessor to the atmospherePhaseCorrection
     180             :      *  @param atmPhaseCorrectionIndex index (0-based) along the apc axis
     181             :      *  @return the atmPhaseCorrection enumerator for that index
     182             :      * @note
     183             :      *  return an empty enumeration if the index is outside the range along the apc axis
     184             :      * - AP_UNCORRECTED means the data product contain uncorrected data
     185             :      * - AP_CORRECTED   means the data product contain corrected data
     186             :      * - AP_MIXED       means in the data product contains some data having been corrected, the other not corrected, 
     187             :      *                  the criterion for correcting or not being being based to some algorithm
     188             :      */                     
     189             :       Enum<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> atmPhaseCorrection(unsigned int atmPhaseCorrectionIndex);
     190             : 
     191             :      /** Get the index position along the apc axis
     192             :       * @param apc an AtmPhaseCorrection enumerator
     193             :       * @return  The index position (0-based) along the apc axis
     194             :       * @exception -1 returned if the input apc value is not present on the apc axis
     195             :       */ 
     196             :      unsigned int atmPhaseCorrectionIndex(AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection apc) ;
     197             : 
     198             :     /** Provide the number of auto-correlations for a given dataDescription
     199             :      * \note would the dataDescription identifier for this index in ConfigDescription be for cross correlations, 
     200             :      * the corresponding dataDescription for auto-correlations would actually be used
     201             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     202             :      *            (2nd param. in the constructors).
     203             :      * @exception ndd has a value which is illegal or too large for the number of dataDescription used in the configuration
     204             :      * @return  Number of auto-correlations for that dataDescription
     205             :      * @exception 0 returned (lax mode) if correlationMode=0.
     206             :      */
     207             :     int               numAutoData(unsigned int ndd) ;
     208             : 
     209             :     /** Provide the number of cross-correlations for a given dataDescription
     210             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray
     211             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     212             :      * @return  the number of cross-correlations for that dataDescription
     213             :      * @exception returns 0 if correlationMode=1.
     214             :      */
     215             :     unsigned int      numCrossData(unsigned int ndd) ;
     216             : 
     217             :     /** Provide the number of switchCycle phases cumulated over all the basebands in the configuration.
     218             :      * @return the sum \f$ \sum_{i=1}^{N_{bb}} N_{bin}(i)  \f$
     219             :      * @note In the software of the ALMA correlator subsystem the following constraint has been
     220             :      * set: the number of phases in the switching cycles (e.g. when using the frequency switch observing
     221             :      * mode) must be common to all dataDescriptions within a baseband but may be different from
     222             :      * baseband to baseband.
     223             :      */ 
     224             :      unsigned int     sumMetaDataIndex();
     225             : 
     226             :     /** Provide the index for a given dataDescription in the meta-data tree   
     227             :      * @param ndd The index (zero-based) of the dataDescription identifier in dataDescriptionIdArray,
     228             :      * the second parameter in the signature of the constructors.
     229             :      * @exception ndd has an illegal value or is too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the ConfigDescription 
     230             :      * @return  The index in the metadata tree
     231             :      */
     232             :      unsigned int      metaDataIndex(unsigned int ndd)  ;
     233             : 
     234             :     /** Get the bitSize (actually the number of bytes, 2 or 4) used for the visibilities
     235             :      * @return The size (actually in number of bytes)
     236             :      * @note Since December 2005 only the cross data (the visibilities) may be represented
     237             :      * either with 2 bytes or 4 bytes words. The auto data are always represented using
     238             :      * 4 bytes. Furthermore the same representation must be used whatever the spectral
     239             :      * resolution or the baselines. Hence this getBitSize method no longer requires
     240             :      * input parameters.\n
     241             :      * Note that a visibility being a complex quantity it is represented using two words,
     242             :      * the first for the real part and the second for the imaginary part. Note also
     243             :      * that for single-dish (zero-baseline), the XY correlation product is also a complex
     244             :      * quantity while XX and YY are real quantities, these being represented using a 
     245             :      * single word.
     246             :      */
     247             : /*     int               getBitSize(); */
     248             : 
     249             :     /** Get the correlation mode used
     250             :      * @return The correlation mode:
     251             :      * - CROSS_ONLY
     252             :      * - AUTO_ONLY
     253             :      * - CROSS_AND_AUTO
     254             :      */ 
     255             :     CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode   getCorrelationMode();
     256             : 
     257             :     /** Get the number of dataDescription
     258             :      * @return  The number of dataDescription
     259             :      */    
     260             :     unsigned int      getNumDataDescription();
     261             : 
     262             :     /** Get the number of frequency channels for a given dataDescription
     263             :      * @param ndd The dataDescription number
     264             :      * @exception ndd equal or exeeding the number of dataDescription in the configuration setup
     265             :      * @return  The number of channels (spectral points) for that dataDescription number (1-based)
     266             :      */   
     267             :     unsigned int      getNumChan(unsigned int ndd)  ;
     268             : 
     269             :     /** Get the number of Polarization Products given a baseband.
     270             :      * @param  nbb The baseband index
     271             :      * @exception bbIndex is equal or exceeds number of basebands in the configuration or not baseband independent
     272             :      * @return The number of Polarization Products:
     273             :      * - if correlationMode=CROSS_ONLY number     \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ of products for the non-zero baselines
     274             :      * - if correlationMode=AUTO_ONLY number      \f$ N_{pp}^{o}  \f$ of products for the zero-baselines
     275             :      * - if correlationMode=CROSS_AND_AUTO number \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ of products for the non-zero baselines;
     276             :      *   \n 
     277             :      *   use the method getNumSdPol() to get \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$, the number of products for 
     278             :      *   the zero-baselines.
     279             :      * @note
     280             :      * To get number of products given a dataDescription use the method numPol().
     281             :      * To get number of products given a basebandName, would that be constant per baseband, use getNumPol(BasebandName bbName)
     282             :      */
     283             :     unsigned int       getNumPol(unsigned int bbIndex)  ;
     284             : 
     285             :     /** Get the number of Polarization Products given a baseband.
     286             :      * @param  bbName The baseband index (0-based)
     287             :      * @return The number of Polarization Products:
     288             :      * - if  CROSS_ONLY     number \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ of products for the non-zero baselines
     289             :      * - if  AUTO_ONLY      number \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$ of products for the zero-baselines
     290             :      * - if  CROSS_AND_AUTO number \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$ of products for the non-zero baselines;
     291             :      *   \n 
     292             :      *   use the method getNumSdPol() to get \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$, the number of products for 
     293             :      *   the zero-baselines.
     294             :      * @note
     295             :      * To get number of products given a dataDescription use the method numPol().
     296             :      */
     297             :     unsigned int      getNumPol(BasebandNameMod::BasebandName bbName)  ;
     298             : 
     299             :     /** Get the number of Polarization Products in the case of zero-baselines given a baseband.
     300             :      * @param  bbIndex The baseband index
     301             :      * @exception not baseband independent
     302             :      * @return The number of Polarization Products \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$:
     303             :      * - if  CROSS_ONLY     the returned number is 0.
     304             :      * - if  AUTO_ONLY      this method is equivalent to the method getNumPol().
     305             :      * - if  CROSS_AND_AUTO use the method getNumPol() to get \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$,
     306             :      *   the corresponding number of products for the non-zero baselines.
     307             :      * - if the input baseband name does not belong to the configuration return 0
     308             :      * @note To get number of products given a dataDescription use the method numPol().
     309             :      */
     310             :     unsigned int      getNumSdPol(unsigned int bbIndex)  ;
     311             : 
     312             :     /** Get the number of Polarization Products in the case of zero-baselines given a baseband.
     313             :      * @param  bbName The baseband index (0-based)
     314             :      * @return The number of Polarization Products \f$ N_{pp}^{o} \f$:
     315             :      * - if CROSS_ONLY     the returned number is 0.
     316             :      * - if AUTO_ONLY      this method is equivalent to the method getNumPol().
     317             :      * - if CROSS_AND_AUTO use the method getNumPol() to get \f$ N_{pp}^{oo} \f$,
     318             :      *   the corresponding number of products for the non-zero baselines.
     319             :      * - if the input baseband name does not belong to the configuration return 0
     320             :      * @note To get number of products given a dataDescription use the method numPol().
     321             :      */
     322             :     unsigned int      getNumSdPol(BasebandNameMod::BasebandName bbName) ;
     323             : 
     324             :     /** Get the index of a dataDescription given its index in its parent baseband
     325             :      * @param  bbIndex The baseband index
     326             :      * @exception bbIndex eqaul or exceeding the number of basebands used in the configuration
     327             :      * @param  j    The dataDescription index (zero-based) within that baseband
     328             :      * @exception j too large for the number of dataDescriptions in the given baseband
     329             :      * @return The index of the dataDescrition in the sequence of dataDescription in the
     330             :      *         configDescription
     331             :      */ 
     332             :     unsigned int      getNdd(unsigned int bbIndex, unsigned int j)  ;
     333             : 
     334             :     /** Get the index of a dataDescription given its index in its parent baseband
     335             :      * @param  bbName The baseband name
     336             :      * @param  j    The dataDescription index (zero-based) within that baseband
     337             :      * @exception no such babseband name in the configuration or j too large for the number of dataDescriptions given that baseband
     338             :      * @return The index of the dataDescrition in the sequence of dataDescription in the
     339             :      *         configDescription
     340             :      */ 
     341             :     unsigned int      getNdd(BasebandNameMod::BasebandName bbName, unsigned int j)  ;
     342             : 
     343             :     /** Get the number of Spectral Windows in a given baseband identified by its index.
     344             :      * @param  bbNum The baseband index (zero-based)
     345             :      * @exception bbNum illegal or exceeding the number of basebands used in the configuration
     346             :      * @return The number \f$ N_{sw} \f$ of spectral windows in the baseband
     347             :      */
     348             :     unsigned int      getNumSpw(unsigned int bbIndex)  ;
     349             : 
     350             :     /** Get the number of Spectral Windows in a given baseband identified by its name.
     351             :      * @param  bbName The baseband name
     352             :      * @return The number \f$ N_{sw} \f$ of spectral windows in the baseband 
     353             :      * or 0 if baseband does not belong to the configuration
     354             :      */
     355             :     unsigned int      getNumSpw(BasebandNameMod::BasebandName bbName);
     356             : 
     357             :     /** Get the dataDescription index given a dataDescriptionId identifier
     358             :      * @param dataDescriptionId The dataDescriptionId identifier
     359             :      * @exception dataDescriptionId does not exist in the set of dataDescription identifiers in the configuration
     360             :      * @return  The dataDescription index (0-based)
     361             :      */
     362             :     unsigned int      getDataDescriptionIndex( asdm::Tag dataDescriptionId)  ;
     363             : 
     364             :     /** Get the size of the block of data for the auto-correlations originating from one antenna. \n
     365             :      * This size is determined according to the formula \n
     366             :      *
     367             :      * \f$ sizeof(float) \times \sum_{i=1}^{N_{bb}} \left( N_{bin}(i)~f(N_{pp}(i))~ \sum_{j=1}^{N_{sw}(i)} N_{sp}(j) \right)  \f$
     368             :      * \n
     369             :      * where, for pure single-dish, (i.e. correlationMode=1), \n
     370             :        \f$
     371             :              f(N_{pp}(i)) = \left\| \begin{array}
     372             :              {r@{\quad if\quad}l}
     373             :              N_{pp}^{o}(i) & N_{pp}^{o}(i) \le 2   \\
     374             :              4 & N_{pp}^{o}(i)=3 \\
     375             :              \end{array} \right.
     376             :           
     377             :        \f$ 
     378             :        * \n
     379             :        * and for correlationMode=2 \n
     380             :        \f$
     381             :                f(N_{pp}(i)) = \left\| \begin{array}
     382             :                {r@{\quad if\quad}l}
     383             :                 N_{pp}^{oo}(i) & N_{pp}^{oo}(i) \le 2~~ (i.e.~1~re~if~N_{pp}^{oo}(i)=1, ~2~re~if~N_{pp}^{oo}(i)=2)\\
     384             :                 N_{pp}^{oo}(i) & N_{pp}^{oo}(i) = 4~~  (i.e.~3~re + 1~im,~standard~mode) \\
     385             :             \end{array} \right.
     386             :        \f$  
     387             :      * 
     388             :      */
     389             :     unsigned long     getAutoSize();
     390             : 
     391             :     /** Get the size of the block of cross-correlation data for the ensemble of spectral windows
     392             :      * and a single non-zero baseline. \n
     393             :      * This size is determined according to the formula \n
     394             :      * \f$
     395             :          sizeof(bitSize) \times 2 ~ N_{apc}~
     396             :                \sum_{i=1}^{N_{bb}} ~\left( N_{bin}(i)~N_{pp}^{oo}(i) \sum_{j=1}^{N_{sw}(i)} N_{sp}(j) \right) 
     397             :        \f$
     398             :      * \n
     399             :      * where there is a factor 2 because a visibility is a complex.\n
     400             :      * 
     401             :      * \f$ sizeof(bitSize)\f$=2 or 4 bytes (ref. note of Steeve).
     402             :      */
     403             :     unsigned long     getCrossSize();
     404             : 
     405             :     /** Number of auto-correlations produce for one antenna.
     406             :      *  \note If the number \f$N_{pp}^{o}\f$ of polarization products is 3 the cross product XY
     407             :      *  counts for one data quantity.\n 
     408             :      *  To get this number of polarization products \f$N_{pp}^{o}\f$ see the method numSdPol(int ndd); 
     409             :      *  to get it for a given dataDescription index or the method getNumSdPol(int bbNum) for a
     410             :      *  given baseband.
     411             :      */  
     412             :     unsigned long     getNumAutoData();
     413             : 
     414             :     /** Number of cross-correlations produced by one non-zero baseline for the set of dataDescriptions.
     415             :      *  \note This number must be understood as the number complex values, one data value being
     416             :      *   a complex quantity.
     417             :      */
     418             :     unsigned long     getNumCrossData();
     419             : 
     420             :     /** Number of auto-correlations produced by one antenna for one dataDescription.
     421             :      * \param autoDataDescriptionId dataDescription identifier of the subset of auto-correlations
     422             :      * \exception autoDataDescriptionId (eventualy as infered from crossDataDescriptionId) does not exist 
     423             :      * for the configuration setup
     424             :      *  \note If the number \f$N_{pp}^{o}\f$ of polarization products is 3 the cross product XY
     425             :      *  counts for one data quantity.\n 
     426             :      *  To get this number of polarization products \f$N_{pp}^{o}\f$ for a given dataDescription index
     427             :      *  see the method numSdPol(int ndd); 
     428             :      *  to get it for a given baseband, would it be baseband-based, see the method getNumSdPol(int bbNum).
     429             :      */  
     430             :     unsigned long     getNumAutoData(asdm::Tag autoDataDescriptionId) ;
     431             : 
     432             : 
     433             :     /** Number of cross-correlations produced by one non-zero baseline for a given dataDescription.
     434             :      * \param crossDataDescriptionId one of the dataDescription identifiers in the set used for the configuration setup
     435             :      * @exception crossDataDescriptionId does not exist in the set of dataDescription identifiers in the setup 
     436             :      * configDescription setup
     437             :      *  \note This number must be understood as the number complex values, one data value being
     438             :      *   a complex quantity.
     439             :      */
     440             :     unsigned long     getNumCrossData(asdm::Tag crossDataDescriptionId)  ;
     441             : 
     442             :     /** Get the array of dataDescriptionId identifiers for the auto-correlations
     443             :      * \param crossDataDescriptionId one of the dataDescription identifiers in the set used for the configuration setup
     444             :      * @exception crossDataDescriptionId does not exist in the set of dataDescription identifiers in the setup 
     445             :      * @return The array of dataDescriptionId identifier for the auto-correlations
     446             :      * \note In the case correlationMode=2 this array of identifiers is only implicit in configDescription. 
     447             :      * It is automaticly derived based on the input dataDescriptionId identifiers for the cross-correlations 
     448             :      * (the second parameter in the signature of the constructor of this class).
     449             :      */
     450             :     asdm::Tag               getAutoDataDescriptionId(asdm::Tag crossDataDescriptionId) ;
     451             : 
     452             :     /** Get the array of dataDescriptionId identifiers for the cross-correlations
     453             :      * @return The array of dataDescriptionId identifier for the auto-correlations (zero-baselines)
     454             :      * \exception Would correlationMode=0 the returned vector would have a size of 0
     455             :      */
     456             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>       getAutoDataDescriptionId();
     457             : 
     458             :     /** Get the array of dataDescriptionId identifiers for the cross-correlations
     459             :      * @return The array of dataDescriptionId identifier for the cross-correlations
     460             :      * \exception would correlationMode=1 the returned vector would have a size of 0
     461             :      */
     462             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>       getCrossDataDescriptionId();
     463             : 
     464             : 
     465             :   protected:
     466             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>                 v_dataDescriptionIdArray_;//!< the input array of dataDescription identifiers
     467             : 
     468             :     Enum<CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode>       e_cm_;                    //!< Type-safe correlation mode
     469             :     CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode             correlationMode_;         //!< Correlation mode
     470             : 
     471             :     EnumSet<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection> es_apc_;                  //!< Atmospheric Phase Correction set
     472             :     std::vector<AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection>  v_atmPhaseCorrection_;    //!< sequence of the Atmospheric Phase Correction values along the apc axis
     473             :     
     474             :     std::vector<unsigned int>        v_numPol_;                //!< number of cross-products (size numDataDesc_)
     475             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>                 v_spwId_;                 //!< sequence of spectral window identifiers (size numDataDesc_)
     476             :     std::vector<unsigned int>        v_numChan_;               //!< sequence of nb of chan. i.e. spectral points (size numDataDesc_)
     477             :     std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName>        v_basebandName_;          //!< (size numDataDesc_), baseband name for every spectral window.
     478             :     std::vector<std::vector<int> >        vv_nsp_;                  //!< Nb of chan. per dataDescription (size numBaseband) vectors
     479             :     std::map<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName,std::vector<DataDescParams> > m_bn_v_ddp_; //!<  The sequence of dataDescParams in the different basebands
     480             :     std::map<asdm::Tag,BasebandNameMod::BasebandName>       m_ddid_bbn_;              //!< Association between the dataDescriptionId and the baseband name
     481             :     unsigned int                numApc_;                  //!< APC axis size (can take the value 1 or 2 only)
     482             :     unsigned int                numDataDescription_;      //!< Explicit number of dataDescriptionId 
     483             : 
     484             :     unsigned int                sumMetaDataIndex_;        //!< Sum of the elements of the vector v_metaDataIndex_
     485             :     unsigned long               sumAutoSize_;             //!< Sum of the elements of the vector v_autoSize_
     486             :     unsigned long               sumCrossSize_;            //!< Sum of the elements of the vector v_crossSize_
     487             : 
     488             :     std::vector<unsigned int>        v_metaDataIndex_;         //!< Indices for positions for every dataDesc (size numDataDesc_)
     489             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_cumulAutoSize_;         //!< Number of bytes to skip for every dataDesc (size numDataDesc_) 
     490             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_cumulCrossSize_;        //!< Number of bytes to skip for every dataDesc (size numDataDesc_) 
     491             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_numAutoData_;           //!< Number of auto-correlations per antenna (size numDataDesc_) 
     492             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_numCrossData_;          //!< Number of cross-correlations per antenna pair (size numDataDesc_) 
     493             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_autoSize_;              //!< Size, in nb PDT values, for every dataDesc (size numDataDesc_) 
     494             :     std::vector<unsigned long>       v_crossSize_;             //!< Size, in nb PDT values, for every dataDesc (size numDataDesc_) 
     495             : 
     496             : 
     497             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>                 v_crossDataDescriptionId_;//!< Vector of dataDecsritionId for the cross-correlations (size numDataDesc_)
     498             :     std::vector<asdm::Tag>                 v_autoDataDescriptionId_; //!< Vector of dataDecsritionId for the auto-correlations (size <= numDataDesc_)
     499             :     std::vector<bool>                v_pairDataDescriptionId_; //!< true if crossDataDecsritionId assoc to autoDataDecsritionId (size numDataDesc_)
     500             : 
     501             : 
     502             :     std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName>        v_basebandSet_;           //!< Sequence of baseband names
     503             :     EnumSet<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName>       e_basebandSet_;           //!< Set of baseband names
     504             : 
     505             :     std::vector<unsigned int>        v_numSpwPerBb_;           //!< Number of spectral windows in every baseband
     506             : 
     507             :   private:
     508             :     
     509             :     void                        size();                   // Method used by the constructor
     510             :     void                        metaDataIndex();          // Method used by the constructor
     511             : 
     512             :     void mapScToBaseband();                               // Method to map vectors of switchCycles to the basebandName.
     513             :   };
     514             : 
     515           0 :   inline unsigned int DataDescriptionsSet::numBin(unsigned int ndd) { // throw(Error){
     516             :     // if(ndd>=v_basebandName_.size())
     517             :     //   Error(SERIOUS,"The dataDescription index must be smaller than %d",
     518             :     //      v_basebandName_.size());
     519           0 :     return v_numBin_[ndd];  
     520             :   }
     521             :   
     522             : }
     523             : #define _DATADESCRIPTIONSSET_H
     524             : #endif

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