LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis - ImageDecomposer.tcc (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 924 0.0 %
Date: 2024-10-10 19:51:30 Functions: 0 48 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# defines the ImageDecomposer class
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id: ImageDecomposer.tcc 20739 2009-09-29 01:15:15Z Malte.Marquarding $
      27             : 
      28             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageDecomposer.h>
      29             : 
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Slicer.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/IO/ArrayIO.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/TiledShape.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/scimath/Fitting/FitGaussian.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/LatticeRegion.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/LCMask.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExprNode.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeIterator.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicMath/Math.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/images/Images/TempImage.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      45             : 
      46             : 
      47             : namespace casa {
      48             : 
      49             : template <class T>
      50           0 : ImageDecomposer<T>::ImageDecomposer(const casacore::ImageInterface<T>& image)
      51           0 :  : itsImagePtr(image.cloneII()),
      52           0 :    itsMapPtr(0),
      53           0 :    itsShape(itsImagePtr->shape()),
      54           0 :    itsDim(itsShape.nelements()),
      55           0 :    itsNRegions(0),
      56           0 :    itsNComponents(0),
      57           0 :    itsDeblendIt(true),
      58           0 :    itsThresholdVal(0.1),
      59           0 :    itsNContour(11),
      60           0 :    itsMinRange(2),
      61           0 :    itsNAxis(2),
      62           0 :    itsFitIt(true),
      63           0 :    itsMaximumRMS(0.1),
      64           0 :    itsMaxRetries(-1),
      65           0 :    itsMaxIter(256),
      66           0 :    itsConvCriteria(0.001)
      67             : {
      68           0 :   itsMapPtr = new casacore::TempLattice<casacore::Int>(casacore::TiledShape(itsShape), 1); 
      69           0 :   if (!itsMapPtr) {
      70           0 :      delete itsImagePtr;
      71           0 :      throw(casacore::AipsError("Failed to create internal TempLattice"));
      72             :   }
      73             : //
      74           0 :   itsMapPtr->set(0);
      75           0 : }
      76             : 
      77             : 
      78             : template <class T>
      79           0 : ImageDecomposer<T>::ImageDecomposer(const ImageDecomposer<T>& other)
      80             : 
      81           0 :  : itsImagePtr(other.itsImagePtr->cloneII()),
      82           0 :    itsMapPtr(0),
      83           0 :    itsShape(other.itsShape),
      84           0 :    itsDim(other.itsDim),
      85           0 :    itsNRegions(0),
      86           0 :    itsNComponents(0)
      87             : {
      88           0 :   itsMapPtr = new casacore::TempLattice<casacore::Int>(casacore::TiledShape(itsShape), 1);  
      89           0 :   if (!itsMapPtr) {
      90           0 :      delete itsImagePtr;
      91           0 :      throw(casacore::AipsError("Failed to create internal TempLattice"));
      92             :   }
      93             : //
      94           0 :   itsNRegions = other.itsNRegions;
      95           0 :   itsNComponents = other.itsNComponents;
      96           0 :   itsList = other.itsList.copy();
      97             : 
      98           0 :   copyOptions(other);  
      99             : 
     100             : // Copy values from other.itsMapPtr
     101             : 
     102           0 :   itsMapPtr->copyData(*(other.itsMapPtr));
     103           0 : }
     104             : /*
     105             : template <class T>
     106             : ImageDecomposer<T> &ImageDecomposer<T>::operator=(const ImageDecomposer<T> &other)
     107             : {
     108             :    if (this != &other) {
     109             :       delete itsImagePtr;
     110             :       delete itsMapPtr;
     111             : 
     112             :       itsImagePtr = other.itsImagePtr->cloneII();
     113             :       itsShape = other.itsShape;
     114             :       itsDim = other.itsDim;
     115             :       itsNRegions = 0;
     116             :       itsNComponents = 0;
     117             : 
     118             :       itsMapPtr = new casacore::TempLattice<casacore::Int>(casacore::TiledShape(itsShape), 1);  
     119             :       itsMapPtr->copyData(*(other.itsMapPtr));
     120             :       itsList = other.itsList.copy();
     121             : 
     122             :       copyOptions(other);
     123             :    }
     124             :    return *this;
     125             : }
     126             : */
     127             : 
     128             : template <class T>
     129           0 : ImageDecomposer<T>::~ImageDecomposer()
     130             : {
     131           0 :   if (itsImagePtr) {
     132           0 :      delete itsImagePtr;
     133           0 :      itsImagePtr = 0;
     134             :   }
     135           0 :   if (itsMapPtr) {
     136           0 :      delete itsMapPtr;
     137           0 :      itsMapPtr = 0;
     138             :   }
     139           0 : }
     140             : 
     141             : // Basic set/get functions
     142             : // -----------------------
     143             : 
     144             : /*
     145             : template <class T>
     146             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setImage(casacore::ImageInterface<T>& image)
     147             : {
     148             :    if (itsImagePtr) {
     149             :       delete itsImagePtr;
     150             :       itsImagePtr = 0;
     151             :    }
     152             :    if (itsMapPtr) {
     153             :       delete itsMapPtr;
     154             :       itsMapPtr = 0;
     155             :    }
     156             : //
     157             :    itsImagePtr = image.cloneII();
     158             :    itsShape.resize(0);               //necessary for dimension change
     159             :    itsShape = itsImagePtr->shape();
     160             :    itsDim = itsShape.nelements();
     161             :    itsNRegions = 0;
     162             :    itsNComponents = 0;
     163             : //
     164             :    itsMapPtr = new casacore::TempLattice<casacore::Int>(casacore::TiledShape(itsShape), 1); 
     165             :    if (!itsMapPtr) {
     166             :      delete itsImagePtr;
     167             :      throw(casacore::AipsError("Failed to create internal TempLattice"));
     168             :    }
     169             :    itsMapPtr->set(0);
     170             : }
     171             : */
     172             : 
     173             : template <class T>
     174           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setDeblend(casacore::Bool deblendIt)
     175             : {
     176           0 :   itsDeblendIt = deblendIt;
     177           0 :   return;
     178             : }
     179             : 
     180             : template <class T>
     181           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setDeblendOptions(T thresholdVal,casacore::uInt nContour,
     182             :                                            casacore::Int minRange, casacore::Int nAxis)
     183             : {
     184           0 :   itsThresholdVal = thresholdVal;
     185           0 :   itsNContour = nContour;
     186           0 :   itsMinRange = minRange;
     187           0 :   itsNAxis = nAxis;
     188           0 :   return;
     189             : }
     190             : 
     191             : template <class T>
     192           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setFit(casacore::Bool fitIt)
     193             : {
     194           0 :   itsFitIt = fitIt;
     195           0 :   return;
     196             : }   
     197             : 
     198             : template <class T>
     199             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setFitOptions(T maximumRMS, casacore::Int maxRetries, 
     200             :                                        casacore::uInt maxIter, T convCriteria)
     201             : {
     202             :   itsMaximumRMS = maximumRMS;
     203             :   itsMaxRetries = maxRetries;
     204             :   itsMaxIter = maxIter;
     205             :   itsConvCriteria = convCriteria;
     206             :   return;
     207             : }
     208             : 
     209             : 
     210             : template <class T>
     211           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::copyOptions(const ImageDecomposer<T> &other)
     212             : {
     213           0 :   itsDeblendIt = other.itsDeblendIt;
     214           0 :   itsThresholdVal = other.itsThresholdVal;
     215           0 :   itsNContour = other.itsNContour;
     216           0 :   itsMinRange = other.itsMinRange;
     217           0 :   itsNAxis = other.itsNAxis;
     218           0 :   itsFitIt = other.itsFitIt;
     219           0 :   itsMaximumRMS = other.itsMaximumRMS;
     220           0 :   itsMaxRetries = other.itsMaxRetries;
     221           0 :   itsMaxIter = other.itsMaxIter;
     222           0 :   itsConvCriteria = other.itsConvCriteria;
     223           0 :   return;
     224             : }
     225             : 
     226             : 
     227             : template <class T>
     228             : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getCell(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y) const
     229             : {
     230             :   return itsMapPtr->getAt(casacore::IPosition(2,x,y));
     231             : }
     232             : 
     233             : template <class T>
     234             : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getCell(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int z) const
     235             : {
     236             :   return itsMapPtr->getAt(casacore::IPosition(3,x,y,z));
     237             : }
     238             : template <class T>
     239           0 : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getCell(const casacore::IPosition& coord) const
     240             : {
     241           0 :   return itsMapPtr->getAt(coord);  //note: 3D casacore::IPosition works on 2D image
     242             : }
     243             : 
     244             : 
     245             : template <class T>
     246             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setCell(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int sval)
     247             : {
     248             :   itsMapPtr->putAt(sval, casacore::IPosition(2,x,y));
     249             :   return;
     250             : }
     251             : template <class T>
     252             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setCell(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int z, casacore::Int sval)
     253             : {
     254             :   itsMapPtr->putAt(sval, casacore::IPosition(3,x,y,z));
     255             :   return;
     256             : }
     257             : template <class T>
     258           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::setCell(const casacore::IPosition& coord, casacore::Int sval)
     259             : {
     260           0 :   itsMapPtr->putAt(sval, coord);
     261           0 :   return;
     262             : }
     263             : 
     264             : template <class T>
     265           0 : casacore::IPosition ImageDecomposer<T>::shape() const
     266             : {
     267           0 :   return itsShape;
     268             : }
     269             : 
     270             : template <class T>
     271           0 : int ImageDecomposer<T>::shape(casacore::uInt axis) const
     272             : {
     273           0 :   if (itsDim > axis) return itsShape(axis);
     274           0 :   return 1;
     275             : }
     276             : 
     277             : //The numRegions and numComponents functions are both getters for their
     278             : //respective variables and flags telling whether the image has been derived
     279             : //and/or decomposed.
     280             : 
     281             : template <class T>
     282           0 : casacore::uInt ImageDecomposer<T>::numRegions() const
     283             : {
     284           0 :   return itsNRegions;
     285             : }
     286             : 
     287             : template <class T>
     288           0 : casacore::uInt ImageDecomposer<T>::numComponents() const
     289             : {
     290           0 :   return itsNComponents;
     291             : }
     292             : 
     293             : template <class T>
     294           0 : bool ImageDecomposer<T>::isDerived() const
     295             : {
     296           0 :   return itsNRegions>0;
     297             : }
     298             : 
     299             : template <class T>
     300           0 : bool ImageDecomposer<T>::isDecomposed() const
     301             : {
     302           0 :   return itsNComponents>0;
     303             : }
     304             : 
     305             : template <class T>
     306           0 : T ImageDecomposer<T>::getImageVal(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y) const
     307             : {
     308           0 :   return getImageVal(casacore::IPosition(2,x,y));
     309             : }
     310             : 
     311             : template <class T>
     312           0 : T ImageDecomposer<T>::getImageVal(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int z) const
     313             : {
     314           0 :   return getImageVal(casacore::IPosition(3,x,y,z));
     315             : }
     316             : 
     317             : template <class T>
     318           0 : T ImageDecomposer<T>::getImageVal(casacore::IPosition coord) const
     319             : {
     320           0 :   return itsImagePtr->getAt(coord);
     321             : }
     322             : 
     323             :   
     324             : template <class T>
     325             : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getContourVal(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, const casacore::Vector<T>& clevels) const
     326             : {
     327             :   return getContourVal(casacore::IPosition(2,x,y), clevels);
     328             : }
     329             : 
     330             : template <class T>
     331             : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getContourVal(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int z,
     332             :                                       const casacore::Vector<T>& clevels) const
     333             : {
     334             :   return getContourVal(casacore::IPosition(3,x,y,z), clevels); 
     335             : }
     336             : 
     337             : template <class T>
     338             : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getContourVal(casacore::IPosition coord,
     339             :                                       const casacore::Vector<T>& clevels) const
     340             : {
     341             :   T val = itsImagePtr->getAt(coord);
     342             :   for (casacore::uInt c = 0; c < clevels.nelements(); c++) {
     343             :     if (val < clevels(c)) return c - 1;
     344             :   }
     345             :   return clevels.nelements()-1;
     346             : }
     347             : 
     348             : template <class T>
     349           0 : int ImageDecomposer<T>::getContourVal(T val, const casacore::Vector<T>& clevels) const
     350             : {
     351           0 :   for (casacore::uInt c = 0; c < clevels.nelements(); c++) {
     352           0 :     if (val < clevels(c)) return c - 1;
     353             :   }
     354           0 :   return clevels.nelements()-1;
     355             : }
     356             : 
     357             : template <class T>
     358             : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::autoContour(T mincon, T maxcon, T inc) const
     359             : {
     360             :   if (inc == T(0)) {
     361             :     throw(casacore::AipsError("Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::autocontour"
     362             :                     "T mincon, T maxcon, T inc) - inc cannot be zero"));
     363             :   }
     364             :   if ((maxcon - mincon) * inc < 0) inc = -inc;
     365             : 
     366             :   casacore::Int c = 0;
     367             :   for (T cl = mincon; cl <= maxcon; cl += inc) c++;
     368             : 
     369             :   casacore::Vector<T> contours(c);
     370             :   c = 0;
     371             :   for (T cl = mincon; cl <= maxcon; cl += inc) {
     372             :     contours(c++) = cl;
     373             :   }
     374             :   return contours;
     375             : }
     376             : 
     377             : template <class T>
     378           0 : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::autoContour(casacore::Int nContours, T minValue) const
     379             : {
     380             : // IMPR: a noise estimate to determine default value of lowest contour
     381             : // would be useful.
     382             :  
     383           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> contours(nContours);
     384             :   T maxValue;
     385             : //
     386           0 :   maxValue = findAreaGlobalMax(casacore::IPosition(itsDim,0), shape());
     387           0 :   maxValue -= (maxValue-minValue)/((nContours-1)*3);
     388             :   //cerr << "Autocontour: minvalue, maxvalue = " << minValue << ", " << maxValue << endl;
     389             : 
     390             : // Make maximum contour ~1/3 contour increment less than max value of image
     391             : 
     392           0 :   for (casacore::Int i=0; i<nContours; i++) {
     393           0 :     contours(i) =  minValue + (maxValue-minValue)*i/(nContours-1);
     394             :   }
     395             : //
     396           0 :   return contours;
     397           0 : }
     398             : 
     399             : template <class T>
     400             : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::autoContour(const casacore::Function1D<T>& fn,
     401             :                                           casacore::Int ncontours, T minvalue) const
     402             : {
     403             : // NOTE: This function has not been recently tested.
     404             : 
     405             :   casacore::Vector<T> contours(ncontours); 
     406             :   T maxvalue;
     407             :   T calibzero, calibmax;
     408             : // 
     409             :   for (casacore::Int i=1; i<ncontours; i++) {
     410             :     if (fn(T(i-1))>fn(T(i))) {
     411             :        throw(casacore::AipsError("ImageDecomposer<T>::autoContour-"
     412             :                        " fn must be nondecreasing in domain"));
     413             :     }
     414             :   }
     415             : //  
     416             :   maxvalue = findAreaGlobalMax(casacore::IPosition(itsDim,0), shape());
     417             :   maxvalue -= (maxvalue-minvalue)/((ncontours-1)*10);  //much closer to top
     418             :   calibzero = minvalue - fn(T(0));
     419             :   calibmax = (maxvalue - calibzero) / fn(ncontours - 1);
     420             : //
     421             :   for (casacore::Int i=0; i<ncontours; i++) {
     422             :     contours(i) = calibzero + calibmax*fn(i);
     423             :   }
     424             : //
     425             :   return contours;
     426             : }
     427             : 
     428             : template <class T>
     429           0 : casacore::Matrix<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::componentList() const
     430             : {
     431             :   //IMPR: the pixel->world conversion shouldn't have to be done every time.
     432             : 
     433           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> worldList;
     434           0 :   worldList = itsList;
     435             : 
     436           0 :   for (casacore::uInt g = 0; g < itsNComponents; g++)
     437             :   {
     438           0 :     casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> centercoords(itsDim);  //casacore::CoordinateSystem uses casacore::Double only
     439           0 :     casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> compwidth(itsDim);
     440           0 :     for (casacore::uInt d = 0; d < itsDim; d++)
     441             :     {
     442           0 :       centercoords(d) = itsList(g,1+d);
     443             :     }
     444           0 :     for (casacore::uInt d = 0; d < itsDim; d++)
     445             :     {
     446           0 :       compwidth(d) = itsList(g,1+itsDim+d);
     447             :     }
     448             : 
     449           0 :     itsImagePtr->coordinates().toWorld(centercoords, centercoords);
     450           0 :     itsImagePtr->coordinates().toWorld(compwidth, compwidth);
     451           0 :     itsImagePtr->coordinates().makeWorldRelative(compwidth);
     452             : 
     453           0 :     for (casacore::uInt d = 0; d < itsDim; d++)
     454             :     {
     455           0 :       worldList(g,1+d) = centercoords(d);
     456             :     }
     457           0 :     for (casacore::uInt d = 0; d < itsDim; d++)
     458             :     {
     459           0 :       if (itsDim == 2 && d == 1) continue; // 2d: axis ratio, not x-width
     460           0 :       worldList(g,1+itsDim+d) = compwidth(d);
     461             :     }
     462             : 
     463             :   }
     464             : 
     465           0 :   return worldList;
     466           0 : }
     467             : 
     468             : template <class T>
     469             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::componentMap() const
     470             : {
     471             :   // does nothing yet.
     472             :   return;
     473             : }
     474             : 
     475             : 
     476             : 
     477             : 
     478             : // Maxima functions
     479             : // ----------------
     480             : 
     481             : template <class T>
     482           0 : T ImageDecomposer<T>::findAreaGlobalMax(casacore::IPosition blc, casacore::IPosition trc) const
     483             : {
     484             :   T val;  
     485           0 :   T maxval = 0.0;
     486           0 :   correctBlcTrc(blc,trc);
     487             : //
     488             :   {      
     489           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(blc);  
     490           0 :     decrement(pos);
     491           0 :     while (increment(pos,trc))  {
     492           0 :       val = getImageVal(pos);
     493           0 :       if (val > maxval) maxval = val;
     494             :     }
     495           0 :   }  
     496             : //   
     497           0 :   return maxval;
     498             : }
     499             : 
     500             : 
     501             : template <class T>
     502             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::findAreaGlobalMax(T& maxval, casacore::IPosition& maxvalpos,
     503             :                                            casacore::IPosition blc, casacore::IPosition trc) const
     504             : {  
     505             :   T val; 
     506             : 
     507             :   maxvalpos = casacore::IPosition(itsDim,0);
     508             :   maxval = 0.0;
     509             :   correctBlcTrc (blc,trc);
     510             : //
     511             :   {
     512             :     casacore::IPosition pos(blc); decrement(pos);
     513             :     while (increment(pos,trc))  {     
     514             :       val = getImageVal(pos);
     515             :       if (val > maxval) {maxval = val; maxvalpos = pos;} 
     516             :     }
     517             :   }
     518             : 
     519             : }
     520             : 
     521             : template <class T>
     522             : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::findAreaLocalMax(casacore::IPosition blc, casacore::IPosition trc,
     523             :                                                casacore::Int naxis) const
     524             : {
     525             :   casacore::uInt const blocksize = 10;
     526             :   casacore::uInt maxn = 0;
     527             :   casacore::Vector<T> maxvals;
     528             :   correctBlcTrc (blc, trc);
     529             : //
     530             :   {
     531             :     casacore::IPosition pos(blc); 
     532             :     decrement(pos);
     533             :     while (increment(pos,trc))  {     
     534             :       if (isLocalMax(pos,naxis)) {
     535             :         if (maxn % blocksize == 0) {
     536             :           maxvals.resize(maxn+blocksize, true);
     537             :         }     
     538             :         maxvals(maxn) = getImageVal(pos);
     539             :         maxn++;
     540             :       }
     541             :     }
     542             :   }
     543             :   maxvals.resize(maxn, true);
     544             :   return maxvals;
     545             : }
     546             : 
     547             : 
     548             : template <class T>
     549             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::findAreaLocalMax(casacore::Vector<T>& maxvals, 
     550             :                                           casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& maxvalpos,
     551             :                                           casacore::IPosition blc, casacore::IPosition trc,
     552             :                                           casacore::Int naxis) const
     553             : {
     554             :   casacore::uInt const blocksize = 10;
     555             :   casacore::uInt maxn = 0;
     556             :   maxvals.resize();
     557             :   maxvalpos.resize(0);
     558             :   correctBlcTrc(blc, trc);
     559             : //
     560             :   {
     561             :     casacore::IPosition pos(blc); 
     562             :     decrement(pos);
     563             :     while (increment(pos,trc))  {     
     564             :       if (isLocalMax(pos,naxis))  {
     565             :         if (maxn % blocksize == 0) {
     566             :           maxvals.resize(maxn+blocksize, true);
     567             :           maxvalpos.resize(maxn+blocksize, false, true);
     568             :         }     
     569             :         maxvals(maxn) = getImageVal(pos);
     570             :         maxvalpos[maxn] = pos;
     571             :         maxn++;
     572             :       }
     573             :     }
     574             :   }
     575             :   maxvals.resize(maxn, true);
     576             :   maxvalpos.resize(maxn, true, true);
     577             :   return;
     578             : }
     579             : 
     580             : 
     581             : 
     582             : template <class T>
     583             : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::findRegionLocalMax(casacore::Int regionID, casacore::Int naxis) const
     584             : {
     585             :   casacore::uInt const blocksize = 10;
     586             :   casacore::uInt maxn = 0;
     587             :   casacore::Vector<T> maxvals;
     588             :   {
     589             :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
     590             :     decrement(pos);
     591             :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {     
     592             :       if ((getCell(pos) == regionID) && isLocalMax(pos,naxis)) {
     593             :         if (maxn % blocksize == 0) {
     594             :           maxvals.resize(maxn+blocksize, true);
     595             :         }     
     596             :         maxvals(maxn) = getImageVal(pos);
     597             :         maxn++;
     598             :       }
     599             :     }
     600             :   }
     601             :   maxvals.resize(maxn, true);
     602             :   return maxvals;
     603             : }
     604             : 
     605             : 
     606             : template <class T>
     607           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::findRegionLocalMax(casacore::Vector<T>& maxvals, 
     608             :                                             casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& maxvalpos,
     609             :                                             casacore::Int regionID, casacore::Int naxis) const
     610             : {
     611           0 :   casacore::uInt const blocksize = 10;
     612           0 :   casacore::uInt maxn = 0;
     613           0 :   maxvals.resize();
     614           0 :   maxvalpos.resize(0);
     615             : //
     616             :   {
     617           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
     618           0 :     decrement(pos);
     619           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {     
     620           0 :       if ((getCell(pos) == regionID) && isLocalMax(pos,naxis)) {
     621           0 :         cout << "Local max at " << pos << endl;
     622           0 :         if (maxn % blocksize == 0)  {
     623           0 :           maxvals.resize(maxn+blocksize, true);
     624           0 :           maxvalpos.resize(maxn+blocksize, false, true);
     625             :         }     
     626           0 :         maxvals(maxn) = getImageVal(pos);
     627           0 :         maxvalpos[maxn] = pos;
     628           0 :         maxn++;
     629             :       }
     630             :     }
     631           0 :   }
     632             : //           
     633           0 :   maxvals.resize(maxn, true);
     634           0 :   maxvalpos.resize(maxn, true, true);
     635             : //
     636           0 :   return;
     637             : }
     638             : 
     639             : template <class T>
     640           0 : casacore::Vector<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::findAllRegionGlobalMax() const
     641             : {
     642             :   //NOTE: while the regions are identified in the itsMapPtr with #s starting at
     643             :   //one, the array returned by this function begin with zero, so there is
     644             :   //an offset of one between itsMapPtr IDs and those used by this function.
     645             : 
     646             :   casacore::Int r;
     647             :   T val; 
     648           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> maxval(itsNRegions);
     649           0 :   maxval = 0.0; 
     650             : //  
     651             :   {
     652           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
     653           0 :     decrement(pos);
     654           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {     
     655           0 :       r = getCell(pos);
     656           0 :       if (r > 0) {
     657           0 :         val = getImageVal(pos);
     658           0 :         if (val > maxval(r-1)) maxval(r-1) = val;  
     659             :       }
     660             :     }
     661           0 :   }
     662           0 :   return maxval;
     663           0 : }
     664             : 
     665             : template <class T>
     666           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::findAllRegionGlobalMax(casacore::Vector<T>& maxvals, 
     667             :                                                 casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& maxvalpos) const
     668             : {
     669             :   //NOTE: while the regions are identified in the itsMapPtr with #s starting at
     670             :   //one, the arrays returned by this function begin with zero, so there is
     671             :   //an offset of one between itsMapPtr IDs and those used by this function.
     672             : 
     673             :   casacore::Int r;
     674             :   T val; 
     675             : 
     676           0 :   maxvals.resize(itsNRegions);
     677           0 :   maxvalpos.resize(itsNRegions);
     678           0 :   maxvals = 0;  //note: wholly negative images still return 0
     679             : 
     680             :   {
     681           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
     682           0 :     decrement(pos);
     683           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {     
     684           0 :       r = getCell(pos);
     685           0 :       if (r > 0) {
     686           0 :         val = getImageVal(pos);
     687           0 :         if (val > maxvals(r-1)) {
     688           0 :            maxvals(r-1) = val; 
     689           0 :            maxvalpos[r-1] = pos;
     690             :         } 
     691             :       }
     692             :     }
     693           0 :   }
     694             : 
     695           0 :   return;
     696             : }
     697             : 
     698             : 
     699             : template <class T>
     700           0 : bool ImageDecomposer<T>::isLocalMax(const casacore::IPosition& pos, casacore::Int naxis) const
     701             : {
     702           0 :   if (pos.nelements()==2) {
     703           0 :      return isLocalMax(pos(0), pos(1), naxis);
     704           0 :   } else if (pos.nelements()==3) {
     705           0 :      return isLocalMax(pos(0), pos(1), pos(2),naxis);
     706             :   } else {
     707           0 :      throw(casacore::AipsError("ImageDecomposer<T>::localmax(IPosition pos, Int naxis)"
     708             :                        " - pos has wrong number of dimensions"));
     709             :   }
     710             :   return false;
     711             : }
     712             : 
     713             : template <class T>
     714           0 : bool ImageDecomposer<T>::isLocalMax(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int naxis) const
     715             : {
     716           0 :   T val = getImageVal(x,y);
     717           0 :   casacore::Int ximin = (x>0)? -1:0;
     718           0 :   casacore::Int yimin = (y>0)? -1:0;
     719           0 :   casacore::Int ximax = (x+1<shape(0))? 1:0;
     720           0 :   casacore::Int yimax = (y+1<shape(1))? 1:0;
     721           0 :   for (casacore::Int xi=ximin; xi<=ximax; xi++) {
     722           0 :     for (casacore::Int yi=yimin; yi<=yimax; yi++) {
     723           0 :       if   ( ((naxis > 0) || !(xi || yi))
     724           0 :           && ((naxis > 1) || !(xi && yi))
     725           0 :           && (getImageVal(x+xi,y+yi) > val))  {
     726           0 :         return false;
     727             :       }
     728             :     }
     729             :   }
     730             : //
     731           0 :   return true;
     732             : }
     733             : 
     734             : template <class T>
     735           0 : bool ImageDecomposer<T>::isLocalMax(casacore::Int x, casacore::Int y, casacore::Int z, casacore::Int naxis) const
     736             : {
     737           0 :   T maxval = getImageVal(x,y,z);
     738           0 :   casacore::Int ximin = (x>0)? -1:0;
     739           0 :   casacore::Int yimin = (y>0)? -1:0;
     740           0 :   casacore::Int zimin = (z>0)? -1:0;
     741           0 :   casacore::Int ximax = (x+1<shape(0))? 1:0;
     742           0 :   casacore::Int yimax = (y+1<shape(1))? 1:0;
     743           0 :   casacore::Int zimax = (z+1<shape(2))? 1:0;
     744           0 :   for (casacore::Int xi=ximin; xi<=ximax; xi++) {
     745           0 :     for (casacore::Int yi=yimin; yi<=yimax; yi++) {
     746           0 :       for (casacore::Int zi=zimin; zi<=zimax; zi++) {
     747           0 :         if ( ((naxis > 0) || !(xi || yi || zi))
     748           0 :           && ((naxis > 1) || !((xi && yi) || (xi && zi) || (yi && zi) ))      
     749           0 :           && ((naxis > 2) || !(xi && yi && zi))
     750           0 :           && (getImageVal(x+xi,y+yi,z+zi) > maxval)) {
     751           0 :            return false;
     752             :         }
     753             :       }
     754             :     }
     755             :   }
     756             : //  
     757           0 :   return true;
     758             : }
     759             : 
     760             : 
     761             : // Estimation Functions
     762             : // --------------------
     763             : 
     764             : 
     765             : template <class T>
     766           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::estimateComponentWidths(casacore::Matrix<T>& width,
     767             :                                           const casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& maxvalpos) 
     768             :                                           const
     769             : {
     770             : // Finds a rough estimate of the width of each component.  
     771             : // Requires the location of each component.
     772             : 
     773             : // This function is now mostly obsolete; its functionality replaced by 
     774             : // calculateMoments() except on non-deblended images.
     775             : 
     776           0 :   width.resize(maxvalpos.nelements(), itsDim);
     777             :   casacore::Bool dblflag; 
     778             : //
     779           0 :   for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < maxvalpos.nelements(); r++) {
     780           0 :     casacore::IPosition lpos(itsDim);
     781           0 :     casacore::IPosition rpos(itsDim);
     782           0 :     casacore::IPosition maxpos(itsDim); 
     783           0 :     maxpos = maxvalpos[r];
     784           0 :     T maxvalr = getImageVal(maxpos);
     785           0 :     T thrval = maxvalr*0.25;
     786             :     T val, prevval;
     787           0 :     for (casacore::uInt a = 0; a < itsDim; a++) {
     788           0 :       dblflag = 0;
     789           0 :       lpos = maxpos;
     790           0 :       val = maxvalr;
     791           0 :       prevval = val;
     792           0 :       while ((lpos(a) > 0) && (val >= thrval) && (val <= prevval))  {
     793           0 :         prevval = val;
     794           0 :         lpos(a) --;      
     795           0 :         val = getImageVal(lpos);
     796             :       }
     797           0 :       if (val < thrval) {
     798           0 :         width(r,a) = T(maxpos(a)-lpos(a)) - (thrval-val) / (prevval-val);
     799           0 :       } else if (val > prevval) {
     800           0 :         width(r,a) = T(maxpos(a)-lpos(a));
     801             :       } else   { //lpos == 0
     802           0 :         {width(r,a) = 0; dblflag = 1;}  //can't find left limit; 
     803             :                                         //use 2xright limit instead
     804             :       }
     805             : 
     806           0 :       rpos = maxpos;    
     807           0 :       val = maxvalr;
     808           0 :       prevval = val;
     809           0 :       while ((rpos(a)<shape(a)-1) && (val >= thrval) && (val <= prevval))  {
     810           0 :         prevval = val;
     811           0 :         rpos(a) ++;      
     812           0 :         val = getImageVal(rpos);
     813             :       }
     814           0 :       if (val < thrval) {
     815           0 :         width(r,a) += T(rpos(a)-maxpos(a)) - (thrval-val) / (prevval-val);
     816           0 :       } else if (val > prevval) {
     817           0 :         width(r,a) += T(rpos(a)-maxpos(a));
     818             :       } else {
     819           0 :         if (!dblflag) { 
     820           0 :           dblflag = 1;  //use 2x left side instead
     821             :         } else {
     822           0 :           width(r,a) += T(rpos(a)-maxpos(a)) * (maxvalr-thrval)/(maxvalr-val);
     823           0 :           dblflag = 1;
     824             :         }
     825             :       }
     826             : //
     827           0 :       if (width(r,a) <= 0.0) width(r,a) = shape(a);//gaussian bigger than image
     828           0 :       if (!dblflag) width(r,a) /= 2.0;
     829           0 :       if (casacore::isNaN(width(r,a)))
     830             :       {
     831           0 :         width(r,a) = 1.0;
     832           0 :         cerr << "WARNING: Nonphysical estimate, setting width to 1.0" << endl;
     833             :       }
     834             : 
     835             :     }
     836             :   }  
     837             : //
     838           0 :   return;
     839             : }
     840             : 
     841             : template <class T>
     842           0 : casacore::Array<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::calculateMoments(casacore::Int region) const
     843             : {
     844             :   // Calculates the moments of an image region up to second order.  
     845             : 
     846             :   // The current implementation is inefficient because it must scan the entire
     847             :   // image for each region.  It would be better to return an array of Arrays,
     848             :   // or a casacore::Matrix with the M array collapsed to 1D and the region # along the
     849             :   // other axis.
     850             : 
     851           0 :   casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim);
     852           0 :   casacore::IPosition start(itsDim,0);
     853           0 :   decrement(start);
     854             :   T I;
     855             : 
     856           0 :   if (itsDim == 2)
     857             :   {
     858           0 :     casacore::Matrix<T> M(3,3, 0.0);
     859           0 :     pos = start;
     860           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
     861           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == region)
     862             :       {
     863           0 :         I = getImageVal(pos);
     864           0 :         M(0,0) += I;
     865           0 :         M(1,0) += pos(0) * I;
     866           0 :         M(0,1) += pos(1) * I;
     867             :       }
     868             :     }
     869             : 
     870             : 
     871           0 :     T xc = M(1,0) / M(0,0);
     872           0 :     T yc = M(0,1) / M(0,0);
     873             : 
     874           0 :     pos = start;
     875           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
     876           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == region)
     877             :       {
     878           0 :         I = getImageVal(pos);
     879           0 :         T xd = pos(0) - xc;
     880           0 :         T yd = pos(1) - yc;
     881           0 :         M(1,1) += xd * yd * I;
     882           0 :         M(2,0) += xd * xd * I;
     883           0 :         M(0,2) += yd * yd * I;
     884             :       }
     885             :     }
     886             : 
     887           0 :     return M;
     888             :     //Does not calculate higher level components (2,1; 1,2; 2,2)
     889           0 :   }
     890             : 
     891           0 :   if (itsDim == 3)
     892             :   {
     893           0 :     casacore::Cube<T> M(3,3,3, 0.0);
     894             : 
     895           0 :     pos = start;
     896           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
     897           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == region)
     898             :       {
     899           0 :         I = getImageVal(pos);
     900           0 :         M(0,0,0) += I;
     901           0 :         M(1,0,0) += pos(0) * I;
     902           0 :         M(0,1,0) += pos(1) * I;
     903           0 :         M(0,0,1) += pos(2) * I;
     904             :       }
     905             :     }
     906             : 
     907             : 
     908           0 :     T xc = M(1,0,0) / M(0,0,0);
     909           0 :     T yc = M(0,1,0) / M(0,0,0);
     910           0 :     T zc = M(0,0,1) / M(0,0,0);
     911           0 :     pos = start;
     912           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
     913           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == region)
     914             :       {
     915           0 :         I = getImageVal(pos);
     916           0 :         T xd = pos(0) - xc;
     917           0 :         T yd = pos(1) - yc;
     918           0 :         T zd = pos(2) - zc;
     919           0 :         M(1,1,0) += xd * yd * I;
     920           0 :         M(1,0,1) += xd * zd * I;
     921           0 :         M(0,1,1) += yd * zd * I;
     922           0 :         M(2,0,0) += xd * xd * I;
     923           0 :         M(0,2,0) += yd * yd * I;
     924           0 :         M(0,0,2) += zd * zd * I;
     925             :       }
     926             :     }
     927             : 
     928           0 :     return M;
     929           0 :   }
     930             : 
     931           0 :   return casacore::Array<T>();
     932           0 : }
     933             : 
     934             : 
     935             : // Region editing functions
     936             : // ------------------------
     937             : 
     938             : template <class T>
     939           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::boundRegions(casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& blc,
     940             :                                       casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition>& trc)
     941             : {
     942             : // Boxes each region in the componentmap:
     943             : // blc is set to the lowest coordinate value in each region; 
     944             : // trc is set to one above the highest coordinate value in each region.
     945             :             
     946           0 :   DebugAssert(blc.nelements() == itsNRegions, casacore::AipsError);
     947           0 :   DebugAssert(trc.nelements() == itsNRegions, casacore::AipsError);
     948             :    
     949           0 :   for (casacore::uInt r=0; r<itsNRegions; r++) {
     950           0 :     blc[r] = itsShape;
     951           0 :     trc[r] = casacore::IPosition(itsDim,0);
     952             :   }
     953             : 
     954             :   {
     955           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
     956           0 :     decrement(pos);
     957             :     casacore::Int r;
     958           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
     959           0 :         r = getCell(pos);
     960           0 :         if (r > 0) {
     961           0 :           for (casacore::uInt i = 0; i < itsDim; i++) {
     962           0 :             if (blc[r-1](i) > pos(i)) blc[r-1](i) = pos(i);
     963           0 :             if (trc[r-1](i) <= pos(i)) trc[r-1](i) = pos(i)+1;
     964             :           }
     965             :         }
     966             :     }
     967           0 :   }
     968             : 
     969           0 :   return;
     970             : }     
     971             : 
     972             : template <class T>
     973           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::zero()
     974             : {
     975             : // Set all elements in the component map to zero and clear the component list.
     976             : 
     977           0 :   itsMapPtr->set(0);
     978           0 :   itsNRegions = 0;
     979           0 :   itsNComponents = 0;
     980           0 :   itsList.resize();
     981           0 :   return;
     982             : }
     983             : 
     984             : template <class T>
     985           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::clear()
     986             : {
     987             :   //Clear the component map
     988           0 :   casacore::LatticeIterator<casacore::Int> iter(*itsMapPtr);
     989             :   casacore::Bool deleteIt;
     990           0 :   casacore::Int* p = 0;
     991           0 :   for (iter.reset(); !iter.atEnd(); iter++) {
     992           0 :      casacore::Array<casacore::Int>& tmp = iter.rwCursor();
     993           0 :      p = tmp.getStorage(deleteIt);
     994           0 :      for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<tmp.nelements(); i++) if (p[i] != MASKED) p[i] = 0;
     995           0 :      tmp.putStorage(p, deleteIt);
     996             :   }
     997           0 :   itsNRegions = 0;
     998             : 
     999             :   //Clear the component list
    1000           0 :   itsNComponents = 0;
    1001           0 :   itsList.resize();
    1002           0 :   return;
    1003           0 : }
    1004             : 
    1005             : 
    1006             : template <class T>
    1007           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::destroyRegions(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& killRegion)
    1008             : {
    1009             :   //Wipes out any regions whose corresponding values in killRegion are true
    1010             :   // by setting all pixel values in the componentmap set to that region to
    1011             :   // zero.  Zero-oriented; there is an offset of one between the index in
    1012             :   // killRegion and the actual region in the componentmap.
    1013             : 
    1014             :   {
    1015           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1016           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape()))
    1017             :     {     
    1018           0 :       casacore::Int reg = getCell(pos);
    1019           0 :       if (reg > 0 && killRegion(reg-1)) setCell(pos,0);
    1020             :     } 
    1021           0 :   }
    1022             : 
    1023           0 :   renumberRegions();
    1024           0 :   return;
    1025             : }
    1026             : 
    1027             : 
    1028             : template <class T>
    1029           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::renumberRegions()
    1030             : {
    1031             :   //Eliminates redundant regions (components with no representative cells in
    1032             :   //the component map) by renumbering higher-numbered regions to fill in
    1033             :   //the gaps.  For example..
    1034             :   // 011          011
    1035             :   // 113  becomes 112
    1036             :   // 113          112
    1037             : 
    1038           0 :   casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> regpresent(itsNRegions+1, 0);
    1039           0 :   casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> renumregs(itsNRegions+1);
    1040           0 :   casacore::uInt const ngpar = itsDim * 3;
    1041             : 
    1042             :   //any region that has any pixel members is flagged as 1, others left 0
    1043             : 
    1044             :   {
    1045           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1046           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape()))
    1047             :     {     
    1048           0 :       casacore::Int reg = getCell(pos);
    1049           0 :       if (reg >= 0) regpresent(reg) = 1;
    1050             :     } 
    1051           0 :   }
    1052             : 
    1053             :   //determine new # of regions and which regions will be renumbered to what
    1054           0 :   casacore::uInt newnr = 0;
    1055           0 :   for (casacore::uInt r = 1; r <= itsNRegions; r++)
    1056           0 :     if (regpresent(r)) renumregs(r) = ++newnr;
    1057             : 
    1058           0 :   if (newnr < itsNRegions)
    1059             :   {
    1060           0 :     itsNRegions = newnr;
    1061             : 
    1062             :     //actually renumber the regions in the pmap
    1063             :     {
    1064           0 :       casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1065           0 :       while (increment(pos,shape()))
    1066             :       {     
    1067           0 :         casacore::Int reg = getCell(pos);
    1068           0 :         if (reg >= 0) setCell(pos, renumregs(reg));
    1069             :       }
    1070           0 :     }
    1071             :   
    1072           0 :     if (isDecomposed())
    1073             :     {
    1074             :       //eliminate componentlist entries of lost components
    1075           0 :       casacore::Matrix<T> oldcomponentlist(itsList);
    1076             : 
    1077           0 :       itsList.resize(newnr, ngpar);   
    1078           0 :       for (casacore::Int c = 0; c < casacore::Int(itsNComponents); c++)
    1079           0 :         if (regpresent(c+1) && (c+1 != renumregs(c+1)))
    1080           0 :           for (casacore::uInt p = 0; p < 9; p++)
    1081           0 :             itsList(renumregs(c+1)-1,p) = oldcomponentlist(c+1,p);
    1082             : 
    1083           0 :       itsNComponents = newnr;
    1084           0 :     }
    1085             :   }
    1086             : 
    1087           0 :   return;
    1088           0 : }
    1089             : 
    1090             : template <class T>                                   
    1091           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::synthesize(const ImageDecomposer<T>& subdecomposer,
    1092             :                                     casacore::IPosition blc)
    1093             : {
    1094             : // Overlays a smaller map onto an empty region of a larger map,
    1095             : // and adds submap component list to main component list.
    1096             : 
    1097             : // The user should exercise caution with this function and synthesize submaps
    1098             : // only into regions of the main map that are truly empty (0), because the 
    1099             : // program does not perform any blending between components.  
    1100             : // Otherwise, false detections are likely.
    1101             : 
    1102           0 :   casacore::uInt ngpar = 0;
    1103           0 :   if (itsDim == 2) ngpar = 6; 
    1104           0 :   if (itsDim == 3) ngpar = 9;
    1105             : 
    1106             : // Scan to the edge of the boundary of the host map or the submap, whichever
    1107             : // is closer.
    1108             : 
    1109           0 :   casacore::IPosition scanlimit(itsDim);  //submap-indexed
    1110           0 :   for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<itsDim; i++)  {
    1111           0 :     if (subdecomposer.shape(i) > shape(i) - blc(i)) {
    1112           0 :       scanlimit(i) = shape(i) - blc(i);
    1113             :     } else {
    1114           0 :       scanlimit(i) = subdecomposer.shape(i);  
    1115             :     }
    1116             :   }
    1117             : 
    1118             : // Write pixels in sub- component map to main component map.
    1119             : 
    1120             :   {
    1121           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0);  //submap-indexed
    1122           0 :     decrement(pos);
    1123           0 :     while (increment(pos,scanlimit)) {     
    1124           0 :         if (subdecomposer.getCell(pos) > 0) {
    1125           0 :           setCell(pos + blc, itsNRegions + subdecomposer.getCell(pos));
    1126             :         }
    1127             :     }
    1128           0 :   }
    1129           0 :   itsNRegions += subdecomposer.numRegions();
    1130             : 
    1131             : // Add components in subdecomposer to components in main decomposer.
    1132             : 
    1133           0 :   if (subdecomposer.isDecomposed())  { 
    1134             : 
    1135           0 :     casacore::Matrix<T> oldList;   
    1136           0 :     oldList = itsList;
    1137           0 :     itsList.resize(itsNComponents+subdecomposer.numComponents(),ngpar);
    1138           0 :     for (casacore::uInt c = 0; c < itsNComponents; c++) {
    1139           0 :       for (casacore::uInt p = 0; p < ngpar; p++) {
    1140           0 :         itsList(c,p) = oldList(c,p);  //copy after resize
    1141             :       }
    1142             :     }
    1143             : 
    1144           0 :     for (casacore::uInt subc = 0; subc < subdecomposer.numComponents(); subc++) {
    1145           0 :       for (casacore::uInt p = 0; p < ngpar; p++) {
    1146           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,p)=subdecomposer.itsList(subc,p);     
    1147             :       }
    1148             :       // make adjustments to center values due to offset
    1149           0 :       if (itsDim == 2) {
    1150           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,1) += blc(0);
    1151           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,2) += blc(1);
    1152           0 :       } else if (itsDim == 3) {
    1153           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,1) += blc(0);
    1154           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,2) += blc(1);
    1155           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc,3) += blc(2);   
    1156             :       }
    1157             :     }
    1158           0 :     itsNComponents += subdecomposer.numComponents();
    1159             : 
    1160           0 :   }
    1161             : //
    1162             :   //renumberRegions();     //this should have no effect unless this function
    1163             :                            //was used to overwrite an entire region, which
    1164             :                            //should be avoided.
    1165           0 : }
    1166             : 
    1167             : 
    1168             : 
    1169             : // Analysis functions
    1170             : // ------------------
    1171             : 
    1172             : 
    1173             : template <class T>
    1174           0 : casacore::uInt ImageDecomposer<T>::identifyRegions(T thrval, casacore::Int naxis)
    1175             : {
    1176             : // Performs a single threshold scan on the image.  In other words,
    1177             : // identifies all contigous blocks of pixels in the target image above the
    1178             : // threshold value thrval, assigning each unique block to an integer, 
    1179             : // starting at one.  All pixels with target image values below thrval are set
    1180             : // to zero.
    1181             : 
    1182             : // NOTE: Formerly a specialization existed for 2D which may have been slightly
    1183             : // more efficient.  However, it complicated the code excessively (this
    1184             : // program is already far too long.)  It could be resurrected if necessary.
    1185             : 
    1186           0 :   casacore::Int const blocksize = 1024;  //increment to grow size of anchor array
    1187           0 :   casacore::Int const pageexpsize = 128;
    1188           0 :   casacore::Int cnum = 0;  //region number
    1189           0 :   if (naxis > casacore::Int(itsDim)) naxis = itsDim;  
    1190             : 
    1191             : // The program first scans through the image until it finds any pixel in
    1192             : // any region.  Once there, it immediately scans all 6 adjacent pixels, 
    1193             : // registering any that fall within the region and setting them as anchors. 
    1194             : // It then moves to the first of these anchors and repeats the process, 
    1195             : // until no more anchors can be found and every existing anchor has already
    1196             : // been explored.  It then scans until it locates a new region, and repeats
    1197             : // until every region has been similarly scanned.
    1198             : 
    1199             : // This has the equivalent effect of a 'surface' of active anchors
    1200             : // sweeping across each region starting at a seed point until the
    1201             : // region is fully explored.
    1202             : 
    1203             : // The naxis parameter must be 2 or greater to avoid spurious detections
    1204             : // along horizontal ridges.  However, this slows down performance by a factor
    1205             : // of roughly two, so in instances where objects are clearly defined and
    1206             : // not closely blended and the image is very large naxis=1 may be better. 
    1207             : 
    1208           0 :   casacore::IPosition scanpos(itsDim,0); //decrement(scanpos);
    1209           0 :   while (true) {    
    1210             :     //First find any pixel in next region.
    1211             :     //Stop scanning when an unassigned, unmasked pixel is found exceeding
    1212             :     //the threshold value.
    1213             : 
    1214           0 :     while (getImageVal(scanpos) < thrval || getCell(scanpos))  {
    1215           0 :       if (!increment(scanpos,shape())) {
    1216           0 :          return itsNRegions = cnum;
    1217             :       } 
    1218             :         //scanned w/out finding new region
    1219             :     }
    1220             : //   
    1221           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(scanpos);
    1222           0 :     cnum++;
    1223             :  
    1224             : // As many anchors will be required as pixels in the region (the volume) - 
    1225             : // but only a small fraction of that at any one time (the active surface).
    1226             : // So the program allocates 'pages' of anchors as they become necessary,
    1227             : // but continually deletes pages of anchors that have already been used.
    1228             : 
    1229           0 :     casacore::Int seta = -1;   //index of highest established anchor
    1230           0 :     casacore::Int geta = -1;   //index of highest analyzed anchor
    1231             :                      //the active surface is all anchors geta < a < seta
    1232           0 :     casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int> *> aindex(pageexpsize);  //anchor structure
    1233           0 :     casacore::Int setblock = -1;  //index of page containing highest established anchor
    1234           0 :     casacore::Int getblock = -1;  //index of page containing highest analyzed anchor
    1235           0 :     setCell(pos,cnum);
    1236             : 
    1237             :     do  { //(geta < seta)  
    1238             :       //cout << geta << " / " << seta << ", " << pos << 
    1239             :       //  " = " << getCell(pos) << endl;
    1240             : 
    1241             :       //Analyze the cell -
    1242             :       //Scan the cells around the active cell as follows:
    1243             :       //naxis = 1: scan 6 adjacent cells (axes only)
    1244             :       //naxis = 2: scan 18 adjacent cells (axes and 2-axis diagonals)
    1245             :       //naxis = 3: scan 26 adjacent cells (axes and 2/3-axis diagonals)
    1246             : 
    1247           0 :       casacore::Int ximin = (pos(0)>0)? -1:0;
    1248           0 :       casacore::Int yimin = (pos(1)>0)? -1:0;
    1249           0 :       casacore::Int zimin = ((itsDim>=3)&&(pos(2)>0))? -1:0;
    1250           0 :       casacore::Int ximax = (pos(0)+1<shape(0))? 1:0;
    1251           0 :       casacore::Int yimax = (pos(1)+1<shape(1))? 1:0;
    1252           0 :       casacore::Int zimax = ((itsDim>=3)&&(pos(2)+1<shape(2)))? 1:0;  //safe for 2D
    1253             : //
    1254           0 :       for (casacore::Int xi=ximin; xi<=ximax; xi++) {
    1255           0 :         for (casacore::Int yi=yimin; yi<=yimax; yi++) {
    1256           0 :           for (casacore::Int zi=zimin; zi<=zimax; zi++) {
    1257           0 :             if ( (xi || yi || zi) &&
    1258           0 :                 ((naxis > 1) || !((xi && yi) || (xi && zi) || (yi && zi) )) &&
    1259           0 :                 ((naxis > 2) || !(xi && yi && zi))) {
    1260           0 :               casacore::IPosition ipos(pos);
    1261           0 :               ipos(0) += xi; ipos(1) += yi; if (itsDim == 3) ipos(2) += zi;
    1262             : 
    1263             :                                                  //if any contiguous pixel is
    1264           0 :               if ((getImageVal(ipos) >= thrval)  // above threshold and
    1265           0 :                  && getCell(ipos) != cnum)     { // not yet scanned...
    1266             :                 //record its location as an anchor and come back later.
    1267           0 :                 seta++;
    1268             : 
    1269           0 :                 if ((seta % blocksize) == 0) { 
    1270             : 
    1271             :                   //current block out of memory: allocate new memory block
    1272             : 
    1273           0 :                   setblock++;
    1274           0 :                   if ((setblock % pageexpsize == 0) && setblock) {
    1275           0 :                     aindex.resize(((setblock/pageexpsize)+1)*pageexpsize);
    1276             :                   }
    1277           0 :                   aindex[setblock] = new casacore::Matrix<casacore::Int>(blocksize,itsDim);
    1278             :                 }
    1279             : 
    1280             :                 //set new anchor
    1281           0 :                 for (casacore::uInt axis = 0; axis < itsDim; axis ++) {
    1282           0 :                   (*(aindex[setblock]))(seta%blocksize,axis) = ipos(axis);
    1283             :                 }
    1284             : 
    1285             :                 //cout<<'A'<<seta<<'['<<x+xi<<','<<y+yi<<','<<z+zi<<']'<<endl;
    1286             : 
    1287           0 :                 setCell(ipos, cnum);
    1288             :               }
    1289           0 :             }  
    1290             :           }
    1291             :         }
    1292             :       }     
    1293           0 :       geta++;
    1294             : 
    1295             :       
    1296           0 :       if (((geta % blocksize) == 0) || (geta>seta)) {
    1297           0 :         if (getblock>=0) {
    1298             :           //memory block data obsolete: delete old memory block
    1299           0 :           delete aindex[getblock];
    1300             :         }
    1301           0 :         getblock++;
    1302             :       }
    1303             : 
    1304           0 :       if (geta <= seta) {
    1305             :         //go to lowest anchor
    1306           0 :         for (casacore::uInt axis = 0; axis < itsDim; axis++) {
    1307           0 :           pos(axis) = (*(aindex[getblock]))(geta%blocksize,axis);
    1308             :         }
    1309             :         //cout << ">>A" << geta << "  " << endl;
    1310             :       }
    1311             : 
    1312           0 :     } while (geta <= seta);
    1313             :   }
    1314           0 : }
    1315             : 
    1316             : template <class T>
    1317           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::deblendRegions(const casacore::Vector<T>& contours, 
    1318             :                                         casacore::Int minRange, casacore::Int naxis)
    1319             : {
    1320             : 
    1321             : // Performs the contour decomposition on a blended image to generate a 
    1322             : // component map that can detect components blended above any threshold(s),
    1323             : // by performing threshold scans at each contour level and recognizing
    1324             : // as individual any components that are distinct above any such level.
    1325             : 
    1326           0 :   casacore::Int const printIntermediates = 0;
    1327           0 :   casacore::Int const blocksize = 3;
    1328           0 :   casacore::Int ncontours = contours.nelements(); 
    1329             : 
    1330           0 :   ImageDecomposer<T> contourMap(*this);//Component map thresholded at current
    1331             :                                        //contour level; "lower" contour
    1332           0 :   casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition> regcenter; //Coordinates of first pixel found in each 
    1333             :                               //component (a rough estimate of the center)
    1334             :                               //Indexing for this array is offset by one.
    1335           0 :   casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> originlevel;    //first contour in which region was detected
    1336             :                               //Indexing for this array is offset by one.
    1337             :                               //If set to -1 the region is defunct.
    1338             :   
    1339             : 
    1340           0 :   if (isDerived()) zero();
    1341             : 
    1342             : // Component decomposition:
    1343             : // This is the main deblending algorithm.  The program starts by performing
    1344             : // a threshold scan at the top contour value, separating any regions
    1345             : // that are visibly distinct at that threshold.  It continues downward though
    1346             : // the contour vector, forming a component map from each contour and comparing
    1347             : // that with the contour map that is gradually forming to distinguish new
    1348             : // regions, correspondent regions, and blending regions, and assigns the
    1349             : // pixels in the main itsMapPtr based on this information.
    1350             : 
    1351           0 :   for (casacore::Int c = ncontours-1; c >= 0; c--) {
    1352             :     if (printIntermediates == 2) cout << endl << "CONTOUR " << c << endl;
    1353             : 
    1354             :     casacore::Int lowreg, highreg;   //number of regions in lower contour, current pmap
    1355           0 :     contourMap.clear();    //only necessary if region grows between contours
    1356             : 
    1357           0 :     lowreg = contourMap.identifyRegions(contours(c),naxis);
    1358           0 :     highreg = itsNRegions;          
    1359             : 
    1360             :     if (printIntermediates)  {
    1361             :       cout << "Now comparing current pmap to contour " << c << '.' << endl;
    1362             :       display();
    1363             :       contourMap.display();
    1364             :     }
    1365             : 
    1366           0 :     casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> root(highreg+1, 0);      //Indicates corresponding object 
    1367             :                                          // in lower contour
    1368           0 :     casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> nOffspring(lowreg+1, 0); //Total number of different objects
    1369             :                                          // above this region
    1370           0 :     casacore::Block<casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>*> offspring(lowreg+1); //Region IDs of objects above 
    1371             :                                              // this region
    1372             : 
    1373             :     // Can't finish allocation until nOffspring is known.
    1374             :     
    1375             : // Scan through current pmap ("higher contour") and find the root of all
    1376             : // regions as defined in the lower contour.  Simultaneously mark all
    1377             : // regions in the lower contour that have "offspring" above.
    1378             : 
    1379           0 :     for (casacore::Int r = 1; r <= highreg; r++)    {
    1380           0 :       casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1381           0 :       while (increment(pos,shape()) && !root(r)){
    1382           0 :         if (getCell(pos) == r) {
    1383           0 :           root(r) = contourMap.getCell(pos);
    1384           0 :           nOffspring(contourMap.getCell(pos)) += 1;
    1385             :         }
    1386             :       }
    1387             :     }
    1388             : 
    1389             : // Set up offspring array
    1390             : 
    1391           0 :     for (casacore::Int r = 1; r <= lowreg; r++) {
    1392           0 :       offspring[r] = new casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>(nOffspring(r));
    1393             :     }
    1394             : 
    1395           0 :     for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++) {
    1396           0 :       casacore::Int f = 0;
    1397           0 :       for (casacore::Int hr = 1; hr <= highreg; hr++) {
    1398           0 :         if (root(hr) == lr) (*offspring[lr])(f++) = hr;
    1399             :       }
    1400             :     }
    1401             : 
    1402             :     if (printIntermediates == 2) {
    1403             :       cout << "Contour Level " << c << endl;
    1404             :       cout << highreg << ' ' << lowreg << endl;
    1405             : 
    1406             :       for (casacore::Int hr = 1; hr <= highreg; hr++) {
    1407             :         cout << "root of " << hr << ':' << root(hr) << endl;
    1408             :       }
    1409             : 
    1410             :       for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++) {
    1411             :         for (casacore::Int f = 0; f < nOffspring(lr); f++) {
    1412             :           cout << "offspring of " << lr << ':' << (*offspring[lr])(f) << endl;
    1413             :         }
    1414             :       }
    1415             :     }
    1416             : 
    1417             : 
    1418             : 
    1419             :     // If a newly discovered component merges with another too quickly
    1420             :     // (within minRange contours) rescind its status and treat it as part
    1421             :     // of the other contour.
    1422             :     // "f" refers somewhat cryptically to offspring index and "fr" to its
    1423             :     // region number in the pmap
    1424             : 
    1425           0 :     if (minRange > 1) {
    1426           0 :       for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++) {
    1427           0 :         if (nOffspring(lr) > 1) {
    1428           0 :           for (casacore::Int f = 0; f < nOffspring(lr); f++) {
    1429           0 :             casacore::Int fr = (*offspring[lr])(f);
    1430             : 
    1431           0 :             if (originlevel(fr-1) - c < minRange)
    1432             :             {
    1433             :               //Find the closest offspring
    1434           0 :               casacore::Int mindistsq = 1073741823;  //maximum casacore::Int value
    1435           0 :               casacore::Int frabs = 0;               //closest region
    1436           0 :               for (casacore::Int f2 = 0; f2 < nOffspring(lr); f2++) {
    1437           0 :                 if (f2 == f) continue;
    1438           0 :                 casacore::Int fr2 = (*offspring[lr])(f2);
    1439           0 :                 casacore::Int distsq = 0;
    1440           0 :                 if (originlevel(fr2-1) == -1) continue;
    1441           0 :                 for (casacore::uInt a = 0; a < itsDim; a++) {
    1442           0 :                   distsq += casacore::square(casacore::Int(regcenter[fr2-1](a)-regcenter[fr-1](a)));
    1443             :                 }
    1444           0 :                 if (distsq < mindistsq) {
    1445           0 :                   frabs = fr2;
    1446           0 :                   mindistsq = distsq;
    1447             :                 }
    1448             :               }
    1449           0 :               if (frabs == 0)
    1450             :               {
    1451             :                 //No valid closest offspring - find biggest offspring
    1452           0 :                 for (casacore::Int f2 = 0; f2 < nOffspring(lr); f2++) {
    1453           0 :                   if (f2 == f) continue;
    1454           0 :                   casacore::Int fr2 = (*offspring[lr])(f2);
    1455           0 :                   casacore::Int maxlevel = 0;
    1456           0 :                   if (originlevel(fr2-1) == -1) continue;
    1457           0 :                   if (originlevel(fr2-1) > maxlevel) {
    1458           0 :                     frabs = fr2;
    1459           0 :                     maxlevel = originlevel(fr2-1);
    1460             :                   }
    1461             :                 }
    1462             :               }
    1463           0 :               if (frabs == 0)
    1464             :               {
    1465             :                 //must be the only offspring left!  Don't absorb.
    1466           0 :                 break;
    1467             :               }
    1468             :              
    1469             : 
    1470             :               if (printIntermediates == 2) {
    1471             :                 cout << "Absorbing region " << fr << " (origin at "
    1472             :                      << originlevel(fr-1) << ") into region " << frabs << endl;
    1473             :               }
    1474           0 :               casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1475           0 :               while (increment(pos,shape())){
    1476           0 :                 if (getCell(pos) == fr) setCell(pos,frabs);
    1477             :               }
    1478           0 :               originlevel(fr-1) = -1;
    1479           0 :             }
    1480             :           }
    1481             :         }
    1482             :       }
    1483             :     }
    1484             : 
    1485             :     // Need to check if this works properly...
    1486             :     
    1487             : 
    1488             : 
    1489             : // The object/region/component labeling is done in three steps to make the 
    1490             : // order most closely match the order in which they were found, and the 
    1491             : // order of the peak intensities.
    1492             : 
    1493             : // First (and most complex) step is to deblend the large consolidated 
    1494             : // regions (nOffspring >= 2).  The algorithm scans all pixels that 
    1495             : // exist in the new contour but not in the current pmap and belong to 
    1496             : // a region with multiple offspring, then scans the surrounding vicinity
    1497             : // in the current pmap until it finds a pixel belonging to a region there,
    1498             : // to which the new pixel is assigned. 
    1499             : 
    1500           0 :     casacore::Int cgindex = 1;  //component index base, global for this contour
    1501           0 :     ImageDecomposer<T> copyMap(*this); //The original data must be temporarily
    1502             :                                        //preserved while the componentmap is 
    1503             :                                        //overwritten for comparisons between 
    1504             :                                        //nearby pixels
    1505             : 
    1506           0 :     for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++) {
    1507           0 :       if (nOffspring(lr) >= 2) {
    1508           0 :         casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1509           0 :         while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    1510             : 
    1511             :           // Renumber pixels that already exist in the pmap
    1512           0 :           if ((contourMap.getCell(pos)==lr)&&(copyMap.getCell(pos))) {  
    1513           0 :             for (casacore::Int f = 0; f < nOffspring(lr); f++) {
    1514             : 
    1515             :               // Translate old pmap id to new pmap id
    1516           0 :               if ((*offspring[lr])(f) == copyMap.getCell(pos)) 
    1517           0 :                 setCell(pos, cgindex+f);
    1518             :             }
    1519             :           }
    1520             : 
    1521             :           // Number new pixels.
    1522             : 
    1523           0 :           if ((contourMap.getCell(pos)==lr)&&(!copyMap.getCell(pos))) {
    1524           0 :             casacore::Int pinh = 0;  //region as defined in pmap pixel is set to
    1525           0 :             casacore::Int srad = 1;  //search radius
    1526           0 :             casacore::uInt naxis = 1;
    1527             : 
    1528             :             // cout << "Searching for nearest cell to " << pos << endl;
    1529             : 
    1530           0 :             while(!pinh && srad < 250) {    //search increasing naxis, srad
    1531             :               // IMPR: an N-dimensional structure would be better here. 
    1532             :               casacore::Int xi, yi, zi;
    1533           0 :               casacore::Int ximin = (pos(0)-srad < 0)?                   -pos(0) : -srad;
    1534           0 :               casacore::Int ximax = (pos(0)+srad >= shape(0))? shape(0)-pos(0)-1 :  srad;
    1535           0 :               casacore::Int yimin = (pos(1)-srad < 0)?                   -pos(1) : -srad;
    1536           0 :               casacore::Int yimax = (pos(1)+srad >= shape(1))? shape(1)-pos(1)-1 :  srad;
    1537           0 :               casacore::Int zimin = 0, zimax = 0;
    1538           0 :               if (itsDim == 2) {
    1539           0 :                  zimin = 0; zimax = 0;
    1540             :               }
    1541           0 :               if (itsDim >= 3) {
    1542           0 :                 zimin = (pos(2)-srad < 0)?                   -pos(2) : -srad;  
    1543           0 :                 zimax = (pos(2)+srad >= shape(2))? shape(2)-pos(2)-1 :  srad;  
    1544             :               }
    1545           0 :               while (!pinh && naxis <= itsDim) {
    1546           0 :                 for (xi = ximin; xi <= ximax; xi++) {
    1547           0 :                   for (yi = yimin; yi <= yimax; yi++) {
    1548           0 :                     for (zi = zimin; zi <= zimax; zi++) {
    1549           0 :                       casacore::IPosition ipos(pos);
    1550           0 :                       ipos(0) += xi; ipos(1) += yi; 
    1551           0 :                       if (itsDim==3) ipos(2) += zi;
    1552             : 
    1553           0 :                       if (abs(xi)<srad && abs(yi)<srad && abs(zi)<srad) {
    1554           0 :                         continue; //border of radius only
    1555             :                       }
    1556             : 
    1557           0 :                       if   ( ((naxis==1) && ((xi&&yi) || (xi&&zi) || (yi&&zi)))
    1558           0 :                           || ((naxis==2) && (xi && yi && zi))) {
    1559           0 :                         continue;
    1560             :                       }
    1561             :                           
    1562           0 :                       casacore::Int inh = copyMap.getCell(ipos);
    1563           0 :                       if (inh<=0) continue;
    1564           0 :                       if (!pinh) {
    1565           0 :                         pinh = inh;
    1566           0 :                         for (casacore::Int f = 0; f < nOffspring(lr); f++) {
    1567             : 
    1568             :                          // Translate old pmap id to new pmap id
    1569             : 
    1570           0 :                           if ((*offspring[lr])(f) == inh) {
    1571           0 :                             setCell(pos, cgindex+f);
    1572             :                           }
    1573             :                                 //reassign pixel to new component
    1574             :                         }
    1575           0 :                       } else if (pinh!=inh)  {  
    1576             :                         //equidistant to different objects: 
    1577             :                         // temporarily flag as nonexistant object
    1578           0 :                         setCell(pos, INDETERMINATE);
    1579             :                       }
    1580             :                     }
    1581             :                   }
    1582             :                 }
    1583           0 :                 naxis++;
    1584             :               }          
    1585           0 :               naxis = 1; srad++;    
    1586             :             }       
    1587             :           }
    1588             :         }
    1589           0 :         cgindex += nOffspring(lr);
    1590           0 :       }
    1591             :     }
    1592             : 
    1593             : // Now scan nonforked regions that exist in both contours.
    1594             : // This is as simple as just renumbering the region.
    1595             : 
    1596           0 :     for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++) {
    1597           0 :       if (nOffspring(lr) == 1) {
    1598           0 :         casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    1599           0 :         decrement(pos);
    1600           0 :         while (increment(pos,shape()))  {
    1601           0 :           if (contourMap.getCell(pos) == lr) setCell(pos, cgindex);
    1602             :         }
    1603           0 :         cgindex++;
    1604           0 :       }
    1605             :     }  //IMPR: probably can make this work with single scan 
    1606             :        //similar to above algorithm
    1607             : 
    1608             : // Finally, scan regions that only exist in lower contour. Same as above,
    1609             : // but since these are new regions, add their initial positions to the seed
    1610             : // arrays and increment the region count.
    1611             : 
    1612           0 :     for (casacore::Int lr = 1; lr <= lowreg; lr++)  { 
    1613           0 :       if (nOffspring(lr) == 0) {
    1614             : 
    1615           0 :         casacore::IPosition newregioncenter(itsDim,0);
    1616           0 :         casacore::uInt topcells = 0;
    1617             :         {
    1618           0 :           casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    1619           0 :           decrement(pos);
    1620           0 :           while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    1621             :             //cout << pos << endl;
    1622           0 :             if (contourMap.getCell(pos) == lr) {
    1623           0 :               setCell(pos, cgindex);
    1624           0 :               newregioncenter += pos;
    1625           0 :               topcells++;
    1626             :             }
    1627             :           }
    1628           0 :         }
    1629           0 :         newregioncenter /= topcells;  //note: integer division. may or may not
    1630             :                                       //want to keep this
    1631             : 
    1632           0 :         cgindex++;
    1633             : 
    1634           0 :         if ((itsNRegions % blocksize) == 0) {
    1635           0 :           regcenter.resize(itsNRegions+blocksize, true);
    1636           0 :           originlevel.resize(itsNRegions+blocksize, true);
    1637             :         }
    1638             : 
    1639             :         // Add to region center array
    1640           0 :         regcenter[itsNRegions] = newregioncenter;
    1641           0 :         originlevel(itsNRegions) = c;
    1642           0 :         itsNRegions++;
    1643           0 :       }
    1644             :     }   
    1645             :   } 
    1646             :   
    1647             : 
    1648             : // At end of scan, assign all flagged pixels to region containing the 
    1649             : // nearest "seed" - the first point identified in each region.
    1650             : 
    1651             :   if (printIntermediates == 2) {
    1652             :     cout << "Located the following seeds:" << endl;
    1653             :     for (casacore::uInt s = 0; s < itsNRegions; s++)
    1654             :       cout << s << " at "  << regcenter[s]
    1655             :            << " in component #" << getCell(regcenter[s]) << endl;
    1656             :   }
    1657             : 
    1658             :   {
    1659           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    1660           0 :     decrement(pos);
    1661           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    1662           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == INDETERMINATE) {
    1663           0 :         casacore::Int mindistsq = 1073741823;  //maximum casacore::Int value
    1664           0 :         for (casacore::uInt s = 0; s < itsNRegions; s++) {
    1665           0 :           casacore::Int distsq = 0;
    1666           0 :           if (originlevel(s) == -1) continue; //defunct region
    1667           0 :           for (casacore::uInt a = 0; a < itsDim; a++) {
    1668           0 :             distsq += (pos(a) - regcenter[s](a)) * (pos(a) - regcenter[s](a));
    1669             :           }
    1670           0 :           if (distsq < mindistsq) {
    1671           0 :             setCell(pos, getCell(regcenter[s]) );
    1672           0 :             mindistsq = distsq;
    1673             :           }
    1674             :         }
    1675             :       }   
    1676             :     }
    1677           0 :   }  
    1678             : 
    1679           0 :   if (minRange > 1) renumberRegions(); 
    1680             : 
    1681           0 :   return;
    1682           0 : }
    1683             : 
    1684             : 
    1685             : 
    1686             : template <class T>
    1687           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::decomposeImage()
    1688             : {
    1689           0 :   if (!itsDeblendIt)
    1690             :   {
    1691             :   // Find contiguous regions via thresholding
    1692             : 
    1693           0 :     casacore::uInt nRegions = identifyRegions(itsThresholdVal,itsNAxis);
    1694           0 :     cout << "Found " << nRegions << " regions" << endl;
    1695             : 
    1696             :   // Fit each region.  A further pass is done through each region
    1697             :   // to ascertain whether there are multiple components to be
    1698             :   // fit within it.
    1699             : 
    1700           0 :    if (itsFitIt) fitRegions();
    1701             : 
    1702             :   }
    1703             :   else
    1704             :   {
    1705           0 :     const casacore::Bool showProcess = false;
    1706           0 :     casacore::Bool varyContours = false; //this is always false now...
    1707             : 
    1708             :   // Make a local decomposer
    1709             : 
    1710           0 :     ImageDecomposer<T> thresholdMap(*itsImagePtr);
    1711             : 
    1712             : 
    1713             :   // Generate global contours
    1714             : 
    1715           0 :     casacore::Vector<T> mainContours(itsNContour);
    1716           0 :     if (!varyContours) {
    1717           0 :        mainContours = autoContour(itsNContour, itsThresholdVal);
    1718             :        //cerr << "Main contours = " << mainContours << endl;
    1719             :        if (showProcess) displayContourMap(mainContours);
    1720             :     }
    1721             : 
    1722             :   // Find contiguous regions via thresholding
    1723             : 
    1724           0 :     casacore::uInt nRegions = thresholdMap.identifyRegions(itsThresholdVal, itsNAxis);
    1725           0 :     casacore::uInt nBadRegions = 0;
    1726           0 :     if (itsMinRange > 1)
    1727             :     {
    1728             :       // Eliminate weak regions
    1729           0 :       casacore::Vector<T> maxvals;
    1730           0 :       maxvals = thresholdMap.findAllRegionGlobalMax();
    1731           0 :       casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> killRegion(nRegions,0);
    1732           0 :       for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < nRegions; r++) {
    1733           0 :         if (thresholdMap.getContourVal(maxvals(r),mainContours)+1 <itsMinRange)
    1734             :         {
    1735           0 :           killRegion(r) = 1;
    1736           0 :           nBadRegions++;
    1737             :         }
    1738             :       }
    1739           0 :       thresholdMap.destroyRegions(killRegion);
    1740           0 :     }
    1741             :            
    1742           0 :     nRegions -= nBadRegions;
    1743             :     
    1744             :     if (showProcess) {
    1745             :       cout << "Located " << nRegions << " regions above threshold "
    1746             :            << itsThresholdVal << "." << endl;
    1747             :       thresholdMap.display();
    1748             :     }
    1749             : 
    1750             : 
    1751             :   // Find a blc and a trc for each region
    1752             : 
    1753           0 :     casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition> blc(nRegions);
    1754           0 :     casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition> trc(nRegions);
    1755           0 :     thresholdMap.boundRegions(blc, trc);
    1756           0 :     if (isDerived()) zero();
    1757             : 
    1758             :     if (showProcess) {
    1759             :       cout << "Bounded " << nRegions<<" regions for decomposition and fitting:"
    1760             :            << endl;
    1761             :       for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < nRegions; r++) {
    1762             :         cout << r+1 <<": " << blc[r] << trc[r] << endl;
    1763             :       }
    1764             :     }
    1765             : 
    1766             :   // For each distinct region above the threshold, form a componentmap
    1767             :   // (subcomponentmap) and perform the fitting.  Regions are treated as
    1768             :   // independent entities by the fitter - even if one region contains a 
    1769             :   // very high-sigma component that may extend into another region, this
    1770             :   // is not taken into account by the other region
    1771             : 
    1772           0 :     for (casacore::uInt r=0; r<nRegions; r++) {
    1773             : 
    1774             :       // Make a decomposer for this region
    1775             : 
    1776           0 :       casacore::Slicer sl(blc[r], trc[r]-blc[r], casacore::Slicer::endIsLength);
    1777           0 :       casacore::SubImage<T> subIm(*itsImagePtr, sl);
    1778           0 :       ImageDecomposer<T> subpmap(subIm);
    1779           0 :       subpmap.copyOptions(*this);
    1780             : 
    1781             :       // Flag pixels outside the target region (this makes sure that other
    1782             :       // regions that happen to overlap part of the target region's bounding
    1783             :       // rectangle are not counted twice, and that only the target region 
    1784             :       // pixels are used in fitting.)
    1785             :       {
    1786           0 :         casacore::IPosition pos(subpmap.itsDim,0); decrement(pos);
    1787           0 :         while (increment(pos,subpmap.shape())) {     
    1788           0 :           if (thresholdMap.getCell(blc[r] + pos) != casacore::Int(r+1)) {
    1789           0 :             subpmap.setCell(pos, MASKED);
    1790             :           }
    1791             :         }
    1792           0 :       }
    1793             :     
    1794           0 :       casacore::Vector<T> subContours(itsNContour);
    1795             :       casacore::Vector<T> *contourPtr;
    1796             :  
    1797             :     // Generate contours for this region or use global 
    1798             :     // ones for entire image
    1799             : 
    1800           0 :       if (varyContours)  {
    1801           0 :         subContours = subpmap.autoContour(itsNContour, itsThresholdVal); 
    1802           0 :         contourPtr = &subContours;
    1803             :       } else {
    1804           0 :         contourPtr = &mainContours;
    1805             :       }
    1806             : 
    1807             :       if (showProcess)  {    
    1808             :         cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
    1809             :         cout << "Subimage " << r << endl;
    1810             :         cout << "Contour Map:" << endl;
    1811             :         subpmap.displayContourMap(*contourPtr);
    1812             :       }
    1813             : 
    1814             :   // Deblend components in this region
    1815             : 
    1816           0 :       subpmap.deblendRegions(*contourPtr, itsMinRange, itsNAxis);   
    1817             :       if (showProcess) {
    1818             :         cout << "Component Map:" << endl;
    1819             :         subpmap.display();
    1820             :       }
    1821             : 
    1822           0 :       if (itsFitIt) {
    1823             :         // Fit gaussians to region
    1824           0 :           subpmap.fitComponents();  
    1825             :       }
    1826             :       else {
    1827             :         // Just estimate
    1828           0 :         subpmap.itsNComponents = subpmap.itsNRegions;     
    1829           0 :         subpmap.itsList.resize();
    1830           0 :         subpmap.itsList = subpmap.estimateComponents();
    1831             :       }
    1832             : 
    1833             :       if (showProcess) {
    1834             :         cout << "Object " << r+1 << " subcomponents: " << endl;
    1835             :         subpmap.printComponents(); 
    1836             :         cout << endl;
    1837             :       }
    1838             : 
    1839             :   // Add this region back into the main component map
    1840             : 
    1841           0 :       synthesize(subpmap, blc[r]);     
    1842             :     }
    1843           0 :   }
    1844           0 :   return;
    1845             : }
    1846             : 
    1847             : 
    1848             : 
    1849             : // Fitting functions
    1850             : // -----------------
    1851             : 
    1852             : template <class T>
    1853           0 : casacore::Matrix<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::fitRegion(casacore::Int nregion)
    1854             : {
    1855           0 :   cout << "Fit Region " << nregion << endl;
    1856             : 
    1857             : // Fits multiple gaussians to a single region.  First performs  a local 
    1858             : // maximum scan to estimate the number of components in the region.
    1859             : 
    1860           0 :   casacore::uInt nGaussians = 0;
    1861           0 :   casacore::uInt npoints = 0;
    1862           0 :   casacore::uInt ngpar = 0;
    1863           0 :   if (itsDim == 2) ngpar = 6; 
    1864           0 :   if (itsDim == 3) ngpar = 9;
    1865           0 :   if (!isDerived()) nregion = 0;  //fit to all data.
    1866             : 
    1867             : // Determine number of data points in the region
    1868             : 
    1869             :   {
    1870           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    1871           0 :     decrement(pos);
    1872           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    1873           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == nregion) npoints++;
    1874             :     }
    1875           0 :   }
    1876             : 
    1877             : // Fill data and positions arrays
    1878             : 
    1879           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> positions(npoints,itsDim);
    1880           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> dataValues(npoints);
    1881           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> sigma(npoints);  
    1882           0 :   sigma = 1.0;
    1883           0 :   casacore::uInt k = 0;
    1884             :   {
    1885           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    1886           0 :     decrement(pos);
    1887           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    1888           0 :       if (getCell(pos) == nregion) {
    1889           0 :         for (casacore::uInt i = 0; i<itsDim; i++) {
    1890           0 :           positions(k,i) = T(pos(i));
    1891             :         }
    1892           0 :         dataValues(k) = getImageVal(pos);    
    1893           0 :         k++;
    1894             :       }
    1895             :     }
    1896           0 :   }
    1897             : 
    1898             : // Estimate the initial parameters.
    1899             : 
    1900           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> width;
    1901           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> maxval;
    1902           0 :   casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition> maxvalpos;
    1903             : 
    1904             : // This estimates whether there are multiple components
    1905             : // in the current region or not.
    1906             : 
    1907           0 :   findRegionLocalMax(maxval, maxvalpos, nregion, 2);
    1908           0 :   estimateComponentWidths(width, maxvalpos);
    1909           0 :   nGaussians = maxval.nelements();
    1910           0 :   cout << "Found " << nGaussians << " components" << endl;
    1911             : 
    1912           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> initestimate(nGaussians, ngpar);
    1913           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> solution(nGaussians, ngpar);
    1914             : 
    1915           0 :   if (itsDim == 2) {
    1916           0 :     for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < nGaussians; r++) {
    1917           0 :       initestimate(r,0) = maxval(r);
    1918           0 :       initestimate(r,1) = maxvalpos[r](0);
    1919           0 :       initestimate(r,2) = maxvalpos[r](1);
    1920           0 :       initestimate(r,3) = width(r,1);
    1921           0 :       initestimate(r,4) = width(r,0)/width(r,1);
    1922           0 :       initestimate(r,5) = 0;
    1923             :     }
    1924             :   }
    1925           0 :   if (itsDim == 3) {
    1926           0 :     for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < nGaussians; r++)  {
    1927           0 :       initestimate(r,0) = maxval(r);
    1928           0 :       initestimate(r,1) = maxvalpos[r](0);
    1929           0 :       initestimate(r,2) = maxvalpos[r](1); 
    1930           0 :       initestimate(r,3) = maxvalpos[r](2);        
    1931           0 :       initestimate(r,4) = width(r,0); 
    1932           0 :       initestimate(r,5) = width(r,1);
    1933           0 :       initestimate(r,6) = width(r,2);
    1934           0 :       initestimate(r,7) = (0.0);
    1935           0 :       initestimate(r,8) = (0.0);
    1936             :     }
    1937             :   }
    1938             : 
    1939             : // Fit for nGaussians simultaneously
    1940             : 
    1941           0 :   solution = fitGauss(positions, dataValues, initestimate);
    1942           0 :   return solution;  
    1943             : 
    1944           0 : }
    1945             : 
    1946             : template <class T>
    1947           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::fitRegions()
    1948             : {
    1949             : // Fits gaussians to an image; multiple gaussians per region in the pmap.
    1950             : // The regions are fit sequentially and independently, so this function 
    1951             : // can be used on the main image.
    1952             : // If the map is not yet thresholded, will fit to the entire image as if it
    1953             : // were a single composite object, which will be very slow.
    1954             : 
    1955           0 :   casacore::uInt ngpar = 0;
    1956           0 :   if (itsDim == 2) ngpar = 6; 
    1957           0 :   if (itsDim == 3) ngpar = 9;
    1958             : 
    1959           0 :   if (itsNRegions == 0)  { //not deblended.
    1960           0 :     itsList = fitRegion(0);
    1961           0 :     return;
    1962             :   }
    1963             : //
    1964           0 :   for (casacore::uInt r = 1; r <= itsNRegions; r++) {
    1965           0 :     casacore::Matrix<T> subitsList;
    1966           0 :     casacore::Matrix<T> olditsList;
    1967           0 :     subitsList = fitRegion(r);
    1968           0 :     olditsList = itsList;
    1969           0 :     itsList.resize(itsNComponents + subitsList.nrow(), ngpar);
    1970             : //
    1971           0 :     for (casacore::uInt c = 0; c < itsNComponents; c++) {
    1972           0 :       for (casacore::uInt p = 0; p < ngpar; p++) {
    1973           0 :         itsList(c,p) = olditsList(c,p);
    1974             :       }
    1975             :     }
    1976             : 
    1977           0 :     for (casacore::uInt subc = 0; subc < subitsList.nrow(); subc++) {
    1978           0 :       for (casacore::uInt p = 0; p < ngpar; p++) {
    1979           0 :         itsList(itsNComponents+subc, p) = subitsList(subc, p);
    1980             :       }
    1981             :     }
    1982           0 :     itsNComponents += subitsList.nrow();
    1983             :   }
    1984             : 
    1985           0 :   return;
    1986             : }
    1987             : 
    1988             : 
    1989             : template <class T>
    1990           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::fitComponents()  
    1991             : {
    1992             : // Fits gaussians to an image; one gaussian per region in the pmap.
    1993             : // This function is intended to be used only by ImageDecomposer on its
    1994             : // intermediary subimages; using it at higher level will execute a full
    1995             : // gaussian fit on the main image and will be extremely slow. Every 
    1996             : // nonflagged object pixel in the image is used in fitting.
    1997             : 
    1998             : // If the deblended flag is true, the function will treat each region as
    1999             : // an individual component and will fit that many gaussians to the image
    2000             : 
    2001           0 :   casacore::uInt ngpar = itsDim * 3;
    2002           0 :   casacore::uInt npoints = 0;
    2003             : 
    2004           0 :   if (!isDerived()) {
    2005           0 :     throw(casacore::AipsError("Cannot fit until components are deblended"
    2006             :                     " - use identifyRegions() or deblendRegions()"));
    2007             :   }
    2008             : 
    2009             : 
    2010             : // Determine number of data points in all the regions
    2011             : // and get data and position vectors
    2012             : 
    2013             :   {
    2014           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    2015           0 :     decrement(pos);
    2016           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    2017           0 :       if (getCell(pos) > 0) npoints++;
    2018             :     }
    2019           0 :   }
    2020             : 
    2021           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> positions(npoints,itsDim);
    2022           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> dataValues(npoints);
    2023             : 
    2024             :   {
    2025           0 :     casacore::IPosition pos(itsDim,0); 
    2026           0 :     decrement(pos);
    2027           0 :     casacore::uInt p = 0;
    2028           0 :     while (increment(pos,shape())) {
    2029           0 :       if (getCell(pos) > 0) {
    2030           0 :         for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<itsDim; i++) {
    2031           0 :           positions(p,i) = T(pos(i));
    2032             :         }
    2033           0 :         dataValues(p) = getImageVal(pos);
    2034           0 :         p++;
    2035             :       }
    2036             :     }
    2037           0 :   }
    2038             : 
    2039             : // Estimate the initial parameters.
    2040             : 
    2041           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> initestimate(itsNRegions, ngpar);
    2042           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> solution(itsNRegions, ngpar);
    2043             : 
    2044           0 :   initestimate = estimateComponents();
    2045             : 
    2046           0 :   solution = fitGauss(positions, dataValues, initestimate);
    2047             : 
    2048           0 :   itsNComponents = itsNRegions;     
    2049           0 :   itsList.resize(solution.shape());
    2050           0 :   itsList = solution;
    2051             : 
    2052           0 :   return;
    2053           0 : }
    2054             : 
    2055             : 
    2056             : template <class T>
    2057           0 : casacore::Matrix<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::estimateComponents()
    2058             : {
    2059           0 :   casacore::uInt ngaussians = itsNRegions;
    2060           0 :   casacore::uInt ngpar = 0;
    2061           0 :   if (itsDim == 2) ngpar = 6; 
    2062           0 :   if (itsDim == 3) ngpar = 9;
    2063           0 :   if (!isDerived()) {
    2064           0 :     throw(casacore::AipsError("Cannot estimate until components are deblended"
    2065             :                     " - use identifyRegions() or deblendRegions()"));
    2066             :   }
    2067             : 
    2068             : 
    2069           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> estimate(ngaussians, ngpar);
    2070           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> width;
    2071           0 :   casacore::Vector<T> maxval;
    2072           0 :   casacore::Block<casacore::IPosition> maxvalpos;
    2073             : 
    2074           0 :   ngaussians = itsNRegions;
    2075           0 :   findAllRegionGlobalMax(maxval, maxvalpos);
    2076             : 
    2077             : // This is based on the moment analysis methods given in Jarvis & Tyson 1981,
    2078             : // though they have been generalized to 3D.  The formula to estimate phi
    2079             : // (3D parameter 8) was not derived rigorously and may not be correct, though
    2080             : // it works very well overall.
    2081             : 
    2082           0 :   for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < ngaussians; r++)
    2083             :   {
    2084           0 :     if (itsDim == 2) {
    2085           0 :       casacore::Matrix<T> M;
    2086           0 :       M = calculateMoments(r+1);
    2087           0 :       estimate(r,0) = maxval[r];
    2088           0 :       estimate(r,1) = M(1,0) / M(0,0);
    2089           0 :       estimate(r,2) = M(0,1) / M(0,0);
    2090           0 :       estimate(r,3) = 2.84 * sqrt(M(0,2)/M(0,0));
    2091           0 :       estimate(r,4) = sqrt(M(2,0)/M(0,2));
    2092           0 :       estimate(r,5) = 0.5 * atan(2 * M(1,1) / (M(2,0) - M(0,2)));
    2093           0 :       if (estimate(r,3) < 1.0) estimate(r,3) = 1.0;
    2094           0 :       if (estimate(r,4)*estimate(r,3) < 1.0) estimate(r,4) = 1.0/estimate(r,3);
    2095           0 :       if (casacore::isNaN(estimate(r,4))) estimate(r,4) = 1.0/estimate(r,3);
    2096           0 :       if (casacore::isNaN(estimate(r,5))) estimate(r,5) = 0;
    2097           0 :     } else if (itsDim == 3) {
    2098           0 :       casacore::Cube<T> M;
    2099           0 :       M = calculateMoments(r+1);
    2100           0 :       estimate(r,0) = maxval[r];
    2101           0 :       estimate(r,1) = M(1,0,0) / M(0,0,0);
    2102           0 :       estimate(r,2) = M(0,1,0) / M(0,0,0); 
    2103           0 :       estimate(r,3) = M(0,0,1) / M(0,0,0);        
    2104           0 :       estimate(r,4) = 2.84 * sqrt(M(2,0,0) / M(0,0,0));  
    2105           0 :       estimate(r,5) = 2.84 * sqrt(M(0,2,0) / M(0,0,0)); 
    2106           0 :       estimate(r,6) = 2.84 * sqrt(M(0,0,2) / M(0,0,0)); 
    2107           0 :       estimate(r,7) = 0.5 * atan(2 * M(1,1,0) / (M(2,0,0) - M(0,2,0)));
    2108           0 :       estimate(r,8) = -0.5 * atan(2 * M(1,0,1) / 
    2109           0 :                       ((M(2,0,0) - M(0,0,2))*cos(estimate(r,7)) + 
    2110           0 :                        (M(0,2,0) - M(0,0,2))*sin(estimate(r,7))));
    2111           0 :       if (estimate(r,4) < 1.0) estimate(r,4) = 1.0;
    2112           0 :       if (estimate(r,5) < 1.0) estimate(r,5) = 1.0;
    2113           0 :       if (estimate(r,6) < 1.0) estimate(r,6) = 1.0;
    2114           0 :       if (casacore::isNaN(estimate(r,8))) estimate(r,8) = 0;
    2115           0 :     }
    2116             :   }
    2117             : 
    2118           0 :   return estimate;
    2119           0 : }
    2120             : 
    2121             : 
    2122             : 
    2123             : 
    2124             : 
    2125             : 
    2126             : 
    2127             : template <class T>
    2128           0 : casacore::Matrix<T> ImageDecomposer<T>::fitGauss(const casacore::Matrix<T>& positions,
    2129             :                                        const casacore::Vector<T>& dataValues, 
    2130             :                                        const casacore::Matrix<T>& initestimate) const
    2131             : {
    2132             : // Fits the specified number of 3D gaussians to the data, and returns 
    2133             : // solution in image (world) coordinates.
    2134             :   
    2135             :   //casacore::uInt ngpar = 0;
    2136           0 :   casacore::uInt ngaussians = initestimate.nrow();
    2137             :   //if (itsDim == 2) ngpar = 6; 
    2138             :   //if (itsDim == 3) ngpar = 9;
    2139             : 
    2140           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> solution;
    2141             :   //T chisquare;
    2142             : 
    2143             : // Might be useful to send to screen in AIPS++
    2144             :   //cout << "Primary estimation matrix:" << endl;
    2145             :   //for (casacore::uInt r = 0; r < ngaussians; r++)
    2146             :   //   cout << initestimate.row(r) << endl;
    2147             :   
    2148           0 :   casacore::FitGaussian<T> fitter(itsDim,ngaussians);
    2149           0 :   fitter.setFirstEstimate(initestimate);
    2150           0 :   if (itsMaxRetries < 0) {
    2151           0 :     fitter.setMaxRetries(itsDim * ngaussians);
    2152             :   }
    2153             :   else {
    2154           0 :     fitter.setMaxRetries(itsMaxRetries);
    2155             :   }
    2156             : 
    2157             :   try{ 
    2158           0 :     solution =, dataValues, itsMaximumRMS, itsMaxIter,
    2159           0 :                           itsConvCriteria);
    2160           0 :   } catch (casacore::AipsError fiterr) {
    2161           0 :     cout << fiterr.getMesg() << endl;
    2162           0 :     cout << "Fitting failed." << endl;
    2163           0 :     solution = 0;
    2164             :     //chisquare = -1.0;
    2165           0 :     return solution;
    2166             :   }
    2167             : 
    2168           0 :   if (fitter.converged()) {  
    2169             :     //chisquare = fitter.chisquared();
    2170             :   } else {
    2171           0 :     cout << "Fitting did not converge to a reasonable result - using estimate."
    2172           0 :          << endl;  
    2173           0 :     solution = initestimate;
    2174             :     //chisquare = -1.0;
    2175           0 :     return solution;
    2176             :   }
    2177             : 
    2178           0 :   return solution;
    2179           0 : }
    2180             : 
    2181             : 
    2182             : 
    2183             : 
    2184             : 
    2185             : template <class T>
    2186             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::display() const
    2187             : {
    2188             : // Displays the componentmap in a terminal environment as an array of 
    2189             : // characters on screen.  
    2190             : 
    2191             :   casacore::Int windowwidth = 80;
    2192             :   casacore::Int const spacing = 4;
    2193             :   casacore::Int const cposinc = shape(0) * 2 + spacing;
    2194             :   if (cposinc > windowwidth) windowwidth = cposinc;
    2195             :   casacore::Int cpos = 0;
    2196             : //
    2197             :   casacore::Int z = 0;
    2198             :   casacore::Int benchz = 0;
    2199             : //
    2200             :   //cerr << "shape = " << shape() << endl;
    2201             :   while (z < shape(2)) {
    2202             :     for (casacore::Int y = 0; y < shape(1); y++) {
    2203             :       z = benchz;
    2204             :       while ((cpos += cposinc) < windowwidth && z < shape(2)) {
    2205             :         for (casacore::Int x = 0; x < itsShape(0); x++) {
    2206             :           if (getCell(x,y,z) >= 0) {
    2207             :              cout << getCell(x,y,z);
    2208             :           } else if (getCell(x,y,z) == INDETERMINATE) {
    2209             :              cout << '*';
    2210             :           } else  if (getCell(x,y,z) == MASKED)  {
    2211             :              cout << '-';
    2212             :           }
    2213             :           if (getCell(x,y,z) < 10) {
    2214             :              cout << ' ';
    2215             :           }
    2216             :         }
    2217             :         z++;
    2218             :         cout << "    ";
    2219             :       }
    2220             :       cpos = 0;
    2221             :       cout << endl;
    2222             :     }
    2223             :     benchz = z;
    2224             :     cout << endl;
    2225             :   }
    2226             :   return;
    2227             : }
    2228             : 
    2229             : 
    2230             : // Console display functions
    2231             : // -------------------------
    2232             : 
    2233             : 
    2234             : template <class T>
    2235             : void ImageDecomposer<T>::displayContourMap(const casacore::Vector<T>& clevels) const
    2236             : {
    2237             : // Displays the target image as a contourmap in a terminal environment as 
    2238             : // an array of characters on screen.  
    2239             : 
    2240             :   casacore::Int windowwidth = 80;
    2241             :   casacore::Int const spacing = 4;
    2242             :   casacore::Int const cposinc = shape(0) * 2 + spacing;
    2243             :   if (cposinc > windowwidth) windowwidth = cposinc;
    2244             :   casacore::Int cpos = 0;
    2245             : 
    2246             :   casacore::Int z = 0;
    2247             :   casacore::Int benchz = 0;
    2248             :   cout << "Contour levels:" << clevels << endl;
    2249             : 
    2250             :   if (itsDim == 2) {
    2251             :     for (casacore::Int y = 0; y < shape(1); y++) {
    2252             :       for (casacore::Int x = 0; x < shape(0); x++) {
    2253             :         if (getContourVal(x,y,clevels) >= 0) {
    2254             :           cout << getContourVal(x,y,clevels); 
    2255             :         }
    2256             :         else if (getContourVal(x,y,clevels) <= -1) {
    2257             :           cout << '-';
    2258             :         }
    2259             :         if (getContourVal(x,y,clevels) < 10) {
    2260             :           cout << ' ';
    2261             :         }
    2262             :       }
    2263             :       cout << endl;
    2264             :     }
    2265             :     cout << endl;
    2266             :   }
    2267             : 
    2268             :   if (itsDim == 3){
    2269             :     //this actually works in 2 dimensions on a casacore::TempImage, but not on a 
    2270             :     //casacore::SubImage, where there is a failure inside the getImageVal command
    2271             :     //on a failed assertion involving a casacore::LatticeRegion object.  As a result
    2272             :     //the above specialization was written, but it would be nice if 3-D
    2273             :     //IPositions worked on 2-D images in casacore::SubImage as well as TempImage.
    2274             :   while (z < shape(2)) {
    2275             :     for (casacore::Int y = 0; y < shape(1); y++) {
    2276             :       z = benchz;
    2277             :       while ((cpos += cposinc) < windowwidth && (z < shape(2))) {
    2278             :         for (casacore::Int x = 0; x < shape(0); x++) {
    2279             :           if (getContourVal(x,y,z,clevels) >= 0) {
    2280             :             cout << getContourVal(x,y,z,clevels); 
    2281             :           }
    2282             :           else if (getContourVal(x,y,z,clevels) <= -1) {
    2283             :             cout << '-';
    2284             :           }
    2285             :           if (getContourVal(x,y,z,clevels) < 10) {
    2286             :              cout << ' ';
    2287             :           }
    2288             :         }
    2289             :         z++;
    2290             :         cout << "    ";
    2291             :       }
    2292             :       cpos = 0;
    2293             :       cout << endl;
    2294             :     }
    2295             :     benchz = z;
    2296             :     cout << endl;
    2297             :   }
    2298             :   cout << endl;
    2299             :   }
    2300             : 
    2301             :   return;
    2302             : }
    2303             : 
    2304             : 
    2305             : template <class T>
    2306           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::printComponents() const
    2307             : {
    2308             :   //Prints the components as formatted output on screen.
    2309             :   //IMPR: Probably could be modified as an ostream output function.
    2310             : 
    2311           0 :   casacore::Matrix<T> clist;
    2312           0 :   clist = componentList();
    2313             : 
    2314           0 :   for (casacore::uInt g = 0; g < clist.nrow(); g++)
    2315             :   {
    2316           0 :     cout << g+1 << ": ";
    2317           0 :     if (itsList(g,0) == T(0)) {
    2318           0 :        cout << "Failed"; 
    2319             :     } else { 
    2320           0 :       cout << "Peak: " << clist(g,0) << "  ";
    2321             : 
    2322           0 :       if (itsDim == 2) {
    2323           0 :         cout << "Mu: [" << clist(g,1) 
    2324           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,2) << "]  ";
    2325           0 :         cout << "Axes: [" << clist(g,3)
    2326           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,3) * clist(g,4) << "]  ";
    2327           0 :         cout << "Rotation: " << clist(g,5) /*  * 180 / C::pi  */;
    2328             :       }
    2329           0 :       if (itsDim == 3) {
    2330           0 :         cout << "Mu: [" << clist(g,1) 
    2331           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,2) 
    2332           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,3) << "]  ";
    2333           0 :         cout << "Axes: [" << clist(g,4)
    2334           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,5) 
    2335           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,6) << "]  ";
    2336           0 :         cout << "Rotation: [" << clist(g,7)/*  *180/C::pi */
    2337           0 :              << ", " << clist(g,8)         /*  *180/C::pi */ << "]";
    2338             :       }
    2339             :     }
    2340           0 :     cout << endl;
    2341             :   }
    2342             :    
    2343           0 :   return;
    2344           0 : }
    2345             : 
    2346             : 
    2347             : // Functions associated only with other classes
    2348             : // --------------------------------------------
    2349             : 
    2350             : template <class T>
    2351           0 : void ImageDecomposer<T>::correctBlcTrc(casacore::IPosition& blc, casacore::IPosition& trc) const
    2352             : {
    2353             :   //Ensures blc and trc correctly describe the limits of a rectangular block.
    2354             : 
    2355             :   casacore::Int t;
    2356           0 :   for (casacore::uInt i = 0; i<itsDim; i++)  {
    2357           0 :     if (blc(i)<0) blc(i) = 0;     
    2358           0 :     if (trc(i)>shape(i)) trc(i) = shape(i);
    2359           0 :     if (trc(i)<0) trc(i) = 0;     
    2360             : //
    2361           0 :     if (blc(i)>shape(i)) blc(i) = shape(i);
    2362           0 :     if (blc(i)>trc(i)) {     // nebk - ERROR should be trc(a) not trc(0) ??
    2363           0 :        t = blc(i); 
    2364           0 :        blc(i) = trc(i); 
    2365           0 :        trc(i) = t;
    2366             :     }
    2367             :   }
    2368           0 :   return;
    2369             : }
    2370             : 
    2371             : template <class T>
    2372           0 : inline casacore::Bool ImageDecomposer<T>::increment(casacore::IPosition& pos,
    2373             :                                           const casacore::IPosition& limit) const
    2374             : {
    2375             : // N-Dimensional looping function: use in place of nested for loops
    2376             : // Returns false when pos reaches limit.
    2377             : // Use as follows:    while(increment(pos,limit))
    2378             : // IMPR: this function probably should be global or in IPosition.  Or even
    2379             : // better, omitted completely by using LatticeIterators.
    2380             : 
    2381           0 :   pos(itsDim-1)++;
    2382           0 :   for (casacore::uInt i = itsDim-1; i>0; i--) { 
    2383           0 :     if (pos(i) == limit(i)) {
    2384           0 :        pos(i) = 0; 
    2385           0 :        pos(i-1)++;
    2386             :     } else {
    2387           0 :        return true;
    2388             :     }
    2389             :   }
    2390             : //
    2391           0 :   if (pos(0) == limit(0)) {
    2392           0 :      return false;
    2393             :   } else {
    2394           0 :      return true;
    2395             :   }
    2396             : }
    2397             : 
    2398             : template <class T>
    2399           0 : inline void ImageDecomposer<T>::decrement(casacore::IPosition& pos) const
    2400             : {
    2401             :   //To ensure while loop starts at 0,0,0..., decrement before first increment
    2402           0 :   pos(itsDim-1)--;
    2403           0 : }
    2404             : 
    2405             : 
    2406             : 
    2407             : /*
    2408             :      casacore::RO_LatticeIterator<casacore::Int> otherIter(*(other.itsMapPtr));
    2409             :      casacore::Bool deleteOther, deleteThis;
    2410             :      const casacore::Int* pOther = 0;
    2411             :      casacore::Int* pThis = 0;
    2412             :      for (otherIter.reset(); !otherIter.atEnd(); otherIter++) {
    2413             :         const casacore::Array<casacore::Int>& otherArray = otherIter.cursor();
    2414             :         casacore::Array<casacore::Int> thisArray = itsMapPtr->getSlice(otherIter.position(), otherIter.cursorShape());
    2415             : //
    2416             :         pOther = otherArray.getStorage(deleteOther);
    2417             :         pThis = thisArray.getStorage(deleteThis);
    2418             : //
    2419             :         for (casacore::uInt i=0; i<otherIter.cursor().nelements(); i++) {
    2420             :            if (pOther[i] != regionID) pThis[i] = MASKED;
    2421             :         }
    2422             : //
    2423             :         otherArray.freeStorage(pOther, deleteOther);
    2424             :         thisArray.putStorage(pThis, deleteThis);
    2425             :      }
    2426             : */
    2427             : 
    2428             : 
    2429             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
    2430             : 

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