LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementEquations - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 534 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-10 19:51:30 Functions: 0 16 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# AntennaResponses.h: AntennaResponses provides access to antenna response data
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1995-1999,2000-2004
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA
       4             : //# Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration)
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning CASA should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: CASA Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //#
      28             : //# $Id: $
      29             : 
      30             : //# Includes
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
      32             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/AntennaResponses.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/QLogical.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Quantum.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Time.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/GenSort.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/casa/System/AipsrcValue.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      43             : #include <iostream>
      44             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ScalarMeasColumn.h>
      45             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ArrayMeasColumn.h>
      46             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/TableMeasValueDesc.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/TableMeasOffsetDesc.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/TableMeasRefDesc.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/TableMeasDesc.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ArrayQuantColumn.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MFrequency.h>
      54             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCFrequency.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCEpoch.h>
      56             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCDirection.h>
      57             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCPosition.h>
      58             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasTable.h>
      59             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasData.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasRef.h>
      61             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasFrame.h>
      62             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasConvert.h>
      63             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/Table.h>
      64             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
      65             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ColumnDesc.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrColDesc.h>
      68             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/SetupNewTab.h>
      69             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScaColDesc.h>
      70             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
      71             : 
      72             : using namespace casacore;
      73             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      74             : 
      75           0 :   AntennaResponses::AntennaResponses(const String& path){
      76           0 :     init(path);
      77           0 :   }
      78             : 
      79           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::init(const String& path){
      80             :     // reset members to empty
      81             : 
      82           0 :     paths_p.resize(); 
      83             : 
      84           0 :     numRows_p = 0;
      85           0 :     ObsName_p.resize();
      86           0 :     StartTime_p.resize();
      87           0 :     AntennaType_p.resize();
      88           0 :     ReceiverType_p.resize();
      89           0 :     BeamId_p.resize();
      90           0 :     BeamNumber_p.resize();
      91           0 :     ValidCenter_p.resize();
      92           0 :     ValidCenterMin_p.resize();
      93           0 :     ValidCenterMax_p.resize();
      94           0 :     NumSubbands_p.resize();
      95           0 :     BandName_p.resize();
      96           0 :     SubbandMinFreq_p.resize();
      97           0 :     SubbandMaxFreq_p.resize();
      98           0 :     FuncType_p.resize();
      99           0 :     FuncName_p.resize();
     100           0 :     FuncChannel_p.resize();
     101           0 :     NomFreq_p.resize();
     102           0 :     RotAngOffset_p.resize();
     103             : 
     104           0 :     pathIndex_p.resize();
     105             : 
     106           0 :     if(path==""){
     107           0 :       paths_p.resize(1, "");
     108           0 :       return true;
     109             :     }
     110             :     else{
     111             :       // fill members from table on disk
     112           0 :       return append(path);
     113             :     }
     114             :   }
     115             : 
     116             : 
     117           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::append(const String& path){
     118             : 
     119           0 :     if(isInit(path)){
     120             :       // Returns false if the path was already read before.
     121             :       //cout << "Path has been read before." << endl;
     122           0 :       return false;
     123             :     }
     124             :     
     125             :     // open table
     126           0 :     Table tab(path);    
     127             : 
     128             :     // get number of rows
     129           0 :     uInt numRows = tab.nrow();
     130             : 
     131           0 :     uInt nPaths = paths_p.nelements();
     132             : 
     133           0 :     if(numRows>0){
     134             :       // read columns and append to vectors;
     135             : 
     136           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> beamIdCol(tab, "BEAM_ID");
     137           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> nameCol(tab, "NAME");
     138           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> beamNumberCol(tab, "BEAM_NUMBER");
     139           0 :       ROScalarMeasColumn<MEpoch> startTimeCol(tab, "START_TIME");
     140           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> antennaTypeCol(tab, "ANTENNA_TYPE");
     141           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> receiverTypeCol(tab, "RECEIVER_TYPE");
     142           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> numSubbandsCol(tab, "NUM_SUBBANDS");
     143           0 :       ArrayColumn<String> bandNameCol(tab, "BAND_NAME");
     144           0 :       ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> subbandMinFreqCol(tab, "SUBBAND_MIN_FREQ");
     145           0 :       ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> subbandMaxFreqCol(tab, "SUBBAND_MAX_FREQ");
     146           0 :       ROScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> centerCol(tab, "CENTER");
     147           0 :       ROScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> validCenterMinCol(tab, "VALID_CENTER_MIN");
     148           0 :       ROScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> validCenterMaxCol(tab, "VALID_CENTER_MAX");
     149           0 :       ArrayColumn<Int> functionTypeCol(tab, "FUNCTION_TYPE");   
     150           0 :       ArrayColumn<String> functionNameCol(tab, "FUNCTION_NAME");
     151           0 :       ArrayColumn<uInt> functionChannelCol(tab, "FUNCTION_CHANNEL");
     152           0 :       ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> nomFreqCol(tab, "NOMINAL_FREQ");
     153           0 :       ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> rotAngOffsetCol(tab, "RESPONSE_ROTATION_OFFSET");
     154             : 
     155           0 :       numRows_p += numRows;
     156             : 
     157           0 :       ObsName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     158           0 :       StartTime_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     159           0 :       AntennaType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     160           0 :       ReceiverType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     161           0 :       BeamId_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     162           0 :       BeamNumber_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     163           0 :       ValidCenter_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     164           0 :       ValidCenterMin_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     165           0 :       ValidCenterMax_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     166           0 :       NumSubbands_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     167           0 :       BandName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     168           0 :       SubbandMinFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     169           0 :       SubbandMaxFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     170           0 :       FuncType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     171           0 :       FuncName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     172           0 :       FuncChannel_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     173           0 :       NomFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     174           0 :       RotAngOffset_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     175             : 
     176           0 :       pathIndex_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     177             : 
     178           0 :       for(uInt i=0; i<numRows; i++){
     179           0 :         uInt j = i + numRows_p - numRows;
     180           0 :         BeamId_p(j) = beamIdCol(i);
     181           0 :         ObsName_p(j) = nameCol(i);
     182           0 :         BeamNumber_p(j) = beamNumberCol(i);
     183           0 :         StartTime_p(j) = startTimeCol(i);
     184           0 :         AntennaType_p(j) = antennaTypeCol(i);
     185           0 :         ReceiverType_p(j) = receiverTypeCol(i);
     186           0 :         NumSubbands_p(j) = numSubbandsCol(i);
     187           0 :         BandName_p(j).assign(bandNameCol(i));
     188             : 
     189           0 :         Vector<Quantity> tQ;
     190           0 :         tQ = subbandMinFreqCol(i);
     191           0 :         uInt nSubB = tQ.nelements();
     192           0 :         SubbandMinFreq_p(j).resize(nSubB);
     193           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<nSubB; k++){
     194           0 :           SubbandMinFreq_p(j)(k) = MVFrequency(tQ(k));
     195             :         }
     196           0 :         tQ = subbandMaxFreqCol(i);
     197           0 :         SubbandMaxFreq_p(j).resize(nSubB);
     198           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<nSubB; k++){
     199           0 :           SubbandMaxFreq_p(j)(k) = MVFrequency(tQ(k));
     200             :         }
     201           0 :         tQ = nomFreqCol(i);
     202           0 :         NomFreq_p(j).resize(nSubB);
     203           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<nSubB; k++){
     204           0 :           NomFreq_p(j)(k) = MVFrequency(tQ(k));
     205             :         }
     206           0 :         tQ = rotAngOffsetCol(i);
     207           0 :         RotAngOffset_p(j).resize(nSubB);
     208           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<nSubB; k++){
     209           0 :           RotAngOffset_p(j)(k) = MVAngle(tQ(k));
     210             :         }
     211             : 
     212           0 :         ValidCenter_p(j) = centerCol(i);
     213           0 :         ValidCenterMin_p(j) = validCenterMinCol(i);
     214           0 :         ValidCenterMax_p(j) = validCenterMaxCol(i);
     215             : 
     216           0 :         Vector<Int> tFType;
     217           0 :         tFType = functionTypeCol(i);
     218           0 :         FuncType_p(j).resize(nSubB);
     219           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<nSubB; k++){
     220           0 :           FuncType_p(j)(k) = FuncType(tFType(k));
     221             :         }
     222             : 
     223           0 :         FuncName_p(j).assign(functionNameCol(i));
     224           0 :         FuncChannel_p(j).assign(functionChannelCol(i));
     225             : 
     226           0 :         pathIndex_p(j) = nPaths;
     227             :         
     228           0 :       }
     229             : 
     230           0 :     } // end if
     231             : 
     232           0 :     paths_p.resize(nPaths+1, true);
     233           0 :     String tempS = path;
     234           0 :     while(tempS.lastchar()=='/' && tempS.size()>1){ // don't want trailing "/"
     235           0 :       tempS.erase(tempS.size()-1,1);
     236             :     }
     237           0 :     paths_p(nPaths) = path;
     238             : 
     239           0 :     return true;
     240             : 
     241           0 :   }
     242             : 
     243           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::isInit(){
     244             : 
     245           0 :     return (paths_p.nelements()!=0);
     246             :   }
     247             : 
     248           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::isInit(const String& path){
     249           0 :     Bool found = false;
     250           0 :     for (uInt i=0; i<paths_p.nelements(); i++){
     251           0 :       if(paths_p(i) == path){
     252           0 :         found = true;
     253             :       }
     254             :     }
     255           0 :     return found;
     256             :   }
     257             : 
     258           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getRowAndIndex(uInt& row, uInt& subBand,
     259             :                                         const String& obsName,
     260             :                                         const MEpoch& obsTime,
     261             :                                         const MFrequency& freq,
     262             :                                         const FuncTypes& requFType,
     263             :                                         const String& antennaType,
     264             :                                         const MDirection& center,
     265             :                                         const String& receiverType,
     266             :                                         const Int& beamNumber){
     267           0 :     Bool rval = false;
     268           0 :     Unit uS("s");
     269           0 :     Unit uHz("Hz");
     270             : 
     271             :     // for the combination INTERNAL + 0 freq, return the row and index for the first freq found
     272           0 :     Bool matchFreq = !((freq.get(uHz).getValue() == 0.) && requFType==INTERNAL);
     273             : 
     274             :     // calculate azimuth, elevation, and topo frequency
     275             :     // first, get the reference frame 
     276           0 :     MPosition mp;
     277           0 :     if (!MeasTable::Observatory(mp,obsName)) {
     278             :       // unknown observatory
     279           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses",
     280           0 :                          String("getRowAndIndex"),
     281           0 :                          WHERE));
     282           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << String("Unknown observatory ") << obsName 
     283           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     284           0 :       return false;
     285           0 :     }
     286           0 :     mp=MPosition::Convert(mp, MPosition::ITRF)();
     287           0 :     MeasFrame frame(mp, obsTime);
     288           0 :     Vector<Double> azel = MDirection::Convert(center, 
     289           0 :                                               MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     290             :                                                               frame)            
     291           0 :                               )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     292             : 
     293           0 :     Quantity f(0., uHz);
     294           0 :     if(matchFreq){
     295           0 :       f = MFrequency::Convert(freq, MFrequency::TOPO)().get(uHz);
     296             :     }
     297             :     
     298             : 
     299             :     // loop over rows
     300             :     uInt i,j;
     301           0 :     vector<uInt> rowV, subBandV;
     302           0 :     vector<Quantity> timeV;
     303           0 :     for(i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     304           0 :       if(ObsName_p(i) == obsName
     305           0 :          && StartTime_p(i).get(uS) <= obsTime.get(uS)
     306           0 :          && AntennaType_p(i) == antennaType
     307           0 :          && ReceiverType_p(i) == receiverType
     308           0 :          && BeamNumber_p(i) == beamNumber
     309             :          ){
     310             :         // remains to test center and freq and functype
     311             :         // first freq and functype
     312           0 :         Bool found = false;
     313           0 :         for(j=0; j<NumSubbands_p(i); j++){
     314             :           //cout << "f " << f << " min " << SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() 
     315             :           //     << " max " << SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get() << endl;
     316           0 :           if( (FuncType_p(i)(j) == requFType
     317           0 :                || requFType == AntennaResponses::ANY)
     318           0 :               && (
     319           0 :                   !matchFreq // if matchFreq is false, any frequency is accepted
     320           0 :                   || (SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() <= f && f <= SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get())
     321             :                   )
     322             :               ){
     323           0 :             found = true;
     324           0 :             break;
     325             :           }
     326             :         }
     327           0 :         if(found){ // now test center
     328           0 :           Vector<Double> azelMin = MDirection::Convert(ValidCenterMin_p(i), 
     329           0 :                                                        MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     330             :                                                                        frame)
     331           0 :                                                        )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     332           0 :           Vector<Double> azelMax = MDirection::Convert(ValidCenterMax_p(i), 
     333           0 :                                                        MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     334             :                                                                        frame)
     335           0 :                                                        )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     336             : 
     337             :           // need to accomodate the ambiguity of the AZ
     338           0 :           Double modAz = fmod(azel(0) - azelMin(0),360.);
     339           0 :           Double modAzMax = fmod(azelMax(0) - azelMin(0), 360.);
     340             : 
     341             : //        cout << " i, j, " << i << ", " << j << " az min actual max" << azelMin(0) << " " 
     342             : //             << azel(0) << " " << azelMax(0) << endl;
     343             : //        cout << " i, j, " << i << ", " << j << " cannonised az  actual max" << modAz << " " << modAzMax << endl;
     344             : //        cout << " i, j, " << i << ", " << j << " el min actual max" << azelMin(1) << " " << azel(1) << " " << azelMax(1) << endl;
     345             : 
     346           0 :           if((fabs(azelMin(0)-azelMax(0))<1e-5 // all AZ are valid (accomodate numerical problems at 360 deg)
     347           0 :               || ( 0. <= modAz  && modAz <= modAzMax))
     348           0 :              && azelMin(1) <= azel(1) && azel(1) <= azelMax(1)){
     349             :             // memorize the applicable row, sub band, and time
     350           0 :             rval = true;
     351           0 :             rowV.push_back(i);
     352           0 :             subBandV.push_back(j);
     353           0 :             timeV.push_back(StartTime_p(i).get(uS));
     354             :           }
     355           0 :         }
     356             :       }
     357             :     } // end for
     358             : 
     359           0 :     if(rval){
     360           0 :       Vector<uInt> sortIndex;
     361           0 :       GenSortIndirect<Quantity>::sort(sortIndex, Vector<Quantity>(timeV));
     362             :       // take the latest row
     363           0 :       row = rowV[sortIndex(sortIndex.nelements()-1)];
     364           0 :       subBand = subBandV[sortIndex(sortIndex.nelements()-1)];
     365           0 :     }
     366           0 :     return rval;
     367             : 
     368           0 :   }
     369             : 
     370           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getRowAndIndex(uInt& row, uInt& subBand,
     371             :                                         const String& obsName,
     372             :                                         const Int& beamId,
     373             :                                         const MFrequency& freq){
     374             : 
     375           0 :     Bool rval = false;
     376           0 :     Unit uHz("Hz");
     377             : 
     378             :     // calculate topo frequency
     379           0 :     Quantity f = MFrequency::Convert(freq, MFrequency::TOPO)().get(uHz);
     380             : 
     381             :     // loop over rows
     382             :     uInt i,j;
     383           0 :     for(i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     384           0 :       if(ObsName_p(i) == obsName
     385           0 :          && BeamNumber_p(i) == beamId
     386             :         ){
     387           0 :         for(j=0; j<NumSubbands_p(i); j++){
     388           0 :           if(SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() <= f
     389           0 :              && f <= SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get()
     390             :              ){
     391           0 :             rval = true;
     392           0 :             break;
     393             :           }
     394             :         }
     395           0 :         if(rval){
     396           0 :           break;
     397             :         }
     398             :       }
     399             :     } // end for
     400             : 
     401           0 :     if(rval){
     402           0 :       row = i;
     403           0 :       subBand = j;
     404             :     }
     405           0 :     return rval;
     406             : 
     407           0 :   }
     408             : 
     409             : 
     410           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getImageName(String& functionImageName, // the path to the image
     411             :                                       uInt& functionChannel, // the channel to use
     412             :                                       MFrequency& nomFreq, // nominal frequency of the image (in the given channel)
     413             :                                       FuncTypes& fType, // the function type of the image
     414             :                                       MVAngle& rotAngOffset, // response rotation angle offset
     415             :                                       const String& obsName, // (the observatory name, e.g. "ALMA" or "ACA")
     416             :                                       const MEpoch& obsTime,
     417             :                                       const MFrequency& freq,
     418             :                                       const FuncTypes& requFType, // the requested function type
     419             :                                       const String& antennaType,
     420             :                                       const MDirection& center,
     421             :                                       const String& receiverType,
     422             :                                       const Int& beamNumber){
     423             :     
     424             :     uInt row, subBand;
     425             : 
     426           0 :     if(!getRowAndIndex(row, subBand,
     427             :                        obsName, obsTime, freq,
     428             :                        requFType, antennaType,
     429             :                        center, receiverType,
     430             :                        beamNumber)){
     431           0 :       return false;
     432             :     }
     433             :     else{
     434           0 :       functionImageName = FuncName_p(row)(subBand);
     435           0 :       if(functionImageName.firstchar()!='/'){ // need to prepend the path
     436           0 :         String tempS = paths_p(pathIndex_p(row));
     437           0 :         string::size_type p = tempS.find_last_of('/',tempS.size());
     438           0 :         functionImageName = tempS.substr(0,p) + "/" + functionImageName;
     439           0 :       }
     440           0 :       functionChannel = FuncChannel_p(row)(subBand);
     441           0 :       nomFreq = MFrequency(NomFreq_p(row)(subBand),MFrequency::TOPO);
     442           0 :       fType = FuncType_p(row)(subBand);
     443           0 :       rotAngOffset = RotAngOffset_p(row)(subBand);
     444           0 :       return true;
     445             :     }
     446             : 
     447             :   }
     448             : 
     449             :   // overloaded method with additional output hi and lo ends of validity range
     450           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getImageName(String& functionImageName, // the path to the image
     451             :                                       uInt& functionChannel, // the channel to use
     452             :                                       MFrequency& nomFreq, // nominal frequency of the image (in the given channel)
     453             :                                       MFrequency& loFreq, // lower end of the frequency validity range
     454             :                                       MFrequency& hiFreq, // upper end of the frequency validity range
     455             :                                       FuncTypes& fType, // the function type of the image
     456             :                                       MVAngle& rotAngOffset, // response rotation angle offset
     457             :                                       const String& obsName, // (the observatory name, e.g. "ALMA" or "ACA")
     458             :                                       const MEpoch& obsTime,
     459             :                                       const MFrequency& freq,
     460             :                                       const FuncTypes& requFType, // the requested function type
     461             :                                       const String& antennaType,
     462             :                                       const MDirection& center,
     463             :                                       const String& receiverType,
     464             :                                       const Int& beamNumber){
     465             :     
     466             :     uInt row, subBand;
     467             : 
     468           0 :     if(!getRowAndIndex(row, subBand,
     469             :                        obsName, obsTime, freq,
     470             :                        requFType, antennaType,
     471             :                        center, receiverType,
     472             :                        beamNumber)){
     473           0 :       return false;
     474             :     }
     475             :     else{
     476           0 :       functionImageName = FuncName_p(row)(subBand);
     477           0 :       if(functionImageName.firstchar()!='/'){ // need to prepend the path
     478           0 :         String tempS = paths_p(pathIndex_p(row));
     479           0 :         string::size_type p = tempS.find_last_of('/',tempS.size());
     480           0 :         functionImageName = tempS.substr(0,p) + "/" + functionImageName;
     481           0 :       }
     482           0 :       functionChannel = FuncChannel_p(row)(subBand);
     483           0 :       nomFreq = MFrequency(NomFreq_p(row)(subBand),MFrequency::TOPO);
     484           0 :       loFreq = MFrequency(SubbandMinFreq_p(row)(subBand),MFrequency::TOPO);
     485           0 :       hiFreq = MFrequency(SubbandMaxFreq_p(row)(subBand),MFrequency::TOPO);
     486           0 :       fType = FuncType_p(row)(subBand);
     487           0 :       rotAngOffset = RotAngOffset_p(row)(subBand);
     488           0 :       return true;
     489             :     }
     490             : 
     491             : 
     492             :   }
     493             : 
     494             :                 
     495             :   // overloaded method: similar to previous but using beamId
     496             :   // (instead of obs. time, ant. type,  rec. type, and center)
     497           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getImageName(String& functionImageName,
     498             :                                       uInt& functionChannel,
     499             :                                       MFrequency& nomFreq, // nominal frequency of the image
     500             :                                       FuncTypes& fType, // the function type of the image
     501             :                                       MVAngle& rotAngOffset, // response rotation angle offset
     502             :                                       const String& obsName, // (the observatory name, e.g. "ALMA" or "ACA")
     503             :                                       const Int& beamId,
     504             :                                       const MFrequency& freq){
     505             :     uInt row, subBand;
     506             : 
     507           0 :     if(!getRowAndIndex(row, subBand,
     508             :                        obsName, beamId, freq)){
     509           0 :       return false;
     510             :     }
     511             :     else{
     512             : //       cout << "row " << row << " subband " << subBand << endl;
     513             : //       cout << "numrows " << numRows_p << endl;
     514             : //       for(uInt i=0; i<FuncName_p.nelements(); i++){
     515             : //      for(uInt j=0; j< FuncName_p(i).nelements(); j++){
     516             : //        cout << "i, j " << i << ", " << j << " " << FuncName_p(i)(j) << endl;
     517             : //      }
     518             : //       }
     519           0 :       functionImageName = FuncName_p(row)(subBand);
     520           0 :       if(functionImageName.firstchar()!='/'){ // need to prepend the path
     521           0 :         String tempS = paths_p(pathIndex_p(row));
     522           0 :         string::size_type p = tempS.find_last_of('/',tempS.size());
     523           0 :         functionImageName = tempS.substr(0,p) + "/" + functionImageName;
     524           0 :       }
     525           0 :       functionChannel = FuncChannel_p(row)(subBand);
     526           0 :       nomFreq = MFrequency(NomFreq_p(row)(subBand),MFrequency::TOPO);
     527           0 :       fType = FuncType_p(row)(subBand);
     528           0 :       rotAngOffset = RotAngOffset_p(row)(subBand);
     529           0 :       return true;
     530             :     }
     531             :   }
     532             : 
     533           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getAntennaTypes(Vector<String>& antTypes,
     534             :                                          const String& obsName, // (the observatory name, e.g. "ALMA" or "ACA")
     535             :                                          const MEpoch& obsTime,
     536             :                                          const MFrequency& freq,
     537             :                                          const FuncTypes& requFType,
     538             :                                          const MDirection& center,
     539             :                                          const String& receiverType,
     540             :                                          const Int& beamNumber){
     541           0 :     Bool rval = false;
     542           0 :     Unit uS("s");
     543           0 :     Unit uHz("Hz");
     544             :     
     545           0 :     antTypes.resize(0);
     546             : 
     547             :     // for the combination INTERNAL + 0 freq, return the row and index for the first freq found
     548           0 :     Bool matchFreq = !((freq.get(uHz).getValue() == 0.) && requFType==INTERNAL);
     549             : 
     550             :     // calculate azimuth, elevation, and topo frequency
     551             :     // first, get the reference frame 
     552           0 :     MPosition mp;
     553           0 :     if (!MeasTable::Observatory(mp,obsName)) {
     554             :       // unknown observatory
     555           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses",
     556           0 :                          String("getAntennaTypes"),
     557           0 :                          WHERE));
     558           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << String("Unknown observatory ") << obsName 
     559           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     560           0 :       return false;
     561           0 :     }
     562           0 :     mp=MPosition::Convert(mp, MPosition::ITRF)();
     563           0 :     MeasFrame frame(mp, obsTime);
     564           0 :     Vector<Double> azel = MDirection::Convert(center, 
     565           0 :                                               MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     566             :                                                               frame)            
     567           0 :                               )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     568             : 
     569           0 :     Quantity f(0., uHz);
     570           0 :     if(matchFreq){
     571           0 :       f = MFrequency::Convert(freq, MFrequency::TOPO)().get(uHz);
     572             :     }
     573             :     
     574             : 
     575             :     // loop over rows
     576             :     uInt i,j;
     577           0 :     std::map<String, Int > antTypeMap;
     578           0 :     for(i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     579           0 :       if(ObsName_p(i) == obsName
     580           0 :          && StartTime_p(i).get(uS) <= obsTime.get(uS)
     581           0 :          && ReceiverType_p(i) == receiverType
     582           0 :          && BeamNumber_p(i) == beamNumber
     583             :          ){
     584             :         // remains to test center and freq and functype
     585             :         // first freq and functype
     586           0 :         Bool found = false;
     587           0 :         for(j=0; j<NumSubbands_p(i); j++){
     588             :           //cout << "f " << f << " min " << SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() 
     589             :           //     << " max " << SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get() << endl;
     590           0 :           if( (FuncType_p(i)(j) == requFType
     591           0 :                || requFType == AntennaResponses::ANY)
     592           0 :               && (
     593           0 :                   !matchFreq // if matchFreq is false, any frequency is accepted
     594           0 :                   || (SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() <= f && f <= SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get())
     595             :                   )
     596             :               ){
     597           0 :             found = true;
     598           0 :             break;
     599             :           }
     600             :         }
     601           0 :         if(found){ // now test center
     602           0 :           Vector<Double> azelMin = MDirection::Convert(ValidCenterMin_p(i), 
     603           0 :                                                        MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     604             :                                                                        frame)
     605           0 :                                                        )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     606           0 :           Vector<Double> azelMax = MDirection::Convert(ValidCenterMax_p(i), 
     607           0 :                                                        MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL,
     608             :                                                                        frame)
     609           0 :                                                        )().getAngle("deg").getValue();
     610             : 
     611             :           // need to accomodate the ambiguity of the AZ
     612           0 :           Double modAz = fmod(azel(0) - azelMin(0),360.);
     613           0 :           Double modAzMax = fmod(azelMax(0) - azelMin(0), 360.);
     614             : 
     615           0 :           if((fabs(azelMin(0)-azelMax(0))<1e-5 // all AZ are valid (accomodate numerical problems at 360 deg)
     616           0 :               || ( 0. <= modAz  && modAz <= modAzMax))
     617           0 :              && azelMin(1) <= azel(1) && azel(1) <= azelMax(1)){
     618             :             // memorize the antenna type
     619           0 :             if( antTypeMap.find(AntennaType_p(i)) == antTypeMap.end( ) ){
     620           0 :               rval = true;
     621           0 :               antTypeMap.insert(std::pair<String, Int >(AntennaType_p(i),1));
     622             :             }
     623             :           }
     624           0 :         }
     625             :       }
     626             :     } // end for
     627             : 
     628           0 :     if(rval){
     629           0 :       antTypes.resize(antTypeMap.size( ));
     630           0 :       uInt count = 0;
     631           0 :       for( auto iter = antTypeMap.begin( ); iter != antTypeMap.end( ); ++iter, ++count ){
     632           0 :         antTypes(count) = iter->first;
     633             :       }
     634             :     }
     635             : 
     636           0 :     return rval;
     637             : 
     638           0 :   }
     639             : 
     640             : 
     641           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::putRow(uInt& row,
     642             :                                 const String& obsName,
     643             :                                 const Int& beamId,
     644             :                                 const Vector<String>& bandName,
     645             :                                 const Vector<MVFrequency>& subbandMinFreq,
     646             :                                 const Vector<MVFrequency>& subbandMaxFreq,
     647             :                                 const Vector<FuncTypes>& funcType,
     648             :                                 const Vector<String>& funcName,
     649             :                                 const Vector<uInt>& funcChannel,
     650             :                                 const Vector<MVFrequency>& nomFreq,
     651             :                                 const Vector<MVAngle>& rotAngOffset,
     652             :                                 const String& antennaType,
     653             :                                 const MEpoch& startTime,
     654             :                                 const MDirection& center,
     655             :                                 const MDirection& validCenterMin,
     656             :                                 const MDirection& validCenterMax,
     657             :                                 const String& receiverType,
     658             :                                 const Int& beamNumber){
     659             :     // Put the given row into the present antenna reponses table (in memory).
     660             : 
     661             :     // Returns false, if the table was not initialised or the given data was
     662             :     // not consistent.
     663           0 :     if(paths_p.nelements()==0){
     664           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses",
     665           0 :                          String("putRow"),
     666           0 :                          WHERE));
     667           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << String("Table not initialized.") << obsName 
     668           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     669           0 :       return false;
     670           0 :     }
     671             :     // Consistency checks: 
     672             :     //   - all vectors have same dimension which is then used to set numSubbands
     673           0 :     uInt tNumSubbands = bandName.nelements();
     674           0 :     if(!(
     675           0 :          tNumSubbands == subbandMinFreq.nelements() &&
     676           0 :          tNumSubbands == subbandMaxFreq.nelements() &&
     677           0 :          tNumSubbands == funcType.nelements() &&
     678           0 :          tNumSubbands == funcName.nelements() &&
     679           0 :          tNumSubbands == funcChannel.nelements() &&
     680           0 :          tNumSubbands == nomFreq.nelements() &&
     681           0 :          tNumSubbands == rotAngOffset.nelements())
     682             :        ){
     683           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses", String("putRow"), WHERE));
     684           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << String("Inconsistent vector dimensions.") << obsName 
     685           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     686           0 :       return false;
     687           0 :     }
     688             :     //   - beamId is unique for the given observatory
     689           0 :     Bool isUnique = true;
     690           0 :     for(uInt i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     691           0 :       if(ObsName_p(i)==obsName && BeamId_p(i)==beamId && row!=i){
     692           0 :         isUnique = false;
     693           0 :         break;
     694             :       }
     695             :     }
     696           0 :     if(!isUnique){
     697           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses", String("putRow"), WHERE));
     698             :       os << LogIO::WARN << "Beam id " <<  beamId << " not unique." 
     699           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     700           0 :       return false;
     701           0 :     }
     702             :     //   - center, validCenterMin, and validCenterMax have the same MDirection type
     703           0 :     String dirRef = center.getRefString();
     704           0 :     if(!(dirRef == validCenterMin.getRefString() &&
     705           0 :          dirRef == validCenterMax.getRefString())
     706             :        ){
     707           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("AntennaResponses",
     708           0 :                          String("putRow"),
     709           0 :                          WHERE));
     710             :       os << LogIO::WARN << "Inconsistent direction type." 
     711           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     712           0 :       return false;
     713           0 :     }
     714             :     
     715           0 :     uInt theRow = 0;
     716             : 
     717             :     // If the row exists at the position given by uInt row, it is overwritten.
     718           0 :     if(row<numRows_p){
     719           0 :       theRow = row;
     720             :     }
     721             :     else{ // If it doesn't exist, the table is resized by one in memory and the new
     722             :       // row is added at the last position. The variable "row" then contains the
     723             :       // actual row that was filled.
     724           0 :       theRow = row = numRows_p;
     725           0 :       numRows_p++;
     726           0 :       ObsName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     727           0 :       StartTime_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     728           0 :       AntennaType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     729           0 :       ReceiverType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     730           0 :       BeamId_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     731           0 :       BeamNumber_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     732           0 :       ValidCenter_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     733           0 :       ValidCenterMin_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     734           0 :       ValidCenterMax_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     735           0 :       NumSubbands_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     736           0 :       BandName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     737           0 :       SubbandMinFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     738           0 :       SubbandMaxFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     739           0 :       FuncType_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     740           0 :       FuncName_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     741           0 :       FuncChannel_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     742           0 :       NomFreq_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     743           0 :       RotAngOffset_p.resize(numRows_p,true);
     744             :     }  
     745             : 
     746           0 :     ObsName_p(theRow) = obsName;
     747           0 :     StartTime_p(theRow) = startTime;
     748           0 :     AntennaType_p(theRow) = antennaType;
     749           0 :     ReceiverType_p(theRow) = receiverType;
     750           0 :     BeamId_p(theRow) = beamId;
     751           0 :     BeamNumber_p(theRow) = beamNumber;
     752           0 :     ValidCenter_p(theRow) = center;
     753           0 :     ValidCenterMin_p(theRow) = validCenterMin;
     754           0 :     ValidCenterMax_p(theRow) = validCenterMax;
     755           0 :     NumSubbands_p(theRow) = tNumSubbands;
     756           0 :     BandName_p(theRow).assign(bandName);
     757           0 :     SubbandMinFreq_p(theRow).assign(subbandMinFreq);
     758           0 :     SubbandMaxFreq_p(theRow).assign(subbandMaxFreq);
     759           0 :     FuncType_p(theRow).assign(funcType);
     760           0 :     FuncName_p(theRow).assign(funcName);
     761           0 :     FuncChannel_p(theRow).assign(funcChannel);
     762           0 :     NomFreq_p(theRow).assign(nomFreq);
     763           0 :     RotAngOffset_p(theRow).assign(rotAngOffset);
     764             : 
     765           0 :     return true;
     766             : 
     767           0 :   }
     768             : 
     769             : 
     770           0 :   void AntennaResponses::create(const String& path){
     771             : 
     772             :     // set up table description
     773             : 
     774           0 :     TableDesc tD("AntennaResponsesDesc", TableDesc::New);
     775           0 :     tD.comment() = "antenna responses table";
     776             : 
     777           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Int> ("BEAM_ID", "unique for the given observatory name"));
     778           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<String> ("NAME", "name of the observatory as in the Observatories table"));
     779           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Int> ("BEAM_NUMBER", "for observataories which support several simultaneous beams, zero-based"));
     780           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Double> ("START_TIME", "the time from which onwards this table row is valid, measure fixed to UTC"));
     781           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<String> ("ANTENNA_TYPE", "for heterogeneous arrays: indication of the antenna type"));
     782           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<String> ("RECEIVER_TYPE", "permits multiple receivers per band"));
     783           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Int> ("NUM_SUBBANDS", "number of elements in the array columns in this table"));
     784           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<String> ("BAND_NAME", "name of the frequency band"));
     785           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("SUBBAND_MIN_FREQ", "minimum frequency of the subband in the observatory frame"));
     786           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("SUBBAND_MAX_FREQ", "maximum frequency of the subband in the observatory frame"));
     787           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("CENTER", "the nominal center sky position where this row is valid"));
     788           0 :     tD.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc<Int> ("CENTER_REF", ColumnDesc::Direct));
     789           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("VALID_CENTER_MIN", "sky position validity range min values"));
     790           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("VALID_CENTER_MAX", "sky position validity range max values"));
     791           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Int> ("FUNCTION_TYPE"));
     792           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<String> ("FUNCTION_NAME"));
     793           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<uInt> ("FUNCTION_CHANNEL"));
     794           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("NOMINAL_FREQ"));
     795           0 :     tD.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Double> ("RESPONSE_ROTATION_OFFSET"));
     796             : 
     797             :     // Add TableMeasures information for designated Measures/Quanta columns
     798             : 
     799           0 :     TableMeasValueDesc timeMeasVal(tD, "START_TIME");
     800           0 :     TableMeasRefDesc timeMeasRef(MEpoch::DEFAULT);
     801           0 :     TableMeasDesc<MEpoch> timeMeasCol(timeMeasVal, timeMeasRef);
     802           0 :     timeMeasCol.write(tD);
     803             : 
     804           0 :     TableQuantumDesc timeQuantDesc(tD, "START_TIME", Unit ("s"));
     805           0 :     timeQuantDesc.write(tD);
     806             : 
     807           0 :     TableQuantumDesc freqQuantDesc(tD, "SUBBAND_MIN_FREQ", Unit ("Hz"));
     808           0 :     freqQuantDesc.write (tD);
     809           0 :     TableQuantumDesc freqQuantDesc2(tD, "SUBBAND_MAX_FREQ", Unit ("Hz"));
     810           0 :     freqQuantDesc2.write (tD);
     811           0 :     TableQuantumDesc freqQuantDesc3(tD, "NOMINAL_FREQ", Unit ("Hz"));
     812           0 :     freqQuantDesc3.write (tD);
     813           0 :     TableQuantumDesc angQuantDesc(tD, "RESPONSE_ROTATION_OFFSET", Unit ("deg"));
     814           0 :     angQuantDesc.write (tD);
     815             : 
     816           0 :     TableMeasValueDesc refDirMeasVal (tD, "CENTER");
     817           0 :     TableMeasRefDesc refDirMeasRef (tD, "CENTER_REF");
     818           0 :     TableMeasDesc<MDirection> refDirMeasCol (refDirMeasVal, refDirMeasRef);
     819           0 :     refDirMeasCol.write(tD);
     820           0 :     TableMeasValueDesc refDirMeasValMin (tD, "VALID_CENTER_MIN");
     821           0 :     TableMeasDesc<MDirection> refDirMeasColMin (refDirMeasValMin, refDirMeasRef);
     822           0 :     refDirMeasColMin.write(tD);
     823           0 :     TableMeasValueDesc refDirMeasValMax (tD, "VALID_CENTER_MAX");
     824           0 :     TableMeasDesc<MDirection> refDirMeasColMax (refDirMeasValMax, refDirMeasRef);
     825           0 :     refDirMeasColMax.write(tD);
     826             : 
     827             :     // create the table
     828           0 :     SetupNewTable newtab (path, tD, Table::New);
     829           0 :     Table tab(newtab, numRows_p);
     830             : 
     831           0 :     if(numRows_p>0){
     832             :       // fill the table
     833             : 
     834           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> beamIdCol(tab, "BEAM_ID");
     835           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> nameCol(tab, "NAME");
     836           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> beamNumberCol(tab, "BEAM_NUMBER");
     837           0 :       ScalarMeasColumn<MEpoch> startTimeCol(tab, "START_TIME");
     838           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> antennaTypeCol(tab, "ANTENNA_TYPE");
     839           0 :       ScalarColumn<String> receiverTypeCol(tab, "RECEIVER_TYPE");
     840           0 :       ScalarColumn<Int> numSubbandsCol(tab, "NUM_SUBBANDS");
     841           0 :       ArrayColumn<String> bandNameCol(tab, "BAND_NAME");
     842           0 :       ArrayQuantColumn<Double> subbandMinFreqCol(tab, "SUBBAND_MIN_FREQ");
     843           0 :       ArrayQuantColumn<Double> subbandMaxFreqCol(tab, "SUBBAND_MAX_FREQ");
     844           0 :       ScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> centerCol(tab, "CENTER");
     845           0 :       ScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> validCenterMinCol(tab, "VALID_CENTER_MIN");
     846           0 :       ScalarMeasColumn<MDirection> validCenterMaxCol(tab, "VALID_CENTER_MAX");
     847           0 :       ArrayColumn<Int> functionTypeCol(tab, "FUNCTION_TYPE");   
     848           0 :       ArrayColumn<String> functionNameCol(tab, "FUNCTION_NAME");
     849           0 :       ArrayColumn<uInt> functionChannelCol(tab, "FUNCTION_CHANNEL");
     850           0 :       ArrayQuantColumn<Double> nomFreqCol(tab, "NOMINAL_FREQ");
     851           0 :       ArrayQuantColumn<Double> rotAngOffsetCol(tab, "RESPONSE_ROTATION_OFFSET");
     852             : 
     853           0 :       for(uInt i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     854           0 :         beamIdCol.put(i, BeamId_p(i));
     855           0 :         nameCol.put(i, ObsName_p(i));
     856           0 :         beamNumberCol.put(i, BeamNumber_p(i));
     857           0 :         startTimeCol.put(i, StartTime_p(i));
     858           0 :         antennaTypeCol.put(i, AntennaType_p(i));
     859           0 :         receiverTypeCol.put(i, ReceiverType_p(i));
     860           0 :         numSubbandsCol.put(i, NumSubbands_p(i));
     861           0 :         bandNameCol.put(i, BandName_p(i));
     862             : 
     863           0 :         Vector<Quantity> bMF(SubbandMinFreq_p(i).nelements());
     864           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<bMF.nelements(); k++){
     865           0 :           bMF(k) = (SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(k)).get(); // convert MVFrequency to Quantity in Hz
     866             :         }
     867           0 :         subbandMinFreqCol.put(i, bMF); 
     868             : 
     869           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<bMF.nelements(); k++){
     870           0 :           bMF(k) = (SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(k)).get(); // convert MVFrequency to Quantity in Hz
     871             :         }
     872           0 :         subbandMaxFreqCol.put(i, bMF);
     873             : 
     874           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<bMF.nelements(); k++){
     875           0 :           bMF(k) = (NomFreq_p(i)(k)).get(); // convert MVFrequency to Quantity in Hz
     876             :         }
     877           0 :         nomFreqCol.put(i, bMF);
     878             : 
     879           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<bMF.nelements(); k++){
     880           0 :           bMF(k) = (RotAngOffset_p(i)(k)).get(Unit("deg")); // convert MVAngle to Quantity in deg
     881             :         }
     882           0 :         rotAngOffsetCol.put(i, bMF);
     883             : 
     884           0 :         centerCol.put(i, ValidCenter_p(i));
     885           0 :         validCenterMinCol.put(i, ValidCenterMin_p(i));
     886           0 :         validCenterMaxCol.put(i, ValidCenterMax_p(i));
     887             : 
     888           0 :         Vector<Int> iFT(FuncType_p(i).nelements());
     889           0 :         for(uInt k=0; k<iFT.nelements(); k++){
     890           0 :           iFT(k) = static_cast<Int>(FuncType_p(i)(k));
     891             :         }
     892           0 :         functionTypeCol.put(i, iFT);
     893             : 
     894           0 :         functionNameCol.put(i, FuncName_p(i));
     895           0 :         functionChannelCol.put(i, FuncChannel_p(i));
     896           0 :       }
     897             : 
     898           0 :     }
     899             : 
     900           0 :     return;
     901             : 
     902           0 :   }
     903             : 
     904           0 :   AntennaResponses::FuncTypes AntennaResponses::FuncType(Int i){
     905           0 :     if(-1 < i && i < static_cast<Int>(AntennaResponses::N_FuncTypes) ){
     906           0 :       return static_cast<AntennaResponses::FuncTypes>(i);
     907             :     }
     908             :     else{
     909           0 :       return AntennaResponses::INVALID;
     910             :     }
     911             :   }
     912             : 
     913           0 :   AntennaResponses::FuncTypes AntennaResponses::FuncType(const String& sftyp){
     914             : 
     915           0 :     if(sftyp=="NA") return AntennaResponses::NA;
     916           0 :     if(sftyp=="AIF") return AntennaResponses::AIF;
     917           0 :     if(sftyp=="EFP") return AntennaResponses::EFP;
     918           0 :     if(sftyp=="VP") return AntennaResponses::VP;
     919           0 :     if(sftyp=="VPMAN") return AntennaResponses::VPMAN;
     920           0 :     if(sftyp=="INTERNAL") return AntennaResponses::INTERNAL;
     921           0 :     return AntennaResponses::INVALID;
     922             : 
     923             :   }
     924             : 
     925           0 :   Bool AntennaResponses::getBandName(String& bandName, 
     926             :                                      const String& obsName,
     927             :                                      const MVFrequency& freq){    
     928             :     // brute force search
     929           0 :     Quantity f = freq.get();
     930           0 :     bandName = "";
     931           0 :     Bool rval = false;
     932             : 
     933             :     uInt i, j;
     934             : 
     935           0 :     for(i=0; i<numRows_p; i++){
     936           0 :       if(obsName == ObsName_p(i)){
     937           0 :         for(j=0; j<NumSubbands_p(i); j++){
     938           0 :           if(SubbandMinFreq_p(i)(j).get() <= f
     939           0 :              && f <= SubbandMaxFreq_p(i)(j).get()){
     940           0 :             rval = true;
     941           0 :             break;
     942             :           }
     943             :         }
     944           0 :         if(rval){
     945           0 :           break;
     946             :         }
     947             :       }
     948             :     }
     949           0 :     if(rval){
     950           0 :       bandName = BandName_p(i)(j);
     951             :     }
     952           0 :     return rval;
     953             : 
     954           0 :   }
     955             : 
     956             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     957             : 

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